case - how to improve engagement and drive conversion of your youtube campaign. by wouter schikhof...

CONVERSION DAY 2015 How to improve engagement and drive conversion of your YouTube campaign

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. CONVERSION DAY 2015 How to improve engagement and drive conversion of your YouTube campaign
  2. 2. #ConversionDay Who is ? Who is? On of the biggest European player in digital photo products, Market leader in Belgium, +300 different photo products, Active in 14 European countries, 35M turnover, 175 employees.
  3. 3. #ConversionDay Smartphotos challenge Big competitors run advertising campaign on Belgian National TV! How to compete, increase awareness for end of year period? How to drive direct response of video, while controlling costs ?
  4. 4. #ConversionDay Target audience Women 18-24 (personalized gifts) Women 25-45 (prints, calendars, books)
  5. 5. #ConversionDay Lets do a test!
  6. 6. #ConversionDay
  7. 7. #ConversionDay Campaign results 2013 Average CPV: 0,06 1,5M Views 00:00:29 Average view time
  8. 8. #ConversionDay Copy/paste - TV campaign (brand push),1 3 Nobody is being addressed Why your ad is not working on YouTube Not tailored to viewers context,2
  9. 9. #ConversionDay So you get.
  10. 10. #ConversionDay Increase campaign reach,1 3 Drive conversion! So how do we ? Increase average view time,2
  11. 11. #ConversionDay Time to bring in the expert!
  12. 12. #ConversionDay Expert in ?
  13. 13. #ConversionDay Experience in ? Creating content that people want to see. Connecting brands with specific target groups Earning viewers, their precious time and keep them interested.
  14. 14. #ConversionDay Our new reality
  15. 15. #ConversionDay TV Problem = Preroll Problem?
  16. 16. #ConversionDay Mind the Ego trap! Can YOU relate to him?
  17. 17. #ConversionDay Brand marketers and the ugly baby issue Not easy
  18. 18. #ConversionDay Focus on the customer needs What does she want?
  19. 19. #ConversionDay Get what YOU want! EASY?
  20. 20. #ConversionDay Youtube Preroll Problem? Several target groups in one commercial. Outbound marketing on a inbound channel. Nice images, little content Few feel addressed by the ads
  21. 21. #ConversionDay YouTube campaign approach Successful ads are ads that dont look an ad,1 3 Use several triggers to grab users attention, Link trigger to content relevance. 2
  22. 22. #ConversionDay Online success? Most successful example online: Adwords AD & Banner blindness
  23. 23. #ConversionDay Example of triggers we used Time of day Use time settings to make the video context more relevant for the user Recognition The user recognizes the emotion in the video and is able to relate to the character Search related Remarketing Differentiate message to skippers and viewers Etc. etc.
  24. 24. #ConversionDay So we could make just one.
  25. 25. #ConversionDay We made 18(per language)
  26. 26. #ConversionDay
  27. 27. #ConversionDay 8 Generic (Branded and non-branded) 3 Time related (time of day) 4 Keyword related (thematic) 2 Remarketing (pos/neg.) 1 Landingpage
  28. 28. #ConversionDay Why so many videos? But what if our audience hates it?
  29. 29. #ConversionDay Why so many videos? We can optimize and work with the best performing videos.
  30. 30. #ConversionDay 18 opportunities to connect
  31. 31. #ConversionDay Campaign flow Remarketing audiences in function of how people interact with the video! Thematic targeting Remarket audience skipped. Clicks to visit the website Landing page get your present InStream + InDisplay Remarket audience viewed / no conversion. Explore our gift offers
  32. 32. #ConversionDay Campaign landing page
  33. 33. #ConversionDay Campaign landing page
  34. 34. #ConversionDay
  35. 35. #ConversionDay Results 2,49 million Views (x 1,5 compared to the previous campaigns at equal media investment)
  36. 36. #ConversionDay Results
  37. 37. #ConversionDay Results - devices 54% Desktop 45% Mobile
  38. 38. #ConversionDay
  39. 39. #ConversionDay Results Average cost per view: 0,03 ( -50% compared to the previous campaigns)
  40. 40. #ConversionDay Results Conversion 10,5k @ gathered NL: 0,62% vs. FR: 0,24%
  41. 41. #ConversionDay In the end it was all about
  42. 42. #ConversionDay Create something people want to see,1 3 Use context and triggers, 4 Take aways Mirror your target groups,2 4 Align video concept with technical / targeting options So, challenge yourself and your agency.
  43. 43. THANK YOU