chapter 4 central limit theorems

Chapter 4 Central Limit Theorems The main result of this chapter, in Section 4.2, is the Lindeberg-Feller Central Limit Theo- rem, from which we obtain the result most commonly known as “The Central Limit Theorem” as a corollary. As in Chapter 3, we mix univariate and multivariate results here. As a general summary, much of Section 4.1 is multivariate and most of the remainder of the chapter is univariate. The interplay between univariate and multivariate results is exemplified by the Central Limit Theorem itself, Theorem 4.9, which is stated for the multivariate case but whose proof is a simple combination of the analagous univariate result with Theorem 2.32, the Cram´ er-Wold theorem. Before we discuss central limit theorems, we include one section of background material for the sake of completeness. Section 4.1 introduces the powerful Continuity Theorem, Theorem 4.3, which is the basis for proofs of various important results including the Lindeberg-Feller Theorem. This section also defines multivariate normal distributions. 4.1 Characteristic Functions and Normal Distributions While it may seem odd to group two such different-sounding topics into the same section, there are actually many points of overlap between characteristic function theory and the multivariate normal distribution. Characteristic functions are essential for proving the Cen- tral Limit Theorems of this chapter, which are fundamentally statements about normal distributions. Furthermore, the simplest way to define normal distributions is by using their characteristic functions. The standard univariate method of defining a normal distribution by writing its density does not work here (at least not in a simple way), since not all normal distributions have densities in the usual sense. We even provide a proof of an important result — that characteristic functions determine their distributions uniquely — that uses 62

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Page 1: Chapter 4 Central Limit Theorems

Chapter 4

Central Limit Theorems

The main result of this chapter, in Section 4.2, is the Lindeberg-Feller Central Limit Theo-rem, from which we obtain the result most commonly known as “The Central Limit Theorem”as a corollary. As in Chapter 3, we mix univariate and multivariate results here. As a generalsummary, much of Section 4.1 is multivariate and most of the remainder of the chapter isunivariate. The interplay between univariate and multivariate results is exemplified by theCentral Limit Theorem itself, Theorem 4.9, which is stated for the multivariate case butwhose proof is a simple combination of the analagous univariate result with Theorem 2.32,the Cramer-Wold theorem.

Before we discuss central limit theorems, we include one section of background material forthe sake of completeness. Section 4.1 introduces the powerful Continuity Theorem, Theorem4.3, which is the basis for proofs of various important results including the Lindeberg-FellerTheorem. This section also defines multivariate normal distributions.

4.1 Characteristic Functions and Normal Distributions

While it may seem odd to group two such different-sounding topics into the same section,there are actually many points of overlap between characteristic function theory and themultivariate normal distribution. Characteristic functions are essential for proving the Cen-tral Limit Theorems of this chapter, which are fundamentally statements about normaldistributions. Furthermore, the simplest way to define normal distributions is by using theircharacteristic functions. The standard univariate method of defining a normal distributionby writing its density does not work here (at least not in a simple way), since not all normaldistributions have densities in the usual sense. We even provide a proof of an importantresult — that characteristic functions determine their distributions uniquely — that uses


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normal distributions in an essential way. Thus, the study of characteristic functions and thestudy of normal distributions are so closely related in statistical large-sample theory that itis perfectly natural for us to introduce them together.

4.1.1 The Continuity Theorem

Definition 4.1 For a random vector X, we define the characteristic function φX :Rk → C by

φX(t) = E exp(itTX) = E cos(tTX) + i E sin(tTX),

where i2 = −1 and C denotes the complex numbers.

The characteristic function, which is defined on all of Rk for any X (unlike the momentgenerating function, which requires finite moments), has some basic properties. For instance,φX(t) is always a continuous function with φX(0) = 1 and |φX(t)| ≤ 1. Also, inspection ofDefinition 4.1 reveals that for any constant vector a and scalar b,

φX+a(t) = exp(itTa)φX(t) and φbX(t) = φX(bt). (4.1)

Also, if X and Y are independent,

φX+Y(t) = φX(t)φY(t). (4.2)

One of the main reasons that characteristic functions are so useful is the fact that theyuniquely determine the distributions from which they are derived. This fact is so importantthat we state it as a theorem:

Theorem 4.2 The random vectors X1 and X2 have the same distribution if and onlyif φX1(t) = φX2(t) for all t.

Now suppose that Xnd→X, which implies tTXn

d→ tTX. Since both sin x and cos x arebounded continuous functions, Theorem 2.25 implies that φXn(t) → φX(t). The converse,which is much harder to prove, is also true:

Theorem 4.3 Continuity Theorem: Xnd→X if and only if φXn(t)→ φX(t) for all t.

Here is a partial proof that φXn(t) → φX(t) implies Xnd→X. First, we note that the

distribution functions Fn must contain a convergent subsequence, say Fnk→ G as k → ∞,

where G : R → [0, 1] must be a nondecreasing function but G is not necessarily a truedistribution function (and, of course, convergence is guaranteed only at continuity points ofG). It is possible to define the characteristic function of G — though we will not prove this


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assertion — and it must follow that φFnk(t) → φG(t). But this implies that φG(t) = φX(t)

because it was assumed that φXn(t)→ φX(t). By Theorem 4.2, G must be the distributionfunction of X. Therefore, every convergent subsequence of {Xn} converges to X, which givesthe result.

Theorem 4.3 is an extremely useful tool for proving facts about convergence in distribution.Foremost among these will be the Lindeberg-Feller Theorem in Section 4.2, but other resultsfollow as well. For example, a quick proof of the Cramer-Wold Theorem, Theorem 2.32, ispossible (see Exercise 4.3).

