chemical element - · (английский) язык» ... oxygen and nitrogen...

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Иркутский государственный медицинский университет» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации Кафедра иностранных языков с курсами латинского языка и русского как иностранного М.О. Наймушина CHEMICAL ELEMENT Учебное пособие Иркутск ИГМУ 2017

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Page 1: CHEMICAL ELEMENT - · (английский) язык» ... Oxygen and nitrogen are mixed together in the atmosphere. 7. The name of the great Russian scientist

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего образования

«Иркутский государственный медицинский университет»

Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации

Кафедра иностранных языков с курсами латинского языка и русского как


М.О. Наймушина


Учебное пособие




Page 2: CHEMICAL ELEMENT - · (английский) язык» ... Oxygen and nitrogen are mixed together in the atmosphere. 7. The name of the great Russian scientist


УДК 615.011 (075.8)=111

ББК 24.12я73

Н 12

Рекомендовано ЦКМС ФГБОУ ВО ИГМУ Минздрава России

в качестве учебного пособия для обучающихся по основным

профессиональным образовательным программам высшего образования по

специальности «Фармация», при изучении дисциплины «Иностранный

(английский) язык»

(протокол № 1 от 12.10.2017)

М.О. Наймушина - старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков с

курсами латинского языка и русского как иностранного ФГБОУ ВО ИГМУ

Минздрава России


Е.Г. Горячкина – канд. фарм. наук, доцент кафедры фармакогнозии и

ботаники ФГБОУ ВО ИГМУ Минздрава России

В.В. Литвиненко - к.филол.н., доцент кафедры общеобразовательных

дисциплин Байкальского гуманитарного института

Наймушина, М.О.

Н 12 Chemical Element: учебное пособие / М.О. Наймушина; ФГБОУ ВО

ИГМУ Минздрава России, кафедра иностранных языков с курсами

латинского языка и русского как иностранного. – Иркутск: ИГМУ,

2017. – 50 с.

Учебное пособие включает в себя сокращенные адаптированные тексты на

английском языке, сопровождаемые системой лексико-грамматических

упражнений и коммуникативных заданий, предназначено для развития навыков

различных видов чтения, перевода, аннотирования статей, а также для развития

умений монологического и диалогического высказываний. В учебное пособие

включен дополнительный текстовый материал для внеаудиторного чтения и

краткого изложения основного содержания текста.

Пособие соответствует требованиям Федерального государственного

образовательного стандарта высшего образования, рабочей программе учебной

дисциплины «Иностранный (английский) язык» и предназначено для

студентов, обучающихся по программе специалитета по специальности

Фармация. УДК 615.011 (075.8)=111

ББК 24.12я73

© Наймушина М.О., 2017

©ФГБОУ ВО ИГМУ Минздрава России, 2017

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Методическая записка……………………………………………….. 4

Unit 1. Periodic Table ………………………………………………… 6

Lesson 1. D.I. Mendeleev …………………………………………….. 6

Lesson 2. Periodic Table ……………………………………………… 9

Unit 2. Chemical Elements of Living Matter …………………………. 13

Lesson 1. Chemical Elements of Living Matter ……………………….. 13

Lesson 2. Nitrogen …………………………………………………….. 16

Lesson 3. Carbon ……………………………………………………… 19

Lesson 4. Hydrogen and Oxygen …………………………………….. 22

Lesson 5. Calcium. Annotation ………………………………………. 25

Unit 3. Properties of Matter…………………………………………… 27

Lesson 1. Definition. Classification..…………………………………... 27

Lesson 2. Types of Mixture…………………………………………….. 34

Lesson 3. Methods of Separating Mixtures…………………………….. 37

Тексты для внеаудиторного чтения…………………………………… 41

Lesson 4. КТП………………………………………………………….. 45

Список рекомендуемой литературы …………………………………. 50

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Учебное пособие для студентов 1 курса фармацевтического факультета «Chemical

Element» разработано в соответствии требованиям Федерального

государственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования, рабочей

программе учебной дисциплины «Иностранный (английский) язык» и

предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по программе специалитета по

специальности Фармация.

Данное пособие включает в себя тексты, заимствованные из современных

научных сборников и вэб-ресурсов в сокращенном, адаптированном для

студентов виде. Тексты сопровождаются комплексом предтекстовых

упражнений и заданий. Задания направлены на совершенствование различных

видов чтения, извлечение из текста информации, перевода, реферирования и

аннотирования статей, а также на развитие умения монологического и

диалогического высказываний.

Учебное пособие составлено с учетом специфики учебного процесса по

иностранному (английскому) языку на фармацевтическом факультете.

Целью учебного пособия является:

дальнейшее развитие будущими фармацевтами основ иноязычной

компетенции, необходимой для профессиональной межкультурной


дальнейшее развитие навыков устных и письменных форм общения на

иностранном языке для использования его в качестве средства

информационной деятельности и дальнейшего самообразования.

Иноязычная компетенция как основа профессионального иноязычного

общения включает:

языковую и речевую компетенции, позволяющие использовать

иностранный язык для получения профессионально значимой информации,

используя разные виды чтения;

коммуникативную компетенцию, позволяющую участвовать в устном и

письменном профессиональном общении на иностранном языке.

В ходе достижения целей решаются следующие задачи:

совершенствование навыков работы студентов с научным стилем

медицинской литературы, с основными видами словарно-справочной


углубление знаний студентов в области лексики и грамматики изучаемого

языка (применительно к специфике подъязыка медицины);

совершенствование умения извлекать и фиксировать полученную из

иноязычного текста информацию в форме аннотации;

дальнейшее развитие навыков общения на иностранном (английском)

языке в рамках тематики, связанной с медициной в России и в стране

изучаемого языка;

обучение студентов основным принципам самостоятельной работы с

оригинальной литературой;

систематизация ранее полученных знаний;

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увеличение объема знаний за счет информации профессионального


В результате изучения дисциплины студент должен:


основные виды словарно-справочной литературы;

структуру оформления устного и письменного высказывания, презентации;

терминологический минимум по дисциплинам учебного плана;

базовую грамматику и основные грамматические явления, характерные для

профессиональной речи;

принципы построения публичной речи на изучаемом языке,

лексический минимум, базовую грамматику и основные грамматические

явления, правила структурирования и оформления научного текста;


пользоваться словарно-справочной литературой;

читать и переводить со словарѐм и без словаря литературу в области

профессиональной деятельности с целью поиска и извлечения информации;

систематизировать материал в соответствии с поставленной целью;

вести диалог на бытовом уровне, диалоги и полилоги в ситуациях бытового и

профессионального общения;

находить в тексте медико-биологическую терминологию, распознавать и

понимать в устной речи;

логично и связно представлять информацию в устной и письменной формах;

обмениваться информацией и профессиональными знаниями устно и


переводить с иностранного (английского) языка на русский аутентичный

текст по изучаемой тематике, составлять план текста, таблицу на основе

прочитанного текста, аннотацию в рамках изучаемой тематики;


навыками работы со словарно-справочной литературой и перевода

аутентичной литературы;

иностранным (английским) языком в объеме, необходимом для

осуществления бытовой и профессиональной коммуникации с коллегами;

навыками перевода медико-биологических терминов и использования их в

устной коммуникации на профессиональном уровне;

иностранным языком в объеме, необходимом для возможности

профессиональной коммуникации с коллегами и получения информации из

зарубежных источников;

иностранным языком в объеме, необходимом для получения и переработки

информации в профессиональных целях;

навыками представления информации на заданную тематику в устной и

письменной формах коммуникации

Учебное пособие рекомендуется как для аудиторной работы, так и для

внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы студентов.

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Unit 1. Periodic Table

Lesson 1. D.I. Mendeleyev

Цель занятия: Знакомство с базовой терминологией по теме занятия;

формирование иноязычных умений и навыков по пониманию основного

содержания текста.

1. Read the sentences, paying attention to the Passive Voice. 1. The burner is used for heating substances.

2. Many experiments are conducted by our students.

3. Modern chemistry is connected with other sciences.

4. Water is decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen.

5. The teacher was asked many questions at the last lesson.

6. Oxygen and nitrogen are mixed together in the atmosphere.

7. The name of the great Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleyev is known all over the


8. Carbon may be crystallized as the diamond.

2. Remember new words and word-combinations to the text.

1. age at the age of

2. attention, to pay an attention to

3. to appoint to be appointed

4. in addition to

5. applied

6. to be able

7. to bring (brought, brought) 8. to give

a course of lectures

9. complete

10. to discuss a discussion to follow the


11. to describe a description

12. to elect

13. a layer

14. to put forward

15. to spend (spent, spent)

16. to search for

17. to teach (taught, taught)

18. to teach classes

19. to think (thought, thought) thought

20. upper

21. both… and…

22. so that all would go well

1. возраст, век в возрасте

2. внимание обращать внимание

3. назначать быть назначенным

4. кроме того

5. прикладной

6. быть в состоянии, мочь

7. приносить, собирать

8. читать курс лекций

9. полный; заканчивать

10. обсуждать обсуждение следить за


11. описывать описание

12. избирать

13. слой

14. выдвинуть

15. тратить, проводить

16. искать, поиск

17. учить, обучать

18. проводить занятия

19. думать мысль

20. верхний

21. как… так…

22. с тем, чтобы все было хорошо

3.Translate the words with the same root and their derivatives.

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science – scientist – scientific discuss – discussion assist – assistant –

assistance demonstrate – demonstration calculate – calculation 64 describe –

description report – reporter nature – natural – naturalist


D.I. Mendeleyev, the great Russian scientist, was born in Tobolsk in 1834.

After finishing school, at the age of 16, he went to St. Petersburg and entered the

Pedagogical Institute. He graduated from

the Institute in 1855. In 1866

Mendeleyev was appointed professor at

the University where he gave the course

of lectures on chemistry. His lectures

where always listened to with great

interest and attention. Even in the class of

two hundred students everyone was able

to follow his discussions from the

beginning to the end. Interesting

experiments were made in his classes.

