chapter ii review of related literature a. learning media

9 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Learning Media 1. Definition of Learning Media Media in a narrow sense means material components and tool components in the learning system. In a broad sense, media means the maximum use of all the system components and learning resources above to achieve certain learning objectives. In accordance with AECT (Association of Education and Communication Technology) quoted by Basyaruddin, states that "media are all forms used for the process of distributing information". 4 Meanwhile, Oemar Hamalik defines media as a tool that used in order to make communication more effective between teachers and students while learning in schools. 5 In addition, Raiser and Gagne‟s (1983) defines that “learning media are a physical means by which an instructional message is communicated”. 6 The summarized that the meaning of learning media can briefly be stated as something (can be a tool, material, or situation) that is used 4 Talizaro Tafonao, “The Role of Instructional Media to Improving Students Interest,” Jurnal Komunikasi Pendidikan, Vol. II, No. 2 (2018), 105. 5 Umar, “Media Pendidikan: Peran dan Fungsinya Dalam Pembelajaran,” Jurnal Tarbawiyah, Vol. XI, No. 1, (2014), 133. 6 Robert M. Gagne, Leslie J. Briggs, Walter W. Wager, Principles of Instructional Design, (America: Harcourt Brace College, 1992), 208.

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A. Learning Media

1. Definition of Learning Media

Media in a narrow sense means material components and tool

components in the learning system. In a broad sense, media means the

maximum use of all the system components and learning resources

above to achieve certain learning objectives. In accordance with AECT

(Association of Education and Communication Technology) quoted by

Basyaruddin, states that "media are all forms used for the process of

distributing information".4

Meanwhile, Oemar Hamalik defines media as a tool that used in

order to make communication more effective between teachers and

students while learning in schools.5 In addition, Raiser and Gagne‟s

(1983) defines that “learning media are a physical means by which an

instructional message is communicated”.6

The summarized that the meaning of learning media can briefly

be stated as something (can be a tool, material, or situation) that is used

4 Talizaro Tafonao, “The Role of Instructional Media to Improving Students Interest,”

Jurnal Komunikasi Pendidikan, Vol. II, No. 2 (2018), 105. 5 Umar, “Media Pendidikan: Peran dan Fungsinya Dalam Pembelajaran,” Jurnal

Tarbawiyah, Vol. XI, No. 1, (2014), 133. 6 Robert M. Gagne, Leslie J. Briggs, Walter W. Wager, “Principles of Instructional

Design”, (America: Harcourt Brace College, 1992), 208.


as an intermediary for communication in learning activities. Learning

media is incredibly useful within the learning and teaching process by

reason of it will stimulate the thoughts, feelings, attention, and abilities

or the learner skills, so they will encourage their motivation to learn.

2. Kinds of Learning Media

One of the teacher‟s efforts to overcome the lack of interest and

enthusiasm of students in learning is by using media, because media is

useful for overcoming the limitations of space, time, and sensory power.

Oemar Hamalik (1986), Djamarah (2002) and Sadiman, et al

(1986), grouped this media based on its type consist of three types, they

are audio media, visual media, and audiovisual media.

a. Audio media, namely media containing messages in auditive form

(audible only), like a tape recorder.

b. Visual media, namely media that has parts of image, like flashcard,

illustration, posters, and map.

c. Audiovisual media, namely media that has sound and image parts.

This kind of media has higher capabilities, and this media is split

into 2 types:

1) Silent audiovisual, which displays silent sound and visuals, such

as a slide sound film.


2) Audiovisual motion, namely media which will show sound parts

and moving pictures, like films, video cassettes, and VCDs.7

In this research, the researcher only takes visual media as one of

many types of media. The researcher will use spinning wheel media

with consist of picture cards for learning English vocabulary.

