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Page 1: Cincinnati, Ohio - Parrillo Performance...5 February 2005 / Performance Press 1-800-344-3404 spirits high. There were the sup-portive people, the doctors, nurses, caregivers and the
Page 2: Cincinnati, Ohio - Parrillo Performance...5 February 2005 / Performance Press 1-800-344-3404 spirits high. There were the sup-portive people, the doctors, nurses, caregivers and the
Page 3: Cincinnati, Ohio - Parrillo Performance...5 February 2005 / Performance Press 1-800-344-3404 spirits high. There were the sup-portive people, the doctors, nurses, caregivers and the

January 22-23 and May 14-15Level One CertificationCincinnati, Ohio

July 16-17Masters Level CertificationCincinnati, Ohio

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Back in 1958 John Kennedy wrotea book entitled Profiles in Couragein which he described men anddeeds that exemplified the title.Kennedy won a Pulitzer Prize forhis effort and the book stands asan American classic. In our mod-ern age there exist individuals thatexemplify and personify the Pro-files in Courage ideal. One suchperson is Kristen Adelman, aParrillo-powered athlete who wasinfected with cancer at a relativelyyoung age and has battled backtime and again in a defiant and ex-emplary fashion. Ms. Adelman wasone of thirteen cancer-stricken ath-letes selected in 2004 to ride acrossthe United States on the Tour ofHope, a high profile event designedto spotlight the valiant fight of indi-viduals struggling to overcome theravages of cancer. Twelve hundredpeople applied to ride on this 3,500-mile, eight-day epic bicycle journeythat traveled through thirteen states.Only a select few were chosen. Tounderstand just how important anevent this was, Lance Armstrong,fresh off his record-breaking winat the Tour de France participatedat various points along the way.Kristen has been through three

cancer-related treatments andthrough it all has never let circum-stances break her spirit. After her

initial diagnosis for non-Hodgkin’sLymphoma she decided to fightagainst her cancer by training andcompeting in various types of ath-letic events. Her accomplishmentssince her initial cancer diagnosishave been outstanding by any ath-letic standard.

She described the Tour of Hope as,“a life altering experience… over-whelming in every sense of theword.” The tour began on Octo-ber 1st, 2004 at The City of HopeHospital in Los Angeles. Kristenrelated that the event kickoff wasquite spectacular, “LanceArmstrong introduced us to thecrowd and we headed out aroundmidnight.” The Tour of Hope con-sisted of a squad of twenty bicy-clists who rode five at a time in anever ending rotation across theentire United States, from Los An-geles on the west coast to Wash-ington DC on the east coast. “Werode through thirteen states andeach state was awe inspiring in itsown way.” Kristen said. “The col-orful sunsets of the western desert,the painted trees in the mountainsof Colorado, the pancake flat sec-tions of Kansas and Ohio, the spec-tacular rolling mountains of Penn-sylvania where the leaves of fallwere exploding in a myriad of bril-liant colors; the landscape wasever changing. You don’t realizejust how vast this country is untilyou travel it by bike.” It wasn’t justthe landscapes and exhilaration ofthe bike ride that kept the riders


Kristen Adelman:Cancer Survivor

By Marty Gallagher

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5 February 2005 / Performance Press 1-800-344-3404

spirits high. There were the sup-portive people, the doctors, nurses,caregivers and the other athletesshe rode with and those she metalong the way.

Kristen was blown away by theunconditional outpouring of loveand support that came from thepeople she met during the Tour.“The names and faces of the peopleI rode with will forever be etchedinto my mind and heart. I met somany wonderful people… cancersurvivors still fighting the fight andthe generous people along the waywho supported our mission. I wasgrateful to be a part of somethingso amazing. I was honored to meetso many incredible people.” A bustraveled with the Tour and riderswould rest between rotations. Eachrider rode for four to five hours then

rested for twelve hours. The sup-port staff for the riders was exten-sive: professional chefs preparedmeals, massage therapists workedon fatigued leg and back muscles,bicycle mechanics kept the rider’sbikes in peak condition, a lead carcleared the way, bus drivers and‘follow car’ drivers kept the cara-van on track and on time. The en-tire operation was run with militaryprecision. “This was a major un-dertaking and nothing was left tochance.” Kristen related. “It takesan incredible amount of planning tomove a large group of people acrosscountry in a timely and methodicalfashion.” This was no casualsightseeing cross-country meander;the riders had to maintain a blister-ing pace in order to arrive at citiesalong the way at just the right time.Events were tightly scheduled, ce-

lebrity speakers and local politi-cians spoke to large crowds andthe media was always present.

Kristen emphasized how difficultit was to stay on schedule and whythe riders all needed to be in topphysical condition. “In order to stayon our tight schedule the riders hadto ride hard and fast. It was de-manding, particularly towards theend of the journey. Part of the rea-son I was selected were my ac-complishments as an enduranceathlete.” Kristen possesses im-pressive athletic credentials foranyone and for someone strickenwith cancer her accomplishmentsare nothing short of incredible. Shehas competed in endurance eventsof staggering distance: the Mohican100 was a hundred mile trail runshe completed in 29 hours in June2004. Back in 1999, Kristen com-peted in an Iron Man Triathlon inPanama City, Florida. She swam2.4 miles, biked for 112 miles andfinished off with a 26.2 mile run.She completed the entire race in11.5 hours. Always athletic, KristenAdelman started off as a tiny totgymnast at age five in her home-town of Severna Park, Maryland.She pursued gymnastics for thenext ten years until her career wascut short by a nasty fall off the highbar. Kristen continued her athleticpursuits all through high school. Shewent on to obtain her masters de-gree in education and played col-lege rugby. Kristen took up weighttraining to improve her perfor-mance and after graduating, begana career as a bodybuilder.

It was through bodybuilding thatKristen met Parrillo super trainer

“In order to stay on our tight schedule the riders had toride hard and fast. It was demanding, particularly towardsthe end of the journey. Part of the reason I was selectedwere my accomplishments as an endurance athlete.”


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Todd Swinney. Todd introduced herto the concept of using precisionnutrition to improve athletic perfor-mance. Todd has overseen and as-sisted the transformation of moreamateur bodybuilders into profes-sional bodybuilders than anyone inthe United States. Kristen consid-ers Todd an absolute master of hiscraft. “Todd opened my eyes andunder his guidance I learned theimportance of nutrition. I use hisapproach to this day and cannot sayenough good things about the man.”Todd taught Kristen basic Parrillo-style training and diet strategies andunder his tutelage she added a sig-nificant amount of muscle masswhile whittling her body fat percen-tile down to 7%. She took secondplace at the Annapolis Open body-building championships in 1996 butdecided to shift her athletic focusfrom bodybuilding to enduranceathletics. She has competed in oversixty endurance events since 1996.In 2000 Kristen Adelman was di-agnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lym-phoma and underwent a stem celltransplant. “My philosophy hasbeen to fight the disease though myphysical training. Competing in en-durance events gives me a senseof purpose.” Kristen added, “I loveto compete and I love the camara-derie. My doctors tell me that mytraining is helping fight the disease.”