4.1.2 Moments

One of the facts that allows us to prove results about distributions using results aboutcharacteristic functions is the relationship between the moments of a distribution and thederivatives of a characteristic function. We emphasize here that all random variables havewell-defined characteristic functions, even if they do not have any moments. What we willsee is that existence of moments is related to differentiability of the characteristic function.

We derive ∂φX(t)/∂tj directly by considering the limit, if it exists, of

φX(t + hej)− φX(t)

h= E


(exp{ihXj} − 1


)]as h→ 0, where ej denotes the jth unit vector with 1 in the jth component and 0 elsewhere.Note that ∣∣∣∣exp{itTX}

(exp{ihXj} − 1


)∣∣∣∣ =

∣∣∣∣∫ Xj


exp{iht} dt

∣∣∣∣ ≤ |Xj|,

so if E |Xj| <∞ then the dominated convergence theorem, Theorem 3.17, implies that

∂tjφX(t) = E lim



(exp{ihXj} − 1


)]= i E

[Xj exp{itTX}


We conclude that

Lemma 4.4 If E ‖X‖ <∞, then ∇φX(0) = i E X.

A similar argument gives

Lemma 4.5 If E XTX <∞, then ∇2φX(0) = −E XXT .

It is possible to relate higher-order moments of X to higher-order derivatives of φX(t) usingthe same logic, but for our purposes, only Lemmas 4.4 and 4.5 are needed.


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4.1.3 The Multivariate Normal Distribution

It is easy to define a univariate normal distribution. If µ and σ2 are the mean and vari-ance, respectively, then if σ2 > 0 the corresponding normal distribution is by definition thedistribution whose density is the well-known function

f(x) =1√



2(x− µ)2


If σ2 = 0, on the other hand, we simply take the corresponding normal distribution to be theconstant µ. However, it is not quite so easy to define a multivariate normal distribution. Thisis due to the fact that not all nonconstant multivariate normal distributions have densitieson Rk in the usual sense. It turns out to be much simpler to define multivariate normaldistributions using their characteristic functions:

Definition 4.6 Let Σ be any symmetric, nonnegative definite, k×k matrix and let µbe any vector in Rk. Then the normal distribution with mean µ and covariancematrix Σ is defined to be the distribution with characteristic function

φX(t) = exp

(itT µ− tT Σt


). (4.3)

Definition 4.6 has a couple of small flaws. First, because it does not stipulate k 6= 1, it offers adefinition of univariate normality that might compete with the already-established definition.However, Exercise 4.1(a) verifies that the two definitions coincide. Second, Definition 4.6asserts without proof that equation (4.3) actually defines a legitimate characteristic function.How do we know that a distribution with this characteristic function really exists for allpossible Σ and µ? There are at least two ways to mend this flaw. One way is to establishsufficient conditions for a particular function to be a legitimate characteristic function, thenprove that the function in Equation (4.3) satisfies them. This is possible, but it would takeus too far from the aim of this section, which is to establish just enough background toaid the study of statistical large-sample theory. Another method is to construct a randomvariable whose characteristic function coincides with equation (4.3); yet to do this requiresthat we delve into some linear algebra. Since this linear algebra will prove useful later, thisis the approach we now take.

Before constructing a multivariate normal random vector in full generality, we first considerthe case in which Σ is diagonal, say Σ = D = diag(d1, . . . , dk). The stipulation in Definition4.6 that Σ be nonnegative definite means in this special case that di ≥ 0 for all i. Nowtake X1, . . . , Xk to be independent, univariate normal random variables with zero meansand Var Xi = di. We assert without proof — the assertion will be proven later — thatX = (X1, . . . , Xk) is then a multivariate normal random vector, according to Definition 4.6,with mean 0 and covariance matrix D.


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To define a multivariate normal random vector with a general (non-diagonal) covariancematrix Σ, we make use of the fact that any symmetric matrix may be diagonalized by anorthogonal matrix. We first define orthogonal, then state the diagonalizability result as alemma that will not be proven here.

Definition 4.7 A square matrix Q is orthogonal if Q−1 exists and is equal to QT .

Lemma 4.8 If A is a symmetric k×k matrix, then there exists an orthogonal matrixQ such that QAQT is diagonal.

Note that the diagonal elements of the matrix QAQT in the matrix above must be theeigenvalues of A. This follows since if λ is a diagonal element of QAQT , then it is aneigenvalue of QAQT . Hence, there exists a vector x such that QAQT x = λx, which impliesthat A(QT x) = λ(QT x) and so λ is an eigenvalue of A.

Taking Σ and µ as in Definition 4.6, Lemma 4.8 implies that there exists an orgthogonalmatrix Q such that QΣQT is diagonal. Since we know that every diagonal entry in QΣQT

is nonnegative, we may define Y = (Y1, . . . , Yk), where Y1, . . . , Yk are independent normalrandom vectors with mean zero and Var Yi equal to the ith diagonal entry of QΣQT . Thenthe random vector

X = µ + QTY (4.4)

has the characteristic function in equation (4.3), a fact whose proof is the subject of Exercise4.1. Thus, Equation (4.3) of Definition 4.6 always gives the characteristic function of anactual distribution. We denote this multivariate normal distribution by Nk(µ, Σ), or simplyN(µ, σ2) if k = 1.

To conclude this section, we point out that in case Σ is invertible, then Nk(µ, Σ) has adensity in the usual sense on Rk:

f(x) =1√



2(x− µ)T Σ−1(x− µ)

}, (4.5)

where |Σ| denotes the determinant of Σ. However, this density will be of little value in thelarge-sample topics to follow.