3. Function of Learning Media

In relevance the function of learning media, the subsequent will

be emphasized:

a. As a means of helping to make a more effective learning situation.

b. As one of the components that are interconnected with other

components so as to make the expected learning situation.

c. Students do more activities during learning activities, not only

listening but also observing, demonstrating, directing, and acting.

d. Can foster students‟ motivation because teaching will attract their

attention more.

e. Teaching methods will be more varied, not based solely on verbal

communication through words.8

According to Sukartiwi (1996) in Ruis, Muhyidin and Waluyo

(2009) there are some the advantages of using media in teaching and

learning process, those are:

7 Umar, Media Pendidikan: Peran dan Fungsinya Dalam Pembelajaran, 135. 8 Tejo Nurseto, “Membuat Media Pembelajaran Yang Menarik,” Jurnal Ekonomi &

Pendidikan, Vol. VIII, No. 1 (2011), 21–22.


a. To increase the learners‟ motivation.

b. To avoid the learners bored.

c. To make the learners easy to understand the instructional material.

d. To make the teaching learning process more systematic.9

The existence of supporting media in learning can provide many

advantages, especially for students, including students more easily

understand the material presented by the teacher and students do not

feel bored when learning is taking place, so students will be motivated

to learn. With the existence of learning media, teaching and learning is

carried out more systematically.

B. Spinning Wheel

1. Definition of Spinning Wheel

The spinning wheel, which is typically stuffed with numbers for

learning media, is stuffed with pictures and terms from the theory which

will be conveyed later. 10 The spinning wheel media is a game media in

the form of a wheel or circle which is divided into several sectors or

sections in which there are questions.11

9 Nuhung Ruis, Muhyidin, and Tri Waluyo, “Instructional Media: Center for Development

and Empowerment of Language Teachers and Educational Personnel” (Jakarta: Ministry of National

Education, 2009), 4. 10

Henry Elisa, Tuti, and Umi Umayah, “Utilizing Spin Wheel to Enhance the Student‟s

Writing Ability in Writing Descriptive Text,” Pros. SemNas. Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan, Vol. I,

No. 1 (2019), 394. 11

Moh. Fauzi Bafadal, Sitti Alimah, and M. Sibawaeh, “The Use of Spinning Wheel Game

Media To Improve The Ability Using Modal Auxiliary Verbs For Students in Class VIII SMPN 7


Meanwhile, Wahyuni states that the media of the fortune wheel is

a medium in the form of a wheel that can be rotated and classify into

some parts /sections in which there are question cards.12 In addition, the

wheel of fortune is a series of learning activities using a circle props

divided into several sectors. The sectors are in the form of questions that

will be drawn by the students then the students must answer the


From those statements, it can be summarized that the wheel of

fortune medium and the spinning wheel media have similarities, namely

using a wheel or circle which is divided into several sectors or sections

in which there are questions. In addition, this media is packaged in the

form of a game (game). So that this spinning wheel game media can

attract attention, interest, and motivation to learn, and increase students'

understanding of the material.Based on the description above, it can be

concluded that the spinning wheel media is a playing media in the form

of a wheel or circle which is divided into several sectors or sections in

Mataram Academic Year 2019 - 2020,” Linguistics and English Language Teaching Journal, Vol.

VII, No. 2 (2019), 6.

12 Dwi Wahyuni, “Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Permainan Roda Keberuntungan Terhadap

Kemampuan Menulis Hanzi Pada Siswa Kelas XI Bahasa SMA Negeri 1 Cerme Tahun Ajaran

2016/2017” (2017), 2. 13

Fiki Munazar, Thamrin Kamaruddin, and Amsal Amri, “Penerapan Strategi

Pembelajaran Roda Keberuntungan Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Terpadu Siswa Kelas

VIII SMP Negeri 7 Banda Aceh,” Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Geografi FKIP Unsyiah,

Vol. I, No. 1 (2016), 51.


which there are questions. In its use, this media can attract attention,

interest and

motivation to learn, make students more active interactive, improve

understanding, and the learning process can take place in a fun and optimal


2. The Advantage and Disadvantage

The spinning wheel media has the following advantages:

a. This spinning wheel media includes new media for learning


b. This media is packaged with an attractive appearance (pictures,

cards, and colorful), so that it can attract students' attention.

c. Increase students' understanding of the material given.

d. Flexible because this media can be developed and modified

according to other materials and skills.

e. Make students more active, because students are directly involved

in activities.Apart from the advantages, according to Paul Ginnis in

Aulia revealed that the spinning wheel media also has the following


a. Takes a lot of time to play.

b. Teachers need more manpower, space, and time. This is because

the wheel of fortune used is manual learning media.


c. Requires adequate support for facilities, tools, and costs so that the

learning process can run smoothly.

