charlton news, issue 5

Charlton News 2015, Term 1 - Issue 5 - Thursday 2nd April LOVE | INTEGRITY | FAITH | EMPOWERMENT

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Page 1: Charlton News, Issue 5

Charlton News

2015, Term 1 - Issue 5 - Thursday 2nd April


Page 2: Charlton News, Issue 5

From the Principal

EasterYou’ve seen it.

You’ve heard it.

You can’t miss it!

Do you believe it?

Is the story of Easter just a fairytale? A myth?

Or is it more than that?

At Charlton we believe that it is more than just a story. It is God’s story.

We believe it was the beginning of a new way of life for all of those who believe and un-derstand that Jesus was not just a good man (even Satan believes that).

We believe that Jesus was the Son of the living God.


We believe that he died on that cross to give us the opportunity to have a friendship with his Father, God.

Because we are not perfect and have let God down in so many ways, it would be impossible for us to know Him even if we believe He is there.

Jesus died on the cross and took the

punishment that we deserve for our sinfulness, so that we could have a friendship (eternally) with Him and with God.

Remembering that Jesus did not stay dead but came back to life, we now have access to His power and His love in our lives.


We are not alone.

We are not powerless.

We have a foundation for a life of purpose and direction.


Because of Jesus we have life now and forever.

We don’t need to fear what happens after we die.

We have a security and a peace which goes beyond the everyday.

God provides a way of living through His word the Bible that shapes our future.

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PRAYER POINTS • Praise God for the very successful Bush Dance and

Duke of Ed expedition.

• Pray for students and staff who are going through very difficult circumstances in their lives at present.

• Pray for a safe and restful holiday for staff and students.

DO YOU HAVE A PRAYER REQUEST?Would you like someone to pray for you, your family or a friend?

Would you like someone to stand with you in faith to believe for a breakthrough?

Email our chaplain, Matt Stackhouse: [email protected] or phone (02) 4959 9111.

By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the Day of Judgment, because as he is, so also are we in this world. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.

Verse for the Week: 1 John 4:17-18

FROM THE CHAPLAINIf we really know God’s love in our lives, if we have put our faith and trust in God, we do not need to fear the future, even God’s judgment that will come. At that time, though we will know our sinfulness and the reality of justice and punishment for sin we will also know the greatness of God’s love and salvation. Jesus’ followers can have confidence looking to that time – no need to fear as there is no fear in love. The completeness of love means we do not cower in fear before God, dread-ing His judgment, either now or on the Day of Judgment. We know all the judgment we ever deserved – past, present, and future – was poured out on Jesus Christ on the cross. May you understand that this Easter.



God loves me!

Jesus proved that by his death on the cross.

I’m eternally thankful. Eternally!

Are you?!

May you be blessed this Easter.


PICTURED FRONT PAGE...Year 4 student Terangi Moanaroa achieved gold for coming 1st in swimming at CIS. Terangi went on to compete at PSSA recently and swam incred-ibly well. She came 2nd in the All Age 5x 50m Freestyle Relay, competing against students up to 12yrs of age!

Terangi also came 2nd in the heat for the 50m freestyle sending her through to the final, where she eventually came 9th. Congratulations Terangi! We are all very proud of you!

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Get StartedJunior School National Young Leaders Day

On Monday 16th March, the Junior School Leadership team travelled to Sydney to be part of the Halogen

National Young Leaders Day. The day was packed with inspiring speakers and a great atmosphere in the

Sydney Entertainment Centre.

Highlights were hearing from the Honourable Mike Baird about his cat Simon, seeing the passion of Bindi

Irwin, listening to Rachael Leahcar (from The Voice) sing and making paper planes with Dylan Parker and James

Norton, the men who inspired the movie Paper Planes. The theme of the day was “Get Started”, students were

encouraged to take what they were passionate about and do what they could to make a positive difference in

the world.

Last Thursday 19th March, Year 4 students were privileged to see a presentation by Matt

Ottley at the Newcastle Writers’ Festival. Matt is a talented artist who has illustrated a range

of books including ‘Parachute’ and ‘Luke’s Way of Looking’. The students were amazed at

Matt’s ability to turn their scribbles into detailed artworks. He showed the students how to

use basic shapes to start a drawing and how to mix a perfect skin colour.

The most amazing thing was that Matt is actually 80% colour-blind and often has to get his

wife to check that he hasn’t painted people too green.

