about morgana rae:€¦ · web viewabout morgana rae: morgana rae is an internationally acclaimed...

300 DPI 72 DPI About Morgana Rae: Morgana Rae is an internationally acclaimed life coach, author, and professional speaker, and regarded as the world's top relationship with money coach. Morgana’s groundbreaking program for attracting wealth has featured her in Personal Excellence Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, United Press International and The Wall Street Journal online. Morgana has transformed money relationships while speaking in locales from Baja California to Oslo, Norway. She coaches clients as far away as Scotland, Singapore, India and Australia. She has been a featured expert with major thought leaders like Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, John Assaraf, John Gray and T Harv Eker. Morgana’s been called the “Money Magnet Queen” because her clients have reported unexpected income of hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, within hours of changing their relationship with money.* Morgana is the owner of Charmed Life Coaching, a successful life and business coaching company that guides clients to be business and money magnets, to have more fun at work and more love at home, and to create a total life of ease, flow, and synchronicity. Morgana’s Financial Alchemy books, CDs, magazine articles, and classes have impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide. Morgana writes, speaks, and coaches from a desire to witness a whole world of intentional, empowered, charmed living!

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Page 1: About Morgana Rae:€¦ · Web viewAbout Morgana Rae: Morgana Rae is an internationally acclaimed life coach, author, and professional speaker, and regarded as the world's top relationship

300 DPI 72 DPI

About Morgana Rae:

Morgana Rae is an internationally acclaimed life coach, author, and professional speaker, and regarded as the world's top relationship with money coach. Morgana’s groundbreaking program for attracting wealth has featured her in Personal Excellence Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, United Press International and The Wall Street Journal online.

 Morgana has transformed money relationships while speaking in locales from Baja California to Oslo, Norway. She coaches clients as far away as Scotland, Singapore, India and Australia.  She has been a featured expert with major thought leaders like Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, John Assaraf, John Gray and T Harv Eker.

 Morgana’s been called the “Money Magnet Queen” because her clients have reported unexpected income of hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, within hours of changing their relationship with money.*

Morgana is the owner of Charmed Life Coaching, a successful life and business coaching company that guides clients to be business and money magnets, to have more fun at work and more love at home, and to create a total life of ease, flow, and synchronicity.

 Morgana’s Financial Alchemy books, CDs, magazine articles, and classes have impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide. Morgana writes, speaks, and coaches from a desire to witness a whole world of intentional, empowered, charmed living!

Morgana has one of the top 250,000 most trafficked website in the world!

Author's Short Bio

Morgana Rae's Charmed Life Coaching is a successful international company that guides entrepreneurs to attract more than they chase, to market easily and authentically, and to radically change their relationship with money.  Widely regarded as the world's top Relationship with Money coach, Rae is a sought after media guest and international speaker. Her "Financial Alchemy" books, CDs, magazine articles, classes  and master coaches have impacted the lives of over 100,000 people worldwide.  

Page 2: About Morgana Rae:€¦ · Web viewAbout Morgana Rae: Morgana Rae is an internationally acclaimed life coach, author, and professional speaker, and regarded as the world's top relationship

Enjoy Morgana Rae being interviewed by Stuart Tan though this audio download link.http://morganarae.audioacrobat.com/download/54c40a83-7632-f52d-8276-3a81cf23d981.mp3

To Learn More Visit: www.abundanceandprosperity.com &   www.howtobeamoneymagnet.com

Story Ideas & Topics of Expertise:

Does money love you? Or is your relationship with money a mess? Morgana Rae is here to help you figure that out. Morgana Rae, internationally acclaimed life and wealth coach, can discuss six time-tested steps to abolish financial anxiety, uncover hidden blocks to abundance and reveal the next step in creating wealth: "Having a positive mindset is not enough to create wealth. You have to help your money come to you. You must educate yourself on business, branding, marketing and the skills you need to help your customers. The more you know, the more flexibility and opportunities you have to attract money when you need it." Rae is the author and creator of "Financial Alchemy: How to Be a Money Magnet" and professional speaker. As one of the world's leading experts on wealth manifestation, she is a frequent television and radio guest.