3. The Procedure of Spinning Wheel

In this study, the researcher developed a spinning wheel which is the

development of the wheel of fortune. According to Paul Ginnis in Aulia

the steps in carrying out learning through the media of the spinning

wheel as follows:

a. Make a card set with a question on the front side and a number on

the back. Cards are made as many as the number of students in the


b. Make the "Wheel of Fortune" media out of cardboard and divide the

wheel into sectors or parts according to the number of cards that

have been made then give the numbers to the sectors. Next, make an

arrow out of cardboard and a pin that acts as a player on the media.

c. Students sit in a large circle. The cards are scattered with the

number side up.

d. One of the student representatives comes to the front of the class to

spin the wheel. After the arrow points to a number, the student takes

the card according to the number obtained from the wheel. Then the

students answered the questions on the card.


e. The teacher discusses with all students in the class. If the student

answers the question correctly, the card is considered forfeited.

Otherwise, the card is returned so that other students can try to

answer the questions on the card.

f. Students rotate the wheel in turn. Students who have rotated and

answered the questions appoint other students to play them. If the

next student gets a scorched number, then that student must play it

back until he gets a score that has not been burnt.14

The steps for using the media in this study are different from the

steps for using the wheel of fortune as proposed by Ginnis. So that the

steps for using the play the spinning wheel media as follows:

a. The teacher gives a briefing on the playing spinning wheel media.

b. The teacher read the game instructions before playing.

c. Students play the media, the working of this spinning wheel is

rotated in a clockwise direction, then when the rotation stops there

will be a number as clue like clockwork on one side to determine

what clue will be obtained.

d. On the wheel will be several clues. If you have got the clue, then the

students choose one of the cards contained in several cards from the

number of clues.


Aulia, “Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Tanya-Jawab dalam Bentuk Roda

Keberuntungan Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran PAI di SMP

Tanjung Kabupaten Ogan Ilir” (UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, 2016).


e. The next step is to read and answer the question or instruction on the


f. If the student answers the question correctly, the students will get a


C. Flashcard

1. Definition of flashcard

Flashcard is a practical tool that in its application has various

variations and sizes. It is one of kind media in teaching English

especially teaching vocabulary. According to Halimi states that

flashcard is a piece of paper or card stock that contains of image, it can

be using to introduce and/or review vocabulary.15 In addition, Apria,

Rumiri and Syarfi states that flashcard is one of instructional media in

the form of picture that can be used for teaching learning English

vocabulary.16 Meanwhile, Colbran and Gilding states that flashcard can

be defined as cards with words etc., shown briefly to the learners by a

teacher as a learning aid.17

From the definitions above, it can be summarized that flashcards are

teaching aids used in the learning process which are made of cardboard

15 Sisilia S. Halimi, “Becoming a Creative Teacher,” (2009), 95.


Tita Apria, Rumiri, and Syarfi, “An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Card Games on

Vocabulary Mastery,” JOM FKIP, Vol. VIII, No. 1 (2021), 3.


Stephen Colbran, Anthony Gilding, and Samuel Colbran, “The Role of Digital

Flashcards in Legal Education: Theory and Potential,” European Journal of Law and Technology,

Vol. V, No. 1, (2014), 2.


and paper containing pictures so that they can enable learners to be

interested in understanding the material presented by the teacher.

