carel press catalogue 2009

Order approval copies 01228 538928 Key Organisations see p2 Essential Articles p5 Issues p2-4,10-11 World issues posters p2 Graphic novels p14 Library Skills p6-8 Catalogue Spring 09 L IBRARY LRC Fact File 2009 is brilliant - an ideal companion to Essential Articles, which is used daily in the Library here. Barbara Turner, Kings Langley School Superb accessible text and brilliant graphics and the CD and online possibilities too - worth its weight in gold! Geoff Dubber, Chair, School Library Association NEW VISIT OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE • Now includes online access • FREE worksheets on web See p3 FREE digital guide to Fact File & Essential Articles on the web

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Full colour catalogue, Carel Press 2009


Page 1: Carel Press Catalogue 2009

Order approval copies 01228 538928

Key Organisations see p2

Essential Articles p5 Issues p2-4,10-11

World issues posters p2

Graphic novels p14

Library Skills p6-8

Catalogue Spring 09 Library LrC

“ “Fact File 2009 is brilliant - an ideal companion to Essential Articles, which is used daily in the Library here. Barbara Turner, Kings Langley School

Superb accessible text and brilliant graphics and the CD and online possibilities too - worth its weight in gold!Geoff Dubber, Chair, School Library Association

“ “




• Now includes online access • FREE worksheets on web See p3

FREE digital guide to Fact File & Essential Articles on the web

Page 2: Carel Press Catalogue 2009


Contents NEW

Atlases .......................11

Bullying dvd pack .....16

Classical Comics ........14

Essential Articles ........5

Fact File 2009 ..............3

Food File ....................4

Food titles .........4,10,11

Great Library Ideas .....6

Issues ........2,3,4,5,10,11

Key Organisations ......2

Library posters ............7

Library skills .............6-8

LinksPlus Marc ............9

Maps .........................11

Online resources...2, 3,9

Reading Game ............8

Reading/library posters .7

ReadPlus .....................9

Reference ..................12

Shakespeare ...12,14,15

Shorter Shakespeare ..15

Study Skills ................13

WebLinks ....................9

Key Organisations 2009Updated & reliable contacts guide – book, online & cd rom 3,000 organisations: pressure groups, charities & more.

‘One of the most useful resources in the library’ Penny Burton, Pudsey

FREE BOOK OFFERTry approval subscriptions to

Essential Articles & Fact File: get free Key Organisations in the first year &

then at the discounted price of £11.50

£35 or sUBscRiBE And sAvE £10, subscription only £25

(New edition on approval annually) Site licence Only £9.95 + vat

World issues Posters• A monthly series of eye-catching A4 pdf posters

• Stunning photos highlighting key issues

• A personalised poster - you choose the wording!

(The posters can be blown up to A3 size)

“Timely and full of impact”Joanna Godfree, Portsmouth Grammar School

A year’s subscription £19.95 + vat (12 posters + welcome poster)

new poster emailed every month Only £9.95 + vat for Fact File subscribers

sUBscRiBERs also receive FrEE single user online access

Page 3: Carel Press Catalogue 2009


Contents NEW Fact File 2009 includes online access

For age 14-18 Copiable 192 page book with online access (single user) & cd £49.95 or sUBscRiBE And sAvE £10

Only: £39.95 for subscribers.

site licence (includes home use): Schools £14.95 + vat

Colleges per site £34.95 + vat Extra copy of the book £14.95

Fact File 2009Essential statistics for today’s key issues

• Full colour stunning presentation• Speedy & accessible• For use across the curriculum

‘vERy impREssivE’ Jane Brooker, Maidstone Grammar School for Girls

‘ExcEllEnT REsOURcE’ Francis Coyne, Learning Resource Facilitator, Bexley College

Online & Cd rom• All the pages from the book

• Live links to key websites

• Complete spreadsheet data to make your own charts instantly!

• Archive from 2001

‘HigHly REcOmmEndEd’ The School Librarian

‘We very much value the online Fact File, which our students enjoy using.’ Jo Stroud, Library & Learning Resources Co-ordinator, Coleg Menai

Key issues: Britain & its citizens, environment, family, financial issues, food, health, internet, law & order, sport & leisure, wider world, work


Page 4: Carel Press Catalogue 2009


Food File The facts, issues & controversies of food

Fantastic copiable book & cd

For age 14-18. 48pp, copiable. £14.95. 15+ copies £7.95 each.

