child & adult food care and food pyramid

Child and adult food care & food pyramid Prepared by: Raveen Ismail Heyman Ahmed Viyan Mourad Warveen Abid Wdyan Jondi

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prepared by nursing students /faculty of medical sciences


Page 1: Child & adult food care and food pyramid

Child and adult food care & food pyramid

Prepared by:Raveen Ismail

Heyman Ahmed Viyan Mourad Warveen Abid Wdyan Jondi

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At the end of the presentation the students will know:

• Difference between nutrients, nutrition, food.• food pyramid ,food groups .• The classification of foods ,nutrients . • The daily calorie intake for adults ,children .• The affect of inadequate food, nutrients intake

on our bodies . • the nursing role in (children ,adult) food care .

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Introduction to nutrition

• Nutrition is the intake of food, according to the body’s dietary needs required by organisms and cells to stay alive.

• Essential nutrients include protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes,.

• Normally 85% of daily energy use is from fat and carbohydrates and 15% from protein.

• Nutrition is essential for growth and development, health and wellbeing. Eating a healthy diet contributes to preventing future illness and improving quality and length of life.

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What's nutrition ?

• It is a Science which investigates the metabolic &physiological responses of the body to diet .

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What's food

• is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential nutrients , such as

(carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals)

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• solid• semisolid• liquid foods


• fibrous,• gelatinous,

• starchy, oleaginous, crystalline, and albuminous foods.


Foods classification according to their general physical properties

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Animal foods Vegetable foods

meats ,fish Shellfish, crustaceans, eggs, milk and its products, animal fats, gelatin.

cereals, vegetables proper , fruits, sugars, vegetable oils.

Foods classification according to their sources

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Nitrogenous foods

• carbon ,• hydrogen ,

• oxygen ,• nitrogen

Non -nitrogenous foods

• carbon • oxygen

• hydrogen

•the majority of the animal substances belong to the nitrogenous, and the majority of vegetable substances to the non-nitrogenous group.

Food classification according to their compositions

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What's nutrients

• a substance that provides nourishment essential for the maintenance of life and for growth :

for example :fish is a source of many important nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and minerals

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Classification of nutrients Carbohydrates








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Function of nutrients in food

• Provide energy (carbohydrate ,fat ,protein)• Build tissue (proteins )• Regulate metabolic processes ,(water is base

of all metabolic processes .

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Difference between food ,nutrients, nutrition

Nutrients Nutrition Food

• a substance that provides nourishment essential for the maintenance of life and for growth .

• Is taking in and the utilization of food substances by which growth, repair and maintenance of the body are accomplished .

• is any substance consumed to provide

nutritional support for the body

• food is a source of nutrients for e.g.. fish is a source of many important nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and minerals

•Food origin • It is usually of plant or animal origin

•Are food components for e.g. carbohydrate

•Utilizing food nutrients through process of ingestion, digestion, absorption and assimilation.

• contains nutrients for e.g. Carbohydrate

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Factors affecting food intake

• Age • Emotional factors • Sensory factors • Personal Preference• Social situations • Income (poverty )• Nutritional knowledge • Intolerance & allergies

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Food Security The World Food Summit of 1996 defined food security as

existing :• “when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe,

nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life”Food security is built on three pillars:• Food availability • Food access• Food use

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What's food pyramid • Is an outline of what to eat each day , It is

not a rigid prescription, but a general guide that lets you choose a healthful diet that's right for you, shows a range of serving for each major group .

• The first food pyramid was published in Sweden in 1974.

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What's serving ?

• The amount of food that counts as a serving.• For example If you eat one plate of rice, that

would be two servings. If you eat a smaller portion, count it as part of a serving.

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Daily Calorie Intake

• Recommended daily calorie intake varies from person to person

• Calories also play a role in weight control• Calories are a measure of energy and are

commonly used to describe the energy content of foods.

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Daily calories intake for adults

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1600 calories

many sedentary women

some older adults.

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2200 calories

active women

many sedentary men

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding may

need somewhat more.

most children

teenage girls

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2800 calories

many active men

some very active women.

teenage boys

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Calories intake for children per day Girls boys Age

700 700 3 - 6 months810 810 6 - 9 months

950 950 9 - 12 months

1150 1150 1 - 2 yrs1350 1350 2 - 3 yrs1550 1550 3 - 5 yrs1750 1850 5- 7 yrs1800 2100 7- 9 yrs1950 2200 10- 11 yrs2100 2400 12- 13yrs2150 2650 14 - 15 yrs2150 2850 16- 19yrs

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Factors affecting daily calories intake

• age. • Gender .• Body size (height and weight). • Physical state (pregnancy ,lactation)• Type of work (sedentary .moderate, heavy)

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Poor nutrition can lead to:• reduced immunity.• increased susceptibility to disease.• impaired physical and mental development

Lack of insufficient food intake

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• Protein deficiency leads to Kwashiorkor..etc

• Calories deficiency leads to Starvation, marasmus..etc

• Vitamins deficiency leads to Pellagra ,Beri Beri, scurvy, rickets ..etc.

• Minerals deficiency leads to Osteoporosis, tetany, laryngospasm ,cardiac arrhythmias ..etc.

For examples

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Malnutrition Malnutrition intake of nutrients insufficient to meet daily energy requirements as a

result of inadequate food intake or improper digestion & absorption of food.

S&S• The most common symptom is a notable weight loss. For example,

those who have lost more than 10% of their body weight in the course of three months and are not dieting could be malnourished.

• Growth failure in children • Muscle wasting and lack of strength in the muscles.• Swelling of the abdomen and legs.• Increased susceptibility to infections• Skin and hair becomes dry.

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Role of nurse

Assessing :

• Usual eating patterns & habits• Allergies & intolerances• Food frequency record• Brief personal & family history• Height/weight• Ideal body weight • Body mass index ( weight in kilograms over height in meters squared

– Weight/height (in m)2) and mid arm circumference. (18.5_24.9)• Manifestations of malnutrition• Social, economic, ethnic, religious factors• Other risk factors for altered nutrition

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To stimulate appetite

• Relieve illness symptoms that depress appetite prior to mealtime

• Select small portions• Avoid unpleasant or uncomfortable treatments or

activity immediately before/after meals• Provide tidy, clean environment• Encourage or provide oral hygiene before mealtime• Reduce psychological stress

Role of nurse

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Assisting with Meals

• Help client feed self when possible• Assist client to sit on side of bed or chair if possible• Check tray for client’s name, type of diet, & completeness• “which order would you like to eat?”• Do not rush client; allow ample time• Offer fluids every 3 or 4 mouthfuls of food if client unable to

communicate• Use adaptive feeding aids as needed• For blind person, identify placement of food as you would

describe time on a clock

Role of nurse

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“The greatest wealth is Health”