catch a thief

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  • 7/27/2019 Catch a Thief


  • 7/27/2019 Catch a Thief


    People often wrote to him. They asked him-

    they even begged him- to sell them objects that

    they specially wanted. But he always said no.

    It is not quite correct to say that the Twiggs

    lived in the town. Their house stood all alone ontop of a hill, and the road which led to it ended

    in a field. Their nearest neighbours. A ships

    engineer and his wife, lived a hundred yards

    down the road. They were away most of the

    time. For while the husband was at sea, the

    wife went to stay with her mother.

    You know, Mark, Jane said one at breakfast, I

    get rather afraid sometimes. Were all alone


    youve been reading too many books, said

    Mark, pushing his empty plate away from him.

    Cook me another egg. Im hungry this morning.

    It must be the sea air.

    Im quite serious, Mark, Jane said, not moving.

    look at all these valuable things. Look at this

    table. Didnt you say the other day that it was

    worth nearly 1,000?

    Thieves dont steal tables, Mark replied. And

    we always lock the silver in the drawers every

    night. Theres nothing to be afraid of.

    Well, Jane continued, Ill tell you something. I

    saw a man watching the house yesterday!

    Mark laughed.

    He was probably just another painter-looking

    for a subject, he said.

    He didnt look like a painter, said Jane.

    The weeks passed. Then on Monday morning

    Mark received an unusual letter from London.

    Strange! he said. Just listen to this:

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    Dear Mr. Twigg,

    I am collecting material for a history of English

    art collections and would very much like your

    advice. I shall be staying at the Savoy hotel in

    London during the next two weeks. If you couldhave lunch with me on Friday next I would

    consider it a very great honour.

    Who is it from? asked Jane.

    Its signed Samuel B. Goldstein and he adds,

    It may interest you to know that two of your

    pictures hang in my bedroom. In my opinion

    you are one of the best painters in England

    today. Well, what do you think?

    I think youll go to London next Friday and

    leave me all alone! said Jane.

    Why dont you come with me then - if youre

    still afraid of that thief?

    Ill come with you if you go by train, she said

    firmly, but not if you take the Jaguar. Im much

    more afraid of the jag than I am of any thief.

    Now Mark had a particular love of fast cars. Hehad already had an Aston Martin and an M. G.

    He had destroyed them both, and he had also

    broken both his legs and an arm. It wasnt my

    fault, he had said each time. Its these English

    roads. They arent straight enough! But a drive

    to London over 200 miles! He could not miss

    an opportunity like that.

    Im taking the Jag, he said, and dont try to

    stop me!

    Well, youll kill yourself, said Jane, and weve

    only been married a year.

    As Friday came nearer Jane got quieter and

    quieter. On Thursday she did not talk to Mark at

    all, and she did not eat a single meal.

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    This is nonsense! cried Mark angrily, when

    they went to bed that night. What do you

    expect me to do? Sell the Jaguar and buy a

    bicycle instead?

    Jane did not answer.

    Mark got up very quietly the next morning. It

    was still dark, and Jane was asleep. He was glad,

    because he did not want to say good-bye to her.

    He was afraid of the look she would give him.

    He had a quick breakfast. Then he jumped into

    the Jaguar and drove away in the direction of

    the London road.

    As he disappeared a man came out from behind

    a garden wall. He had a broken nose and large

    red ears. There was a smile on his face. But it

    was not a pleasant smile.

    It was eight oclock when Jane at last awoke.

    When she saw the empty place beside her in

    the bed she jumped up and ran to the window.

    The Jaguar had gone. The sun was high in the

    sky. Three fishing-boats were leaving the port.

    Far away she could hear the noise of a train.

    She dressed, but she could not eat any

    breakfast. She just sat on a hard wooden chair

    beside the telephone and waited for it to ring.

    She was sure it would ring. And at half past nine

    it did ring. She picked it up. Is that you, Mark?

    she cried. But it was a womans voice that

    answered:Mrs. Twigg? Im sorry but I have

    some bad news for you. Your husbands car hit

    a bus near Salisbury Hes badly hurt, Im

    afraid Yes, very serious. They carried him tothe nearest house. Hes too ill to be moved. Ive

    ordered a taxi to collect you

    But Mark Twigg did not hit a bus, and he did not

    get as far as Salisbury. Just outside Exeter he

    turned a corner too fast and ran into a cow. The

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    cow was killed and the two front wheels of the

    Jaguar were completely destroyed. Mark paid

    the farmer for the cow, left the jaguar in a field

    and caught a bus to Exeter. He went straight to

    the station. But there was no train which

    reached London before one oclock. So he went

    into the nearest telephone box and phoned the

    Savoy Hotel.