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Central Association Annual Meeting Massachusetts Conference, United Church of Christ May 3, 2015 First Congregational Church of Sutton 307 Boston Road Sutton, MA 01590

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Central Association Annual Meeting

Massachusetts Conference,

United Church of Christ

May 3, 2015

First Congregational Church of Sutton

307 Boston Road

Sutton, MA 01590

With Gratitude and Congratulations

the Central Association recognizes the following

ministers on their Ordination Anniversaries

55 years

The Reverend Mr. Robert F. Fenby

The Reverend Mr. John R. Lilly

The Reverence Mr. Daniel K. Martin 50 years

The Reverend Dr. Harry R. Flad

The Reverend Mr. William N. Maravell The Reverend Ms. Emily B. Preston

The Reverend Mr. Richard A. Stoehr

45 years

The Reverend Dr. James A. Bronwell

40 years

The Reverend Mr. Martin C. Singley, III

Anniversaries are listed for celebrants of 25+ years. Please let us know if we missed your anniversary.

35 years

The Reverend Mr. David T. Melvin

30 years

The Reverend Ms. Carol A. Brink

The Reverend Ms. Jane C. Pearsall The Reverend Ms. Nancy L. Elder-Wilfrid

The Reverend Mr. Lawrence Iannetti The Reverend Dr. Dirkje F. Legerstee

The Reverend Mr. Eric Quinney-Burnard 25 years

The Reverend Ms. Susan E.R. Hansberry

The Reverence Ms. Priscilla A. Lawrence

65 years

The Reverend Ms. Helen D. Thomas

Central Association, MACUCC Annual Meeting

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The First Congregational Church, UCC

307 Boston Post Road

Sutton, MA 01590


3:00-3:30 p.m.: Registration

3:30 p.m.: Annual Meeting, Sanctuary

4:00-4:50 p.m.: A “Mini” Super Saturday

Please select first and second choices from the following workshops:

1. Race: A Sacred Conversation A facilitated discussion about realms of oppression, specifically the institutional structures that protect privilege and create oppression.

Rev. Beatrice E. Manning, PhD., Facilitator

2. “I Love to Tell the Story”: An Introduction to Biblical Story-Telling Come and hear the importance of story-telling preaching, learn how to tell stories in sermons, and even get a little practice.

Rev. Cynthia Maybeck, Facilitator

3. “Widening the Welcome”: Mental Health Awareness and the Church Explore information and resources about how issues and factors of mental health relate to the church and our ministry together in

Christ’s name.

Rev. Karyl Leslie, Facilitator

4. “Appreciative Inquiry”: Asking the Right Questions

As our congregations deal with rapidly shifting paradigms, it’s important to know the right questions to ask when evaluating our

ministry and discerning an achievable future. Appreciative Inquiry is an increasingly popular way of doing this.

Rev. Dr. Betsy Waters, Facilitator

5. “Jump Start Your Church” Discover immediate and manageable steps that will result in trans-formative and dynamic growth in your church.

Rev. Jane Willan, Facilitator

6. “The Ins and Outs of Preparing a New Ministerial Profile” The Central Association requires all clergy to have a current profile, and the United Church of Christ has recently established a new

format for clergy profiles. This is a “how to” workshop for clergy.

Rev. Nada Sellers, Facilitator

7. A New Way to Do Stewardship: “The Stewardship Gala”

Learn about one church’s experience cooking up a positive, creative way of conducting a stewardship campaign in one night --- by

having a party!

Rev. Richard F. Jones, Facilitator

8. “Ending Homelessness and Engaging Youth” Explore new ways in which WAMS, Central Association’s mission arm, offers congregations a common point of contact, support,

resources, and opportunities for ending family homelessness and developing the spiritual and moral dimensions of youth.

Rev. Bob Bachelder and Ms. Mary Robbins, Facilitators

5:00 p.m.: Worship, Sanctuary

“Spirit Story” founder Rev. Cynthia Maybeck highlights our worship service with her unique and engaging Biblical story-telling and

sermon-telling. If you haven’t heard Cindy yet, you are in for an amazing experience!

