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  • 1. Author: Shawna Miller
    Chapter Ten: The Reproductive System

2. Female Reproductive System
Provides ova(female reproductive cell)
Provides location for fertilization/growth of baby
Secretes female sex hormones
Nourishes the newborns with milk produced by the breasts
3. Internal Genitalia
Ovaries(one on each side of the uterus) that produce the ova
Estrogen and progesterone are also produced by the ovaries(primary female sex hormones)
Fallopian tubes(uterine tubes or oviducts)
5 and inches long
Finger-like projections at the ends called fimbriae that direct the ovum into the fallopian tube
Conception takes place here
Uterus: lies in the center of the pelvic cavity
Three sections: fundus(upper), corpus(central), cervix(lower)
Vagina: lined with mucous membrane
Passage of menstral flow here, receives the male penis, is the birth canal
4. External Genitalia
Vulva: group of structures
Labia majora and labia minora: folds of skin that protect the vaginal orifice and the urinary meatus.
Clitoris: erectile tissue aroused during sexual stimulation
Perineum: area between the vaginal orifice and the anus.
5. The Breast
Mammary glands
Produce milk(lactation) for the newborns
Lactiferous glands(what milk produced by)
Nipple: where milk is carried
Areola: pigmented area around the nipple
6. Pregnancy
Gestation: length of time a baby grows and develops in the uterus(40 weeks).
Embryo: implantation til 8 weeks.
Fetus: 9 weeks until birth.
Placenta:where baby gets nourishment from
Spongy, blood filled organ formed in the uterus.
Also called afterbirth.
Fetus attaches to placenta by umbilical cord.
Amnion and chorion sacs:
Amnion(inner) floats the fetus
Chorion(outer) protective part that forms part of placenta.
7. Labor and Delivery
Labor: actual process of expelling the fetus from the uterus through the vagina.
Three stages
Dilation: uterine contractions dilate cervix
Expulsion: birth of baby
Placental: delivery of placenta
8. Male Reproductive System
Responsible for producing sperm(male reproductive cell)
Secreting the male sex hormones
Delivering sperm to the female reproductive tract
Organs include:
Bulbourethral glands
Prostate gland
Seminal vesicles
Vas deferens
9. External organs
Testes: responsible for producing sperm.
Seminiferous tubules: where spermatogenesis (sperm production)takes place.
Scrotum: a sac outside the body that holds the testes.
Epididymis:location for sperm maturation and storage.
Penis: male sex organ
Glans penis- soft tip
Prepuce- foreskin
Ejaculation- ejection of semen
Sphincter- closes to keep urine from escaping.
10. Internal Organs
Vas deferans: carry sperm from epididymis into pelvic cavity (2).
Seminal vesicles: secrete fluid that nourishes the sperm (2).
Prostate gland: important for reproduction because it secretes alkaline fluid that causes neutralizing ofthe pH of the urethra and vagina.
Bulbourethralglands:also called Cowpers glands, produce a mucuslike lubricating fluid that blends with semen and becomes part of ejaculate.
11. Some Common Terms
Cervical: pertaining to the cervix
Hysterectomy: surgical removal of the uterus
Mastectomy: removal of the breast
Neonate: newborn
Testicular: pertaining to the testes
Aspermia: condition of no sperm
Erectile dysfunction: inability to engage in sexual intercourse due to inability to maintain an erection (impotence)
Chancroid: highly infectious nonsyphilitic venereal ulcer
Castration: removal of the testicles in the male or the ovaries in the female
12. Pathology
Fibrocystic breast disease: benign cysts in the breast
Stillbirth: birth in which a viable-aged fetus dies shortly before or at the time of delivery
Preeclampsia: metabolic disease of pregnancy
Fibroid tumor: benign tumor or growth that contains fiber- like tissue
Hydrocele: accumulation of fluid around the testes or along the spermatic cord.
Testicular torsion: a twisting of the spermatic cord
Cryptorchidism: failure of the testes to descend into the scrotal sac before birth
13. Tests and Procedures
Digital rectal exam: manual examination for an enlarged prostate by palpating the prostate gland through the wall of the rectum
Prostate-specific antigen(PSA): a blood test to screen for prostate cancer
Cervical biopsy: taking a sample of tissue from the cervix to test for the presence of cancer cells.
Mammography: using x-ray to diagnose breast disease, especially breast cancer
Colposcopy: examination of vagina using an instrument called a colposcope
Pap smear: test for the early detection of cancer of the cervix
14. Medications
Abortifacient: medication that terminates a pregnancy
Oral contraceptive pills: birth control medication that uses low doses of female hormones to prevent conception by blocking ovulation
Oxytocin: a natural hormone that begins or improves uterine contractions during labor and delivery
Spermatocide: medication that destroys sperm
Erectile dysfunction agents: medication that temporarily produces an erection in patients with erectile dysfunction
Androgen therapy; replacement of male hormones to treat patients who produce insufficient hormone naturally
15. An indepth over view by Shawna Miller
Chapter Ten: Reproductive System