2. Kinds of flashcard

Haycraft classifies the kinds of cards into three groups, they are

word cards, picture cards, and combining word and picture cards.18

a. Word cards, namely a card containing only words. It can be to

complete a word into a correct sentence. Games with word cards are

also effective.

b. Picture cards, namely a card containing only picture or image.

Picture cards are also useful for identifying the objects, verbs of

action, preposition, and it can also be used with pronunciation


c. Combining word and picture cards, namely a card containing words

and also picture or image.

In this research, the researcher uses a flashcard that is combined

card with picture and word, where students are able to understand the

vocabulary according to the image given and then students are also able to

pronounce the vocabulary contained on the card.

D. Vocabulary

1. Definition of Vocabulary

18 John Haycraft, “An Introduction to English Language Teaching” (London: Longman,

1978), 102–106.


In accordance with Ibrahim Mohamed Alfaki states that

vocabulary can be interpreted as the words in a language, including

single words and phrases or pieces of a several words that give specific

meaning, as does each word.19 Vocabulary is a core component of

language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well

learners talk, hear, read, and write.20 In addition, vocabulary refers to

the words we must know to communicate effectively: words in

speaking (expressive vocabulary) and words in listening (receptive


In line with Richard cited on Puspitasari stated that vocabulary

is the one of the most crucial components of language also one a

particular things could be observed by the linguists.22

From the definition above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is

words of a language which one way of communicating with other

people. The more vocabulary students understand, the easier it is for

students to master English.

19 Ibrahim Mohamed Alfaki, “Vocabulary Input in English Language Teaching: Assessing

the Vocabulary Load in Spine Five,” International Journal Of English Language And Linguistics

Research, Vol. III, No. 1, (2015), 1. 20

Jack C. Richard, “Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current

Practice” (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 255. 21

Susan B. Neuman and Julie Dwyer, “Missing in Action: Vocabulary Instruction in Pre-

K,” International Reading Association (2009), 385. 22

Nining Puspitasari, “Enhancing Students‟ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Quizlet Media

at the Seventh Grade of MTs Ma‟arif Al -Ishlah Bungkal Ponorogo” (The State Institute of Islamic

Studies of Ponorogo, 2019).


Mastery of vocabulary is needed by someone to understand and

use collection of word they have to express thoughts and feelings in

various spheres of life such as in language activities.

2. Kinds of Vocabulary

Haycraft, quoted by Hatch and Brown, there are two kinds of

vocabulary, namely receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary.23

a. Receptive Vocabulary

According to Hatch & Brown stated that receptive

vocabulary is words that learners recognize and understand when

they are utilized in context, but which they cannot to produce.

Receptive vocabulary is words that are understood the definition by

students when reading text or listening to the text. It is vocabulary

that learners recognize when they see or meet in reading text and

listening but do not use it in speaking and writing.

Learning the receptive vocabulary usually in the form in

which the teacher will usually give the meaning of the word, using

the word in a sentence, but just ask the students to spell and

pronounce only.

b. Productive Vocabulary

According to Hatch & Brown stated that productive

vocabulary is that the words that the learners understand and able


Mofareh Alqahtani, “The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and How to

be Taught,” International Journal of Teaching and Education, Vol. III, No. 3, (2015), 25.


to pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and

writing. It involves what is needed for receptive vocabulary plus

the ability to speak or write at the acceptable time. Productive

vocabulary is words that are understood and can be pronounced by

the students.

Therefore, productive vocabulary are often addressed as an

active process, because the learners can produce the words to show

their thoughts to others. Thus, productive vocabulary can be

regarded as a process of active word because students can generate

words to express their thoughts and feelings which understood by


3. Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary

Strategy is a way to be done media implementation by someone

more effective and efficient. Strategy is presented by the teacher to give

motivation and facilitation for the students in the process of teaching

and learning.

The teacher has different strategies to give the material to the

students. The teacher be able to choose the strategy which is suitable

with their material and situation of the class. In the learning process,

they will appropriate the strategies that arise on students‟ motivation.

