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Metro Dipolog Bible Baptist Church, Inc. has celebrated its Crystal (15th) glorious Anniversary. In part of this celebration, the church has come up to making this memorabilia for each church members' reading both in abroad and within the country.


Table of Contents

Title Page

1.  Church Crystal Anniversary (cover) 

2.  Table of Contents 

3.  Poem by Pastor Job Bienes 

4.  Focus by Pastor Pol Pontillas 

5.  Messages by Pastor Joey Sauco 

6.  The Master Mason by Dave Keiser 

7.  Church in Fi een Years by Lendie Ocupe 

8.  Not Useful but He will Use by Aldan Binas 

9.  Fear Not by Elvie Bienes 

10. For All Those Years by Leah Banting 

11. My Pause for A Cause by LG Banting 

12. When God Values Life by Marlowe Manlosa 

13. The Dream I Never Dreamed by Jenellene Sularte 

14. Blessed to be A Blessing by Rebecca Keiser 

15. Persistence Pays by Rosemay Manlosa

16. Through the Years and Onwards by Nida Brosas 

17. Helping Li le but Helpful by Flor Catipay 

18. A Message of Recovery from them who recovered recently 

Sacrifice for the Future Prize by Alvin Villanueva 

God of Chance by Niel Pino 

A er Many Stopovers by Romil Pino 

19. Fi een is more than I Think by Pastor Job Bienes 

20. Looking Back by Rudy Sulit 

21. Church History by Lendie Ocupe 

22. Before and A er Photos 

5, 16‐18 

8, 19 






12, 20 



13, 21 

13, 22 



14, 23 





As God blessed our past 15, We’ll strive to earn MORE in 2013!

By: Pastor Job

Evaluation is no longer the usual Only done by maturing Christian, never the casual

The reason maybe is that they don’t know Or their pride and ignorance dictates them not to do so

Giving time to meditate to evaluate Your sense of gratitude will surely dictate

For no one can say “I’m not blest” Because salvation is better than your request

Blessing is not like salvation that is free For its stewardship depends if you are worthy

Your blessing today is not forever It’s just a result of yesterday, as good caretaker

Present blessing or losing is your choice Therefore be watchful to the inner voice

If you desire blessing not losing To His word be regular in reading and hearing

If you are blest now be thankful But if not, then be very careful

For your unwanted loss may come back If you never learn from your setback

15 years of outcome Enough to warn what you become

Having tasted God’s blessings and dealings to blunder Let’s be wiser and sober in Crystal year and further.

Being temporary resident on this planet Investing for heavenly reward is appropriate

That when you move on to your heavenly place “At least you tried”, is what people says

As we are waiting for that day We have a conclusion to say “As God blessed our past 15

We’ll strive to earn MORE in 2013”

Finally, Happy Crystal Anniversary Church, your blessing is what I pray

Today is the beginning to make another history Together we’ll be blessed and be a blessing if we stay

Focus One message  I can share  to you  is something  I  remember  from a mis‐

sionary in the person of Pastor Elmer Gullon. Matud niya, ang kinabuhi sa tawo 

nagagikan  sa  iyang dugo ug ang quality  sa  imong dugo nagdipendi  sa  imong   

gikaon ug kadaghan sa imong gikaon.  

As a church, our bloodline  is  in soul winning. To the Church  in Dipolog City,  I want to 

remind you on your 15th anniversary the basic but the most important thing in the ministry; 

soul winning.  

There are a lot of disadvantages when a church stops soul winning, follow‐up and Bible 

study, and to men on some: 

1.) Loss of excitement – kon mawala na ang excitement sa church kay wala nay mga bag‐o 

nga members,  even  ang  pastor makulangan  sa  iyang  kalipay  ug  kadasig  sa  pagpan‐

galad. Ang mahimong major nga pagwali mao na ang pagpamadlong sa church sa  in‐

yong      irresponsibility homan naluwas. 

2.) Loss of focus – kon wala na ang soul winning, wala nay ma train kay kasagaran sa mga 

karaan nga members nakontento na nga dili magpagamit sa bulohaton. But if your soul 

winning and follow up is ac ve, you have a lot of new members which are prospect for 

training and this will result revival. 

3.) Loss of unity – we can be united if we have common goal and we are more careful if 

we have responsibility to care for the newborn babes  in Christ.  If puro nalang karaan 

nga members, kasagaran maayo na mamantay sa sayop sa uban apan wala nagamit. 

Sinsi bo  sa  iyang giba  apan dili  sa giba   sa Ginoo ug kasagaran magsigi nalang ug 

away kay wala may responsibilidad ug dili man busy sa ministry.  

To the church in Dipolog, just con nue the most important and most   rewarding ministry; soul win‐

ning.    It  is your personal bloodline. Nagdepende diha ang  imong kadasig sa pagpangalagad ug nagde‐

pende diha ang imong interest sa pagkaon sa pulong sa Ginoo. Don’t let the new prospect starve and die 

on the road; help your pastorfeed them and pray for them and bring them to the church to be protected 

against Satan’s wrong teachings. 

Pastor Job, con nue  in the ministry the way you started; personal soul winning. Train more people 

and don’t give up  just because of uncommi ed ones. Find another and train them to be able to train 

others also. Happy Crystal Anniversary! 

Pastor Pol V. Pon llas 

Sending Church Pastor 

Metro Iligan Bible Bap st Church 

The Master Mason

By Dave Keiser 


Many  mes  I find myself thinking about the four years that we  lived  in the Philippines, and 

the things that I experienced there.  Recently I was working with hollow blocks at my new job 

here in Yankton, South Dakota.  My boss was amazed that I knew how to do so many differ‐

ent  things,  including  laying  hollow  blocks.   He  asked me where  I  learned  to  do masonry 

work.   I  told him about building our    laundry mat  in Dapitan as  I help my hired mason  ‐ Noel.  As  far as  I 

know, my walls in Dapitan have not fallen down as of yet, so my workmanship must have been sa sfactory.   


  As I reflected upon that, I thought of One who is a far be er mason that either Noel, or myself could 

ever hope to be.  This mason does work that will last for all eternity.  His ways are beyond our I   immediate 

understanding.  His methods may leave us puzzled at first, but always     relieved, and overjoyed with the end 

results.   This mason  never makes     mistakes,  nor  breaks  any  of  the  hollow  blocks  that  he  is  supplied 

with.  The mortar He uses contains equal parts of Love and correc ve  instruc on.    Neither too so , or too 

harsh, but just what is needed for the task at hand.  Who is this super mason you ask?  Why, it is simple, the 

Lord of Heaven, our Heavenly Father and Savior,   Author and   Finisher of our salva on, and  the one who 

guides us with His Holy Spirit.  

(to be con nued on page 16‐18) 

    By Pastor Joey Sauco 


        You may not be where you’re supposed to be . You may not be what you want to be. And you don't have to be what you used to be. Right now you just need to learn to be the best you can be. You cant change where you started, but you can change the  direc on you are going. Prepare your tomorrow! 