Kristen began her endurance ath-lete career by entering 5, 8 and 10-kilometer road races. After obtain-ing a greater degree of physicalcondition and more self-confidenceshe began entering half-marathons,triathlons, marathons and eventu-ally ultra-marathons. “After my ini-tial cancer diagnosis I challenged

myself to log 3,000 cumulativemiles…run, walk, swim, bike,cardio machines, training,competition…I logged it all – it tookme nine months to accumulate3,000 miles.” In 2002 Kristen un-derwent a second stem cell trans-plant and sixty days later the irre-pressible Kristen competed in ahalf-marathon, running 13-miles inless than two hours. She sought asmany different ways as possible totest herself and entered every con-ceivable type of competitive endur-ance event. “When something likethis happens you can either let itcrush you or you can fight against

it in different ways. I have alwaysbeen an athlete so it seemed onlynatural for me to battle against mycondition in a variety of athleticevents. I love to compete and mydoctors tell me that training andcompeting are beneficial and notdetrimental.” Her mental attitudeis as incredible as her stamina andendurance. When the Tour ofHope put the call out for the 2004team, she was one of twenty se-lected out of over one thousandapplicants.

A good case could be made thatmultiple-time Tour de France win-

“Lance is a cancer survivor. Despite being in incredibledemand, he went out of his way to ride with us at variouspoints along the way. He is an inspirational speaker aswell as an incredible athlete and the fact he took time outof his incredibly busy schedule to ride with us showswhat a tremendous individual he is.


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7 February 2005 / Performance Press 1-800-344-3404

ner Lance Armstrong is the great-est athlete in the world. His visiblesupport for the Tour of Hope andall that it represented was a hugeboost for the whole concept.Kristen said Lance’s participationin the Tour was a gigantic plus andbought the Tour a level of exposurethat was hard to comprehend. Mr.Armstrong is hardly a pamperedprima donna. “Lance Armstrong isa down-to-earth person with agreat sense of humor.” Kristensaid. “He draws a crowd whereverand whenever he appears and hisparticipation in the Tour caused alot of media attention to focus onthe Tour and what the mission is allabout.” Lance has a personal rea-son to be involved; he was strickenwith testicular cancer a few yearsback and knows what it is like tofight and recover. His personal can-cer battle caused him to relate toKristen and the other riders in aunique way. “Lance is a cancersurvivor. Despite being in incred-ible demand, he went out of his wayto ride with us at various pointsalong the way. He is an inspirationalspeaker as well as an incredibleathlete and the fact he took timeout of his incredibly busy scheduleto ride with us shows what a tre-mendous individual he is. He wasvery kind and supportive towardsall the riders.” Lance’s unselfishefforts were appreciated by allconnected with the Tour.

Kristen has used Parrillo Perfor-mance products for nearly a decadeand was first introduced to them byTodd Swinney. To this day nutri-tional supplementation plays a hugepart in Kristen’s training and com-petitive efforts. “You have to put

the right fuel in the human machineto obtain optimal results. Parrilloproducts are the best supplementsI have ever used.” Kristen usesParrillo Hi-Protein™ every day andis particularly fond of the ParrilloPeanut Butter Delight protein bars.“I also love the graham cracker fla-vored Parrillo energy bars. On thelong distance hauls I eat Parrillobars while I’m actually racing. Thisenables me to keep my energy updespite burning thousands of calo-

ries along the way. Eating a barwhile riding is a form of “in-flightrefueling” and the nutrients allowme to keep going. I couldn’t imag-ine running or biking for hours at atime without eating one of my trustyParrillo bars.” Kristen feels Parrilloproducts have provided her with adistinct edge. “I use and recom-mend Parrillo Products and not asingle day goes by where I don’tuse Parrillo nutritional supple-ments.”

Kristen intends to maintain an ac-tive competitive schedule in 2005.“I am not eligible to compete in the2005 Tour of Hope as each yearthe organizers select a differentgroup of athletes to make the ride.My main competitive aspiration for

2005 is to qualify and compete inthe Boston Marathon. I need to runa marathon in three hours and fortyfive minutes and I am looking tohit a qualifier in New Orleans inFebruary and then run in the Bos-ton race in April.” Kristen alsowould like to compete in the aptlynamed ‘Alberta Death Race,’ a125-kilometers trail run held inCanada. “The Alberta Race re-quires you run over four mountainranges, each is 10,000 feet or morein elevation.” Kristen Adelman’sstruggles against real adversitymake the little aches and pains weexperience pale in comparison. Sheis truly Kristen ‘The Cardio Ma-chine’ and exemplifies the Profilein Courage ideal in a very real way.Her athletic exploits are truly in-spirational and we will keep youposted on her incredible athleticodyssey as it unfolds in the future.


To this day nutritionalsupplementation plays ahuge part in Kristen’straining and competitiveefforts. “You have to putthe right fuel in the humanmachine to obtain optimalresults. Parrillo productsare the best supplementsI have ever used.”

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Page 10: Cincinnati, Ohio - Parrillo Performance...5 February 2005 / Performance Press 1-800-344-3404 spirits high. There were the sup-portive people, the doctors, nurses, caregivers and the

9 February 2005 / Performance Press 1-800-344-3404

Despite our talk before Christmasabout his needing to chill out on allthe cookies and desserts, Randyhad continued to indulge his sweettooth until the first week of the NewYear. You may assume that at thispoint, he looked in the mirror andmade a conscious decision to stopstuffing his face with garbage.Well, not exactly. It just happenedthat all the holiday treats around hishouse had finally been eaten, andmostly by him. Randy still lives athome, and both his parents and hisyounger brother are typical Ameri-cans. Their idea of healthy eatingis just getting the large fries atMcDonald’s and not SuperSizingthem – though McDonald’s has fi-nally put an end to that nutritionalnightmare. The best advice I haveever heard about how to avoid eat-ing junk food is to not have anyaround. It’s such a simple recom-mendation, yet so powerful. As thefather of a ten and five-year-old, Ideal with this temptation every day.My kitchen cabinets and refrigera-tor freezer are full of cookies, littlesnack cakes, Oreo ice cream, thoseice cream Drumsticks, Coco Puffs,Shark Tales fruit snacks, caramelpopcorn – you get the idea.

