chairman’s statement - · 37 penyata pengerusi bagi pihak lembaga pengarah, saya...

35 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT On behalf of the Board of Directors, I hereby present the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements of Parkson Holdings Berhad (“PHB” or “the Group”) for the financial year ended 30 June 2018. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE I am pleased to report that the Group was able to deliver the following encouraging operating results for the financial year ended 30 June 2018: Revenue of RM3,982 million as compared to RM3,964 million in the previous year; and Operating profit of RM3 million as against a loss of RM142 million in the previous year. The improved performance was mainly contributed by Parkson’s operations in the People’s Republic of China (“China” or “PRC”). The retail market of China gradually recovered as evident by the steady Gross Domestic Product growth rate of 6.8% for the first half of 2018 which exceeded the national target. During the financial year, we have seen many encouraging returns from the execution of the Group’s transformation strategies, focusing on diversified retail formats and brand enhancement, and the optimisation of operations and omni-channel marketing. With our in-depth and first-hand understanding of consumer demand and expectations, we have rolled out a series of new retail formats to cater to the discerning demands of customers, which has borne fruit. Our Southeast Asia operations, on the other hand, experienced one of the more challenging years. Competition among retail players in the Malaysian market had been intense with tactical promotional activities carried out to capture sales. The announcement of the zero-rating of Goods and Services Tax effective 1 June 2018 pending the introduction of the Sales and Service Tax to start on 1 September 2018 had also diverted consumers’ spending to big ticket items with the consequential impact on our final quarter’s same store sales growth. As for Indochina, the difficult discretionary retail environment amidst the influx of retail players continued to be a primary challenge to our operations. Moving on to Indonesia; while the crowded retail scene continued to exert pressure on the results for the financial year 2018, our performance was further affected by the volcano eruption in Bali. TAN SRI WILLIAM H.J. CHENG Chairman

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On behalf of the Board of Directors, I hereby present the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements of Parkson Holdings Berhad (“PHB” or “the Group”) for the financial year ended 30 June 2018.


I am pleased to report that the Group was able to deliver the following encouraging operating results for the financial year ended 30 June 2018: • Revenue of RM3,982 million as compared to RM3,964 million in the previous year; and• Operating profit of RM3 million as against a loss of RM142 million in the previous year.

The improved performance was mainly contributed by Parkson’s operations in the People’s Republic of China (“China” or “PRC”). The retail market of China gradually recovered as evident by the steady Gross Domestic Product growth rate of 6.8% for the first half of 2018 which exceeded the national target. During the financial year, we have seen many encouraging returns from the execution of the Group’s transformation strategies, focusing on diversified retail formats and brand enhancement, and the optimisation of operations and omni-channel marketing. With our in-depth and first-hand understanding of consumer demand and expectations, we have rolled out a series of new retail formats to cater to the discerning demands of customers, which has borne fruit.

Our Southeast Asia operations, on the other hand, experienced one of the more challenging years. Competition among retail players in the Malaysian market had been intense with tactical promotional activities carried out to capture sales. The announcement of the zero-rating of Goods and Services Tax effective 1 June 2018 pending the introduction of the Sales and Service Tax to start on 1 September 2018 had also diverted consumers’ spending to big ticket items with the consequential impact on our final quarter’s same store sales growth. As for Indochina, the difficult discretionary retail environment amidst the influx of retail players continued to be a primary challenge to our operations. Moving on to Indonesia; while the crowded retail scene continued to exert pressure on the results for the financial year 2018, our performance was further affected by the volcano eruption in Bali.




The emergence of “new retail” that seamlessly connects online presence with offline retail experience through leveraging on data technology, has brought increasing challenges to the retail industry in the markets that we operate in. The demand for a more personalised shopping experience is fuelled by the ever-demanding millennial consumers who are accustomed to variety, choices and personalisation in products and services. Nevertheless, we see ample opportunities and positive signs ahead of us.