Both he and his students-assistants

worked long hours in preparing the

demonstrations so that all would go well. (

At the University Mendeleyev taught classes in the morning. In the afternoon

he made experiments in his two-room laboratory. At night Mendeleyev spent much of

his time working with the cards on which he put down) information about each of the

chemical elements.

Mendeleyev made thousands of experiments with his own hands. He made

thousands of calculations, wrote a lot of letters, studied many reports. Everything in

the world that was known about the chemical elements Mendeleyev knew. For

months, for years he searched for missing data. All those data were being brought

together and grouped in a special way. In 62 1869 the description of more than 60

elements was completed, and Mendeleyev published his Periodic Table. The Periodic

Table is spoken of as the beginning of a new era in chemical thought. In addition to

this work Mendeleyev paid much attention to many subjects of an applied chemical

nature. He was the first to put forward the idea of studying the upper layers of the

atmosphere. Mendeleyev was elected member of many academies abroad. He died in

February 1907 at the age of 75.

4. Read the text and do the exercises.

(1 – верно, 2 – неверно, 3 – нет в тексте)

1. Менделеев Д. И. родился в Тобольске в 1834 году.

2. Он поступил в гимназию в 1840 году.

3. В 16 лет Менделеев поступил в университет.

4. В 1855 году Менделеев был назначен профессором в университет.

5. В университете Менделеев читал курс лекций.

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6. Его лекции обычно слушали с большим вниманием.

7. По вечерам Менделеев работал над периодической таблицей.

8. Периодическая таблица элементов была опубликована в 1869 г.

9. Менделеев также интересовался многими вопросами прикладной химии.

10. Работы Менделеева были высоко оценены за границей.

5. Group the antonyms and translate them.

to be born, graduate, new, die, beginning, complete, begin, end, to enter, old.

6. Group the synonyms and translate them.

beginning, to bring together, to write down, start, to help, to put down, to gather, to

assist, much, many.

7. Fill the gaps with the words given in brackets.

1. Mendeleyev … more than 60 elements. (describe, description)

2. Charles Darvin is a great English …. (nature, naturalist)

3. The students … an interesting report. (discussed, discussion)

4. N. Ozerov is a sport …. (report, reporter)

5. Everything was ready for …. (demonstrate, the demonstration)

8. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. She was invited to come here.

2. The experiments were conducted yesterday.

3. The yield is always recorded at the end of an experiment.

4. Many reports were studied by D. I. Mendeleyev.

5. All these data will be brought together.

6. A lot of books are published in our country every year.

7. An interesting idea was put forward by this scientist.

8. The work will be completed next week.

9. Mendeleyev is known everywhere.

10. His discovery is much spoken of.

9. Answer the questions according to the text.

1. What was D. I. Mendeleyev?

2. Where was he born?

3. How old was Mendeleyev when he entered the Pedagogical Institute?

4. When did Mendeleyev graduate from the Institute?

5. When was Mendeleyev appointed professor at the University?

6. What did Mendeleyev do at the University?

7. Did the student listen to his lectures with interest?

8. When did Mendeleyev teach classes?

9. When did Mendeleyev work with his cards?

10. What did Mendeleyev put down on the cards?

11. How many chemical elements did Mendeleyev describe?

12. When was the Periodic Table published?

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13. What was the Periodic Table spoken of?

14. What did Mendeleyev pay attention to, in addition to his work?

Lesson 2. Periodic Table

Цель занятия: Знакомство с базовой терминологией по теме занятия;

формирование иноязычных умений и навыков по пониманию основного

содержания текста.

1. Read the words, learn them by heart:

1. carbon- углерод

2. property - свойство

3. similar – схожий, подобный

4. arrangement – набор

5. to increase - увеличивать

6. sample – образец

7. to display – отображать, показывать

8. to trend - отклоняться (в каком-

либо направлении), иметь


9. pattern–образец, модель, пример

10. to accept – принимать, допускать

11. to determine - определять

12. skip - пропуск

13. to discover – делать открытие

14. row – ряд

15. valence–валентный

16. energylevel – энергетический


17. to decrease – понижать

18. to predict - предсказывать

19. ability - способность

20. chemical bond – химическая


2. Translate next groups of words into Russian:

similar, similarity, similarly; to increase, increase, increasing, increased; to predict,

prediction, predictable; to accept, acceptable, acceptation, acceptance; to decrease,

decrease, decreasing, decreased;

3. Read the sentences with key-words, translate into Russian:

1. proton - протон

Each element has a unique number of protons.

2. atomic number – атомное число

The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements by increasing

atomic number.

3. atomic weight – атомный вес; element - элемент

This table showed that when the elements were ordered by increasing atomic weight,

a pattern appeared where properties of the elements repeated periodically.

4. period – период; group – группа; row – ряд;

Elements in the periodic table are arranged in periods (rows) and groups (columns).

5. Valence electron – валентный электрон

The outer electrons are called valence electrons.

4. Read the text and do following exercises:

Periodic Table

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Introduction to the Periodic Table

People have known about elements like carbon and gold since ancient time. The

elements couldn't be changed using any chemical method. Each element has a unique

number of protons. If you examine samples of iron and silver, you can't tell how

many protons the atoms have. However, you can tell the elements apart because they

have different properties. You might notice there are more similarities between iron

and silver than between iron and oxygen. Could there be a way to organize the

elements so you could tell at a glance which ones had similar properties?

Definition: The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements

by increasing atomic number which displays the elements so that one may see trends

in their properties. It groups the elements according to their similar properties. This

table showed that when the elements were ordered by increasing atomic weight, a

pattern appeared where properties of the elements repeated periodically.

Dmitri Ivanovitch Mendeléev created the first accepted version of the periodic

table; grouped elements on the basis of similar chemical properties.

Discovering Elements The number of protons determines the atomic number of an element, which its

number on the periodic table. There aren't any skipped atomic numbers on the

modern periodic table because new elements are synthesized rather than discovered.

The placement of these new elements on the periodic table can be used to help predict

the element's properties.

Structure: Elements in the periodic table are arranged in periods (rows) and

groups (columns). Atomic number increases as you move across a row or period.

Period - A horizontal row in the periodic table. The period number of an element

signifies the highest unexcited energy level for an electron in that element. The

number of elements in a period increases as you move down the periodic table

because there are more sublevels per level as the energy level of the atom increases.

Group - A vertical column, or family, in the periodic table. Elements within a

group share several common properties. Groups are elements have the same outer

electron arrangement. The outer electrons are called valence electrons. Because they

have the same number of valence electrons, elements in a group share similar

chemical properties. The Roman numerals listed above each group are the usual

number of valence electrons. For example, a group VA element will have 5 valence


Element Properties and Trends The periodic table helps predict some properties of the elements compared to

each other. Atom size decreases as you move from left to right across the table and

increases as you move down a column. Energy required to remove an electron from

an atom increases as you move from left to right and decreases as you move down a

column. The ability to form a chemical bond increases as you move from left to

right and decreases as you move down a column.

5. Answer the questions:

1) Give the definition of the periodic table.

2) Who created the periodic table?

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3) Are there any skipped atomic numbers on the modern periodic table? Why

4) How can the placement of these new elements on the periodic table be?

5) What is the structure of the periodic table?

6) What is a period?

7) What is a group?

8) How does the atomic number increase?

9) How does the atomic size decrease?

10) How does the ability to form a chemical bond increase?

6. Connect two parts:

1) Periodic table a) the atomic number of an element, which its

number on the periodic table.

2) Period b) is a vertical column, or family, in the periodic


3) Group c) increases as you move from left to right and

decreases as you move down a column.

4) The ability to form a

chemical bond

d) is a horizontal row in the periodic table.

5) The number of protons


e) is a tabular arrangement of the chemical

elements by increasing atomic number which

displays the elements so that one may see trends in

their properties.

Home assignment

Here's a list of the chemical elements, arranged alphabetically.

Translate each element; write a transcription to it and chemical symbol.











































Radon Rhenium


















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7. Make up the monologue about the periodic table and one of the chemical




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Unit 2. Chemical Elements of Living Matter Lesson 1. Chemical Elements of Living Matter

Цель занятия: Знакомство с базовой терминологией по теме занятия;

формирование иноязычных умений и навыков по пониманию основного

содержания текста.

1. Remember new words

1. comparatively

2. to occur

3. occurrence

4. a distribution

5. a deposit

6. a diamond

7. ore

8. essential

9. a constituent

10. an animal

11. vegetable

12. a body

13. to contain

14. to scatter

15. throughout

16. earth

17. abundant

18. minute

19. quantity

20. markedly

1. сравнительно, относительно

2. встречаться, находиться

3. местонахождение

4. распределение

5. отложение, осадок

6. алмаз, бриллиант

7. руда

8. существенный, важный

9. составная часть

10. животное

11. овощи, растительный

12. организм, тело

13. содержать

14. разбрасывать

15. повсюду

16. земля

17. обильный, богатый

18. незначительный

19. количество

20. заметно, отчетливо

2. Learn chemical elements.

1. graphite

2. arsenic

3. copper

4. platinum

5. silicon

6. fluorine

7. phosphorus

8. carbon

9. sodium

1. графит

2. мышьяк

3. медь

4. платина

5. кремний

6. фтор

7. фосфор

8. углерод

9. натрий

3. Read and translate the text:

Chemical Elements of Living Matter

Living matter contains about one-third of the elements of the Mendeleyev

Periodic Table. Only hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and iodine are found in higher

concentrations in the human body than in the earth. Six other elements are found in

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roughly the same proportions: oxygen, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, potassium and


Comparatively few of the elements occur in the free or uncombined state in

nature. Among these are oxygen and nitrogen, these exist free and are mechanically

mixed together in the atmosphere. Sulphur occurs in the free state in large deposits in

the neighbourhood of volcanoes. Carbon occurs free in its pure natural form,

crystallized as the diamond. It also occurs in many places as graphite.

