anthony robbins - ubms workbook

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I \ \ \ \ \ I . . .... . . . . . ....... .. . .. . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .. . . . ..... ... ......... .. .. . .. ..... ...... ...... ...... ....... .............. .... ..................................... . "Most peoplehavenoideaof the giant capacity wecanimmediately command whenwe focusallof our resourcesonmastering a singleareaof our lives." ANTHONY ROBBINS ---------------TABLEOFCONTENTS SESSION1:INTRODUCTION............................................................................................ 1 Quick Start:How to Get Maximum ResultsOut of ThisProgram SESSION2:DISCIPLINE1 .................................................................................................. 13 Invincible Leadership:TheSecret to ExplosiveGrowth SESSION3:DISCIPLINE2 .................................................................................................. 31 TheOnly 3 Waysto Grow YourBusiness: How to CreateGeometric Growth Now SESSION4:DISCIPLINE3 .................................................................................................. 47 StrategicInnovation:5Actionsthat WillGive YouanUnfair Advantage SESSION5:DISCIPLINE4 .................................................................................................. 59 ThePower of Influence:SolveProblems&Win! SESSION6:DISCIPLINE5 .................................................................................................. 73 TheRapidPlanningMethod:3Master Stepsto TakeImmediate Controlof Your Time,YourLife&YourBusiness SESSION7:INTEGRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .., 07 The 5Keysto WealthandHappiness SESSION8:PATHWAY TOPROFITS................................................................................... 119 How WeWent fromZeroto a BillionintheHome BuildingBusiness withCEOGerardo de Nicolas andGeneMcNaughton --- -'.,., . ,.. ." ,-I- .. ~ . , INTRODUCTION oe __U0 UICar: aXIU ISrora SESSION1 esuS 1 --1H[UI TlMAHB '1AS T E R ~SySTEM USINf SS.-2SESSION1 INTRODUCTION .QUickStartHowto Get MaximumResultsOut of ThisProgram ANTHONYROBBINS y TI of In fo e\ w E ANTHONYROBBINS THEULTIMATEBUSIESSMASTERYSYSTEM YOUR JOURNEY TOSUCCESS:Welcome Thisprogramisa comprehensivetooldesignedtohelp youproduce more andgrow your businessregardless of the existingeconomic conditions. Thetruthistherearecertainpatternsthat causepeopleto succeed inbusinessandinlife.And,when youlearnhow to apply the strategiesandprinciplesthat have worked for others,youset yourselfupto follow inthefootsteps.Wehavetakenlessonsfromthe best of thebest in every formof businessandchunkedit alldown into bite-sizechunksthat youcanimplement in your business with measurable results. EXERCISE:What do youwant to get out of thisprogram? --SESSION1INTRODUCTION QUICkStart :How to Get Maximum ResultsOut of This Program3 - THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM I --------_ ..----. -- -- --echanics -Somany peopleknowwhat todo,but theydon't folloWthrough;they don't takethe actionneeded to get the results they'reseeking.ThisIsbecaUse80percent of masteringanything comes downto your psychology.Thus,the more youcan understand about yourself,themore you canmaster sal" 800/0isPs holo s. Tho programprovidessolubons formasteringbothyourpsychology andstrategiCmechanics th atWork management,marketing and business overall.' And,once your understand your ownpsychology,youcan start to understand what really drlv othersenabling youbemore effective Inhow youInteract Withyour customers andemployeees SUCCESSLEAVESCLUES:CompressDecadesIntoDays This iscomprised of incredible peoplethat youwillhavetheopportunity