celebrating god’s faithfulness: our first decade of ministry · susan currie director of selah...

2013 Annual Report Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry

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Page 1: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

2013 Annual Report

Celebrating God’s Faithfulness:

Our First Decade of Ministry

Page 2: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

“I write in isolation, never knowing who (if anyone!) will read my words. Leaders on the front lines are the ones helping to transform lives. Congratulations, LTI, on 10 years of important ministry serving as comrade, medic, and chaplain to those leaders. I’m honored to be part of the big celebration in November.”

- Philip Yancey, award winning author and editor-at-large for Christianity Today magazine

Page 3: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

2 A Word of Greeting

3 Board of Directors & Ministry Team

4 Vision, Mission, Core Values 5 Services

6 Resources

8 Ministry Highlights

9 Who We’ve Served

20 Financial Report


Some photographs provided by Matt Scott and Kristen Scott.

Page 4: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

A Word of GreetingFrom the President and Chairman

Dear Friends of Leadership Transformations,

July 1, 2013 was the offi cial tenth anniversary date of our organization. We commemorated the day by fasting and praying for leaders and teams of local church and Christian ministry settings, including our own leader-ship team. Th is activity was appropriate for our ministry for a number of important reasons, most specifi cally because of our vision: for local churches and Christian organizations to be fi lled with leaders who place spiritual formation, discernment and renewal above all other leadership priorities.

Over the past year, this vision has been solidifi ed and exemplifi ed by all of our faithful team members. Our Board of Directors, Executive and Ministry team, Selah faculty, and members of the Gordon-Conwell Pierce Center team, are a rich collection of gifted and godly leaders who share our vision and mission. We delight in fulfi lling our mission together, and it’s pure joy to watch God at work through our shared labors of love and service.

What you hold in your hands is our 10th Anniversary Edition of our Annual Report. It’s fi lled with life-changing information about the churches and ministries we’ve served, each having distinct stories of how LTI has been an encouragement to them. Each day we are serving leaders who hunger for more of God, and enter into our ministry space with open hearts and hands ready for their souls to be satisfi ed. We are happy to report that this is happening daily…in one-on-one sessions, spiritual formation groups, soul care retreats, training events, utilizing our many online resources, and through our major programs such as Selah and Emmaus.

As you read the pages of this report, we invite you to rejoice with us at the myriad ways God is strengthening and multiplying our shared ministry to the body of Christ. Be reminded as you read about and observe the many ministries of Leadership Transformations that this ministry exists because of the faithfulness of God and the ripple eff ects of generous gifts, excellent service, terrifi c programs, and prayerful servant leaders. We are honored to share this outstanding report with you, our friends and partners on this unique ministry journey.

With grateful hearts in Christ,

Stephen A. Macchia David C. SchultzFounder and President Chairman of the Board

"I wish I could be there with you personally as you celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Leadership Transformations; what a momentous occasion! Lead with integrity; serve with intensity; give with generosity; and succeed with humility."

- Rick Warren Senior Pastor, Saddleback Church

Page 5: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

Board of Directors& Ministry Team

Board of Directors

David Schultz ChairmanKathy Crowell TreasurerEllie Beatty SecretaryMark Holbrook National Advisor to the BoardBrian Lacey ClerkDiana BennettMike ChuliSteve Macchia

Ministry Team

Steve Macchia Founder and PresidentRick Anderson Senior Vice PresidentJoellen Maurer Executive AssistantEllie Beatty Spiritual Formation AssociateDiana Bennett Director of Emmaus & Consultant for Small Group LeadershipAdele Calhoun Selah FacultySusan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual FormationJohn French Selah FacultyGayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation AssociateGreg Mahoney Web & Software DeveloperDavid McKiel AccountantGenalin Niere Selah FacultySage Paik Graphic DesignerRichard Plass Spiritual Formation AssociateWarren Schuh Lead Church Health CoachJeremy Stefano Spiritual Formation Associate & Selah Senior Faculty Br. David Vryhof Selah FacultyAngela Wisdom Selah Senior FacultyLiz Whitfi eld Accounts Receivable ManagerDavid Wu Spiritual Formation Associate


"I'm so glad for Leadership Transformations and the good work it has done this past decade. Congratulations on ten years of helpful and eff ective ministry."

- Richard J. Foster Author of Celebration of Discipline

Page 6: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

Vision, Mission, Core Values

VisonFor local churches and Christian organizations to be fi lled with leaders who place spiritual formation, discern-ment and renewal above all other leadership priorities.

MissionTo cultivate vibrant spirituality and attentive discernment among Christian leaders and teams.

"Congratulations to Leadership Transformations on ten years of dynamic ministry and catalytic impact. Th e best is yet to come."

- John Ortberg Bestselling author, speaker, and the senior pastor of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church (MPPC) in the San Francisco Bay Area

Core ValuesTHE TRINITYWho invites us to receive the extravagant love of the Father, the gracious redemption of his Son, and the empowering presence of his Holy Spirit.

THE LOCAL CHURCH Our communities of faith wherein we become spiri-tually formed as the people of God and in one accord fulfi ll the Great Commandment (loving God), the second Great Commandment (loving one another) and the Great Commission (sharing the love of Christ in word and deed).

AUTHENTIC COMMUNITY Since we are created to live in relational communities and function as teams, and because of our commit-ment to enhance the health and vitality of the body of Christ, we seek to multiply the eff orts of ministry teams in addition to coming alongside individual leaders.

VIBRANT SPIRITUALITYBased on the Word of God as our incarnational text, prayer as the primary way we communicate with God, and refl ective disciplines that keep us in the fl ow of ongoing spiritual renewal. Th is includes soul care designed around contemplative practices, prayer-ful discernment processes, and a Sabbath lifestyle of pausing, resting, embracing and celebrating our life with God.

ATTENTIVE DISCERNMENT While spiritual formation and discernment have more to do with our “being” (character and attitudes) than our “doing” (actions and accomplishments), we balance the development of individual spiritual lives and ministry systems (discerning attentiveness to God’s ongoing invitation, direction, and blessing) with strategic thinking/planning, continually re-maining in a listening, open-handed, and spiritually responsive posture.


