chapter 13: bureaucracy


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Learning Outcomes

13.1 Define the concept of bureaucracy, explain the role of organizations on the administration of the nation’s laws, examine the reasons for the growth of the bureaucratic state, and assess arguments for and against its continued expansion.

13.2 Describe the organization of the executive branch, the role of the civil service, and the bureaucracy’s responsiveness to presidential control.

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Learning Outcomes13.3 Describe the roles of administrative discretion and rule-making authority in the execution of administrative policymaking.

13.4 Analyze how incrementalism and bureaucratic culture affect policymaking.

13.5 Identify obstacles to effective policy implementation.

13.6 Compare the strengths and weaknesses of reform efforts aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the bureaucracy’s performance.

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Organization Matters Bureaucracies play central role in

governments of modern society Reflects need to survive Environment filled with conflicting political demands

and hostility Organized based on political demands and needs of

its clients; organization affects how well it can accomplish tasks

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Organization Matters The Development of the Bureaucratic State

American Government: enormous growth at all levels during 20th century Principal causes: increasing complexity of society,

public’s attitude toward business and social welfare changed

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Organization Matters Can We Reduce the Size of Government?

Many Americans lack confidence in government Ideological differences between parties and national

budget deficit have shaped debate Reagan – modestly successful at reducing government Bush – worked to enlarge government: 9/11, drugs for

seniors Obama – expanded government: health care, financial

services oversight Budget cuts require reductions in programs

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Bureaus and Bureaucrats The Organization of Government

Bureaucracy in Washington: disjointed collection of smaller bureaucracies Departments Independent agencies

Regulatory commissions Government corporations

U.S. Postal Service

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Figure 13.1 Bureaucrats at Work

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Bureaus and Bureaucrats The Civil Service

National bureaucracy 2.8 million civilian employees Account for less than 2 percent of U.S. work force

Pendleton Act (1883) designed to reduce patronage with hiring based on merit

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Figure 13.2: Good Jobs, Good Benefits

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Bureaus and Bureaucrats Presidential Control over the Bureaucracy

Civil service and other reforms insulate government workers from party politics President appoints only 3,000 people, 1 percent of all

executive branch employees Pluralism can pull agencies in directions contrary to

president’s wishes Presidents still have considerable influence over agency

policymaking Appoint administrators sympathetic to their policy goals Review policymaking to ensure in line with preferences

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Administrative Policymaking: The Formal Processes

Administrative Discretion The latitude that Congress gives agencies to make

policy in the spirit of their legislative mandate Broadest discretion is in domestic and global security

Rule Making Guides the issuance of regulations, which are

authorized by congressional statutes

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Tarmac Hell

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Administrative Policymaking:Informal Policies

The Science of Muddling Through Way policy might be made in ideal world vs. way it is

formulated in the real world Rational-comprehensive model unrealistic Real-world decision making parts company with ideal Policymaking can never be based on truly

comprehensive analyses

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Administrative Policymaking:Informal Policies

The Culture of Bureaucracy Bureaucrats – inflexible and lack authority to get things

done Norms guide individual behavior Influenced by prevailing customs, attitudes and

expectations of people working with them Sense of mission affects decisions about agency

objectives Flexibility limited by legal requirements and need to treat

everyone equally

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Problems in Implementing Policy

Implementation may be difficult Policy not clearly stated Directives lack clarity, leave too much discretion Complexity of public policy problems Incremental process – trial and error

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Pollution in Los Angeles

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Reforming the Bureaucracy: More Control or Less?

Deregulation Popular with conservatives Difficult with health and safety issues

Industry claim regulations burdensome and reduce profits FDA: Drug licensing procedures illustrate dangers

Some agencies allow companies flexibility in how to meet standards EPA: Pollution cap

Increased transparency and accountability

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Bureaucratic Heroine

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Figure 13.3 It Makes a Difference

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Reforming the Bureaucracy: More Control or Less?

Competition and Outsourcing Conservatives want government to act like businesses

Emulate private sector practices Recent reformers advocate privatization

Movement towards competition and outsourcing continues to grow

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Reforming the Bureaucracy: More Control or Less?

Performance Standards Holding agencies accountable for reaching quantifiable

goals each year or budget cycle Government Performance and Results Act No Child Left Behind

States allowed to implement their way

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Figure 13.4: Meeting Performance Standards a Problem? Just Lower Them