charlton news, issue 9

Charlton News 2015, Term 2 - Issue 9 - Friday 12th June LOVE | INTEGRITY | FAITH | EMPOWERMENT

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Page 1: Charlton News, Issue 9

Charlton News

2015, Term 2 - Issue 9 - Friday 12th June


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From the Principal

Three Weeks ago, Charlton was visited by two Inspectors from the Board of Studies, Teacher and Educational Standards. They were here to complete an audit on the College which was previously undertaken by Christian Schools’ Australia.

They had received a large amount of documentation in March which had been posted online. This together with the on-site visit provided the basis for our approval for Registration as a school and Accreditation to teach to HSC level.

Doing the Small Things Well

1. Charlton’s Board of Studies Registration and Accreditation Achievement

The Inspectors were given the task of checking the following:

• Staffing (suitably trained and experienced)

• Curriculum K-12 (RoSA and HSC)

• Premises and Facilities

• Discipline

• Attendance

• Safe and Supportive Environment

• Management and Operation of the School (especially Governance)

• Educational and Financial Reporting (annually)

So as you can see it is a very comprehensive ap-praisal of the College. It requires an 88 page A4 Manual to detail every aspect of the accreditation process.

All staff worked very hard to ensure that we pre-sented to the BOSTES Representatives the very best

of Charlton. They were impressed with our standard of teaching and reporting; our facilities and our plethora of Policies and Procedures covering all of the above areas.

Happily we were Registered and Accredited until 2019 which is the maximum available.

The Report from the Board Inspectors concluded that we were compliant in every area assessed, with little more than some minor tweaking needed in a few areas. Nothing enough to hold us back from full Registration and Accreditation.

It’s when we do the everyday things well that success comes to our lives.

2. This poem will help you to think about doing the everyday things, the little things well and intentionally with your children.

Make the Ordinary Come Alive by William Martin

Do not ask your children

to strive for extraordinary lives.

Such striving may seem admirable,

but it is a way of foolishness.

Help them instead to find the wonder

and the marvel of an ordinary life.

Show them the joy of tasting

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PRAYER POINTS • Praise God for very successful events on MADD

Night, Watoto Children’s Choir and the preschool Circus day last week.

• Continue to pray for new enrolments for next year.

DO YOU HAVE A PRAYER REQUEST?Would you like someone to pray for you, your family or a friend?

Would you like someone to stand with you in faith to believe for a breakthrough?

Email our chaplain, Matt Stackhouse: [email protected] or phone (02) 4959 9111.

You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are con-demning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2 Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3 So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? 4 Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?

Verse for the Week: Romans 2:1-4

FROM THE CHAPLAINThis passage of the New Testament book of Romans is a part of a much larger section of Paul’s case for why every human being needs God. He argues that it’s only God that can accurately judge people and hold them accountable. Our job is to trust Him enough to refrain from passing judgment but know that it’s God’s kindness that leads us all to repentance. It’s a beautiful truth that frees us when we grasp it.

tomatoes, apples and pears.

Show them how to cry

when pets and people die.

Show them the infinite pleasure

in the touch of a hand.

And make the ordinary come alive for them.

The extraordinary will take care of itself.

Dear parents and carers, you will have to constant-ly contend with the pressure for ever more, and ever bigger, that culture seeks to impose on your children and you.

It takes courage and discipline to go slowly, live simply, and see clearly. But the rewards are great. Running a school and a family are full of extraor-dinary ordinary things.

What ordinary extraordinary thing can you do together each day?


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PRESCHOOLCIRCUS DAY.................................................................................................................


of JUNE5thOn Friday we welcomed lots of very excited pre-schoolers who came to have a glimpse of “Big School”. They visited Kindyland and read a circus story, did some crafts and played on the jumping castle. They were very eager to meet some new friends for next year, and felt very grown up. There were also lots of mums, dads, and grandparents to join in the fun. We can’t wait to have them back again. Thank you to all the Kindy Blue parents who provided our yummy morning tea.Mrs Randall and Mrs Glennie


Face painting

Morning tea


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Due to the increase of Whooping Cough in our area, we have had several enquiries in regard to supplying the Whooping Cough (Pertussis) vaccine.

This vaccine is required every 10 years and is called Boostrix and contains Tetanus, Diptheria and Pertussis.

The cost is $40 plus GST ($44) and includes the supply and administration of the vaccine.

For any workplaces interested please contact Suzanne Davis on 0410 02 2176 or email [email protected].