Page 7: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation



EMMAUSSpiritual Leadership Communities sharing an authentic journey of spiritual formation and leadership development

SELAHA two year, retreat-based Certifi cate Program in Spiritual Direction with a Trinitarian, contemplative, and biblical framework

SPIRITUAL DIRECTIONOne-on-one soul care conversations and spiritual companionship

SOUL CARE RETREATS & SOUL SABBATHSOvernight and day-long experiences of Sabbath rest and biblical, prayerful refl ection

SPIRITUAL FORMATION GROUPSSmall groups of leaders growing together in Christ-likeness

SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT FOR TEAMS Specialized consultation services for ministry teams

SABBATICAL PLANNINGCustomized approach to ensure a life-giving and truly restful experience

ONLINE ASSESSMENTSChurch Health Assessment Tool, Family Health Assessment, and Enneagram (self-clarity profi le)

SPIRITUALFORMATIONSTORE.COMHundreds of books, downloadable retreat and refl ec-tion resources, and articles written by the LTI team


Page 8: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

Sent free of charge via email each month.


LTI's SpiritualFormationStore.com


© A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 , E I G H T H E D I T I O N


“I can’t believe how the Scriptures came alive!” exclaimed a spiritual friend

aft er I suggested he try reading the Scriptures slowly and out loud. He had

read the Bible all his life; sometimes the text was full of life and challenge.

Recently his devotional life was more mechanical, going through the motions.

Here was a serious Christian going through a dry spell. Deciding to read

through the Bible in a year, at breakneck speed, he completed his assignment

but he sensed very little of the voice of God in his life.

I recalled a time when I fi rst found reading aloud, meditatively and slowly,

aided my hearing of God. Was this some newfangled reading of Scripture

from the latest author? No, it is a style that is old as the Bible. St Benedict of

Nursa, a 6th century organizer of monks who aided students in their study

of Scripture, is oft en credited with the organizing structure of Lectio Divina.

Lectio Divina or Sacred Reading (some call it devotional reading) of

Scripture is not Bible study. It is more like praying the Scriptures. It is

reading the Scriptures with the heart. Lectio Divina does not replace Bible

study but complements and enhances it so as to let God address our hearts

as well as our heads. Too oft en we read Scripture as a devotional duty rather

than an appointment with the living God. When I invited my friend to slow

down and listen, it was like the opportunity to ruminate over a love letter as

opposed to reading and analyzing a bill from Verizon.

Th e Upper Room suggests this way to practice sacred reading with an assist

from Richard Foster:

1. Lectio (reading with a listening spirit) Read the Scripture slowly. Watch

for a key phrase or word that jumps out at you or promises to have special

meaning for you. It is better to dwell profoundly on one word or phrase than

to skim the surface of several chapters. Read with your own life and choices

in mind.

2. Mediatio (refl ecting on what we are “hearing”) Refl ect on a word or phrase.

Let the special word or phrase that you discovered in the fi rst reading sink

“ Lectio has been used for over 1,500 years. It is gaining popularity as more and more people are fi nding it a powerful way to nurture their spiritual lives. In the past (especially in the Protestant church), we have concentrated on the study of the Bible. As a result we have come to know a lot about the Bible. But we have not been very good at applying the Bible. Lectio divina is an approach that builds on serious Bible study but moves to new depths as we open ourselves to God through the Bible.”

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.”

- Colossians 3:16

Additional Spiritual Formation Resources are available online at www.spiritualformationstore.com


Written by John French, Selah Faculty

into your heart. Bring mind, will and emotions to the task. Be like Mary,

Jesus’ mother, who heard of the angel’s announcement and “treasured” and

“pondered” what she had heard (Luke 2:19).

3. Oratio (praying in response to this hearing) Respond to what you have

read. Form a prayer that expresses your response to the idea, then “pray it

back to God.” What you have read is woven through what you tell God.

4. Contemplatio (contemplating what we will carry forward into our lives)

Rest in God’s word. Let the text soak into your deepest being, savoring an

encounter with God and truth. When ready, move toward the moment in

which you ask God to show you how to live out what you have experienced.

Don’t feel tied rigidly to the structure. Allow your heart to connect with God.

May God bless the reading and receiving of his Word.

Break Th ou the Bread of Life, Dear Lord, to me, As Th ou didst break the loaves beside the sea;

Beyond the sacred page I seek Th ee, Lord; My spirit pants for Th ee, O Living Word.

Th ou art the Bread of Life, O Lord, to me, Th y holy Word, the Truth that saveth me; Give me to eat and live, with Th ee above;

Teach me to love Th y truth, For Th ou art Love.

Bless Th ou the truth, dear Lord, to me, to me, As Th ou didst bless the bread by Galilee;

Th en shall all bondage cease, all fetters fall; And I shall fi nd my peace, my all in all.

Oh, send Th y Spirit, Lord, Now unto me, Th at He may touch my eyes, And make me see; Show me the truth concealed, Within Th y Word,

And in Th y Book revealed, I see the Lord.

• “Read/listen: Read aloud a short passage of Scripture. As you read, listen for the

word or phrase that speaks to you. What is the Spirit draw¬ing attention to?

• Meditate: Repeat aloud the word or phrase to which you are drawn. Make

connections between it and your life. What is God saying to you by means of this

word or phrase?

• Pray: Now take these thoughts and off er them back to God in prayer, giving thanks,

asking for guidance, asking for forgiveness, and resting in God’s love. What is God

leading you to pray?

• Contemplate: Move from the activity of prayer to the stillness of con¬templation.

Simply rest in God’s presence. Stay open to God. Listen to God. Remain in peace

and silence before God. How is God revealing himself to you? (Based on Richard

Peace’s Contemplative Bible Reading)

• As you refl ect upon your past study and reading of Scripture, how has

God spoken to you?

• What new ways might the Spirit be stirring your heart through the

practice of lectio?

• Would you characterize yourself as someone who reads through the

Sctriptures very quickly? If so, would you receive this inviation to slow

down and deeply engage with the Word of God?

• As you prayerfully sit with the Scriptures, are you able to mediatate on a

specifi c word or phrase throughout the day? Th e week? An even longer

period of time?