        The whole essence of life is growing. Ambi ons cause us to achieve. Dreams cause us to hope. Challenges cause us to persevere. Problems cause us to pray. Love causes us to bear. Growing up happens only when we choose to overcome. 

        Somewhere in our lives, we some mes fail, we some mes get hurt, we some mes get lost. But those some mes are the reasons: 

  1. Why we learn to stand up again 

  2. Why we learn to mend our wounds  

  3. Why we learn to seek counsel for the right direc on. 

        Everything that happens in life has a reason. So treasure each moment. Learn from each mistake and celebrate every triumph. It’s God’s will. He works in ways we cannot see. 

Church in Fi een Years! By Lendie Ocupe


It all started with a  ny, single voice It wasn’t even clear to be considered a choice  

But soon enough all was realized What that single voice was trying to emphasize 

 Struggles were not few a er the realiza on came The life they used to, for sure won’t be the same But one day, they find reason to be at peace 

It was in knowing that giving life to God is just a reasonable service  

So, now like a mustard seed, a church spring forth It’s young but signifies what faith has brought 

Some mes storms blow upon it, yet it stood firm And though weeds choke it, it never grows dim 

 At its first year, it looks as though it has so much to celebrate But wait, the second year is something one won’t forget 

And if at third year it’s ge ng stronger Blessings manifest the more at its fourth year 

 At fi h, various problems and success were faced 

And that’s why at sixth, faith must increase At seventh, we see God’s goodness prevailed 

So at eight we correct where we failed  

At ninth, marvelous blessing did flow But to some that wasn’t enough for them to grow 

So some departed from the faith at tenth Not even thinking of being restored at eleventh 

 Nevertheless, God be glorified in twelve years 

Though some say at thirteen we’ll face nothing but fears Indeed, loosing is a choice at fourteen 

For by God’s grace, we made it through ‘ l fi een  

Fi een years passed like road that intertwine We may not appreciate it but it was God’s design 

So when situa ons move in like a cycle                     Remember, don’t get discouraged, but be more watchful    

Not Useful but He Will Use 

Aldan Binas

  Daghang panahon nga naka set na sa akong  huna‐huna nga ingon‐ani na‐

lang  jud ko. Wala na’y changes, nakontento nako sa akong sitwasyon. Ug tungod 

pod sa pag degrade nako sa akong kauglingon, I quit dreaming, I felt useless. But 

thank God, he opened up my eyes by    allowing someone to teach me, that I may be able to understand His 

real purpose and plan in my life. 

2009, last week of October I got saved. Lots of confusion, struggle sa pagbiya sa kalibutanong kalipay. 

Daghang tentasyon, pagsulay, problema nga nangabot. Mga sitwasyon ug panghitabo nga nakapangutana ko 

sa  akong  kaugalingon,  “nganong  nahitabo man  kini?”  hangtod  nga  akong  na  feel, nga  naay  naga  convict 

nako, the Spirit of God is working upon me, so I prayed to God. I asked Him a sign if He really called me, and  

surely He did. So  I decided nga magpagamit sa Ginoo, but s ll naa ang hesita on and doubts because  I’m 

nothing; wala’y abilidad, skill, talent, walay nahuman. How can God use me? On what field or area ako Niya 

magamit? Lots of ques ons and alibi developed in my mind, but the biggest reason is “Fear”. Yes! I’m afraid 

magpagamit sa Ginoo. Doing things that pleases God, para nako, ulaw kaayo. But  I realized, how can  I get 

favor from God if I will not overcome these feelings. I really thank God for his faithfulness, through the helps, 

training and teaching of Pastor Job, who is my father in faith and a coach in my Spiritual Life. I learned a lot 

that helped me improve my      personality, that gave me courage and confident to be used for God’s glory. I 

admit  that  there are  s ll  fears  in my heart.  I wasted many  me  in His     ministry because of  the Spirit of 

“Fear” that even most Chris an feel. But the word of God says, “for God hath not given us the Spirit of fear; 

but of power and of love and of sound mind.”   

Now  I understand  that  if we are commi ed  to be used by God, bisan wala ka’y  talent, skill, walay 

grado, God will enable us. He will use you though you have labeled yourself useless because in His sight you 

are         useful. Serving God  is not easy; there are many storms and waves moabot sa atong kinabuhi but  its 

normal. Afflic on  is appointed to us, not only for the saved but for all. But  if God  is  in our hearts, sigurado 

jud nga ma     overcome nato ni tanan ug lahi ang effect sa dihang duol ka sa Ginoo when storms come. So 

karon I’m so excited, kung unsa ang himoon sa Ginoo sa umaabot dinhi sa akong kinabuhi while serving Him 

and being used in His ministry. 

To God be the glory for His faithfulness in our lives.  




Fear Not! By Elvie Bienes


As we started in the ministry

Material things became my worry. But now, I thank the Lord

Material things are being poured.

Our children grew up in the ministry They never expect what comes along the way

Sadly, they don’t have anything to say, Except to be silent and just obey.

Problems and trials never exempt me each year Materially, emotionally, physically do I surrender

Happy I am doing dawn prayer each day Because Jeremiah 33:3 to me is a reality.

My life has not been a perfect example to you

But to commit everything to the Lord is what I do He molds my life and equips it through

By reading His word which I consistently do.

Members may not like my attitude They don’t realize how hard in the ministry I am involved

Praise God for the past 15 years of struggle I humbly say that God’s been faithful.

For All Those Years

By Leah Ban ng 


    Life is like a coaster. It has ups and downs! I thank God that I’m a part of this 

church for fi een years. From first to fi een years, I can name those   faces that 

God added  in  this  church as part of His body.  I’m blessed  to be one of  them. 

From the start, or the 1st, three years, Pastor Job taught us the principles on how 

to be blessed by God.   

    Ug tungod kay nag nguha nga  i‐bless sa Ginoo, we applied those principles. And God allowed  it. Gi‐bless 

me sa Ginoo for a while. I thought that it was the beginning of our success. Sa dihang maayo na unta ang da‐

gan sa among business, Mr. Pride came in. We mismanaged our finances. That was the beginning of our fail‐

ures. What we’ve possessed, in a twinkling of an eye burst like a  balloon.                    

(To be con nued on page 19)  

My Pause for a Cause

by LG Banting

Knowing myself has always been a misery I couldn’t even understand how I became part of the family

But whatever the reason may be I’m thankful because somehow it makes my soul be ready.

I’m just a simple girl, whose visions are too high

Even without knowing that someday I can try I just did what others are trying to teach,

And someday dream not only to try, but to reach.

But then came the saddest part A situation that tears me apart

Because loving the world is full of an art, Backsliding tempts me and redirect my heart.