Cd £14.95 + vat. Licence £14.95 + vat Book & Cd with FREE site licence £24.95

OFFER: Buy Food File & 101 Facts you should know about food (p10)

& save £1 off each

• Accessible facts & articles on key issues

• Thought provoking & up-to-date

• Readable & accessible

‘The breadth and range of the coverage is

superb ... invaluable and essential resource for all secondary libraries ... What i find constantly amazing with these publications is the editorial integrity and the authority with which the anthology is compiled. This is another example of a superb service to school libraries from a reliable source.’ The School Librarian, Summer 2008

‘Fantastic’ Susan Lewis, Biggar High School

‘Excellent - so topical, well designed and presented’ Geoff Dubber, Chair, School Library Association

Reviews & comments

Page 5: Carel Press Catalogue 2009


Fantastic copiable book & cd the vital resource for today’s issues

For age 14-18. Copiable 208 pages. £39.95 or sUBscRiBE And sAvE £10

Only: £29.95 for subscribers. Future volumes sent annually on approval

Set of 9 vols in print (incl vol 11) £160. Save £14.55 or £150 for subscribers – save £24.95.

Essential articles 11 Opinion, comment, opposing viewpoints• Powerful, relevant articles

• Promotes informed discussion

• Free promotional poster

Free digital guide to Essential Articles & Fact File on web

‘An ABsOlUTEly BRilliAnT resource. carel press have excelled themselves again! Extremely well presented with the usual range of FAscinATing ARTiclEs designed to help young people to think about KEy issUEs that concern them. i lOvE iT!’ Geoff Dubber, Chair, School Library Association, September 2008

‘cOmpElling articles that support focussed discussion, in contrast to ‘cut -and-paste’ internet research.’ Youth Work Now

‘great new format – OUR pUpils REAlly AppREciATE iT.’ Sue Bussey, Derby High School

Reviews & comments

Page 6: Carel Press Catalogue 2009


successful, easy to use, practical suggestions

Tried & tested tips & techniques

Easy-to-use, an instant lift for your library/lRc• Brilliant ideas from practising librarians

• Easily adapted to different abilities and ages

• From one-off lessons to projects

nikki Heath, slA school librarian of 2008, is a major contributor to great library ideas.

Age up to 14. Copiable 88pp. £29.95 including cd

Only £24.95 for subscribers to Essential Articles & Fact File.

Great Library ideas

‘great library ideas provides a large part of THE REAsOn WHy REAding sTill FlOURisHEs in the pressured lives of so many children ... a huge range of well tried and tested activities ... each idea is clearly described and resourced. THE BOOK is clEAR And BRiEF, FUn And EnTHUsiAsm EAsily BRigHTEn iTs pAgEs.’ Speaking English magazine, Autumn 2008

‘i love great library ideas – A TREAsURE cHEsT OF gOOd idEAs’ Geoff Dubber, chair, School Library Association

‘ABsOlUTEly WOndERFUl’ Barbara Cronk, Bishop Bell School, Eastbourne

‘Fantastic and inspiRATiOnAl’ Ann Hannam, Sherburn High, Leeds

Reviews & commentsnOW



ideas include: • Best Borrowers • desert island Books • non Fiction detective • guess the genre • murder in the library • Web versus Books • speed dating • Blind date Reads

• 101 Reasons to Read a Book • Book Ends

For more Library Skills see p8

Page 7: Carel Press Catalogue 2009


spread the word!

• Stunning photos

• New pdf poster emailed every month

• Key messages

• Your choice of terms: Library or LRC

(The posters can be blown up to A3 size)

reading & Library promotion postersAn eyecatching series to promote your library

library guidance posterslibrary sign: see right

decoder chart: 560 key terms with classification numbers.

£1.95 + vat each

‘ExcEllEnT pOsTERs, real value for money. school librarians are always looking for attractive posters to promote reading, enliven their library and develop information skills. gREAT idEA, gREAT pOsTERs.’ Geoff Dubber, Chair, School Library Association

‘FAnTAsTic’ Caitlin Jones, Oakham School

‘certainly proving vERy pOpUlAR here and have brightened the library up no end.’ Sara Turner, Poole

Reviews & comments

A year’s subscription £19.95 +vat. (12 posters + personalised poster)

Only £9.95 +vat for subscribers to both Essential Articles & Fact File

FREE: personalised Welcome poster for your library

Page 8: Carel Press Catalogue 2009


The hugely popular Reading game first edition sold out!

Transform reluctant readers into borrowers in one lesson!

• A sure-fire way to get 11-16 year olds reading

• Gripping and highly motivating

• For any number

• Introduces genres

• Instantly adapted to any library / LRC

• Fiction & non fiction

• A must for Reading Clubs

The Reading Game introduces a wide range of books (you choose them!) in a fun and imaginative way.

