chapter 10: cell cycle

Go to Section : Interest Grabber Getting Through Materials move through cells by diffusion. Oxygen and food move into cells, while waste products move out of cells. How does the size of a cell affect how efficiently materials get to all parts of a cell? Work with a partner to complete this activity. Section 10-1 1. On a sheet of paper, make a drawing of a cell that has the following dimensions: 5 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm. Your partner should draw another cell about one half the size of your cell on a separate sheet of paper. 2. Compare your drawings. How much longer do you think it would take to get from the cell membrane to the center of the big cell than from the cell membrane to the center of the smaller cell? 3. What is the advantage of cells being small?

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Page 1: Chapter 10:  Cell Cycle

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Interest Grabber

Getting Through

Materials move through cells by diffusion. Oxygen and food move into cells, while waste products move out of cells. How does the size of a cell affect how efficiently materials get to all parts of a cell?

Work with a partner to complete this activity.

Section 10-1

1. On a sheet of paper, make a drawing of a cell that has the following dimensions: 5 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm. Your partner should draw another cell about one half the size of your cell on a separate sheet of paper.

2. Compare your drawings. How much longer do you think it would taketo get from the cell membrane to the center of the big cell than from the cell membrane to the center of the smaller cell?

3. What is the advantage of cells being small?

Page 2: Chapter 10:  Cell Cycle

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Section Outline

10–1 Cell GrowthA. Limits to Cell Growth

1. DNA “Overload”

2. Exchanging Materials

3. Ratio of Surface Area to Volume

4. Cell Division

Section 10-1

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Cell Size

Surface Area (length x width x 6)

Volume (length x width x height)

Ratio of Surface Area to Volume

Ratio of Surface Area to Volume in Cells

Section 10-1

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Interest Grabber

Cell Cycle

The cell cycle represents recurring events that take place in the period of time from the beginning of one cell division to the beginning of the next. In addition to cell division, the cell cycle includes periods when the cell is growing and actively producing materials it needs for the next division.

Section 10-2

1. Why is the cell cycle called a cycle?

2. Why do you think that it is important for a cell to grow in size during its cell cycle?

3. What might happen to a cell if all events leading up to cell division took place as they should, but the cell did not divide?

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Section Outline

10–2 Cell DivisionA. Chromosomes

B. The Cell Cycle

C. Events of the Cell Cycle

D. Mitosis

1. Prophase

2. Metaphase

3. Anaphase

4. Telophase

E. Cytokinesis

Section 10-2

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is divided into is divided into

Concept Map

Section 10-2

Cell Cycle

M phase (Mitosis)


G1 phase S phase ProphaseG2 phase Metaphase TelophaseAnaphase

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A. Chromosomes

1. Made up of DNA

2. Only seen during cell division (M phase)

3. Most of the time DNA is hanging out in nucleus as chromatin – granular


4. Before cell division, DNA replicates itself

5. During prophase, 1st phase in mitosis chromatin condenses to form replicated chromosomes

6. Because of DNA replication, each replicated chromosome has 2 identical “sister” chromatids

7. Sister chromatids are joined at the centromere, center of chromosome

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M phase

G2 phase

S phase

G1 phase

Figure 10–4 The Cell Cycle

Section 10-2

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Nuclear envelope


Nuclear envelope reforming



Individual chromosomes





(paired chromatids)



Spindle forming

Section 10-2

Figure 10–5 Mitosis and Cytokinesis

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C. Mitosis (M Phase)

1. Prophase

a. Longest phase

b. Chromatin condenses to form chromosomes

c. Centrioles separate and move to opposite ends of the nucleus

d. Spindle fibers come out of centrioles and attach to chromosomes centromere

e. Nucleolus disappears

f. Nuclear envelope breaks down

Mitosis Animation

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Nuclear envelope


Nuclear envelope reforming



Individual chromosomes





(paired chromatids)



Spindle forming

Section 10-2

Figure 10–5 Mitosis and Cytokinesis

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2. Metaphase

a. Chromosomes line up in middle of cell

Mitosis Animation

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Nuclear envelope


Nuclear envelope reforming



Individual chromosomes





(paired chromatids)