Top 4 Spending Pitfalls That Cause Consumers Financial Stress: Morgana Rae internationally acclaimed coach, speaker and author, is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading "Relationship with Money" coaches. Morgana discusses the most common mistakes that consumers make in terms of spending, saving and planning for future financial needs. Morgana explains “Consumers who are financially stressed tend to avoid looking at their finances. And consumer’s who feel poor, overextend their credit on unnecessary purchases”.   "Easy Social Media Secrets: the Introvert's Guide to Fame and Fortune."Morgana Rae’s web-site is consistently in Alexa’s top 250,000 most globally trafficked websites! She will share secret formulas and techniques to master social networking, increase your web-site traffic and receive more targeted exposure than you could ever image without ever having to pick up your phone, leave your computer or spend thousands of dollars!

How To Make Money Fall In Love With YouYour financial situation reflects your inner Relationship with Money," says Rae. "If you don't like your finances, something has to change in your relationships," Rae will show you how to jumpstart that transformation. “Mindset is meaningless without a wealthy heartset. When you imagine your money as a real, flesh and blood person, worthy of your deepest admiration, you embark on an amazing, love-at-first-sight affair of the heart. I’ve had people report that within hours of hearing my talk, they’ve received unexpected money ─ tens of thousands of dollars or more.” Morgana’s life-changing approach will give you a totally new relationship toward money enabling you to take a quantum leap toward creating the wealth and abundant relationships that you deserve. 

Page 3: About Morgana Rae:€¦ · Web viewAbout Morgana Rae: Morgana Rae is an internationally acclaimed life coach, author, and professional speaker, and regarded as the world's top relationship

 Number on your email list _______16000____________

o Number of “friends” on your social media sites  ______10,000+

+__________ o Number of followers on Twitter ______2585_______________ o Alexia website traffic rating, 249,690 in the world.

Page 4: About Morgana Rae:€¦ · Web viewAbout Morgana Rae: Morgana Rae is an internationally acclaimed life coach, author, and professional speaker, and regarded as the world's top relationship

Morgana Rae Suggested Interview Questions:


1. How do I become a money magnet? How can our audience attract

more money into their life?

2. What are the steps to changing your relationship with money?

3. What are some pitfalls to avoid that cause financial stress?

4. Can I really manifest money just by thinking about it? How is this

different from the law of attraction?

5. Are some people destined to struggle with money?

6. How do you change the relationship with your money when in the

midst of loss and fear about the future?

7. How do I make quick cash now?

8. How do I get out of debt?

9. How long does it take to stop the debt spiral?

10.What is the next action our listeners should take?

11.What should be our relationship with money?

12.Where can the audience learn more about your work?


Page 5: About Morgana Rae:€¦ · Web viewAbout Morgana Rae: Morgana Rae is an internationally acclaimed life coach, author, and professional speaker, and regarded as the world's top relationship

Selected Testimonials: What People Are Saying About Morgana Rae:

I got more from Morgana’s 45 minutes speech than three days at T Harv Eker¡¯s Millionaire Mind Intensive.- Jim Hague, CEO Truth Seeking Souls, Inc

I am your newest raving fan! I, too, like the guy on the testimonials page, am getting more out of your work in a few minutes of videos than I did out of my Quantum Package with Harv Eker. He's great, but you are truly tapping into something unmistakable at a level that I've never heard any other financial coach reach. You are being it! Athena Murphy, San Diego

Morgana has such an important message to help people live the lives they deserve to live. I am honored to have her on the show.- Dr. Pat Bacilli “The Dr. Pat Show”

Not only have I attracted more spontaneity to my life but more money too $10,000 within 48 hours of our first session! No kidding. Fueled by your solid wisdom and fun approach, I find the new clients and checks continue to show up steadily and I¡¯m having a blast. Thank you Money! Thank you Morgana!¡±  Laura Koehne, Professional Coach, North Carolina  

Right after your presentation, my husband got a large bonus that very day, a raise, and I sold several books and was called by a possible client. You are awesome at what you do-Rhonda Sher, 2minutenetworker.com

