catalysing digitisation throughout europe - deliverable · 2018. 10. 23. · catalysing...

Smart 4 Europe Catalysing Digitisation throughout Europe Deliverable D1.3 Report on service centre and innovation support activities Grant Agreement number: 761.448 Project acronym: Smart4Europe Project title: Catalysing Digitisation throughout Europe Project co-ordinator name, title and organisation: Dr. Rainer Günzler, Hahn-Schickard Tel: +49 7721 943-188 Fax: +49 7721 943-210 E-mail: [email protected] Project website address: Responsible: Steinbeis 2i GmbH Contributor(s): Sarah Mortimer, Dr. Meike Reimann Reviewer: Julia Koch Submission Date: 31. August 2018 Due: M12 Nature 1 : R Dissemination level 2 : PU 1 R = Report, P = Prototype, D = Demonstrator, O = Other) 2 PU = Public, PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services), RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services), CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) Ref. Ares(2018)4500934 - 02/09/2018

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Page 1: Catalysing Digitisation throughout Europe - Deliverable · 2018. 10. 23. · Catalysing Digitisation throughout Europe Deliverable D1.3 Report on service centre and innovation

Smart 4 Europe

Catalysing Digitisation throughout Europe


D1.3 Report on service centre and innovation support activities

Grant Agreement number: 761.448

Project acronym: Smart4Europe

Project title: Catalysing Digitisation throughout Europe

Project co-ordinator name, title and organisation:

Dr. Rainer Günzler, Hahn-Schickard

Tel: +49 7721 943-188

Fax: +49 7721 943-210

E-mail: [email protected]

Project website address:

Responsible: Steinbeis 2i GmbH

Contributor(s): Sarah Mortimer, Dr. Meike Reimann

Reviewer: Julia Koch

Submission Date: 31. August 2018

Due: M12

Nature1: R

Dissemination level2: PU

1 R = Report, P = Prototype, D = Demonstrator, O = Other)

2 PU = Public, PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services), RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services), CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)

Ref. Ares(2018)4500934 - 02/09/2018

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D 1.3© Smart4Europe Consortium Page 2

Short description of the content of the deliverable

The CSA Smart4Europe is an important support measure in implementing the European Commission’s Digitising European Industry Strategy and facilitates the further development and establishment of Digital Innovation Hubs. The consortium is responsible for conduction the second phase of the Smart Anything Everywhere initiative and its growth.

Smart4Europe therefore, provides an information, communication and exchange portal to all Smart Anything Everywhere stakeholders; it displays the overall SAE offer in form of the SAE Innovation Portal (SAE website).

Version history Version Date Changes made by Sent to purpose

1.0 08.08.2018 Draft version S2i HS, BME Internal Review

2.0 23.08.2018 Pictures updated, small adaptions HS S2i Internal Review

3.0 27.08.2018 Comments included S2i all Internal Review

4.0 31.08.2018 Submission HS EC Submission

Statement This deliverable is part of the achievement of the project Smart4Europe. The author is solely responsible for its content. The deliverable does not represent the opinion of the European Commission and the Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of information or data appearing therein. The deliverable contains original, formerly unpublished work except where indicated by reference, quotation or by other appropriate acknowledgements.

If parts of this document will be published before the submission and acceptance of the document as deliverable of the Smart4Europe project, they must be indicated as “preliminary results”.

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Table of Contents

1. Objectives of the Service centre and innovation support .......................... 4

1.1 Approach of the Service centre and innovation support ........................................................ 4

1.2 Round tour through the SAE Innovation Portal ...................................................................... 4

1.3 Membership Community ........................................................................................................ 4

1.4 Service Centre.......................................................................................................................... 5

1.5 FAQs Frequently Asked Questions .......................................................................................... 6

1.6 Featured Projects and funding opportunities ......................................................................... 8

1.7 Information Material and downloads ................................................................................... 10

2. Status Quo achieved in M12 .................................................................... 11

Executive Summary

WP1 of the coordination and support action (CSA) Smart4Europe encompasses the maintenance of

the web-based Innovation Portal and Service Centre. It is an essential source of information for all

SAE stakeholders, be it participants of SAE-funded Innovation Actions or newcomers. It offers the

opportunity to become part of the SAE community and receive all kinds of SAE – related information.

In that way, it is also complementary to the SAE news services (WP5).

The Innovation Portal works as a service centre for all kinds of stakeholders by providing structured

information on the SAE initiative and the featured innovation actions tailor-made to the specific SAE

target groups that could substantially benefit from the SAE offering (SME, mid-caps, start-ups,

technology providers and suppliers, any kind of new stakeholder with an interest in digitisation). The

SAE service centre and innovation support is set to guide interested parties through the jungle of SAE

funding and opportunities.