4.1.4 Asymptotic Normality

Now that Nk(µ, Σ) is defined, we may use it to state one of the most useful theorems in all ofstatistical large-sample theory, the Central Limit Theorem for independent and identicallydistributed (iid) sequences of random vectors. We defer the proof of this theorem to the nextsection, where we establish a much more general result called the Lindeberg-Feller CentralLimit Theorem.


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Theorem 4.9 Central Limit Theorem for iid sequences: If X1,X2, . . . are indepen-dent and identically distributed with mean µ ∈ Rk and covariance Σ, where Σhas finite entries, then

√n(Xn − µ)

d→Nk(0, Σ).

Although we refer to several different theorems in this chapter as central limit theorems ofone sort or another, we also employ the standard statistical usage in which the phrase “TheCentral Limit Theorem,” with no modifier, refers to Theorem 4.9 or its univariate analogue.

Before exhibiting some examples that apply Theorem 4.9, we discuss what is generally meantby the phrase “asymptotic distribution”. Suppose we are given a sequence X1, X2, . . . ofrandom variables and asked to determine the asymptotic distribution of this sequence. This

might mean to find X such that Xnd→X. However, depending on the context, this might

not be the case; for example, if Xnd→ c for a constant c, then we mean something else by

“asymptotic distribution”.

In general, the “asymptotic distribution of Xn” means a nonconstant random variable X,

along with real-number sequences {an} and {bn}, such that an(Xn − bn)d→X. In this case,

the distribution of X might be referred to as the asymptotic or limiting distribution of eitherXn or of an(Xn − bn), depending on the context.

Example 4.10 Suppose that Xn is the sum of n independent Bernoulli(p) random

variables, so that Xn ∼ binomial(n, p). Even though we know that Xn/nP→ p

by the weak law of large numbers, this is not generally what we mean by theasymptotic distribution of Xn/n. Instead, the asymptotic distribution of Xn/nis expressed by



n− p

)d→N{0, p(1− p)},

which follows from the Central Limit Theorem because a Bernoulli(p) randomvariable has mean p and variance p(1− p).

Example 4.11 Asymptotic distribution of sample variance: Suppose that X1, X2, . . .are independent and identically distributed with E (Xi) = µ, Var (Xi) = σ2, andVar {(Xi − µ)2} = τ 2 <∞. Define

S2n =




(Xi −Xn)2. (4.6)

We wish to determine the asymptotic distribution of S2n.


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Since the distribution of Xi − Xn does not change if we replace each Xi byXi − µ, we may assume without loss of generality that µ = 0. By the CentralLimit Theorem, we know that





X2i − σ2

)d→N(0, τ 2).

Furthermore, the Central Limit Theorem and the Weak Law imply√

n(Xn)d→N(0, σ2)

and XnP→ 0, respectively, so Slutsky’s theorem implies




)P→ 0. Therefore,



n − σ2) =√





X2i − σ2






Slutsky’s theorem implies that√

n (S2n − σ2)

d→N(0, τ 2), which is the desired re-sult.

Note that the definition of S2n in Equation 4.6 is not the usual unbiased sample

variance, which uses the denominator n− 1 instead of n. However, since



n− 1S2

n − σ2


n(S2n − σ2) +


n− 1S2



n/(n − 1) → 0, we see that the simpler choice of n does not change theasymptotic distribution at all.

Exercises for Section 4.1

Exercise 4.1 (a) Prove that if Y ∼ N(0, σ2) with σ2 > 0, then φY (t) = exp(−1



Argue that this demonstrates that Definition 4.6 is valid in the case k = 1.

Hint: Verify and solve the differential equation φ′Y (t) = −tφY (t). Use integra-tion by parts.

(b) Using part (a), prove that if X is defined as in Equation (4.4), then φX(t) =exp


2tT Σt


Exercise 4.2 We will prove Theorem 4.2, which states that chacteristic functionsuniquely determine their distributions.


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(a) First, prove the Parseval relation for random X and Y:


]= E φY(X− a).

Hint: Use conditioning to evaluate E exp{i(X− a)TY}.

(b) Suppose that Y = (Y1, . . . , Yk), where Y1, . . . , Yk are independent and iden-tically distributed normal random variables with mean 0 and variance σ2. Thatis, Y has density

fY(y) = (√

2πσ2)−k exp(−yTy/2σ2).

Show that X + Y has density

fX+Y(s) = E fY(s−X).

(c) Use the result of Exercise 4.1 along with part (b) to show that

fX+Y(s) = (√

2πσ2)−k E φY


σ2− s



Argue that this fact proves φX(t) uniquely determines the distribution of X.

Hint: Use parts (a) and (b) to show that the distribution of X + Y depends on

X only through φX. Then note that X + Yd→X as σ2 → 0.

Exercise 4.3 Use the Continuity Theorem to prove the Cramer-Wold Theorem, The-orem 2.32.

Hint: aTXnd→ aTX implies that φaT Xn

(1)→ φaT X(1).

Exercise 4.4 Suppose X ∼ Nk(µ, Σ), where Σ is invertible. Prove that

(X− µ)T Σ−1(X− µ) ∼ χ2k.

Hint: If Q diagonalizes Σ, say QΣQT = Λ, let Λ1/2 be the diagonal, nonnegativematrix satisfying Λ1/2Λ1/2 = Λ and consider YTY, where Y = (Λ1/2)−1Q(X−µ).