Looking forward, we remain confident in the retail industry in China. In light of the more challenging yet booming consumption market environment there, the Group will continue to explore, identify and seize market opportunities, and strongly believes that its efforts in executing transformation strategies, including diversification of retail formats, operational optimisation and cost rationalisation, will further reinforce the Group’s position as a leading lifestyle retailer. The Group looks to steadily transform its business in tandem with dynamic customer expectations, the PRC government policies and the macroeconomic environment.

On the Southeast Asian front, while the clarity in the new government’s policies in Malaysia will be key to sustainable consumer confidence, the upcoming general election in Indonesia is likely to impact consumer sentiments there. The operating environment in Vietnam is anticipated to remain challenging with the influx of retail players. In all these market scenarios, the Group will continue to drive topline growth proactively whilst exercising prudence in its strategies.


Mr Yeow Teck Chai will be retiring at the forthcoming 35th Annual General Meeting of the Company and will not be seeking re-election as Director of the Company. Mr Yeow also serves as the Chairman of the Nomination Committee and is a member of the Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee of the Company. On behalf of the Board, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Mr Yeow for his invaluable contribution during his tenure as a Director of the Company, and a member of the Company’s Board Committees.

I wish to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to all our valued customers, suppliers, financiers, business associates, Government authorities and shareholders for their continued support, co-operation and confidence in the Group.

I would also like to convey my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my fellow Directors for their invaluable guidance, support and contribution throughout the year as well as to record my appreciation to our Management and staff for their dedication, commitment and contribution to the Group.


Parkson Malaysia



Bagi pihak Lembaga Pengarah, saya dengan ini membentangkan Laporan Tahunan dan Penyata Kewangan Beraudit Parkson Holdings Berhad (“PHB” atau “Kumpulan”) bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 30 Jun 2018.


Saya dengan sukacitanya melaporkan bahawa Kumpulan telah mencapai prestasi operasi yang menggalakkan seperti berikut bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 30 Jun 2018:

• Pendapatan sebanyak RM3,982 juta berbanding RM3,964 juta pada tahun kewangan sebelumnya; dan • Keuntungan operasi sebanyak RM3 juta berbanding kerugian RM142 juta pada tahun sebelumnya.

Pencapaian prestasi yang lebih baik ini disumbang terutamanya oleh operasi Parkson di Republik Rakyat China (“China” atau “PRC”). Pasaran runcit China secara beransur-ansur pulih seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh kadar pertumbuhan Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar sebanyak 6.8% bagi setengah pertama tahun 2018 yang melepasi sasaran negara yang telah ditetapkan. Sepanjang tahun kewangan, kita menyaksikan banyak hasil menggalakkan yang diraih daripada pelaksanaan strategi transformasi Kumpulan, penumpuan kepada format runcit yang dipelbagai dan peningkatan jenama, serta tindakan mengoptimumkan operasi dan pemasaran melalui saluran omni (omni-channel). Melalui pemahaman mendalam dan kefahaman yang jelas mengenai permintaan dan jangkaan pengguna, kita telah melancarkan satu siri format runcit baharu bertujuan memenuhi kehendak pelanggan di mana langkah berkenaan telah berjaya membuahkan hasil.

Sementara itu, operasi kita di Asia Tenggara berdepan dengan satu lagi tahun operasi yang amat mencabar. Persaingan dalam kalangan pemain sektor runcit di pasaran Malaysia adalah sengit dengan aktiviti promosi bersifat taktikal dilakukan untuk mendapatkan jualan. Pengumuman Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan pada kadar sifar berkuatkuasa 1 Jun 2018, sementara menunggu pengenalan Cukai Jualan dan Perkhidmatan bermula 1 September 2018 juga mengalih perbelanjaan pengguna kepada barangan mahal yang memberikan kesan sampingan kepada pertumbuhan jualan gedung yang sama bagi tempoh suku akhir kewangan kita. Di Indochina, persekitaran runcit terbuka yang sukar berserta kebanjiran para pengendali runcit kekal menjadi cabaran utama kepada operasi kita. Di Indonesia, persekitaran runcit yang sesak dengan pengendali terus memberi tekanan kepada prestasi bagi tahun kewangan 2018, selain dijejaskan lagi dengan meletusnya gunung berapi di Bali.