Spindle forming

Section 10-2

Figure 10–5 Mitosis and Cytokinesis

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3. Anaphase

a. Chromosomes split apart, each sister chromatid going to an opposite end of the nucleus

Mitosis Animation

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Nuclear envelope


Nuclear envelope reforming



Individual chromosomes





(paired chromatids)



Spindle forming

Section 10-2

Figure 10–5 Mitosis and Cytokinesis

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4. Telophase

a. Chromosomes begin to go back to chromatin

b. Nuclear envelope reforms

c. Spindle fibers break down

d. Nucleolus reappears in each daughter cell’s nucleus

Mitosis Animation

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Nuclear envelope


Nuclear envelope reforming



Individual chromosomes





(paired chromatids)



Spindle forming

Section 10-2

Figure 10–5 Mitosis and Cytokinesis

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D. Cytokinesis

1. Division of cytoplasm

2. Happens at same time as telophase

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Nuclear envelope


Nuclear envelope reforming



Individual chromosomes





(paired chromatids)



Spindle forming

Section 10-2

Figure 10–5 Mitosis and Cytokinesis

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Interest Grabber

Knowing When to Stop

Suppose you had a paper cut on your finger. Although the cut may have bled and stung a little, after a few days, it will have disappeared, and your finger would be as good as new.

Section 10-3

1. How do you think the body repairs an injury, such as a cut on a finger?

2. How long do you think this repair process continues?

3. What do you think causes the cells to stop the repair process?

Page 21: Chapter 10:  Cell Cycle

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Section Outline

10–3 Regulating the Cell CycleA. Controls on Cell Division

B. Cell Cycle Regulators

1. Internal Regulators

2. External Regulators

C. Uncontrolled Cell Growth

Section 10-3

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Control of Cell Division

Section 10-3

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A sample of cytoplasm is removed from a cell in mitosis.

The sample is injected into a second cell in G2

of interphase.

As a result, the second cell enters mitosis.

Figure 10–8 Effect of Cyclins

Section 10-3

Page 24: Chapter 10:  Cell Cycle


Click a hyperlink to choose a video.

Animal Cell Mitosis

Animal Cell Cytokinesis

Page 25: Chapter 10:  Cell Cycle

Click the image to play the video segment.

Video 1

Animal Cell Mitosis

Page 26: Chapter 10:  Cell Cycle

Click the image to play the video segment.

Video 2

Animal Cell Cytokinesis

Page 27: Chapter 10:  Cell Cycle

Links on cell growth

Links from the authors on stem cells

Share cell cycle lab data

Interactive test

For links on cell division, go to and enter the Web Code as follows: cbn-3102.

For links on the cell cycle, go to and enter the Web Code as follows: cbn-3103.

Go Online

Page 28: Chapter 10:  Cell Cycle

Interest Grabber Answers

1. On a sheet of paper, make a drawing of a cell that has the following dimensions: 5 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm. Your partner should draw another cell about one half the size of your cell on a separate sheet of paper.

2. Compare your drawings. How much longer do you think it would taketo get from the cell membrane to the center of the big cell than from the cell membrane to the center of the smaller cell?

It would take twice the amount of time.

3. What is the advantage of cells being small?

If cells are small, materials can be distributed to all parts of the cell quickly.

Page 29: Chapter 10:  Cell Cycle

Interest Grabber Answers

1. Why is the cell cycle called a cycle?

It represents recurring events.

2. Why do you think that it is important for a cell to grow in size during its cell cycle?

If a cell did not grow in size, each cell division would produce progressively smaller cells.

3. What might happen to a cell if all events leading up to cell division took place as they should, but the cell did not divide?

Students may infer that a cell that undergoes all sequences of the cell cycle would grow increasingly larger—to a point at which the cell could no longer exchange materials with the environment efficiently enough to live.

Page 30: Chapter 10:  Cell Cycle

Interest Grabber Answers

1. How do you think the body repairs an injury, such as a cut on a finger?

The cut is repaired by the production of new cells through cell division.

2. How long do you think this repair process continues?

Cell division continues until the cut is repaired.

3. What do you think causes the cells to stop the repair process?

Students will likely say that when the cut is filled in, there is no room for more cells to grow.

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