“chosen and called” christina morgana kara williams melissa apicella

“Chosen and Called” Christina Morgana Kara Williams Melissa Apicella

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“Chosen and Called”Christina Morgana

Kara WilliamsMelissa Apicella

Vocation- the call to each person from God Each person can also be called more specifically to priesthood or religious life, to married life, the single life, or a particular profession

God calls everyone to live in communion with him both in this life and the afterlife

Everyone is given a basic vocation to live out their identity and to live through life as an image of God who made us (a call to holiness)

In the new evangelization, a document by the bishops of the Church, we are reminded that the Christian fulfills his vocation in communion with all the baptized

Christians fulfill their call to holiness by living and sharing in the Gospel

We use our gifts and talents in the Church as members of the hierarchy, laity or consecrated life

All of God’s People must work together to continue the mission of Jesus–- no one person can do it alone

God calls all baptized people to live out their vocation with the Church’s help, the People of God

The Church is the new People of God and with our association with others in the Church, we can be who God chose and called us to be

The Lights of the Nations tells us that the Church is the first and foremost “People of God” which is stated in the Vatican’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church

The two sacraments that make up the Service of Communion are Matrimony and Holy Orders

Communion- is the community of the Church

The Sacraments of Matrimony and Holy Orders are directed towards salvation of all

This is the Sacrament in which a baptized man is ordained to serve the People of God as a bishop, priest, or deacon

These men teach divine worship and pastoral governance

Ministerial priesthood- the participation of priests and bishops who serve in the name and person of Jesus in the midst in community

Common priesthood of the faithful is the participation of all the baptized in the priesthood of Christ

They are in union with the Pope and they share in authority and responsibilities that Christ game to St. Peter and the Apostles

They are all members of the College of Bishops aka the Episcopal College

An Ordinary is a bishop who is the head of a diocese

Auxiliary bishops aid the Ordinary

The Pope cares for the universal Church

The Cardinal helps and advises the Pope

When a Pope dies, Cardinals help to elect a new Pope

Priests serve the Church and lead us in worship

They administer Sacraments and they preach God’s word

Priest may serve teachers ,in the military , chaplains in hospitals and missioners at home

Not ordained to ministerial priesthood The word “deacon” comes from the

Greek word diakonia which means “to serve”

Deacons assist bishops or priests in teaching leadership and worship

They may administer baptism and represent the Church in matrimony

Can not administer the sacraments of Eucharist , Confirmation, Penance and Anointing of the sick

Deacons who can get married are called “permanent deacons”

Other deacons are called traditional deacons

Dominican Sister Ruth created a Dominican Lay Chapter at the Norfolk State Prison In Massachusetts

17 prisoners made their final vows to be Dominicans

Sister Ruth said “ The greatest sinners can become the greatest saints”

Sister Ruth is part of the Dominican order

Religious orders live out their vocation of preaching the Gospel in many ways

They dedicate their lives to serving God and the Church

They vow to live the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience

Poverty- living with nothing so that a person does not have any distractions & this allows God to be the center of their life

Chastity-living a celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom of God

Obedience- to live by the will of God through Scripture and the Church

Some religious life do not live out the three evangelical counsels

These people live the life of a hermit

A hermit has “a personal intimacy with Christ” and they are separated from society

Laypeople are the largest group of People of God

They are the “Church in the world”

God calls laypeople to take part in the mission of the evangelization and sanctification of the world

Married people are called to be signs of love for the Church

Single laypeople are signs of love for the Church through friendships they have

They are laypeople who serve the Church full time

They are entrusted with their responsibility for leadership in particle areas of ministry and sometimes bring other laypeople into collaborations with bishops, priests and deacons

They are identified by many different titles

Youth are vital members of the People of God

The popes have gathered with the youth from all over the world on international world youth day since 1986

God has always called young people such as Samuel and Mary to live as his disciples

This is the Christian home or “church of the home”

Our first vocation is to live as disciples of Christ in our homes in both good & bad times

An early church gathered in family homes and learned teachings of the Apostles, celebrated Eucharist and shared their possessions with others

They are also the origins of parish churches that we have today

The Christian home has the vocation to be “a community of grace & prayer, a school of human virtues, and of Christian charity

The Johnsons became Lay Mission-helpers which is an organization whose motto is “We are God’s Helpers”

They strive to live a simpler life close to the poor

They served in Kumbo,Cameroon

Chris Johnson went to different health centers to help the staff and structure a set of protocal for the clinics

Chris also worked at the Cardiac Center of Shisong Hospital

Alicia Johnson taught English at a secondary school and helped students make a newspaper and run a mobile library in the summer