tolearnfromB. the mstinclJOns that other businesses have already uncovered, youafford yourself the ability to Implementing successpath.Youcanleammore fromother peoples' experiencesthan youcanfromJ'ustPdlte your your own. SESSION1 Q. UlckStart- H ___.owtoGetM. aXlmumRe$u/t 02010 ....... ..s OutofTh,sProqra _ "' ..... _m , ..."" ._. --rrq ANTHONYROBBINS I THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM -How to Get the ost Out of ThisProram There are32DVDsinthisprogram,whicharedesignedto followstep-by-step. Thisisaturnkeyprocess that youcanuseto empower yourself andtrainyour teamindefinitely. --DON'T BEOVERWHELMED: LookAtIt AsThreeParts GOLD:Anthony Robbins(8 DVDs) Usingthe fivedisciplinesneededto thriveinany economic environment,this sectionisdesignedtohelp youmake the changes that areneededinpsychology andto give youthe strategic tools to createlastingchange. BLUE:Chet Holmes(12 DVDs) Thissection willhelp youtake your company fromzeroto abillioninrevenue.It isbasedonthe successfulstrategies that Chet Holmeshasused forevery type of businessfromFortune500 companies to smallerprivatebusinesses. GOLD:LeadingExperts(12DVDs) Comprisedof14 of thebest experts weknow inevery facetofbusiness,this sectionispacked withideas,proventechniques andpowerfuladvice.These are people whohavereallydone itandbeenaround fordecades to see trends in business over the years.

SESSION1INTRODUCTION Quick Start :How to Get Maximum ResultsOut of ThiSProgram5 o20 I 0RobbIn!Intt"fni l ionat,IncAllRlghh THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM I ANTHONYROBBINS -WHAT'SBESTFORYOU?: There Are4 Waysto Go Through ThisProgram 1.TotalImmersion(recommended) Takefour to fivedaysto complete the entire programinits entirety withlimited to no distractions,or come to BusinessMastery for theliveevent.When you completely immerse yourself insomethingandmakeittotalexpedite thelearning curve andnaturally start implementing your distinctions into your life.Thisishow you canseehuge breakthroughs ina short period of time. 2.Spaced Immersion Block out four to fivehours every weekand commit to usingthat time to consistently work onthe program.After about a month, you willbe able to get through the core principles fromboth Anthony RobbinsandChet Holmes.This will set youup to get the maximum resultsfromtheremainingkey experts. 3.DVD-a-Day Commit to watching1 DVDevery day,every week,etc.Create a schedulethat makessensefor you andwith which you willbeableto follow through. 4.Surgical Strike Go the specific vide? y?Uneedtomeet your immediate needs.Once youenter the program, you Willfindthehook to continue. SESSION1 INTRODUCTIONQ .k-UICStart How tGM - .0etaXImumResultsOut of Th'P - ISrogram o 10 I 0lItobbIt In, In(torn.llon,1IncAll",n", ;",."Jf'''f'r\lfd - ANTHONYROBBINS I THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM The CEO Audit If youdon't know wheretostart increatingthechange your businessneeds,we havea systemthat canhelp youtake your businessto a new level.Bycominginto your company andaskingkeyquestions to employees, customersandmanagement,we canfindout what isreallygoing on. Wewillthengenerate a report that shows you where youneedto focusyour energy andattention,including suggestions for how to go about implementing the recommendedchanges. PleasecallDomestic 858.230.9437 or International +1.706.854.4494 for more information. "Businesshas only two functionsinnovationand marketing." PETER DRUCKER SESSION1INTRODUCTION Quick Start :How to Get Maximum ResultsOut of This Program7 -I I I , I I I I I I I THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEMI uickStart: DECISIONSANDACTIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SESSION1 INTRODUCTION .. QUickStart