When I am dieting for a contest,it’s not hard to say no to these emptycalories. All I have to do is imaginelosing because the other guy was

a little more ripped than me. It’snot so easy when there is nothingcoming up to look good for. Addcold weather and clothing that ismore concealing into the mix, andmy attitude toward eating crapturns to, ‘what does it matter? Ican get in good shape again by thetime spring rolls around.’ And sowhen I look down at my stomach,flex hard, and try to tell myself thoserolls are really a six-pack, I can’teven lie to myself. It’s fat, the sameholiday fat that most people tendto accumulate over the winter.

Randy was 210 when we had ourlittle talk in the locker room, and hegot up to 214 before he finally putthe brakes on his bingeing. Witheverything going on around the holi-days I didn’t see him until he hadfinally started eating cleaner andhad dropped back down to 208. AsI soon learned, he had accom-plished this rapid weight loss by vir-tue of the Atkins Diet. Six poundsin under two weeks is nothing tosneeze at, to be sure. However,Randy and I have talked about theimportance of carbs many times,and he knew I was not a supporterof this tremendously popular nutri-tional approach. The Atkins Dietbecame such a huge phenomenonfor three reasons. Number one, it’sso easy to understand that anymoron who can figure out what a

carbohydrate is can follow it sim-ply by not eating them. Numbertwo, it gives dieters the feeling thatthey are getting away with some-thing mischievous by eating suchtraditionally taboo foods as bacon,pork, real butter, peanut butter,cheese, and cheeseburgers withoutthe buns. And number three, weightloss is fairly dramatic, particularlyin the early stages. What mostpeople fail to realize is that dietarycarbs attract a substantial amountof water, so cutting carbs out willcause a significant loss in waterweight. Since 99.9% of dietersnever bother to have a bodyfatanalysis performed to find out ex-actly how their body compositionhas changed, they assume it waspure fat. To just about everyone,the bottom line is the number theysee on the scale. And so it was withRandy.

I met him on chest day, the firsttime we had trained in almost threeweeks. I confess that at first, hedid look a little leaner. Actually, hejust looked less bloated, and thatwas attributable to the reduction insubcutaneous water. Randy alsolooked exhausted. This wasn’t sounusual. As a new car salesman,he worked six days a week andoften over twelve hours a day.Even though he wasn’t diggingditches or moving furniture, the


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mental stress of dealing with po-tential buyers all attempting to geta deal while barely concealing theirdistrust in him was rough on the kid.One Southern gentleman actuallytold him, “The only thing lower’n arattlenake’s belly is a used carsalesman.”

“Right,” Randy had countered. “ButI sell new cars.” In any case, thisfatigue I was observing was notwork-related.

I hadn’t asked about the low-carbstrategy and Randy hadn’t told me,but just one work set into dumbbellincline presses and I was alreadyon to him. He was trying to use hisusual weights, 90’s, but from thevery first rep he was struggling andexpecting me to pick up the slackfor him.

“I’m not lifting your weights for you,junior, put ‘em down.” Scowling,he let me do my set and then startedback with 75’s, still not doing spec-tacularly with what should havebeen a pretty easy weight for him.I waited until our three work setswere over and then had him hit afew chest poses. In bodybuilding,we use the term ‘flat’ to describea muscle that seems deflated.When you are really flat, such aswhen you have no glycogen in yourmuscles due to not eating carbo-hydrates, nothing really happenswhen you pose. Rather than ‘pop’and bulge, the muscles just lie therelike wet Bounty paper towels – thequicker-picker-upper.

“Randy, you are flatter than mywife before her first set of breastimplants,” I said. “What was your

pre-workout meal?”

“Uh, I had a couple chicken thighs,a handful of cashews, and a fewstalks of raw broccoli,” he replied.

“Interesting,” I countered. “Andwhat, pray tell, were the meals be-fore that?” He looked at the floor,just knowing he was in for a scold-ing.

“Well, breakfast was six scrambledwhole eggs with two turkey sau-sages and some black coffee, I hada protein shake around ten, andthen the chicken thighs.”

“So you have eaten no carbs to-day. How long have you not beeneating carbs for, might I ask?”

“About two weeks now.”

I shook my head. “All workout andno carbs makes Jack a flat boy,” Iannounced.


“You see Randy? You can’t eventhink straight in this stupid carb-depleted state you’ve gotten your-self into. Your workouts suck, youcan’t get a pump to save your life,and now you’re dropping five IQpoints a day to top it off.”

“I had to lose some fat, Ron, whatthe hell was I supposed to do?”“The show is still almost fourmonths away, so there was no need

“Training without carbs is like running on empty.”


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11 February 2005 / Performance Press 1-800-344-3404

to do anything drastic. Rushing acontest diet is never a good thing. Isuggest dieting in stages, and thefirst stage is simply cutting out allthe junk and switching to cleanmeals. That right there will help youdrop a few pounds in a coupleweeks with no loss in muscle sizeor strength. In fact, giving yourbody cleaner-burning fuel all of asudden often improves perfor-mance, just like putting higher-oc-tane gasoline into your car. Themain thing is that you need carbsto fuel muscular contractions, andyou need them again after trainingto replace the glycogen you justdepleted from your muscles. With-out taking in carbs at those twocritical times, most bodybuilders will

experience a rapid physical andmental decline. The Atkins Diet isokay for nobody other than the Av-erage Joe who sits at a desk all dayand doesn’t do anything more physi-cal than pick his nose, but I willargue all day long that it’s a hor-rible idea for bodybuilders.”

“But I don’t want to eat a lot ofcarbs when I’m dieting, right?”

“No, not a lot of carbs. You wantto gradually reduce your intake ofcomplex carbs like rice, oatmeal,and potatoes and increase theamount of fibrous carbs like broc-coli, cauliflower, green beans, arti-chokes, and spinach. If you findyou need more calories or your

energy levels are dwindling, youcan supplement with an MCT oillike Parrillo’s CapTri®. But as faras I am concerned, carbs belong inyour diet before and after trainingall the way up to the show.”

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Randy said.“Someone brought a few boxes ofthese to the dealership last week, Idon’t know why they didn’t havethem before Christmas, but Ithought maybe your kids might wantthem.” He reached into his gymbag and pulled out a box the size ofa laptop computer, wrapped in goldfoil. I took it from him and read thelabel with mounting horror. Randyhad re-gifted four pounds ofGhirardelli chocolates, knowing hecouldn’t resist eating them – andcertainly knowing I couldn’t either.

“Bastard!” I spat through grittedteeth. Randy looked wounded, thenreached out his hand.

“Sorry, I can just give them to some-one else.” I drew the box close tome and covered it with one arm,stroking it with my other hand.

“Don’t even think about it!” I hissedat him. Then, to the box containinguntold calories and grams of fat andsugar, and scrumptious assortedchocolates, I purred, “Mypreciousssss.”

You can visit Ron Harris onlineat

“Full and pumped muscles can only be had by eating carbs.”