Additional Spiritual Formation Resources are available online at www.spiritualformationstore.com

Break Th ou the Bread of LifeA HYMN BY MARY A. LATHBURY, 1877

SUGGESTED SPIRITUAL FORMATION RESOURCES Contemplative Bible Reading, Richard Peace

Shaped by the Word: Th e Power of Sacred Scripture in Spiritual Formation, Robert Mulholland


A Prayer of Illumination:Shine within our hearts, Glorious One, the pure light of your divine knowledge. And illumine our minds and hearts that we may understand and embrace the treasures of your Holy Word. Amen.

Books written by the Leadership Transformations team.

Page 9: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

Retreat Guides Advent Lent Meditating on God’s World Pentecost Reclaiming Rest and Renewal Sabbath Spiritual Discernment

Refl ective Readings Advent Community Contemplative Bible Reading Daily Examen Forgiving Others God’s Strength in Our Weakness Hospitality Hymnody of Charles Wesley Intimacy with Christ Listening Prayer Listening to God Listening to One Another Meditating on God’s World Open Handed Prayer Order of Love Peterson on Prayer Prayer Receiving God’s Forgiveness Refl ective Journaling Retreats for Companioning with God Sabbath Ceasing Sabbath Embracing and Feasting Sabbath Resting Silence and Solitude Spiritual Discernment Spiritual Formation Group Sharing and Listening Spiritual Friendship Th e Discipline of Noticing God Th is Life as a Pilgrimage Towards the Next Willard on Formation


Online Resources

Spiritual Formation Amazon Store

General Prayer Guides On Prayer On Sabbath Rest On Spiritual Disciplines On Spiritual Community On Spiritual Formation Dictionaries Foundational Texts of Spiritual

Formation On Personal Identity On Spiritual Formation On Intimacy with Christ

On Personal Discipleship On Spiritual Direction/Friendship On Spiritual Living On Spiritual Reading and Listening Prayer On Spiritual Leadership On Spiritual Discernment On Spiritual Classics Upper Room Spiritual Classics - Series 1 Upper Room Spiritual Classics - Series 2 Upper Room Spiritual Classics - Series 3

Soul Care Retreat Guide Sabbath is a timeless invitation from God that he has modeled to his people since the dawn of time. After God completed the creation of his world, he rested. One can almost imagine the joy he felt as he delighted in all that he made … light, darkness, water, earth, vegeta-tion, sky, fish, birds, creatures of every kind, and man in his own image. When he saw all that he had made, and that it was very good … he rested.

“By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” (Genesis 2:2, 3)

When God issued the commandments he wanted his people to follow, the Sabbath priority appears once again. “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your man-servant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.” (Exodus 20:8-11)

Ever since then, the people of God have been invited to keep the Sabbath holy. What did that mean to Jesus and the early Church? What does that mean to you and me? This retreat resource has been designed to invite you into the rhythms of Sabbath that we are confident will recreate the abundance of life from deep within you. As you engage in this experience with a particular focus on Sabbath rest and renewal, our prayer is that the rhythms of Sabbath will become yours as well. The Church today desperately needs to reclaim the Sabbath. May it be so with you, starting today.

“What is implicit in the Sabbath command is our need for restoration. God ceased from creating, not because he needed rest or restoration, but because we do and God wanted to set the precedent, to lead by example. We need to be re-created after all our creating … creating taps us out; our creativity is easily spent; creating wears

us threadbare. Sabbath is not for more creating; it is for re-creating. Therefore, cease from what is necessary … embrace that which gives life. Those two things, taken together, make up Sabbath’s golden rule.”

From The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan, 128-129

Stephen MacchiaFounder and PresidentLeadership Transformations, Inc.

Sabb ath

Formation | Discernment | Renewalwww.LeadershipTransformations.org

Toll free: 877-TEAM LTI

Full-day | Group

Page 10: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

Ministry Highlights Celebrated our 10th Anniversary on July 1, 2013 with Day of Fasting and Prayer for leaders and teams. As a part of our

Grand Examen for year ten, we conducted a curriculum audit for all LTI teaching materials and completed rebranding of print and online look and logo.

Selah Certifi cate Program in Spiritual Direction now a national program; 6th cohort has commenced; 40 graduates and 25 currently enrolled.

Emmaus Spiritual Leadership Communities started 7th cohort; 56 previous participants with 27 currently enrolled.

Began our 10th year serving the Gordon-Conwell Seminary community by providing leadership for the Pierce Center for Disciple-Building.

Provided facilitation for several day long and overnight Soul Care Retreats in the northeast and across the country.

Off ered one-on-one spiritual direction and mentoring to dozens of pastors and leaders desirous of growing deeper in Christ.

Steve Macchia and Rick Anderson traveled together on their 7th international mission trip, their 5th adventure to Mol-dova.

Served many Christian ministry leadership teams as soul care providers and event speakers, including ECCU, Soul Care Project, Christian Leadership Alliance, Compassion International, Alliance New England, and Th e Salvation Army.

Developed many new online resources for personal and team retreats, refl ective readings on spiritual formation topics, articles, blogs and additional books for our SpiritualFormationStore.com.

Continued to off er our Church Health Assessment Tool (CHAT) and Family Health Assessment to churches across America and in other countries.

Page 11: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

Our Savior Lutheran ChurchTopsfi eld, MALeadership Consultation

Osterville Baptist ChurchOsterville, MAChurch Health Telecom Coaching

Regional Christian Leadership InstituteColorado Springs, COSoul Care Training

Redeemer Community ChurchWellesley, MALeadership Team ConsultationDiscernment Process

Second Parish ChurchPortland, MELeadership Team Consultation

Seven Mile ChurchMalden, MALeadership Consultation

St. David’s Episcopal ChurchSpringfi eld, MALeadership Team Consultation

St. Luke’s United Methodist ChurchHouston, TXLeadership Team Consultation

Who We’ve Served 2003-2013


Access ChurchHouston, TXSpiritual Formation ConferenceSoul Care Retreat

Bedford Community ChurchBedford, NHLeadership Team Consultation

Belmont Episcopal ChurchBelmont, MALeadership Team Consultation

Bethany Congregational ChurchRye, NHLeadership Team Consultation

Bethany Covenant ChurchBedford, NHLeadership Team Consultation

Bethlehem Baptist ChurchHampden, MAChurch Health Telecom Coaching

Brewster Baptist ChurchBrewster, MALeadership Team Consultation

Calvary Baptist ChurchSpringfi eld, VTLeadership Team ConsultationDiscernment Process

