chapter 7: india and china establish empires, 400 bce-550 ce the mauryan & gupta

Chapter 7: India and China Establish Empires, 400 BCE-550 CE The Mauryan & Gupta

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Chapter 7: India and China Establish Empires, 400 BCE-550 CEThe Mauryan & Gupta

India’s First Empires• By 600 BCE, almost

1000 years after the Aryan migrations, many small kingdoms were scattered throughout India

• In 326, BCE, Alexander the Great conquered the region- left a Macedonian general-Seluecus I-in control

Mauryan Empire: Chandragupta Maurya

• 321 BCE, claimed the NW. region-lower Ganges River

• By 305 BCE, defeated Seluecus I

• 303 BCE Empire united northern India– 600,000 foot soldiers– 30,000 cavalry– 9,000 elephants

• Imposed high taxes

How did Chandragupta govern the Empire?

• Relied on Katilya- a Brahmin

• Arthashastra-(a rulers handbook)

• Tough policies• Spies• Assassination• Bureaucratic • 4 provinces ruled

by prince• divided into local

districts to collect taxes & enforce law

What was Life Like in Pataliputra?• Very wealthy• Gold covered pillars• Fountains• Thrones• Parks• Markets

Who was Asoka?

• Chandragupta’s grandson

• Became king in 269 BCE

• Started out brutal• Changed after

Battle of Kalinga• Ruled by

Buddhist principles

Asoka’s Edicts

• Huge stone pillars inscribed with new policies

• Fairness• Humane treatment• Nonviolence• Religious toleration

What else did Asoka Do?

• Extensive roads• Improved travel

conditions• Wells & rest


A Period of Turmoil

• Power vacuum after Ashoka’s death• Many kingdoms with overlapping boundaries• MIGRATION, CULTURAL DIFFUSION, TRADE• New peoples, new languages, new ideas• Syncretism-blending of cultures into new form

Gupta Empire• After 500

years, Chandra Gupta reunited India years

• Expansion & consolidation of empire

• Golden Age

Daily Life

• Small villages• Farmers• Craftspeople &

merchants • Mostly patriarchal• Entire family worked

together • Irrigation essential• Taxes paid in labor

on irrigation projects

Golden Age of Gupta Empire


PROSPERITY• Arts• Science• Astronomy• Mathematics

Trade Spreads Indian Religions & Culture:

• Both religions had become increasingly removed from the people

• Hinduism was dominated by priests

• Buddhist ideal of self-denial proved difficult for many to follow

Buddhism & Hinduism Change

• More Popular Form of Buddhism– Belief in bodhisattvas

develops—Buddhas who save humanity

– Mahayana sect—Buddhists accept new doctrines of worship/salvation

– Theravada sect—Buddhists who follow original teachings of Buddha

– Wealthy Buddhist merchants build stupas—stone structures over relics

A Hindu Rebirth (Get It?)

– Hinduism is remote from people by time of Mauryan Empire

– moves toward monotheism; gods are part of one divine force

• Brahma—creator of the world

• Vishnu—preserver of the world

• Shiva—destroyer of the world

Achievements of Indian Culture: Literature & Performing Arts

– Kalidasa—poet & dramatist, one of India’s greatest writers

– Skillful & emotionally stirring plays still popular

– Madurai writing academies create literature; 2,000 Tamil poems survive

– Drama/dance troupes gain popularity & travel widely

Indian Achievements: Astronomy, Math, Medicine

– Ocean trade leads to advances in astronomy

– Indian astronomers in Gupta Empire prove world is round

– Mathematicians develop idea of zero & decimal system

– Doctors write medical guides- make advances in surgery

Spread of Indian Trade

• Valuable Resources– spices,

diamonds,– Ivory, precious

stones, & good quality wood

Silk Roads & Indian Ocean Trade

– Overland trade routes called Silk Roads connect Asia & Europe

– Maritime routes monsoon winds to connect India east to China & west to Arabian Peninsula & Africa

Effects of Indian Trade

– Increased trade leads to rise in banking

– Bankers lend money to merchants, careful of degree of risk

– Increased trade spreads Indian culture to other places

– Trade brings Hinduism, Buddhism to other lands