Children will be queuing up to borrow!

For a film of the game see web.

‘FAnTAsTic’ Margaret Drinkwater, School Library Service Manager, Leeds

‘converted non-library users into users’ Lynn Barrett, Dixon’s CTC

‘very popular, flexible and easy to run. An ABsOlUTE HiT!’ Liz Smith, Pembroke School

£37.50 (2 for £67.50) + vat.

Quirky quizzes for lively libraries

• 34 quizzes plus brain teasers and puzzles for age 11-13

• Instant, copiable, no preparation needed!

• Includes answers!

• Extension activities: crosswords, word searches and more!

‘FABUlOUs’ Sarah Weeks, Kingdown School

‘BRilliAnT’Wendy Mann, The Stanway School, Colchester

2 books, 52pp each, £17.50, or both for £29.95 Sample pages on web.

search and discoverThe copiable resource for developing active library/LRC skills

• Links with key curriculum areas

• Caters for different abilities

As recommended in the DfES booklet Improve your Library

‘invAlUABlE’ The School Librarian

‘BRilliAnT!’ Anne Robinson

Age 11-13. 120pp. £19.95

Book Here!

curriculum linked library lessonsAre your shelves full of the most fantastic books that students would love if only they would sample them? A school librarian tackles this problem in a practical and fun way.

Covers poetry, maths, science

‘ExcEllEnT. it touches those parts that other publications don’t often reach! … it is very useful: we all know that poetry is an area often ignored - an excellent range of poets is included. i like the scientist section too.’ Geoff Dubber, Chair: School Library Association ‘JUsT WHAT WE nEEd.’ Lesley Lee, librarian, Harrow International School

Age 11-13. 48pp + 5 full colour charts. £24.95. 2 copies £39.95 - save £9.95.

OFFER: 5 copiable books & a gameGreat Library Ideas (p6), Book Here!,

The Reading Game, Quirky Quizzes for Lively Libraries (2 books), Search and

Discover for £115 – save £27.35

Develop skills in your libraryThe library bookIntroduces the library

Lesson plans in the style of the National Literacy Strategy‘Excellent. very useful.’ Heather Handley, Brittons School

Age 11-13 Copiable. £17.50

lively library book

Quizzes and puzzles to practise library skills (with answers!)

Age 11-13 Copiable. £17.50.

Exploring the library

Using reference books, reading techniques...

Age 11-13 Copiable. £17.50

3 superb online resources – outstanding value!

For more Library Skills See p6

OFFER: All 3 books above £48.50, sAvE £4.

Page 9: Carel Press Catalogue 2009


3 superb online resources – outstanding value!

readPlus The invaluable online fiction database – because even the best librarian can’t read everything! Search for books from a list of hundreds of themes eg fantasy, football, friendship..• Recommended books & reviews

• Free resources

• Author profiles

• ‘Read similar books’ bookmarks

‘A valuable tool for all school librarians. i wouldn’t be without it.’ Laura Taylor, Librarian, City of London Academy

2 brilliant digital services for recommended, safe educational web sites

Saves hours of teacher and student time. For 11-18.

You want students to use the web but in a structured way, without the inappropriate sites that a search engine will find. Use our database of recommended sites and be reassured that your students are learning.

Weblinks Online• Searchable online database with thousands of recommended web sites

• Makes web searching fast, focused and fruitful

• Updated monthly with new, relevant web sites

• Easy to search by key word, learning area and category

LinksPlus MarCAll the recommended websites from Weblinks Online, above, in MARC format for your library computer catalogue.

‘i THinK iT is OF gREAT vAlUE TO scHOOls.’ Christine McFarlane, School Library Adviser, Devon

Both Weblinks Online & linksplus mARc for £99.95 + vat. save £19.95

Weblinks – for the best

web sites that make learning


For age up to 18. Annual subscription £39.95 + vat (incl site licence). Firm order only. Personal subscription £29.95 + vat.

£59.95 + vat annual subscription

Annual subscription £59.95 + vat with site licence allowing home use

Page 10: Carel Press Catalogue 2009


stimulate debate: issues & controversies

101 facts you should know about food The contents of the average British shopping trolley travel 95,000 miles!

An essential guide to the facts behind food – the world’s biggest business.

For 14-18. £7.99.

50 Facts you need to know: UsAEverything from poverty, universities to guns.

For age 16-18 £9.99

50 facts that should change the worldHard hitting facts.

For age 16+. £8.99

50 facts you need to know: EuropePoverty to pop music.