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February 2005 / Performance Press 1-800-344-3404 www.parrillo.com13

I am continually amazed by theboldness of supplement makers. Itseems that in order to make a quickbuck anything goes. The ultimateloser is the consumer and as PTBarnum once said, “there is asucker born every minute.” TheFood and Drug Administration re-cently put the brakes on one manu-facturer who was blanketing theradio airwaves with a multi-million

dollar sales campaign proclaimingtheir product allowed you to “eatwhat you want whenever youwant” and still lose weight. Themagical pills canceled out any andall bad effects from overeating andcontrary to the laws of physics andscience prevented the body fromtransforming excess calories intobody fat. Further, simply by takinga few pills a day, you could shed

“unwanted pounds, easily and ef-fortlessly.” Their spokesman wasa well-known radio personality whotold listeners in his smooth-as-glassspeaking voice of “the incredibleresults my family and I have expe-rienced using this revolutionaryproduct.” Trouble is it was a hor-rific lie and the FDA stepped in andleveled fines and threatened crimi-nal prosecution unless the firmceased and desisted immediatelyfrom making bogus claims. Thepills were sold for $70 per bottleand the makers made a fortune be-fore the decree was issued.

Did they stop? No way! They sim-ply revved up their in-house spinmachine and switched tactics.Without skipping a beat the samefamous radio personality, who givesthe word prostitution a bad name,pushed the same product but nowslyly inserted a new twist in theadvertisement. “As you all are nodoubt aware, diet and exercise arecritical to promoting successfulweight loss and by combining stricteating with a sensible exercise pro-gram – and using our pills – youwill realize the amazing resultsyou’ve sought all these years.”They were subtly skirting the lawby slightly backing down the ridicu-lous claim that their product caused

In the world of nutritional supplementation, there is nosuch thing as a magic pill.


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fat to magically melt. By adding thecaveat that diet and exercise shouldbe done in conjunction with takingtheir product “amazing results”were still proclaimed. Of courseanyone could realize 100% of theresults this bunch promised by sim-ply utilizing a strict eating regimenand exercising intensely and regu-larly. The fact is if you were to dietand exercise you could skip theirmagic pills altogether. The subtleinference in the add was that thepills were largely responsible for theweight loss while the diet and ex-ercise were of secondary impor-tance. Vetted by trail attorneys toskirt the FDA decree, this bogussupplement juggernaut rolls on.On a related note: has anyonenoted the mad scramble by themakers of ephedrine and andros-tenedione to come up with newproducts? This is a desperate ployto hold onto market share after theFDA and congress stepped in and

banned both of these harmful sub-stances. Now those who accumu-lated fortunes hawking these dan-gerous products are looking fornew ways to keep their cash cowalive. It would be humorous if itwasn’t so pathetically unscrupu-lous. One brazen maker of ephe-drine products now boldly statesthat the new “radically improvedproduct delivers twice the resultsof the old product and contains noharmful ephedrine.” What theydon’t tell you is the only reason thenew product contains no harmfulephedrine is because the federalgovernment threatened to lock

them up if they persisted. The newradically improved product deliversabout as many results as you wouldobtain by eating a bag of lawn clip-pings. A famous bimbo hawks thisproduct on primetime television ina multimillion dollar add campaign.These creeps made so muchmoney hawking ephedrine that theyrun a racecar at Indianapolis andcampaign a car on the NASCARcircuit. PT Barnum would havebeen amazed at this outfits abilityto find new suckers every minute.

At the other end of the spectrumare the unscrupulous makers of tra-ditional supplements who sell theirproducts super cheap. There is areason these shysters are consis-tently able to under-sell competi-tors: their products are so dilutedthey deliver zero results. Like nar-cotic drug dealers who ‘step on’heroin and cocaine, the easiest way

Our products are nutrient dense and tasty. We start by obtaining research-grade nutrients.Next we insure maximum potency by combining top-drawer raw nutritional core elementswith a bare minimum of binders.


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Antione Roseanne Meral Robert Monica15 February 2005 / Performance Press 1-800-344-3404

for an unscrupulous supplementmaker to increase income is to takea valid nutritional substance, likewhey protein, and make it go fur-ther, much further, by adding tonsof filler and fluff. Obviously if youtake a pound of pure whey proteinand add lots of junk to fluff it up,you will be able to create more pow-der and this converts into more sell-able units. Be wary of mainlineproducts that profess potency yetsell for way less than the sameproduct produced by reputablemanufacturers. The reason is likelya highly diluted product with a bra-zenly inflated set of statistics. AtParrillo Performance we estab-lished our reputation by producingproducts with maximum potency.We sprang from a need: top body-builders and competitive athleteswere screaming for a line of prod-ucts that weren’t watered down ordownright bogus. Parrillo Productsare superior because the ingredi-ents are top quality and undiluted.

Our products are nutrient denseand tasty. We start by obtaining re-search-grade nutrients. Next we in-sure maximum potency by combin-ing top-drawer raw nutritional coreelements with a bare minimum ofbinders. Finally, after spending mil-lions on research and development,we have devised methods to com-bine potent ingredients using space-age production methods to producetasty products without resorting tothe use of sugar, glycerin, fructoseor any of the other ‘cheap tricks’used to make supplements palat-able. Our goal was to create asupplement line that would be themarquee equivalent of Rolls Royce,Bentley or Ferrari. The Ferrarianalogy was one I favor: Ferrarinever compromises when it comesto quality craftsmanship and Ferrariestablished its reputation with race-track exploits. No quality compro-mise is ever made and pure un-adulterated performance is alwaysthe Ferrari bottom line. We made

our bones by supplying highly po-tent nutritional supplements to com-petitive athletes and particularly tocompetitive bodybuilders. Theseare people who depend on potentproducts to improve performanceand competitive placing. AreParrillo products the cheapest prod-ucts on the market? They mostcertainly are not. Are Parrillo Prod-ucts the most potent products avail-able? They most certainly are.

Few supplement makers cater tocompetitive athletes because ath-letes are incredibly demanding andpicky and cannot be fooled by hypeand promises. Athletes will not fallfor the same shuck-and-jive theunscrupulous use on the generalpublic. It is a hell-of-a-lot easier tosell a watered-down, diluted prod-uct to some average Joe than it isto sell the equivalent of a used carlemon to a Mr. Olympia competi-tor. Professional bodybuilders willsmell a rat in a New York minuteand no one sells more products tomore national and internationallevel athletes than Parrillo Perfor-mance. This is doubly amazing be-cause we don’t offer endorsementcontracts for athletes to use ourproducts. The reason the athleticelite uses Parrillo PerformanceProducts is simple: results. So takea clue from those who absolutelymust obtain results from nutritionalproducts and pick up the phone anddial our toll-free number right now(1-800-344-3404). If you are seri-ous about pushing your physique upto the next level start by using thesame nutritional supplements cham-pion athletes depend on and de-mand.