So, the students could be active and interested in learning. If the

teachers did not have the strategy for teaching, it can be difficult to


teach the students. There are many kinds of teacher‟s strategies in their

teaching, depending on what information or skill the teacher is trying to


According to Mothe stated that the teachers can use innovative

strategies to present vocabulary in the classroom including:

a. Showing picture

Charts, pictures and maps can be used to develop students‟

understanding of a particular concept or word. There are some

good picture and teacher should make use of such dictionaries.

Some words work well with pictures, particularly nouns. This can

also be a good way to introduce blocks of related words, which is

often utilized in foreign language classes, such as nouns and verbs

related to the classroom or the house.

b. Associated vocabulary

The teacher can be easy to teach these entire words

altogether. For example, it is easier to teach words like orange,

banana, grapes, lemon, pineapple, mango, and watermelon together

in the context of “fruits” than to teach anyone of these words in


c. Dictionary

The teacher should encourage students to search words in

dictionary. Dictionary work was laborious but necessary, and that


ESL college students need to be taught practical use of the


d. Crossword puzzles

It offers an entertaining way of reviewing vocabulary.

Students can do the puzzles in class in pairs, as a race with other

students, or at home as homework. The teacher can also design a

“Word Puzzle,” which is also called a “Word Cross”, asking the

students to cooperate in groups to find and circle the words that the

puzzle contains. The teacher might also place several versions of

the word in the puzzle, with only one of them being the correct

spelling. The students must circle only the word with the correct


e. Reading words aloudReading words aloud is also very beneficial

for the students to build up their vocabulary mastery.24

Other strategies in teaching English vocabulary include:

a. Using a picture or a real objectThis way is drawing a picture on the

board, use a picture from the textbook or cut out a picture from a

magazine or newspaper.

24 Prashant Subhash Mothe, “Innovative Techniques of Teaching Vocabulary at the

Intermediate Level in the Second Language Classroom” (India: Adarsh Senior College, Omerga

Dist. Osmanadab (MS), 2000), 379.


b. Using mime or gesture

The mime a person propelling themselves in a wheelchair and

ask students to say what the word is in their home language to check

that they understand.

c. Giving examples of the words in a different context and asking

students to guess

For example, it could say: “The boat was propelled across the

water by the wind”.

d. Explaining what the word means in English

Ask questions to make sure that your students understand the


However, learning a new word or phrase once does not mean that

the student will remember it and be able to use it. That is why students

also need support in learning how to record new vocabulary and

repeatedly review it. If students improve their knowledge of vocabulary,

they can understand their lessons more easily and will write and speak

better in English.

E. The Material of English Vocabulary


The Open University UK, “Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary” (India: Teacher

Education through School-based Support), 6.


