chalice connection 09-09-10

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  • 8/8/2019 Chalice Connection 09-09-10


    The Chalice

    CONNECTIONA publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK

    Vol. 2 No. 36 September 9, 2010

    Have You Had Enough?By Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister

    Ive had enough! Familiar words for many parents, especially those on a long-distance trip with chil-

    dren (Are we there yet?), and those who are trying to discipline a three-year-old. Ask me, I know abo

    these things.

    Its funny how we can get enough of many things in our lives, more so with things that frustrate u

    But we can also get more than enough candy (ask any kid this Halloween), more than enough food, ayes, more than enough football. Im all fired up for the season to begin, but by February, Ill have had

    enough. Its also funny how we dont get enough of other things in our lives. We rarely hear, Ive had

    enough ofa big housea nice carmoney! Things tend to dominate our lives and we think we can

    get enough.

    Were beginning our annual campaign this Sunday. Through the next four weeks well look at what is enough. When we realiz

    that everything we have and all that we are comes from God, we realize how blessed we are. And then we can begin to say a healt

    Ive had enough!

    When Dreams Become NightmaresWhat characterizes the greatest hopes, desires, and dreams of most Americans? For most people, itrevolves around the amount and scope of material possessions one can accumulate. The more wehave, the bigger, the better, the all signals success, and, we want it all right now.

    What if we cant afford it right now? What if the majority of Americans cant afford it right now?In most cases, the right now mentality wins out, and, the need for more leads down the path tofinancial disaster.

    This Sunday, September 12, the first sermon in the Enough series will look at the AmericanDream and what it means for most people. We will look at how those individual dreams can impactthe nations economic crisis. We need to understand and assess our economic and financial situationboth as a nation and on a personal level. We need to find the faithful path to simpler living and bringgenerosity, joy and contentment back into our lives.

    Our Enough series will culminate on World Communion Sunday, October 3 when we

    experience our annual Gratitude Celebration. This year our celebration will take place on aSunday morning. Make note on your calendars now and plan to take part in this day of gratitude for the abundance we share! Ouworship will include elements from each of our services, videos of some of our members, and inspiring music. After worship we wilshare a simple meal together, celebrating the ministry we have already done, and the ministry we dream for the future. Please be sto make your lunch reservations this Sunday or online at so we have plenty of food for all.

    Sunday, October 3 World Communion Sunday

    Sermon: Defined by Generosity

    9:30 AM Sunday School

    10:45 AM Combined Worship

    12:00 PM FREE Gratitude Luncheon

    Schedule of Events:Sunday, September 12 Sermon: When Dreams Become Nightmares

    Sunday, September 19 Sermon: Living With Purpose

    Sunday, September 26 Sermon: Cultivating Contentment

    Wednesday, September 29 Small-Group Study Ends

  • 8/8/2019 Chalice Connection 09-09-10


    Whiz Kids is a faith-based, one-on-onvolunteer tutoring/mentoring prograthat focuses on students who live inareas which have some of the highesdrop-out rates and lowest

    socioeconomic levels in Oklahoma CiFirst Christian partners with Our LorCommunity Church and Holy TempleBaptist Church in Oklahoma City,tutoring students from Martin LutheKing Elementary.

    Whiz Kids meets at 5:30 on Tuesdevenings at Holy Temple, where weshare a meal with the students, spentutoring/mentoring time together anthen nish with a brief club time. If have an interest in participating in thwonderfully fullling ministry, conta

    Linda Quade at 341-1618 or 408-8123.

    Do Puppets MakeYou Laugh and Smile?Maybe you would like to spread the joy by joining the new

    puppet ministry Gary Owen is developing for FCC!

    Because Garys Childrens Moments with puppets are sowidely received, he felt Gods calling to incorporate more

    educational opportunities using puppets in other areas of

    our Childrens Ministry.

    Gary is donating over $1000 worth of puppets and is

    looking for individuals who would like to be a part of this

    n project. Volunteers from the youth group, age 15 + as well as adults are welcome

    participate. No experience is required as Gary will be conducting start-up workshops

    at will offer training on how to do character voices, puppet manipulation, acting and

    ore. If you are interested contact Gary at [email protected] or 840-100. The rst orientation session will be held Saturday, September 11 at 10am,r those who have volunteered to be a part of the FCCE Puppet Ministry. More work-

    hops will be offered in the coming weeks (TBA).

