circular economy perspectives for the management of ... · 1 henceforth shortened to ricardo. 2...

i Circular Economy perspectives for the management of batteries used in electric vehicles Summary of the Stakeholder Consultation Workshop Brussels, 4 February 2019

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Page 1: Circular Economy perspectives for the management of ... · 1 Henceforth shortened to Ricardo. 2 Henceforth, unless otherwise mentioned, ‘the Report’ refers not to this summary


Circular Economy perspectives for the

management of batteries used in electric vehicles

Summary of the Stakeholder Consultation


Brussels, 4 February 2019

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This meeting summary was developed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission with the support of Ricardo Energy & Environment. The information and views set out in these minutes are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in these minutes. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

European Commission Joint Research Centre

Circular Economy and Industrial Leadership Unit Edificio Expo, Calle Inca Garcilaso 3, 41092 Seville, Spain

© European Union, June 2019 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. More information on the European Union is available on the internet (

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Foreword .............................................................................................................. 1

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ 1

1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 2

2 Presentation of the study: background and outputs ............................................... 2

2.1 Global context ............................................................................................. 2

2.2 Policy context .............................................................................................. 2

2.3 Key research questions ................................................................................ 3

2.4 Research outputs ......................................................................................... 3

3 Summary of stakeholder consultation workshop .................................................... 4

3.1 Presentations and discussions ....................................................................... 4

3.1.1 Session 1: Key findings from the research .............................................. 4 Value chain ................................................................................... 4 Industrial techniques and processes ................................................. 4 Lifecycle analysis (LCA) .................................................................. 5 Fleet impacts of EV uptake (modelling) ............................................. 5 Key conclusions and comments from the research ............................. 5 Feedback received on session 1 ....................................................... 6

3.1.2 Session 2: Circular economy value chain and business models .................. 8 Presentation of results .................................................................... 8 Feedback received on session 2 ....................................................... 8

3.1.3 Session 3: SWOT analysis and proposed policy alternatives ...................... 9

3.2 Key feedback on policy alternatives.............................................................. 10

4 Conclusions and next steps ............................................................................... 11

List of abbreviations and definitions ....................................................................... 12

Annexes ............................................................................................................. 13

Annex 1. Participants ....................................................................................... 13

Annex 2. Meeting agenda ................................................................................... 1

Annex 3. Presentations ....................................................................................... 2

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The following document presents a brief summary of the stakeholder consultation

workshop held on 4 February 2019 in Brussels to collect feedback and input on the

project led by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) on the Circular

Economy perspectives for the management of batteries used in electric vehicles, with

support from Ricardo Energy & Environment. The account presented below is not

intended to be an exhaustive or a chronological rendition of the discussions held, but

simply to capture the key elements of the project presented and of the feedback received

from stakeholders from a variety of different backgrounds, (and possibly differing

opinions) and draw some trends and outputs from the debates. Discussions were held

under the ‘Chatham House Rule’ and therefore comments are not attributed to specific

participants (apart from the organisers / presenters where this concerns the material


Where appropriate, comments were collated, synthesised or mentioned in a more

relevant section, while attempting to preserve their pertinence and the consistency of the



The authors would like to acknowledge the work of Ricardo Energy & Environment, which

formed the basis of the discussions held at the workshop. The authors of the background

report are Nikolas Hill, Dan Clarke, Laura Blair and Hetty Menadue.

The authors would like to thank all the participants of the workshop (listed in Annex 2)

for their involvement and contribution to the discussions and to the project in general

where their feedback has been instrumental.

Authors (this report)

Gaudillat, PF

Antonopoulos, IS

Paraskevas, D

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1 Introduction

The JRC is carrying out a project on the Circular Economy perspectives for the

management of batteries used in electric vehicles (EV), with the aim to further the

Commission’s understanding and evidence base, develop expertise, and explore potential

policy interventions to help minimise the negative environmental impacts of EV batteries

and maximise the value/benefits to the European economy.

The output of this work will be available to inform future European policy work in this

area relevant to the Circular Economy. In order to sense-check the preliminary

conclusions from this work, developed with support from Ricardo Energy & Environment1,

and provide robust factual findings, the JRC has involved a number of key experts and

stakeholders from the sector in order to obtain views, experiences, feedback and other

relevant information.

