causes of wwii pacific war

The Causes of WWII The Pacific

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Page 1: Causes of wwii pacific war

The Causes of WWII

T h e P a c i f i c

Page 2: Causes of wwii pacific war

Focus Question

To what extent was Japan responsible for the Pacific War?

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Japan’s responsibility for war in the Pacific: Historical debate

Japan as in Imperial Power:

Some argue Japan planned for war from the early 1930’s.

Negotiated peace was aimed at keeping the enemy off guard.

Their goal was to conqueor Asia.

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Japan’s responsibility for war in the Pacific: Historical debate

Japan as a traditional European-style imperial power.

Through the co-prosperity sphere/diplomacy.

Japan stumbled into war by taking too many risks.

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Japan as a liberating power, form Western domination.

Not dissimilar to the USA’s dominance in South America.

Thus, Japan fought a defensive war, triggered by American embargoes.

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Timeline of events prior to the Pacific War 1853-1941

1853: Commodore Perry visits Japan












1937: 5 events


1940: 3 events

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Timeline of events prior to the Pacific War 1853-1941


March: Japan signs a non-aggression treaty with the USSR.

June: Hitler attacks the USSR

July: Japan occupies southern Indochina. USA freezes Japanese assets.

December: Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, and the south-western Asia/Pacific region.

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Japan and the long-term causes of WWII in the Pacific

Background: Japanese relations with the West.

From the mid 17th century Japan had remained isolated. Sack Policy 1633-1853.

Politically, economically, and socially Japan was a feudal state.

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Background: Japanese relations with the west

1853, Commode Matthew Perry arrives to negotiate with the Japanese.

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Background: Japanese relations with the west

Commodore Matthew Perry returns one year later with American gun boats.

Treaty of Kana-gawa 1845, opened up Japan to the rest of the world.

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Background: Japanese relations with the west

Power transferred from the ruling Shoguns to the Emperor.

Limited democracy and modernization began.

Along with rapid industrialization and militarization.

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Background: Japanese relations with the west

Sino-Japanese War (1894-95)

With a new modern army and navy Japan waged war on China in 1894 over control of Korea.

China was defeated and forced to sign the Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1895.

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Background: Japanese relations with the west


China had to recognize Korea as an independent nation and ceded Taiwan.

Emergence of Japan as a key Asian power.

The further collapse of China.

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Background: Japanese relations with the west

Japan’s second victory was over Russia.

Russia was competing with Japanese interests in Manchuria and Korea.

1902, Anglo-Russian Alliance.

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Background: Japanese relations with the west

February 1904, Russian and Japanese forces entered Korea.

The Russians were convincingly defeated at sea and on land.

What were the results of this war?

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Background: Japanese relations with the west

Encouraged Japanese Nationalism and expansion and triggered a revolution in Russia.

Treaty of Portsmouth: Recognized Japan’s paramount political, economic, and military interests in Korea.

Russia refused to pay reparations.

Japan responded by annexing Korea in 1910.

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Japan and the long-term causes of WWII in the Pacific

What characteristics did the new state of Japan show by 1905?

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Japan and the long-term causes of WWII in the Pacific

Japan and WWI

WWI gave Japan new opportunities to expand

Demanded German possessions in China.

When Germany refused, they declared war on Germany.

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Japan and the long-term causes of WWII in the Pacific: WWI

Issued China ‘Twenty-One Demands,’ Jan 1915

These demands would give Japan the most influential economic and political position in China.

US-Japanese relations turned sour.

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Japan and the long-term causes of WWII in the Pacific: WWI

Lansing-Ishii agreement 1917,

1.Meant that gains made up to 1917 would be recognized by the Americans, and

2. Assurances were given that no further expansion would be pursued.

China felt betrayed by the US.

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Japan and the long-term causes of WWII in the Pacific: WWI

Russia October 1917

Japanese supported the counter-revolutionary forces(White forces)

USA, France, and Britain also sent forces.

Japanese sent the most and stayed the longest.

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Japan and the long-term causes of WWII in the Pacific: TOV

Japan a victorious power sought to increase their gains. 1. Annexation of German Pacific Territories. 2. Racial equality clause.

Lack of competition in the region caused a economic boom in Japan.

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Japan and the long-term causes of WWII in the Pacific: TOV

Washington Conference 1921

Four Power Pact: ended the alliance b/n Japan and Britain

Five Power Naval Treaty: Set restrictions on Naval capacities

Nine Power Pact: Respected China’s sovereignty

What impact did these agreements have on the US and Japanese?

