cartier presentation

Meet Jacques Cartier Hey kids! I’m a born and raised Frenchman! I was born in 1491. Remember those 2 ships that got damaged in a storm during Verrazano's voyage? Well, once they got back to France and were repaired, the King of France picked me to take those ships back out again! What country was Cartier born in and explore for? Write your answer on your “Background Information” fact card.

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Meet JacquesCartier

Hey kids! I’m a born and raised Frenchman!

I was born in 1491. Remember those 2

ships that got damaged in a storm during Verrazano's voyage? Well, once

they got back to France and were

repaired, the King of France picked me to

take those ships back out again!

What country was Cartier born in and explore for?

Write your answer on your “Background Information” fact card.

We set sail from France in 1534 with 2

ships and 61 crewmen! And guess what we were looking


A quick way to Asia!




What was Cartier looking for on his voyages?

Write your answer on your “Goals” fact card.

My crew and I explored the northern part of the “new world.” It only took us 20

days to get there! We discovered some new islands and bodies of


Boy, it’s cold up here in the north!

Oh, quit your whining! We’ve got

gold to find!

Cartier explored what is now

parts of Canada. The explorers called it “New


Hey! Jacques look! What’s

this water pathway?

Let’s head our ships this way!

Follow me!

Jacques’ discovery of the

St. Lawrence River.

What river did Jacques Cartier discover for France?

Write your answer on your “Voyages” fact card.

That’s right. I found a new river! When we got back to France after our voyage. I went straight to the

king to tell him what I had found!

Well done, Cartier! I’m impressed!

France could use a new river under our control to make us

more powerful! How about a second

voyage to explore more?

Men! We’re heading out again! Let’s see

what else we can find!

A quick way to Asia!



We’ll see...

So we set out again, looking for the St. Lawrence River again. We

were hoping to be able to go a little further down the river this time.Where did Cartier explore on

his second voyage?

Write your answer on your “Voyages” fact card.

We were able to find the river again and began

sailing downriver. We even stopped on land for a while.

The Iroquois Native Americans helped us learn

the land.

If you head west, you’ll find more land with gold and silver!

But you better hurry, winter is


The winter months froze the river, making traveling the river impossible. Some men even got sick from scurvy. Luckily,

some helpful Natives gave the men tea to help cure the illness. Cartier and his crew waited until Spring before

exploring again.

What problem did Cartier and his crew have once they arrived on


Write your answer on your “Voyages” fact card.

After more exploration of the river and

the land around it, we headed back

to France!

You did it again, Cartier! I want to send you out one more time. This time, I

want you to take some of our people over to our

newly claimed land to live there. We will make a permanent settlement!

So that’s just what we did. We made a

permanent French settlement in the

northern part of the new world along the St. Lawrence River.

What was the result of Cartier’s 3rd voyage?

Write your answer on your “Results” fact card..

End of Section

This is the end ofJacques Cartier’s