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Year 11 English ExcursionOn Friday 20th March, all of Year 11 went to the Newcastle Town Hall to see Melina Marchetta speak as part of the Newcastle Writers’ Festival. This was especially fitting because Year 11 Advanced English have been studying Melina’s well-known book, Looking for Alibrandi.

Melina talked about her journey with writing and the obstacles she faced to get her first book published. She also spoke about the text itself answering many burning questions we had. She went on to talk about ways that we can challenge ourselves and improve our writing for any young aspiring writers who may have attended.

Some of us had the opportunity to meet Melina afterwards, get our books signed by her and even get a photo with her!

Then once we had finished in the Town Hall we raced over to the Civic Theatre where we were able to see a play called The Black Diggers. The play focused on the injustice felt by the Indigenous Australians during WWI, such as the difficulty of joining the army because of their indigenous background and the difficulty of getting accepted as a returned soldier after the war took place. It showed the contrast between the mateship and belonging that was felt at war and the segregation experienced in Australia when the soldiers returned. This play was very insightful and really broadened our knowledge of Australia’s history and showed us the reality of racism in Australia.

We then got to relax and get a bite to eat from the shops surrounding the theatre. Afterwards we got to hear Mr. Samild and some of our students play piano after seeing that there was one for public use. It was a great day that met all of our expectations and whether it was in relation to writing or Australian history, we all learnt something new.

Brydie Gray, Year 11 Student

Pictured Above:Year 11 students with author Melina Marchetta

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On Wednesday 25th March, the Middle School Leaders ran an Ice Cream Day for all of Middle School. We sold ice cream and spiders for $1 each and we raised $80. It was a great opportunity for the leaders to organise and

run the event and was a lot of fun. With Mrs Perrim’s help, we sold all of what we had.

The money we raised will go towards our Middle School sponsor child in the Philippines, Manila. The money will help her with the cost of school, her uniform and it will help her family eat and live better. We hope to

have many more fundraisers like this in the future.

Naomi Stackhouse, Year 8, Middle School Leader

Ice Cream day

On Tuesday 24th March Stage 1 celebrated Harmony Day. This term we have being learning about celebrations in our families, the community and around the world. Harmony Day is a celebration of the many different cultures that are found in Australia. We came dressed in costumes to represent the different cultures. During the morning session our literacy activities helped us to learn more about what it might be like to move to a new country and live in a place where everyone speaks a different language to you. We learnt about what life might be like if you were a refugee and had to move to a new country. We had a yummy morning tea of food from all around the world. All of Stage 1 showed great confidence to taste new and different foods. After recess many stu-dents learnt how hard it would be to learn maths if you had to learn to count in a different language. Some of us got quite con-fused! Stage 1 explained that Harmony Day means loving everyone and being kind to them, even if they look different to you. What a simple, but valuable lesson they have learned.

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Oh What a Night!!What a fantastic night we had last Saturday! A wonderful crowd of about 160 people came along to heel-and-toe the night away.

The Bushfire Bush Band was awesome and had even the most reluctant of dancers out on the floor. There were games and prizes too. We all enjoyed a sausage sizzle so we had plenty of energy, then, after all the dancing, fun and games to wind down with a lovely supper including the good old Aussie lamington and pavlova!

Huge thanks to everyone who came and to everyone who volunteered on the night to make it such a success. A special thanks to Jo Harrower for all her organizing and planning! It was so much fun we might just do it again!!

Jenine Graham, PA President

To view all of the photos from the Bush Dance visit our Facebook page:

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Blue skies and sunshine were certainly on the agenda as the starters whistle blew for the first wave of students to set off for the 3.2 km run at Blackbutt Reserve last Friday. The beautiful setting played host to large numbers representing their various age groups and houses. A huge thank you to all involved! Cross Country organiser; Mr Wade Warren was really impressed with the way staff members worked together to stream line the whole event. It was also very encouraging to see many parents supporting their child and helping out with some of the duties around the course.

Congratulations to Booth House who won the day with 177 points, followed by Liddell with 172 and holding Court at third place with 169. This was the first year the 3.2km running course has been timed with some outstanding results.

* Luke Gibbons (one lap) finish time of 12min 18s

*Thomas Roberts (two laps) finish time of 27min 55s

*Abby Stafford (primary one lap) finish time of 14mins 45s.

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Well done to those students who excelled and ran hard to gain their results. It was entertaining to see some students get into the fun of the day by dressing in colourful attire and some even crossing the finish line reading a book!!

The day wouldn’t be complete without a tasty BBQ thanks to Mrs Andrea McKeown and Mr Matt Geach.