Exercise 4.5 Let X1, X2, . . . be independent Poisson random variables with meanλ = 1. Define Yn =

√n(Xn − 1).

(a) Find E (Y +n ), where Y +

n = YnI{Yn > 0}.

(b) Find, with proof, the limit of E (Y +n ) and prove Stirling’s formula

n! ∼√

2π nn+1/2e−n.

Hint: Use the result of Problem 3.10.


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Exercise 4.6 Use the Continuity Theorem to prove Theorem 2.18.

Hint: Use a Taylor expansion (1.5) with d = 2 for both the real and imaginaryparts of the characteristic function of Xn.

4.2 The Lindeberg-Feller Central Limit Theorem

The Lindeberg-Feller Central Limit Theorem states in part that sums of independent randomvariables, properly standardized, converge in distribution to standard normal as long as acertain condition, called the Lindeberg Condition, is satisfied. Since these random variablesdo not have to be identically distributed, this result generalizes the Central Limit Theoremfor independent and identically distributed sequences.

4.2.1 The Lindeberg and Lyapunov Conditions

Suppose that X1, X2, . . . are independent random variables such that E Xn = µn andVar Xn = σ2

n <∞. Define

Yn = Xn − µn,

Tn =∑n

i=1 Yi,

s2n = Var Tn =

∑ni=1 σ2

i .

Instead of defining Yn to be the centered version of Xn, we could have simply taken µn to bezero without loss of generality. However, when these results are used in practice, it is easyto forget the centering step, so we prefer to make it explicit here.

Note that Tn/sn has mean zero and variance 1. We wish to give sufficient conditions that

ensure Tn/snd→N(0, 1). We give here two separate conditions, one called the Lindeberg con-

dition and the other called the Lyapunov condition. The Lindeberg Condition for sequencesstates that

for every ε > 0,1



E(Y 2

i I {|Yi| ≥ εsn})→ 0 as n→∞; (4.7)

the Lyapunov Condition for sequences states that

there exists δ > 0 such that1




)→ 0 as n→∞. (4.8)


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We shall see later (in Theorem 4.15, the Lindeberg-Feller Theorem) that Condition (4.7)implies Tn/sn → N(0, 1). For now, we show only that Condition (4.8) — the LyapunovCondition — is stronger than Condition (4.7). Thus, the Lyapunov Condition also impliesTn/sn → N(0, 1):

Theorem 4.12 The Lyapunov Condition (4.8) implies the Lindeberg Condition (4.7).

Proof: Assume that the Lyapunov Condition is satisfied and fix ε > 0. Since |Yi| ≥ εsn

implies |Yi/εsn|δ ≥ 1, we obtain




E(Y 2

i I {|Yi| ≥ εsn})≤ 1



E(|Yi|2+δI {|Yi| ≥ εsn}

)≤ 1





Since the right hand side tends to 0, the Lindeberg Condition is satisfied.

Example 4.13 Suppose that we perform a series of independent Bernoulli trials withpossibly different success probabilities. Under what conditions will the proportionof successes, properly standardized, tend to a normal distribution?

Let Xn ∼ Bernoulli(pn), so that Yn = Xn − pn and σ2n = pn(1− pn). As we shall

see later (Theorem 4.15), either the Lindeberg Condition (4.7) or the Lyapunov

Condition (4.8) will imply that∑n

i=1 Yi/snd→N(0, 1).

Let us check the Lyapunov Condition for, say, δ = 1. First, verify that

E |Yn|3 = pn(1− pn)3 + (1− pn)p3n = σ2

n[(1− pn)2 − p2n] ≤ σ2


Using this upper bound on E |Yn|3, we obtain∑n

i=1 E |Yi|3 ≤ s2n. Therefore, the

Lyapunov condition is satisfied whenever s2n/s

3n → 0, which implies sn →∞. We

conclude that the proportion of successes tends to a normal distribution whenever

s2n =


pn(1− pn)→∞,

which will be true as long as pn(1− pn) does not tend to 0 too fast.

4.2.2 Independent and Identically Distributed Variables

We now set the stage for proving a central limit theorem for independent and identicallydistributed random variables by showing that the Lindeberg Condition is satisfied by sucha sequence as long as the common variance is finite.


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Example 4.14 Suppose that X1, X2, . . . are independent and identically distributedwith E (Xi) = µ and Var (Xi) = σ2 <∞. The case σ2 = 0 is uninteresting, so weassume σ2 > 0.

Let Yi = Xi − µ and s2n = Var

∑ni=1 Yi = nσ2. Fix ε > 0. The Lindeberg

Condition states that




E(Y 2

i I{|Yi| ≥ εσ√

n})→ 0 as n→∞. (4.9)

Since the Yi are identically distributed, the left hand side of expression (4.9)simplifies to


σ2E(Y 2

1 I{|Y1| ≥ εσ√

n}). (4.10)

To simplify notation, let Zn denote the random variable Y 21 I{|Y1| ≥ εσ


Thus, we wish to prove that E Zn → 0. Note that Zn is nonzero if and only if|Y1| ≥ εσ

√n. Since this event has probability tending to zero as n → ∞, we

conclude that ZnP→ 0 by the definition of convergence in probability. We can also

see that |Zn| ≤ Y 21 , and we know that E Y 2

1 < ∞. Therefore, we may apply theDominated Convergence Theorem, Theorem 3.17, to conclude that E Zn → 0.This demonstrates that the Lindeberg Condition is satisfied.

The preceding argument, involving the Dominated Convergence Theorem, is quite commonin proofs that the Lindeberg Condition is satisfied. Any beginning student is well-advisedto study this argument carefully.

