chi square tests

The Chi-Square Tests We will cover three tests that are very similar in nature but differ in the conditions when they can be used. These are A) Goodness-of-tests B) Tests of homogeneity and C) Test of independence. Let’s start with the easiest one. A) Goodness-of-fit Test This is an extension of the one-population, one-sample, one- parameter problem where the random variable of interest is a categorical variable with 2 categories and the hypotheses were Ho: π = π o versus Ha: π ≠ π 0 . We now extend the above test to the case of a categorical random variable with k (k ≥ 2) categories. Suppose we have a random variable that has k = 3 categories. Then the hypotheses of interest will be Ho: π 1 = π 10 , π 2 = π 20 , π 3 = π 30 vs. Ha: At least one of π i ≠ π i0 Where π i are the proportion of population units in the i th category and π i0 are the values of π i specified by the null hypothesis. To test these hypotheses we select a random sample of size n and count the number of sample units observed in each category (denoted by O i ). Next, we calculate the expected number of observations (E i ) in each category assuming Ho to be true, using E i = n×π i0 . STA 6126 Chap 8, Page 1 of 28

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chi square tests


Page 1: Chi square tests

The Chi-Square TestsWe will cover three tests that are very similar in nature but differ in the conditions when they can be used. These are

A) Goodness-of-testsB) Tests of homogeneity andC) Test of independence.

Let’s start with the easiest one.

A) Goodness-of-fit TestThis is an extension of the one-population, one-sample, one-parameter problem where the random variable of interest is a categorical variable with 2 categories and the hypotheses were Ho: π = πo versus Ha: π ≠ π0.

We now extend the above test to the case of a categorical random variable with k (k ≥ 2) categories.

Suppose we have a random variable that has k = 3 categories. Then the hypotheses of interest will be

Ho: π1 = π10, π2 = π20, π3 = π30 vs.Ha: At least one of πi ≠ πi0

Where πi are the proportion of population units in the i th category and πi0 are the values of πi

specified by the null hypothesis. To test these hypotheses we select a random sample of size n and count the number of

sample units observed in each category (denoted by Oi). Next, we calculate the expected number of observations (Ei) in each category assuming

Ho to be true, using Ei = n×πi0. Finally we compare the observed frequencies with the expected frequencies using the test

statistic , where df = k – 1.

Other steps of hypothesis testing are the same as before:1) Assumptions

a) Simple random samples from the populationb) Categorical variable with k categoriesc) Large samples (Oi ≥ 5 for all i)

2) Hypotheses: Ho: π1 = π10, π2 = π20, π3 = π30 vs. Ha: At least one of πi ≠ πi0

3) Test Statistic: , with df = (k–1)

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4) The p-value =

5) Decision Same rule as ever, Reject Ho if the p-value ≤ α.6) Conclusion Same as before, explain the decision in simple English for the layman.

Example: Suppose we suspect that a die (used in a Las Vegas Casino) is loaded. To see if this suspicion is warranted we roll the die 600 times and observe the frequencies given in Table 8.1. The hypotheses of interest are

Ho: π1 = π2 = π3 = π4 = π5 = π6 = 1/6 vs. Ha: At least one of the πi ≠ 1/6.

Let’s test these hypotheses. But first we need to check if all of the conditions are satisfied:1) Assumptions Satisfied?

a) Simple random samples from the population Yesb) Categorical variable with k categories Yes, k = 6c) Large samples (Oi ≥ 5 for all i) Yes, look at Table 8.1

2) Hypotheses: Ho: π1 = π2 = π3 = π4 = π5 = π6 = 1/6 vs. Ha: At least one of the πi ≠ 1/6.

3. Test Statistic:

4. The p-value: For this we need to find the calculated value of the test statistic first. This is done in the following table (worksheet):

Observed and Expected Values of 600 rolls of a die




1 115 100 15 225 2.252 97 100 – 3 9 0.093 91 100 – 9 81 0.814 101 100 1 1 0.015 110 100 10 100 0.106 86 100 – 14 196 1.96

Total 600 600 0 – = 5.22

Then, . Now we need to look at table of the - distribution on

page 594 with df = 5 and try to find 5.22 on that line. You note that it is not on that line.

However, we also note that . A simple graph tells us that

> 0.25.

