church and the beginnings of the crusades

Church and the beginnings of the Crusades

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Church and the beginnings of the Crusades. TSWBAT review what we have learned so far and explain the church system of the feudal period. Date: Monday March 10 . Warm up : review what we learned last week (Black Death and peoples faith in the church/ social classes/ chivalry) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Church and the beginnings of the Crusades

Page 2: Church and the beginnings of the Crusades

Date: MondayMarch 10

TSWBAT review what we have learned so far and explain the church system of the

feudal period

Warm up: review what we learned last week (Black Death and peoples faith in the church/ social classes/ chivalry)

Activity: PPT on the church of the Feudal period

Current Assignments Past Due Assignments

• Book• Binder• Pen/pencil

What do I need for class today?

Page 3: Church and the beginnings of the Crusades

Church Hierarchy

Page 4: Church and the beginnings of the Crusades

Parish Priest• 1. Little Formal

Education(Peasant Origin)• 2. Poorest Clergy

member(couldn’t tell him from the peasants• 3. Supervised moral and religious

education in community

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• A certain number of parishes made up a diocese(Bishop controlled the diocese)• He was located in the most

important city of the diocese• King picked Bishop and it was usually

a family connection or political favor

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•He supervised many bishops(had powers of a bishop)

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• They were the closest to the pope and picked the new pope•Curio—closest advisers to

the pope(Cardinals)

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•Leader of the Church---elected by Cardinals

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•Special Ceremonies which the participants received the direct favor or grace of god

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• Secular Clergy-Priest, bishops, and the pope—They lived among the ordinary people• Regular Clergy- Monks and Nuns

and lived according to strict rules. Monks lived in monasteries and nuns lived in convents

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• Monasticism- way of life in convents and monasteries. These people believed a perfect Christian served god by prayer, fasting, and self denial

• They inflicted physical suffering on themselves to show appreciation for their souls instead of bodies

• (more productive if they lived together)

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• Pros of Monasteries• 1. Monks were most learned

scholars• 2. Wealthy• Cons of Monasteries• 1. no interaction with outside

world• 2. Lonely and Painful

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• Cannon Law-Church’s code of law—enforced by excommunication and inderdict• 1. excommunication-cut off

from church, no sacraments or burial• Social Pariahs-Avoided by all

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• Tithe- 1/10 of a persons income went to the church• Economic/social role of church1. No exploiting other people or loss of dignity in working conditions2. Family was sacred-NO divorce3. Church took responsibility for orphans and widows

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Page 16: Church and the beginnings of the Crusades

• Lay Investiture- Nobles rewarded their friends as bishops or abbots• (church did not approve of this

method of appointment)• Simony-People could pay to assume

high positions in the church• World lives of clergy- Priests were

too wealthy and normal people started to question this policy

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• Heresy- Going against the church policies and doctrines—Church tried to reform its problems• Inquisition- Search for people with

heresy- Murdered People for heresy(tortured them)• Quick Trials and most were burned

at the stake

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• Architects using vaults, arches, domes, and low horizontal lines. “Similar to the Romans”• They had very few windows and

were very dark

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Gothic• High Walls, flying

buttresses with large windows. Lots of Light in these buildings. Reach to the Heavens—many statues in these buildings.

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Page 22: Church and the beginnings of the Crusades

Date: Tuesday March 11TSWBAT brainstorm information about the Crusades on the board; read and analyze the beginning of the Crusades; create a

chart showing those involved and outcomeWarm up: what do you know about the Crusades/ what was the Crusades?

Activity: read Crusades packet and answer questions with a partner or on your own. Discuss information; introduce Crusades project

Current Assignments Past Due Assignments

• Book• Binder• Pen/pencil

What do I need for class today?

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Page 24: Church and the beginnings of the Crusades

Routes of the Crusades

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Crusades Group Project!!

• Overview/Objectives:–Students will read primary sources

to understand different perspectives of the Crusades • including Muslim, European,

Jewish, and Byzantine.

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Procedures:• 1. Students will be divided into 4 groups-

Franks, Byzantines, Palestinian Jews, Arab Muslims.

• 2. Each group will receive a different packet of sources or a web page of links. In these packets or pages is a variety of information, depending on the group, such as Background information on their group, maps with cities and trade routes, pictures, and writings.

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Product creation• Students will work together and research and

put together a video news story (like Dateline or 20/20) of about 5 minutes demonstrating their perspectives on the Crusades, with specific focus on the first three Crusades.

• Other possibilities for projects may include a newspaper or an Internet magazine.

• Each person in the group will be in charge of an aspect of the project (researcher, editor, head writer etc… )

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Components of news story:

• a. The significance of Jerusalem for their group;• b. Possible economic means for their group;• c. The cause of the Crusades from their

perspective, attempting to consider • economic, religious, social forces;• d. The impact of the Crusades on their group;• e. A "Dateline Timeline" or some chronology;• f. Their perceptions of other individuals or groups.

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• At the end of the group component, the class will review the other news pieces and evaluate the other perspectives.

