chapter 13 a: jacksonian democracy. era of good feeling ends corrupt bargain (1824) ____________...

Chapter 13 A: Jacksonian Democracy

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Page 1: Chapter 13 A: Jacksonian Democracy. Era of Good Feeling ENDS Corrupt Bargain (1824) ____________ (Dem-Republican) (reform and expansion) (South and West)

Chapter 13 A: Jacksonian Democracy

Page 2: Chapter 13 A: Jacksonian Democracy. Era of Good Feeling ENDS Corrupt Bargain (1824) ____________ (Dem-Republican) (reform and expansion) (South and West)

Era of Good Feeling ENDS• Corrupt Bargain (1824)____________ (Dem-Republican) (reform and expansion) (South and West)____________ (Republican)___________ (Republican) (architect of the ___________/ _________________)___________ (National - Republican) (Northeast)*__________________appeared as Vice President for Both Adams and Jackson

Story: Electoral College was not won and the popular vote went to Jackson (followed by Quincy Adams, Crawford then Clay)

Henry Clay (Speaker of the House) (12th Amendment) had to appoint from the top 2 vote getters - Secret Meeting = Clay and Adams (no proof)Clay Appoints Quincy Adams as President and, in return, Clayis appointed __________________Benefit: history shows 3 of 4 secretary of states became President

Appearance: John Quincy Adams “___________” Henry Clay and angry Jacksonians claimed Quincy Adams had stolen the Presidency

Page 3: Chapter 13 A: Jacksonian Democracy. Era of Good Feeling ENDS Corrupt Bargain (1824) ____________ (Dem-Republican) (reform and expansion) (South and West)

John Quincy Adams as President:1824-1828

John Q. Adams’ Platform(1) ______________(2) _______________(3) __________________*all promoted by rising tariffs / Benefit to ____________________________(2) ________________________(suffrage)/ enlarging the voting population*****BEFORE 1824 = ownership of _______ proved you could vote! • Left out: _______________________________________• Less requirements for voting = the ability for certain groups to express opinions!In turn – larger voter population***** This fell into the lap of Andrew Jackson – since he was for the

“______________________ or the poor statesman”Success in 1828 for Jackson “___________________” - 1828 election is considered the first Modern Presidency Election (kissing babies

and shaking hands, mudslinging, parades, bbqs, buttons, etc.). Adams was reserved and cold-hearted…Jackson was the opposite

Page 4: Chapter 13 A: Jacksonian Democracy. Era of Good Feeling ENDS Corrupt Bargain (1824) ____________ (Dem-Republican) (reform and expansion) (South and West)

Jackson as President in 1828 ____________________

“OLD HICKORY” – nicknamed due to his sturdiness, loyalty, and roughness *********SPOILS SYSTEM********• to throw out former appointees and replace them with personal friends! (from Q. Adam’s

presidency)• Support for Jackson – get a job!• “To the Victor Belong the Spoils” – meaning if you win the Presidency, you can do WHATEVER

you want!• “_____________________” **** No longer an issue in the U.S because of the ______________________________– most significant and pressured legislationPassed in the _________(corruption) age of American history. - P.C.A. = government jobs are based on a “______________”

Rationale / defense for the Spoils System:(1) ___________________________________________(2) Assured loyalty to the president

(3) ___________________________________________“Throw their rascals out, and out our rascals in”

*Most famous victim: ________________– Customs Collector in New York, left for England with his accounts more than a million dollars short

Page 5: Chapter 13 A: Jacksonian Democracy. Era of Good Feeling ENDS Corrupt Bargain (1824) ____________ (Dem-Republican) (reform and expansion) (South and West)

Rising Tariffs and South Carolina Exposition

• Originally known as ____________________, after years of raising this tariff, the South began to resent the North, the rich, and the Federal government.

Benefits/Reactions / Drawbacks:NORTH = __________________________________________________________SOUTH = Forced the South to buy ________________from the North

Protests: Flags flown at half-mast (_________________________)WEST = Rising property values / _____________________

South Carolina ExpositionSecretly written by ______________________(VP of Andrew Jackson) – strengthened the _________________________________resolutions!

This pamphlet urged _______________________Leads to what is known as the ____________________________ IMPORTANT: Never used “_______________” but ConfederacyTension rises between Jackson and Calhoun

Page 6: Chapter 13 A: Jacksonian Democracy. Era of Good Feeling ENDS Corrupt Bargain (1824) ____________ (Dem-Republican) (reform and expansion) (South and West)

Jackson and Congressional response to Nullification and S.C. Expo.