One of my desire is to enter college

But it don’t happen because I’m in a sinful cage I know trying my own way is not the best

Because only God knows, and teach me to be bless.

Pausing my journey towards my destination, Help me understand how to reach my vision.

Serving and making use to Him is the main solution, Not for others to praise is my reason.

Having another chance is not that easy,

Discovering the real purpose makes me lazy But valuable lessons freely flow on my way

That prods me to realize and got to stay.

Since then dreaming to be a teacher Will always be my grandma’s cheer.

Cheers only for her simple desire that we will be her heir Even if I’m the only one to hear

Reaching my dream really sound so simple

Thought of failing in the future makes me tremble But before that dream to be possible Serving God must be the first of all.

Serve God the more and be available In spite of the inabilities, He enables.

And sowing now will someday gain a favor Then let God use you and He will pay your labor.

When God Values Life

By Marlowe Manlosa

When God created man, He breathed in him His own breath of life. Gave He his own image unto whom He created. And when man fell short of His glory, He gave his only begotten Son to forgive the sin-ful one (John 3:16). When God values life, He gives His mercy, and His all.

This mercy I have experienced in me. And every day of my life I’m still experiencing it. I was born in sin, grew up with it and knew not God until of late. I was in death ascertained, but God gave me all His patience. He waited until someone somewhere would give me the gospel and bring me to Him. With Him I experienced the punishments, the chastisements. These in me shows how God values my life, how he wants it to go the right way.

God’s loving mercy is all we could account for that we still are living today. But to the lives that refuses the value and concern God gives, God sends His all-too-just punishment. To the ones rebelling and unrepentant give He the judgment. Inversely proportionate with how He values life, His punishment brings one to the fire. So much so He values life that He wants it unblemished. All the dirt He burns.

I stand witness to all these. My life, my past, is an evidence of His grace and mercy. For my erring and my wrongdoing, His punishments were just (Lam. 3:32)…All to cleanse me of the dirty dusts of the earth that I may someday come unto Him slate-clean and shining. When God values life, He beats it clean.

Behold! To save a soul, God gives everything…and when God values life (soul), with Him He wants it pure and for all eternity. (John 14:3)

T    I   D  

By Tata Sularte 


  Excellent job, big salary, expensive car, house and lot and incredi-ble trips were what I’ve dreamed before. I never dreamt to be in a min-istry not even a single thought. I study hard despite of the obstacles in the way to reach the first goal: graduation.

I got work but things seem not good enough. God used people to help save my soul, back then I look for a way how to serve the Lord in my own little way. Right now, I’m in the school ministry and I pray to God that I can continue serving Him full-time: the dream I nev-er dreamed.              

Blessed to be a blessing By Rebecca Keiser

When someone talks about blessings, perhaps the 1st thing that

comes to our minds is money. But there are more blessings than money, and we can only see those blessings if we appreciate them. I may not have any money but for sure I can say that I am so blessed in so many ways.

First, the greatest blessing I have that I can't exchange with anything else is the SAL-VATION that I've received and will have forever. And because of this great blessing my prayer is that God will give me wisdom and strength that I need, as God opens the door of opportunity for me to fulfill the task that God gave us, which is Winning Souls, and also I would like to be a blessing to this church financially when God allows it.

And the other blessing is knowing those people that God has brought into to my life, especially the preachers. I thank God for the privilege to be able to go into so many differ-ent places, learning so many different lessons from all different preachers. And I would say this is a blessing as God gives me wisdom and knowledge to know more about him.

So I would like to share this blessing by encouraging others to do what I've learned. Because being a blessing to others is not just about giving money, but by helping others to be saved, and to grow spiritually. So my desire and prayer is to help and support METRO DIPOLOG BAPTIST CHURCH in different ways as God allows it, And I hope that in some way I can be a blessing to this church.

                        Persistence Pays  

                                                                 By Rosemay Manlosa 


      Picture in my past is not worth recalling and remembering, But think-ing of it is not worth stopping.

Training up my children in the way they should go; Bringing their lives unto the Lord, Molding them unto the right path. . The greatest dream I have for them. But life seems so unpredictable. Sometimes it is worth stopping because of my past experiences. Once I have doubts, now I have dreams. Dreaming of bright future, a better life and A perfect mother that I should become.

Thanks God His mercy endures forever. My burden, my load He carry it all. He gave me the chance --- a time to stand up and say “FORGIVE ME”. My past completely wiped clean through the precious blood of Jesus. God gave me a brand new start, gave me an opportunity to dream new dreams and set new goals, Quitting is never a solution. Starting perhaps leads me to God-willed destination.

“Life is Full of Choices!”—Choosing to win or choosing to loss. But God gave us a dis-cerning Spirit for us to fight every day's battles; Good or bad ----it’s your Choice!

Indeed persistence is so rewarding, therefore God warns us not to be double-minded- (James 1:8) “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” So be certain, never give up. Stand still until the end.

Through the Years and Onwards . . By Nida Brosas

My fellowship with God started with a wrong impression when my daughter invited me for a Christian fellowship in the year 1997. That I accept-ed her invitation after I noticed she had been secretly going to that meeting place for a couple of weeks already. My feeling that time, she had been insinuated by a group of cult that I must go with her to be sure what was that fellowship and bible study she meant. My first impression vanished away when I saw few number of persons (approximately 10 persons), inside that small old house listening the preaching of our Pastor. Since then, I longed to hear God’s word and struggle not to miss any single Sunday to fill my hungry soul, until I mature on the doctrine of salvation by faith alone share to me by Pastor Job and Elvie before my first visit in this church. Indeed, I can say I was one among some of us being first-fruits of Pastor Job’s labor in MBDC ministry. To all of us who have overcome the trials of our Christian life just to defend and stand the faith we have in God for the past 15 years, I salute you all for the solidarity of our unity with our pastor and his family who labored much for us.

(to be continued on page 20-21)


“the smallest good deed is far better than the grand-est good intention”

If you are a true saved Christian believer, you must have desires within you to do something for the ministry. That is good indeed, but the question is when would you do that? When? Have you already done something for the church that you can con-sider you are really part of it? Based on the pastor’s preaching: “you are needed in the Church”, states that even how little you feel you are but the Church needs you, even you are not capable but as long as you are available, you are very useful. Just look around in the church how helpful to Pastor Job are the ushers, the drivers, greeters, song leader, emcee, soul winners, choir members, nursery in charge and the Sun-day school teachers. (to be continued on page 20)





Sacrifice for the

Future Prize

By Alvin Villanueva

Sacrifice is rare but com-mon to many people. And though common, yet unno-ticeable most of the time. Waiting to be discovered, be dedicated, and be de-veloped. Seeing sacrifice as two-faced coin. From one side as rough; foolishness and heartbreaking. But flip it over to the other side, a greater reward for the future. As Jesus Christ demonstrat-ed the value of sacrifice through His death on the cross, mine is so little com-pared to His. To God be the Glory He put me to this church as family. Entering to Bible School is my sacrifice. (to be continued on page 21)