• We will have a follow-up discussion focusing on the issues

• We will end with a 1-2 page reaction paper. – A reaction paper is YOUR POV after viewing the

various perspectives

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• 1. Each individual will provide a self-assessment on her work in the group

• 2. Assessment of the group project according a rubric to be provided

• 3. Class participation in the discussions• 4. Reaction Paper according to a rubric to be


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PD 1 Groups

1. Michaela, Ashley, Zach, Ashley, Madison2. Dillan, Kelly, Donnie, Rebecca, Aaron S.3. Isaiah, Peyton, Max, Kaylie, Aaron B., Peggy4. Courtney, Abigail, Michael, Christine, Ben

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PD 7 Groups

1. Matt, Shawn, Jenna2. Dante, Kylan, Nash, Justin3. Jacob, Dom, Jordan, Greg4. Issac, Austin, Joe, Cameron

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PD 8 Groups

• Josh, David, Courtney, Sarah F, Kadey• Ray, JP, Rachel, Sarah Z.• Jake, Harlee, Ethan, Jeremy, Cassie• Gavin, (Johnny), Da’nell, Brandon, Emily

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Examples:• News Paper– I have letter paper for you to print your article out– Include two images, dates, titles, and writers!

• Magazine Option >>>– Include two images, dates, title, writers– Stapled cover page (name of Magazine) to the front and open like aBooklet

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Date: WednesdayMarch 12

TSWBAT research the Crusades and explain opposing view points

Warm up: introduce Crusades project; review

Activity: begin group project

Current Assignments Past Due Assignments

• Book• Binder• Pen/pencil

What do I need for class today?

Page 36: Church and the beginnings of the Crusades

Date: Tuesday March 18 TSWBAT review information thus far and create a positive and negative chart to

explain feudalism; navigate the web

Warm up: create a brainstorm web on the board while computers load– what have we discussed thus far in the Feudal System/ what was life like?

Activity: complete Guild worksheet (GUILDS began in the 900’s); we will discuss answers!

Current Assignments Past Due Assignments

• Book• Binder• Pen/pencil

What do I need for class today?

Page 37: Church and the beginnings of the Crusades


• What is a comparable Guild System of today?

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Date: WednesdayMarch 19

TSWBAT summarize events that lead to the decline of the church; explain and examine

the decline

Warm up: reminder- notes check on the what we have covered so far (review worksheets); check Guild worksheets and review any questions that students were unable to find.

Activity: video on the Crusades, review worksheet and questions

Current Assignments Past Due Assignments

• Book• Binder• Pen/pencil

What do I need for class today?

Page 39: Church and the beginnings of the Crusades

Date: Thursday March 20

TSWBAT explain the Feudal period social class, religion, events, crusades, church

changes; analyze a video on the Crusades to determine what the Crusades was really

about!Warm up: Notes check on Feudalism

Activity: Crusades Video

• News article/news report due MONDAY March 24

Current Assignments Past Due Assignments

• Book• Binder• Pen/pencil

What do I need for class today?

Page 41: Church and the beginnings of the Crusades

Date: MondayMarch 24

TSWBAT explain their groups POV, discuss the Crusades, and come to their own


Warm up: introduce news articles

Activity: take notes and discuss the different perspectives; explain rubric for 1-2 page reaction paper (HW due Monday)

• Reaction paper due Monday, March 31

Current Assignments Past Due Assignments

• Book• Binder• Pen/pencil

What do I need for class today?

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• YOU are GRADED on WHAT you say– Bring up ideas– Lead the discussion– Put your input in!– THOSE who DO NOT discuss will lose points!!!

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Reaction paper• Guidelines:– Double Spaced– Between 1 and 2 pages in length– TIMES NEW ROMAN, 12 point font– Questions to think about (write these down):• Who was impacted the most by the Crusades (both

positively and negatively)?• What struggles did the Crusades bring?• What do YOU think the real purpose of the Crusades

were?• Do YOU think we would have a “crusades” based war

today? WHY or WHY NOT??

Page 44: Church and the beginnings of the Crusades

Date: Tuesday March 25 TSWBAT discuss new ideas about the Crusades and begin Reaction writing

Warm up: See questions on next slide and begin to write down your thoughts and ideas

Activity: discuss the different perspectives; explain rubric for 1-2 page reaction paper (HW due Monday)

Current Assignments

• News article/news report due MONDAY

Past Due Assignments

• Book• Binder• Pen/pencil

What do I need for class today?

Page 45: Church and the beginnings of the Crusades

Discussion questions

•Who was impacted the most by the Crusades (both positively and

negatively)?•What struggles did the Crusades bring?•What do YOU think the real purpose of

the Crusades were?• Do YOU think we would have a

“crusades” based war today? WHY or WHY NOT??

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• YOU are GRADED on WHAT you say– Bring up ideas– Lead the discussion– Put your input in!– THOSE who DO NOT discuss will lose points!!!

Page 47: Church and the beginnings of the Crusades

Reaction paper• Guidelines:– Double Spaced– Between 1 and 2 pages in length– TIMES NEW ROMAN, 12 point font– Questions to think about (write these down):• Who was impacted the most by the Crusades (both

positively and negatively)?• What struggles did the Crusades bring?• What do YOU think the real purpose of the Crusades

were?• Do YOU think we would have a “crusades” based war

today? WHY or WHY NOT??