• Andrew Jackson threatens to “HANG” Southern leaders if their people DO NOT pay into the Tariff (tax) / start war on his own

____________________________________(*)The “_______________” will _______________ after 8

years (North gets what it wants now, but in the end, the South will feel the relief of tariff pressure)

The ____________ Bill of 1833 (_____________ BILL)Congress granted power to the _____________ to use any

force necessary to collect the “_____________” tax from the South during this “Nullification Crisis”

Page 7: Chapter 13 A: Jacksonian Democracy. Era of Good Feeling ENDS Corrupt Bargain (1824) ____________ (Dem-Republican) (reform and expansion) (South and West)
Page 8: Chapter 13 A: Jacksonian Democracy. Era of Good Feeling ENDS Corrupt Bargain (1824) ____________ (Dem-Republican) (reform and expansion) (South and West)

Native AmericansUnder Washington and ‘then’ Jackson

Native American trends / issues under WashingtonWashington:(1) _____________________________________________________(2) Much ______________________for Native Americans(3) “___________________________________” Native Americans*Think of perception to the rest of the world_____________________1787 – _________________________________________________ Goal = send missionaries to invest time and God into the lives of

Indians Congressional response: $20,000 for promotion in the advancement

of ____________________________________________________

Page 9: Chapter 13 A: Jacksonian Democracy. Era of Good Feeling ENDS Corrupt Bargain (1824) ____________ (Dem-Republican) (reform and expansion) (South and West)

Native AmericansUnder Washington and ‘then’ Jackson

• During Jackson’s Presidency: 125,000 Indians East of the Mississippi River

Jackson:(1) __________________________ WILL NOT work(2) “_____________” removal / push them West of the

Mississippi River / _____________________*Cherokee in Georgia gradually abandoned their lifestyle and

adopted the following:(*) Cherokee alphabet, government and cotton planters

(assimilation)..leads to the 5 “Civilized” tribes(1)Cherokee (2) Creek (3) Chickasaw (4) Choctaw (5) Seminole

Page 10: Chapter 13 A: Jacksonian Democracy. Era of Good Feeling ENDS Corrupt Bargain (1824) ____________ (Dem-Republican) (reform and expansion) (South and West)

Native American and White Settler Relationship Worcester V. Georgia (1832)

Cherokee Fight Back_________________________________Story: The state of Georgia claims the Cherokee council was illegal and asserted its own jurisdiction over the Cherokee

Samuel ______________ (MISSIONARY) refused to move out of Georgia!


The court ruled that the Cherokee nation was a “__________________" with self-government "in which the laws of ______________ will have no force."

American Indian affairs are controlled by the _______________________and not the statesJackson’s thoughts on John Marshall’s decision“_____________________________________________________________!”*Tension between President and Supreme Court

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Indian Removal

_______________________(1830) - forced removal of American Indians into __________________Indian removal (1830-1835)White “Defense” – this is a gift / you are absolutely “free” of White encroachmentTrail of Tears famous trail from Georgia to Oklahoma(4,000 Indians of 15,000 died) ________________________(1836) - established to administer relations with Native Americans and White Americans___________________(Location______________________________________) - Sauk and Fox tribes “resisted ____________”while Seminoles escape to the everglades in FloridaCivil War connection: Abraham Lincoln of Illinois and Jefferson Davis of Mississippi.

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Page 13: Chapter 13 A: Jacksonian Democracy. Era of Good Feeling ENDS Corrupt Bargain (1824) ____________ (Dem-Republican) (reform and expansion) (South and West)

BANK WAR / __________________Andrew Jackson held the common western view of a ________________________. Jackson DOES NOT HATE ALL BANKS! – just monopolistic ones (BOUS)The B.O.U.S. (Northern) minted “_________________" (actual metal money) Hard Money = ____________________ in the economyThe Southern farmers preferred “____________________" (paper money) that would lead to (1) ______________, and (2) __________________________.Nicholas Biddle (_________________________)B.O.U.S. president carried out bank policies of (a) coining hard money (b) Banks notes held more value than smaller state banks (Pet Banks)

Why does Jackson hate the B.O.U.S????(1) Only helped the privileged(2) B.O.U.S. = unfair to state banks(3) Stockholders earned interest, not average taxpayerClay USES Jackson as a PAWN - re charters the Bank in 1832, HOPING Jackson will reactIF JACKSON VETOES: Alienate the _________________IF JACKSON SIGNS: Alienate the ___________________Jackson’s Action to Bank of the U.S. – VETOES and claimsJackson’s VETO Defense: ___________________________!

“The Bank is trying to kill me, but I will kill it!”*Remember McCulloch V. Maryland*** Initial steps to destroy the Bank of U.S. = Take deposits OUT and put them into “pet” or Wildcat banks (done while Congress was in recess)

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1832 Presidential Election / Death of Bank of the United States

Important Issues(1) _________________is re elected(2) Emergence of the FIRST 3rd Party in American political

history (Anti-Masonic / anti-Jackson / Jackson was a Mason )

(3) _____________________________= American people voted for

Party Candidate / not a back-room shady group

DEATH OF B.O.U.S. = After re election, Jackson begins taking out or withdrawing federal deposits in the B.O.U.S. and places them in “Pet Banks”

*_________________________________ - used dwindling funds from the BOUS to help pay for

government expenses- “_______________________” – Nicholas Biddle quickly

withdrew the funds (that he could grab) to cause a panic to show the importance of the bank to the United States!

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WhigsWhigs – separate, alternative political party that HATED Jackson (Did not

like way he handled the bank issues) a) ______________________________________

b) pro _______________ / pro ___________________c) wants to ___________________d) absorbed _____________________e) LOVED the American System, especially Internal Improvements, but the rich should pay for them, not the South! (no new taxes)

Deemed Jackson “King Andrew I”1836 – Martin Van Buren (President) focused on becoming for the

“common man” and the claimed the Democrats stood for “Corruption”