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5. Decision: Do not Reject Ho since p-value > any reasonable α.

6. Conclusion: The observed data strongly indicate that the die is not loaded.

B) Test of HomogeneityObserve that in Section 7.2 we had two populations, two random samples from these populations and a categorical random variable with only two categories.

GenderBelief in Afterlife

Yes No or Undecided TotalFemale 435 147 582 Male 375 134 509 Total 810 281 1091

We have decided that there is no significant difference between the males and females in their belief in afterlife. Hence we say that the two populations are homogeneous with respect to their belief in afterlife. Such a test is known as the test of homogeneity.

In this section we will extend the above ideas to the case where the categorical variable has two or more categories (say r ≥ 2) and the number of populations are two or more (say c ≥ 2).

We summarize the sample data in an r by c (denoted as r×c) contingency table, i.e., a table with r rows and c columns.




1 2 … c1 O11 O12 … O1c n1.

2 O21 O22 … O2c n2.
















.r Or1 Or2 … . nr.

Total n.1 n.2 … . n..

We test the hypothesis that the populations are homogeneous with respect to the (categorical) variable of interest.

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The basic idea of obtaining a “pooled sample proportion” in the case of two-population, two-category problem (data summarized in a 2×2 contingency table as above) is used in the general case of where we have a c-population, r-category problem (data summarized in an r×c contingency table).

If the assumption of homogeneity (Ho) is true, then π ij = πj for all of the j populations then we

need to estimate only one parameter ( ) for the proportion in each category that applies to all

of the populations. The parameter is estimated by dividing the total of each category in the

sample with the total sample size ( ).

Then, based on these estimates, we calculate the expected number of observations in each category of each sample (i.e., for each cell in the table)

Next, we compare the observed values (Oij) with the expected values (E ij) in each cell of the r×c contingency table with the following test statistic:

The test statistic is

If the hypothesis of homogeneity is true, we expect the calculated value of the test statistic ( )

to be small. Large values of leads to the rejection of Ho. How large depends on the degrees

of freedom and α, so that P( ≥ ) = p-value ≤ α.

In such problems the variable of interest is called the response (also called the dependent) variable and the code for the populations is called the predictor (or the independent) variable.

Other steps of hypothesis testing are the same as before:1) Assumptions

a) Independent random samples from the r populationsb) Categorical variable with c categoriesc) Large samples (Oij ≥ 5 for all i,j)

2) HypothesesHo: The populations are homogeneous with respect to the variable of interestHa: At least one population has a different distribution of the variable of interest

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3) Test Statistic: , with df = (r–1)(c–1),


4) The p-value = .

5) Decision Same rule as ever, Reject Ho if the p-value ≤ α.6) Conclusion Same as before, explain the decision in simple English for the layman.

C) Test of IndependenceThis test is used in a different context but all of the steps are the same as the test of homogeneity.

We have one population and a random sample of size n (= n..). Each sample unit is asked two questions (one of which is called the response and the other the predictor) that have r and c categories as responses. The sample data are then summarized in an r×c contingency table as before.





1 2 … c1 O11 O12 … O1c n1.

2 O21 O22 … O2c n2.
















.r Or1 Or2 … . nr.

Total n.1 n.2 … . n..

The hypotheses of interest are:Ho: The two random variables are independent of each other.Ha: The two random variables are associated with each other.

Everything else is the same as in the case of the test of homogeneity. Thus,Steps in test of independence1) Assumptions

a) Independent random samples from the r populationsb) Categorical variable with c categoriesc) Large samples (Oij ≥ 5 for all i,j)

2) HypothesesHo: The two random variables are independent of each other.Ha: The two random variables are associated with each other.

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3) Test Statistic: , with df = (r–1)(c–1),


4) The p-value =

5) Decision Same rule as ever, Reject Ho if the p-value ≤ α.6) Conclusion Same as before, explain the decision in simple English for the layman.

Let’s see how these apply to the case of 2 populations (predictor variable)and 2 samples and a categorical variable (response) with 2 categories.We were interested in whether or not the probability of “Success” in the two categories of the explanatory variable are equal, that is, the hypotheses of interest were

Ho: π1 – π2 = 0 vs. Ha: π1 – π2 ≠ 0.

If Ho is true then there is only one parameter (π) and π1 = π and π2 = π. Now let’s put these true values in a table.