Note that the assumptions of Example 4.14 are not strong enough to ensure that the Lya-punov Condition 4.8 is satisfied. This is because there are some random variables that havefinite variances but no finite 2+δ moment for any δ > 0. Construction of such an example isthe subject of Exercise 4.9. However, such examples are admittedly somewhat pathological,and if one is willing to assume that X1, X2, . . . are independent and identically distributedwith E |X1|2+δ = γ < ∞ for some δ > 0, then the Lyapunov Condition is much easier tocheck than the Lindeberg Condition. Indeed, because sn = σ

√n, the Lyapunov Condition

reduces to



nδ/2σ2+δ→ 0,

which follows immediately.


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4.2.3 Triangular Arrays

It is sometimes the case that X1, . . . , Xn are independent random variables — possibly evenidentically distributed — but their distributions depend on n. Take the simple case ofthe binomial(n, pn) distribution as an example, where the probability pn of success on anytrial changes as n increases. What can we say about the asymptotic distribution in such acase? It seems that what we need is some way of dealing with a sequence of sequences, say,Xn1, . . . , Xnn for n ≥ 1. This is exactly the idea of a triangular array of random variables.

Generalizing the concept of “sequence of independent random variables,” a triangular arrayor random variables may be visualized as follows:

X11 ← independentX21 X22 ← independentX31 X32 X33 ← independent


Thus, we assume that for each n, Xn1, . . . , Xnn are independent. Carrying over the notationfrom before, we assume E Xni = µni and Var Xni = σ2

ni <∞. Let

Yni = Xni − µni,

Tn =∑n

i=1 Yni,

s2n = Var Tn =

∑ni=1 σ2


As before, Tn/sn has mean 0 and variance 1; our goal is to give conditions under which



d→N(0, 1). (4.11)

Such conditions are given in the Lindeberg-Feller Central Limit Theorem. The key to thistheorem is the Lindeberg condition for triangular arrays:

For every ε > 0,1



E(Y 2

niI {|Yni| ≥ εsn})→ 0 as n→∞. (4.12)

Before stating the Lindeberg-Feller theorem, we need a technical condition that says essen-tially that the contribution of each Xni to s2

n should be negligible:




σ2ni → 0 as n→∞. (4.13)

Now that Conditions (4.11), (4.12), and (4.13) have been written, the main result may bestated in a single line:


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Theorem 4.15 Lindeberg-Feller Central Limit Theorem: Condition (4.12) holds ifand only if Conditions (4.11) and (4.13) hold.

A proof of the Lindeberg-Feller Theorem is the subject of Exercises 4.7 and 4.8. In mostpractical applications of this theorem, the Lindeberg Condition (4.12) is used to establishasymptotic normality (4.11); the remainder of the theorem’s content is less useful.

Example 4.16 As an extension of Example 4.13, suppose Xn ∼ binomial(n, pn). Thecalculations here are not substantially different from those in Example 4.13, sowe use the Lindeberg Condition here for the purpose of illustration. We claimthat

Xn − npn√npn(1− pn)

d→N(0, 1) (4.14)

whenever npn(1 − pn) → ∞ as n → ∞. In order to use Theorem 4.15 to provethis result, let Yn1, . . . , Ynn be independent and identically distributed with

P (Yni = 1− pn) = 1− P (Yni = −pn) = pn.

Then with Xn = npn +∑n

i=1 Yni, we obtain Xn ∼ binomial(n, pn) as specified.Furthermore, E Yni = 0 and Var Yni = pn(1 − pn), so the Lindeberg conditionsays that for any ε > 0,


npn(1− pn)


E(Y 2

niI{|Yni| ≥ ε

√npn(1− pn)

})→ 0. (4.15)

Since |Yni| ≤ 1, the left hand side of expression (4.15) will be identically zerowhenever ε

√npn(1− pn) > 1. Thus, a sufficient condition for (4.14) to hold is

that npn(1 − pn) → ∞. One may show that this is also a necessary condition(this is Exercise 4.10).

Note that any independent sequence X1, X2, . . . may be considered a triangular array bysimply taking Xn1 = X1 for all n ≥ 1, Xn2 = X2 for all n ≥ 2, and so on. Therefore,Theorem 4.15 applies equally to the Lindeberg Condition (4.7) for sequences. Furthermore,the proof of Theorem 4.12 is unchanged if the sequence Yi is replaced by the array Yni.Therefore, we obtain an alternative means for checking asymptotic normality:

Corollary 4.17 Asymptotic normality (4.11) follows if the triangular array abovesatisfies the Lyapunov Condition for triangular arrays:

there exists δ > 0 such that1




)→ 0 as n→∞. (4.16)


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Combining Theorem 4.15 with Example 4.14, in which the Lindeberg condition is verified fora sequence of independent and identically distributed variables with finite positive variance,gives the result commonly referred to simply as “The Central Limit Theorem”:

Theorem 4.18 Univariate Central Limit Theorem for iid sequences: Suppose thatX1, X2, . . . are independent and identically distributed with E (Xi) = µ andVar (Xi) = σ2 <∞. Then


(Xn − µ


)d→N(0, 1). (4.17)

The case σ2 = 0 is not covered by Example 4.14, but in this case limit (4.17) holds auto-matically.

We conclude this section by generalizing Theorem 4.18 to the multivariate case, Theorem4.9. The proof is straightforward using theorem 4.18 along with the Cramer-Wold theorem,theorem 2.32. Recall that the Cramer-Wold theorem allows us to establish multivariateconvergence in distribution by proving univariate convergence in distribution for arbitrarylinear combinations of the vector components.