    Make A Differencein A Childs Life!

    Be a Whiz Kids TutoBy Linda QuadeFCCs Whiz Kids Coordinator

    The annual CROP Walk to help ghunger is scheduled for SundaySeptember 26. The walk will b

    held in Mitch Park, and will begat 2:00 p.m. If you would like toa part of this event and help gh

    hunger around the world and in oown city of Edmond, please pick

    a pledge packet at the CROP Watable located in the rotunda. 25%all money raised stays right here

    Edmond for projects like BreakfastBoulevard. Information about gett

    pledges and turning in money caalso be found at the table. And if

    recieve more than $100 in pledgeyou get a free t-shirt, so join us

    Questions? contact Greg Bunton [email protected]

    Sharing the Story of Gods Love Through

    Operation Christmas ChildThe story of children playing with artillery shell casings

    they find buried in the tall grass outside their homes andchurches in Lainya, Sudan is a sad one. These toysserve as deadly reminders of a civil war that ended inSudan just five years ago. But a growing sense of hope isspreading there today. Last Christmas, more than 1,500children in the Lainya area received gift filled shoe boxesthrough Operation Christmas Child distributions at fourchurches. Church leader Pastor Rufus Leri at St. Laza-rus Church said The children are the foundation of the

    church. Without the children, there is no hope for the future.

    Sparked by the vision of Operation Christmas Child, FCC Edmonds MicheleSchlough has spearheaded several packing parties, packing over 122 boxes in just the

    wo most recent gatherings. One volunteer, Glo Rehrig, had this story to share abouthe time she has shared filling shoe-boxes of gifts As I fill each box for whatever childeceives it, I envision their bright smiling faces as they discover

    he surprises inside, their dancing eyes with wonder that this is

    just for me?You can be a part of this unfolding story of sharing Gods

    ove with children around the world! Join us for our next Op-eration Christmas Child Packing Party, Tuesday, Septem-ber 14 from 10am to 12noon. Simply bring a few items off theist below, and come help us fill shoeboxes with these smallgifts of joy:

    individually wrapped hard candy toothpastestuffed animals combs or brushes

    small items of clothing ip opsOperation Christmas Child also gives each child a booklet en-itled The Greatest Gift which shares the story of Jesus and

    His love for them. They are printed in the childs own language. Ministers are trainedn each country, who follow-up wtih the children. Questions?Contact MicheleSchlough at 844-3214

  • 8/8/2019 Chalice Connection 09-09-10


    Disciples Women Mary Group wkick off the fall season with a LitSalad Supper, Thursday, Septemb

    16, 2010 5:30pm at the home of RoKinnaird - 1600 S. Coltrane Road. W

    begin our study, A Season of Encouragement Call Robbi at 340-24or e-mail at [email protected]

    attending or with questions.

    The Visiting Nurse Association and the Parish nurses will be giving u and pneu-monia shots on Sunday, Sept 26 in the rotunda from 8am to 12:30pm. Costs are $25for u shots and $55 for pneumonia shots. If you have Medicare Part B please bring

    your card and we can le your u and pneumonia shots with Medicare for you.

    To the Church Family of Edmond, First Christian Church:This year we celebrated the 20th Anniversary of Breakfast on Boulevard (BOB). Thevision and efforts of Patty McKibbin and Carol Roberts has helped feed thousands ofpeople in those years.

    The Bible verse Feed my Sheep has always been the inspiration for BOB. Severalyears ago Carol Roberts decided it would be meaningful to have Bronze Sheep on theChurch lawn, near the entrance to BOB. She felt this would demonstrate, to the com-munity, our mission of feeding the people in need. Carol had just started promoting thisidea when she died. At the time of her death $1,645.00 was donated, in her name, tothe sheep. Since that time the money has been held waiting for the right time to fulfillher dream. That time is now.