SIDE-STEP SHUCK-AND-JIVE SUPPLEMENTS one sells more products to more national andinternational level athletes than Parrillo Performance. Thisis doubly amazing because we don’t offer endorsementcontracts for athletes to use our products. The reasonthe athletic elite uses Parrillo Performance Products issimple: results.

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17 February 2005 / Performance Press 1-800-344-3404

If you’re not getting the results yourationally and reasonably expectfrom your diet and training, perhapsyou need to take a second look atthe nutritional supplements you use.Individuals new to the Parrillo ap-proach often ask me to examinethe training procedures and nutri-tional approach they are using andask my input. A huge part of anyeffective nutritional strategy issupplementation and by switchingwatered down supplements withParrillo Products significant gainsoccur almost immediately. In caseafter case, individuals who train andeat with discipline often are derailedby inferior supplements and whena hard training/disciplined eatersubstitutes Parrillo supplements forthe ones they’ve been usingprogress logjams are broken. Timeand again I’ve seen this type of in-dividual take a quantum leap for-ward when they start using qualitysupplementation. Even experi-enced bodybuilders are flabber-gasted at how much of a differencesubstituting potent supplements forlesser supplements can make. Insome cases the nutritional supple-ments they’ve been taking are es-sentially holding them back. Thisphenomenon is quite common andwhen we revamp their training andeating and add powerful Parrillo

supplementation, a predictable burstof progress occurs. It is an amaz-ing thing to witness.

One example was a fellow namedRoy. Roy was from Chicago andhad been a serious amateur body-builder for eight years when hebecame aware of the Parrillo ap-proach from another bodybuilderwho trained at the same gym. Royborrowed a copy of the Parrillo Per-formance Press and was intriguedenough to give me a call. After ourinitial conversation, Roy placed asupplement order and I offered himsome practical tips regarding thespecifics of his weight training,aerobics and nutrition. At age 32,Roy had been entering local con-test for almost eight years. He is5-8 and weighs 165 in contest shapeand was a solid competitor; the kindthe judges expect to see at all thelocal competitions. His placing wasas predictable as his attendance:Roy always made a respectableshowing, usually ending up in thetop five of his height or weight di-vision but never in real contentionfor the top spot. In our initial con-versations he told me his goal wasto break into the top tier at the statelevel. Being a very disciplined indi-vidual, Roy always showed up inshape and usually carried a 5% to

6% body fat percentile but he wasdisproportional and lacked size.Roy eventually grew tired of beinglabeled as ‘good, old dependableRoy’ and decided to chuck every-thing he’d been doing in an effortto take his physique to the nextlevel.

I looked his program over and itwas apparent that he was doing awhole lot of things right. On the plusside, Roy was a hard trainer whohad no problem putting in the timenecessary in the gym. He pushedhimself in his weight training buttended to spend way too much timetraining his strong points at the ex-pense of his weaker body parts. Hehit the cardio consistently. I deviseda new weight training routine forhim that concentrated on bringingup his weak points: he had goodpectoral, deltoid, triceps and bicepsdevelopment but needed to bring uphis quads, hamstrings, calves andback, particularly his trapezius,erectors and lower lats. I actuallyhad him crank back on the sheeramount of cardio he had been do-ing. Roy had been performing hisaerobics for a solid hour at a timeand hitting the cardio four to sixtimes a week. For all the time hespent riding the exercise bike hewas not getting a lot out of it and

Nutritional supplementation can be a minefield for the gullible, trusting consumer.


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the reason was his body had be-come used to the duration andpace. I had him cut back on thesession length but kick the pace updramatically. He ate with great dis-cipline and had his meal schedul-ing down pat. I asked him to kickhis calorie intake up dramatically.

Roy had been taking a popular pro-tein powder that relied on concen-trates instead of isolates and the re-sults were negligible; I substitutedParrillo Hi-Protein and OptimizedWhey and the results were nearlyinstantaneous. By revising hisweight training, increasing thecardio intensity and taking in a lotmore calories by adding a wide ar-ray of Parrillo supplements, Roy un-derwent a dramatic transformation.Let Roy explain what happened,

“I began taking four Parrillo prod-ucts: I used protein powder twicedaily and after every weight work-out I drank a double serving of 50-50 Plus. I began using CapTri anddrizzled two tablespoons over eachof my four food meals. I ate twoParrillo Protein bars each day: onemid-morning and the other mid-af-ternoon.” He really liked the newapproach to the training. “I hadfallen into a training rut and hadn’teven realized it. I kicked my liftinginto high gear. John designed a rou-tine to bring up my thighs, ham-strings, calves and lower and mid-back. I reduced my cardio sessionsfrom 60-minutes to 40-minutes butI really put the pedal to the metaland increased my pace and inten-sity.” With the additional calories,weak-point training approach andincreased cardio pace, Roy under-went a sensational physical

makeover. “It was incredible. In sixweeks I gained thirteen pounds ofmuscle and dropped my body fatpercentile by two full percentagepoints. It was a physique miracle.”Roy improved so fast that when heentered Junior Mr. Chicago (for thefifth straight year) the other com-petitors and judges literally didn’trecognize him. Roy laughed. “Ishaved my head for a new look togo with my new body. I weighed inat 178 and won my class. It wasthe first time I’d won a physiquecontest since I won my third con-test ever as a novice.”

“ I must have looked really goodbecause I was selected to be drugtested. Afterwards I heard a lot oftalk that the other competitors andjudges were convinced that I’dgone to ‘the dark side’ and wastaking steroids. I thought in a wayit was the ultimate compliment.I’ve never taken drugs and neverwill but it illustrates how muchphysical progress I had made insuch a short period of time.” Roy’sstory illustrates what can happenwhen someone goes from doing alot of things right to suddenly doingeverything right. Roy was amazedat the difference switching toParrillo supplements made. “I hadbeen very methodical about takingmy supplements before I switchedto Parrillo products and spent a lotof money on what I thought weretop supplements. The problem wasmy supplements were holding meback. When I switched to ParrilloPerformance Products I could notbelieve the impact; it seemed as ifmy body was improving with ev-ery workout.” Roy had been eat-ing around 2000 calories a day and

had been doing so for five years.By jumping his calories up to 3800and redirecting his training towardsweak body parts, most of the thir-teen pounds of body weight Royadded went directly to his legs andback. Suddenly he had a propor-tional look and he no longer looked‘top heavy.’