Throughout the preparation of the background Report2, Ricardo consulted, interviewed

and sought feedback from stakeholders; a draft Report was prepared at the end of 2018,

which was then disseminated for review and a stakeholder consultation workshop was

held on 4 February 2019 in Brussels. Feedback on the report was also collected from

experts who could not attend.

This workshop focussed on exploring the key research questions defined for the work

(among others: what are the perspectives for developing a sustainable value chain for EV

batteries in the EU? what are the strengths and weaknesses of the EU economy for

dealing with the lifecycle of traction batteries in the perspective of road transport

electrification?), and discussing with a diverse group of stakeholders and experts the

policy proposals emerging from the project to steer the battery value chain in the EU

towards a more circular economic model.

During the workshop, the draft results of this project were presented to a number of key

experts and stakeholders; their views and perspectives will be reflected in the final

version of the Report to be published in H1 2019.

2 Presentation of the project: background and outputs

2.1 Global context

The deployment of EVs is a promising approach for the decarbonisation of the global

transport sector, which will contribute to the EU’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

reduction targets for 2020, 2030 and 2050, supporting EU countries in their effort to

reach their Paris agreement commitments. In addition, many countries globally

encourage the deployment of EVs for their potential to improve local air quality or reduce

oil dependency.

For EVs, the manufacturing stage and the end-of-life of the vehicle, and of the traction

battery in particular, constitute a significantly larger share of the full life cycle impacts,

compared to conventional vehicles. With EV take-up anticipated to accelerate significantly

in the years to come, the importance of consideration and minimisation of these impacts

will be critical.

2.2 Policy context

The EU has been ramping up support for EV deployment through several policy

initiatives. For instance, the Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility emphasised the need to

speed up the electrification of transport and set out a range of measures to support this

1 Henceforth shortened to Ricardo. 2 Henceforth, unless otherwise mentioned, ‘the Report’ refers not to this summary but to the project Report by

Ricardo Energy and Environment for the JRC: ‘Circular Economy Perspectives for the Management of Batteries used in Electric Vehicles – Report for the European Commission, Joint Research Centre’ (Contract Ref. 934476-2017 A08 UK), in either Draft or Final (published) format.


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transition. This has been further accentuated by the Clean Mobility package including car

CO2 targets and clean vehicle definitions favourable to EVs.

In parallel, the EU has strong Circular Economy initiatives that tie in with the overarching

objectives on climate and energy and it has also presented proposals to amend two

pieces of legislation that help to set the regulatory environment for vehicle batteries: the

End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) Directive (2000/53/EC) and the Batteries Directive


In addition, the strategic action plan on batteries, launched to accompany the European

Battery Alliance, is a comprehensive set of concrete measures to develop an innovative,

sustainable and competitive battery ‘ecosystem’ in Europe; it includes planned

requirements on the performance and sustainability of batteries.

The JRC project discussed in this workshop, on the Circular Economy perspectives for the

management of batteries used in electric vehicles, was launched to further the expertise

of the Commission on the topics related to the above policy initiatives, to be able to

better support future policymaking in these areas.

It is important to note however that this research is a JRC project not directly linked to

a policy support initiative for any specific policy instrument, but rather aimed at

expanding the understanding and the knowledge base of the Commission in general for

these issues; the expertise gained may later be used to inform specific policy processes

(with their own objectives and timelines), including further stakeholder consultations.

2.3 Key research questions

In addition to considering the institutional and policy perspective, this project also aims

to promote an understanding of how technological developments, industry business

models and subsequent environmental impacts of industrial activity respond to this

institutional environment and what further EU policies might be promoted to fill any

identified gaps hindering the achievement of EU recycling targets for EV traction


The objective of the project is to provide a strong factual base and well-documented

techno-economic analysis to address the following six key research questions:

1. What are the current available and emerging techniques in the manufacturing,

reuse and recycling of traction batteries for EVs? How are end-of-life batteries currently

processed and what plans are emerging for the future?

2. What is the current environmental impact of traction batteries for EVs across the

whole life cycle? What are the current environmental hotspots and how are they


3. What will the potential environmental impacts and hotspots of traction batteries

over their whole life cycle be if electric vehicles are deployed on a large scale and/or in

accordance with current trends, in the near, medium and long term?

