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Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015 SPARTAN BASEBALL C-3 AWARD CHALLENGE PACKET 2015 CHARACTER COMMITMENT COMMUNITY The following pages contain 10 “Challenges” for your character.

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Page 1: CHARACTER - 2: Selflessness. We dare you to do a chore every day this week

Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015






COMMUNITY The following pages contain 10 “Challenges” for your character.

Page 2: CHARACTER - 2: Selflessness. We dare you to do a chore every day this week

Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015

These 10 “Challenges” might take you anywhere from a few minutes, to a few days to


The challenges focus on the “8 essentials”, or simply 8 core values that we maximize

when we are being the best people we can be.

Each one of you aspire to play baseball. Please don’t fool yourself into thinking that

baseball defines you. Baseball is merely a place you give your time, and use to make

obvious what you stand for. The question is… what DO you stand for?

Baseball is fun, challenging and worthwhile, but please don’t be mistaken… It’s my

paramount hope that each of you become a good man, not simply a productive player

for SHS baseball. I want you to develop the values it takes to be a great husband,

father, man and general person. That means within this program, in these hallways

AND into your life beyond this place.

I don’t expect you to not make mistakes here at SHS and in life, simply to always

strive to be better. That’s what this is about.

Each player who completes the challenge will receive a helmet sticker with the

background logo for their batting helmet, and a T shirt that labels you a “C3 player”.

Packets are due by Friday March 6th

at practice. Congratulations on taking the

challenge, and I hope you see it to the end. Good luck.

- Coach Adcox

Page 3: CHARACTER - 2: Selflessness. We dare you to do a chore every day this week

Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015

Dare 1: Commitment & Selflessness. We dare you to volunteer at least

an hour of your time for a neighbor, or someone elderly that may be an

acquaintance. Your time can consist of yardwork, general help, or simply

spending time talking. Who do you ask???? Try to choose someone who is

NOT a family member, however if you must choose a family member, we ask that

you double the time. If not one of your neighbors, we would like the person that

you ask to be of your grandparents age, or approximately 2 generations older

than you.

Dare Summary Details (25-100 word summary of what happened). Who

did you volunteer with? What did you do? How did it go?:

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Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015

Dare 2: Selflessness. We dare you to do a chore every day this week around your

house without being asked. Make it a different chore each day and look for new ways to be

helpful. You may not complain, whine or point out your kindness to anyone else. If a family

member notices your good deed, simply say you were happy to help and appreciate being a

member of your household. Lead by example…it works.

Dare Summary Details (25-100 word summary of what happened):

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Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015

Dare 3: Patience & Commitment. We dare you to put away all electronic

devices for the better part of TWO days (36 consecutive hours); the only exceptions

being what is absolutely necessary to do your schoolwork or communicate with family.

This means no cell phone, texting, computers, iPods, iPads, Facebook, Instagram,

Snapchat, Twitter, videogames, all of it. Instead, focus 100% of your time and

attention on being a better person by simply socializing the “old fashioned way”. Spend

more face-to-face time with your family and friends. Invite a sibling or friend to do a

new activity with you. Genuinely reflect on how you are spending your time and your

life, and how you are communicating with the people closest to you.

Dare Summary Details (25-100 word summary of what happened):

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Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015

Dare 4: Respect. Pick a teacher that you do not normally get along well with. Work

on that relationship for at least three days. Find out something about them that you did

not know that is outside of their teaching. You may be amazed by the cool things you

discover. We also dare you to refrain from gossiping about any teacher behind their

back for one week unless it is positive feedback about their class. Beyond this teacher,

take a special interest in all of your classes and try to positively connect with every one

of your teachers at least once this week. Make sure to thank them every day for their

lesson and time. It’s important for you to understand how to get along with all types of

people, even ones you don’t always agree with. Those people can end up being your

neighbors, your in laws, or YOUR BOSS in your real life! So, we start with your

teachers. Your education is important. The people who provide it are

generally underpaid and underappreciated.

Dare Summary Details (25-100 word summary of what happened):

Who did you pick? Why? What happened?

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Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015

Dare 5: Kindness. Pick three individuals that you feel you have not thanked

enough for things they have done for you. Write a GENUINE one page

handwritten note/letter (Buying them a blank “Thank You” card also works)

expressing your gratitude, and explain specifically HOW it helped you and WHY

you appreciate it so much and HOW they make or made you feel. Let that be a

starting point for your letter, and then finish it in the way you feel best fit. You

may tell them that you chose them to fulfill this obligation, or leave the reason

why you are writing them as random. Regardless, make sure the words are

genuine and meaningful in your own way.

Dare Summary Details (25-100 word summary of what happened):

Who did you choose? Why? What came of this for you, or back from them?

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Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015

Dare 6: Forgiveness. We dare you to forgive something big and let it go.