5:45: Dinner (Optional), Church Hall


To my Sisters and Brothers, This has been another wonderfully inspired year for your Central Association and your Board has, in this layperson’s opinion, performed admirably. I am delighted to report that our Vice Moderator, the Rev. Richard F. Jones, has continued to heal and as evidence I submit for your consideration that he was able to assume full responsibility for this entire Annual meeting … thank you Richard for sharing your many gifts with the wider church. This year your Board has handled 3 Ecclesiastical Councils, 2 Ordinations, 9 Installations, and a number of retirement and other celebrations. As your Moderator I extend sincere thanks to our officers … the Rev. Richard F. Jones, the Rev. Dr. Gregory Schmidt, and the Rev. Bill Ault, and to Board members Brian Schimpf, David King, the Rev. Elaine Gaetani, the Rev. George Vogel, and the Rev. Karyl Leslie, for their tireless work in the vineyard. All of your officers were invited to continue to serve and happily from your Moderator’s perspective, all have joyfully accepted the invitation. I also want to extend our thanks to Ms. Christina Rutter-Williams, who has finished her service on the Board. We are also excited about our association representatives to the churches as a means by which the board is seeking to “strengthen the mutual covenant between the Central Association and its churches”. The board is looking forward to your participation in this initiative. Woven throughout the tapestry of this report is the inspired and gifted leadership of our Associate Conference Minister, the Rev. Kelly Gallagher. From my perspective, how Kelly manages to reflect such constant competence and consummate joy, regardless of the circumstances, is akin to the parting of the Red Sea in terms of miraculous happenings! We are blessed to have Kelly as our Associate Conference Minister and Kelly, “Thank you so much for your friendship and your leadership!” Last year the Massachusetts Conference voted favorably for the new United Church Mission approach to replacing our Fellowship Dues and Our Church’s Wider Mission Basic Support approach to financing our wider church activities. Subsequently your Central Association Board, by a unanimous vote, expressed their full support this initiative. While the idea of substituting a percentage of the prior year’s total income for each local church as a replacement for the above will require some adjusting, we believe this is a far more inspired approach. We appreciate the work done by our Committee on Ministry under the steady hand of their Chair the Rev. Steven A. Small. Their duties now include developing our exciting new Periodic Support Consultations Initiative, an exciting way to strengthen the mutual covenant between the Central Association and its clergy … a covenant that goes back to the 1600’s. Together with

all members and friends of our Association, we know this can result in Good News for each member of every one of our churches as we grow together. Working with Worcester Area Mission Society (WAMS) Minister and President the Rev. Robert Bachelder has once again been an inspiration and we are thrilled that the Outer Space Sustainability Initiative (let us start cleaning up the space junk we caused to be floating above our heads) will be discussed at SYNOD in late June this year. Your Central Association has for many decades been using borrowed space in the First Congregational Church of Worcester, a partnership for which we have been most grateful. For several years we have considered accepting an invitation from WAMS to move our operation to some available WAMS space in downtown Worcester. In this year of space, we accepted the offer and with thanks to many, relocated to Six Institute Drive. To Bob and his staff, we are most appreciative for this gift of space and for giving us the ability to move to a more central location. While many members of our Board helped with the move, I would be remiss in not using this moment to thank our tireless Administrative Assistant Deb Holmes for all that she does … including making our office move happen. Deb, your quiet confidence and cheerful visage not only help calm the occasional troubled waters within our Central Association and the Western Area Region; you are also a blessing at events such as Massachusetts Conference Super Saturdays and Annual Meetings across the state! Submitted with humility and respect, Peace, Richard Lee Hilliard, ChFC, Moderator, The Central Association, Massachusetts Conference, The United Church of Christ

Committee On Ministry Report 2014- 2015

In our polity, the Committee on Ministry is the only location of authority, beyond the local congregation. We meet monthly during which time we address issues of discernment, standing, and policy. Almost every month we meet with at least one of the students in the discernment process. Some of these are intake meetings and some are renewal meetings during which we must decide if a candidate is on track and allowed to continue for another year, or in some cases to stop the process at that time. The final discernment meeting is the ordination interview, at which time we vote to recommend, or not, a candidate to the Association for an Ecclesiastical Council, and ultimately Ordination.

This past year we accepted the following people into the Process of Discernment: Emmanuel Akyeampong, Shane Montoya, Diane Urwiller, and Kurt Yeo.

We renewed the following candidates for another year in the Discernment Process: David Cote, Debra Cottis, Kelly Donahue, Karen Hodges, Wallace Hurd, Michael Jaworski, Sarah Sund-Lussier, Susan Thomas, and Elizabeth Williams.

We approved the following for an Ecclesiastical Council: Dawn Adams, Christina Williams, Karen Hodges, Pamela C. Cochrane, and Elizabeth Williams.

There are clergy who come to us from other denominations seeking standing in the United Church of Christ. We accepted the following people into a process of discernment for a designation called, Privilege of Call (which gives up ordained standing with another denomination): Hannelore Nalesnik and Eric Wefald.