Oxygen is the element present in the human body in the greatest amount

constituting about 65% of the total (by weight) amount. Most amount of oxygen is

combined with hydrogen as water – the most abundant compound of the human body

constituting 45% to 75% by weight. Hydrogen and oxygen occur combined as water.

They also are essential constituents of all animal and vegetable bodies. Most organic

compounds contain them. Water itself is essential to keep the body hydrated, but it

also plays an absolutely vital role in respiration. The exact amount depends

principally on age, sex and build; relatively, infants have more than adults, men more

than women. There may also be considerable differences between healthy and ill

people and the water content of the body may be affected by drugs.

Carbon is the second most abundant element found inside the human body.

Carbon is excreted from the body in the form of carbon dioxide, which is a waste

product of respiration*. Carbon is also the main component of glucose and other

sugars. The unique nature of living matter is due to its organic constituents i.e.*

compounds based on a carbon chain.

There are some important organic chemicals, usually ions that are essential to

health. For example, calcium and phosphorus for the teeth and bones, andiron is

essential in the hemoglobin of the blood and transport the oxygen throughout the


Sodium, potassium and chlorine ions deserve special emphasis because they

regulate the electrolyte equilibrium in the blood and body tissues and help maintain

proper fluid balance inside and outside the cells. Phosphorus is another very

important mineral. One of it functions involves energy production.

The various elements occur scattered very irregularly throughout the earth.

Some are very abundant and occur widely distributed, while others are found in such

minute quantities that their properties are not fully studied.

4. Say if the statements are right or wrong.

1. Living matter contains about one-fourth of the elements of the Periodic Table.

2. Hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen are found in high concentrations in the

human body.

3. The most abundant compound in the human body is water.

4. The water content of the body depends on age, sex, build as well as people’s state

of health.

5. Carbon constitutes about one-half of the body weight of tissues.

6. Sodium, potassium, chlorine are present as the ions, and so is part of calcium,

magnesium, iodine and bromine.

7. Calcium and phosphorus are essential for the bones and teeth.

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8. Potassium, sodium and chlorine regulate fluid balance inside and outside the cell.

9. There are some other important ions occurring in living matter.

5. Find the meaning of the words in right column to the left:

1. occur

2. exist

3. free

4. pure

5. state

6. find

7. ore

8. constituent

9. scatter

10. quantity

1. свободный

2. составная часть

3. состояние

4. руда

5. находиться

6. количество

7. находить

8. существовать

9. разбрасывать

10. чистый

6. Find the meaning of the words in left column to the right: 1. заметно

2. обильный

3. вид

4. животное

5. существенный

6. незначительный

7. местонахождение

8. отложение

9. повсюду

10. содержать

1. minute

2. deposit

3. abundant

4. occurrence

5. markedly

6. animal

7. contain

8. appearance

9. throughout

10. essential

7.Group the antonyms and translate them.

few, element, everywhere, regularly, impure, pure, irregularly, nowhere, compound,


8. Translate next word-combinations into Russian:

occur in the free or uncombined state, mechanically mixed together in the

atmosphere, in large deposits, crystallized as diamond, essential constituents of all

animal and vegetable bodies, organic compounds, widely distributed.

9. Fill the gaps with the words given in brackets.

(properties, diamond, constituents, occurs, copper)

1. Oxygen … in an uncombined state in nature.

2. … is a purest, crystallized form of carbon.

3. … is a metallic element.

4. Hydrogen is one of the … of all animal bodies.

5. Do you know the physical … of nitrogen?

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10.Answer the questions according to the text.

1. What amount of chemical elements does living matter contain?

2. What elements are found in the human body in higher concentrations than in the


3. What organic chemicals present as ions are essential to health?

4. What is the percentage of oxygen present in the human body?

5. Do many elements occur in the free state of nature?

6. What elements occur in the free state in the atmosphere?

7. What form does carbon occur in?

8. What state are metals found in metallic ores in?

9. What compound of hydrogen with oxygen is very abundant on the earth?

10. What elements do most organic compounds contain?

11. Where does sulphur exist in the free state?

12. Why do sodium, potassium and chloride ions deserve special emphasis?

13. What is the main function of phosphorus?

Lesson2. Nitrogen

Цель занятия: Знакомство с базовой терминологией по теме занятия;

формирование иноязычных умений и навыков по пониманию основного

содержания текста.

1. Remember new words

1. transparent

2. tasteless

3. support

4. readily

5. unstable

6. pint

7. limits paper

8. indicate

9. entirely

10. remove

11. fume

12. remain

13. disappear

14. reduce

1. прозрачный

2. безвкусный

3. поддерживать

4. быстро, охотно

5. неустойчивый

6. пинта (мера ѐмкости в Англии, равна 0,57 л для


7. лакмусовая бумага

8. показывать

9. полностью

10. выделять

11. дым

12. оставаться

13. исчезать

14. раскислять, восстанавливать, уменьшать, сокращать

2. Read and translate the text:


Symbol N. Atomic Weight 14.008.

Occurrence. Nitrogen occurs in the free state in air, o fwhich it forms four-

fifths by volume. Nitrogen exists in the state of combination in nitre or saltpetre,

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potassium nitrate,KNO3. It forms an essential constituent of the bodies of all animals

and plants.

Properties of Nitrogen. Nitrogen is a colourless, transparent, tasteless and

inodorous gas. It neither supports combustion, nor burns, Nitrogen does not only

combine with oxygen readily, but it does not combine with any other element easily

except at a very high temperature, liven such compounds which it forms are unstable

and easily decomposed. Nitrogen is slightly soluble in water, 1000 parts of water are

able to dissolve 28 parts of the gas. (

By great old and great pressure nitrogen is

reduced to the liquid and even to the solid state. It

has no action upon litmus-paper, and since this

fact indicates that it is neither acid nor alkaline.

We must call nitrogen a neutral substance.

Preparation. Nitrogen can be prepared by

burning phosphorus in a closed volume of air.

Oxygen is entirely removed. After white fumes of

phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5)have disappeared,

the colourless gas remaining is nearly pure



3. Read the text one more time and do the exercise:

(1 – верно, 2 – неверно, 3 – нет в тексте)

1. Азот встречается только в соединениях в природе.

2. Азот является важной составной частью всех животных и растительных


3. При горении фосфора в закрытой посуде образуется белый дым.

4. Кислород и азот–это газы без цвета и запаха.

5. Азот можно получить только путем нагревания некоторых его соединений.

6. Аммиак–это соединение азота с водородом.

7. При горении фосфора в закрытом объеме воздуха выделяется кислород.

4.Find the meaning of the words in right column to the left: 1. transparent

2. fume

3. disappear

4. remain

5. support

6. entirely

7. remove

8. indicate

9. unstable

10. tasteless

1. исчезать

2. оставаться

3. поддерживать

4. прозрачный

5. неустойчивый

6. выделять

7. безвкусный

8. показывать

9. полностью

10. дым

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5. Find the meaning of the words in left column to the right:

1. показывать

2. дым

3. исчезать

4. поддерживать

5. полностью

6. прозрачный

7. пинта

8. выделять

9. лакмусовая бумага

10. быстро, охотно

1. disappear

2. support

3. fume

4. litmus-paper

5. indicate

6. pint

7. entirely

8. readily

9. remove

10. transparent

6. Group the antonyms and translate them.

free state, to appear, element, to disappear, to heat, to remain, combined condition, to

escape, compound, to cool.

7. Translate next word-combinations into Russian:

free state, in the state of combination, an essential constituent, can be prepared,

closed volume, tasteless and inodorous gas, easily decomposed, soluble in water,

solid state, a neutral substance.

8. Find in the text the equivalents of next words and word –combinations:

в свободном состоянии, селитра, составная часть, животные и растительные

организмы, при горении, белый дым, бесцветный газ, чистый азот,

поддерживать горение, высокая температура, слегка растворимый.

9. Translate the derivatives of «nitrogen»:

nitrogenous, nitrate, nitrite, nitric acid, nitrous acid.

10. Fill the gaps with the words given in brackets.

(eliminated, removed, essential, exist, vegetable, evolved, excess)

1. Nitrogen … in the state of combination in nitre.

2. When phosphorus burns in a closed volume of air, oxygen is entirely ….

3. Nitrogen forms an … constituent of all animal … bodies.

4 . If a concentrated solution of ammonium nitrite is heated, nitrogen is … and water

is ….

5. In the experiment with hydrochloric acid ammonia always remains is ….

11. Continue the sentences:

1. Nitrogen is a ….

2. Nitrogen can be prepared ….

3. Nitrogen gas can be obtained ….

4. Nitrogen occurs in ….

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5. Ammonia consists of ….

12. Answer the questions according to the text.

1. Does nitrogen occur in the free state in air?

2. In what compounds does nitrogen exist in the state of combination?

3. What element is an essential constituent of bodies of all animals and plants?

4. By means of what can nitrogen be prepared?

5. What takes place, when a concentrated solution of ammonium nitrite is heated?

6. Has nitrogen any colour, taste or odour?

7. What most important compounds of nitrogen do you know?

Lesson 3. Carbon.

Цель занятия: Знакомство с базовой терминологией по теме занятия;

формирование иноязычных умений и навыков по пониманию основного

содержания текста.

1. Remember new words:

1. distinct

2. allotropic

3. modification

4. elementary

5. X-ray

6. bed

7. octahedron

8. exceedingly

9. because of

10. extreme

11. cut

12. transparent

13. resistant

14. infusibility

15. binder

16. extensive

17. fine

18. ground

19. bake

1. различный, разный

2. аллотропный

3. модификация

4. неразложимый

5. рентгеновский

6. пласт, залежь

7. восьмигранник

8. чрезвычайно, очень

9. из-за, вследствие

10. крайний, чрезвычайный

11. резать

12. прозрачный

13. стойкий, прочный

14. тугоплавкость, неплавкость

15. связывающее вещество

16. широкий, обширный

17. мелкий

18. молотый, измельченный

19. сушить

2. Learn chemical elements:

1. amorphous

2. limestone

3. coal

4. lead

5. clay

1. аморфный

2. известняк

3. каменный уголь

4. грифель

5. глина

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3. Read the text and do the exercises.