4. What are the current strengths and weaknesses of the EU economy (industry,

infrastructure, policy framework…) for dealing with the life cycle of traction batteries from

the perspective of road transport electrification?

5. What are the perspectives for developing a sustainable value chain for EV

batteries in the EU?

6. What public policies could be envisaged to ensure truly circular life cycles for

traction batteries, and to harness the opportunities for growth and jobs in the EU?

2.4 Research outputs

In addition to the present report summarising the discussions held with experts at the

stakeholder consultation workshop, the final background Report of the project prepared

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by Ricardo will be published mid-2019. The JRC may publish further research outputs

following up on this background work.

3 Summary of stakeholder consultation workshop

NB. The slides presented are available in Annex 3.

3.1 Presentations and discussions

Ricardo presented some of the highlights from the Report and the preparatory project

work. The Draft Report had been disseminated ahead of time to the participants. While

the Report contains a wealth of information on many aspects relevant to the key

Research Questions, the presentations at the workshop only focussed on some of the

most remarkable, novel or controversial aspects in order to focus the feedback on those

issues where most of the remaining knowledge gaps were still outstanding for the

finalisation of the Report.

3.1.1 Session 1: Key findings from the research

The presentations given by Ricardo focussed on four key aspects for EV batteries, where

a variety of lithium ion (Li-ion) battery chemistries now predominate:

– Value chain

– Industrial techniques and processes

– Life cycle analysis (LCA)

– Fleet impacts of EV uptake Value chain

- Whilst the front end of the Li-ion traction battery value chain is relatively well

characterised/understood, the fate of end-of-life (EoL) batteries is less well known.

- Raw materials represent ~10% of the battery (pack) value; many of the key materials

are sourced outside Europe. Cell component manufacturing also represents a small

proportion of the value, and European activity in this area is almost non-existent. Cell

manufacturing stands for a large share of the value added. Pack assembly remains a

competence that original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) prefer to keep in-house.

- EoL: In some cases, batteries from end-of-life EVs can be reused in EVs following

assessment/grading, repair or remanufacturing, or find a second use in less demanding

applications (such as stationary energy storage). Europe is a world leader in battery

recycling; however, lithium ion battery recycling is complex and largely uneconomic at

present. Industrial techniques and processes

- Li-ion batteries come in a range of chemistries / forms with different strengths and

weaknesses; technical progress continues to be rapid. Battery manufacturing is complex

and highly energy-intensive; future cost improvements are likely to also reduce the

environmental impact.

- Processes for handling the repair of EV batteries or batteries from end-of-life vehicles

(ELVs) are still evolving; they will need to be scaled rapidly with volumes. Common

processes for reuse/repurposing largely depend on battery pack construction.

Repurposing economics are uncertain.

- Current industrial Li-ion battery recycling focuses on hybrid pyrometallurgical /

hydrometallurgical processes; novel processes such as direct cathode recycling

potentially offer enhanced recovery. Improvements in EV battery design, coupled with

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general scale-up and process optimisation, will facilitate recycling improvements; some

examples already exist. Life cycle analysis (LCA)

- EV battery manufacturing is relatively well characterised in LCA, but results are highly

variable; end-of-life processes are less well analysed. Impacts of battery recycling

depend on different LCA method approaches; future benefits are also uncertain but likely

to increase. Recent analysis suggests significant lifecycle benefits from second life used

for renewable electricity storage, however LCA consideration of second and/or tertiary

use is still developing.

- Impacts from EV battery production are significant in comparison to other powertrains,

but small versus operational energy benefits. Global and European decarbonisation

objectives are likely to significantly reduce the impacts of battery materials and

manufacturing impacts on GHG emissions. Fleet impacts of EV uptake (modelling)

- The potential benefits of a Sustainable Value Chain (SVC) for EV batteries were

explored for alternative EV uptake in the EU road vehicle fleet. The SULTAN model was

used to assess vehicle fleet emissions and battery stock, with post-processing to

calculate other impacts. The demand for EV batteries is projected to increase

dramatically to 2030 and beyond: GWh dominated by cars, numbers by eBikes.

- For EVs: The use phase impacts dominate over the battery life cycle components.

Significant reductions for batteries are possible in a "Sustainable Value Chain" scenario.

All EV scenarios lead to significant net reductions in air quality pollutants; there is a 43%

reduction in battery emissions for SVC vs Base case.