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Japan and the long-term causes of WWII in the Pacific:

The Liberal 1920’s: a peaceful Japan?

1918 economic recession

1920s Japan openly embraced western culture

Prime minister Hara lead Japan in the League of Nations

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Japan and the long-term causes of WWII in the Pacific: 1920s

Hara is assassinated 1921, by a right wing extremist

Left wing extremists emerge

Kato passes: Peace Preservation Law 1925: Those with left wing agendas could be imprisoned.

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Japan and the long-term causes of WWII in the Pacific: WWI

General Tanaka Giichi takes over rule.

More aggressive policy with China is adopted.

Conflict over conflict proved the military could act without government approval, democracy was in decline.

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Japan and the long-term causes of WWII in the Pacific:1920s

Yamaguchi becams PM in 1929

Unable protect Japan against the Great Depression

Assassinated 1930

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Review Questions

What impact did the following have on developments in Japan?

Economic downturns

Fear of communism

Strength of the Japanese Army

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Japan and the short term causes of the Pacific War: ‘the dark


The liberal ear of the 1920s was short lived, as the army reasserted itself in the 1930s.

The attack on Manchuria 1931 resulted from a Kwantung Army plot, not the Japanese government.

Unilateral action by the military alarmed the West, particularly the USA.

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Japan and the short term causes of the Pacific War: ‘the dark


This was popular within Japan

Creation of Manchukuo, a puppet Mongolian state, was not a gov’t policy but was accepted.

Japan continued to expand.

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Japan and the short term causes of the Pacific War: ‘the dark

valley’Japan and Western relations deteriorated:

1. The West was alarmed by the bombing of Shanghai in 1932

2. 1933, Japan left the League of Nations after the council accepted the Lytton Report: an investigation in the Manchurian Crisis

3. 1934, Japan pulled out of the Washington Naval Treaty and refused to attend another conference

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Japan and the short term causes of the Pacific War: Sino-Japanese



Marco Polo Incident: Chinese soldiers fired upon Japanese soldiers

The spark that lit the fuse in the Sino-Japanese war

With nationalism running high, negotiating was not an option

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Japan and the short term causes of the Pacific War: Sino-Japanese


The war in China was to lead directly to the the Pacific War

The Japanese entered with no plan how to get out

As a result, Japan drew in the USA through competitions for resources

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Japan and the short term causes of the Pacific War: Sino-Japanese

warWith tension increasing in Europe, Britain and France did not want to become enmeshed in a conflict in Asia in 1937

US only verbally condemned Japan

Japan sank the USS Panay, an apology sufficed.

1938, US sends aid to China

1939, cancel the Commerce and Navigation Treaty with Japan

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Japan and the short term causes of the Pacific War: Sino-Japanese


PM Prince Konoe Fumimaro, announced Japan was going to create a ‘New World Order’ in East Asia

Called for cooperation b/n China, Manchukuo, and Japan

Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

One state, leading the group

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Japan and the short term causes of the Pacific War: Sino-Japanese


At a Japanese Military conference in 1940 it was agreed that Japan should ‘establish herself’ in Indochina, Thailand, Burma, Malaya, and the Dutch East Indies.

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Review Questions

To what extent was Japan pursuing nationalist and imperialist goals?

How far was militarism the driving force in Japan’s foreign policy by 1940?

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The immediate cause of war

The Japanese closed the ‘Burma Road,’ an important supply route for China

America bans export of scrap iron to Japan

Japan signs the Tripartite Pact or Three Power Pact with Germany and Italy

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The immediate cause of war

The Pact agreed to establish a ‘New World Order’ and to promote mutual prosperity for the next 10 years

Americans gave Nationalist leader Jiang Geisha, a massive loan

Within Japan, the Imperialist Rule Assistance Association replaced political parties in 1940

1941 PM Konoe was replaced by General Hideki Tojo

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The immediate cause of war

When Germany invaded Russia in July 1941, Japan decided to attack south, occupying southern Indochina

The USA, Britain and Netherlands imposed a total trades embargo

Japan would run out of oil

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Review questions

What was the impact of Japan’s relationship with Germany?

What was the impact of Japan’s relationship with the USSR?

To what extent was the USA responsible for the war in the Pacific?