CARBON. Symbol C. Atomic Weight 12.011.

Occurrence. Carbon occurs free in nature in two distinct allotropic crystalline

modifications, which are known as diamond and graphite. The third form of

elementary carbon known as amorphous carbon may be obtained by heating organic

suborganic substances, such as wood, sugar, etc. to a high

temperature in the absence of air. X-ray examination of

this form of carbon has shown that it is not amorphous

but contains submicroscopic particles of graphite. In

combination, carbon is found as an essential constituent

of all living organisms; as carbon dioxide in the air and

water: as calcium carbonate in the great beds of

limestone; as very complex compounds chiefly in

combination with hydrogen in coal and oil; and as

methane, CH4, in natural gas.



Diamond. Diamond is a clear colourless substance, which crystallizes in

octahedrons and is exceedingly hard. Because of its extreme hardness diamond is

used for cutting and writing on glass. When diamonds are heated in the air or oxygen

they burn to carbon dioxide. Towards most chemical reagents they are indifferent.

Graphite. Graphite is the second crystalline modification of carbon. It is dark-

gray in colour, non-transparent, and soft. Graphite is highly resistant to chemical

action. When heated in the air, or oxygen, it slowly burns to carbon dioxide. Because

of its infusibility, graphite when mixed with a small portion of clay to act as a binder

is used in making crucibles which have to stand high temperatures. Because of this

same properties and the fact it is a good conductor of electricity, graphite is used at

present industries. Finely ground graphite mixed with clay and slightly baked

constitutes the «lead» of our lead pencil.

4. Read the text one more time and do the exercise:

(1 – верно, 2 – неверно, 3 – нет в тексте)

1. Свободный углерод встречается в виде алмаза и графита.

2. Многообразие соединений углерода объясняется способностью его атомов

связываться между собой с образованием длинных цепей или колец.

3. Алмаз – бесцветное вещество, которое кристаллизуется восьмигранником.

4. При прокаливании в кислороде алмаз сгорает, образуя диоксид углерода.

5. Графит представляет собой темно-серые кристаллы. Он не прозрачный и


6. Графит применяется для изготовления карандашей.

7. В соединении углерод встречается как диоксид углерода в воздухе и воде.

8. При очень высоких температурах углерод соединяется с водородом, серой,

кремнием, бором и многими металлами.

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5. Find the meaning of the words in right column to the left: 1. elementary

2. ground

3. fine

4. resistant

5. extreme

6. bed

7. infusibility

8. exceedingly

9. modification

10. distinct

1. мелкий

2. крайний, чрезвычайный

3. стойкий

4. модификация

5. пласт, залежь

6. различный, разный

7. неразложимый

8. чрезвычайно, очень

9. тугоплавкость, неплавкость

10. молотый, измельченный

6. Find the meaning of the words in left column to the right:

1. рентгеновский

2. широкий, обширный

3. связывающее вещество

4. восьмигранник

5. аллотропный

6. сушить

7. стойкий, прочный

8. чрезвычайный

9. пласт, залежь

10. мелкий

1. binder

2. allotropic

3. resistant

4. fine

5. X-ray

6. bed

7. extreme

8. bake

9. octahedron

10. extensive

7. Group the antonyms and translate them.

to heat, combined, high, large, good, to coal, soft, low, absence, bad, free, hard,

small, presence.

8. Translate next word-combinations into Russian:

allotropic modifications, crystalline modifications, elementary carbon, amorphous

carbon, X-ray examination, submicroscopical particles, living organisms, highly

resistant, chemical reagents, great beds, present industry, finely ground graphite, lead

pencil, in the absence, because of its infusibility, a good conductor of electricity,

organic substances.

9. Find in the text the equivalents of next words and word –combinations:

который известен как алмаз, неразложимый углерод, органические вещества,

при отсутствии воздуха, соединение с кислородом, чрезвычайно тяжелый,

кристаллическая модификация, из-за его тугоплавкости, применяется в

современной промышленности, мелко измельченный графит.

10. Translate the sentences into Russian: 1. Углерод обычно находится в связанном состоянии в природе.

2. Алмаз является самым твердым из веществ, которые мы знаем.

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3. Углерод находится в природе в двух кристаллических формах.

4. На воздухе графит не загорается даже при сильном накаливании, но легко

сгорает в чистом кислороде.

5. Благодаря своей электропроводимости графит применяется для изготовления


6. Искусственный графит получают из лучших сортов каменного угля.

7. С кислородом углерод образует диоксид углерода CO2.

11. Answer the questions according to the text.

1. In what state does carbon occur in nature?

2. What distinct forms of carbon do you know?

3. What is a third form of elementary carbon?

4. How can you obtain amorphous carbon?

5. Where is carbon found in a state of combination?

6. What is diamond?

7. What is the main property of diamond?

8. What can you say about physical properties of graphite?

9. Where is graphite used?

Lesson 4. Hydrogen and Oxygen

Цель занятия: Знакомство с базовой терминологией по теме занятия;

формирование иноязычных умений и навыков по пониманию основного

содержания текста.

1. Remember new words

1. to ascertain

2. to bring in contact

3. a density

4. dilute

5. a face

6. a fat

7. invisible

8. power

9. a starch

10. steam

11. sugar

12. wax

13. to support

14. combustion

15. to recognize

1. устанавливать

2. контактировать

3. плотность

4. разбавленный

5. поверхность

6. жир

7. невидимый

8. сила

9. крахмал

10. пар

11. сахар

12. воск

13. поддерживать

14. горение

15. узнавать

16. by means of

17. burning glass

18. independently

19. soluble

16. путем

17. Увеличительное стекло

18. независимо

19. растворимый

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20. pressure

21. convert

22. boiling

23. either... or...

24. volume

25. surface

26. plentifully

27. potassium

28. to diffuse

29. a rock

20. давление

21. превращать

22. кипение

23. или... или...

24. объем, масса

25. поверхность

26. обильно, много

27. калий

28. распространяться

29. Горная порода

2. Read and translate the texts:


Symbol H. Atomic Weight 1.0080. Density I.Cavendish in 1766 first

ascertained the true nature oil this gas, to which

he gave the name of inflammable air.

Occurrence.H ydrogen occurs in a state of

combination in nature, though it sometimes

exists in the free state mixed with other gases in

certain volcanic eminations. Its principal

compound is water, H2O, of which it forms one

ninth part by weight. (


Hydrogen composes 1/9th of the weight of all the oceans, seas, rivers and lakes

on the face of the earth, that's why the quantity of this element occurring in a state of

combination is very large. Hydrogen also forms an essential ingredient of all animal

and vegetable bodies. Most organic compounds (e. g., sugar, starch, fat, wax etc.)

contain it as a constituent. All mineral oils contain a large proportion of hydrogen

combined with carbon. Hydrogen may be recognized by the fact that, if brought in

contact with a flame, it burns, with a pale blue flame.

Preparation. The usual method of preparing hydrogen is by the action of

dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid on metallic zinc. It can also be made from water:

a) by electrolysis, b) by the action of sodium or potassium, or c) by the action of red-

hotiron on steam. Its principal properties are its lightness and inflammability. It

doesn't support combustion in the ordinary manner like air. Hydrogen is a colourless,

invisible, inodorous gas. Gaseous water, or steam, is produced when hydrogen

burns in air.

3. Answer the questions according to the text «Hydrogen»:

1. In what state does hydrogen occur in nature?

2. What compounds contain hydrogen?

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3. By means of what is hydrogen usually prepared?

4. Has hydrogen any colour?

5. Can we see it?

6. Has it any odour?


Symbol O. Atomic Weight 15,9.

Priestly, in England, discovered oxygen on the first of August 1774, when he

heated oxide of mercury by means of the sun's rays concentrated by a burning glass.

It was after wards discovered independently by Scheele, in Sweden, in 1775.

Properties of Oxygen. Oxygen is at

an ordinary temperature a colourless,

odourless and tasteless gas, heavier than air

and slightly soluble in water. 100 volumes

of water at 0° can dissolve 4 volumes of

oxygen under the normal pressure of 760

mm. It is converted into a liquid at a low

temperature and a high pressure. It boils at

– 181oС.

Occurrence. Of all the elements,

which occur on our planet, oxygen either

free or combined is the most widely

diffused and is found in the largest quantity.



Oxygen occurs in the free state in the atmosphere, of which it forms one fifth

by volume. In combination with hydrogen it forms 8/9of the total weight of water on

the earth's surface. It occurs very plentifully in a state of combination in all rocks and

is an essential constituent in all animal and vegetable structures.

Preparation. It is prepared by heating certain of its compounds, some of which

are mercuric oxide, potassium chlorate and manganese dioxide; it may be obtained by

the decomposition of water by electrolysis.

4. Answer the questions according to the text «Oxygen»:

1. When was oxygen discovered?

2. Who discovered oxygen?

3. Where does oxygen occur in a free state?

4. What is oxygen prepared from in the laboratory?

5. What kind of gas is oxygen?

5. Read the text one more time and do the exercise: (1 – верно, 2 – неверно, 3 – нет в тексте)

1. Истинная природа водорода была установлена Ковендишем.

2. Водород в основном встречается в свободном состоянии в природе.

3.Водород в большом количестве встречается в соединениях.

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4. Для установления водорода его следует привести в контакт с пламенем.

5. Водород в основном получают действием кислот на металл.

6. Водород был открыт в первой половине XVI века немецким врачом и

естествоиспытателем Парацельсом.

7. Кислород – самый распространенный элемент на земном шаре.

8. Атмосферный воздух представляет собой смесь многих газов.

9. В свободном состоянии он находится в атмосферном воздухе, который

составляет 1/5 часть общего объема.

10. В соединении с водородом составляет 8/9 общего веса воды на земной


11. Кислород при обычной температуре не имеет цвета, запаха, вкуса.

12. При низкой температуре и высоком давлении он превращается в жидкость и

кипит при температуре 181оС.