- EV uptake is likely to significantly increase critical material demand – particularly for

lithium, with the 2050 demand set to be over three times the current global production.

Recycling and repurposing lead to a significant reduction in primary material demand,

and significant value is derived from recovered materials. Key conclusions and comments from the research

Dr Billy Wu (Imperial College, expert reviewer for the Ricardo team) presented some

highlights from the Report and additional thoughts, to complement the earlier


• Lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide (NMC) chemistry is likely to dominate in the

near future; technological developments are very fast-moving and much of the literature

is already out of date.

• There is a need to assess potential changes due to the new battery chemistries


• There is significant value in cell and pack production.

• EV battery technology is rapidly improving and this means unit costs (EUR/kWh) are

rapidly decreasing, faster than industrial analysis indicates.

• Most projections of sales do not go beyond 2025, but having some longer-term

predictions will be instrumental for making plans now to develop effective second-use

and recycling capabilities.

• Furthermore, as the EV market develops, installed battery energy capacity (in kWh) is

likely to increase as the technology develops and costs reduce. This has implications for

the volume of used automotive batteries that will arise in the future and that need to be

taken into account in the analysis.

• Currently there is limited cell component production capability within the EU with

significant uncertainty with regards to the supply of key raw materials.

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• Whilst manufacturing of cells is dominated by the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese,

there is an opportunity for recycling for Europe.

• New business models have a key role to play in innovation (e.g. V2G for fleet


• Hydro, pyro, mechanical and hybrid techniques have been proposed but there is no

dominant recycling technology yet. The diversity of chemistries makes recycling


• Collaboration with manufacturers is required to make batteries more suitable for

recycling/second use. There is still uncertainty around the economics of second-life

batteries and public perception.

• The logistics of moving decentralised resources around is still a major issue; the matter

of traceability of materials is challenging, and standards for material purity uncertain.

• Lack of regulation leads to uncertainty around liability for second-life batteries. Feedback received on Session 1


- It is important to follow existing definitions and to clarify those that are

unclear to reduce uncertainty in the sector: e.g. battery vs battery pack; whether

the battery management system (BMS) is part of the battery / pack or not.

- Waste vs not waste/product: This distinction is crucial under current

legislation and can massively impact economic decisions. Under the Extended

Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme, the responsibility / liability aspects limit

second-life options.

- Certification standards: It is necessary to clarify what modifications to an existing

battery (hardware/software) would need recertification

Raw materials:

- Cobalt (Co) is being reduced, but not eliminated altogether in novel technologies.

- As the Co content is reduced (and nickel (Ni) and other valuable materials), the

economics of recycling becomes less attractive.

- Nickel (grade A) may become the first material with supply issues.

- Exporting batteries represents a loss of materials for the EU economy and

uncertainty on how the battery will be dealt with; it may just be disposed of, with

a large environmental impact.

- If desirable, it is possible to keep the batteries within the EU, e.g. with a tracking

number, and a deposit fee to be refunded when returned for recycling.

Cell, battery and EV design and manufacturing:

- Standardisation of battery packs would have benefits for identification in second

use and recycling, dismantling, etc.

- At this stage of technology and market development, standards can also stifle

business development; in a few years’ time de facto industry practice will

probably emerge with common features emerging from the market.

- Regulating pack design could be counterproductive; it may be more efficient to

drive from the recycling end.

- Harmonisation of LCA methodologies is needed to allow studies to be comparable.

LCA should better consider the projected EoL fate, i.e. not in terms of current

market/technologies, but accounting for future evolutions.

Used batteries: collection, transport, reuse, repurposing and remanufacturing:

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- Unknown whereabouts of batteries: As is also the case in the ELV (used vehicle)

market in general, there is currently a lack of transparency / visibility on the

final fate of used batteries. These loopholes should first be closed before any

new instrument is introduced; otherwise its efficiency will be compromised.

- Collection and transport costs of used batteries are significant, and a key

factor in the logistics of recycling. Costs can actually be higher than recycling

processes themselves.

- Hazardous goods/waste legislation varies between MS, in spite of UN (ADR)

legislation, and can create obstacles in the internal market.

- Cost challenges for transporting used batteries therefore exist on several

levels: regulatory (hazardous waste transport), technical (size, bulk and safety

measures for dedicated containers) and logistical (storage and collection of small

volumes to be sent over long distances for processing).