“John had me increase my caloriesto support the intense weight train-ing and cardio he was expecting meto do. I would drizzle two table-spoons of CapTri® over my four‘food’ meals and just by doing thisI added almost 900-calories to mydaily caloric totals.” Roy is a suc-cessful real estate agent andspends a lot of time on the road. “Itravel a lot in my car and ratherthan eat at fast food joints wouldhave a mid-morning and mid-after-noon snack consisting of a Parrillobar and a can of tuna. The peanutbutter flavored protein bars tastedso good that I looked forward tothe snack every day.” After workRoy would pump iron for 90-min-utes. “Halfway through the work-out I would consume a 50-50Plus™ shake – actually this was adouble serving. I had had a realproblem powering through myworkouts; my energy would al-ways drop halfway through theworkout and the exercises donelate in the routine would alwayssuffer. Drinking the 50-50 Plus™shake midway through cured thatproblem.” Roy consumed two pro-tein shakes each day. “I would mixa serving of Peach Hi-Protein™powder with my oatmeal at break-fast; oatmeal never tasted sogood.” Before retiring for bed Roydrank a chocolate Optimized


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19 February 2005 / Performance Press 1-800-344-3404

Whey™ protein shake along witha handful of Parrillo Liver Amino™tablets. “Each beef liver tab con-tains 1.5 grams of protein so Iwould take eight liver aminos andwash them with the OptimizedWhey™ shake. This way I took in50-grams of protein right beforebed. The Liver Amino™ would dis-solve as I slept and help keep meanabolic.”

Parrillo supplements added anamazing amount of quality caloriesand high biological value protein;check it out:

Hi Protein™ (mixed with oatmeal)160 Calories31 Grams of Protein

CapTri®– eight tablespoons880 Calories

High Protein bar™ – two per day480 Calories28 Grams of Protein

50-50 Plus™ – double serving300 Calories28 Grams of Protein

Optimized Whey™ Protein160 Calories34 Grams of Protein

Liver Amino Formula™48 Calories12 Grams of Protein

Totals 2028 Calories133 Grams of Protein

This is a tremendous amount ofnutritional firepower. The fact thatRoy actually lost body fat whileadding muscle mass shows thatwhen hard training is combined withstrict eating and target nutritionalsupplementation, (using potentsupplements) it is nearly impossibleto add body fat. Roy doubled thenumber of calories he was takingin yet he gained nothing but leanmuscle. By concentrating on weakpoints in his weight training hebought up weak points and addedmuscle to areas that had previouslybeen under-trained. By eating al-most 400-grams of lean proteineach day Roy provided his bodywith the amino acids necessary tofuel muscle growth. By keeping hissaturated fat intake to less than 10%of his total caloric allotment heforced his body to stay lean despiteingesting a lot more calories. Byswitching from weak, watereddown nutritional supplements topowerful Parrillo products Roywent from being an average body-builder to a really good bodybuilder.He was ‘born again’ as a body-builder.” Take a tip from Roy andswitch from diluted mainstreamsupplements to the supplements topbodybuilders and professional ath-letes all insist on: Parrillo Perfor-mance Products. Don’t put in allthe hard work only to be held backby inferior supplements. ChooseParrillo!


“I would mix a serving of Peach Hi-Protein™ powder withmy oatmeal at breakfast; oatmeal never tasted so good.”

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I’ve been barraged with inquiresasking how best to set up resolu-tion-related fitness programs forthe coming new year. I thought itmight be appropriate to go over thebasics of how best to design aneffective fitness program. Any sen-sible body renovation plan need in-clude three elements: progressiveresistance training, cardiovasculartraining and nutrition/diet.Hemmingway once quipped, “qual-ity writing is not interior design, it’sarchitecture.” And so it is withphysical renovation, we aren’t re-arranging the deck chairs on thecruise ship, we’re erecting massivecolumns and moving mounds ofearth. The three core elementsneed be practiced in an even, bal-anced way: better to do a bit ofeach than emphasize one elementto the exclusion of the other two.The Sisyphus-like mistake fitnessacolytes repeat over and over, totheir eternal detriment, is to grabonto one of the three core elementsand dive into it with a frenzy thatlasts about six weeks. Then frus-tration, boredom and above all else,lack of results, causes the fitnessSisyphus to chuck the whole effortyet again. It doesn’t have to be this

way. By structuring your fitnesseffort in a balanced way tangible,irrefutable, unarguable results,measurable not imagined, can andwill occur.

Elite athletes know that when allthree core fitness elements are inplace and practiced with due dili-gence, a physical synergy occursand results exceed all rational andrealistic expectations. The key toprogress is balanced application. Aplan without implementation isworthless and this approach is setinto motion by intense physical andpsychological effort. The entire fit-ness procedure is set into a timeframe and through a process ofreverse engineering; we start witha realistic goal and work our waybackward to a starting point. Ef-fort is synonymous with intensity.When we train we train hard. Ef-fort, intensity, requires we bump upagainst current physical capacity insome way or another. There are avariety of ways to achieve this.Psychological intensity manifestsitself as we apply discipline to ad-here to the program guidelines: dis-cipline is used to determine andregulate what we eat, how much

we eat and when we eat it. Disci-pline is used in training to generatea heightened mental attitude dur-ing the actual physical training(psyche). When the three elementsare present and applied evenly, awonderful ebb and flow occurs,after a few weeks effort meltsaway and the process develops amomentum of its own. As resultspile up enthusiasm supplants will-power.

The question is; how best to con-struct a customized training tem-plate that synchronizes fitness withthe realities of my life? How bestto construct a nutritional gameplan? How much time will this re-quire each week? How long willthis take? How do I structure theactual workouts? How do I dealwith the food preparation? All areissues necessary to consider. Be-fore considering details first designa skeletal structure.

Progressive Resistance Train-ing: Optimally done with free-weights (for a variety of physi-ological reasons) progressive resis-tance training, lifting weights, is notan option. There are 600-plus


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21 February 2005 / Performance Press 1-800-344-3404

muscles on the human body andweight training is the best way totone, strengthen and build muscle.Weight training is critical for musclehealth and function. Free weighttraining is better than training withmachines. The idea is to devise anexercise sequence, a series of ex-ercises that purposefully targets asmany muscles as possible withinthe time confines of a session. Trainthe target muscle intensely andthoroughly then rest that muscleuntil its healed and recovered be-fore training it again. Muscle tis-sue is an active, living tissue andrequires fuel in the form of calo-ries to live. Since a pound of musclerequires 30-40 calories per day tosurvive, by adding 10-pounds ofmuscle (quite doable, particularlyfor a beginner) the body will burnan additional 300 to 400-caloriesper day. This is the number of calo-ries a person would burn in a 30 to40-minute aerobic session. Addingmuscle boosts the basal metabolicrate and a fast metabolism trumpsa slow one every single time.