Community ChurchMedway, MALeadership Team ConsultationDiscernment ProcessTeam Care Retreat

Christ ChurchHamilton, MALeadership Team Retreat

Christ the King ChurchOlmstead, OHSoul Care Retreat

First Baptist ChurchReading, MALeadership Team ConsultationTeam Care Retreat

First Baptist ChurchYarmouth, MELeadership Team Consultation

First Church CongregationalSwampscott, MALeadership Team Consultation

First Covenant Church Salina, KSSoul Care Retreat

First Parish ChurchWakefi eld, MALeadership Team Consultation

First Presbyterian ChurchColorado Springs, COLeadership Team ConsultationSoul Care Retreat

First Presbyterian ChurchIpswich, MALeadership Team Consultation

Free Christian ChurchAndover, MALeadership Team ConsultationDiscernment Process

Grace ChapelLexington, MALeadership Team ConsultationTeam Care Retreat

Highrock Church ArlingtonArlington, MASpiritual Guides Training

Hope Christian ChurchWinchester, MALeadership Team ConsultationDiscernment Process

Mount Hope Community Baptist Church Providence, RIChurch Health and Leadership Training

New Life Christian ChurchGlendale, CADiscernment ProcessLeadership Team Consultation

Newton Presbyterian ChurchNewton, MALeadership Team ConsultationDiscernment Process

Orillia Presbyterian ChurchToronto, CanadaLeadership Team Consultation

"Every leader needs a trail guide, someone with shrewdness and dar-ing, with a deep cache of survival skills, with intimate knowledge of the lay of the land. Th e folks at Leadership Transformations are that. Th ey understand what all leaders eventually discover: that giftedness won't get us to the fi nish line. Only a deep soul does that. Th ank God that LTI knows how to get us there."

- Mark Buchanan Author of Your Church is Too Safe and Th e Rest of God


Page 12: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

Trinity ChurchSt. Christopher’s, SCSoul Care Retreat

Valley Community Baptist ChurchAvon, CTTeam Care Retreat

West Virginia Baptist ConventionCharleston, WVDiscipleship and Leadership Training

Woodman Valley ChapelColorado Springs, COLeadership Team Consultation


American Baptist Churches of OhioColumbus, OHHealthy Church Training

American Baptist Churches of Vermont and New HampshireSoul Care Retreat

Assemblies of God Hispanic Church Network—Southwestern US StatesLeadership Team ConsultationHealthy Church Training

Assemblies of God National TeamSpringfi eld, MOLeadership Team Consultation

Baltic Pastoral InstituteRiga, LatviaSpiritual Formation Training

Berklee Christian FellowshipBerklee College of MusicBoston, MASoul Care Training

Billy Graham Training Center at Th e CoveAsheville, NCHealthy Team Training

Bridge Builders InternationalRiga, LatviaLeadership Team ConsultationSoul Care Retreat for pastors/leaders

California Southern Baptist Convention NetworkLos Angeles, CAHealthy Church Training

Christian & Missionary AllianceNew England DistrictLeadership Soul Care Retreat

Christian Leadership AllianceColorado Springs ChapterBoard member (R. Anderson)Mini Soul Care Retreat & Workshop

Christian Leadership AllianceSan Clemente, CALeadership Training/Workshops

Christian and Missionary AllianceColorado Springs, COCHAT Coach Certifi cation

Compassion InternationalColorado Springs, COSoul Care Retreat

Cornerstone Church NetworkSanta Ana, CAHealthy Church TrainingSoul Care Retreat

Crosspoint Episcopal Diocese of TexasHouston, TXHealthy Church Training

David C. CookColorado Springs, COLeadership Team Retreat

Elder Leadership InstituteSpokane, WA Leadership Training/Soul Care

ECFAWashington, D.C.Governance Webinars & Forums

Evangelical Christian Credit UnionBrea, CA and Colorado Springs, COHealthy Church TrainingHealthy Team TrainingSpiritual Formation TrainingSoul Care Retreats

FourSquare National ConferenceWorkshops & Leadership Consultation

FourSquare US DistrictsCHAT Consultation

George Fox UniversityNewberg, ORSpiritual Discernment Initiative

Gordon CollegeWenham, MALeadership Training

Gordon-Conwell Th eological SeminarySouth Hamilton, MABoston, MACharlotte, NCLeadership of Pierce Center for Disciple-Building

Gordon-Conwell Th eological SeminaryCompass Program, Okenga InstituteSouth Hamilton, MARule of Life TrainingLeadership Training

Gordon-Conwell Th eological SeminaryDoctor of Ministry ProgramSouth Hamilton, MATeaching, Spiritual Formation TrackOrvieto Spiritual Pilgrimage

Jesus Savior ChurchBaptist Union of MoldovaTh e College of Th eology and EducationChisinau, MoldovaLeadership Team ConsultationHealthy Church TrainingSoul Care Retreat

Korean Presbyterian Churches AbroadToronto, CanadaLeadership/Spiritual Formation Consultation

Leadership CenterAshland Th eological SeminaryAshland, OHLeadership Team ConsultationHealthy Team Training

Leadership Development CouncilColorado Springs, COSoul Care Retreat for Ministry Leaders

Matthew 28 MinistriesLimuru, Kenya, AfricaLeadership Training

Mission AmericaHonorary Advisory Committee (S. Macchia)

NACCCOak Creek, WIHealthy Church Training

"Th ank you LTI for off ering yourselves to God for the transforming of this world. In a world where it is shi shi to have your own boutique religion you remind us that we have a faith story that holds the ups and downs, the sor-rows and joys, the hardships and successes--In the Christ story we fi nd our meaning."

- Adele Calhoun Co-Pastor, Redeemer Community Church of Needham and Wellesley, author, spiritual director, and icon writer

"I remember the day Steve shared his dream with me over lunch. 10 years later, look what God has done! Th anks LTI! Your training, resources, events and vision-casting have played a formative role in our staff and congregational life here at Grace!"

