case study: closure of an earthen lagoon

Case Study: Closure of Earthen Lagoon Catherine Nash USDA-NRCS Temple, Texas

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Post on 25-May-2015




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DESCRIPTION The closure of earthen lagoons associated with a caged egg-laying operation was used as a case study. This case study presents information on the steps taken to close the lagoons, including topographic survey needs, analysis of sludge and wastewater at different times during the closure process, methods for excavating and removing the sludge, and the costs associated with the closure of earthen lagoons. The sludge has a high fertilizer value for P2O5 and other micro- and macro-nutrients. The cost of the closure for this case exceeded the expected cost for the earthwork for the construction of a new facility


  • 1. Catherine NashUSDA-NRCSTemple, Texas

2. Background Information Caged egg-laying operation with 6 houses Lagoon size unknown 11 to 12 acre-ft of storage (size of football field 10 feetdeep) Operation began in late 1970s Operator chose to shut-down facility in May 2006 Demonstration project Determine costs for other lagoons across the state Address concerns in an impaired watershed Properly close to mitigate water quality impacts 3. How many lagoons? 4. Methodology Survey of existing site Determine extents of lagoon Approximate volumes Utilities Soil sampling to determine in-situ materials and checkfor leakage Construction Specifications Site-specific Compilation of appropriate portions of NRCS nationalconstruction standards 5. Methodology (continued) Draft Closure Plan and approval Construction Plans Contracting Construction Oversight Final Check-out 6. FULLLagoon(s) 7. Digging for Information Field Engineer Technician Located the contractor that originally built the facility Confirmed that there were two lagoons No plans available Found out when water was hooked up for the site 1978 8. Soil Sampling 9. Surveying Attempts Tried to use Sludge Judge nothing went into the tube Tried pacing and using a range pole to establish depth Used Survey Grade GPS unit Took Surface Shot Used range pole to probe and determined Depth of sludge Depth of wastewater 10. Aerial Photo ReconnaissanceSource: 1960 Aerial Photo 11. Dont Forget Power Lines 12. Survey Data Collected & CAD Approximately 2,000 data points were collected orcalculated (34 different field codes were used) Approximately 200 points were taken on the surface andprobed to obtain bottom of pond elevation andwastewater level Modeled Existing Pond with Sludge Bottom of Pond Wastewater Level in Pond Proposed Final Grade Existing Concrete Slabs 13. Closure Plan Meetings with TCEQ Review of draft plan approved by TCEQ Final closure plan to be completed after vegetation isestablished 14. Site Specific ConstructionSpecifications March 2008 Overview Scope & Location Utilities Safety Pollution Control SWPPP Mobilization and Demobilization 15. Site Specific ConstructionSpecifications March 2008 Overview (continued) Removal of litter, sludge and wastewater Structure Removal Earthfill and Excavation Seeding and Mulching Construction Survey 16. Contracting Turn Key Sludge to be removed and land applied 18,500 CY Removal of Concrete Slabs Earth moving compacted fill estimated at 27,000 CY Final Seeding of Site Bids received began around $1.8M and exceeded $3M 17. Contracting Phase 1 Modified to only include removal and stockpiling ofsludge in windrows on-site Awarded Bid $3.25 per CY of sludge removed $10 per 1,000 gallons of water for pumping to neighbor Local SWCD found neighbor to take water Total cost $58,500 Completed September 2009 18. Bid Closes and what happens 19. Empty LagoonsStockpiled Manure 20. Phase 2 Sludge Hauling and LandApplication Local SWCD, NRCS and TSSWCB and found alandowner that wanted the material Landowner receiving sludge contracted out of their ownpocket to have sludge hauled and spread on theirproperty Sludge hauler was from the Texas Panhandle Some of the cost was for mobilization/demobilization Application started January 2011 and was postponedbecause of rainfall until April 2011 21. Slabs to be removed 22. Phase 3 Final Grading Contract Awarded August 2011 Final grading completed September 2011 DOES NOT INCLUDE SEEDING ANDREVEGETATION currently in a drought Silt fencing is in place 23. Challenges for Final Grading Power poles on-site Agreement was from 3 years ago when initially bid Had to renegotiate cost with power company 24. Photo of finished grade Photo of work in progress 25. Phase 4 Vegetation andPaperwork Vegetate the site Indian Grass, Klein Grass, SwitchGrass, Sideoats Grama, Plains Bristlegrass, Wild Rye,Rye Grass Landowner deed recordation Final Closure Plan 26. SLUDGEANALYSIS2006Range AverageNitrogen (%) 1.2-2.8 2.11Phosphorus (%) 4 - 4.7 4.4Potassium (%) 1.6 - 3.8 2Calcium 16.6 - 38.9 21.8Magnesium (%) 1.7 - 2.4 2.1Sodium ($) 0.5 - 0.7 0.6Zinc (%) 0.06 - 0.19 0.14Iron (%) 0.45 - 1.0 0.6Copper (ppm) 61 - 261 197.7Manganese (%) 0.1 - 2.2 1.8pH 7.0 - 7.3 7.2Conductivity 6280Total Carbon (%) 19.7Dry Matter (%) 24 - 53 33.6P2O5 (lbs/dry ton) 185 210 200P2O5 (lbs/wet ton) 48-103 67 27. Sludge Analysis - 2009% (dry basis)N 1.5P 5.7K 1.6Dry Matter 74% 28. WASTEWATERANALYSIS2006N % 0.099P ppm 172.4K ppm 3171Ca ppm 479.7Mg ppm 147.7Na ppm 901Zn ppm 5.76Fe ppm 7.04Cu ppm 1.079Mn ppm 4.967pH 7.8Conductivity umhos/cm 16580Total Carbon % 0.282NH4-N % 0.1525Date Received 2/24/2006Color Brown/ PinkP2O5 ppm 391.348 29. EFFLUENTANALYSIS2007 N % 0.0174P % 0.0073K % 0.1619Ca % 0.0051Mg % 0.0098Na % 0.0327Zn ppm 0.13Fe ppm 2.66Cu ppm 0.05Mn ppm 0.30 30. CostComponent Quantity Cost per unit CostSludge and Water Removal stockpile on-site18,000 CY $3.25/CY $58,500Wastewater None $10/1,000gallonsN/aSludge Hauling andApplication12,103 Tons $7.484/Ton $90,580 (basically$5.03/CY)Subtotal for removal $149,080Concrete Slab Removal 1,800 CY $11.60/CY $20,880Earthwork 27,200 CY $2.50/CY $68,000Miscellaneous $2,100Seeding 10 acres $180/Acre $1,800Subtotal for Site Work $92,780TOTAL TO DATE $241,860 31. Additional Costs Engineering Surveying, Civil 3D, Drawings,Specifications, Design Report Closure Plan Development Contracting Time and Expenses Meetings, coordination, and other communicationtime Soil, Waste, and Wastewater Analysis Moving Power Lines Final Establishment of Vegetation 32. Thank you!