God of Chance

By Niel Pino

God is good. Why? Tungod kay usa ako sa gita-gaan Niya ug chance. Sau-na, mingsulod ko ug bisyo bisan ang pinakadautan. Grabe ang akong kin-abuhi ug dili na gani anga-yan tagaan ug chance kay ako anak sa pastor apan nag pakaulaw niya. Halos tanang batan-on sa Jimenez nakahibalo nga bisyoso ko bisan anak sa pastor. Since 2nd year high school ko nag sugod ug inom-inom, sigarilyo. Then time nga college ko...misamot ko kadau-tan, pinaagi sa pag-apil sa druga. Ang akong pag skwe-la nabiyaan na sad, musulod ra (to be continued on p22)







After Many Stop- Overs

By Romil Pino  

      Pinaagi sa prayers sa akong ginikanan, igsoon, mga Baptist relatives ug mga kristohanong igsoon diha sa Ginoo, ako mibalik pag-usab sa pagpangala-gad diha sa Ginoo, tungod kay before, ako usa ka backslider. Sa akong pag-biya diha sa Ginoo, da-ghang stopovers or tempo-rary location nga dili maoy akong real destination ang akong naagian. And every stop over results failure, kasamok ug kagubot sa akong kinabuhi. Ang matag bad happenings sa akong kinabuhi is never because God abandons me but it’s just a result of my backslid-ing due to immature com-mitment. Pero salamat sa Ginoo …(to be continued on p.22-23)

A Message of Recovery

From them who recovered recently...

15 is more than I think

                           By Pastor Job Bienes 


  With my temperament, fear, worries and small faith, looking back how I survived for 15 years in spite of the enumerated incapability is already a miracle.

While many agree on the common sayings that “90% of ability is stick ability”, it’s not really easy to stick to one job, in one place, one desire, one wife or husband and even to some; in one Lord.

This predicament is already in me even when I am yet employed in an 11-year old company in 1985; NSC (National Steel Corporation). I believe that God has a purpose for the timing of my employment when NSC was recognizing, by way of giving “longevity ring”, those that stays for 10 years. So while assisting the awardees for the ring sizing, I inter-viewed as many as I can, when occasion allows, with one question; “what’s your goal or secret that enables you to stay?” I got various answers from practical to emotional. But one best answer came from an old man: unhappy, demoted, working under his former clerks without specific function.

The assistant manager was once his trainees who pursue his college degree while working, his senior supervisor is his former accountant and his direct supervisor was the new-ly hired when he was the head of the said section. Since this is not a gossip item, I will not divulge the reason of his scenario but will focus on his INSPIRING answer: “I hold on even with this torture (his superiors still calls him boss with respect), pain, shame and mockery until my last child graduates college” he further says: “its impractical if I listen to my emotion when my youngest child needs me most specially when he will take board exam. I am will-ing to sacrifice until retirement (3 years more) for my family’s welfare though daily it’s al-most unbearable (his definite function is to answer the phone with it rings)”.

For me it’s a focus, a brave heart of a father, a strength of a family leader (because if he quits it surely affects his wife left alone working) and humanly speaking, a selfless ser-vice for his family.

What I heard and learn on a practical point of view from “Boss Undo” is a great help when;

torture of financial needs arise as pioneering,

mockery by those who oppose the gospel of the Lord

pain of being ignored by someone you help in the past,

( to be continued on page 23)



      Eight years have passed when we first attended the church and knew

Pastor Job, his family and the members of this church. If I am going to

compare the past with the present, all I can say is that there is really a

big difference by God’s grace.

Our Business

I started as a technician way back year 2003. I used to repair the church’s PC

and Pastor’s Bosch cell phone back then. I wasn’t so happy with our income and I was

not contented with it. I need to earn more. And so in order for me to earn extra, I spied for pregnant teachers who are due for pregnancy leave so I can work as their

temporary substitute.

Then for about 6 years, we resorted to cell phone repair business in Sindangan.

Pastor Job came into the scene. As my pastor, he challenged me to concentrate on busi-

ness. He taught me the basic business principles. So, as we were lead by God, we shifted to computer business in Dipolog, with all the needs met – capital, space, suppliers and

the costumers.

At the first few months, we have great struggles. We were tempted to quit. It felt

a lot more comfortable to go back to the business we once have. But the borrowed capi-

tal was already there (which was to be paid monthly). We needed to have faith in God, be involved in every church activities and try the best that we could to fulfill God’s

requirements particularly in giving. As long as I can remember, our first fruit offering

partly includes even our capital during our first year in Dipolog.

After few months of struggle, an opportunity was opened, the satellite receiver

business, starting with Dream, then GSAT, and finally we focused on Cignal. Praise God, He used Cignal to meet our needs with the five kids, our commitments to the church, and to pay for our loan.

God Blessed Us With Great Blessings

As we look back on the road we are traveling, God really blessed us with great blessings. Despite the past problems, struggles, afflictions and temptations we have ex-

perienced, God helped us to overcome them, and used those things to make us stronger and

mature. I may have a lot of failures and unfaithfulness, still God gave me mercy, grace

and a lot of chances to stand all over again. As I look back and compare, we have been

blessed: spiritually, materially and financially.

To Him all the Glory and Honor!

(Con nua on)  The Master Mason by Dave Keiser 

Ah Brother Dave, you may say, American food has made you a li le crazy in the last year!  Let me ex‐

plain, and give you a few examples of the masonry that God has performed as it relates to my life, and Met‐

ro Dipolog Bap st Church.  Each one of us, and the events that God performs in our lives can be looked upon 

as hollow blocks for the Master Mason’s work.  Some mes we get upset at how God works to mold us into 

useable blocks, yet God always knows the best way to get us to conform to his mold. 

  When I was 13 years old, God took my mother out of this world, and sha ered my world as I knew 

it.  Worse yet, due to an abusive step  father, child services took me and my sister out of the only home we 

had even known and put us into the home of some Bap st rela ves.  There, for the first  me I heard that my 

good efforts were no more than filthy rags in God's sight, and that I needed to accept the fact that Jesus died 

to pay for my sins.  It was only through faith in the finished work of Jesus that I was guaranteed eternal life 

in Heaven.  In August of 1974, Block number one in my life was laid by the Master Mason, as I accepted Je‐

sus as my Savior.   

  More blocks were formed and  laid as God  impressed upon me the  importance of Chris an growth, 

and living through regular church          a endance. Meanwhile, over 10,000 miles away, in a beau ful land 

known as the Philippines, God was forming other blocks that The Master Builder would enjoin with mine.  