For age 16+. £9.99.

Foul play: what’s wrong with sport?Sport is bad for health, damaging to character, and the last refuge of sexism, racism, homophobia and animal cruelty! For age 16-18. £8.99

do animals have rights?Fresh thinking on a bitter argument. ‘A useful resource.’ J Warwick, Librarian, Wokingham

For age 16+. £7.99.

sport matters

Copiable articles & cartoons about sports issues: disability, drugs, race, women in sport. ‘stimulating’ TES

For age 14-18. £4.95, 15+ £1.95 each.

no-nonsense guidesEasy introductions to key subjects & global issues for age 16-18.

Animal rights; Climate change; Conflict & peace; Democracy; Fair trade; Global media; Globalisation; HIV/AIDS; Human rights; International development; International migration; Islam; Science; Sexual diversity; Terrorism; Tourism; United Nations; Water; Women’s rights; World Food; World Health; World History; World Poverty. £6.99 each.

‘guaranteed to spark debate’ TES

small guides to Big issues • Cities • Climate Change• Women’s Rights3 accessible introductions to global issues. Each provides an informative guide to current trends, and what needs to happen to end poverty and injustice.For age 14-18. £9.99 each

‘invaluable’ atlases TES stunning world maps

OFFER: All 4 Facts books (World,

Europe, UsA, Food) £29.95 – save £7.01

OFFER: 101 Facts you should Know About Food & Food File (p4).

save £1 off each

OFFER: All 6 for £26.94, save £3.

All 3 £26.97. sAvE £3

OFFER: Any 6: £36. Any 12 £69.95

Trigger issuesEach of the 6 books in this highly readable series analyses a key object.

• Football

• T-shirt• Condom

• Diamonds

• Kalashnikov AK47

• Mosquito

‘i have just bought Football and already it is out and being asked for.’ Ruan Peat, Wick High School

For age 14-18. £4.99 each

Funny WeatherThis wonderful comic book explains the science behind climate change. ‘Buy this book’ New Internationalist

For age 13-18. £6.99

Page 11: Carel Press Catalogue 2009


See sample pages of these amazing atlases on the web

‘invaluable’ atlases TES stunning world maps

Raise awareness of global issues with 3 eye opening

World maps

Shows countries in proportion to size. £8.95.

Peters World Map

Atlas of Food nEW edition: October 08 Maps every link of the food chain, from farming, production and retail to the food on our plates. £12.99

Endangered species atlas nEW edition: Profiles species lost, threatened and surviving today. £12.99

state of the world atlas nEW edition: Key trends: globalisation, trade, military strength, world powers, biodiversity, sport and malnutrition. £12.99

Also: Atlas of Women (new edition), Water, climate change, Religion and many more...

Buy any 5 atlases & save £1 off each

Population Map

Countries in proportion to population £19.95‘splendid’ The School Librarian

What’s Up? South!

Beautiful upside down world map. £19.95 ‘BRilliAnT’ The School Librarian

Arno peters & his map: dvd A remarkable 30 minute documentary about peters and his revolutionary map.

This new dvd also includes 25 video resources, lesson plans, 150 Power Point images, MP3 audio files, recommended web links and much more. £14.95 + vat. Site licence £14.95 + vat

peters World map (Above) Shows countries in their correct proportions. Laminated, £8.95


OFFER: Dvd & Peters World Map

£18.95+vat on the dvd

Save £4.95 Free site licence

for Fact File and Essential

Articles subscribers

Buy both maps & SAvE £2 on each

Page 12: Carel Press Catalogue 2009


social trends 2008 £49.50 (£2 discount for Fact File subscribers).

info France cdIndispensable facts about France, in French, in full colour ‘A must-have’ The School Librarian

Cd £9.95 + vat. Site licence £9.95 + vat (free to Fact File subscribers)

reference – latest editionsThe guardian university guide 2009The best and most up-to-date university guide.

• Find the best course

• Invaluable advice on forms and interviews

• The lowdown from students

£15.99, £2 discount off each extra copy.

The world as it appears from space using NASA imagery

• Cities glow at night!

• Free book of Earth facts, fun & games

40cm diameter, £11.91 + vat (2: £21.27 + vat, save £2.55). Firm order only

The whole text of a play in a superb and readable poster! Ideal for display. Immediately makes the plays seem more accessible! 8 posters:

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, The Merchant of Venice, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing

‘Absolutely brilliant!’ Alison Squibb, Librarian, Priestlands School, Lymington

£19.95 + vat each. Firm order only. 67 x 100cm.

