chet holmes - ubms workbook


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THE12 CORESTRATEGIESOFBUSINESS: o00ro IIon orIIon .-.. - --- --.--CHETHOLMES breakthroughS.CO", fro ... Chet HolmesInternational.www.buslness ughs.(orn How to go from0to100 million ...or billion FROMTHEDESKOFCHETHOLMES DearFriend, Thisprogramislikeasystemwithinthe system. What you're goingto findisthat theprogramhasalogical andlinear flowto it,but what you'llalso findisthat everythingintheprogramcross-references everything elsemakingtheprogramalsomodular. Soifyouareanout-of-controlCEOwho'dliketolearnhow tomanage your time and organizationlikea billionaire,thango toSession5.AddSession4to Session5andnow you'llbeleadingandmanaginglikethe best runcompanies inthe world. Ifyouneedtohiretopproducers,go to Session2andSession6.Ifyouneed your trade shows,advertising andmarketing tobe stronger,go toSession7.But themost potent of ALLthe sessionsisSession1. It changes everythingabout how youmarket and sell,givingsome clients a16,000% boost inresults fromthe same efforts they were alreadymaking.Forreal,you'llhear the stories yourself fromsome of the attendees at the event where thisproduct was created. Theidealway to view thisisthe way itwasmade,starting at Session1andgoingthroughitinorder.But if youhaveaproblemarea youneed solvedright way,and wehave trainingforit withinthese sessions,know that each sessiondoes stand alone.Eachisstrong,but together,they areremarkable. Youareinforaprofoundlearningexperience. Andifyouusethese sessionsregularly and continuously,they willeventually help youachievemastery.Andthat's whenno competitor can stand against you. Very few companies aretruemasters.Sowhen youbecome the master of the skillsinthese sessions,no competitor willbe able to stand against you. Toyour success, Chet Holmes III 02010 Chetti.)lmr$All nghts merw-d ..., ....................... ~........................................ . .......................................................................... .. ........... .. "Becoming a master isnot about doing 4,000things; it'sabout doing12things4,000times." CHETHOLMES . ..'".. . ........................................................................... ~.................. . ... . . .. .. ... ..................................... ........ .......... ". TABLEOFCONTENTS SESSION1:BECOMINGA MARKETINGMASTER:.. ........................... .................... 1.1 Secretsof theSuperStrategist andHow to Builda CoreStory SESSION2:HOW TOBUILDA COMPLETE,TURNKEY,....... ... ... ........... ... .............. 2.1 VIRTUALSALESORGANIZATIONONSTRAIGHT COMMISSION SESSION3:BESTBUYERSTRATEGY:.................................................................... 3.1 TheFastest,Least-ExpensiveMethod to DoubleSales SESSION4:CREATETHEULTIMATECOMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE:......................... 4.1 How to GoFrom0- $100 Million ...or a Billion SESSION5:TIME ANDRESULTSMANAGEMENT:................................................ 5.1 Secretsof Billionaires SESSION6:HIRING AND TALENT:...................................................................... 6.1 TheKeyThat Makes (or Costs) YouMillions SESSION7:THESEVEN"MUSTS"OFMARKETING.............................................. 7.1 SESSION8:DETAILINGANDPERFECTINGTHESALESPROCESS.......................... 8.1 SESSION9:PERFECTINGYOURFOLLOW UP...................................................... 9.1 SESSION10:THEHIGHARTOFGETTING........................................................... 10.1 APPOINTMENTSWITHANYONE,Part1 SESSION11:THEHIGHARTOFGETTING........................................................... 11.1 APPOINTMENTS WITHANYONE,Part 2 SESSION12:PROFESSIONALPRESENTING:........................................................ 12.1 RulesandSkills Training Iv I THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM ....a. ..... ...................... - . BECOMINGAMARKETINGMASTER: eUerraeIS an0UIaoreor -----------SESSIONONE -- --~ - - - - --THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSySTEMI -~.... -- -- . ---- ---"....CHETHOL MI CHETHOLMES I THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM LIVEWORKSHOP: Think ThisThrough What isthe ultimate accomplishment,or ultimate position you want inthe market?(Focusedonyou.) What isthe ultimate perception you wouldlike your clients to have about your company?(Focusedonthem.) - ~ - ~ - ~ SESSIONONE. Becoming a Marketing Master: Secrets ofthe Super Strategist and How to Build a Core StoryI1.3 .