case study baac 2006-07 (finance, skyedge)

Satellite Networks for Banking Thailand’ s Bank or Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives  C A   S  E    S  T   U D Y  Thailand’s Bank or Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC ) needed to enha nce and expand services and solutions oered to armers and armi ng institutions. BAAC uses Gilat’ s SkyEdge  to provide voice and data networking between branches, meeting strict requirements or security, short l atency , quality o service and cost. With SkyEdge’ s speed, exibility, stability and security, BAAC is confdent they can not only improve existing services, but expand to meet growing customer needs. The Business The government o Thailand established the BAAC as a State enterprise overseen by the Ministry o Finance. The BAAC's mission is to more widely extend credit directly to individual armers as well as through ar mer institutions. BAAC aims not just to reach fnancial objectives, but to also improve the quality o lie o armers. It provides fnancial assistance to promote agriculture as an occupation or armers and armer institutions, and to help armers a nd armer institutions increase their productivity and income. In addition, BAAC provides rural areas with standard banking services such as credit, checking and savings. Part o BAAC’s IT strategy is to develop e-banking soluti ons, and th at requires that all branches have modern communications networks between each branch and other bra nches, provinc ial ofces and other in stituti ons The Challenge BAAC needed a reliable platorm to enable efcient transmission o bandwidth intensive inormation to a large number o remote branches. The network needs to improve existing customer service oerings such as Customer Inormation Facilities (CIF), retail loans, deposits and branch automation, and support new business channels such as credit and debit cards and online banking. BAAC also wanted the ability or easy uture expansion into advanced applications such as video conerencing and mobile banking solutions. BAAC already had an existing but outdated VSAT solution, but it could not provide broadband speed or advanced banki ng services. It was also relative ly inefcient and expensive. Deployment of Gilat’s VSAT network will allow us to assure our customers that they will receive the highest level of service on a continual basis – especially in remote areas where no banking service was available. Thiraphong Tangthirasunan, BAAC President SkyEdge met BAAC’s critical needs, providing: 1) Secure private network. 2) Short latency through advanced access schemes. 3) Efcient space segment usage. 4) Advanced QoS or both inbound and outbound services. 5) High quality telephony communications. 6) Low “Total Cost o Ownership”, especially low operating expenses.

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Page 1: Case Study BAAC 2006-07 (Finance, SkyEdge)

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Satellite Networks for Banking Thailand’s Bank or Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives 






 S  T  



Thailand’s Bank or Agriculture and Agricultural 

Cooperatives (BAAC) needed to enhance and expand services and solutions oered to armers and arming 

institutions. BAAC uses Gilat’s SkyEdge ™ to provide voice and data networking between branches, meeting 

strict requirements or security, short latency, quality o service and cost. With SkyEdge’s speed, exibility,stability and security, BAAC is confdent they can

not only improve existing services, but expand to meet growing customer needs.

The Business The government o Thailand established the BAACas a State enterprise overseen by the Ministry o 

Finance. The BAAC's mission is to more widelyextend credit directly to individual armers as well as

through armer institutions.

BAAC aims not just to reach fnancial objectives,

but to also improve the quality o lie o armers. Itprovides fnancial assistance to promote agriculture

as an occupation or armers and armer institutions,and to help armers and armer institutions increasetheir productivity and income. In addition, BAAC

provides rural areas with standard banking servicessuch as credit, checking and savings.

Part o BAAC’s IT strategy is to develop e-bankingsolutions, and that requires that all branches have

modern communications networks between eachbranch and other branches, provincial ofces and

other institutions

The Challenge 

BAAC needed a reliable platorm to enable efcient

transmission o bandwidth intensive inormation to alarge number o remote branches. The network needs

to improve existing customer service oerings such asCustomer Inormation Facilities (CIF), retail loans,deposits and branch automation, and support new

business channels such as credit and debit cards andonline banking. BAAC also wanted the ability or

easy uture expansion into advanced applications suchas video conerencing and mobile banking solutions.

BAAC already had an existing but outdated VSATsolution, but it could not provide broadband speed

or advanced banking services. It was also relativelyinefcient and expensive.

“ Deployment of Gilat’s 

VSAT network will allow us 

to assure our customers that 

they will receive the highest 

level of service on a continual 

basis – especially in remote 

areas where no banking service was available.”

Thiraphong Tangthirasunan, BAAC President 

SkyEdge met BAAC’s critical needs, providing: 

1) Secure private network.

2) Short latency through advanced access schemes.

3) Efcient space segment usage.

4) Advanced QoS or both inbound and outbound services.

5) High quality telephony communications.

6) Low “Total Cost o Ownership”, especially low operating expenses.

Page 2: Case Study BAAC 2006-07 (Finance, SkyEdge)

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BAAC had a set o requirements that needed to besatisfed. First, security is always a primary concern orevery fnancial institution. Second, satellite latency

must be minimized. Third, the frst two criteria must

not reduce space segment efciency. Fourth, advancedQuality o Service (QoS) methods must prioritizeapplication data trafc, ensuring that online banking

transactions and real-time trafc such as voice orvideo services get a higher priority than processessuch as database updates and fle transers. Fith, toll-

grade voice services between branches is necessary toimprove customer service. Finally, while up-ront costs

were important, over the entire duration o the projectit was critical to minimize outbound carrier bandwidth.

The Solution 

Ater considering several communication solutions,BAAC ound that no single terrestrial technology

could provide the reliability and bandwidth in a cost-eective manner. While some o the bank’s ofces

were in urban areas, remote areas, where no terrestrialcommunication solution was practical, required a

satellite solution or the prime communication link.The bank decided to deploy a hybrid solution mixingterrestrial and satellite network links.

Following a detailed market survey, Gilat’s service

oering was ound to be the best available platormor BAAC’s needs. Gilat's SkyEdge network enables

BAAC to operate all applications or both data andvoice on one platorm, beneft rom the reliability o satellite technology and provide or uture expansion.

In addition, SkyEdge’s efciencies meant that

the operating expenses o the network would beminimized, thereore improving ROI.

Other technical solutions directly addressed BAAC’s

needs. Data security is important to any business,but it is absolutely critical to fnancial institutions.

SkyEdge supports encryption or both inbound andoutbound trafc, as well as end-to-end IPSec solutions.

While encryption has a risk o expanding data andthus transmission latency, SkyEdge minimizes latency

through TCP Acceleration and other methods toenhance space-segment efciency.

Another major cost savings is that SkyEdge supportsoutbound carrier rates as low as 256 ksps and fne

granularity in bandwidth increases, helping BAAChold down initial costs and then careully grow theirnetworks while controlling expenditures.


BAAC is now able to signifcantly enhance its

fnancial services to the agricultural community inThailand. They are able to do so while holding downinrastructure costs and speeding up service rollout.

Gilat’s SkyEdge is instrumental in helping BAACmeet and exceed the demands o Thailand’s Ministry

o Finance, helping continue Thailand’s economicgrowth and prosperity.

BAAC plans to add more advanced services in theuture, such as mobile and e-banking, and that will

require a scalable network. With SkyEdge, BAAC canalso be confdent that those uture needs will be served.

Satellite Networks for Banking 

Typical BAAC Remote Site 

Gilat HQ +972 3 925 2000 

HUB  SkyEdge Pro 

Phone / Fax IP based clients & Applications 

Thaicom 2C C-Band 


Antenna  2.4m Antenna 

VSAT Indoor Unit 

PABX  IP Based Servers 


Doc 401710