We also met with and discussed Dual Standing: (which grants ordained ministerial standing in the UCC while recognizes ordained standing with another denomination: Robin Bartlett, Valeria Schmidt, Scott Stewart, and Jane Wilson.

Licensure for Ministry was granted to: Dawn Adams, Pamela Cochrane, Debra Cottis, Karen Hodges, Wallace Hurd, Joshua Lunde-Whitler, Elizabeth Rogers, Christina Williams, and Elizabeth Williams.

Along the way we approved the following Calls: Dawn Adams to Brimfield; Noelle Dattilo to Worcester Fellowship, and Audra T. Mackey to Wellesley Congregational Church.

We accepted the Transfer of Standing of: Virginia (Ginger) Bove from Hampshire Assoc.; Janet Leighninger from York, Maine; Beatrice Manning from New London CT.; Elizabeth Rogers from Central Pacific, OR; Jane Willan from Southeast, Iowa; and John Zehring from MBA.

We also Transferred Standing out of our Association to: Russell Arnold to Hancock-Waldo, Maine; Ian Lynch to Western Reserve, Ohio; Audra Teague Mackey to MBA.

We have also approved the following changes to standing: Anne Hoffman’s standing was re-instated; Sally Calhoun to Retired.

The association also had the pleasure of ordaining the following people: Noelle Dattilo at United Church of Christ Congregational of Boxborough and Audra T. Mackey at First Congregational Church of Natick. With the approval of the Board of Director’s the following installations were held: Jane Willan as minister at Congregational Church of Grafton Carla Dietz as minister at Greendale People’s Church, Worcester Georgeanne Bennett as Outreach Minister at Worcester Fellowship Gregory Morisse as Senior Minister at the Plymouth Church in Framingham Robin Bartlett as Minister at the First Church in Sterling Virginia Bove as Chaplain at the First Parish Church United in Westford Beatrice Manning as Associate Pastor at the First Parish of Bolton Mark Brockmeier as Minister at the Townsend Congregational Church Elizabeth Rogers as Associate Pastor at the First Congregational Church UCC in Holliston Finally, we are in the process of developing ongoing policies related to, Continuing Education Units, Boundary Awareness Training and our requirement of two years of Field Education for candidates in Discernment, and the completion of a ministerial profile. At this writing those are each in process.

I have served on this Committee on Ministry for a total of 14 years. This continues to be an outstanding committee. Everyone gives his or her time to this important gate keeping work. We work hard and endeavor to be faithful to our charge as we engage in our work on behalf of the wider Church. We enjoy one another and laugh often. Thank you all who serve on this committee especially to those whose terms are ending this year. We look forward to welcoming our new members.

My personal thanks to Deb Holmes our administrative assistant for the Central Association. Without her, I would be totally incapable of serving as chair! Deb is always gracious and calm. She knows what needs to be done and does it with a joyful spirit.

We are thankful and rejoice to enjoy the leadership of The Reverend Kelly Gallagher as our new Associate Conference Minister. Kelly is a joyful and thoughtful presence among us. Her whit and wisdom are deeply appreciated as she resources our committee.

Respectfully submitted,

Steven Small The Reverend Steven A. Small Committee on Ministry, Chair Central Association, MACUCC

Central Association Massachusetts Conference, United Church of Christ

Nominating Report, 2015

For the past few years our Central Association has been operating with three elected bodies: The Officers (4), The Board of Directors (6), and the Committee on Ministry (21). With term completions, there are currently only three (3) positions to be filled, and we have found competent and willing candidates for each slot. In accordance with our by-laws, your Board continues seeking greater lay representation, and that priority may continue into 2016. We encourage pastors in particular to identify and encourage members of their church to consider a nomination for next year. For all who have agreed to serve this year, whether for the first time or for a second term, we thank you. May your service bless and inspire all as we walk together on this shared journey. We extend particular thanks to Lisa Durkee, Gary Shahinian, and Christina Rutter-Williams as they conclude their terms of service. May God Bless you as you continue making a difference. On the list that follows, those names with an asterisk are to be elected at our Annual Meeting today, May 3rd, 2015. Submitted on behalf of your Board, In Peace and in Faith, Richard L. Hilliard, Moderator 14 persons nominated 0 positions to be filled Officers 0 vacancies