The material used in the development of the Spinning wheel Media is in

accordance with the material in the eighth grade MTs/SMP lesson plans

using the 2013 curriculum, there are materials that will be used in

developing the media spinning wheel in learning English vocabulary,

namely the existence of things and people, and what are you doing or daily


No. Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

1. Vehicle ˈviːəkl Kendaraan

2. Bus bəs Bis

3. Ambulance ˈæmbjələns Ambulan

4. Bike bɑɪk Sepeda

5. Truck trək Truk

6. Pedicab ˈpedikab Beca

7. Car kɑː(r) Mobil

8. Public transportation ˈpʌblɪk trænspɔːˈteɪʃn Angkot

9. Motorcycle ˈməʊtə(r)sīkəl Motor

10. Taxi ˈtæksi Taksi

11. Traffic sign ˈtrafik sīn Tanda lalu lintas


12. Power pole ˈpou(ə)r pōl Tiang listrik

13. Sidewalk ˈsīdˌwôk Trotoar

14. Road repair Rōd rəˈper Perbaikan jalan

15. Bus stop bəs stäp Halte bus

16. Bridge Brij Jembatan

17. Three-way Junction THrē wā


Simpang tiga

18. Traffic jam ˈtrafik ˌjam Macet

19. Light street līt strēt Lampu jalan

20. Traffic light ˈtrafik ˌlīt Lampu lalulintas

21. Headmaster ˌhedˈmastər Kepala sekolah

22. Carpenter ˈkärpən(t)ər Tukang kayu

23. Cleaning service ˈklēniNG ˈsərvəs Tukang bersih-


24. Dentist ˈden(t)əst Dokter gigi

25. Gardener ˈɡärdnər Tukang kebun

26. Teacher ˈtēCHər Guru

27. Midwife ˈmidˌwīf Bidan


28. Painter ˈpān(t)ər Pelukis

29. Tour guide to or ɡīd Pemandu wisata

30. Security səˈkyo orədē Satpam

31. Work wərk Bekerja

32. Study ˈstədē Belajar

33. Shopping ˈShäpiNG Belanja

34. Pray prā Berdo‟a

35. Swimming ˈswimiNG Berenang

36. Playing basketball plāiiNG ˈbaskətˌbôl Bermain bola basket

37. Playing volleyball plāiiNG ˈvälēˌbôl Bermain bola voli

38. Playing badminton plāiiNG ˈbadmin(t)n Bermain bulu


39. Playing football plāiiNG ˈfo otˌbôl Bermain sepak bola

40. Take a bath tāk ā baTH Mandi

41. Wearing clothes ˈweriNG klō(T H)z Memakai pakaian

42. Wearing shoes ˈweriNG SHo os Memakai sepatu

43. Fishing ˈfiSHiNG Memancing


44. Throw the rubbish THrō T Hē rabiSH Membuang sampah

45. Washing clothes wäSHiNG klō(T H)z Mencuci pakaian

46. Washing face wäSHiNG fās Mencuci muka

47. Washing plate wäSHiNG plāt Mencuci piring

48. Listening to the


ˈlis(ə)niNG to o T Hē

ˈmyo ozik



49. Watching television wäCHiNG


Menonton televisi

50. Sweeping swēpiNG Menyapu

The material above was taken from material related to the Eighth grades

learning by racing on textbook, lesson plan, and syllabus.

F. Conceptual Framework

Development research is the process of developing and validating a

product. To be more effective in developing the spinning wheel media, a

conceptual framework is needed.

There are several steps used in the research and development of this

spinning wheel media. These steps are preliminary research, research

planning, and product development. In order to make it easier to see the flow


of thinking of this spinning wheel media development, it can be seen as


Figure 2. 1 Conceptual Framework

Language ability is one of the important aspects in child

development. Language skills include aspects of language development

which include three things, namely aspects of the ability to express

language, aspects of receiving language and literacy as basic components in

communicating. Vocabulary is very important to be mastered by students as

Problems found:

There is no use of learning media in English lessons.

Lack of understanding of English vocabulary in students.

Students are still passive when learning


Development spinning wheel learning media at eighth

grade junior high school

The media spinning wheel was developed

Validation test by material

experts and media experts Media is feasible


the main capital in developing language and communication skills,

expressing thoughts, and verbalizing an idea or ideas. Communication is

very important in a learning that occurs in the classroom. Language is

something that cannot be separated in human life.

The students have problems in mastering vocabulary. The students

have difficulty in understanding vocabulary so that students are lacking in

understanding English vocabulary. In addition, there is no learning media

that supports learning English so that learning in the classroom is

monotonous. There is no use of learning media in English lessons and a

lack of understanding of English vocabulary for eighth grade students at

MTs Ashabul Maimanah Sidayu is the main problem faced in this research

and development. These two factors cause students to be less active in

participating in the learning process in the class. Therefore, researchers

developed English learning media in the form of a spinning wheel with

vocabulary material to help students understand and mastering vocabulary

and assist teachers in providing spinning wheel learning media. Media

spinning wheel is a circular tool that can move and can rotate. The spinning

wheel media made it supplied with picture cards. While the picture is a

form that describes a certain object that can be understood visually.The

spinning wheel media will be developed and tested for validation by

material expert, media expert and educational practitioner expert. After

being tested, the spinning wheel-based learning media will be improved


according to suggestions and input, until the spinning wheel media is ready

for use at MTs Ashabul Maimanah Sidayu.