Proof of Theorem 4.9: Let X ∼ Nk(0, Σ) and take any vector a ∈ Rk. We wish to showthat


n(Xn − µ

)] d→ aTX.

But this follows immediately from the univariate Central Limit Theorem, since aT (X1 −µ), aT (X2 − µ), . . . are independent and identically distributed with mean 0 and varianceaT Σa.

We will see many, many applications of the univariate and multivariate Central Limit The-orems in the chapters that follow.

Exercises for Section 4.2

Exercise 4.7 Prove that (4.12) implies both (4.11) and (4.13) (the “forward half” ofthe Lindeberg-Feller Theorem). Use the following steps:

(a) Prove that for any complex numbers a1, . . . , an and b1, . . . , bn with |ai| ≤ 1and |bi| ≤ 1,

|a1 · · · an − b1 · · · bn| ≤n∑


|ai − bi| . (4.18)


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Hint: First prove the identity when n = 2, which is the key step. Then usemathematical induction.

(b) Prove that∣∣∣∣φYni




1− t2σ2ni


)∣∣∣∣ ≤ ε|t|3σ2ni




E(Y 2

niI{|Yni| ≥ εsn}). (4.19)

Hint: Use the results of Exercise 1.10, parts (c) and (d), to argue that for anyY ,∣∣∣∣exp




1 +itY


− t2Y 2


)∣∣∣∣ ≤ ∣∣∣∣tYsn

∣∣∣∣3 I

{∣∣∣∣ Ysn

∣∣∣∣ < ε





I{|Y | ≥ εsn}.

(c) Prove that (4.12) implies (4.13).

Hint: For any i, show that



< ε2 +E (Y 2

niI{|Yni| ≥ εsn})s2



(d) Use parts (a) and (b) to prove that, for n large enough so that t2 maxi σ2ni/s

2n ≤








(1− t2σ2



)∣∣∣∣∣ ≤ ε|t|3 +t2



E(Y 2

niI {|Yni| ≥ εsn}).

(e) Use part (a) to prove that∣∣∣∣∣n∏


(1− t2σ2









)∣∣∣∣∣ ≤ t4



σ4ni ≤





Hint: Prove that for x ≤ 0, |1 + x− exp(x)| ≤ x2.

(f) Now put it all together. Show that∣∣∣∣∣n∏











)∣∣∣∣∣→ 0,

proving (4.11).


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Exercise 4.8 In this problem, we prove the converse of Exercise 4.7, which is thepart of the Lindeberg-Feller Theorem due to Feller: Under the assumptions ofthe Exercise 4.7, the variance condition (4.13) and the asymptotic normality(4.11) together imply the Lindeberg condition (4.12).

(a) Define

αni = φYni(t/sn)− 1.

Prove that


|αni| ≤ 2 max1≤i≤n

P (|Yni| ≥ εsn) + 2ε|t|

and thus


|αni| → 0 as n→∞.

Hint: Use the result of Exercise 1.10(a) to show that | exp{it}−1| ≤ 2 min{1, |t|}for t ∈ R. Then use Chebyshev’s inequality along with condition (4.13).

(b) Use part (a) to prove that


|αni|2 → 0

as n→∞.

Hint: Use the result of Exercise 1.10(b) to show that |αni| ≤ t2σ2ni/s

2n. Then

write |αni|2 ≤ |αni|maxi |αni|.

(c) Prove that for n large enough so that maxi |αni| ≤ 1/2,∣∣∣∣∣n∏




(1 + αni)

∣∣∣∣∣ ≤n∑



Hint: Use the fact that |exp(z − 1)| = exp(Re z − 1) ≤ 1 for |z| ≤ 1 to arguethat Inequality (4.18) applies. Also use the fact that | exp(z) − 1 − z| ≤ |z|2 for|z| ≤ 1/2.

(d) From part (c) and condition (4.11), conclude that


Re (αni)→ −1



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(e) Show that

0 ≤n∑






− 1 +t2Y 2



)→ 0.

(f) For arbitrary ε > 0, choose t large enough so that t2/2 > 2/ε2. Show that(t2

2− 2





E(Y 2

niI{|Yni| ≥ εsn})≤






− 1 +t2Y 2




which completes the proof.

Hint: Bound the expression in part (e) below by using the fact that −1 is alower bound for cos x. Also note that |Yni| ≥ εsn implies −2 ≥ −2Y 2



Exercise 4.9 Give an example of an independent and identically distributed sequenceto which the Central Limit Theorem 4.18 applies but for which the Lyapunovcondition is not satisfied.

Exercise 4.10 In Example 4.16, we show that npn(1 − pn) → ∞ is a sufficient con-dition for (4.14) to hold. Prove that it is also a necessary condition. You mayassume that pn(1− pn) is always nonzero.

Hint: Use the Lindeberg-Feller Theorem.

Exercise 4.11 (a) Suppose that X1, X2, . . . are independent and identically dis-tributed with E Xi = µ and Var Xi = σ2 < ∞. Let zn1, . . . , znn be constantssatisfying

maxi≤n z2ni∑n

j=1 z2nj

→ 0 as n→∞.

Let Tn =∑n

i=1 zniXi, and prove that (Tn − E Tn)/√

Var Tnd→N(0, 1).