  A man named Job Bienes decided to give up his rebellious  lifestyle, and following the urging of the 

Holy Spirit, he accepted Jesus as his Savior as well. His beau ful fair maiden, Elvie, listened to the convic on 

of the Holy Spirit, and accepted Jesus also.  Two more blocks in God's master plan.  Later, a er years of hav‐

ing a good job  in Iligan, and a successful     tailoring business, Job yielded to the calling of the Lord, and be‐

came Pastor Job. Another block for God to fit together. Being led by God to the City of Dipolog, Pastor and 

ma’am Elvie worked  relessly to share the Gospel to the people of Dipolog.  Finally they held the first service 

of Metro Dipolog Bap st Church. I am not sure how many were there, but I am told that one young lady, a 

certain Tesie Pampilo a ended that service and was won to the Lord. The first block that God would use to 

e my wall to the one that He was building  in the Philippines.  Too far for one wall to stretch you say, Ah 

wait, remember the Master Mason can do anything!  Later, as the church in Dipolog grew, and as Tesie grew 

in her faith, she began to     communicate with an American named Brad Craig.   

  That crazy man was so taken by Tesie that he flew to the Philippines to meet her.  Brad became a 

Chris an as well, and was advised by Pastor  Job to  look  for a Bap st Church  in USA and decided to bring 

Tesie back to the USA with him.  There they started a Chris an home, yet another block in God's plan. Later 

Tesie  decided  to  help  her  beau ful  cousin,  Rebecca  Suya,  go  to  nursing  school,  and  gain  entry  into  the 

USA.  One of the condi ons for helping young adorable  Rebecca was that she needed to a end services at 

Metro Dipolog Bap st Church.  Rebecca was not so happy about that, but obeyed anyway.  There at MDBC, 

she heard  the Gospel  for  the first  me, and eventually  responded  to  the  call of  the Holy Spirit.  Another 

block was formed by the Lord. Here in this story of masonry it seems impossible to an cipate unifica on of 

two distant half formed walls.  My wall was   progressing in one direc on already.  I had been married for 24 

years, and I thought I could see where the wall that God was erec ng in my life was headed.   

(See you  at the next Page) 

WE may think we know what the future looks like, but that is not always the case.  My life and everything I had  known  about what direc on my wall was  going ended  in  a  very  short  me.  The woman  that  I had     married based upon her professed love to me and the Lord, decided that she wanted a very different path‐way in life.     A part separated from me and the Lord.  At this point, as a very bi er, disheartened man, I decided I wanted nothing to do with the female gender again.  Remember though, our vision is very short some mes, and we cannot see what God has in store for us.   

My now deceased half sister, Karen, prodded and urged me not to give up on life, and open my eyes to what could be possible.  I told her that I was not interested in mee ng any other women.  I would not join myself to an unsaved woman.  IF I even thought about da ng again, it would have to be with Chris an wom‐en only. Meddling Karen found a website for mee ng Chris ans called "Love and Seek". She used a picture that she had taken of me si ng on my Harley Davidson in the January cold and snow to get 9 free days on this website. Silly woman, that was a waste of  me, as there was no way  I wanted a rela onship with an American woman.    Well, the Master Mason is much wiser than we could ever           an cipate, and on the day before my free trial ended, a young nursing     student from the Philippines who had been allowed to post her picture on her cousin Jenny's profile page at "Love and Seek" took a wild chance and wrote a short note to another Bap st in the USA. You see, Rebecca had seen what a great husband Brad was to Tessie, and Rebecca knew that she needed a Chris an to be her husband as well.  Brad was not a great, kind, caring husband because he was an American, but because he was a Chris an.  I received Rebecca' short note saying " I would like to meet you", I looked to see where she was from, and laughed so hard I almost fell out of my computer chair.  

  What  a  joke!  It  was  not  a  short  drive  from  my  loca on  to  hers;  it  was    halfway  around  the globe!   You  cannot  drive  to  the  Philippines  unless  you  have  a  submarine with wheels  on  it.  The Mas‐ter Mason began molding and shaping my heart, and later that summer I was onboard a PAL jet with an en‐gagement  ring  in my pocket  for  that  silly Pinay  that wanted  to meet me.  Finally! The Master Mason was bringing two parts of His wall together, and locking those seemingly unrelated blocks together.  Later a er the beau ful young Rebecca and  the ugly, not so young  frog  from  the USA were married, God con nued building that interconnec ng wall higher and higher.  God showed Pastor Job a piece of land that was availa‐ble at a very good price.  Just a few days before I had told Pastor Job that I MIGHT be interested in buying some  land  in the Philippines someday.  I had no money for that  land......Wala kwarta..... yet God     allowed me to get a loan for it. Another block in the hands of the  Master Mason!  Land is great, but yet there was li le money  for  the church  to begin building......gamay  ra  inyong kwarta.  Again  the Master Mason had a tool available for the job that I   never thought was possible.  Pastor McKee, of Shoo ng Park Road Bap st, our church at that  me, had told me before that he did not believe in      sending money to foreign churches that were already established.  The       Master Mason convinced Pastor McKee to use our Easter offering to help MDBC with their building program. The offering was the largest (P216,000) that had even been collect‐ed for a special project.  Praise God...... what an incredible mason He is!  

  Today, MDBC con nues to grow, and God has turned so many willing folks in Dipolog into blocks in the same wall that Pastor Job, ma’am Elvie, Tesie, Brad, Rebecca and I are a part of. My in laws have been saved and are part of that wall and God even called one of them; Lendie and she is now used by God as the choir director!   I knew she was smart, but not THAT smart.....just kidding Lalay.  The abilty she gets comes from the Master Mason, not herself.  

  How about YOU, fellow Chris an?  Will you yield yourself to the Master Mason?  Will you allow God to lead you and mold you into a block that He can use for His wall?  The possibili es are endless, the twists and turns that we think we see can be straightened  like the sha  of an arrow  in God's hands. What an  in‐credible outcome in 15 years  me!  So many lives blessed and touched when one family from Iligan listened and obeyed  the voice of  the Master Mason. Praise God!  We  can't even begin  to  imagine what God,  the Master  Mason  can  accomplish  in  the  next  15 years,  if  we  yield  our  hearts  and  lives  to  His  Loving hands. Thank You God, for calling Pastor Job to this wall, Thank You Pastor Job for listening to God's call.  