HowtoG. etMaXimumResultsOut of ThisP 0101rogram o RObblOiR",\urchIn If'rn.''on.1.IncAllRI-'91115 Rf'Jf'fVtd I I I I I I I I I I I ANTHONYROBB INS I I I I I I I J ANTHONYROBBINS THl ULTIMATlBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM uick Start: How to Get aximumResultsOut of ThisProram DECISIONSANDACTIONS I I -- ~ -SESSION1INTRODUCTION QUickStart:Howto GetMaximumResultsOut of ThisProgram9 - - - - ~ - -ANTHONYROBBINS THEULTIMATEBUSINES:MASTERYSY:TEM -----NOTES ... ~ - --SESSION1 INTRODUCTION Quick Start : How to Get Maximum ResultsOut of ThisProgram -- _.----ANTHONYROBBINS ITHEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM - - -NOTES ... SESSION1INTRODUCTION. QUICkStart:How to Get Maximum Results Out of This Program11 -ANTHONY ROBBINS THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM I NOTES ... 12SESSION1 INTRODUCTION .QUickStart.How to Get Maximum ResultsOut of ThisProgram -DISCIPLINE1 nVlncleeaersI: eecre0XoSlvero SESSION2 - ------ 13 - -ANTHONY ROBBINS THEUl TIMAnBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM I 14ISESSION2 DISC/PLlNE1 InvincibleLeadership:TheSecrettoExplosiveGrOWlh IS ANTHONYROBBINS THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM e Whether you are asmallcompany just getting started or amulti -milliondollar industry,lasting change inabusiness comes down to individuals. Allbreakthroughs inbusiness stem fromsomeone's new ideas and insights. And,what changes your actions are shifts inpsychology and emotion. Thus, the keyto changing your business ischanging yourself. LIVEWORKSHOP:What isyour wish-list? 1. What changes,transformations and shifts would youliketo see inyour busi ness? - ~ SESSION2DISCIPLINE1 Invi ncible LeadershipTheSecret to Explosive Growth15 - -------- -THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM I Idlike to master? 2.What new skillswouyou .? 3.What challengesdo you haveinthebusiness. 4.What goalswould youliketo achieve? 16SESSION2 DISCIPLINE1 Invincibleleadership: The SecrettoExplosiveGrowth C2010 RobbinsR t ~ . r c hIntf'rn.tlonal,Inc. AURI9hhRtS('TVtd ANTHONYROBBINS - ----ANTHONYROBBINS THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM 5.Whydo youwant tomakethese changes? 6.Ifyoumade these changes inyourbusiness,what woulditmean? 7.What woulditbe worth to you(physically,emotionally and financially)? -- -- --- -SESSION2DISCIPLINE1 Invincible Leadership: TheSecrettoExplosive GrowthI17 - - - - ----ANTHONYROBBINS THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM I -NOTES ... 18SESSION2DISCIPLINE1 Invincible Leadership: TheSecret toExplosiveGrowth ------ -IS ANTHONYROBBINS THEUlTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM anaIn Your State Yourstateinfluences everythingthat youdo.Most peopleknowwhat to do,however,they don't execute becauseof their state.For example,If youareconsumed with fear,allof thedecisions youmake from that state willbeguardedandlackingallof your potential.Or,if areoperating froma placeof greed,you arelikelyto start takingrisksthat youhaven't fully thought over,which willcreatechallenges for you ina different way.Thus,it isimperative to know what isinfluencing youasa leader. 2FORCESTHAT INFLUENCE OUR DECISIONS Moment-to-Moment Long-Term --- - -----SESSION2DISCIPLINE1Invincible Leadership: TheSecret to Explosive Growth19 "-"_..--20 THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM I ANTHONYROBBINS The Power of Decisions Decision-makingisthe forcethat shapesallaspectsof your personalandprofessionallife.Infact,you canprobably look back at your life andseewhere a keydecisionmade severalyearsagoprojected a paththat hasled youto a dramatically different life.One of the keysecretsto successisgetting better atdecisionmaking. -THE3 DECISIONSWEMAKEEVERYMOMENT 1.What shouldI focuson? 