13. Водород входит в состав всех растительных и животных организмов, нефти,

каменного и бурого углей, природных газов и ряда минералов.

Lesson 5. Calcium. Annotation

Цель занятия: формирование иноязычных умений и навыков по пониманию

основного содержания текста; формирование умения аннотирования статьи

на иностранном языке.

How to Write an Annotation of a Scientific Article or Research Paper

An annotation is a note, comment, or concise statement of the key ideas of

an article. Its purpose is to describe the work in such a way that the reader can decide

whether or not to read the work itself. With regard to scientific publications - a

characteristic that reflects the essence, the purpose of the main problems discussed


In any scientific article the relevance, novelty of the research goals and

objectives, conclusions should be described. The keywords of scientific article must

be pointed.

Functions of annotation:

- to describe the essence of the content of scientific articles;

- to make it clear whether or not to apply to the text.

Requirements to the annotation of scientific article:

- the characteristic theme of research or analysis;

- goals set by the author;

- results of research;

- conclusion.

Besides, keywords must be pointed (8-9 words or terms).

Annotation in English as in Russian, contains a number of standard reference phrases.

The headline of the article is — Заголовок статьи…

The author of the article is… — Автор статьи…

The topic of the article is… — Тема статьи

The key issue of the article is… — Ключевым вопросом в статье является

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The article is devoted to the problem… - Статью посвящена проблеме…

The author in the article touches upon the problem of… — В статье автор

затрагивает проблему….

The message of the article is that /The main idea of the article is — Основная идея

статьи (послание автора)

In conclusion the author dwells on — останавливается на

points out — указывает на то

generalizes — обобщает

reveals — показывает

1. Read the article accurately:






Group 2 (IIA)

Alkaline earth metal

Calcium is an alkaline earth metal. The alkaline earth metals make up Group 2

(IIA) of the periodic table.

Calcium compounds are common and abundant in the Earth's crust. Humans

have used calcium compounds for hundreds of years in construction, sculpture, and


Calcium metal was not prepared in a pure form until 1808 when English

chemist Humphry Davy (1778-1829) passed an electric current through molten

(melted) calcium chloride.

Metallic calcium has relatively few uses.

However, calcium compounds are well known and

widely used. They include chalk, gypsum, limestone,

marble, and plaster of Paris.

Occurrence in nature

Calcium is the fifth most common element in the

Earth's crust. Its abundance is estimated to be about

3.64 percent. It is also the fifth most abundant element

in the human body.




Calcium does not occur as a free element in nature. It is much too active and

always exists as a compound. The most common calcium compound is calcium

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carbonate (CaCO3 ). It occurs as aragonite, calcite, chalk, limestone, marble, and

travertine, and in oyster shells and coral.

Shellfish build their shells from calcium dissolved in the water. When the

animals die or are eaten, the shells sink. Over many


Pure calcium metal can be made by the same method used by Davy. An

electric current is passed through molten calcium chloride:

There is not much demand for pure calcium. Most calcium is used in the form

of limestone, gypsum, or other minerals that can be mined directly from the earth.

Shellfish build their shells from calcium dissolved in the water.


Calcium metal has relatively few uses. It is sometimes used as a "getter." A

getter is a substance that removes unwanted chemicals from a system. Calcium is

used as a getter in the manufacture of evacuated glass bulbs. Calcium is added to the

Health effects

Calcium is essential to both plant and animal life. In humans, it makes up about

two percent of body weight. About 99 percent of the calcium in a person's body is

found in bones and teeth. Milk is a good source of calcium. The body uses calcium in

a compound known as hydroxyapatite (Ca10 (PO 4 )6 (OH) 2 ) to make bones and teeth

hard and resistant to wear.

Calcium has many other important functions in the human body. For example,

it helps control the way the heart beats. An excess (too much) or deficiency (not

enough) of calcium can change the rhythm of the heart and cause serious problems.

Calcium also controls the function of other muscles and nerves.

2. Make up the annotation

Unit 3.PropertiesofMatter

Lesson1. Definition. Classification.

Цели: Знакомство с базовой терминологией по теме занятия; формирование иноязычных

умений и навыков по пониманию основного содержания текста; формирование умения

диалогической речи.

1. Read and remember next words. Write the transcription:

matter – вещество

to distinguish – различать

through – через, сквозь, по

to refer to – относиться к

to surround – окружать

to define – определять

(to) change – v изменять, n перемена

conductivity – проводимость

density – плотность

appearance – проявление

state – состояние

ability – способность

malleability – тягучесть

luster – блеск

negligible – незначительный,


to dissociate – разъединять, отделять

to alter – изменять, видоизменять

regardless - независимо

to be flattened - сплющиваться

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2. Match English word-combinations to Russian equivalents:

inter molecular force of attraction, composition and properties, qualities/attributes,

miniscule particles , volume and shape, mass and inertia, pure substance

чистое вещество, масса и инертность (вялость, инерционное свойство),

межмолекулярная сила притяжения, качества, состав и свойства, крошечные

частички, объем и форма

3. Match the synonyms (translate)

1. alter a. attributes

2. qualities b. shine

3. matter c. change

4. luster d. substance

5. consists of e. compound

6. element f. is made up of

4. Translate the sentences with key-words:

a) solid -твердый, liquid - жидкий, gas - газ

Three main states of matter are: Solid, Liquid, Gas.

b) composition- состав; property - свойство

The different types of matter can be distinguished through two

components: composition and properties.

c) malleable - пластичный

Liquid is distinguished by its malleable shape

d) mixture – смесь, chemical bond – химическая связь

A mixture consists of two or more substances (element or compound) mixed together

without any chemical bond.


The different types of matter can

be distinguished through two

components: composition and


The composition of matter refers

to the different components of matter

along with their relative proportions.

The properties of matter refer to

the qualities/attributes that distinguish

one sample of matter from another.

These properties are generally grouped

into two categories: physical or

chemical. (




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We are all surrounded by matter on a daily basis. Anything that we use, touch,

eat, etc. is an example of matter. Matter can be defined or described as anything that

takes up space, and it is composed of miniscule particles called atoms. It must display

the two properties of mass and inertia.

Physical (Properties and Changes)

Physical Property: A physical property is one that is displayed without any change in

composition. (Intensive or Extensive)

Intensive properties: A physical property that will be the same regardless of the

amount of matter.

color: The pigment or shade

conductivity: electricity to flow through the substance

malleability: if a substance can be flattened

luster: how shiny the substance looks

density: m/v

Extensive Properties: A physical property that will change if the amount of matter


mass: how much matter in the sample

volume: How much space the sample takes up

length: How long the sample is

Physical Change: Change in which the matter's physical appearance is altered, but

composition remains unchanged. (Change in state of matter)

Matter can be classified by its state.

Three main states of matter are: Solid, Liquid, Gas

Solid is distinguished by a fixed structure. Its shape and volume do not change.

The inter molecular force of attraction for solid matter is very strong.

Liquid is distinguished by its malleable shape (is able to form into the shape of its

container), but constant volume. The inter molecular force of attraction for liquid

matter is weaker than solid matter.

Gas is made up of atoms that are separate. However, unlike solid & liquid, a gas

has no fixed shape and volume. The inter molecular force of attraction for gaseous

matter is negligible.

Plasma which are usually gaseous state of matter in which a part or all of the

atoms or molecules are dissociated to form ions.

When liquid water (H2O) freezes into a solid state (ice), it appears changed;

However, this change is only physical as the composition of the constituent

molecules is the same: 11.19% hydrogen and 88.81% oxygen by mass.

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What It Means What Students Should




Color, size, shape,

texture, luster

(how a substance

reflects light)

Physical properties can be

observed using the senses to

identify and describe matter.


Tendency to float

or rise in a fluid

(liquid or gas)

Buoyancy applies to both

liquids and gases and is

determined in part by density

and fluid displacement.

Boiling Point

Temperature at

which a substance

changes from a

liquid to a gas

Most substances have a unique

boiling point that can be used

with other properties to identify



Ability of a

substance to

conduct heat,

sound, or


Heat, sound, and electricity

travel better through some

substances (conductors) than

through others (insulators).


Amount of matter

in a given volume;

expressed as D =


When two substances have the

same volume, the one with

greater mass has greater

density. For example, a cup of

feathers and a cup of marbles

have the same volume, but

because the cup of marbles has

greater mass it has a greater



Ability of a

substance to be

pulled into a thin

strand, such as a


This property is often used to

determine if a substance can be

used to make wire.


Ability of a

substance to resist

being scratched

A harder substance will scratch

a softer substance.

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What It Means What Students Should



Magnetism Abilitytoattractiron

Without touching them, a

magnet pulls on all things made

of iron and either pushes or

pulls on other magnets.


Ability of a

substance to be

pressed or

pounded into a

thin sheet

This property is used to

determine if a substance can be

rolled into thin sheets.

(example: aluminum foil).


Measure of the

amount of matter

in a solid, liquid,

or gas (measured

in grams)

All solids, liquids, and gases

have mass because they are all

made of matter rather than

energy. At this level the mass

of an object should be

measured using a triple beam

balance. Students should

understand the difference

between mass and weight.



Temperature at

which a substance

changes from a

solid to a liquid

Most substances have a unique

melting point that can be used

with other properties to identify

substances. The temperature at

which a substance melts and

freezes is the same (melting

point = freezing point).


Ability of a

substance to give

off a certain smell

This is not always the best

physical property to use to

describe substances because

odor is difficult to distinguish

and it can be considered

subjective. However, some

substances have distinct odors,

such as sulfur which smells like

rotten eggs.

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What It Means What Students Should




Ability of a

substance to

dissolve in another


A solution is a mixture that

appears to be a single

substance. It is composed of

particles of two or more

substances that are distributed

evenly among each other.


Matter exists as a

solid, liquid, or gas

A solid has a definite shape and

volume. A liquid has a definite

volume and takes the shape of

the container it is in. A gas has

no definite shape or volume but

changes to match the shape and

volume of the container it is in.