- Removal costs of EV batteries are also significant, plus there is a lack of trained

personnel in ATFs / garages to safely dismantle high-voltage batteries,

and usually little/no information available on dismantling instructions for the


- Sharing of more detailed information on the state of health of the battery, as well

as other usage history (making it accessible to different actors across the value

chain) can help maintain the battery as far up the waste hierarchy as possible.

- Reuse / repurposing / remanufacturing is feasible, resource-efficient and makes

market sense, and it should be facilitated through clarification of legislation.

- Tax incentives could be used as policy instruments at MS level.


- Batteries degrade gradually; if a battery still has a state of health of typically over

80%, then it could be reused as a traction battery.

- Second life postpones ‘end-of-life’ and reduces the life cycle environmental


- Second life is important, but ultimately the material remains and will have to be

dealt with through recycling, not disposal.

- The waste hierarchy may have to be ‘bypassed’ if it makes more sense from a

resource efficiency perspective to recycle (in order to recover materials and use

them in more material-efficient, newer technology). This trade-off would have to

be assessed from a whole life cycle perspective.

- The Battery Directive sets out a take-back obligation rather than a recycling

target, but in practice OEMs have to recycle 50%.

- Recycling technologies: In practice there is no opposition between pyrometallurgy

and hydrometallurgy for example; they are used in combination (pyro is used as a

pretreatment while hydro is more universal). Technologies also have different

kinds of impacts, e.g. energy/GHG for pyro and water use/emissions for hydro.

- Novel methods are also promising, e.g. mechanical pretreatment like shredding

which then allows cheaper transportation for further recycling.

- The energy footprint for batteries can be reduced, in particular through

deployment of renewable energy (for manufacturing but also recycling processes)

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3.1.2 Session 2: Circular Economy value chain and business models Presentation of results

Ricardo presented the analysis of specific business models and concepts that could

directly contribute to make the value chain of EV batteries more circular:

1. Integrated value chain

2. Car sharing schemes

3. Battery leasing schemes

4. Battery swapping schemes

5. Vehicle to grid (V2G) energy systems

6. Reuse (complete or partial reuse for the same application)

7. Repurposing (complete or partial reuse for a different application)

8. Extraction of raw materials through recycling (for use in cell manufacturing)

9. Safe handling and treatment of waste

Three different companies active in the sector were also invited to give a brief

presentation (<5 minutes) of a specific aspect of their business operations contributing to

the circular economy, to provide real-life examples and foster discussion: Tesla, Renault

and Spiers New Technologies.

- Tesla: Tesla’s new gigafactory in Nevada is all-electric; no gas is used for thermal

processes. It is aiming to become 100% renewable shortly with PV installation and

storage. Also, it is currently aiming to design battery packs outlasting the vehicle to avoid

the need to replace the pack.

- Renault: Renault has significant experience in leasing batteries and can therefore

control the flow of used packs. A modular approach supports second-life use.

- Spiers: It offers a life cycle management service for battery packs to OEMs. Grading

(assessment of state of health) is key, achieved through testing and proprietary

software, not just relying on BMS information. Logistics represent a very high cost

(~50% in the US), therefore locating processes nearby will be key to achieving cost


Overall, in all cases, remanufacturing appears the most cost-efficient solution; then the

preferability of reuse/second use/recycling can vary depending on many factors. Feedback received on Session 2

- The challenge for ensuring recycling of Li-ion batteries is that there is currently

negative/zero value in recycling, unlike Pb or even Ni technologies. Therefore regulation

or at least additional incentives will have to be put in place. This will be exacerbated by

the reduction in valuable materials currently contained in batteries, e.g. Co, Ni.

- The break-even could also be driven by a reduction in recycling costs (for all major

current costs, including dismantling, transport, and recycling itself).

- At scale, it should make more sense to recover materials than mine virgin materials.

- A well-functioning system should also disincentivise leakage of materials, e.g. export to

third countries for cheaper but often hazardous disposal. However, it might make

economic sense to export for disassembly based for example on labour costs, so

regulation needs to take the market phenomena into account.

- The business model for EV battery collection will not be the same as for consumer

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electronics, which is much more diffuse – for big battery packs it could make sense to

implement a tracking system, and/or a returnable deposit system (but this is difficult to

implement for products with a lifetime of 15-20 years).