2.What doesthismean? 3.What shouldI do? .0 o . . .. .... . . , ..... . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . , -SESSION2DISCIPLINE1 ... _InVinCibleLeadership' ThS ~.eecret to Explosive Growth -C2010Robb,n.II "st4l,ch'ntrrn.tlon4l1In(AllIth ,19IS Rpstt"Yf'd -ANTHONYROBBINS THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM LIVEWORKSHOP:DecisionInventory 1.What was one ofthe worst decisions youever made? What did youlearnfromit? 2.Whathasbeenone of the greatest successes of your business career? What did youlearnfromit? --- "-- -----SESSION2DISCIPLINE1Invincible Leadership: TheSecretto Explosive Growth21 - --THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEMANTHONY ROBBI NS LIVEWORKSHOP:2 DecisionsOneSmall,One Big 1.What isa small decisionthat you canmake right now that willchange your business? 2.What isa tough decisionthat will make a sizableimprovement inyour business? 3.What will youdo to act on thesedecisions? 4.How will they change your business? 22 SESSION2 DISCIPLINE1.' . InvinCibleLeadership'ThS .eecret toExplosive Growth 01010 RoLb.nsR r ~ . r c hI nlrrn.tlon.1,IncAllAh 19hArsrrvrdANTHONYROBBINSTHEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM - -The Trainin Effect Howcan youbring your distinctionsback to your teamto start bringing your company to anew level? Inorder tocreate the change youdesire,youneed tounderstandhow peoplelearnandintegratenew skills.Then,youcanset yourself and your teamup to winby creatingatraining systemthat anticipates theunavoidableplateausintheprocess. OPTION1: If youdiscontinuetraining,resultsdrop off after time. TIME OPTION2: A personof mastery understandsthe trainingeffect andstartstoimmersehimself andget more training / / / TIME - - -SESSION2DISCIPLINE1 InvinCible Leadership: TheSecret to ExplosiveGrowth23 -------24 -ANTHONY ROBBI NS THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM Knowin the RoadAhea ANTICIPATION: AnUnstoppablePower ...,..whatiscomin,you canovercomeany obstacleplacedinyour Inbusmessandm life,Ifyoucananticipate.I~werFromthisvantagepoint,youcancreate athBeingabletoexpect problemsputs youIna pace 0po...k P'..h'11d.forwardrather thanreactingandgetting stucor hungup the solutionsandactionplanstat WIriveyou, oncommonIssues. Remember,success leaves clues.Thebest wayto foreseepotentialproblemsistostudy andmodelthose who havealreadybeendownthepath youaretaking. Whenyoumaster thisconcept,a wholenew worldofpossibilitiesopensupto you. MAXIMIZINGRESOURCES:HowLeadersSucceed Then,once youstart toanticipate challenges,thenextkeyistobea master at findingsolutions.Why do people failtoachievetheir goals?Mostpeople wi"tellyouthat they failedbecause they werelackinga resource (time,money,people,experience,etc).However,the truthisthere isalwaysa way.A successful leader isa personwhomaximizesresources.Eveninthemost difficult situations,thisisaperson who can alwaysfinda solution.Thus,theultimate resourceisresourcefulnessandthe correspondingemotionneeded todrive yourpassiontofollowthroughnomatter what. .. ".................................. "Effectiveleadersknow that resourcesarenever the problem-it'salways amatter of resourcefulness." ANTHONY ROBBINS . .... .................. . SESSION2 DISCIPLINE1 InVincibleLeadership. TheSecret toExplosiveGrowth 01010 Robu,mR.. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili;;;;;;;== =t ~ ' r ( "Inltro.l.o"ar,IncAllR.ghhA"\f'fVf'd ANTHONYROBBINS I THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM The Secret to ExlosiveGrowth DECISIONSANDACTIONS I , , , , , , - _. - ~ , - -SESSION2DISCIPLINE1InvinCible Leadership. TheSecret toExplosiveGrowthI25 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -THEULTIMATEBUSIE5SMASTERYSYSTEM Invincible leaershi: The Secret toExlosiveGrowt DECISIONSANDACTIONS I I I I -... -1 SESSION2 DISCIPLINE1 ... InvincibleLeadership TheS .ecrettoExplosiveGrowth (I}010 'Cibbtn,Rnurch Int,""", 00tu1,Inc:All Rtghu" " ~ M I I I I I I I I I ANTHONYROBBINS -I I ANTHONYROBBINS I THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM NOTES ... - - - -SESSION2DISCIPLINE1Invincible Leadership: TheSecret to Explosive Growth27 --MASTERYSYSTEM THEULTIMATEBUSINESS -- -NOTES ... --- -ANTHONYROB BINS I e o - - ---DISCIPLINE2 aS0ouruSlness: __n o_ reaeeoericro0 - ._- - -- - - ~- .---SESSION3 - ---- - - ---- -- -- --- - ---- . 29 AN Tl1UNV 1 tilUI TlMA"RUfN[ MAT(RSV11M S(sSfON3 DISCIPLINE1 TheOnly310 Grow YourBUllneH: How to Create Geometric Growth Now ANlIiOY Growing YourBusiness 5KEYQUESTIONS:Determine YourSuccss The 5questions outlinedbelow aredesignd: Tohelp youidntify whryournow Tordiscover (or tocodify) tilpurposof your businsnd/or mission Tohelp youfurther discovr (or rdiscovr)your strngths,glfs,talns,pSSIOnsnd (bothpersonally andasa busmss) Tohelp youunderstandthe intrplayofthsasonsnd cydsand ho Todiscover potential opportunities in lhcurrnt mrtnd how to capilizonm Tohelp youcreatea visionofwhryouwnt to go 1.What businessareyouin?How's business? Why? 2.Why areyouinbusiness? Why did youget into businessinthe first place? 3.Who areyou? 4.Where areyou? What seasonandcycle are youin? 5.What'snext?How do youmaximize in the current environment for maximum impact and maximumprofitability? SE SSIO .KIPlIE 2ThOnlour 10 0 31 YHlM TlHIIITIMAnSlISINtS WINTER SlowDown Regeneration Together to Survive Death Creation of Spacefor New Beginning SESSION3 DISCIPLINEZ TheOnly 3to Grow Your Howto Create Geometric GrowthNow c I0Ivbbin."Ilh lntrm.lnon.t.,IncAlltigntsRrHIWd AN ItiONYANTHOY ROBBINS THEUlliAll BUSI[SSASTSYSTE LIVEWORKSHOP:5KeyQuestions 1.Whdtbusinssare youIn?How'sbusin5S?Why? 2.Whyareyouinbusiness?Whydid youget intobusinessinthfirstplace? SESSIO3 OISCIPLIE 2 The Onlow33 o MASTERYSYSTEMTHEULTIMATEBUSINESS 3.Who are you? I I YOUin??What seasonandeyee are. 4.Whereare you. 34SESSIONl DISClptIN, 2 Th, 0"1, lW.,. toGrowYou,,.,"". Howtoere", G"'m"", G'owth Now ANTHONYROBBINS ITHEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM 5.What'snext?How do youmaximizethe current environment for maximum impact and maximum profitability? SESSION3DISCIPLINE 2The Only 3 Waysto Grow Your Business:How to Create Geometric Growth Now35 --ANTHONYR, THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM I as to Grow aBusiness 1.Increasethenumber of customers (clients). 2.Increasethe averagetransactionvalue. 3.Increasethe frequencyofrepurchase - get more residualvalueout of eachcustomer. Increasethe # of customers Increasethe average$per sale Increasethe repurchase frequencyTotal 1,000 $100-- $200,000 x x 10%increase 10% increase 10% increase 33.1% x x-33%increase 25%increase 50% increase 250% x x ....... ..'" .. ..'" From"3W aysto Grow a BUSinessbJ yay Abraham. Copyright () by Jay Abraha. mRepnnted by permissionor Jay Abraham. 36SESSION3 DISCIPLINE2Th e Only 3 WaytG S 0row YourBUSiness How toCreateGeometric GrowthNow 20 I 0Robbin) 11,.. hI ."".'(OI"tn.IIC,""In(AUAh 'IfJIIA",Uvf'd ~ YROBBINS ~ . -L.