(continuation) For All Those Years by Leah Banting

We struggled much kay nagpabilin ang mga utang . Back to zero. It is painful to look back and reminisce the things which we have possessed before. But we never gave up bisan discouraged na kaayo, by God’s grace. God used Pastor Job to encourage us, mao nga nakapadayon mi. Naabot ang time nga pressured na kaayo tungod sa mga utang. We try to strive hard and make our own ways para mobalik unta unsay na –achieved. I de-cided to go abroad. I went to Pastor for advice. Naay mga views si Pastor nga worth to consider. Ang dili nako makalimtan sa iyang statement “Mag-unsa ang daghang kwarta if ang family, magkawatak-watak”. So sa gihapon, wala ko nag-disobey ni Pastor nagpabilin ug gi-try ang laing principles sa Ginoo para maka-start a new beginning. In the 8th year, I decided to be a part of the ministry. Nagpagamit ko sa school. I thought okey lang ang akong life. My own principle arosed. “Siguro i-bless nako sa Ginoo kay nagpagamit ko”. But then it was wrong because God wants a pure and repentant heart. During my first year nga nagpagamit ko sa Ginoo as staff sa school. The crucial moment in my life begin. Nag-struggle ko sa akong attitude or character nga dili jud maayo ug makaulaw. Nag-struggle ko because I don’t want to be corrected. As a staff, look out ni Pastor ang among mga character. He wants me to become a qualified person. Qualified in the sight of God. Mao nga wala siya magkulang sa pag-counsel nako. There was a time nga I almost give up and decided to quit. Because of shame, dili nako ma-take ang counsel ni Pastor ug tungod pod ni Mr. Pride. I wanted to hide and escape that moment because of guiltiness. Pero wala nako mahimo ang pag-escape, kay dili ko maka-escape in the sight of God. Until I surrender everything to Him. Grabe kaayo akong mga pag-ampo atong mga panahona. Instead nga modagan ug mo-give up, I asked God for another chance. Little by little, He corrected me and disciplined me, and still His small voice reminds me everytime ma-weaken ang akong spirit sa mga circumstances. Lately, this year I have confidence, dili nako mahadlok nga counselan ni Pastor kay by God’s grace, I’m not say-ing nga maayo na jud ko, but at least striving to be approved in the sight of God. Thank you also for Pastor Job nga nag-pasensya nako ug nagtabang nga ma-correct akong kin-abuhi. And also to Maam Elvie for the sacrifices and patience. Im more blessed now com-pared to what we have possessed before. Im very much contented on where I am right now, Im not blessed financially but spiritually.

Since it’s our Crystal Anniversary, its time for me to count my blessings because a con-tented heart makes me count my blessing and name them one by one. Im blest with my three kids, because God used the ACE School to mold them and change them, specially sa ilang nga behaviors. Si JL, nagpagamit sa ministry as operator sa Finale. For LG, Im blessed for her decision nga nagpagamit sa church for sowing. She paused for a cause. One thing why I persist? Because the most important ingredients for success is persistence. I won’t let failure drag me away. Failure is not a failure all the time. It is an instrument to disci-pline our inner spirit. If you can do that, failure is not a failure, but success. Thank God I en-dure all those years of trials. Happy Crystal Anniversary!


Helping Little But Helpful

by FlorC

Think what it would be if they are not helping a little, thinking to contribute big

involvement someday. It will not be Pastor Job be put to shame but we as part of the

body, if he alone does it all. And think what it could be if you will have your part;

starting from punctuality and consistent attendance in every service, it lightens the

load and encourages our Pastor.

Have you evaluated yourself as to when you became helpful in the church? In doing

so, I do not think you need to give your complete self or whole life to become Helpful.

Just be there to pray, to be part of the activity, to grab a responsibility and I believe

the ministry will prosper. As 2 Corinthians 1:11 would say, “Ye also helping together by

prayer for us, that for the gift bestowed upon us by the means of many persons thanks may

be given by many on our behalf.” However giving oneself for the ministry is considered a

very noble deed. If you cannot give it all, for now, JUST be of HELP even a little in-

stead if being passive and it is considered HELPFUL.    

Through the Years and Onwards By Nida Brosas

(Continuation) So many lessons I’ve learned on the of ups and down in life, but that made me understand more of God’s ways and purpose in my life. What made me survived and remain faithful, is the word of God itself, not my voluntary will, but by the grace and God’s concern for me. Yes, there were lots of answered prayers and also lots of denied prayers. But I thank God for the past 15 years countless of blessings, as effect of our prayers were granted and only few were denied. For my denied prayer requests, I understand and counted myself not worthy of it, less capable than I thought I could. My wishes and desires for this crystal anniversary of our church, that my children and the children of my chil-dren will continue the journey of faith that they have started while waiting for the fruit of the faith they have sowed. For my fellow Christians, I wish through the years and onwards we remain to be united and firm despite the trials and problems because God is worthy to be worshipped, to be praised, and to be served. For us to meditate, consider this short pas-sage as illustration. “ We sowed a seed in our field 15 years ago, by this time and even in earlier years we were expecting reaping the fruit of our labor thru faith and I can testify , I am already on the process of harvesting and even the church itself. But it could not be de-nied that during these 15 long years, dunay mga liso sa pagtoo nga namatay tungod kay wala ka lahutay sa panahon sa hulaw o ting-init ( trials or problems), dunay uban usab nga mga liso nga mitubo na unta apan naniwang ug nalaya tungod kay wala makata-gamtam sa abuno (word of God) nga gitagana sa tig-atiman (pastor) aron unta motambok ug mamunga. Dunay uban nga wala makapamunga kay sa dihang misugod na unta sa pagpang-bukhad ang bulak aron mahimong prutas, wala makalahos kay nan-gatagak ( tempted of worldly affairs, frustrated, and discouraged). (to be continued at the next page)

(Continuation) Through the Years and Onwards by Nida B. Adunay uban nga sa dihang nakagamot (of faith), mipadayon pag-gapang bisan adunay mga tunok nga mibabag (burdens) ug padayon nga nakig-away sa mga babag sa dalan nga iyang gi-agian aron mahatagan ug katumanan ang mga desires sa kinabuhi (blessings). I challenge you not to give up, kon miabot man ang ka- kapoy ug kaluya sa atong Christian life, natural ang pagpahulay sa temporaryo lamang but never quit. Apan dasiga pagbalik imong kaugalingon diha sa Ginoo. Ayaw paghulat nga adunay uban nga modasig nimo. Dili ba nga ikaw man ang mi decide sa pagpahulay ug wala man mag-dasig ang uban sa pagpahulay? Your own willingness and decision is what God wants. You must personally surrender and be reconciled with Him. God said, “ Come unto me and I will come nigh unto you”. So I hope , you will start the reconciliation now with God dungan niining pag saulog nato sa crystal church anniversary. Never allow problems be the reason for stopping your fellowship with God. For me, I am praying, by the will of God “through the years and onwards I will con-tinue the journey of my faith with God as my anchor and deliverer”. For all those years I never questioned God the ups and down in my life because giving me the chance to be part of God’s family is a great privilege for a sinner like me.

(Cont.) Sacrifice for the Future Prize By Alvin Villanueva

Lot of my high school and college classmates are now enjoying the height of their carrier, making the most of their life, while I discipline myself, and trying to recover. Looking at the big smile in their faces, I’m crying deep inside: not that I pity myself, not that I’m jealous with them, and not that I wanted to quit and be like them. I am crying for joy, for I know this sacrifice will not mount up to nothing and temporal, but a greater reward for the future. Sacrifice is now then my natural fuel in doing things beyond my capabilities. Sacrifice is then my bow and arrow counting to hit my target: the bull’s eye. Sacrifice is my stepping stone toward the reward. I sacrifice not only for today but for the future.