- Setting the right incentives will also increase collection rates, which is instrumental as a

starting point for any Circular Economy model.

3.1.3 Session 3: SWOT analysis and proposed policy alternatives

Ricardo presented the analysis of strengths/weaknesses and opportunities/threats for the

EU economy, leading into the final part of the background analysis. The analysis

examined all parts of the value chain from an industrial, infrastructure and policy

perspective, to highlight the position of the EU in each aspect.

EV battery value chain Industry Infrastructure Policy

Raw materials Weak Intermediate Strong

Cell component manufacturing Intermediate Intermediate Strong

Cell manufacturing Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate

Battery pack manufacturing Strong Strong Strong

EV manufacturing Strong Strong Strong

Reuse Intermediate Intermediate Weak

Repurposing Intermediate Intermediate Weak

Recycling Strong Strong Strong

The methodology followed was to then identify a list of challenges for the EU economy in

dealing with EV batteries in a circular manner, and to pinpoint potential policy

alternatives that would be adapted to tackle these.

The initial list of policy alternatives which was proposed for discussion at the workshop

focussed on the following aspects (NB. these will be amended in the final report to reflect


- Update critical raw material (CRM) list to include lithium and other raw materials

needed for cell component manufacturing;

- Update and streamline existing standards and definitions;

- Establish mandatory reuse and repurposing targets;

- Establish new regulatory requirements to facilitate reuse, repurposing and recycling;

- Establish mandatory certification scheme requiring the use of international standards

for manufacturing;

- Establish a mandatory EU life cycle assessment scheme;

- Establish legal reporting requirements for the environmental footprint of the EV battery

and battery performance.

These were discussed in detail by all participants in smaller breakout groups, in order to

collect more detailed feedback.

Some of the options garnered strong negative or positive feedback, while others need

refining on some key aspects, e.g. whether to favour a mandatory or voluntary approach,

or the policy instrument to be used.

The main elements of the feedback are summarised in the following section.

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3.2 Key feedback on policy alternatives

General comments

- Voluntary vs mandatory instruments: Many stakeholders favoured the introduction of

policy orientations initially through the use of voluntary instruments, in order to

encourage rather than hamper the development of a rapidly evolving market where

many fundamentals are still not settled. This flexibility will allow the emergence of a well-

functioning market and allow technologies and business models to compete. If proven to

be practicable, these could then evolve into mandatory instruments using the experience

from a voluntary phase.

- However, it was also recognised that some market evolutions towards the most

environmentally desirable outcome (e.g. development of recycling as the final fate of the

batteries) needs some intervention as it is not currently the most economic route.

- To reconcile these constraints in a fair way, it will be important to clearly define

responsibilities and align incentives along the value chain.

- The choice of policy instruments can vary as long as they are fit for purpose and create

legal certainty for the market to develop.

- At the current stage, volumes are still low but major investments in industrial capacity

(for manufacturing, but also recycling) will be made. The policy framework needs to

support the desired evolution for economic actors to act accordingly.

- Ultimately the global environmental impact of policies needs to be assessed; this

implies that trade-offs have to be considered:

- avoid leakage of materials / lack of compliance outside the EU;

- second life (reuse / second use etc.) and recycling should not be in opposition to

each other but made to work together.

Specific comments on policy options:

- The CRM list is a specific policy instrument; the criteria should not be manipulated, and

it is probably not the most relevant tool for achieving the goals of circularity.

- Standardisation or common definitions for state of health could facilitate resale, repair,

remanufacturing, etc.

- ELV handlers (ATFs) may need certification to handle end-of-life EVs.

- ADR (waste transport), a UN regulation, can create barriers as waste classification is

not harmonised between Member States.

- Setting targets for reuse and repurposing is counterproductive, especially at such an

early stage when markets are emerging. Creating incentives and removing barriers would

be more efficient.

- Requirements on the design and manufacture of batteries (and cells/modules) such as:

o standardisation of interfaces,

o dismantlability,

o unique ID / tracking number,

could help foster second-life markets, but there is a cost trade-off for manufacturers.

- Dismantling time could be defined and standardised, with a modulation of the EPR fee

based on it. The provision of dismantling instructions could be mandated/encouraged.

