catch me if you can

Catch Me If You Can direct title sequence & stylized editing Analysis

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Post on 22-Jan-2017




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Direct title sequence- (catch me if you can) This has a title sequence is a separately edited sequence from the rest of the film. This type of title sequence albeit different sets the theme/tone for the rest of the film. This sequence could consist of animation or live action, diegetic or non-diegetic music, a stationary image or special effects. This technique is used in films and television programs to establish the name of the film, cast, and director. This is used to set the tone of the program.

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Once the title begins there is the use of diegetic sound through the use of an ominous soundtrack. The effect of doing this implies of the genre of the film to the audience. It the opening sequence to “catch me if you can” it is done through cartoon, this focuses on one of the one person on the run form the police, after he gives them the slip he then then changes costumes from piolet to a doctor and office worker through the camera focusing on this character the viewer makes that assumption that he is the main character. As the main character moves through the different scenes it becomes more apparent to the viewer that he is trying to evade another character in the clip. The main characters are introduced in the title sequence thought his use of a yellow arrow to indicate who will be playing the different characters in the clip. This is also used to show the viewer who their character is in the title sequence. At the start of the clip the main character is calm. This then changes as dose the music in the clip. Once the character has stood around the impression that is given off is that he is trying to bend in with the other people. This is also done through him watching people from a distance. This shows deception of the main character suggest that the main character in the film is a con artist.

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As the clip progresses there is the various use of transport. This shows that the main character will go to great lengths to evade the police who are pursuing him. This is shown later on in the title sequence. When it seems like he is going to be caught, a new character comes on screen and the music becomes quite dramatic. This technique is used to build the sensation of tension within the clip. Also inferring that this will be featured in the main film. As the main character is seen to evade the police the pace of the soundtrack calms down. This is done to refer back to the name of the film “catch me if you can”.

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• The titles “catch me if you can” is also put into the title sequence. This e smooth transitions. The fluidity of the clip shows the events happening in a sequence. In conclusion the title sequence effectively gives an overview to the viewer what the film features. This allows the viewer to make a decision on whether on no they are going to like the film. This title sequence positively represents the content of the story and the main character who is played by Leonardo DiCaprio.

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Stylized film editing

• Stylized film editing- this title sequence is used for a high level of editing, the reason for this is that it has several different clips for a scene. An example of a film that used stylized editing in their opening sequence would be mesrine, this is where they have several different shots of a character. The reason that they did this is so that they can introduce the viewer to the character. This could suggest to the audience that this character is being watched. further more this could mean that the viewers focus is on different things, the white text that comes up in the areas where there are black spaces. These in turn dart across the screen. This would draw the attention of the viewer to the different screens.

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