-,,,.... ., ~ ANTHONYROBBI NS THEUlTI..tAll8 U ~ I ,ESSMASTERYSYSTEM LIVEWORKSHOP: Fillinthe numbers for your ownbusiness Increasethe# of customers 1,000 x Increasethe average$per sale $100x Increasethe repurchase frequency 2 --Total $200,000 Fillinthe current numbersthat youproject foryourbUSinessafter applyingwhat youlearnedhere: xx --JAYABRAHAM'S"BUSINESSPARTHENON" Mostbusinesses gamble everything on one stream ofincome ... Learntobuilda"BusinessParthenon" with6,8 or even10income streams. B"by jay AbrahamCopyright Qby jay AbrahamReprintedby permission of jay Abraham. From" 3 Waysto Grow auSlness SESSION3 DISCIPLINE2 TheOnly3 Waysto Grow YourBUSiness: How to Create Geometric Growthow 37 38 THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM ANTHONYROBBI NS LIVEWORKSHOP:Make itExponential Brainstormhow you canincrease eachof these three components (i.e.,number of customers,dollarsper sale,repurchase frequency)togrow your business. SESSION3 DISCiPLINE2Th e Only3 WaystG orow YourBusiness: How toCreate GeomtG C> 1010 ReriCrowth Now Imprn.tlJOn.ilJIK"'1' R ,,..ll)hhANTHONYROBBINS THEULTIMATEBUSIESSMASTERYSYSTEM How to Create Geometric GrowthNow DECISIONSAND ACTIONS '( ,' . . , .'.. '-. I L SESSION3 DISCIPLINE2 TheOnly 3 Waysto Grow YourBusiness: How to CreateGeometric Growth Now39 IIAllRlghh01010 RobbIn}Inlern,.t..,n ..,n(: . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 40 THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEMI How to Create Geometric GrowthNow DECISIONSANDACTIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I -SESSION3 DISCiPLINE2Th e Only 3 WatG I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L ys0row Your Business:How to C reate Geomet'G e 1010 RoLblnsR"\" .. ,chInlriCrowthNow .. ,n."on.1,IncAllAI9hhA , . \ ~ ,..... d ANTHONYROB BINS I I I I I J ANTHONYROBBINS THEULTIMATE.BUSt[S5MASTERYSYSIE.M NOTES ... SESSION3 DISCIPLINE2 'TheOnly 3 Waysto Grow Your Business: How to Create Geometric Growth Now41 ASTERYSYSTEM THEUlTIMATEBUSINESSM NOTES ... 42SESSION3 DISCIPLINE2 TheOnly 3 Waysto Grow YourBusinessHow to CreateGeometric GrowthNow ANTHONYR O B B I ~ IBBINS DISCIPLINE3 raeICnnovaIon: CIonsaliveOU annairvanae SESSION4 43 THEULTIMATEBUSINES S MASTERYSYSTEM, ANTHONYROBBINS 44SESSION4 DISCIPLINE3 Strategic Innovation: 5 Actionsthat WillGiveYouanUnfair Advantage NS ANTHONYROBBINS THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM MAXIMIZING YOURCURRENTBUSINESS Strategic innovationisone of fundamentalelementsrequiredto grow a successfulbusiness.And,it is becomingevenmore soinour current marketplace. Aswe continue to develop new andmore efficient technologies,thedemand for improved innovationisincreasing,aswell. Thus,beingableto continually develop andintegrate new ideasisbecomingmore andmore important intoday'sbusiness world.If you want to stay ahead,you've got to beintouch with not only your current customer needs,but your future customer demands,aswell. Strategizingisnot a once-a-year raindance, nor isita once-a-decade consultingproject. Strategizingmust bea skill asdeeply embedded inyour organizationastotal quality, cycle-time reductionor customer service. STRATEGYINNOVATION SESSION4DISCIPLINE3 StrategicInnovation. 5 Actionsthat Will Give YouanUnfairC1010 RobblnJRrSt.JIfCh Inltrn.Jitlon.1IncAllR'ghB45 ANTHONYR THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM What do the below people and companies haveincommon? They have allcontinuedto stay ahead game by constantly innovating their respectedindustry andchangmgtherulesof thegame.Lokof t of thhd '0at eseexamples asease studies that youcan model as yOUdevelopmet0sto,n novate with'ea, own business.,n Your -Sony Starbucks Nike Apple Perrier Water Google Harley Davidson Wal-Mart WynnResorts Virgin Coca-Cola 46--_SESSION4 DISCIPLINE3 S.- -- -_Ira ..... lcIn-.-';1novation' S. __.Acbonsthat Will. C10IO.__GiveYouanU. _.......2010.Obbin......"h'n...n ........'our Time,YourLife& YourB,. ,n(AI-..ghhU JI nesANTHONYROBBINS THEULTIMATEBUSINESSMASTERYSYSTEM Neecie'sIncredible ProjectPlanner Example + t- .. "in> t- .. I- + + t-t-t-I' , Projeel :"Incredible Wedding" ..rn0tW'In l!dvarce