channel analytics 20150318

1 Copyright © 2015 Vistex, Inc. Proprietary and confidential. All rights reserved. Channel Analytics Rob Ford - Director of Analytics March 27, 2015 Capabilities

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Channel AnalyticsRob Ford - Director of Analytics

March 27, 2015


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IntroductionsEnterprise data and the challenges we faceApproach

Assess lifetime value Benchmark performance Monitor and drive results with scorecard

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Go-To-Market Analytics

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Questions clients are asking

Who are our most valuable customers?Which of my customers are at risk to churn?Are our GTM programs actually driving the right outcome?Am I spending too much on incentives? Can we measure improvements in operational efficiency?How do operational improvements translate to revenue growth?

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How do I assesses the value of my customers?

What it’s called: What it is: What it tells you:

Revenue MetaScore (MVS)

Customer lifetime value The best predictor of which incentives impact general business performance

Recency Value Score (RVS)

Index of which customers purchased most recently

The best predictor of future churn rate

Frequency Value Score (AVS)

Index of which customers most frequently purchase your product, service or brand

A good predictor of new customer growth

Purchasing Value Score (PVS)

Index of which customers purchased the most

The best predictor of overall revenue growth

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Regression Analysis

Descriptive Statistics

Cluster Analysis


actions should be

taken)Predict (what’s likely to happen)Forecast

(what might

happen)Monitor (what’s

happening now)

Analysis (why it


Reporting (what


QuantityWhat is channel spend by partner tier?How many Partners do we need?What are projected revenues/partner?

BehaviorWho are my best partners?What are they most likely to purchase?

OptimalWhat is the impact and lift on sales incentives?Potential outcomes based on complex interactions






HighValue to Business

Analytics available for real world applications

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Discover, explore, and combine multiple data

sources.Assess, visualize, analyze and

ask questions of your data.

Recommend quickly, share broadly and access insights as-needed.

Optimize go-to-market decisions by learning

from learning historical results.




Intuitively discover patterns and optimize results

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Aggregating Data


Sales Transactions (POS)

Excel DataWarehouse

Reporting DataMarts

Text Files




Goal – Bring data into a single span of control and evaluation that allows a view into the impact of variables on channel performanceHow – With data blending the underlying enterprise data stores can be queried and the results combined at a more aggregate level to Action – Quickly provide trusted directional results. Obviate the need for costly data integration within the data stores themselves.

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Benchmark current program performance

Goal – Establish current topline results drivers, craft KPIs around these drivers so that after programs are more optimized progress can be measuredHow – Determine what factors have the highest correlation with revenue outcomesAction – Identify the drivers by program, incentive spend and regional configuration that correlate with results

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Assess partner lifetime value

Goal – Spend incentive dollars on partners with higher lifetime value, established -> growthHow – Analyze partner transactions + engagementAction – Target investment, consolidate to reduce touch points, Detailed account review to drive allocation and improvement.

• PLV Score• Churn Probability,• Recency, Frequency,

Monetary• Expected lifetime value•

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OverspendOpportunitiesTier 1-Tier 3

Focus: Investment by Revenue Tier

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Focus: Target investment by program, region and tier lift


GoalCalculate the lift associated with incentives and their combinations prioritize by revenue, identify high performance areasHowAnalyze partner transactions + engagement, Simulate scenarios using “what-if” analysis, reallocating budget in different proportions and seeing the direct impact on sales/valueActionShift investment, consolidate to reduce touch points, Detailed account review to drive allocation and improvement.

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Isolate effects of programs & feedback loop

GoalSpend incentive dollars on partners with higher lifetime value, established -> growthHowAnalyze partner transactions + engagementActionTarget investment, consolidate to reduce touch points, Detailed account review to drive allocation and improvement.

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Partner Score CardsChallenge - Manually intensive process that limits scope of the strategic analysis

Solution - Link the data to automate and scale process

Value - Improved insight and drill-down into the success drivers of eventsDrive a range of improvements to incentives, campaign management, strategic business planning.

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Key take-aways

Engage with Strategic Services early!

Assess lifetime valueBenchmark performanceMonitor and drive results with scorecard

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Process-based Project Management

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