That one day, by God’s grace when I’m finish with this course, this sacrifice will be rewarded. God permit material blessings and most of all Spiritual blessings which are eternal. Looking forward for my love ones, my cousins, my relatives, friends or even other people be saved and have their eternal home. That one day I’m seeing myself standing at church pulpit: encouraging, admonish-ing, leading, serving, preaching and obeying the will of the Lord, for His people. Witnessing them in my own eyes growing in the love of God; continuing in their faith, in giving and support; walking with joy, contentment and fear; finish their fight with a good fight; and becoming fruitful so am I. It is a cause worth sacrificing for. Praying that, this is not only a letter, but a reality even in your heart. For I know what Jesus said, “ . .your labor is not in vain in the Lord...Great is your reward in heaven. .”

Are you sacrificing for your future reward? Or suffering as a result of your wrong doing? Don’t waste your life and time.

Now is the time to Sacrifice for your Future Prize.

(Continuation) God of Chance By Neil Pino ting-exam na. Naay time nga ang bayad pang-exam wala gibayad kay gigamit sa kadautan. Nag pakaulaw sad ko sa akong amahan sa school, kay kada semester mo atu-bang siya sa akong mga teachers para makapasar lang. Niabot ang time nga nahilbal-an niya ang akong tanang bisyo ug grabe ang kahiubos sa akong amahan. Sauna grabe ang iyang paningkamot, gabata mi nga dal-on sa simbahan, apan gisunod gihapon nako ang iyang kaagi sauna. Giplanohan na unta ko nga ipa-rehab sa akong family ug sa mga member sa church but salamat ko ni Tatay nga iya pa kong gitagaan ug chance. Labaw sa tanan, pasalamat ko sa Ginoo kay dili gyud aksidente nga naa si Pastor Job sa adlaw nga gipapreso ko ni Tatay. Usa siya sa nahimong instrumento sa akong kinabuhi. Iyang gi review akong kaluwasan ug didto nako nadawat si Jesus Christ nga akong manluluwas sa March 2012. Pasalamat sab ko nga gigiyahan Niya si Pastor Job nga offeran ko nga mukuyog pagka ugma dayon diri sa Dipolog bisan dugang lang ko sa iyang problema. Maayo gyud ang Ginoo tungod kay dili lang ko gitagaan ug chance, gitawag pa gyud alang sa Bible school ug gibag-o. I hope mga young people, dili ta magpakalipay sa kali-butanon. Kung gusto mo mahuman sa pag skwela ug makatrabaho, paduol gyud sa Ginoo. Ug mga young people, naa pa kamoy chance nga mausab ang inyong kinabuhi. Ang tinood nga luwas malipay sa buluhaton sa Ginoo dili sa yawa busa pwede ka mag pagamit sa Ginoo for Bible School or as faithful member sa church. GOD BLESS.

(Continuation) After Many Stopovers By Romil Pino

nga gitubag ilang mga pag-ampo, kay kung wala pa, ambot kung unsay kahimtang sa akong kinabuhi karon. Insakto jud ang pulong sa Ginoo “A prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” Busa karon nagapadayon ko sa pagtoon sa pulong sa Ginoo samtang nia pako karon diri sa Bible School sa Metro Dipolog Bible Baptist Church. Dako kaayo akong pasalamat sa Ginoo nga gihinay-hinay Niya pag-usab ug pagbansay ang akong spiritual life pinaagi sa akong mga natun-an.

Mao ni nga mga lesson nga nakatabang sa akoa sa 6 months lang nga pag-eskwela nako diri sa Dipolog.

Making My Life count • Discipline of Prayer

Road to Recovery Lesson • Inductive Study

Old & New Testament Survey • Daily in The Word

Character Traits Objective “Devotional” • Discipleship

Think on these Things • Operation Go “nga hangtod karon nagpadayon kami sa pagpangabig ug kalag.”

(To be continued at the next page)

(Continuation) 15 Years is more than I think.. By Pastor Job

shame when members choose the wrong path

and when sometimes your own family can’t understand what you’re doing

frustration of unrealized goals and dreams

agony when misunderstood in coaching sincerity and commitment

when abandoned by some when you need them most

Indeed, 15 years is more than I think I can hold on. It’s only by God’s grace and right un-

derstanding of what commitment means. If God enables me by his grace what difference do we have?

I think it’s on our commitment.

I don’t know when will Christ returns; our finishing point, and I don’t know until when will

God wants me to be in his Church, I don’t know how long can I hold for more years, but one

thing I know: “I need someone to inspire me, to be with me, to encourage me, to pray for me and

that could be you”. If someone was able to hold-on just for family’s welfare, how much more if

you really understand Christ pain, shame, blasphemy and challenges as he hold-on at the cross,

yes! He didn’t come down for you and for me. “That’s commitment!”

Ten years from now, if Christ delays his return, is our silver anniversary, another memorabil-

ia for the next generation. So from now on is “a history in making”. It’s your choice how you

will be remembered! I still have the feeling of fear, worries and faith that is still small but

“Having tasted God’s blessings and dealings for blunder, I can be wiser and so-

ber in Crystal year and further”.

Together we can, I am here to help and guide you and when I depart in this body, one thing I

want to be remembered and will remember you that “at least we tried”.

(Continuation) After Many Stopovers By Romil Pino

Busa dalaygon kaayo ang atong Ginoo nga gitagaan pako Niya ug chance aron mausab ug magamit diha sa iyang ministry sa unahan. I’ve been in many stopovers and its consequences is not easy, so ayaw nalang mo ug try aron dili mo magmahay. Be sensitive to God’s leading and plan in your life aron malikayan ang mga stopovers. Salamat kaayo sa kaluwasan nga naangkon nako diha lamang kang Jesus Christ, nga hangtod ka-ron ako nagpadayon sa pagpangalagad niya, ang dungog ug himaya diha lamang sa atong buhi nga Dios, akong ibalik pinaagi sa ngalan ni Jesus Cristo. GOD BLESS US ALL.

Church History of Metro Dipolog Bible Baptist Church

By Lendie R. Ocupe  

This church didn’t just happen, it’s a product of biblical mandate applied to the best possible.

Right beginning-send out (chronology)

Romans 10:14c says.. “and how shall they hear without a preacher, and how shall they preach except they be sent?”. Just as the Bible were very precise on its instructions from the beginning and so are we in fulfilling it. So whenever you wonder how MDBBC came to existence, let’s better find out how did the Jerusalem church descended down to us. John as member of the first church at Jerusalem baptized Polycarp and Polycarp organized the Partus church of Tiber which church Tertullian was a member. Tertuallian organized the Turan church in Italy. He sent Tellestman to organize the Pontifossi Church of France, who also sent out Adromicus to Asia minor and organized Barathea Church of whom Archer Flavin also organized Timto Church, Asia minor sent Balcolao to organized Lima Piedmont Church.. This church ordained Aaron Arlington who started the Hilcliff Church in Wales, England. This church sent out H.B. Roller to Philadelphia and organized Baptist Church at Dyer, Tennessee who is a faithful witness and sent out more preachers, Baptist preachers in America including Frank Norris the first Bible Baptist preacher who is also faithful in training missionaries in America.

