catering service

Catering service Radu Cosmin & Dumitrescu Radu Grupa: 8218

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Catering service

Radu Cosmin & Dumitrescu Radu

Grupa: 8218

Arriving in Romania after 1989,

catering was inspired exterior

practices tailored to the local

market. Knowing first slow

progress in recent years the

phenomenon has gained

momentum today trying to

align with European standards.

The early 90s brought a

democracy Romania at the

beginning of a lot of business

and new ideas, most of them

coming from developed

countries in Europe. Among

them there was a relatively

new concept, that of catering,

which involves the provision of

meals in different locations.

After 1992 and firms that had emerged but strictly this specific fewer in number in the first moments. Also, restaurants newcomers took over and they

were developing models across borders and special departments for these services. The fact that the Romans did not know these practices raised some

issues "Then, at the beginning, customers were few and had to wait to explain what a reception, and

what an event it was not easy because people were taught not to like this activity, "explains Yulia

Multescu, catering manager Gusto.

But late '90s brought a big change in this market after the introduction of meal tickets. This led to a huge explosion of caterers. Initially, these vouchers were designed to give the employee a hot

meal at noon, at the office, which was mass catering provided by specialized companies that received from the employer, the services offered, these vouchers.

But after a while, they have lost the purpose for which they were made for trade unions insisted increasingly more for these tickets be given in the hands of employees. They did not have the

interest to pay for lunch at the company, preferring to provide food the whole family with them.

Being a fairly vast, catering provided more niches, several fields, each

choosing one particular company or sometimes even weaving by two. The larger, higher in number of persons to be served is industrial catering, which involves delivering gourmet products

widely: in military units, hospitals, large construction sites etc.

Here the number of people served can be up to five or six thousand. Recently

however, it is a clear trend of these customers to open their own canteens, administering leaving them alone or a

caterer to do, pretty much reducing costs.

Then comes the air catering, which is meant to provide food for passengers

traveling by plane. Here, major airlines outsource gave up and started to open their own departments dealing with

this issue.


The big step in catering

As the magnitude and number of people to be served, event catering ranks the next. This area is known that the most successful in Romania, growing along with the economy, because customers are large and small


This type of catering has ceased to be confined while on site to transport food. Events such as receptions, cocktail parties, company parties, product launches, openings and branch offices, fashion shows etc.,

become an impressive deployment of forces, catering companies are increasingly occupying any aspect. They engage in organizing, starting with finding and arranging space, personnel, logistics needed to serve

food in excellent conditions, sometimes even going to the publicity surrounding the event and coordination "artistic program": DJ, band,

orchestra, band theater or ballet etc.

What does and how it works catering event

The food is defined as the star catering world, but this is only part dinaceastă equation. Thus, one can say that catering satisfy all the senses:

With a proper atmosphere, catering tempt all the senses making oriceeveniment special and memorable one. Of course, the food may or

may not eclipsezeevenimentul itself. As a result, modern catering company managers want to have absolute control over the event, attending all day

event (from mâncarela arrangements). From cutlery to flowers, from lights towels and tablecloths from tables lamelodia background, all food must complete to create a unique experience compact. So continuity is key to success in such a deal. Every aspect must be perfectly synchronized with

each other. For example: What is the group size? These are questions that the organizer should think very well, because, no matter how charming

garden as guests nuvor certainly want to stand out if it rains or is too cald. may not be the most suitable a normal meal or barbeque-style reception.

In this situation the most appropriate would be festive prints (blue and white tablecloths and simple glass plates).