- Bryan Wilkerson Senior Pastor, Grace Chapel, Lexington, MA


Page 13: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

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Pittsburgh Baptist AssociationPittsburgh, PAChurch Health Assessments and Leadership Team Coaching for 25 Congregations

Prison Fellowship InternationalLeesburg, VASpiritual Discernment Retreat for Leaderhip Team

Regional Christian Leadership Institute Colorado Springs, COSoul Care Retreat

RenovaréSan Antonio, TX      International Spiritual Formation Conference, Millennial Consultation

Salvation ArmyRancho Palos Verdes, CALeadership Training

Spiritual Formation AllianceDenver, COSpiritual Formation ForumLeadership Team Consultation

Transformations MinistriesCovina, CAHealthy Church Training

West Virginia Baptist ConventionCharleston, WVTeam Care Retreat and Pastors Soul Care Retreat

Willow Creek Community ChurchChicago, ILElder Training


Christianity Today International, IL

Evangelical Christian Credit Union, CA

Th e Mission America Coalition, CA

New Way Ministries, CO


American Baptist Churches of Ohio

American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountains

Association of the Churches of GodOregon & SW Washington

California Southern Baptist Convention

Christian & Missionary Alliance

Conservative Baptist Association of Southern California

Conservative Baptist Mission Northeast

Cornerstone Church Network

National Association of EvangelicalsBoard member (S. Macchia)

Th e NetHopkinton, MASoul Care Retreat

Ohio Baptist AssociationColumbus, OHSoul Care Retreat Leadership Team Consultation

PastorServeKansas City, KSLeadership Consultation

PastorServeKansas City, MOHealthy Church Training

Pilgrim Pines Conference CenterSwanzey, NHTeam Care Retreat

Pioneer Valley Christian SchoolSpringfi eld, MALeadership Training

"Healthy churches, organizations and people are really important in our fast changing and often troubled generation. Congratulations and thanks to Leadership Transformations for building and spreading the health we need."

- Leith Anderson, President, National Association of Evangelicals, Washington, DC.

Page 14: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

“I’m encouraged by the hard work that Stephen Macchia and his team at Leadership Transformations are do-ing to encourage, nurture, equip, and invest in the lives of Christian leaders. God’s blessings and our con-gratulations to you on ten wonderful years of ministry - here’s to many more!”

- Jim Daly, President, Focus on the Family

Th e Foursquare Church

Gordon-Conwell Th eological Seminary: D.Min. Program

Green Lake Conference Center

Minnesota Wisconsin Baptist Convention

National Association of Congregational Christian Churches

National Hispanic Leadership Conference


Pastor’s Roundtable

Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, Western Ontario District

Rocky Mountain Conservative Baptist Association

Southwest Conservative Baptist Association

Transformation Ministries

U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches

Vision New England



Iron City Baptist ChurchAnniston, AL

New Hope Cumberland Presbyterian ChurchBirmingham, AL


Bellevue Heights ChurchSun City, AZ

Bethany Bible ChurchPhoenix, AZ

Faith Community ChurchChandler, AZ

First Baptist ChurchPage, AZ

Shiloh Missionary Baptist ChurchMesa, AZ


Southside Church of ChristRogers, AR

Wyatt Baptist ChurchEl Dorado, AR


Almaden Neighborhood ChurchSan Jose, CA

Alpine Christian FellowshipEl Cajon, CA

Bayview Baptist ChurchSpring Valley, CA

Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchBrentwood, CA

Calvary Baptist ChurchLafayette, CA

Capo ValleySan Juan Capistrano, CA

Christ First Baptist ChurchCovina, CA

Christian Life ChurchLong Beach, CA

Community Church of LoyaltonLoyalton, CA

Coastside Community ChurchPacifi ca, CA

Crestline First BaptistCrestline, CA

Crosslands Christian ChurchUkiah, CA

Emmanuel Baptist ChurchSan Jose, CA

Emmanuel Faith Community ChurchEscondido, CA

Family Bible FellowshipNewark, CA

First Baptist ChurchCamarillo, CA

First Baptist ChurchFresno, CA

First Baptist ChurchJoshua Tree, CA

First Baptist ChurchSan Louis Obispo, CA

First Baptist ChurchJoshua Tree, CA

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Page 15: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

"Congratulations to Steve and the amazing team at LTI!! I know I join many other friends in celebrating the enormous, God-breathed vi-sion you have carried for the souls of leaders, and the great grace and skill with which you have carried it! Lead on!!!"

- Mindy Caliguire, Leadership Team Member, Willow Creek Association; Executive Director, Engage International; also speaks and writes through her spiritual formation ministry, Soul Care

