change your story. change the world


Upload: annie-escobar

Post on 05-Sep-2014




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This presentation is about the power we have over our own life story and the power our life story has in changing the world. Included: How to transform personal and societal limiting narratives. 10 elements of great stories. How to craft a visionary narrative How to choose a story to tell


  • We need to IDENTIFY & CHANGE the stories that are keeping us trapped personally and systemically.
  • We cannot think without language, we cannot process experience without story. -Christina Baldwin
  • S TO R I E S H O L D O U R I D E N T I T I E S TO G E T H E R .
  • S TO R I E S A L L O W U S TO C R E AT E O R D E R O U T O F T H E C H A OT I C .
  • T H E Y D O T H I S B Y E D I T I N G O U T I R R E L E V A N T D E TA I L S .
  • Stories remain the invisible glue through which people narrate the meaning of their lives and inter- weave their lives with other lives. -Michael Margolis, Believe Me.
  • Name limiting narrative and the belief thats in that story. Cost of that belief. Consequence of that story. How could it be instead? What would that alternative look like? Compelling vision of alternate reality. T R A N S F O R M I N G P E R S O N A L A N D S O C I E TA L S TO R I E S :
  • B E L I E V I N G Y O U C A N C H A N G E = B E L I E V I N G T H E W O R L D C A N C H A N G E .
  • S TO R Y -Event Unity -The who, what, when, where, how of an event that occured -It has a begining, middle, and end N A R R AT I V E -A system of stories: Two or more stories that add up to create a larger narrative -Narrative: What do these stories tell us about how the world is? -Open ended V S
  • The ability to dream up and spread these solutions lives or dies on the ability to tell great stories that inspire people to think differently. -Jonah Sachs, Story Wars
  • N E W N A R R AT I V E F R A M E D E L I V E R E D T H R O U G H P E R S O N A L S TO R I E S =T H E B E S T W AY TO A W A K E N T H E W O R L D
  • Each character pursues some type of goal in accordance with his or her values, facing difficulty along the way and either succeeds of fails according to the storytellers view of how the world works.
  • Stories are designed to persuade an audience of a storytellers worldview. How do they do this? Stories express values.
  • T E N E L E M E N T S O F G R E AT S TO R I E S
  • Great stories... Are emotional and show vulnerability.
  • Great stories... Are about journeys where the protagonist learns something about the world.
  • Great stories... Describe a personal transformation.
  • Great stories... Have one protagonist at the heart.
  • Great stories... have dramatic tension. The stakes are high. They make the audience wonder, What will happen next?
  • Great stories... Include memorable details that are relevant to the core message.
  • Great stories... Are simple- they only include details that illustrate the mesage.
  • Great stories... Make the audience have an A-ha! moment.
  • Great stories... Have a moral at the heart of the story.
  • Great stories... Present lessons that encourage people to pursue their higher values.
  • H O W T H I N G S U S E D TO B E : Once upon a time, there was _________. Every day, ___________.
  • T H E A C T I O N T H AT W I L L C H A N G E T H I N G S : One day, _________. Because of that, ___________. Because of that, ___________.
  • T H E C H A N G E : _______________________.
  • T H E B E G I N N I N G O F Y O U R S TO R Y The hook: set the stage and introduce who, what, when and where.
  • P R E S E N T Y O U R P R O B L E M Set up what the character wants, so the listener wonders how they will get it.
  • J O U R N E Y TO C H A N G E Struggle of the journey makes the character change.
  • T H E M O M E N T O F C H A N G E The A-Ha! Moment.
  • F U T U R E State what the future looks like for the protagonist. Relate the moral of the story back to the audience.
  • P I C K I N G A S TO R Y Start with the end in mind Audience Choose the story that will get them to take that action Goal (the action you want them to take)
  • Think about the shift in perspective you want the audience to have. Do you have a story of when you had that shift in perspective yourself?
  • Q U E S T I O N S TO A S K W H E N C H O O S I N G A S TO R Y: Who is my audience? What action do I want them to take? What A-ha! moment can I facilitate to get them to take that action? What do they need to realize in order to take that action?
  • C R E AT E A W A R E N E S S I N F L U E N C E B E H A V I O R C H A N G E AT T I T U D E S
  • H O W TO C R A F T A V I S I O N A R Y N A R R AT I V E 1. HOOK: A brief glimpse into whats possible 2. Define the status quo. 3. Cost of the status quo. 4. Alternate reality. Other Possibility. 5. How do you know this other future is possible? 6. Compelling details of the new reality. 7. How your audience is essential/needed in order for this new future to come true.
  • [email protected]