Response1 =

Success”0 =


X =




r 1 π1 1- π1 1

2 π2 1- π2 1

Total π 1- π 1

Note that π1 = Proportion of “Success”s in population 1

= P(A randomly selected item will be a “Success” when we know that the item is selected from population 1)

= P(Y = 1 given X = 1) = P(Y = 1 | X = 1)= Conditional probability of Y = 1 given X = 1.

Similarly we may write, π2 = P(Y = 1 given X = 2) = Conditional probability of Y = 1 given X = 2

How about π? Well, it is the unconditional probability that Y = 1, i.e., π = P(Y = 1).

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When Ho is true, i.e., when the conditional probabilities are equal to the unconditional probabilities we say “the response and the predictor are independent of each other” or that “there is no association between the response and the predictor.”

So the test for difference of two population proportions is also a test of homogeneity of a categorical variable. However, if we select a random sample of size n (= n..) and ask two questions, one of which identifies the population, then we have a test of independence of two categorical variables.

We have seen that these concepts can be extended this to the case of a categorical predictor with 2 or more categories and a categorical response with 2 or more categories, where data from a random sample are summarized in an r c contingency table.

Example-1: A few years ago after the week-end when Gator Basketball team won the game that put them in the Final Four (which ended at 11:30 p.m.), 101 students in a Statistics class were asked to report their gender and whether or not have watched the whole game, part of it or not at all. The following table summarizes the responses:

Watched? Gender TotalMale Female

Whole game 10 21 31Part of Game 12 24 36None 4 30 34Total 26 75 101

To compare the differences in how much each gender watched the game, we need to find percentages in each category; but first we have to decide which variable is the response and which one is the predictor, so that we can decide what to put in the denominator of these proportions.

In this example, The response is how much each student watched the game and The predictor is gender. To compare the two genders we will divide the numbers in each “cell” of the above table

by the total number of students of each gender, i.e., divide the number of observations in each cell by the total in each predictor (gender) category

Such a division will give how much of the game watched by gender, i.e., the conditional distribution of response:

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Conditional Distribution of Response


TotalMale Female

Whole game38.5%(10/26)



Part of Game46.2%(12/26)



None15.4%( 4/26)






In the above table, we see that male students watched more of the game than the females.

Can we extend this to the whole population of males and the whole population of females?

The above data are from a sample. In order to extend the findings to the whole populations of male and female UF students we need to check if the following are satisfied:

Data should be a SRS from the population of interest (Do you think that is the case?) If we can assume so, then we need to carry out a test of significance, to see if the

differences are strong enough to extend to the populations. We will carry out a test of independence of the two variables (vs. not independence or no

association). [Why?]

If the two variables (gender and game watching) are independent of each other, Then we would expect to see the same percentage distribution of response for both genders. Thus we will have the following table of expected frequencies in each cell calculated by assuming that the two variables are independent of each other.

Expected frequencies (Assuming independence)


TotalMale Female

Whole game



31/101= 30.7%

Part of Game





(26×0.337) 25


= 33.7%Total 26 75 101

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Expected frequencies are calculated using

Testing for Independence in contingency Tables

Assumptions: Simple Random Sample from the population of interest Expected counts ≥ 5 in each cell

(Observed counts ≥ 5 in each cell is good)Hypotheses

Ho: Two variables are independentHa: Two variables are NOT independent

Test Statistic:


P-Value from the with

df = (Number of rows – 1) × (Number of Columns – 1)= (r – 1) × (c – 1)

Decision Rule: Reject Ho if p-value ≤ as usual.

Conclusion: Explain your decision, in simple English to the layman.

Example (Continued)

Watched Game?

Observed Frequencies(Expected Frequencies)


Male Female

















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Page 10: Chi square tests

Expected frequencies =

Now we can use a worksheet to find the calculated value of the test statistic, :

Obs Exp (Obs – Exp) (Obs – Exp)2

10 7.98 2.02 4.0804 0.511312 9.27 2.73 7.4529 0.80404 8.75 – 4.75 22.5625 2.578621 23.02 – 2.02 4.0804 0.177324 26.73 – 2.73 7.4529 0.278830 25.25 4.75 22.5625 0.8936

101 = nAlways

101 = nAlways


Not needed =5.1536

Degrees of freedom = (r – 1)(c – 1) = (3 – 1)(2 – 1) = 2

The p-value =

In the -table (Table see on page A4 of your text) we look for 5.1536 on the line with df = 2.