Once again, a massive thank you to everyone for another great Cross Country Carnival.

May God bless you all.

Mike Williams

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On Wednesday 18th March, our students travelled to the Hawkesbury Indoor Sports Centre at South Windsor in Sydney for the CSSA State Volleyball Gala

Day. The girls were both excited and nervous as it was their first time playing volleyball competitively. We started the day well and gained winning points for our first game, as the opposition didn’t turn up! Our next game against William

Carey CS. We played well and were able to gain points. However, they ended up finishing stronger and won the game. Our third game was against Norwest

CC. We won the first set, but couldn’t produce the same effort and result for the next two sets. Our last game for the day was against ICS Cordeaux. They

were a very good team and although we put up a good fight, they dominated and beat us convincingly in the second set.

We went home with our heads held high. It was a great day out filled with plenty of learning experiences and a newly found appreciation of volleyball. Most of the girls are keen to play again and compete next year. Well done to our team. They represented Charlton Christian College well through their ef-

fort, sportsmanship and behaviour.

Mr Mathias

State Volleyball Gala Day

Join us at GoodLife Church on Sunday 5th April to hear Mr Lalor speak about forgiveness, recovery and living in community after his recent incident, and of course share the Easter message.

It’s on at 2:30pm at Bolton Point Park on Sunday 5th April.

See you there!

OPEN DAYFriday 22nd May from 9am to 12noon

Open Classrooms

Tour the College

Speak with Executive Staff

Visit our facilities

Spread the Word!

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Good Friday

Easter Sunday

3 R D O F A P R I L

5 T H O F A P R I L





World of Maths Day was held in the MPC on Monday 30th March

for all JS students. A number of parents also attended to assist younger student groups. Chil-

dren had 5 minutes on different hands on tasks in problem solv-

ing and strategy and had a great time. The activities were excel-lent for working building team

skills too.

It was really fun.Archer

I had lots of fun and I liked being in groups with my


I think it’s awesome and also challenging.

Spencer C

I liked the really challenging activities, like the key one.

And it was fun too. Ivan

I think it was fun especially the memory games. It was teaching you more things

about maths.Riley

Junior SchoolWorld of Maths

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Last week Year 5 and Year 6 participated in a HSIE Theme Day.

Year 5 took part in a number of fun activities based on the gold theme they have been studying this term.

They searched for gold in the park and weighed in for a golden reward. They created maps of the school grounds and wrote cryptic clues for where their gold has been safely hidden. They tried out yummy golden crumpets with golden syrup and made a treasure

box where they took time to consider what treasures are truly important in life. Matthew 6:21 says, ‘For where your treasure is there your heart is also’. Year 5 decided that freedom, Jesus’ love, education, family and friendships were indeed far greater treasures than

the latest phone, or device or game to play with.

A fun-filled day for everyone!

Year 6 enjoyed working in groups learning about Government. The students were very well behaved and had a great approach to their learning. Here's what they had to say about the day:

The HSIE theme day was very interesting as we learnt about lots of factual information by doing interactive things and working with both Year 6 classes was fun. Lucy Donoghue, Year 6

We did lots of activities and it felt like we were back in the gold rush days. Jordyn Hine, Year 5

Eating golden crumpets with golden syrup was absolutely delicious! Liam Carter, Year 5

Making the models of Parliament House with Lego and working in teams to complete the challenges was fun. Khye McSweeney, Year 6

Year 5/6 HSIE Theme Day

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Georgia Dodson: Athletics

Jasper Offen: Football

Clara Gill: Athletics

Dana Gill: Athletics

Joshua Low: Football

Luke Gibbons: Athletics

These guys are off to Nationals!

Each student has to raise their own funds to compete. Please support them through our Pie Drive and give yourself a night off from the kitchen. Grab your Order Sheet here.

After School Sport at Charlton in Term 2Sporting Kids will be continuing on Friday afternoons from 2.55pm to 3.55pm offering:

1. Dance in the Hall

2. Touch Rugby on the Oval

This is mainly aimed at K-4 students (though they have taken Year 5/6 students in the past)

Register: or

Cost: $65 when you register before 10th April.

Total Football Academy are back with Josh Rose from the Central Coast Mariners running a running an After School Football (soccer) program for K-4 students.

During the 6 week program games will be played inside an inflatable soccer field, which captures the imagination of students, giving them a great soccer experience. Training will take place inside a skills square focusing on different skills each week, such as dribbling, turning and shooting. As part of the program players can also purchase a soccer kit (top and shorts).