7 consecutive Thursday evenings ~ Plus 1 booster evening

Times 5.30pm to 8 pm Place/Place to be confirmed Who Children (without disability) aged between 8 and 12 years, and their parent/s What Building meaningful communications between parents and children who share their family life with a young person with a disability . Validating sibling implications —aiming for sustainable and robust relationships built on love languages. Cost NDIA quote required (4 line items)

+ $20 / week / family contribution( this covers a light meal/supper, activity resources and one social outing for 1 adult and 1 child)

SibsRule 2015

Via NDIA The program goals are to

Provide a nurturing learning environment for parents and siblings where frank discussion can be around emotions rising as a direct result of sharing their life with a young person with disability. Share experiences and strategies in managing strong and unpleasant emotions as well as celebrating successes. Add value to the young participant’s quality of family relationships by encouraging communication free of resentment, judgement and fear. Guiding the identification of ways that all siblings of a family, share similarities. Encourage a strong sense of self that relies on positive input from each other and developing this over a life time. Supporting youth to identify ways they have already played an advocacy role for their brother or sister then naming it, validating it and strengthening it. Recognising that the language of love between siblings can take on different forms Develop resilience and social / emotional

communication skills.


There will also be two home based visits to meet you and discuss specific aspects that

you wish to share around what is happening for your family at this time with regards to sib-ling relationships. We will set some goals and work towards

them during the SibsRule program.

Join us for SibsRule ~ maximum of ten families per program. Children who help care for a brother or sister with a disability


Phone 4921 6277 to request a quote for NDIA

or email— [email protected]

Click on the image below to download your flyer...

Sibs RuleTerm 3 Dance!Coaching clinic

Fast Fivestournament

+Vacation Care

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Tuesday 8thDecember

Don’t book your holidays onthis date!

Presentation Services

Year 12 English ExcursionThe HSC Standard English class attended the play ‘Educating Rita’

at Ensemble Theatre last week. It was a great opportunity for the students to experience their Module C text performed on stage. The

play was performed by two actors on a single set. Everyone thought that the stage production communicated the relationship between

Rita and Frank in a more humorous way.

We would love to have all HSC graduates present at our Presentation Service on Tuesday 8th December. Therefore, please keep this date in mind when booking your end of year holidays.

Thank you!

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MADD Night showcased the finest music and artwork presentations of our Senior CAPA Students. It was an extravagant night of music, light, art and sound.

This year’s event displayed an excellent standard of musicianship and artistic efforts. The foyer, lit as a professional art gallery, revealed the increasing depth of our budding artists. With over 40 music students, it was a pleasure to see and hear the collaborative efforts of our music students joining forces to champion each other on.

From moving soloists on piano and voice, to full energetic rock bands and creative ensembles, the quality of presentation wowed and moved the audience.

Special congratulations go to Miss Donnelly for her tireless effort in producing and drawing out the fine musicianship displayed.

Also, a big thank you to Mr Wiggs and his production team who worked a very long week to ensure the atmosphere was charged with creative wonder.

Such a great night. Well done to all involved.

Mr Newsome


“From moving soloists on piano and voice, to full energetic rock bands and creative ensembles, the quality of presentation wowed and moved the audience.”

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+ Watch whizz-bang experiments in science, maths and real technology shows

+ Make and race your own model car with the Science and Engineering Challenge 'Speed Racer' game

+ Learn Tai Chi, Chinese language and Chinese knot making withConfucius Institute at the University of Newcastle, Australia

+ Understand how you can benefit from free legal advice at UON Legal Centre

+ Learn drawing tips from Natural History Illustration artist as they draw from real life

+ Sample honey UON hives and understand the importance of bees with The Tom Farrell Institute for the Environment

+ Hear our musical talent with performances from Newcastle University Choir

+ Make cells from lollies and dress up as a scientist with Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI)

+ Learn how you can access Uni no matter your age or background with AIM HIGH digital expo

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CollegePhoto DayThursday 25th June

All year 12 students and any students attending the Senior School Mission Trip on the last week of term, will have their portrait photos taken on Friday 19th June 2015 at 09:00am in the College Board Room (Top Office) as these students will not be here for Photo Day.

Friday 19th June, 9am

Mission TeamYear 12 plus SS

Family envelopes are available to collect from the College Office.

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Sean. W. Smith

Canteen Specials

Thursday 4th June, 2015If anyone could follow the musical feast of Watoto Choir on Wednesday, it was Sean W Smith for Thursday Chapel. Junior School enjoyed another performance of his high-energy, funny, interac-tive, original songs which had us all on our feet dancing, even the teachers ! We got fit to the Jesus Workout, were encouraged to Make Jesus your number 1 and parents would have loved the message of Stop and Listen to your Mum.

As a special treat, Sean’s two year old son, joined him on stage, looking very cute in a matching outfit and doing the moves along with Dad. He then joined the rest of the show with the Kindies.

Some of us may be scarred for life by the image of Sean wearing his grandmother’s purple undies, alongside Tom and Ava dressed in fluoro socks and wigs, to encourage us not to be ashamed of our faith in Jesus. At the end we were all encouraged to dance wildly to try and win our class a CD of his music. Being very competitive and dancing in the aisle right in front of the stage, Mrs Mason’s out-rageous dancing won 3M a copy of Groove, his latest CD, which they are enjoying in devotion times in the morning. 4L won the worst dancers category and each class won a poster. Students were still singing the songs as they walked back to the classrooms!