Forgive someone who you don’t think deserves to be forgiven. Make it official… to

yourself or to them... write them, tell them, write yourself. Forgive and forget the

small and big things. True forgiveness is the biggest gift you can give

yourself and others and the key to a happy life.

Dare Summary Details (25-100 word summary of what happened):

How did you make it official? How did it go over?

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Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015

Dare 7: Respect. We dare you to show respect to your parents by listening to them

and not arguing with them at all for three days. While not arguing, be intentional to try

to truly see their side on things, whether you initially agree or not. Know that they love

you and are doing their best as parents and that parenting you is not always easy.

Genuinely listen and do not argue or show disrespect with your words or body

language. Show your parents how much you love and appreciate them.

Actions speak louder than words.

Dare Summary Details (25-100 word summary of what happened):

How did this go? Was it hard?

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Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015

Dare 8: Honesty. What do the people you care about most think

about you? What weaknesses do they believe you have that negatively

affect them or you? Ask for honest, constructive criticism of your character

from 3 different people (minimum). Ask them about things that they think you

could do better. Rules - Only 2 of them can be peers/friends(unless you are

asking more than 3 people total). At least one of the people needs to be an

adult or parent. Reflect back on their feedback. Who did you pick to ask? What

was their feedback, and how did their feedback make you feel? Any consistent

responses from them (same things shared by more than one person)? Do you

agree? What specifically (not general) could you do to counteract any of these

shortcomings in your character?

Strong suggestion – When choosing who to ask, pick friends whose character

YOU respect. When choosing an adult, ask an adult that you not only respect, but

you may not be completely certain of their response prior.

Dare Summary Details (25-100 word summary of what happened):

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Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015

Dare 9: Humility. We dare you to go up to someone you have disrespected,

argued with or simply were rude to at SHS (adult or student) and take full

responsibility for what you have said or done and ask for their forgiveness.

Choose the appropriate time, place and manner to do this so that you are as

respectful and genuine as you can be. Show them that you are not afraid to admit

when you have made a mistake and take responsibility for it. We make the

most personal growth through learning from our mistakes, not

celebrating our achievements.

Dare Summary Details (25-100 word summary of what happened). Who

did you choose? Why? How did it go?:

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Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015

FINAL DARE #10: Honesty, Forgiveness & Reflection. We dare you to

sit down with yourself in a quiet place for a half hour and honestly reflect on the

past nine dares. Are you a different person than when you started? Do you like

who you see when you look in the mirror? Are these servant leader qualities

becoming a natural part of who you are? What is stopping you from continuing

on this journey alone? Is there anything you need to forgive yourself for that is

holding you back from being the most amazing person you can be? Make a pledge

to yourself today to be the person you know you can be and put your plan into


Your time as an athlete will end at some point. Whether you start on

this team, bat for a high average, earn individual accolades, receive

a scholarship to play beyond high school…. Don’t fool yourself.

None of that defines you. Your actions in everyday life define you.

What do you stand for? What have you learned?


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Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015

What was/were the hardest dare(s)? Why?

What was/were the most rewarding dare(s)? Why?

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Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015


3 hours of service can be done later at team community cleanup event (event on first

Saturday of April). Also, time commitment in Dare #1 can be counted toward 10 hour total.

PLACE OF SERVICE ___________________________ Date _________ Hours ___________

Contact Name _________________________ Phone or email _________________________

Signature ________________________________

Summary of what you did (in less than 100 words):





- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PLACE OF SERVICE ___________________________ Date _________ Hours ___________

Contact Name _________________________ Phone or email _________________________

Signature ________________________________

Summary of what you did (in less than 100 words):





- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PLACE OF SERVICE ___________________________ Date _________ Hours ___________

Contact Name _________________________ Phone or email _________________________

Signature ________________________________

Summary of what you did (in less than 100 words):





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Spartan Baseball C-3 Character Challenge 2015


1. At least 16 winter weightroom workouts (23 workouts are possible if

player attended all)

o Up to 3 can be supplemented by outside workouts ie. select team)

2. 5 weeks of long toss (1-3 per week) starting no later than January 26th

3. 5 outside baseball training (any type) sessions

4. 4 hours attendance at SHS field work party. Sat Feb 21st and/or Feb 28th

o CONDITIONING SESSIONS ______ (Need 10 total, of which at least 7 must come from SHS)

Amount of SHS conditioning sessions _______

Amt of outside sessions (up to 3) _____ Place or Team _____________________

Name of supervisor _______________ Signature _________________________

o LONG TOSS WEEKS ______ (Need 1-3 sessions per week)

Verifying Name ___________________ Signature ______________________

*can be parent verifying the work

o OUTSIDE BASEBALL SESSIONS ______ (Need 5 minimum)

Verifying Name ___________________ Signature ______________________

*can be parent verifying the work


Saturday February 22nd 9:30-1:30 - Attended YES / NO / PARTIAL

Saturday March 1st 9:30-1:30 – Attended YES / NO / PARTIAL

COACH SIGNATURE ___________________________________________