When I contacted Morgana I had lost direction of my company. In a short amount of time the transformation of my business has been phenomenal. I am still in a state of awe. Sales have doubled by 50% and growing. I am talking about a 30 day period!!! I wished I had discovered Morgana sooner. Morgana, you are absolutely magical. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel so energized everyday and this is only the start.  L. van Echtelt, Entrepreneur, Holland  

Immediately after our session I got a call from my office. They wanted to know how to book the $80,000+ checkA few days later, they called again with the same question on another smaller 5 figure check. Not a bad way to start out the new year!¡± Elliot Malach, C.E.O Purple Haze Press, Galveston, TX 

I was so truly dumbfounded by what I learned when I wrote my thoughts on how I think of money that I could barely breathe throughout the call.  – From Maestro Month Tele-Call

Page 6: About Morgana Rae:€¦ · Web viewAbout Morgana Rae: Morgana Rae is an internationally acclaimed life coach, author, and professional speaker, and regarded as the world's top relationship

Keynote Workshop Does Money Love you? The path to financial Abundance begins by creating a right relationship with your money. Morgana Rae regarded as one of the world’s leading Relationship with Money coach will shares a proven system that will enable you to attach more money then you ever thought was possible. Financial Alchemy: Proven Steps to Be a Money Magnet

What if you could RAPIDLY, RADICALLY, and PERMANENTLY change your Relationship with Money, what would that be worth to you?

Does Money love you? International wealth coach Morgana Rae walks you through six time-tested steps to turn your personal Money Monster of scarcity into a Money Honey of abundance. "Your financial situation reflects your inner Relationship with Money," says Rae. "If you don’t like your finances, something has to change in that relationship," and Rae shows how to jumpstart that transformation. I’ve had people report that within hours of hearing my talk, they’ve received unexpected money - tens of thousands of dollars or more."

In one hour Morgana will

• Uncover your hidden blocks to abundance• Abolish your financial anxiety• Change your relationship with money monster into your "money honey"• Reveal your next step to creating wealth• Leave you with a Revolutionary System you will use for the rest of your life? all in less than an hour.

You’ll leave this life-changing talk with a totally new attitude toward money, ready to take a quantum leap toward creating the wealth you deserve. "This is a unique workshop," says Morgana Rae. "You won’t get an experience like this at any other seminar in the world!"

Money Magnet Gift: "Romance Your Money" audio class MP3

This REVOLUTIONARY class will  Uncover your hidden blocks to abundance Abolish your financial anxietyChange your relationship with money* Reveal your next step to creating wealth!

Morgana Rae Changed My Finances and My Life….

I have struggled with making any sort of money, despite spiritually rewarding work. My money monster had gotten out of control! He came up initially as a ghost and then progressed into a white haired older man in a white suit with cold gray eyes... a slave owner, like in

Page 7: About Morgana Rae:€¦ · Web viewAbout Morgana Rae: Morgana Rae is an internationally acclaimed life coach, author, and professional speaker, and regarded as the world's top relationship

the old south. He was aloof and snobby one moment and the next a demanding and angry task master with unrealistic demands and fits of rage.  After the Financial Alchemy process, I have a new Money-Honey and a new relationship. What an interesting and exciting experience! I have been trying for years to apply a sense of love and genuine emotion to numbers... My Money-Honey (and Morgana) pointed out that money is not a number, it is a relationship! I have always seen it as energy, but was in a bind as to how to allow that energy to be expressed around something so "slave driving". My connection with money was always separate from every other happiness in my life. Now I feel as if it can be brought into the fold of happiness... my family has grown and the new member is a joy! My Money-Honey reminded me that like creativity, "bad" things are not always what they seem, but they are what you make them seem. I am looking forward to enjoying something that I thought was a far off dream. Though as a coach I teach about be-ing a thing first, I never quite new how to be with money. This small and powerful exercise has truly given me a way to be with money in the form of a Money-Honey relationship. I wrote a full page of actions that my Money-Honey suggested and low and behold... This morning I woke up to find someone is sending me $360! (that's a lot for me right now ;) And, my husband sold a car as soon as he got to work this morning! Hallelujah and thank the Gods! ...I look forward to this new relationship growing and expanding. There is a little fear, but so much more love. I am free at last, free at last! ;) -R. Kaizen