5.1536 is not on that line. However, we see that,

= p-value

Hence 0.05 < p-value < 0.10

Decision: Reject Ho at 10% level of significance but not at 1% or 5% levels.

Conclusion: The observed data indicate that there is a significant association between gender and basketball watching habits of UF students. HOWEVER, since we do not have a simple random sample (in fact we may have a highly biased sample) we should not extend this conclusion to all UF students.

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Example-2: Are income and happiness associated?


TotalAbove average


AverageNot too happy 21 53 94 168Pretty happy 159 372 249 780Very Happy 110 221 83 414

Total 290 646 426 1362

Some very important question you should answer before you dive in (so that you can identify the problem correctly):

What is the response? Is the response categorical or quantitative? How many categories does the response have? What is the predictor? Is the predictor categorical or quantitative? How many categories does the predictor have? How was the sample selected? What was / were the question(s) asked?

Now we calculate the expected frequencies for each cell using


TotalAbove average



Not too happy21





Pretty happy159





Very Happy110









(1362)In the above table, for each cell,

Observed values are in blackExpected values are in blue

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We get the following output from Minitab:

Tabulated statistics: Happiness, Income

Using frequencies in Observed

Rows: Happiness Columns: Income

Above Below Average Average Average All

Not too happy 21 53 94 168 35.8 79.7 52.5 168.0 6.099 8.935 32.703 *

Pretty Happy 159 372 249 780 166.1 370.0 244.0 780.0 0.302 0.011 0.104 *

Very Happy 110 221 83 414 88.1 196.4 129.5 414.0 5.416 3.092 16.690 *

All 290 646 426 1362 290.0 646.0 426.0 1362.0 * * * *

Cell Contents: Count Expected count Contribution to Chi-square

Pearson Chi-Square = 73.352, DF = 4, P-Value = 0.000Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square=71.305, DF=4, P-Value = 0.000

= The sum of numbers in red = 73.352

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Steps or the significance test:1. Assumptions

1. SRS of all American adults2. Expected number of observations 5 in each cell

2. Hypotheses Ho: Happiness is independent of income Ha: Happiness and income are associated (not independent)

3. Test statistic

4. The p-value = < 0.001 (from tables)5. DecisionReject Ho at any reasonable level of significance6. Conclusion: The observed data give strong evidence that there is an association between

income and happiness.

(VERY IMPORTANT POINT)Association does NOT mean causation.

To see what type of association there is between these variables we need to look at the conditional probabilities. To find the conditional probabilities we have to specify Which variable is the predictor? (We use its marginal totals in the

denominator) and Which variable is the response? In this problem

o The predictor variable is incomeo The response variable is happiness.o Hence we obtain the conditional distribution of happiness, given income:


TotalAbove average Average Below Average

Not too happy

Pretty happy

Very Happy


We see that less income is associated with lower levels of happiness, more income with higher happiness. HOWEVER, we can NOT say money makes you happy (no causal effect).

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Page 14: Chi square tests

Example - 3: Physicians Health Study

MedicationHad a Heart Attack?

TotalYes NoPlacebo 189 10845 11034Aspirin 104 10933 11037Total 293 21778 22071

Response: Heart attackPredictor: Medication (Aspirin vs. placebo) denominator

The -Test:

1. Assumptions SRS and Expected number in each cell ≥ 5

2. Hypotheses Ho: No association between taking aspirin and getting a heart attack Ha: Heart attack is associated with taking aspirin

3. Test statistic

4. P-Value

5. Decision Reject Ho at any reasonable level of significance.

6. Conclusion: The observed data give strong evidence that heart attack and taking aspirin are associated.

Since we have decided that there is an association between heart attack and medication (aspirin) we would like to find out what that association means. For this we will find the conditional probability of heart attack given medication:

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Conditional Probabilities P(Heart Attack Given medication)

MedicationHad a Heart Attack?

TotalYes No

Placebo ( )

Aspirin ( )

Unconditional probabilities

That is, π1 = P(Heart attack given placebo)

= 189/11034 = 0.01713 = 1.7%

And π2 = P(Heart attack given aspirin).