First Baptist ChurchTemple City, CA

First Baptist Church of El CentroEl Centro, CA

First Baptist Church of Lemon GroveLemon Grove, CA

First Southern Baptist ChurchSan Lorenzo, CA

Friendship BaptistYorba Linda, CA

Grace Community ChurchChowchilla, CA

Green Hills Baptist ChurchLa Habra, CA

Heart of the CanyonsSanta Clarita, CA

Th e Journey ChurchSanta Maria, CA

LA International Christian CenterValley Village, CA

Living Grace Christian FellowshipSanta Clarita, CA

Meridian Southern Baptist ChurchEl Cajon, CA

Mountainbrook Community ChurchSan Luis Obispo, CA

Montecito Covenant ChurchSanta Barbara, CA

New Life Christian ChurchLa Crescenta, CA

New Life Community ChurchOxnard, CA

NewHeart FourSquare ChurchSimi Valley, CA

New Seasons ChurchSpring Valley CA

Th e Oaks Christian ChurchSan Marcos, CA

Parkside ChapelVisalia, CA

Park Christian FellowshipChino, CA

Th e Church on WaySimi Valley, CA

Th e Oasis Foursquare ChurchHanford, CA

Real Life Church of GaltGalt, CA

Th e River CommunityVentura, CA

Richmond Community ChurchGlen Allen, CA

Rock Harbor Christian FellowshipCovina, CA

Rose Drive FriendsYorba Linda, CA

Santa Maria FourSquare ChurchSanta Maria, CA

Southside Community ChurchVacaville, CA

St. James Anglican ChurchNewport Beach, CA

Trinity Baptist ChurchRodeo, CA

Valencia Hills Community ChurchValencia, CA

Valley Baptist ChurchValley Center, CA

Woodward Park Baptist ChurchFresno, CA

Yucaipa Christian ChurchYucaipa, CA


Arvada Church of GodArvada, CO

Aurora Alliance ChurchAurora, CO

CrossPointe Community ChurchLongmont, CO

Fellowship of the RockiesColorado Springs, CO

First Baptist ChurchGrand Junction, CO

First Presbyterian ChurchColorado Springs, CO

Th e GatheringColorado Springs, CO

Heart of the Springs ChurchColorado Springs, CO

First Baptist Church of DeltaDelta, CO

Summit Foursquare ChurchLongmont, CO

Vineyard Church of Colorado SpringsColorado Springs, CO

Wiley Community ChurchWiley, CO

Woodland Park Community ChurchWoodland Park, CO


First Congregational Church of PomfretPutnam, CT

Valley Community Baptist ChurchAvon, CT


Edgewater Alliance ChurchEdgewater, FL

First Baptist Church Piney GroveLauderdale Lakes, FL

Lighthouse ChapelOrlando, FL

"Congratulations to LTI and Steve Macchia for reaching this ten year milestone! I have little doubt that there will be many more anniversaries to come. Why? Because I believe in the vision of LTI and the heart of Dr. Macchia. Would that more Christian leaders could focus equally on their organization's strategy and at the same time their soul's health. LTI is helping to make this possible, and the results I believe are making not just a wider impact, but a deeper one."

- Barry Corey, President, Biola University


Page 16: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

Meadowbrook ChurchOcala, FL

Openwater ChurchOdessa, FL

Sanibel Community ChurchSanibel, FL


Dogwood ChurchTyrone, GA

Friendship Baptist ChurchAppling, GA

North Metro First Baptist ChurchLawrenceville, GA


Faith Baptist ChurchHailua, HI

First Baptist Church of WindwardWindward, HI

New Hope WinwardKailua, HI

Nuuanu Baptist ChurchHonolulu, HI


First Baptist ChurchBelvidere, IL

Grace PointeNaperville, IL

Hinsdale Seventh-day Adventist ChurchHinsdale, IL


Grace Fellowship ChurchJohnson City, IN

Kossuth Street Baptist ChurchLafayette, IN

Metea Baptist ChurchLucerne, IN

SonLight Community ChurchAngola, IN


Calvary Baptist ChurchCedar Rapids, IA

Faith Community ChurchRed Oak, IA


Covenant ChapelLeewood, KS

First Baptist ChurchCaney, KS

Knox Presbyterian ChurchOverland Park, KS

North Oak Community ChurchHays, KS

Olathe Wesleyan ChurchOlathe, KS

Parkview MB ChurchHillsboro, KS

Emmanuel Foursquare ChurchSalina, KS

Valleyview Bible ChurchCimarron, KS


Abbot Evangelical Free ChurchAbbot, ME

First Evangelical Free Church of MaineWestbrook, ME

York Street Baptist ChurchYork, ME


Faith Christian FellowshipBaltimore, MD


All Saints’ ChurchBelmont, MA

Bethlehem Baptist ChurchHampden, MA

Boston Chinese ChurchBoston, MA

Community Covenant ChurchRehoboth, MA

Faith Alliance ChurchAttleboro, MA

First Baptist ChurchRandolph, MA

First Baptist Church of PocassetPocasset, MA

First Congregational ChurchBoylston, MA

First Congregational Church of HamiltonHamilton, MA

First Parish Congregational ChurchWakefi eld, MA

Grace ChapelLexington, MA

Grace FellowshipDanvers, MA

Living HopeLynn, MA

Mapel Ridge ChurchSunderland, MA

Medway Community ChurchMedway, MA

North Point EPCPeabody, MA

Osterville Baptist ChurchOsterville, MA

Our Savior Lutheran ChurchTopsfi eld, MA

River of Life ChurchJamaica Plain, MA

Somerville Community Baptist ChurchSomerville, MA

Worcester FourSquare ChurchWorcester, MA


First Congregational ChurchCentral Lake, MI

First Congregational Church UCCOwosso, MI

Morning Star ChurchMiddleville, MI

Open Arms Lutheran ChurchBelleville, MI

St. Andrew’s United Church of ChristDexter, MI

World Harvest Worship CenterColdwater, MI


Christ Community ChurchWaseca, MN

Lakewood Evangelical Free ChurchBaxter, MN

Redeemer Missionary Baptist Church Minneapolis, MN

"What great news to hear that you are coming up on your tenth anniversary of ministry. On behalf of Chuck Miller, Paul Jensen and the rest of my colleagues at Th e Leadership Institute, I extend my heartfelt congratulations and gratitude for your friendship and partnership in ministry to Christian leaders and organizations. It's good to share this journey with such quality friends. God has enabled you to produce so many good resources and ministry off er-ings. May the great grace of our unhurried Savior continue to enrich, empower and guide you all in the next ten years of your life and ministry journey. We're praying for great fruitfulness!"

- Alan Fadling, Executive Director of Th e Journey, A Ministry of Th e Leadership Institute 14

Page 17: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

Great is Thy Faithfulness

Page 18: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation


Colonial Presbyterian ChurchKansas City, MO

Gashland Presbyterian ChurchKansas City, MO

Maywood Baptist ChurchIndependence, MO

River Christian FellowshipRaytown, MO


Glacier ChurchKalispell, MT

Valley Community Bible ChurchGreat Falls, MT


Northwest Hills ChurchOmaha, NE

Countryside Alliance ChurchPrinceton, NE

New Hampshire

Berlin Harvest Foursquare ChurchBerlin, NH

Bethany Covenant ChurchBedford, NH

First Baptist Church of LebanonLebanon, NH

Middle Street Baptist ChurchPortsmouth, NH

River of Life ChurchAmherst, NH

New York

Th e Chapel at CrossPointGetzville, NY

First Baptist ChurchLockport, NY

First Shiloh Baptist ChurchBuff alo, NY

St Paul Holiness ChurchRochester, NY

Whitehaven Road Baptist ChurchGrand Island, NY

New Jersey

Fellowship Alliance ChapelMedford, NJ

"Warmest congratulations to Leadership Transformations and all the team there upon the occasion of this 10th anniversary. Your decade of kingdom work has enriched many Christian communities and blessed the course of many Christian lives. We are grateful."

- Phyllis Tickle, Lecturer in the fi eld of religion and spirituality and the author of some three dozen books on the subject "I congratulate Steve Macchia and his colleagues on this 10th anniversary. Th ere is a huge need, in the busyness of life, for safe times, safe places, and safe people to help leaders be resilient over the long run. I am glad Leader-ship Transformations helps to provide this with care and wisdom."