    The sheep, a life-size, bronze mother and her lamb, can be purchased for a total of$7,000, which includes shipment and placement. I would appreciate your help in see-

    ing Carols dream of Feed My Sheep become a reality.If you would like to contribute to this project please make your checks payable to

    First Christian Church and note Sheep on the check and turn into the Church of-fice. When the project is complete a list of donors will be permanently displayed in theChurch foyer. Thank you for helping me make my dear friend, Carol Roberts dream areality. Sincerely, Kathy Thomas

    Ring With Us!Do you love to ring bells? Join FCadult bell choir, Chancel Ringers, fun, fellowship, and making beaut

    music. The Chancel Ringers pla

    periodically in the worship servicWe meet weekly on Wednesdayevenings from 6:30-7:15 in the Muroom. Questions? Contact Diane B

    at [email protected]

    MINISTRY First Christian Chuof Edmond, OK

    Have You Got YOUR ACT TOGETHER for the 4th Annual

    FCC FOLLIES & CHILI COOK-OFF?Its not too late to sign up and join the fun on Sunday,September 26th! Our old fashioned chili cook-off and Folliestalent show is tasty and entertaining fun! The chili cookoffbegins at 5:30 in the fellowship hall. No chili recipe? Noproblem! Bring a finger food or dessert to share. At 6:30,we move into the sanctuary for a FREE evening of entertainment featuring some of thebest talent in Edmond..our own FCC members!

    Dont delay - register your Follies act and your pot of chili this Sunday at theFollies display, or online at

    Questions?Contact Diane Ball at 341-3544 ex. 25; [email protected]

    Prayers of the People

    OUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITALBelinda Davis, McBride Bone & Joint

    OTHERS IN NEED OF PRAYER Mary Foreman, Dorothy Bryan, Chuck Hague(Suzanne Allisons brother), Peggy Thies (Sandy Mitchells mom), Pauline Rahhal,Chelyne Barney (Marjorie Andersons daughter-in-law), Ann Douthitt (DukeDouthitts mom), Josh Harlin (Reta Cloptons son), Laura Kysar, Les Lee, EricKoegel, Garry Sloan (former FCC minister of music), Bart & Jennifer Rodr, LorelleWatts, Sharon Luton (Susan Blacks cousin), Ed Berry, Taylor Wheeler, HankThomas (Randy Thomas brother)

    Happy Birthday!9/12 Gladys Dronberger, Bob Gallop,

    Joan Grant, Joy Hunt

    9/14 Ted Garrett, Tamela Hamilton,

    James Kerr IV, Molly Mabry, Ja


    9/15 Pam Fraim, Jan Harrison, J.W.

    Michael, Parker Mullins

    9/16 Colton Lagasse, Fern Rice

    9/17 Patty Dailey

    9/18 Boston Harris, Tommie Inman,

    Jennifer Marks, Max Moore, Sha

    Mugg9/19 Jack Smith, Max Stapp

  • 8/8/2019 Chalice Connection 09-09-10


    The Chalice CONNECTION

    Shelley Regan, [email protected]

    Read News Online@

    Submit Articles [email protected]




    The Classics Texas AdventureSeptember 27-28Join us for a tour of the new Dallas Cowboys stadium, the BEPs Western CurrencyFacility, and Texas Motor Speedway. The price is $229 and includes transportation bymotor coach, overnight lodgin, one dinner and lunch. For more information and to

    make your reservation call: Winnie Hall 341-4297 or Ellen Chitwood 341-2859.

    Dallas Cowboys Stadium:The room will be filled with oooohs and aaaaahs as we

    venture through the amazing new three-million square foot stadium which boasts to bethe most spectacular with unbelievable state of the art designs.

    Bureau of Ingraving and Printing - Western Currency Facility:You willsee billions of dollars being printed as you walk along an enclosed elevated walkwaysuspended over the production floor!

    Texas Motor Speedway:Our tour will include a stop on the luxury suite level wherwe will get a birds-eye view of more than 150,000 seats and the 1,500 acres that makeup one of the worlds largest and most modern sports facilities.

    Blue Star MothersChristmas Stocking Project ReminderThanks to all, who are making or buying Christmas stockings for our Troops! The datehas been extended to November 1 for the last stich and purchase. Our goal is 400 - wehave received 123 so far! Thank you for sharing. Questions on how to join the ef-

    fort?Contact Becky Winn at 532-5150.

    Worshipat First Christian8:15, 9 & 11am

    September 12, 20101st Sermon in our ENOUGH SeriesWhen Dreams Become NightmaresMessage: Rev. Chris ShorowScripture: Matthew 16:21-26

    September 19, 20102nd Sermon in our ENOUGH SeriesLiving With PurposeMessage: Rev. Chris ShorowScripture: Genesis 12:1-7