Kemunculan kaedah ‘runcit baharu’ yang menghubungkan tanpa batasan perniagaan secara atas talian dengan pengalaman membeli-belah luar talian menerusi manfaat teknologi data, telah memberi cabaran besar kepada industri runcit di pasaran kita beroperasi. Permintaan untuk pengalaman membeli-belah yang lebih bersifat peribadi disemarakkan oleh para pengguna milenium yang sudah terbiasa dengan kepelbagaian, pilihan serta produk dan perkhidmatan bersifat peribadi. Namun begitu, kita melihat terdapat banyak peluang dan tanda-tanda yang positif di hadapan kita.

Parkson China


Melihat ke hadapan, kita kekal yakin dengan industri runcit di China. Memandangkan persekitaran pasaran penggunaan yang lebih mencabar tetapi berkembang pesat di sana, Kumpulan akan terus meneroka, mengenal pasti dan merebut peluang-peluang pasaran, dan yakin bahawa usaha untuk melaksanakan strategi transformasi, termasuk mempelbagaikan format runcit, mengoptimumkan operasi dan rasionalisasi kos, akan terus mengukuhkan lagi kedudukan Kumpulan sebagai peruncit gaya hidup terkemuka. Kumpulan akan mengubah perniagaannya sejajar dengan jangkaan pelanggan yang dinamik, dasar-dasar kerajaan PRC dan persekitaran makroekonomi.

Di Asia Tenggara, dasar kerajaan baharu yang jelas di Malaysia akan menjadi kunci kepada keyakinan pengguna yang mampan, manakala pilihan raya umum akan datang di Indonesia mungkin memberi kesan kepada sentimen pengguna di sana. Persekitaran operasi di Vietnam dijangka terus mencabar dengan kebanjiran para pengendali perniagaan runcit. Dalam kesemua senario pasaran ini, Kumpulan akan terus memacu pertumbuhan utama secara proaktif serta berhemat dalam strategi.


Encik Yeow Teck Chai akan bersara pada Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Syarikat ke-35 yang akan datang dan memohon untuk tidak dilantik semula sebagai Pengarah Syarikat. Encik Yeow juga berkhidmat sebagai Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penamaan dan merupakan Ahli Jawatankuasa Audit dan Jawatankuasa Imbuhan Syarikat. Bagi pihak Lembaga Pengarah, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada Encik Yeow atas sumbangan yang tidak ternilai sepanjang tempoh beliau berkhidmat sebagai Pengarah Syarikat, dan ahli Jawatankuasa Lembaga Pengarah Syarikat.

Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih dan merakamkan penghargaan tulus ikhlas kepada para pelanggan, pembekal, pembiaya, rakan perniagaan, pihak berkuasa Kerajaan dan pemegang saham atas sokongan, kerjasama dan keyakinan mereka yang berterusan kepada Kumpulan.

Saya juga ingin menyampaikan penghargaan tulus ikhlas kepada rakan-rakan Pengarah atas bimbingan, sokongan dan sumbangan mereka yang tidak ternilai sepanjang tahun kewangan serta merakamkan penghargaan kepada pihak Pengurusan dan warga kerja atas dedikasi, komitmen dan sumbangan mereka kepada Kumpulan.


Parkson Vietnam





我欣然呈报,截至2018年6月30日,本集团显现下述令人鼓舞的业绩: • 营业额39亿8千200万令吉,相较于上一个年度的营业额是39亿6千400万令吉;和• 营业利润300万令吉,相较于上一个年度是亏损1亿4千200万令吉。







Parkson Myanmar / 百盛缅甸







Parkson Indonesia / 百盛印尼