- Leighton Ford, President, Leighton Ford Ministries

"Congratulations on 10 meaningful years! I remember talking about your vision for LTI 10 years ago and the Lord has defi nitely answered your prayers and hopes. Th anks for your faithfulness in this strategic ministry of leadership transformation."

- Bob Fryling, Publisher of InterVarsity Press, Author of Th e Leadership Ellipse: Shaping How You Lead by Who You Are "Leadership Transformations, and in particular Steve Macchia and Rick Anderson, have blessed our organiza-tion beyond measure. Only heaven will reveal the full impact of the twice yearly soul care days these faithful servant-guides have facilitated for our nearly 300 staff over the past six years. Th e Lord has used LTI to show us the improbable and unexpected joy and benefi t of rest at work. We thank God for LTI and pray He would grant continued blessings and fruitfulness in years to come."

- Mark Holbrook, President/CEO, Evangelical Christian Credit Union "Wise, humble, Godly leadership is the great need of our churches today. On its 10th anniversary, I am grateful for the rich ministry of LTI in shaping leaders and churches towards that end. LTI is making a diff erence for the sake of Christ's Kingdom."

- Dennis P. Hollinger, Ph.D., President and Colman M. Mockler Distinguished Professor of Christian Ethics, Gordon-Conwell Th eological Seminary


Page 19: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

“What a joy to have had a small part in encouraging and then in seeing God raise up Dr. Steve Mac-chia in this ministry of Leadership Transformations these past ten years! May our Lord continue to bless this ministry in even greater ways to the honor and glory of his kingdom and glory!”

- Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., President Emeritus, Gordon-Conwell Th eological Seminary

“Leadership Transformations has played a profound role in the lives of so many leaders I know and respect. It’s a tremendous organiza-tion, and it’s a great blessing to join in celebrating its 10th anniversary. Heartiest of congratulations.”

- D. Michael Lindsay, President, Gordon College

“Two words come to mind when I refl ect on LTI’s ten years of raising the standard for spiritual enlarge-ment in the lives of men and women in leadership. Well done! Don’t stop now. Th e best is yet to come.”

- Gordon MacDonald, Chancellor, Denver Seminary

“Congratulations to the whole team at Leadership Transformations on 10 years of God inspired ministry. Th e escalating demands of leader-ship in the church are creating unprecedented pressures on leaders. Th e result? Too many leaders are imploding. Leadership Transforma-tion is stepping in the gap to turn this around and help leaders move

beyond merely surviving... to thriving!”

- Jim Mellado, Christ-follower...husband to Leanne...father to Ester, Elisabeth and Davy...passionate about the beauty and potential of eff ective churches to change the world; President, Compassion International