Students should also

understand that a liquid or a gas

can be referred to as a fluid.

Changes in the state of matter

are caused by the addition or

reduction of energy.


Amount of energy

in matter

(measured in

degrees Celsius or


A change in temperature is a

measure of the loss or gain of

energy in matter. Scientists

generally measure temperature

in degrees Celsius.


Amount of space

an object or

substance takes up,

measured in cm3

or ml.

Graduated cylinders allow

precision in measuring volume.

Students should practice

reading a meniscus. The

volume of an irregular solid can

be found by displacement of


( h t t p s : / / y a n de x . r u / i ma g e s / sea rc h? te x t = p hy s i ca l %2 0 pro p e r t i e s %2 0 o f %2 0 ma t t er )

Chemical (Properties and Changes)

Chemical Property: Any characteristic that gives a sample of matter the

ability/inability to undergo a change that alters its composition. Examples: Alkali

metals react with water; Paper's ability to burn.

Chemical Change: Change in which one or more kinds of matter are transformed to

new kinds of matter with altered compositions (or Chemical Reaction).

Example: Chemical Change

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Magnesium + Oxygen → Magnesium Oxide


Iron + Oxygen → Iron Oxide/ Rust


Using the components of composition and properties, we have the ability to

distinguish one sample of matter from the others.

Chemical Property What It Means What Students Should Understand

Reactivity with


Ability of a substance to react with


A reaction with oxygen results in

processes such as rusting and tarnishing of

some metals.



Ability of a substance to resist

reacting with oxygen

Not all substances react with oxygen. This

knowledge is used in the real world to

prevent rusting and tarnishing. For

example, a metal that is reactive with

oxygen can be coated or galvanized with a

non-reactive substance to prevent rusting

or tarnishing.


Ability of a substance to burn

Everything will burn, given a high enough

temperature. When a substance burns, ash

and smoke may not be given off. Fumes,

which may be toxic, can be a product of

the reaction.


Ability of a substance to resist


This property is useful in the real world

when selecting certain substances that

must withstand extreme heat.

Matter can also be classified by its chemical composition.

An element is a pure substance made up of atoms with the same number of

protons. As of 2011, 118 elements have been observed, 92 of which occur naturally.

Carbon (C), Oxygen (O), Hydrogen (H) are examples of elements. The periodic

table is a tabular representation of the known elements.

A compound consists of two or more chemical elements that are chemically

bonded together. Water (H2O) and table sugar (C12H22O11) are examples of chemical

compounds. The ratio of the elements in a compound is always the same. For

example in water, the number of H atoms is always twice the number of O atoms.

A mixture consists of two or more substances (element or compound) mixed

together without any chemical bond. Salad is a good example. A mixture can be

separated into its individual components by mechanical means.

5. Answer the questions according to the text:

a. How can the different types of matter be distinguished?

b. What do the properties of matter refer to?

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c. What are the properties generally grouped into?

d. What is physical property?

e. What is the intensive property?

f. Please, name the intensive properties.

g. What is the extensive property?

h. Please, name the extensive properties.

i. What is physical change?

j. Name three states of matter. Characterize each state.

k. What is chemical property?

l. What is the chemical change?

m. How can matter also be classified?

n. Characterize each chemical composition?

6. Using all information of the lesson retell the text.

Lesson2. Types of Mixtures.

Цели: Знакомство с базовой терминологией по теме занятия; формирование

иноязычных умений и навыков по пониманию основного содержания текста;

формирование умения диалогической речи.

1. Read and remember next words. Write the transcription:

behavior – поведение

homogeneous – однородный

straw – соломинка

refraction – рефракция


uniform – однородный

solutions – раствор

solute - растворенное

вещество, раствор

solvent. - растворитель

stir – перемешивать

concrete – бетон

soil - почва

blood - кровь

suspension – суспензия, взвесь

sand – песок

colloid – коллоид

definite – определенный

squeeze - сжимать

dispersed phase – дисперсная фаза

Tyndall effect–эффект Тиндаля (используется при

определении мутности воды измерением

величины рассеянного света из-за присутствия в

воде твѐрдых частиц)

fine – крошечный

scatter – распространять

beam – луч

visible – видимый

mist - туман, мгла

droplet – капля

pond - водоем, пруд t

o settle down – оседать

2. Find antonyms:

a. homogeneous

b. solid

c. solute

d. definite

1. indefinite

2. liquid

3. solvent

4. heterogeneous

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3. Match English word-combinations to Russian equivalents:

homogeneous mixture; heterogeneous mixture; the beam of light; a laser pointer;

different states of matter; quickly spread out

различные состояния вещества, однородная смесь, быстро

распространяются, луч света, неоднородная (гетерогенная) смесь, лазерная


4. Translate the sentences with key-words:

a) carbonation – насыщение углекислотой

Air, sea water, and carbonation dissolved in soda are all examples of homogeneous

mixtures, or solutions.

b) substance – вещество, solute – растворенное вещество

The substance that gets dissolved is the solute.

c) solvent - растворитель

The substance that does the dissolving is the solvent.

Types of Mixtures There are many kinds of mixtures. They are classified by the behavior of

the phases, or substances that have been mixed.

Homogeneous Mixtures

Soda water is a homogeneous mixture. (The straw looks broken because

of refraction.)

A homogeneous mixture is uniform, which means that any given sample of the

mixture will have the same composition. Air, sea water, and carbonation dissolved in

soda are all examples of homogeneous mixtures, or solutions. An

example for a homogeneous mixture is a solution. The substance

that gets dissolved is the solute. The substance that does the

dissolving is the solvent. Together they make a solution. If you stir

a spoonful of salt into a glass of water, salt is the solute that gets

dissolved. (

Water is the solvent. The salty water is now a solution, or homogeneous

mixture, of salt and water.

When different gases are mixed, they always form a solution. The gas molecules

quickly spread out into a uniform composition.

Heterogeneous Mixtures

A heterogeneous mixture is not uniform. Different samples may have different

compositions, like the example of chocolate chip ice cream. Concrete, soil, blood,

and salad are all examples of heterogeneous mixtures.


When sand gets kicked up in a pond, it clouds the water. Soon the sand settles

down, and is no longer mixed into the water. This is an example of a suspension.

Suspensions are heterogeneous mixtures that will eventually settle. They are usually,

but not necessarily, composed of phases in different states of matter.

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Toothpaste is a colloid, because it's part solid and part liquid.

What exactly is toothpaste? We can't exactly classify it

by its state of matter. It has a definite shape and volume, like

a solid. But then you squeeze the tube, and it flows almost

like a liquid.

These are examples of colloids. A colloid is a

heterogeneous mixture of two substances of different

phases. Shaving cream and other foams are gas ( dispersed in liquid. Colloids differ from suspensions in that they will not settle.

Colloids consist of two phases: a dispersed phase inside of a continuous medium.

The Tyndall Effect

The Tyndall effect distinguishes colloids from solutions. In a solution, the

particles are so fine that they will not scatter light.

This is not true for a colloid. If you shine light

through a solution, the beam of light will not be

visible. It will be visible in a colloid. For instance,

if you have ever played with a laser pointer, you

have seen the Tyndall effect. You cannot see the

laser beam in air (a solution), but if you shine it

into a mist, the beam is visible. Clouds look white

(or gray), as opposed to blue, because of the

Tyndall effect - the light is scattered by the small

droplets of suspended water.



5. Agree or disagree. Use the given expressions:

Quite so. I’m afraid you’re mistaken.

You’re quite right. As for me I don’t think so.

I agree completely. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.

a. Soda water is a heterogeneous mixture.

b. The substance that gets dissolved is the solvent.

c. The substance that does the dissolving is the solute.

d. The gas molecules slowly spread out into a uniform composition.

e. A heterogeneous mixture is not uniform.

f. Suspensions are heterogeneous mixtures that will eventually settle.

g. A colloid is a heterogeneous mixture of two substances of different phases.

h. Colloids do not differ from suspensions in that they will not settle.

i. The Tyndall effect distinguishes colloids from solutions

6. Fill the word in the skip:

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a. An example for a homogeneous mixture is a _______.

b. When different ____ are mixed, they always form a solution.

c. Concrete, soil, blood, and salad are all examples of ______ mixtures.

d. _______ are heterogeneous mixtures that will eventually settle.

e. Colloids consist of two phases: _______ inside of a continuous medium.

f. Clouds look white (or gray), as opposed to blue, because of the _______ - the

light is scattered by the small droplets of _______ water.

7. Answer the questions according to the text:

a. What is a homogeneous mixture? Give an example.

b. What is a solute?

c. What is a solvent?

d. What is a solution?

e. What is a heterogeneous mixture? Give an example.

f. What is a suspension?

g. What is colloid?

h. What is the difference between the suspension and colloids?

i. What is The Tyndall Effect?

Lesson3. Methods for Separating Mixtures

Цели: Знакомство с базовой терминологией по теме занятия; формирование

иноязычных умений и навыков по пониманию основного содержания текста;

формирование умения диалогической речи.