Moderator *Mr. Richard Hilliard 2015-16 2nd term of 3 term limit

Vice Moderator * Rev. Richard Jones 2015-16 2nd term of 3 term limit

Registrar * Rev. Gregory Schmidt 2015-16 2nd term of 3 term limit

Treasurer * Rev. Bill Ault 2015-16 No term limit Board of Directors (includes all offices above) 0 vacancies

Core Sector *Rev. George Vogel 2015-17 1st term of 2 term limit (after partial)

East Sector *Rev. Elaine Gaetani 2015-17 2nd term of 2 term limit

Core Sector *Rev. Lisa Durkee 2015-17 1st term of 2 term limit

North Sector Mr. David King 2014-16 1st term of 2 term limit

Core Sector Rev. Karyl Leslie 2014-16 1st term of 2 term limit

North Sector Mr. Brian Schimpf 2014-16 1st term of 2 term limit

Committee on Ministry 0 vacancies

Core Sector *Mr. Robert Pederson 2015-18 1st term of 2 term limit

Core Sector *Ms. Joanne Williamson 2015-18 1st term of 2 term limit

East Sector *Rev. Kazimierz Bem 2015-18 2nd term of 2 term limit

East Sector *Ms. June Hamilton 2015-18 2nd term of 2 term limit

Core Sector *Rev. Robert Jackson 2015-18 2nd term of 2 term limit

Core Sector *Rev. Doreen Oughton 2015-18 2nd term of 2 term limit

Core Sector *Rev. Susan Tarantino 2015-18 2nd term of 2 term limit

North Sector Rev. Holgie Choi 2014-17 1st term of 2 term limit

Core Sector Rev. Dawn Clark 2014-17 2nd term of 2 term limit

North Sector Ms. Susan Colwell 2014-17 1st term of 2 term limit

Core Sector Rev. Carla Dietz 2014-17 1st term of 2 term limit

Core Sector Rev. Barry McCarthy 2014-17 2nd term of 2 term limit

Core Sector Rev. Steven Small 2014-17 2nd term of 2 term limit

North Sector Rev. Elizabeth Waters 2014-17 1st term of 2 term limit

North Sector Rev. Jeff Conlon 2013-16 1st term of 2 term limit (after partial)

Core Sector Rev. Lynne Dolan 2013-16 1st term of 2 term limit

East Sector Rev. Sarah Hubbell 2013-16 1st term of 2 term limit (after partial)

East Sector Rev. Larry Iannetti 2013-16 1st term of 2 term limit

Core Sector Ms. Patricia Jackman 2013-16 2nd term of 2 term limit (after partial)

North Sector Mr. Steven Hemman 2014-16 filling partial term

North Sector Ms. Margie Whittemore 2013-16 1st term of 2 term limit (after partial)

Report to Central Association from WAMS, UCC (www.WamsWorks.org)

In close partnership with Central Association congregations, WAMS works to achieve several objectives:

Help end family homelessness through an integrated set of effective programs that include prevention, direct service, public education, and legislative action

Engage youth in service learning programs of exceptional quality, helping them become caring adults committed to civic participation and social justice

Help children in inner city neighborhoods improve their educational and social skills and become contributors to their community

Spotlight emerging “best practices” in the field of housing and poverty reduction and promote a culture of creative collaboration through a unique program called Sustainable Massachusetts.

Here are a couple of highlights from 2014 in the program areas of housing and children: In the spring, WAMS hosted two meetings in Marlborough for key public and private leaders to brainstorm sustainable solutions to the growing problem of family homelessness. In the fall, we complemented these sessions with a public conference at WAMS that drew 125 participants from Central Massachusetts and every corner of the state. Our purpose was to “drill down” into two related concerns. First, how can we reform the state’s emergency housing system so that it transitions homeless families to permanent housing more speedily? Second, how can the state’s welfare system be reformed so that it helps families achieve lasting economic stability with good jobs? The fall meeting was well-received with senior legislators, state officials, service providers, and religious leaders strongly encouraging WAMS to continue its efforts. A group of social service leaders from Dorchester said it was the most useful conference they had ever attended. Senator Eldridge from Acton told a group of public officials and civic leaders in Framingham that the WAMS conference had been both enlightening and inspiring, and he was convinced we were making progress. The Goddard School Summer Program in Worcester’s Main South neighborhood was organized around the theme, “Anchored to Goddard,” and ran from July 7 to 30. Forty-eight students in grades 1, 2, and 3 participated. Traditional activities of community gardening, sports, and arts & crafts were supplemented with cooking, team-building activities, a reading time in the new branch library, Yoga, and a weekly “Water Games Friday.” Students also watched a video, “Bugs on Parade,” about creatures and organisms living in garden soil. Each of the young scientists collected a soil sample, looked at it under a microscope, took a picture of the bugs, and then sent the sample to WPI for an ongoing research project on Nematodes in the Soils of New England.