(b) Reconsider Example 2.20, the simple linear regression case in which

β0n =n∑


v(n)i Yi and β1n =


w(n)i Yi,


w(n)i =

zi − z∑nj=1(zj − z)2

and vi =1

n− zw



Page 18: Chapter 4 Central Limit Theorems

for constants z1, z2, . . .. Using part (a), state and prove sufficient conditionson the constants zi that ensure the asymptotic normality of

√n(β0n − β0) and√

n(β1n − β1). You may assume the results of Example 2.20, where it was shownthat E β0n = β0 and E β1n = β1.

Exercise 4.12 Give an example (with proof) of a sequence of independent randomvariables Z1, Z2, . . . with E (Zi) = 0, Var (Zi) = 1 such that

√n(Zn) does not

converge in distribution to N(0, 1).

Exercise 4.13 Let (a1, . . . , an) be a random permutation of the integers 1, . . . , n. Ifaj < ai for some i < j, then the pair (i, j) is said to form an inversion. Let Xn

be the total number of inversions:

Xn =n∑



I{aj < ai}.

For example, if n = 3 and we consider the permutation (3, 1, 2), there are 2inversions since 1 = a2 < a1 = 3 and 2 = a3 < a1 = 3. This problem asks you tofind the asymptotic distribution of Xn.

(a) Define Y1 = 0 and for j > 1, let

Yj =


I{aj < ai}

be the number of ai greater than aj to the left of aj. Then the Yj are independent(you don’t have to show this; you may wish to think about why, though). FindE (Yj) and Var Yj.

(b) Use Xn = Y1 + Y2 + · · ·+ Yn. to prove that





n2− 1

)d→N(0, 1).

(c) For n = 10, evaluate the distribution of inversions as follows. First, simulate1000 permutations on {1, 2, . . . , 10} and for each permutation, count the numberof inversions. Plot a histogram of these 1000 numbers. Use the results of thesimulation to estimate P (X10 ≤ 24). Second, estimate P (X10 ≤ 24) using anormal approximation. Can you find the exact integer c such that 10!P (X10 ≤24) = c?

Exercise 4.14 Suppose that X1, X2, X3 is a sample of size 3 from a beta (2, 1) dis-tribution.


Page 19: Chapter 4 Central Limit Theorems

(a) Find P (X1 + X2 + X3 ≤ 1) exactly.

(b) Find P (X1 + X2 + X3 ≤ 1) using a normal approximation derived from thecentral limit theorem.

(c) Let Z = I{X1 +X2 +X3 ≤ 1}. Approximate E Z = P (X1 +X2 +X3 ≤ 1) byZ =

∑1000i=1 Zi/1000, where Zi = I{Xi1 + Xi2 + Xi3} and the Xij are independent

beta (2, 1) random variables. In addition to Z, report Var Z for your sample.(To think about: What is the theoretical value of Var Z?)

(d) Approximate P (X1 + X2 + X3 ≤ 32) using the normal approximation and

the simulation approach. (Don’t compute the exact value, which is more difficultto than in part (a); do you see why?)

Exercise 4.15 Lindeberg and Lyapunov impose conditions on moments so that asymp-totic normality occurs. However, it is possible to have asymptotic normality evenif there are no moments at all. Let Xn assume the values +1 and −1 with prob-ability (1− 2−n)/2 each and the value 2k with probability 2−k for k > n.

(a) Show that E (Xjn) =∞ for all positive integers j and n.

(b) Show that√


) d→N(0, 1).

Exercise 4.16 Assume that elements (“coupons”) are drawn from a population ofsize n, randomly and with replacement, until the number of distinct elementsthat have been sampled is rn, where 1 ≤ rn ≤ n. Let Sn be the drawing on whichthis first happens. Suppose that rn/n→ ρ, where 0 < ρ < 1.

(a) Suppose k − 1 distinct coupons have thus far entered the sample. Let Xnk

be the waiting time until the next distinct one appears, so that

Sn =rn∑



Find the expectation and variance of Xnk.

(b) Let mn = E (Sn) and τ 2n = Var (Sn). Show that

Sn −mn


d→N(0, 1).

Tip: One approach is to apply Lyapunov’s condition with δ = 2. This involvesdemonstrating an asymptotic expression for τ 2

n and a bound on E [Xnk − E(Xnk)]4.

There are several ways to go about this.


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Exercise 4.17 Suppose that X1, X2, . . . are independent binomial(2, p) random vari-ables. Define Yi = I{Xi = 0}.

(a) Find a such that the joint asymptotic distribution of



Y n

)− a

]is nontrivial, and find this joint asymptotic distribution.

(b) Using the Cramer-Wold Theorem, Theorem 2.32, find the asymptotic dis-tribution of

√n(Xn + Y n − 1− p2).

4.3 Stationary m-Dependent Sequences

Here we consider sequences that are identically distributed but not independent. In fact, wemake a stronger assumption than identically distributed; namely, we assume that X1, X2, . . .is a stationary sequence. (Stationary is defined in Definition 2.21.) Denote E Xi by µ andlet σ2 = Var Xi.

We seek sufficient conditions for the asymptotic normality of√

n(Xn − µ). The variance ofXn for a stationary sequence is given by Equation (2.13). Letting γk = Cov (X1, X1+k), weconclude that


n(Xn − µ)}

= σ2 +2



(n− k)γk. (4.20)

Suppose that




(n− k)γk → γ (4.21)

as n→∞. Then based on Equation (4.20), it seems reasonable to ask whether

√n(Xn − µ)

d→N(0, σ2 + γ).

The answer, in many cases, is yes. This section explores one such case.