Dates: Monday 4th May, 11th May, 18th May, 25th May, 1st June, 15th June

Time: 3.15pm to 4.15pm Cost: $99

Register: | phone: 0439757718.

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Congratulations FLEK on making it into Youth Rock! FLEK stands for Fallan, Layla, Erica and Kayla. These Year 8 girls are the youngest performers to make it into Youth Rock to date. The

girls had to write two original songs and send a video of themselves performing these songs. On Monday they all received an email stating that they had made it into the semi-finals. FLEK will

perform a 15 min set of original songs on stage at Sutherland Entertainment Centre on Friday night 17th April. A supporters bus will drive friends and family to the venue for the performance. For more

information phone the school office on 49599111.

Youth Rock 2015

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usedA huge thank you to Junior School parents for supporting our recent Used Toy Sale and sending in so many pre-loved toys.

Junior School children were so excited to be able to shop for some new ‘treasure’ to take home. We hope the parents were as excited to receive it into their homes.

The Mission Team boys and parents worked tirelessly in the 37oC heat to set up, man the stall and pack away afterwards.

An incredible $806 was raised. This money will go towards projects that the Mission Team will be involved in when in Manila in September.

Junior School Used Toy Sale

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Mon 13 April Newcastle Region Library Laman St.

1pm Drumming presentation 2pm Drumming workshop

Free bbq

Bookings essential for workshop ph 4974 5300

Presented in conjunction with Wesley Youth Services

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Speers Point Park Sunday 19 April, 10am–2pm• Aerial display• Military vehicle display• Billy tea and damper tasting• Live entertainment• Andrew Sisters tribute band• Interactive kids’ activities• Official ceremony at 10am

This event is hosted by the Toronto RSL Sub Branch, and is supported by Pat Conroy MP, Federal Member for Charlton. Funding has been provided by the Australian Government’s Anzac Centenary Local Grants Program.

Pat Conroy MP Federal Member

for Charlton

02 4921 0333

[email protected]



ANZAC DAY Charltons’ InvolvementSUNDAY 19 APRIL @ SPEERS POINT PARKSeveral Charlton students will be involved in holding a wreath on behalf of a dignitary and will also be in attendance to sell poppy’s and ANZAC pins.

Student representatives are welcome and encouraged to attend to represent the school.

SATURDAY 25 APRIL @ GOFFET PARK TORONTOA ceremony will be held and will start with a march from the Diggers Club, forming at 10.30am, to Goffet Park with the ceremony commencing at 11.30am.

Student representatives are most welcome and strongly encouraged to partake in the march and ceremony to represent family and/or the College. More details to come in week 1 next term.

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Important Reminders

Term 2 FeesDear Parents,

Term two billing will be issued in the second week of Term Two to allow Senior Students sufficient time to determine HCS electives. Statement of accounts for Term Two should be received by Friday 1st May.

Uniform ShopA reminder that the Uniform Shop is closed during the term break. There is also a limited stock of size XL available. If you anticipate needing size XL shorts or trousers, please organise as soon as possible so they can be ordered in for you.














Parent/Teacher InterviewsSenior School Parent Teacher Interviews – Tuesday 21 April 2015 (first day back of Term 2). An email providing the link to book your appointment was sent home this week.

Middle School Parent Teacher Interviews – Tuesday 5 May 2015. An email providing the link to book your appointment will be sent home on Wednesday 22 April 2015.

CanteenHelp needed on Tuesday 21st April, Tuesday 19th May and Tuesday 16th June. To down-load a copy of the Canteen Roster for Term 2 click here.

Term 2 Menu is available here! Weekly specials will commence in Week 2.

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Charlton is an eco friendly school.

Please consider the


you print.

Find out who the Mood Meter Program is for and learn to parent well and how to develop

emotional intelligence in your kids.Want to know more? Click here.

Mothers’ Day

The Mothers’ Day Stall has been

moved and will now take place on

Monday 4th May (Week 2, Term 2).

Please note this change in your diary.

The PA Mufti Day for Mothers’ Day

will still take place on Friday 1st May

(Week 1, Term 2)

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43 Fassifern Road Fassifern, NSW 2283

Tel:(02) 4959 9111 Fax: (02 4959 9188

2 Praise our God! His deeds are wonderful, too marvellous to describe. 6 Let every living creature praise the Lord. Shout praises to the Lord!

Psalm 150:2 and 6 (CEV)