G. The Hypothesis of the Product

There is the feasibility of using spinning wheel learning media for students

in learning English vocabulary.

H. Previous Study

The researchers used four previous studies as references in conducting

research. There are several summaries of previous research:

1. The research was done by Indriyatul Munawaroh and Lies Amin Lestari

entitled “Developing WIND (Wheel Instruction and Cards) Media to

Facilitate Students in Writing Short Descriptive Text (2018)”. This

research and development aim to develop media and facilitate students

in writing descriptive text for seventh junior high school. This research

use research and development method which is modified model from

Dick and Carey. This study has similarities with the researcher related

with this research, they were used spinning wheel as a media in learning

English. However, there is a difference in the cards. The previous

research only used clue cards, but in this research use question cards

and picture cards. For other differences are the location of the study, the

topic chosen, and the data collection. In previous research, the data

collection used observation, questionnaire, and interviews. While in this


study, the collecting data the researcher use a questionnaire, checklist

validation expert, observation, interview and documentation. The topic

chosen is writing descriptive text, while in this study is vocabulary as

the topic material.

2. The research was done by Moch. Bahak Udin, Nurdyansyah, Ida

Rindaningsih and Siti Kalimah entitled “Development of Smart Play

Wheel Learning Media to Improve Students Learning Outcomes in

Islamic Elementary School (2020)”. This research and development aim

to produce learning media for the spinning of the smart wheel in

learning the morality of Aqidah‟s material religion in the angels of God.

This research use research and development method. Data collection in

this research used tests, questionnaires, and interviews. This study has

similarities with the researcher related with this research, they were

used spinning wheel as a media. The difference is the location of the

study, the topic chosen, the data collection. In previous research, the

data collection used tests, questionnaire, and interviews. While in this

study, the collecting data the researcher use a questionnaire, checklist

validation expert, observation, interview and documentation. The

previous research only used question, but in this research use question

cards equipped with picture cards.The research was done by Nike Dwi

Nurfadilah, Anik Nunuk Wulyani, and Francisca Maria Ivone, entitled

“Developing Mnemonic Pocket Dictionary as A Media for Improving


Vocabulary Mastery of Young Language Learners (2020)”. This

research aimed to know of using a

mnemonic pocket dictionary in improving vocabulary mastery of young

learners. The subjects of this research were the accessible participants at

Selok Awar-Awar, Lumajang, East Java. This research was used the

Research and Development method which steps were adopted from

Latief. The steps are; needs analysis, planning, product development,

expert validation, and revision, try-out, and publishing the product. This

study has similarities with the researcher are both researchers use

English language material, namely vocabulary as the main focus. The

difference is the location of the study and the development carried out,

previous researcher choose to use a pocket dictionary as a media. While

in this study, the researcher use a spinning wheel as a media.

3. The research was done by Triana Wulandari Admanegara and

Mohammad Hanafi entitled “Developing Row-Vocabpoly as A Media

of Teaching Vocabulary for Junior High School Students (2019)”. This

research aims to develop vocabulary teaching media for junior high

school students in SMPN 1 Tranggelek. The media was developed for

them to make interest in vocabulary learning. The method used in this

research is the R and D method. The data collection is used

questionnaires and observation field notes. The similarity of this study


with the researcher are both researchers use English language material

namely vocabulary as the main focus for the teaching and learning

process, and development board-based media. The difference of this

study is the location of study, data collection technique, the previous

researchers use observation and questionnaire as a data collection.

While in this research, the writer use observation, interview,

questionnaires, validation experts, and documentation as a data


From the relevant studies above, the researcher takes vocabulary

as a variable of the research, due the fact that vocabulary as an

important in language on education and some students are still difficult

in understanding the text. For now, the researcher uses a research for

development of spinning wheel media in learning English vocabulary

and expects there is the feasibility of spinning wheel media in learning

English vocabulary.