Pastor Bob Hughes who was then an Air force of the U.S. forces was assigned in the Philippines. God touched his heart and was burdened to the Filipinoes. From His sending church of Springfield, Missouri, coming to Cebu city. In 1957 he pioneered the present Bible Baptist Church at Labangon, Cebu which is pres-ently pastored by Dr. Armie F. Jesalva- a medical practicioner. From a humble beginning, the now 55 Katipunan has a population of more than 2000 active members. BBC Katipunan was and is faithful in its commitment on training more Baptist preachers. Pastor Pol Pontillas then, a third year engineering student gave himself to God and studied College of Theology and started a church in Iligan City which is the Metro Iligan Bible Baptist Church. (To be continued at the next page→)

Just as the first churches were committed on training Baptist pastors and so is MIBC. Pastor Job Bienes, as the Sunday school teacher, was employed at a cer-tain company at the same time when God called him. He then was sent out and right away started his work on November 11, 1997 at Lower Turno, Dipolog City as the seventh missionary.

Right Basis-Sacrificial Service

These men are sinners just like all of us but they were chosen by God to start His church. It is not as easy as it looks though. In fact they had one thing in common; SACRIFICE. Pastor Jesalva to start is a doctor by profession, and a good one at that. He’s no ordinary but a famous doctor. He had everything; house, lot, car and a happy family. If we are to think humanly, we won’t give it up. But if serving God means giving it all up then he would, and so he did. Pastor Pol is a competent third year engineering student. He must have had a good future by the time he’ll finish, but now he doesn’t only have good future, he has a brighter one waiting for him. Pastor Job is an accountant by profession. He worked at National Steel Corporation for 12 good years. Just like Pastor Jesalva, he has founded a house, lot, a vehicle, business and a family. He had everything we ask for but yet he surrendered to God. If early Christians sold their lot and possessions and laid it at the apostles’ feet, so did Pastor Job. He sold his house and lot in an installment basis just so we could have a decent and spacious old house to start with and because of his desire not to keep on transferring while waiting for the God-given property. The church in Iligan city did their best sacrificially by supporting for rent-al within three years (as agreed upon by MIBC that he be deducted 1,000 every six month, so in one year time there will no more be allowance given but just the rental) but food, electricity, traveling and lesson expenses were taken from their house installment. By the time his brother was able to pay, he only has P250,000 receivable out of 450,000 just enough to buy the van which was of-fered to the Lord as church service vehicle. He have had a hard time saying “yes” to God at first but God knows just what can push us to the limit. These people offered their lives sacrificially and in return, God used them mightily and gave back what they’ve given up and were blest. (more at the next page →)

Right Belief-Stickability

If giving up those “treasures” would be that hard, giving up the ministry is contrary. It would have been a lot easier to let go than to hold on. Several years after we were organized, we deal mostly on financial concerns. Church funds were fair enough by then until some members developed their pride than grateful-ness of God’s blessing. Forgetting the Pastor’s contribution in stewardship teach-ings, praying and even fasting, they thought it is their offering that kept the minis-try going. Time came they grow more and more unruly. And soon enough they left.

We were struggling, but that’s when we came to know that God’s grace is still more sufficient. Trials did not stop right there though. Problems are getting a little bit difficult every time. As God’s people grow larger than what the space could accommodate, we decided to install a lot. Amazingly, a lot was offered to us for installment at a convenient price. We thought, that was really God’s will when PNB sent notice for foreclosure just after we have paid P110, 000 for the lot.

We started clearing the site, thinking it’s God’s promised plan for us. Unex-pectedly, a conflict arose within the family of the land owner and the road right was closed! Now, we’ll not only lose the old meeting place but even the lot which we thought was God’s will for us! “God must have something better for us than that” is only what our minds could conceive. We kept praying.

The church have agreed that if we cannot find a lot for a new meeting place, renting a place would be our last resort since we don’t have that much time because we are already advised to vacate. Surprisingly, the PNB issue was silent until we found a lot that looks like more of a jungle than a meeting place! It was spacious enough though and very suitable for a permanent meeting place. Of a truth, we did not have the enough amounts needed but God has His ways of meeting our needs. As part of God’s plan, Dave Keiser bought that lot for residence. He used half of it and the other half was offered to the church for installment. Without hesitation, we installed it. We didn’t mind how long it would take us to pay or how much it would cost us to beautify the site. Worries were there but being thankful, we enjoyed the blessing instead.

Again, we were financially drained after many months of improving the area. Even then, construction of our meeting place continued while we still have our service at our old location. (follow me at the next page→)

Soon, it was time to move in on an unfinished building (that time appears more likely a depot) due to the demands of the previous building. If there’s some-one who was loaded with care and had sleepless nights thinking of the needs, it was Pastor. But the Bible was and is right in saying “Eye hath not seen nor ear heard the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him”. It became a reality to us. Now, God is glorified in the building. Was it finally a happy ending then? No! An emotional attack this time to the man of God: Some members are getting cold and gone, commitment were fading, young people who are getting as hard as mule, some choose backsliding, more members moving to far places for job and for opportunity. Is that all? No. There’s more. A mighty family prob-lem, members’ death and some youth who grew in the church, like a sons and daughters to him, choose sinning than shinning. If not for God, they must have taken off by now. They must have given up. But a good soldier must fight a good warfare. So they decided to hold on when it was time to let go. Still, Satan is not finished yet. Staffs are in rebel against the pastor. He is trying with all his might to destroy this church from the very beginning. But having been enlightened from God’s word, Pastor Job learned that giving up is not the right move to make if we are to fight back. Instead of quitting, he made an offensive move by adding more ministries. He put up school; preparatory, elementary and Bible school. These ministries kept him busy yet he is still discontented and desiring for even more. In fact, he’s praying for a church-owned FM Station and many more, if God will.

Pastor Jesalva, Pastor Pol and Pastor Job are not better compared to us. They make mistakes like we do. They are humans. They even have more struggles and temptations compared to us. But one thing were common to them and may be different from most of us; stickability, meaning staying in one place. If they did not stay in times of trouble, imagine what would have become of us. We could have been like sheep without a shepherd. But thank God, who is ever faithful and true, He kept us united, even these fifteen years now.

If they were able to stay with all those, why can’t we knowing we have same God, same Holy Spirit and same reason; saved to serve. If only we under-stand the principle of stickability, commitment and that “sacrifice is just a reason-able service”, we too can become a living legacy!