Cardiovascular Exercise: Sepa-rate and distinct, aerobic exercisebuilds and strengthens our innards,the internal plumbing. The effi-ciency of the pumping and cleans-ing organs are improved by re-peated cardio exercise. As a directresult of the increased heart ratearterial pathways are flushed andscoured as torrents of blood areforcibly pumped through the veins.Heart and lungs pump oxygen-satu-rated blood, nutrient enriched, to liv-ing tissue. On the return trip, bloodremoves muscle waste products,toxins and fatigue-inducing lacticacid. Purposefully elevate the heartrate to a predetermined target andonce the increased HR is achieved,maintain the elevated rate for aspecified period of time. Repeatedaerobic exercise bestows a multi-tude of benefits. Endurance andstamina increase dramatically. Di-gestion and food assimilation im-prove and when a regular cardioregimen is combined with a perfor-mance-eating program, excessbody fat is mobilized and burned asfuel. As with progressive resis-

tance, the idea is to systematicallyincrease our performance ceiling.By continually seeking to improve,regardless the cardio mode se-lected, we trigger the adaptive re-sponse and reap real results.

Performance Eating: This phraseis better than ‘dieting’ as dietingimplies depravation, starvation anddestructive denial. If you train hard,as hard as you are supposed to, youneed to eat enough calories to sup-port the level of intense effort. Themistake most personal trainersmake is to overwork their clientsthen underfeed them. Too much ef-fort combined with too few calo-ries trigger the continual secretionof cortisol into the bloodstream.This catabolic hormone signals thebody that a starvation situation ex-ists and gives permission for thebody to start cannibalizing muscletissue to cover any caloric short-fall. This is why crash dieters mightlose tremendous amounts of bodyweight but still end up fat. Theyhave become miniaturized versionsof their old fat self – just consider-


The fitness triad for success: progressive resistance training, cardiovascular exerciseand performance eating.

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ably lighter. Optimally we eat highquality nutrients continuallythroughout the day. Optimally thetrainee hovers right at the caloricbreakeven point (everyone is dif-ferent) and optimally the caloriccost of exercise pushes the traineeever so slightly into negative energybalance. Done this way, stored bodyfat is called up from caloric stor-age depots around the body.Muscle mass is built and body fatis systematically oxidized. Again,calorie control is the initial goal.Once caloric content is gotten tothe breakeven point, exercise cre-ates a slight deficit. Fat is burnedoff while muscle is built.

Balance is the Key: In order togenerate initial momentum availabletraining time should be allottedequally. The beginner should divideavailable training time in half. If, forexample, a person had four cumu-lative hours per week available forthe body renovation effort, a real-istic training split could be struc-tured as follows:

Day I weight train 60-minutes

Day II cardio 30-minutes

Day III cardio 30-minutes

Day IV off

Day V weight train 60-minutes

Day VI cardio 30-minutes

Day VII cardio 30-minutes

Total weights 120-minutes

cardio 120-minutes

Structure first – then content: De-vise the template before beginningto tinker with the actual content.In the progressive resistance por-tion of our training, our hypotheti-cal beginner would devote two cu-mulative hours per week. Twice aweek this individual would performa progressive resistance routineone-hour in length that would at-tack as many muscles as possible,hopefully using a well-thought outfree-weight program consisting pri-marily of compound multi-joint ex-ercises. Cardio would be performedfour times per week in 30-minutesessions. The initial goal could beto elevate the heart rate, regard-less to the cardio mode selected,to perhaps 60-70% of age-relatedheart rate maximum. Over eachsubsequent week for between 6 to12 weeks, all benchmarks arepushed upward. Poundage or repswould be conscientiously increasedand simultaneously the baselineheart rate would be stair-steppedupward. The adaptive response istriggered as a result of applied in-tensity and effort. The number ofdaily feedings is increased. Byspreading the day’s calories out

over 5-6 feedings the metabolismincreases and nutrient assimilationis vastly improved. Stored body fatis mobilized and oxidized.

Who ever said it would be easy?The physical transformation pro-cess is not easy but it is doable –assuming you can muster the dis-cipline and gumption. First devisethe game plan then allot your time,line up your tools, visit the grocerystore and pull the trigger. The devilis in the details but unless you un-derstand the training template andgrasp the requisite balance be-tween the three irreplaceable ele-ments, nothing of much physicalsignificance will occur. Architec-ture first (synergistic balance) thendeal with the interior design (com-ponent content) – otherwise you’llbecome immersed and tangled inone area to the exclusion of theother two irreplaceable elements.Like Sisyphus pushing that boulderup the steep hill, sooner or laterwillpower fails and it all rolls backdown the hill. Think hard about thearchitectural structure of your fit-ness effort and after everyone ab-sorbs the concept of balance intohis or her marrow, then considercontent specifics within each leg ofthe Fitness Triad.


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By John Parrillo23 February 2005 / Performance Press 1-800-344-3404

Iron Vic,

What is the best way to improvemy calves? I have puny calvesand have been unable to growthem. Typically I train them twicea week, performing three sets of10-15 reps on the standing andseated calf raise. My arms are17.5 inches but my calves are ascrawny 14.5 inches. Nothingseems to work. Any suggestions?

Ronnie, Florida

Six sets twice a week? You’ll needto work the calves a hell-of-a-lotmore than that if you expect tobring them up. The amount of workyou are currently doing would beokay as a calf maintenance pro-gram but if you want to bring your

calves up significantly you’ll haveto work them hard, heavy and of-ten. Like four or five days a weekusing 20 sets per session. Let’s teara page from Arnold’s calf book.Here was a guy whose calf devel-opment was holding him back.Frank Zane spanked Arnold whenhe came over to the United Statesto compete at the IFBB Mr. Uni-verse held in Miami in 1969. Mostpeople attributed Arnold’s loss tohis lack of condition but an equalfactor was his disproportionatelysmall calves. Arnold embarked ona calves specialization program thatstill can serve as a template forbringing sub-par calves up to par.He did three things you should con-sider. He realized he needed a lotmore calf work so he began train-ing calves 4-6 days a week. In ad-

dition to his normal, twice a weekcalf training session done in con-junction with his leg routine, theAustrian Oak would ‘slip in’ addi-tional calf training. He would setup a standing calf machine with aheavy poundage and between train-ing other body parts he would walkover to the pre-set standing calfraise machine and do a set. If hewere training chest (for example)between every set of flat benches,incline benches, flyes and cablecrossover he would do a set ofstanding calf raises. In this way hewould ‘slip in’ 20 to 30 additionalsets for calves on training days notaimed at legs. He also made a con-scious effort to jack up the pound-age. He recalled that when he wentto visit Reg Park in South Africahe was using 300-pounds in the

Muscle Myths, Strongman Myths, Sergio the Myth and Nude Harold


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standing calf raise and was shockedto see Reg using 800-pounds. Itdawned on him that the reasonReg’s calves looked so Herculeanwas in large part due to the pound-age he handled. Arnold understoodthe correlation between strengthand muscle size. Over the next twoyears he built his own poundage upto 800 and realized a concurrentincrease in calf size. My advice toyou is train calves way more than

you are currently. Train them of-ten and train them heavy. Any lessand nothing much is going to hap-pen.