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1. Objectives of the Service Centre and innovation support

The Smart4Europe service centre and innovation support centre is set to support all kinds of Smart

Anything Everywhere stakeholders. It provides structured information to give interested parties and

helps them in understanding the objectives of the initiative and their offer. It also supports them to

decide which SAE service, e.g. open call, cluster or network of stakeholders could best suit their

interests and may offer solutions to their problems.

1.1 Approach of the Service Centre and innovation support

Smart4Europe aims at a number of different stakeholders and specific target groups. In general, the CSA addresses stakeholders from four technological areas and their related projects: CPS (Cyber-Physical Systems), IoT (Internet of Things), SSI (Smart Systems Integration) and OLAE (Organic large Area Electronics) as well as institutional stakeholders.

The most important target group, however comprises SMEs and mid-caps from different areas and regions:

users and suppliers of digital technologies,

non- tech sector with an interest in digitisation,

Eastern European Countries

Furthermore, Smart4Europe wants to address several multipliers and their respective networks, as well as clusters associations and relevant online platforms; relevant research communities and academia, policy-makers at national and regional level, regional initiatives and funding bodies, private investors, venture capitalists, business angels, Investment Banks/Funds and the general public.

Given the fact, that this list of stakeholders is very broad, the Service Centre tries to address all of these in the best manner possible.

The Smart4Europe Consortium with the lead of partner BME, therefore updated the Innovation Portal substantially and provided structured input, tailor made in the best way possible to the different Smart4Europe target groups.

Next to general information on the Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative the portal provides information on the featured Innovation Actions (Cluster Projects) and their open calls, success stories form previous projects, FAQs, News, as well as a dedicated section to SAE community members and a download section for SAE documents, project calls and other SAE relevant information.

1.2 Round tour through the SAE Innovation Portal Membership Community

The frontpage provides information, to cooperation and funding as well as SAE activities and events; furthermore, it features the open and upcoming calls as well as latest news. The official SAE brochure can also be downloaded.

There are various ways to get in contact with the SAE Initiative via the website:

a “contact button” that leads to the email of the SEA

the “become part of the community” button

the “read and subscribe to our newsletter / social media links” button

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Fig. 1: Smart Anything Everywhere Innovation Portal – cover page

1.4 Service Centre

The SAE Service Centre contains an e-mail address for interested stakeholders and newcomers. Interested stakeholders can contact the consortium leaders via the “contact us” button. Inquiries are forwarded to [email protected] and will be answered within an instance. Answers will be issued in a short instance. Furthermore, a query reply box to “become part of our community” is illustrated on the first page:

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Fig. 2: Smart Anything Everywhere Service Contact

“SAE Membership” will direct interested parties to a survey, which helps assigning new members to the respective target group and interests. Each new member will be asked to agree to the privacy policy, if so, data will be saved in the Smart4Eutope stakeholder database (D.3.1). Another e-mail address was added to newsletter subscriptions: [email protected] under “SAE News”.

1.5 FAQs Frequently Asked Questions

SAE FAQs comprise a list of a acronyms frequently used within the Smart Anything Everywhere context. Any other inquiry as regards open calls shall be directed to the SAE Contact Button (see home page) and stakeholders will be consulted on an individual basis.

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Fig. 3: Smart Anything Everywhere FAQs

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1.6 Featured Projects and funding opportunities

Each cluster project, old and new Innovation Actions (IAs), supported by the SAE initiative is featured on the Innovation Portal.

SAE Cluster Projects supported in the first phase of SAE:






SAE Cluster Projects supported in the second and current phase of SAE:





Each of them is arranged by technological area to give interested stakeholders a better overview on what each project is dealing with and what is relevant to them. Corresponding open calls are either featured on the respective project homepages or on the main SAE front page.

Fig. 4: Smart Anything Everywhere Open Calls

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Fig. 5: Smart Anything Everywhere featured Innovation Actions

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1.7 Information Material and downloads

This section includes further information on the open calls, application procedure, general information on SAE and Digital Hubs as well as the SAE Technology Radar. It is meant to complement the FAQs and in providing strategic information on the initiative.

Fig. 6: Smart Anything Everywhere Download section

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2. Status Quo achieved in M12

The following activities have been conducted within M1- M12 of the project:

Restructuring of the SAE Website - Innovation Portal (as compared to first phase of the initiative)

E-mail address for all kinds of inquiries: [email protected]; all inquiries where answered in a short instance

E-mail address for newsletter subscription: [email protected]

Introduction of the SAE Community/ Membership scheme, which offers interested stakeholders to become a member

Membership survey to ad contacts to the SAE stakeholder database (only with consent of given contacts)

SAE Download page with further information on the SAE Initiative and open calls and FAQs

Complementary Materials for Outreach: SAE power point presentation with comprehensive information on initiative, strategic background, featured projects, open calls and success stories