= 104/11037 = 0.00942 = 0.9%

Relative risk: How many times bigger is the relative risk of heart attack in the placebo group than the aspirin group?

To answer that we calculate the ratio of the two estimates,

That is, the chance of heart attack for the placebo group is about twice that of the aspirin group.

Alternatively, we can define the RR in the opposite direction:

Then we conclude that the chance of heart attack for the aspirin group is about half of that in the placebo group.

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Relation between the and

Test for Ho: π1 – π2 = 0 vs. Ha: π1 – π2 ≠ 0In 2 2 Contingency Tables

The two variables are independent (no association) means that the proportions of “Success” in the two populations are equal, i.e., π1 = π2 or π1 – π2 = 0.

Parameters:Let π1 = Proportion of heart attack in the population of all doctors who do not take aspirin,and π2 = Proportion of heart attack in the population of all doctors who do take aspirin.

Hypotheses of interest:Ho: π1 – π2 = 0 vs. Ha: π1 – π2 ≠ 0.

Assumptions: Independent random samples from the two populations. Observed number of “Success”s in each population 10 Observed number of “Failures”s in each population 10

Test Statistic:

The calculated value of the test statistic:Here we have

And hence,

So p-value = 2 × P(Z ≥ Zcal) = 2×P(Z ≥ 5.006) = 0 (almost)

Note that whenever df = 1, we have . In this case (5.006)2 = 25.011.

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A Note about the degrees of freedom:In an r by c contingency table, how many cells are “free?” That is for how many of the rc cells in the table are we free to decide when the margins are fixed?

Example – 1

10 ? 50? ? 20

30 40 70Example – 2:

? 7 ? 20? ? 4 20

20 10 10 40

10.5 Fisher’s Exact Test

For the we must have expected frequencies in every cell 5. This means we must

have large samples. When samples are small, we will use Fisher’s exact test, as given in the output from computers. Note that with Fisher’s test, we may have one-sided as well as two-sided alternatives.

Example: Are students realistic in predicting their grades? A graduate student fro the College of Education was interested in this question and selected a random sample of students and asked them before a specific test about what they predicted their grade will be. A few days after the grades were announced he asked them again what they actually got. The results are tabulated in the following table:

Predicted Grades

TotalA B C D E


ual G



A 5 2 7

B 1 3 1 5

C 1 4 5

D 2 2

E 1 1

Total 6 6 8 20

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Here we have an example where there are too many empty cells and many cells that have very few observed values. In such a case we will “collapse” adjacent cells in “reasonable” way to avoid such problems. Here is one such result:

PredictedA or B C or less Total



A orB

11 1 12

C orless

1 7 8

Total 12 8 20

A Minitab output is given below:Tabulated statistics: Actual, Predicted

Using frequencies in Freq

Rows: Actual Columns: Predicted


A or BC orless




A or B

11 1 1291.67 12.50 60.00

C orless

1 7 88.33 87.50 40.00

All12 8 20

100.00 100.00 100.00

Cell Contents: Count % of Column

Pearson Chi-Square = 12.535, DF = 1, P-Value = 0.000

* NOTE * 3 cells with expected counts less than 5

Fisher's exact test: P-Value = 0.0007700

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Tabulated statistics: Actual, Predicted

Using frequencies in Freq

Rows: Actual Columns: Predicted

A or B C or less All

A or B 11 1 12 7.200 4.800 12.000

C or less 1 7 8 4.800 3.200 8.000

All 12 8 20 12.000 8.000 20.000

Cell Contents: Count Expected count

Pearson Chi-Square = 12.535, DF = 1, P-Value = 0.000Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square = 14.008, DF = 1, P-Value = 0.000

* NOTE * 3 cells with expected counts less than 5Fisher's exact test: P-Value = 0.0007700.

OK, the p-value is small hence we reject Ho; but what are the hypotheses we are testing?Suppose the true population proportions are as shown in the following table. What do they tell us?

PredictedA or B C or less All


ual A or B π1 π2 π

C or less 1 – π1 1 – π2 1 – πAll 1 1 1

Ho: Students predict their grades randomly, i.e., Ho: π1 = π2

Ha: Students do not predict their grades randomly, i.e., Ha: π1 π2

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