-- -_------__.---TH(UlTIMATEB U S I N f ~ SMASTERYSYSTEM LIVEWORKSHOP_ SPEEDMINUTE: Write one answer for each WhdtwouldmdkeyOUmoretrusted? Respected? Havedeep credibility? Beperceivedasanexpert? Getmorebrandloyalty? Preemptivepositioning?(Not buy f romanyoneelse.) pansonsdealt with? Pricingcom. Referrals? Motivate actionnow? 1.4SESSION ONE 8e 2010 'hoCH.......rateglst andHowt._.........All , ....... It0BUilda (orf' eftn -Musts- 01 ---. JOI. CIIoI......-----. --........ -CHEfHOLMES 8. 9. 10. What isthe firstruleof atradeshow? What isthe secondruleof atrade show? List3themes that youcould do atrade show to stand out: 1) 2) 3) THl ULTIMATEBUSINE.SSMASTERYSYS1TM -11.What percentage of allpurchases aremade on impulse? ______________ 12. 13. Motiondisplayshaveproventobe awaste of investment. (Circleone)TrueFalse Listthe firstthreerulesof effective advertiSing: 1) 2) 3) SESSIONSEVENTheSeven"MustsofMarketing7.41 THI. UlTlMAH8USINtSSMASTlRYSYSTEM I NOTES ... 7.42SESSIONSEVEN.The r __ ...........-Musts" 01 .. ..,- aner ecIn -..aesrocess SESSIONEIGHT THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM CHEfHOLMES THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM NOTES ... -- - .- ~ ~ - - - . ~ -- -- -SESSIONEIGHT. DetailingandPerfecting the SalesI8.1 - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - ~ - - - - - -- -02010 (het HoI",,\ Intff'n'liONtAlluCJt'IU rrwtWd THEUlTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM LIVEWORKSHOP:Bui/dingRapport bl'h deper rapport withclients? Whatareatleastthree steps yOUcantaketoestaISe 1. 2. 3. LIVEWORKSHOP:Rapport;New-hire andongoingtraining Thinkabout how youmightusethisinallnew-hiretraining.Andhow youmight do aworkshop 0h every fewmonthstofurther sharpen skills.Makenotehere of any ideas youmighthave.ntIS on" How would youworkthisinto yournew-hireand ongoingtraining? 8.2SESSIONEIGHT. and CHETHOLMES THEULTI .... ATEBUSINf.SSMASTERYSYSTE .... LIVEWORKSHOP: Askingquestions Som e ideasmight be: 1What arethe threebiggest problems you'rehavinginyourareaofbus' n, .liNIIk tht.less. (If they sayone,ase nexquest,on) 2.What arethe areas where you wouldliketo seeimprovement inyourbusiness? 3.Tellme about your company/department? Howlonghave you worked for your company/department? 4. Where were youbefore this? 5. 6.What are some of your goals forthe company/department? 7.What isyour criteria formakinga decisionabout buying a product or service likeours? Identity-basedquestions samples: Medical Care - Doctor: Areyouthe kindof doctor who wants to treat the symptom or cure the patient? Business coaching question: Areyouthe type ofbusiness owner who wouldto see constant improvement inyour business? Home security company: Areyouthe type of person that wants to keep your familyas safe as pwsible? Tech support company: Are youthe type ofbusiness owner who wants to get the most out of your people and your technology? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. SESSIONEIGHT .1010Clool _____ 111 ....... --THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM .. New-hire andongoing trarning LIVEWORKSHOP: Askingquestions,. ..Adhow youmIght do a workshop onthis ..IIew-hire tralnrng.n .might haveonCe Think about how youmight usethIsIn~nkenote hereof any Ideas you. every few months tofurther sharpenskIlls.Ma .'? . e andongoingtraIning. How would youworkthisinto your new-hlr BONUS WORKSHOP:Build Value Thisiswhere you'd introduce market education into the salessituation(Whether thisbe live,on the web,on your brochure,etc). Example: HLet me toke you throughthis data.Thisismore than S3inrow data that wecondensed and put into a format that is designed to befast paced,easy to graspand highly educational.90% of what I'mgoingto cover is educational innature and designed to serve you.At the end,we have a little PRsection about us, which just kind of let's you know what's going onwith us if you're interested.Doesthat seemfair?" let's write the actual dialogue usedto introduce market educationinto a salessituation: 8.4SESSIONEIGHT. ..,.(I00I'-___ --...... -T HOLMES CHE THE.UlTIMATEBUSINE.SSMASTERYSYSTEM How about website applications? aresome sample titlesofbuttons on your website that wouldengage aprospect andmake them wantWhat"tour"? totake your Exarnp e. I."HealthTour:Themost powerful lessonsinhealthtOday:learnhow to be super healthy." rf- the Sales Process SESSIONEIGHTDetailing andPeKtlng _All"glib 't1