WEEK BEGINNING 15/6/2015Chicken, sweet chilli, cheese toasted wrap $3.50

WEEK BEGINNING 22/6/2015Lasagne $4.00 with a side salad $5.50

Can you help between 10.15am and 1.30pm once a term, month or fortnight? Please contact Tracey in the Canteen between 9am and 1.30pm on 4959 9111 or email [email protected]

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On Thursday, 4th June both of the Year 6 classes from Charlton Christian College went to the Tilligerry Habitat and Bob’s Barramundi Farm. When we got to Tilligerry we were greeted by Charlie and many other staff who work there. After we ate we split into groups and went with our

supervisors to different places in the habitat. We learnt about the history, revegetation and planting. The habitat was a habitat for koalas but we saw none. As soon as we had gone to all the stations we came back to the meeting ground and caught the bus to the Barramundi Farm. At the

farm they spoke about how they transport over 50,000 fish every month and get more that are around 25mm long each Friday. They showed us the way they grow the fingerlings (25-30mm fish) to become plate sized fish. Once the fish are plate size they cook a few of them at the Cook-

a-Barra restaurant located there as well. The other fish are taken by truck to a place in Sydney were they are sold to other places all around Australia. We then learnt about how they grow the vegetables using the waste made by the fish. And that concluded our excursion.

By Brandon Johnson and Harry Allwood

Year 6 Environment Excursionto... Tilligerry Habitat

and... Bob’s Barramundi Farm!

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Football boots Wanted

State Cross CountryWell done to all students who travelled to the International Equestrian Centre on Friday 29th May for the State Cross Country!

Some outstanding results are: Tom Hellyer 5th, Abbey Stafford 7th, Daneeka Croker 6th, Madeleine Hart 8th and Thomas Roberts 6th in their respective age groups. These students will now represent Charlton at the CIS Cross Country on Thursday 11th June.

Mr lalor is looking for SECOND HAND FOOTBALL BOOTS and shin pads to build back up his stockpile to give to other families in need.

If you have a pair you would like to donate, please drop them in to the Staff Office.


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CUPMacquarieMacquarie Cup has taken on a new format this year for Junior School. The competition being divided into four six-a-

side teams rather than two full-size teams and there is no ladder for teams to climb which means less emphasis on winning and more on teamwork. Teams follow indoor soccer rules and gameplay is fast with no outs or ball-fetching

to worry about. Games are fast paced and students get more time on the field, with two teams playing at once.

Games are played each Friday afternoon and students look forward to their match all week. Competitions like Macquarie Cup teach students more than just ball skills. They encourage team work, resilience, persistence, build

character and students learn to encourage their peers.

Junior School team watching the Middle School team in action!

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14’s FutsalOn Friday 29th June, Charlton took a 14’s boys and girls team to compete in the NSW

Futsal Championships at the Central Coast Youth Centre.

The boys team was outstanding, winning the first game 2-1, drawing 1-1 and then winning 2-0. They were unfortunate not to progress due to goal difference but were

crowned 2nd overall after being undefeated throughout their pool games.

The girls team drew their first game 1-1, but were narrowly beaten in the last couple of games after some very good play.

Mitchell Snowden and Indyanna Vouden were voted players player for their excellent performance throughout the day.

Eden Garbett, Isaac Quinn, Bailey Snowden, Mitchell Snowden, Cale Flannery, Connor Murray and Myles Gedde

Lily-Jane Babic, Lukah Chappell, Indyanna

Vouden, Layla Tweed, Kayla Malbon, Fallan Porter and

Erica Smith

OPENS FutsalOn Thursday 28th June students travelled to the Central Coast to compete in the NSW Futsal Championships. The boys team (Joshua Corrigan, Matt Randall, Wilson Tweed, Bushiri Husein, Kyall Allan, Dylan Stipack, Sam Booth, Darcy Stackman, Joseph Wright) played well throughout their pool games but were unfortunate not to progress through to the semi-finals. The highlight of the matches was Bushiri’s attempted bicycle kick which narrowly missed the top corner of the goals. Matt Randall was voted players player after some superb defending throughout the day.

The girls team (Cara Maxwell, Dana Gill, Clara Gill, Taylah Cox, De’Jay Barrett, Rachel Haworth, Paige Flannery and Emily Turier) played well during their pool games and again were unfortunate not to progress through to the semi-finals. Paige Flannery was voted players player for her tireless effort in defence and some great passing throughout the tournament.

Mitchell Snowden and Indyanna Vouden (14’s)Matt Randall and Paige Flannery (OPENS)


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43 Fassifern Road Fassifern, NSW 2283

Tel:(02) 4959 9111 Fax: (02 4959 9188

2 Praise our God! His deeds are wonderful, too marvellous to describe. 6 Let every living creature praise the Lord. Shout praises to the Lord!

Psalm 150:2 and 6 (CEV)