1. Read and remember next words. Write the transcription:

to separate – отделять

interpose – помещать

medium – среда

to retain – сохранять, удерживать

to contaminate – загрязнять

to contain – содержать

fine – крошечный

to complete – завершать

chip – крошка, кусочек

to melt – таять

boiling – кипячение

to desire – желать

to spin – крутить

axis – ось

to sink – тонуть

centrifugation - центрифугирование

silica – кварц

magnet – магнит

combustion – горение

explosive – взрывчатый

flammable – воспламеняемый

dip – погружать

2. Match English word-combinations to Russian equivalents:

a) pore size; filter thickness; purification methods; water vapor; boiling point; to

move outward; mesh filter; boiling flask; pure water; axis of rotation; denser phase;

preferential adsorption; a jar of muddy water

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b) размер пор; толщина фильтра; сетчатый фильтр; методы очищения; колба

для нагревания; водяной пар; чистая вода; точка кипения; плотная фаза;

двигаться наружу; ось вращения; избирательная адсорбция; банка с мутной


3. Match the synonyms (translate)

a. fluid 1. fine

b. complete 2. bit

c. miniscule 3. liquid

d. chip 4. finish

e. pure 5. clear

f. red blood cells 6. erythrocytes

g. flammable 7. explosive

4. Translate the sentences with key-words:

a) filtrate - фильтрат

The fluid that passes through is called the filtrate.

b) fractionation - деление; расслоение, фракционирование

Separation of several liquids with similar boiling points can be achieved

using fractionation.

c) sedimentation - осаждение; седиментация;

Sedimentation is used to purify waste water, by letting it settle and removing the


d) distillation - дистилляция

Distillation is the boiling of a mixture to separate its phases.

e) centrifuge - центрифуга

A centrifuge is a machine that spins a sample at fairly high rates of speed.

f) chromatography - хроматография

Chromatography is the separation of mixtures into their constituents by preferential

adsorption by a solid.

g) electrophoresis – электрофорез

Gel electrophoresis is used to separate different sized pieces of DNA.

Methods for Separating Mixtures A mixture can be separated into its individual components by mechanical means.

There are some methods for separating mixtures:

Filtration is one way to separate a mixture.

Filtration is commonly the mechanical or physical

operation which is used for the separation of solids from


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fluids (liquids or gases) by interposing a medium through which only the fluid can


The fluid that passes through is called the filtrate. Oversize solids in the fluid are

retained, but the separation is not complete; solids will be contaminated with some

fluid and filtrate will contain fine particles (depending on the pore size and filter


Imagine you have a sandbox, but there are bits of broken glass in it. All you would

need is some sort of filter. The sand particles are much smaller than the glass chips,

so a mesh filter would let sand pass but stop the glass. Filtration is used in all sorts of

purification methods. Some filters, like dialysis tubing, are such fine filters that water

can pass, but dissolved glucose cannot.

Filtration works with particles that are significantly different in size, like sand and

rock, or water and glucose.


A distillation apparatus has a boiling flask, a place to cool the vapor down, and a

collecting flask.

If you were given a glass of

saltwater, could you drink it?

Sure, if you distill it first.

Distillation is the boiling of a

mixture to separate its phases.

Salt is a solid at room

temperature, and water is a

liquid. Water will boil far

before salt even begins to

melt. So separating the two is

as simple as boiling the water

until all that remains is the

( solid salt.

If desired, the water vapor can be collected, condensed, and used as a source of

pure water.

Distillation can also be used if two liquids are mixed but have different boiling

points. Separation of several liquids with similar boiling points can be achieved

using fractionation.

Centrifugation and Sedimentation

Sedimentation is used to purify waste water, by letting it settle and removing the


These processes rely on differences in density. In a medical lab, blood often goes

into a centrifuge. A centrifuge is a machine that spins a sample at fairly high rates of

speed. Red blood cells are much denser than the watery substance (called plasma, but

it's not the plasma state of matter) that makes up blood. As a result of the spinning,

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the denser phases move outward and the less dense phases move inward, towards the

axis of rotation. Then, the red blood cells can be separated from the plasma.

Sedimentation is

similar, but it

happens when

particles of

different densities

have settled within

a liquid. If a jar of

muddy water is left

to settle, the

heaviest particles

sink to the bottom



4213423%2F692755069.jpg&pos=2&rpt=simage) The lightest particles sink)last and form a layer on top the heavier particles. You

may have seen this effect in a bottle of salad dressing. The seasonings sink to the

bottom, the water forms a lower layer, and the oil forms an upper layer. The separate

phases can be skimmed out. To return it to a mixture, simply shake it up to disturb the


Chromatography separates things dissolved in liquid. Chromatography is the

separation of mixtures into their constituents by preferential adsorption by a solid, as

a column of silica (column

chromatography) or a strip of filter

paper (paper chromatography) or by

a gel.

The differences in substances'

properties can be exploited to allow

separation. Consider these examples:

A mixture of sand and iron

filings can be separated by


Salt and sand can be separated

by solution (sand will not dissolve in

water, salt will)



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Helium can be separated from a mixture with hydrogen by combustion (this is

a very dangerous operation, since hydrogen in the presence of oxygen is highly

explosive). Hydrogen is flammable, but helium is not.

Other methods

There are countless other ways to separate mixtures. For instance, gel

electrophoresis is used to separate different sized pieces of DNA. They are placed

into gel, and an electric current is applied. The smaller pieces move faster and

separate from the larger pieces.

5. Agree or disagree. Use the given expressions:

Quite so. I’m afraid you’re mistaken.

You’re quite right. As for me I don’t think so.

I agree completely. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.

a. Filtration is commonly the mechanical or physical operation which is used for the

connection of solids with fluids by interposing a medium through which only the

fluid can pass.

b. Filtration is used in all sorts of purification methods.

c. A distillation apparatus has a boiling mask, a place to cool the vapor down, and a

collecting flask.

d. A centrifuge is a machine that spins a sample at fairly slow rates of speed.

e. Chromatography separates things dissolved in liquid.

f. Salt and sand can be separated by solution.

g. Chromatography separates phases dissolved in liquid.

6. Fill the word in the skip:

a. Filtration is one way to separate a ________.

b. Filtration works with particles that are significantly _____ in size.

c. _______is the boiling of a mixture to separate its phases.

d. Separation of several liquids with similar boiling points can be achieved

using ________.

e. Sedimentation is ______, but it happens when particles of ______ densities have

settled within a liquid.

f. ________ is the separation of mixtures into their constituents by preferential

_______ by a solid.

g. Chromatography separates phases dissolved in ________.

7. Please name the methods of separating mixtures.

8. Describe each method.

9. Give the examples of each method.

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Тексты для внеаудиторного чтения

Text 1.The Hippocratic Oath

Упражнение 1. Прочтите про себя текст «Клятва Гиппократа».

1) Найдите и прочтите вслух те предложения, где говорится об этических

принципах, которые должен соблюдать врач.

2) Прочтите и переведите выделенные слова.

The Hippocratic Oath

I swear by Apollo — the physician, by Asclepius Hygeia and Panaces, and I

take towitness all the gods, and the goddesses, to keep according to my ability the

following Oath. I will prescribe regimen for the good of my patients according to my ability

and never do harm to anyone. I will not prescribe a deadly drug, nor give advice

which may cause him death. In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, I

will keep myself far from all intentional ill-doing, and especially from the pleasures

of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves. All that may come to my

knowledge in the exercise of my profession or outside of my profession, which must not be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal.

If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected

by all men and in all times, but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my


Text 2.Living Organisms and their Environment Упражнение l. Прочитать, перевести заголовок текста. О чем идет речь?

Living Organisms and their Environment An organism's surroundings and all the factors which influence it constitute its

environment. The complex relations between the organisms and their environment can be seen in a very brief consideration of food supply. The green plants are at the base of the system of food relations in the organic world. They take from their surroundings only simple inorganic materials - water, carbon dioxide, oxygen, inorganic nitrogen, and various mineral salts. From these simple substances plants build carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Oxygen is an absolute requirement for most organisms; it is likewise abundant in most surroundings. Land-dwelling species obtain oxygen from the air; most aquatic species utilize the oxygen dissolved in water. If as sometimes happens in experimental or otherwise limited environments the oxygen supply of organisms is cut off the organisms will die.

Quite as important as oxygen is water which is a universal component of protaplasm. It provides the essential medium for the chemical processes of life and the transport of materials. The amount of water available determines what types of organisms will occur in an environment, how fast they will grow, and the rate of many of their basic life processes.

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Carbon dioxide in the environment is essential for photosynthesis. If either

carbon dioxide or inorganic nitrogen is absent or deficient the growth of photo

synthetic plants is limited or prevented. This, inturn, affects the animal population.

Упражнение 2. Прочитать текст и ответить наследующие вопросы:

1. What are the main components of the environment?

2. What do green plants take from their surroundings? What for?

3. What is oxygen important for?

4. What does the amount of water available determine?

5. What is carbon dioxide essential for?

6. What happens in the environment without oxygen (water, carbon dioxide) supply?

Упражнение 3. 1) Рассказать, какую новую информацию вы узнали о живых

организмах из текста?

Text 3. Drug elements.

Vocabulary of the text: admixture- добавка vehicle- двигатель auxiliary- дополнительный hardly- едва ли actually- в действительности truly- поистине approach- подход to accept- допускать metabolic rate- скорость метаболизма

utilisation- усвояемость impressionable- впечатлительный sense of fear- чувство страха acute- острый obliterate- задержать, замедлить curative - лечебный preferably- предпочтительно to resemble- напоминать


Упражнение 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя словарь. Drug elements.

Coal, graphite and diamonds are three forms of the same element, carbon. But when you know the properties of these substances you hardly try to cut glass with coal or use diamonds as fuel.

This may sound like a joke, but actually only biopharmacists have paid any attention to differences of the same kind where drugs are concerned. What they have discovered is truly amazing: the action of a drug is different depending on whether it is in crystalline or amorphous state. What is more, various crystalline structures of the same substance behave differently. The widely used antibiotic levomycetin, for example, exists in three crystalline and one amorphous state. Insulin, essential for diabetics, in microcrystalline suspension acts for twice as long as it does when it is in an amorphous state. Biopharmacy is supplying more and more information of this kind which helps to improve drugs. Starch, saccharose, pork fat, gelatine, cocoa butter, among other substances, used as auxiliary admixtures and bases, include particles of medicinal substances used in treatment. But they themselves are not neutral agents: they may affect the action of the drugs. Sometimes a paradoxical situation occurs when inside the body the

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vehicle substances acquire medicinal properties while the drug becomes neutral. This does not happen often: over the years medicine has, in most cases, selected suitable combinations of substences. In the future not a single new drug will escape the stringent control of the biopharmacists.