Seventh Day Adventist ChurchOrange, NJ

North Carolina

Baptist Home ChurchNorth Wilkesboro, NC

Th e Capital ChurchGarner, NC

Liberty Baptist ChurchSpring Lake, NC

Friendly Community Baptist Church Burgaw, NC

New Community ChurchElizabeth City, NC

Poplar Springs Church of ChristKing, NC

North Dakota

Grace Evangelical Free ChurchBeulah, ND


Christ the King ChurchNorth Olmstead, OH

Dorothy Lane American Baptist ChurchSpringfi eld, OH

First Baptist ChurchHamilton, OH

First Baptist ChurchNewark, OH

First Baptist ChurchZanesville, OH

First Christian ChurchSpringfi eld, OH

Lighthouse Alliance ChurchRocky River, OH

Mt. Washington Baptist ChurchCincinnati, OH

Ontario Christian ChurchMansfi eld, OH

Orville Christian & Midssionary AllianceOrville, OH

Tabernacle Baptist Church,Chillicothe, OH

Th e PlantBrunswick, OH

Riverwood Community ChapelKent, OH

West Carrollton Nazarene ChurchWest Carrollton, OH

Zion Baptist ChurchCincinnati, OH


Bristow Advent Christian ChurchBristow, OK

Corn Mennonite Brethren ChurchCorn, OK

Tulsa First FoursquareTulsa, OK


Canaby New Life Foursquare ChurchCanaby, OR

Chehalem Valley Baptist Church Newberg, OR

Gales Creek Community ChurchSalem, OR

Glisan Street Baptist ChurchPortland, OR

New Hope Bible ChurchGrants Pass, OR

New Hope ChurchBend, OR

North Park Community ChurchEugene, OR

Oregon City Baptist Church Oregon City, OR

Oregon City Evangelical Church Oregon City, OR

Park Place Evangelical ChurchOregon City, OR

Redmond Church of GodRedmond, OR

Richmond Community ChurchSalem OR

Riviera Baptist ChurchEugene, OR

River of Life FellowshipSweet Home, OR

Sweet Home Evangelical ChurchSweet Home, OR

Page 20: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

Tremont Evangelical ChurchPortland, OR


Berks Bible ChurchReading, PA

DOVE Christian FellowshipElizabethtown, PA

Dove Westgate ChurchEphrata, PA

Hampton Bible ChurchGibsonia, PA

Hope Church Moosic, PA

Hughsville Friends ChurchHughsville, PA

New Covenant ChurchPhiladelphia, PA

St. Paul’s Community ChurchChicora, PA

Rhode Island

Mount Hope Community Baptist ChurchProvidence, RI

South Dakota

Family Worship CenterWatertown, SD


Oak Hill Baptist ChurchCrossville, TN

Signal Mountain Presbyterian ChurchSignal Mountain, TN


Access ECCHouston, TX

Christ Community ChurchTh e Colony, TX

First Baptist ChurchSnyder, TX

First United Methodist ChurchDuncanville, TX

Fredonia Hills Baptist ChurchNacogdoches, TX 

Grace Community ChurchWaco, TX

Grace Covenant ChurchAustin, TX

Harvest Time ChurchHouston, TX

Live Oak Baptist ChurchGalveston, TX

Paramount Baptist ChurchAmarillo, TX

Parkway Baptist ChurchCollege Station, TX


Alliance Community FellowshipRutland, VT

Community Alliance ChurchHinesburg, VT

Union Baptist ChurchWaterford, VT


Grace Bible ChurchMarshall, VA

James River Community ChurchSuff olk, VA


East Hills Allance ChurchKelso, WA

Emmanuel Baptist ChurchPullman, WA

Fox Island Alliance ChurchFox Island, WA

Kenmore Community ChurchKenmore, WA

Madison Community ChurchEverett, WA

New Life AssemblyKittitas, WA

Moses Lake Alliance ChurchMoses Lake, WA

Sylvan Way Baptist ChurchBremerton, WA

Yakima Alliance ChurchYakima, WA

West Virginia

Gauley Bridge Baptist ChurchGauley Bridge, WV

Lovers Leap Baptist ChurchAnsted, WV

United Methodist TempleBeckley, WV

Central United Methodist ChurchHuntington, WV


Alliance Bible ChurchCedarburg, WI

Faith Community ChurchFranklin, WI


First Baptist Church of LaramieLaramie, WY

Gillette Christian CenterGillette, WY


New Hope BrisbaneBrisbane, Australia

New Life Community Baptist ChurchDuncan, BC Canada

New Life Community ChurchBrampton, Ontario, Canada

Riverside Christian FamilyQueensland, Australia

“We applaud the excellent work of Leadership Transformations and join the wider spiritual formation community in congratu-lating them on 10 years of faithful service in behalf of the souls of leaders and teams.”

- Gary Moon, Executive Director, Dallas Willard Center, Westmont College, and Senior Editor, Conversations Journal

“Happy 10th Anniversary to LTI! Your commitment to helping leaders pay attention to their own soul care, to pursue their own renewal and formation fi rst and foremost, has already had an incredible impact. I have personally been blessed by the ministry of LTI in my own journey as a leader. May the Lord continue to bless you, guide you and expand your reach for the Kingdom!”

- Rachel Quan, Executive Director, Renovaré


Page 21: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

Calvary Pentecostal ChurchOntario, Canada

Central Community ChurchSt. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Chapel Hill Uniting ChurchBrisbane, Queensland, Australia

Evangelical Chinese Bible ChurchBurnaby, BC, Canada

Glad Tidings ChurchVancouver, BC, Canada

GracePoint Baptist ChurchScarborough, Canada

Know PresbyterianToronto, Ontario, Canada

Orillia Presbyterian ChurchToronto, Canada

Bayview Baptist ChurchMongmong, Guam

Waterkloof Baptist ChurchPretoria, South Africa

Webster Memorial United ChurchKingston, Jamaica


BuildingChurchLeaders.comEditorial Advisory Panel Member (S. Macchia)Contributing Writer (S. Macchia)Contributing Writer (R. Anderson)

Church Executive MagazineContributing writer (S. Macchia)

Conversations JournalContributing writer (S. Macchia)

Rev! MagazineContributing writers (R. Anderson, S. Macchia)

SmallGroups.comContributing writer (D. Bennett)

“I'm thrilled to add my congratulations to others on the 10th Anniversary of Leader-ship Transformations. I have been signifi cantly impacted by Crafting a Rule of Life and am experiencing new and deeper moments with my Abba. Just recently I used Craft-ing.... in a faculty workshop and believe the Azusa Pacifi c University community is also leaning into new and intentional ways of spiritual awareness and obedience."

- Jon Wallace, DBA, President of Azusa Pacifi c University

"Congratulations, LTI, on these fi rst ten years of outstanding ministry to leaders across the US and beyond. Your dedication, integrity, passion, and joy have been an inspira-tion to so many of us. Here's to the next ten!"

- Chris Webb, Aauthor, Fire of the Word and Vicar of the parish of Lampeter, Wales

“As a religious community whose mission is ‘to bring men, women and children into closer union with God in Christ,’ we celebrate and give thanks for the valuable and unique contribution that Leadership Transforma-tions has made to the nurture and care of souls, particularly the souls of those who exercise leadership in the Church. Congratulations on your anniversary and may God continue to bless you richly.”

- Br. Geoff rey Tristram, SSJE, Superior of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist, a religious community for men in the Episcopal Church. He exercises a ministry of teaching, spiritual direction and retreat leading throughout the country.


Becoming a Healthy Team Training

Becoming a Healthy Church Training

Becoming a Healthy Disciple Training

Leadership Team: Discernment, Consultations

One-day Seminars, Conferences

One-on-one Spiritual Direction Sessions

Preaching/Teaching Ministry

Selah: Training in Spiritual Direction

Small Group Training

Soul Care Retreats (New England and Colorado)

Emmaus: Spiritual Leadership Communities


Page 22: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

“Congratulations to my friend, Steve Macchia, and the great team at Leadership Transformations on their 10th anniversary! I have been personally enriched by LTI’s focus on spiritual discernment. You are a bless-ing to the Christ-centered community!”

- Dan Busby, President, ECFA

Financial Report for FY 2012

*Based on fi scal year January 1 - December 31, 2012.

Functional Expenses*Program Expenses: 79.4%Administrative Expenses: 15.0%Fundraising Expenses: 5.6%

Financial Data*

Revenue Cash Donations $326,033Noncash Donations $36,788Other Revenue $228,474Total Revenue $591,295

ExpensesProgram $468,466Administrative $88,485Fundraising $32,822Total Expenses $589,773

Excess (or Defi cit) for the Year $1,522




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Page 23: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

“Leadership Transformations has wisely guided thousands of leaders into stunning discoveries of Christ, and all the riches which God off ers to them personally, relationally, and professionally. Th ese “guided tours” have proven pivotal milestones for many leaders. We admire this team’s relentless pursuit of the remarkable mission to which God has called them. And, even more, their love for Jesus. To the next ten years! Congratulations, by God’s grace!”

- Dr. Bruce McNicol, President, Truefaced, Bestselling co-author, Th e Cure, Bo’s Cafe, Th e Ascent of a Leader, High-Trust Cultures

Page 24: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Our First Decade of Ministry · Susan Currie Director of Selah & Associate for Spiritual Formation ... Selah Faculty Gayle Heaslip Spiritual Formation

New England OfficeP.O. Box 338Lexington, MA 02420

Colorado Springs OfficeP.O. Box 64530Colorado Springs, CO 80962

Houston OfficeP.O. Box 42535Houston, TX 77242


Visit us online:LeadershipTransformations.orgHealthyChurch.netSpiritualFormationStore.com RuleOfLife.com ChurchFamilyHealth.com