Mr. Steele,

Why do you and Parrillo insiston high protein intake when sci-ence has shown that the humanbody can only absorb 30-grams

of protein at a time? Aren’t youand Parrillo just trying to pumpup protein product sales? I’m avegetarian and as a proud mem-ber of PETA (People for the Ethi-cal Treatment of Animals) I be-lieve meat is murder – you andguys like you are promoting ananimal holocaust and should beashamed. Besides, soy protein isa great way to obtain 30-40grams of protein – which is allthe human body needs each dayin order to grow.

Harold, Taos

PS – I am a very successfulbodybuilder who recently wonMr. Nude New Mexico; and no Idon’t wear leather shoes so I’lljust torpedo that little verbalcomeback ahead of time.

Where to start? I just got back froma Vegas junket with Ms. Marylandand I’m sure you’ll be happy toknow, Nude Harold, that I made apoint to eat at every top steakhouseon the strip: monster fillets at theGolden Steer, a 26-ounce rib eyeat Gallagher’s Steak House, overat the MGM Grand I ate a 48-ounce porterhouse ‘for two’ bymyself, I had a great New Yorkstrip steak at Morton’s and a $110Kobe beef fillet at the luxuriousBeef Vault. Too bad you weren’twith me. I also purchased a $400pair of leather cowboy boots andbought Ms. Maryland a $900 pairof leather pants for the AmericanMusic Awards show that she and Iattended. Back to your questionabout protein assimilation: here’sthe deal Nude Harold; there is noscience to support your contention

“My advice to you is train calves way more than you arecurrently. Train them often and train them heavy. Any lessand nothing much is going to happen.”


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25 February 2005 / Performance Press 1-800-344-3404

that the human body can only ab-sorb 30 grams of protein at a time.This is a muscle myth of the 1st

degree and if you could take timeaway from setting test laboratorieson fire as a PETA terrorist maybeyou could grasp this fact. But un-fortunately for the rest of us, youhave a preordained conclusion(meat is murder) and rather than

deal in facts and science you usemyth and pseudo science to justifyyour preordained conclusions. Let’stake two hypothetical individuals,both are athletes, one is a 98-poundOlympic level gymnast and theother is a 255-pound NFL outsidelinebacker. To say that they bothwould have the same protein as-similation capacity (30 grams) is

ludicrous. The larger the individualthe greater the protein assimilationcapacity. A six-foot-six, 300-poundoffensive lineman would have di-gestive tubing the size of a full-grown boa constrictor and couldeasily assimilate 80-100 grams ofprotein at a sitting. The secondmyth you pontificate about is soyprotein powder. Soy is an inferior

“ a vegetarian you should get down on your knees and thank the gods for whey andcaseinate protein powder. These miracle nutrients allow the serious vegetarian the abilityto consume the 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day necessary toreap maximum results from weight training and cardio.”


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protein delivery system and the bio-logical value of soy is roughly halfthat of a quality whey protein.Again, scientific facts get in theway of your agenda but regardlessthe yardstick or benchmark usedsoy sucks. Nude Harold, as a veg-etarian you should get down onyour knees and thank the gods forwhey and caseinate protein pow-der. These miracle nutrients allowthe serious vegetarian the ability toconsume the 1 to 1.5 grams of pro-tein per pound of bodyweight perday necessary to reap maximumresults from weight training andcardio. Serious weight training andaerobics knocks the hell out of thehuman body and by dousing blastedmuscles with amino acids con-tained in protein, you provide thebody with the raw fuel it needs torepair muscle tissue and fuelgrowth. Anyway, Nude Harold,I’ve wasted enough time on you;as the old saying goes, “A man con-vinced against his will is of the sameopinion still” and there is no rea-soning with agenda zealots such asyourself. So go have another tofuburger and sit under a crystal tri-angle while you get a highcolonic…Don’t bother writingback.

Iron Vic,

How come the physiques of to-day are so superior to those ofthe early days?

Tom, Los Angeles

I’m not convinced the modern phy-siques are superior – I think that ifArnold or Sergio Oliva where to

come up in this day and age, giventhe advances across the board innutrition and general training knowl-edge, I believe these two would besuperior to the current crop. SergioOliva remains without doubt the all-time genetic wonder. His skeletalstructure was pure perfection: su-per wide shoulder width and the ti-niest waist imaginable. Great calvesand forearms and a small head –the later is often an overlookedgenetic advantage but make nomistake about it when your flexedarms are taller then your nogginfrom chin to crown the impact isdramatic. Sergio was a top Olym-pic lifter before becoming a body-builder and as a result possessed agreat back from traps to tailbone.His 29-inch waist was paired witha pair of 29-inch thighs. He stood5-10 and weighed 240. Had hecome up in 2005 instead of 1969he would have been a full 10-15%bigger and better on account of allthe modern advantages. Can youimagine Sergio weighing 280-pounds in hard shape? He wouldsmoke the current crop of physiquestars. Ditto Arnold; give him 10%for all the modern advantages andat 275-pounds his symmetry andproportion would have mademincemeat of the bloated freakswho dominate today. That’s myopinion anyway. Which ties into mynext point – I don’t think the mod-ern strongmen in powerlifting area damned bit stronger then the gi-ants of yesteryear. Let me providea few examples: Pat Casey bench-pressed 622 wearing a tee shirt in1968, ditto Big Jim Williams whobenched 700 in 1970. Williams liftwas done with a 2-second pauseon the chest. I recently attended a

bench press competition where theaudience went crazy when a mag-nificently built 305-pound athletebench pressed 570-pounds withoutwearing one of those ridiculous‘bench shirts.’ The onlookers werewowed but I remember being at the1969 national championships inYork when Minnesota’s MelHennessy bench-pressed an iden-tical 570 with a 2-second pause andhe weighed 219! Nowadays theathletes have only to pause the baron the chest for the briefest of in-stants; back then it was “one-thou-sand and one, one-thousand andtwo PRESS!” This makes thebench a hell of a lot harder. This isjust one of a dozen examples I couldsite: how about 195-pound RonnieRay bench-pressing 405 in trainingafter a 30-second pause? Howabout Jeff Magruder weighing 240and doing 52-reps (that’s no typo)with 315? How about Paul Ander-son squatting 1195-pounds withouta squat suit, knee wraps or liftingbelt in 1965? Who could matchthese no-equipment lifts today?Give these old timers the modernadvantages and no one will con-vince me that they wouldn’t spankthe current crop of equipment-cladlifters using their monolifts and theloose judging so pervasive today.Call me a grumpy old man saying‘back in my day men were men’but I don’t see anyone today sig-nificantly superior to the old timersway back when.


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