Thank you for your great financial, moral, and practical support down through the years which

helps make all of this possible. And what a pleasure it is now for WAMS to be able to host

Central Association’s office at 6 Institute Road in Worcester. It is a sign of how our partnership

to transform this part of the world continues to grow in scope and depth.

Respectfully submitted,

Rev. Robert Bachelder

Minister and President

Cash Basis Central Association

Balance Sheet As of December 31, 2014

Dec 31, 13 Dec 31, 14 $ Change

ASSETSCurrent Assets


Association Savings Account 6176.95 4339.93 -1837.02Central Association - Operating 15068.92 15133.88 64.96Scholarship Account 2445.84 2439.64 -6.20

Total Checking/Savings 23691.71 21913.45 -1778.26

Other Current AssetsMass. Congr'l Fund-First Trust 4311.42 4432.48 121.06Mass. Congr'l Fund-Second Trust 9207.63 9487.22 279.59

Total Other Current Assets 13519.05 13919.70 400.65

Total Current Assets 37210.76 35833.15 -1377.61

TOTAL ASSETS 37210.76 35833.15 -1377.61

LIABILITIESCurrent Liabilities

Conference Dues Payables 15157.05 12896.90 -2260.15Accounts Payable 0.00 30.46 30.46

Total Current Liabilities 15157.05 12927.36 -2229.69

NET ASSETS 22053.71 22905.79 852.08

1:56 PM


Cash Basis

Central Association

Profit & Loss Budget Performance January through December 2014

2014 Actual 2014 Budget

Ordinary Income/Expense


Association Dues 17,177.92 18,000.00

Interest-Savings, Short-term CD 7.98

Total Income 17,185.90 18,000.00

Gross Profit 17,185.90 18,000.00


Accounting/Bookkeeping Fees 3,000.00 3,000.00

Administrative Services 5,288.30 5,500.00

Board of Directors

All Committee Night 0.00 100.00

Retired Clergy - Luncheon 0.00 300.00

Stoles 54.00

Spring Meeting

Income from Spring Meeting -650.00

Spring Meeting - Other 745.11 400.00

Total Spring Meeting 95.11 400.00

Synod 1,500.00 1,500.00

Board of Directors - Other 84.80 300.00

Total Board of Directors 1,733.91 2,600.00

Committee on Ministry

Psychological Exams 2,682.67 1,800.00

Committee on Ministry - Other 0.00 0.00

Total Committee on Ministry 2,682.67 1,800.00


Certificates 142.00

Postage, Mailing Service 124.58 200.00

Rent 1,080.00 1,100.00

Supplies 60.50 200.00

Total Operations 1,407.08 1,500.00

WAMS 5,000.00 5,000.00

Total Expense 19,111.96 19,400.00

Net Ordinary Income -1,926.06 -1,400.00

Other Income/Expense

Other Income/Expenses

Scholarship Donations 5,493.80

Scholarship Payments -6,129.00

Total Other Income/Expense -635.20

Page 1 of 1

Central Association MACUCC – 2015 Budget

Anticipated Income from dues $20,000


Accounting/Bookkeeping Services $ 3000

Administrative Services $ 5500

Board of Directors

All-Committee Night $ 100

Retired Clergy luncheon $ 300

Stoles $ 200

Spring Meeting $ 400

Synod Delegates $ 1500

Board of Directors – other $ 300

Total – Board of Directors $ 2800

Committee on Ministry

Psychological Exams $ 3000


Office Rental $ 100

Certificates $ 200

Postage $ 200

Supplies & equipment $ 200

Total – Operations $ 700

Support of Worcester Area Mission Society $ 5000

Expenses –Total $20,000

The Central Association Board of Director’s would like to extend their thanks and praise to the following:

The Rev. Victoria Snow and the members of the First

Congregational Church of Sutton for hosting this year’s meeting. We appreciate your willingness to host espe-

cially with all of the water and drain issues the church is coping with.

The Rev. Cindy Maybeck for

being our guest minister for worship.

Mr. Erik Johnson, Music Minister of First Congregational Church of Sutton, for providing the wonderful music for

our worship service.

The Rev. Richard F. Jones for all of his time in planning an uplifting annual meeting and worship.

Thank you to Elsa’s of Grafton for

catering a delicious meal.