- Best Available Techniques for manufacturing could be taken into account.

- Cobalt traceability could be put in place to avoid child labour issues.

- LCA is a complex methodology and difficult to use as a basis for regulation at the

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current state of development. If used, it should be applicable to all power trains, not just


- LCA for greenhouse gases only looks at one environmental aspect; it may not be

enough to identify ‘green’ manufacturing. Other environmental aspects such as air

pollutants and water consumption should be included.

- Reporting on the environmental footprint of batteries is broad but it could level the

playing field. Second life should be factored in.

4 Conclusions and next steps

The workshop provided a unique opportunity to get direct feedback from some of the

most relevant stakeholders in industry, academia and civil society on the emerging issues

linked to the development of a Circular Economy for the management of batteries used in

electric vehicles.

Some of the key points highlighted by the stakeholders for further consideration include:

- the necessity to adapt the level of (mandatory) requirements to the environmental

objectives to be attained, while leaving some flexibility to attain objectives;

- the short-term challenges (e.g. collection and transport costs of used batteries; lack of

dismantling information and qualified staff to handle high-voltage batteries) and longer-

term issues to consider globally (whether to retain materials within the EU, how to

ensure the ultimate recycling of batteries);

- the need to establish clear standards and definitions, set responsibilities and align

incentives along the value chain, and ensure consistency between policy instruments.

Ultimately, the boundary conditions of the system remain important, i.e. that major

leakage of batteries (and therefore materials) is avoided or at least traceable to ensure

appropriate treatment; and that, ultimately, recycling is the final step and resource

recovery is maximised.

The feedback will be integrated in the finalisation of the background Report for the

project, including in particular the latter sections on policy alternatives and the concrete

ways to address the challenges identified for the EU economy. This will also include a

review of potential policy interventions through existing and new policy instruments.

Furthermore, the workshop conclusions will also enable the JRC to continue to research

this topic and to support policy initiatives related to the implementation of its overarching

objectives (among others, the revision of the Batteries Directive or the proposed setup of

sustainability requirements for batteries) with a stronger evidence base.

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List of abbreviations and definitions

ATF Authorised Treatment Facility

BMS Battery Management System

CRM Critical Raw Material

ELV End-of-Life Vehicle

EoL End-of-Life

EPR Extended Producer Responsibility

EU European Union

EV Electric Vehicle

LCA Lifecycle Analysis

MS Member State

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer

SVC Sustainable Value Chain

SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

V2G Vehicle to Grid

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Annex 1. Participants: organisations represented


Argonne National Lab



Bellona Europa

Cummins Inc

EBRA ivzw (European Battery Recycling Association)

EcarACCU bv







European Automobile Manufacturers' Association – ACEA

European Commission - DG CLIMA

European Commission - DG ENV

European Commission - DG GROW

European Commission - JRC (Petten)

European Commission - JRC (Sevilla)

F&R Cawley Ltd

Ford of Europe

Greenspire Advisors Ltd

Imperial College London

Kompetenznetzwerk Lithium-Ionen Batterien (KLiB e.V.)

National Physical Laboratory (NPL)

Peter Ursem

Piaggio & c SpA



Ricardo Energy and Environment


Spiers New Technologies



Toyota Motor Europe


University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham - Faraday Institute

University of Leicester


Volvo Cars

Volvo GTT

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Annex 2. Meeting agenda

09:30 – 10:00 | Arrival and registration of participants

10:00 – 10:15 | Introduction, project background

Objectives of the workshop and expected outcomes

10:15 – 12:15 | Key findings and outputs of the research and how they relate to the sustainable value chain

- Value chain- Industrial techniques and processes- Life cycle analysis- Electric vehicle fleets

12:15 - 12:30 | Key conclusions of the draft report and morning session’s discussions

12:30 – 13:30 | Lunch break

13:30 - 14:30 | Circular economy value chain and discussion of business models

14:30 – 15:00 | Outcome of the SWOT analysis and the methodology used for prioritisation of policy options

(Coffee break)

15:15 - 16:30 | Break out session to discuss the shortlist of policy options

N.B. This session is designed to discuss the direction of travel the policy options will take, not to finalise the details of the policy options presented

16:30 - 17:15 | Presentation of the main breakout session outcomes, next steps and wrap-up

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Annex 3. Presentations

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