Recall from Definition 2.23 that X1, X2, . . . is m-dependent for some m ≥ 0 if the vector(X1, . . . , Xi) is independent of (Xi+j, Xi+j+1, . . .) whenever j > m. Therefore, for an m-dependent sequence we have γk = 0 for all k > m, so limit (4.21) becomes




(n− k)γk → 2m∑




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For a stationary m-dependent sequence, the following theorem asserts the asymptotic nor-mality of Xn as long as the Xi are bounded:

Theorem 4.19 If for some m ≥ 0, X1, X2, . . . is a stationary m-dependent sequenceof bounded random variables with E Xi = µ and Var Xi = σ2, then

√n(Xn − µ)


(0, σ2 + 2


Cov [X1, X1+k]


The assumption in Theorem 4.19 that the Xi are bounded is not necessary, as long as σ2 <∞.However, the proof of the theorem is quite tricky without the boundedness assumption, andthe theorem is strong enough for our purposes as it stands. See, for instance, Ferguson (1996)for a complete proof. The theorem may be proved using the following strategy: For someinteger kn, define random variables V1, V2, . . . and W1, W2, . . . as follows:

V1 = X1 + · · ·+ Xkn , W1 = Xkn+1 + · · ·+ Xkn+m,V2 = Xkn+m+1 + · · ·+ X2kn+m, W2 = X2kn+m+1 + · · ·+ X2kn+2m,



In other words, each Vi is the sum of kn of the Xi and each Wi is the sum of m of the Xi.Because the sequence of Xi is m-dependent, we conclude that the Vi are independent. Forthis reason, we may apply the Lindeberg-Feller theorem to the Vi. If kn is defined carefully,then the contribution of the Wi may be shown to be negligible. This strategy is implementedin Exercise 4.18, where a proof of Theorem 4.19 is outlined.

Example 4.20 Runs of successes: Suppose X1, X2, . . . are independent Bernoulli(p)variables. Let Tn denote the number of runs of successes in X1, . . . , Xn, wherea run of successes is defined as a sequence of consecutive Xi, all of which equal1, that is both preceded and followed by zeros (unless the run begins with X1 orends with Xn). What is the asymptotic distribution of Tn?

We note that

Tn =n∑


I{run starts at ith position}

= X1 +n∑



since a run starts at the ith position for i > 1 if and only if Xi = 1 and Xi−1 = 0.

Letting Yi = Xi+1(1 − Xi), we see immediately that Y1, Y2, . . . is a stationary1-dependent sequence with E Yi = p(1− p), so that by Theorem 4.19,

√n{Y n −


Page 22: Chapter 4 Central Limit Theorems

p(1− p)} d→N(0, τ 2), where

τ 2 = Var Y1 + 2 Cov (Y1, Y2)

= E Y 21 − (E Y1)

2 + 2 E Y1Y2 − 2(E Y1)2

= E Y1 − 3(E Y1)2 = p(1− p)− 3p2(1− p)2.


Tn − np(1− p)√n


n{Y n − p(1− p)}+X1 − Yn√


we conclude that

Tn − np(1− p)√n

d→N(0, τ 2).

Exercises for Section 4.3

Exercise 4.18 We wish to prove theorem 4.19. Suppose X1, X2, . . . is a station-ary m-dependent sequence of bounded random variables such that Var Xi =σ2. Without loss of generality, assume E Xi = 0. We wish to prove that√

n(Xn)d→N(0, τ 2), where

τ 2 = σ2 + 2m∑


Cov (X1, X1+k).

For all n, define kn = bn1/4c and `n = bn/(kn + m)c and tn = `n(kn + m). DefineV1, . . . , V`n and W1, . . . ,W`n as in Equation (4.22). Then

√n(Xn) =



Vi +1√n


Wi +1√n



(a) Prove that



XiP→ 0. (4.23)

Hint: Bound the left hand side of expression (4.23) using Markov’s inequality(1.22) with r = 1. What is the greatest possible number of summands?


Page 23: Chapter 4 Central Limit Theorems

(b) Prove that



WiP→ 0.

Hint: For kn > m, the Wi are independent and identically distributed with dis-tributions that do not depend on n. Use the central limit theorem on (1/


i=1 Wi.

(c) Prove that



Vid→ N(0, τ 2),

then use Slutsky’s theorem to prove theorem 4.19.

Hint: Use the Lindeberg-Feller theorem.

Exercise 4.19 Suppose X0, X1, . . . is an independent sequence of Bernoulli trials withsuccess probability p. Suppose Xi is the indicator of your team’s success on rallyi in a volleyball game. Your team scores a point each time it has a success thatfollows another success. Let Sn =

∑ni=1 Xi−1Xi denote the number of points your

team scores by time n.

(a) Find the asymptotic distribution of Sn.

(b) Simulate a sequence X0, X1, . . . , X1000 as above and calculate S1000 for p = .4.Repeat this process 100 times, then graph the empirical distribution of S1000 ob-tained from simulation on the same axes as the theoretical asymptotic distributionfrom (a). Comment on your results.

Exercise 4.20 Let X0, X1, . . . be independent and identically distributed randomvariables from a continuous distribution F (x). Define Yi = I{Xi < Xi−1 and Xi < Xi+1}.Thus, Yi is the indicator that Xi is a relative minimum. Let Sn =

∑ni=1 Yi.

(a) Find the asymptotic distribution of Sn.

(b) For a sample of size 5000 from the uniform (0, 1) random number generatorin R, compute an approximate p-value based on the observed value of Sn andthe answer to part (a). The null hypothesis is that the sequence of “random”numbers generated is independent and identically distributed. (Natually, the“random” numbers are not random at all, but are generated by a determininsticformula that is supposed to mimic randomness.)