Until recently a purely quantitative approach to a drug taking was used. It was accepted that a fourteen-year-old needs three-quarters of the adult dose, a child of seven a third of this dose, and a one-year-old a twelfth, and so on. Quantity, it was discovered, is not the principal factor. In preparing drugs for small children, for example, many other factors have to be taken into consideration: their faster metabolic rate, faster utilisation of proteins, vitamins, microelements, etc. Children are impressionable and their sense of fear and pain is so acute that it may obliterate the curative properties of a drug. Biopharmacists have drawn up special recommendations concerning the manufacturing of drugs for children. They should preferably be in liquid form, and taste good. The Institute of Pharmacology recommends special syrups and fruit and berry juices for them. The drugs that cannot be taken in liquid form are made to resemble sweets. Other problems are involved in developing drugs for the aged, whose endocrine and other systems, kidneys and liver become less efficient. It takes longer for an aging organism to absorb and eliminate medicinal prepations. This is why it is important to combine these drugs with aminoacids, vitamins, and microelements,in

all of which an elderly person is deficient.

Упражнение 2. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим словам и

словосочетаниям: drug elements; coal; graphite; diamonds; carbon; substances; fuel to discover; to

concern; amorphous state; behave; to exist; essential for; twice as long as; to supply;

to improve; starch; pork fat; cocoa butter; auxiliary admixtures; medicinal substance;

neutral agents; to affect; the action of the drug; suitable combinations; quantative


Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов: использовать алмазы в качестве топлива; уделять внимание; где речь идет о

лекарствах; дополнительная добавка; влиять на; основные (действующие)

вещества; подходящий; избегать; тщательный, строгий, контроль; чисто

количественный подход; скорость метаболизма; микроэлементы; замедлить

лечебные свойства лекарства;

Упражнение 4. Определить, являются ли следующие утверждения истинными или ложными, исправить ложные утверждения. 1.Coal, graplite and diamonds are three forms of the same element, carbon. 2.The action of a drug is not different depending on whether it is in crystalline or amorphos state. 3.Insulin, errential for diabetics, in microcrystalline suspension acts for once as long as it does when it is in an amorphous state.

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4.Auxiliary admixtures and bases include particles of medicinal substances used in treatment. 5.In preparing drugs for small children many factors have to be taken into consideration. 6.Biopharmacists have drawn up special recommendations concerning the manufacturing of sweets for children. 7.The Institute of Pharmacology recommends special syrups and fruit and berry juices for adults. Упражнение 5. Ответить на следующие вопросы: 1. What are the three forms of carbon? 2. What influences the action of a drug? 3. Which of the drug states is more important? 4. Why must biopharmaceutists strictly control the new drugs? 5. What approach was taken until resently?

6. What factors are to be taken into consideration in preparing drugs? 7. In what forms should the drugs be produced for children? 8. What may influence the metabolic rate in the aged people? 9.What are recommendations for the drugs production for the aged people?

Упражнение 6. Дать краткий пересказ текста, используя следующие фразы: I knewthat ... I believe that ... I think that ... I suppose that ...

I did note know that ... I agree that ... I do not think that ... I’d like to stress the fact that ..

Lesson4. Контрольно-тестовая программа

Цели: контроль знаний базовой терминологии; контроль сформированнности

иноязычных умений и навыков по пониманию основного содержания текста.

Задание 1. Выберите английские эквиваленты слева для слов, стоящих


1. blood

2. carbon

3. chemical bond

4. density

5. energy level

6. fractionation

7. malleability

8. negligible

9. property

10. sedimentation

11. soil

12. solute

1. эффект Тиндаля

2. энергетический уровень

3. химическая связь

4. углерод

5. тягучесть

6. сжимать

7. свойство

8. растворитель

9. растворенное вещество

10. разъединять, отделять

11. почва

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13. solvent

14. squeeze

15. suspension

16. to alter

17. to decrease

18. to dissociate

19. Tyndalleffect

20. valence

12. понижать

13. плотность

14. осаждение

15. незначительный, ничтожный

16. кровь

17. изменять, видоизменять

18. деление; расслоение

19. взвесь

20. валентный

Задание 2.Выберите слова, сходные по значению (синонимы) для

следующих слов: 1. red blood cells

2. qualities

3. pure

4. miniscule

5. matter

6. luster

7. fluid

8. flammable

9. element

10. consists of

11. complete

12. chip

13. alter

1. attributes

2. bit

3. change

4. clear

5. compound

6. erythrocytes

7. explosive

8. fine

9. finish

10. is made up of

11. liquid

12. shine

13. substance

Задание 3.Выберите слова, противоположные по значению (антонимы) для

следующих слов:

1. freeze

a) remove b) occur c) melt d) play

2. heat

a) hot b) cold c) snow d) warm

3. soft

a) wrong b) beautiful c) solid d) right

Задание 4. Укажите предложения, в которых глагол-сказуемое стоит в

одном из времен Indefinite Passive. Предложения переведите на русский


1. Our classes are ventilated every day.

2. Some of my fellow students are the members of the scientific society.

3. Matter is composed of atoms.

4. Chemical properties can be explained by the structure of the atom.

5. Some questions will be discussed next week.

6. We shall discuss his report at a conference.

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Задание 5.Прочтите текст, постарайтесь понять его содержание.

Озаглавьте текст.

Starches (крахмал) are widely distributed throughout the plant world and are

stored principally in seeds, fruits, tubers and roots. They usually occur as discrete

particles or granules. The physical appearance and properties of granules vary widely

from one plant to another and may be used to classify starches as to origin. Some are

round, some elliptical and some polygonal. Starch may be prepared from corn,

potatoes and other sources.

One of the most important properties of starch granules is their behaviour on

heating with water.

When aqueous starch solutions are allowed to stand under aseptic conditions, they

finally undergo precipitation.

For many industrial applications the properties of natural starches are changed by

various treatments. These treatments include the action of enzyme, acids or oxidizing

agents on an aqueous suspension of the starch, or by heating dry starch with or

without the addition of small quantities of acids or alkalies. Starches are hydrolyzed

for the manufacture of syrups and glucose. Other applications of starches and

modified starches include adhesives, sizes for the textile, paper and leather industries,

binders in sand moulding and manufacture of asbestos products, etc.

Задание 6.Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста,

выбрав правильный вариант из предложенных.

1. Starches are widely distributed and stored in ... .

a) in leaves of plants.

b) in seeds, fruits and roots.

c) only in roots.

2. The most important property of starch granules is ... .

a) the reaction with metals.

b) the combining with acids.

c) the behavior with water.

3. The properties of starches are changed by ... .

a) various reactions.

b) various treatment.

c) various impurities.

4. When aqueous starch solutions are allowed to stand, they ... .

a) undergo precipitation.

b) come into contact with impurities.

c) begin to darken.

5. Starches are widely found ... .

a) in nature.

b) throughout the animal world.

c) throughout the plant world.

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Задание 7. Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос, используя информацию


1. What may starch be prepared from?

a) products of animal origin;

b) potatoes only;

c) corn, potatoes and other sources;

d) plant products;

2. What are the main applications of starches?

a) in the manufacture of sugar;

b) in light and heavy industries;

c) in manufacture of asbestos only;

d) in manufacture of syrups, glucose, paper and leather industries and

manufacture of asbestos products.

3. In what form do starches usually occur?

a) discrete particles or granules.

b) solid particles.

c) liquids.

d) powder.

Эталоны ответов:

1. 1-6; 2-4; 3-3; 4-13; 5-2; 6-18; 7-5; 8-15; 9-7; 10-14; 11-11; 12-9; 13-8; 14-6;

15-19; 16-17; 17-12; 18-10; 19-1; 20-20

2. 1-6; 2-1; 3-4; 4-8; 5-13; 6-12; 7-11; 8-7; 9-5; 10-10; 11-9; 12-2; 13-3; 3. 1-c; 2-b; 3-d; 4. 1- Наши комнаты проветриваются каждый день.

3- Вещество состоит из атомов. 4- Химические свойства могут быть объяснены структурой атомов. 5- Некоторые вопросы будут обсуждаться на следующей неделе.

5. Properties of Starch 6. 1-b; 2-c; 3-b; 4-a; 5-c 7. 1-c; 2-d; 3-a

Критерии оценки:

– «отлично» выставляется студенту, давшему правильные ответы на 91–100 %

тестовых заданий;

– «хорошо» выставляется студенту, давшему правильные ответы на 81–90%

тестовых заданий;

– «удовлетворительно» выставляется студенту, давшему правильные ответы на

71–80% тестовых заданий;

– «неудовлетворительно» выставляется студенту, давшему правильные ответы

на 70% и менее тестовых заданий.

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1. Марковина, И. Ю. Английский язык: учебник / И. Ю. Марковина, З. К.

Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн. - 4-е изд., испр. и перераб. - М.: ГЭОТАР -

Медиа, 2014. - 368 с.

2. Маслова, А. М. Английский язык для медицинских вузов: учебник / А.

М. Маслова, З. И. Вайнштейн, Л. С. Плебейская. - 5-е изд., испр. - М.:

ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2015. - 336 с.

3. Марковина И.Ю., Громова Г.Е. Английский язык: Грамматический

практикум для фармацевтов. Рабочая тетрадь/ И.Ю. Марковина, Г.Е.

Громова. М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2012.


1. Учебник английского языка: для студентов медицинских вузов; Под

ред. Т. П. Щедриной. - М.: Высшая школа, 2004. - 343 с

2. Англо-русский медицинский энциклопедический словарь:

дополненный перевод 26-го изд. Стедмана; Под ред.: А. Г. Чучалина. - 2-е изд.,

испр. - М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2003. – 719 с.

3. О’Брайен М.А. Русско-английский и англо-русский словарь = Russian-

English, English-Russian Dictionary: около 140 000 слов/ М.А. О Брайен. - М.:

Аcтрель: АСТ, 2003. - 703 c.

Информационное обеспечение:

1. информационная база данных по фармации

2. информационная база данных по фармации

3. электронный словарь AbbyLingvo

4. электронный словарь Multitran

5. электронная библиотека студента

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Учебное издание

Наймушина Мария Олеговна

Chemical Element