ce twit extension presentation

ceTwit: A Twitter Client for Windows Mobile Smartphones Steven E. Newman, Ph.D., A.A.F. Greenhouse Crops Extension Specialist and Professor of Floriculture Colorado State University Extension

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This is a demonstration of ceTwit for using Twitter on a Windows Mobile 6.1 smart phone (Palm Treo 800w). The presentation was delivered as part of an eXtension.org professional development session on 9 September 2009.


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ceTwit: A Twitter Client for Windows Mobile Smartphones

Steven E. Newman, Ph.D., A.A.F.Greenhouse Crops Extension Specialist and Professor of FloricultureColorado State University Extension

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9/9/2009 2Twitter Clients, Tools and Uses

• Colorado State University uses Sprint as its mobile phone vendor

• For my use, I have chosen to use the Palm Treo 800w

• The Palm Treo 800w uses the Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.1 as its operating system

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9/9/2009 3Twitter Clients, Tools and Uses

In addition to being a phone, In addition to being a phone, the Windows Mobile 6.1 OS the Windows Mobile 6.1 OS Provides:Provides:•Instant messaging-like texting •Internet browsing •MS Exchange e-mail and calendaring •Bluetooth•Wi-Fi connection •And more

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9/9/2009 4Twitter Clients, Tools and Uses

• Colorado State University uses Sprint as its mobile phone vendor

• For my use, I have chosen to use the Palm Treo 800w

• The Palm Treo 800w uses the Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.1 as its operating system

• This phone works well with many web 2.0 applications

• Twitter is cumbersome using SMS text messaging

• And the internet browser has limited functions

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9/9/2009 Twitter Clients, Tools and Uses 5

Windows Mobile Twitter Clients Windows Mobile Twitter Clients Which is the right Windows Mobile Twitter microblogging client for you?•Tiny Twitter http://www.tinytwitter.com•Twobile http://www.infinitumsoftware.com/twobile•ceTwit http://www.kosertech.com/blog/?page_id=5•PockeTwit http://code.google.com/p/pocketwit/•Twikini http://www.trinketsoftware.com

Most reviewers recommend ceTwit and PockeTwitMost reviewers recommend ceTwit and PockeTwithttp://www.brighthub.com/mobile/windows-mobile-platform.aspx

I have chosen ceTwitI have chosen ceTwitStripped down Twitter client for Windows Mobile deviceTiny downloadResource-light installationNo fussy graphics

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit

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9/9/2009 9Twitter Clients, Tools and Uses

Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface

1. You can scroll through your timeline

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9/9/2009 11Twitter Clients, Tools and Uses

Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface

1. You can scroll through your timeline

2. Show avatars or not

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface

1. You can scroll through your timeline

2. Show avatars or not3. Refresh intervals can

be customized

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.Click on the menu

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.Click on the menu

1. Refresh

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.Click on the menu

1. Refresh2. and it is now updated

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.Click on the menu and then Action

1. From here you can open links,

2. send a direct message,

3. retweet and more

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.For single Tweet view, click on the Tweet

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.For single Tweet view, click on the Tweet

1. Full screen view2. Customize font size in

operating system

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To open a link, click on the menu

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To open a link, click on the menu and then action

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9/9/2009 21Twitter Clients, Tools and Uses

Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To open a link, click on the menu and then action

1. Here you have several choices

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9/9/2009 22Twitter Clients, Tools and Uses

Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To open a link, click on the menu and then action

1. Here you have several choices

2. You can ReTweet

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To open a link, click on the menu and then action

1. Here you have several choices

2. You can ReTweet3. Or you can open a link

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To open a link, click on the menu and then action

1. Here you have several choices

2. You can ReTweet3. Or you can open a link4. This then will open

your browser

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To open a link, click on the menu and then action

1. Here you have several choices

2. You can ReTweet3. Or you can open a link4. This then will open

your browser

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To open a link, click on the menu and then action

1. Here you have several choices

2. You can ReTweet3. Or you can open a link4. This then will open

your browser5. Closing your browser

brings you back to ceTwit

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.Many also use TwitPic

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.Many also use TwitPic5.Click on the Show TwitPic box and you will see the image

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9/9/2009 29Twitter Clients, Tools and Uses

Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.Many also use TwitPic5.Click on the Show TwitPic box and you will see the image

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9/9/2009 30Twitter Clients, Tools and Uses

Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.Many also use TwitPic5.Click on the Show TwitPic box and you will see the image6.And to close the image, click Hide

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9/9/2009 31Twitter Clients, Tools and Uses

Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status

1. Click status

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status

1. Click status2. And then Twitter

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status

1. Click status2. And then Twitter

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status

1. Click status2. And then Twitter3. And then fill in the

dialogue box

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status

1. Click status2. And then Twitter3. Refresh and here is

your update

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status

1. Click status2. And then Twitter3. Refresh and here is

your update

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status with a TwitPic

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status with a TwitPic

1. Click on Status and then TwitPic

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status with a TwitPic

1. Click on Status and then TwitPic

2. Then Attach Pic

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status with a TwitPic

1. Click on Status and then TwitPic

2. Then Attach Pic3. Which brings up your

File Explorer

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9/9/2009 41Twitter Clients, Tools and Uses

Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status with a TwitPic

1. Click on Status and then TwitPic

2. Then Attach Pic3. Which brings up your

File Explorer4. Choose your file

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status with a TwitPic

1. Click on Status and then TwitPic

2. Then Attach Pic3. Which brings up your

File Explorer4. Choose your file5. Fill in your message

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status with a TwitPic

1. Click on Status and then TwitPic

2. Then Attach Pic3. Which brings up your

File Explorer4. Choose your file5. Fill in your message

and click update

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status with a TwitPic

1. Click on Status and then TwitPic

2. Then Attach Pic3. Which brings up your

File Explorer4. Choose your file5. Fill in your message

and click update6. Here you can watch

the file transfer

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9/9/2009 45Twitter Clients, Tools and Uses

Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status with a TwitPic5.And to view your update

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status with a TwitPic5.And to view your update6.Click Show TwitPic

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.To update your own status with a TwitPic5.And to view your update6.Click Show TwitPic

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.Settings can be customized

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.Settings can be customized

1. I use auto refresh, but only once per hour to conserve battery power

2. You can manually refresh anytime

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Step by step use of ceTwitStep by step use of ceTwit

Windows Mobile Today Screen1.Open the Start Menu2.From the Start menu, click on ceTwit3.The ceTwit interface4.Settings can be customized

1. You will need to enter your login information

2. You can also use Ping.fm

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ceTwit is available from http://www.Kosertech.com

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ceTwit is available from http://www.Kosertech.comDownloads are free

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ceTwit is available from http://www.Kosertech.comDownloads are free

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ceTwit is available from http://www.Kosertech.comDownloads are freePlenty of information on the FAQ page

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ceTwit is available from http://www.Kosertech.comDownloads are freePlenty of information on the FAQ pageceSnipURL? I have not tried it

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For more information, contact me atFor more information, contact me athttp://ghex.colostate.edu/http://www.twitter.com/newman7118http://twitpic.com/photos/newman7118http://www.facebook.com/senewmanhttp://ghadvisor.blogspot.comhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/[email protected]@colostate.eduAnd….. (970) 491-7118