EarthBalls stunning,

inflatable globes

shakespeare complete play posters!

resources to bring learning aLiVE

new internationalist Global development magazine. For 16+.

Annual subscription £32.85 (with a free Peters World Map) Ask for a sample copy.

new internationalist cd 1981-2006 The complete archive.

£12.76 + vat. Site licence £12.76 + vat.

OFFER: Buy one and get another at HAlF pRicE!

state of the world 2009The accessible annual guide to progress towards a sustainable future.

From car-sharing and carbon taxes to fair trade and zero-waste cities.

For 16+. £14.99


Page 13: Carel Press Catalogue 2009


Essential study & Exam skills

learn to rememberA brilliant book revealing the role of memory in learning.

For 16+. £10.99.

How to remember (almost) everything, ever!Crammed with cool tricks, experiments and great mind games to help train your brain.

£5.99. Age up to 12.

How to pass exams New editionA wide ranging guide for all ages & abilities.

£7.99, 15: £99.95: save £19.90

100 study planner charts 2008-09 & 100 Exam charts £55 + vat (that’s just 28p + vat each)

study planner chart 2008-09BEsT sEllER: 3 reprints last year!Help your students meet deadlines! Includes study guidance.

Exam countdown chart A personal revision frameworkMakes revision planning active! For ages 14-18

copiable 176pp Only £24.95

BUlK discOUnT: 15+ £6.95 each, 50+ £5.95, 100+ £4.95, 150+ £4.50

EAcH cOpy inclUdEs A FREE sTUdy plAnnER cHART

charts are only £1.28 each

BUlK discOUnT: 10+ 68p; 50+ 43p;

100+ 38p, (all + vat)



Size: 42 x 30cm Size: 63 x 45cm

Proven techniques & exam strategies

‘Really useful. There’s so much in there. gREAT!’ Adele Abbot, Librarian, West Park School, Derby

‘packed with down-to-earth advice.’ TES

strategies for studying Active Learning Skills post 16

Page 14: Carel Press Catalogue 2009


Classical Comics: Exciting graphic novels & plays

Great novels...

• Great Expectations

• Jane Eyre

• Frankenstein

• A Christmas Carol

Original text

Plain modern text

...and shakespeare

• Macbeth• Henry V


• Romeo and Juliet


2 separate editions of each novel

Abridged original text

Quick Text shortened modern English

stunning illustrations turn classic literature into classical comics

3 separate editions of each play

Original text

Modern English plain text

Quick text

‘One of the most successful versions i have ever come across. vERy impREssivE at a surprisingly reasonable price.’ The School Librarian

‘FUn’ Ian McNeilly, director of NATE

‘The sixth formers think they are gREAT’ Ms Breeze, Northamptonshire

‘students who have found this vivid, manga-influenced rendition fun will be encouraged to tackle the real thing.’ The Times

‘sUpERB’ Miss O’Leary, teacher, Cornwall

Reviews & comments

For all ages. £9.99

10 or more £8.50 30 or more £6.95 100 or more £6.45

(can be a mix of titles)

Teacher’s copiable books for each title: £19.99

Page 15: Carel Press Catalogue 2009


shorter shakespeare series – from £1.99 each

Great novels...shortened, original language scripts with stunning photos

7 PLAYS: 2 now in full colour

Romeo and Juliet & The Tempest are in full colour with outstanding photos from modern productions

‘These scripts make the plays AccEssiBlE to students ... & should succeed in making shakespeare FUn.’ Peter Hollindale

‘FABUlOUs’ Jane Waters, KS3 Literacy Consultant, Redbridge

‘FAnTAsTic. i couldn’t have a more perfect text or teacher resource. Our kids are really enjoying every moment of it - even the less able ones.’ Prue Greene

‘ABsOlUTEly BRilliAnT.’ Ruth McFarlane, Queen Elizabeth School, Kirkby Lonsdale

Reviews & comments

scripts: £3.99. 15+ £2.99, 30+ £2.50, 50+ £2.25, 100: £1.99 each (can be a mix, plus free teacher’s book of your choice – see below).

Teacher’s books: Brilliant ideas and copiable worksheets: Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, Twelfth Night. £24.95 each.

Free: Will Works copiable resource Buy 15 or more scripts & get free Will Works – an acclaimed book with practical ideas for introducing Shakespeare. (£9.95, see

eBooks £4.95: Much Ado About Nothing, Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest are available as eBooks at £4.95 + vat each – see web.

sampler pack: 7 scripts & 3 teacher’s books. £69.95. Save £32.83

Page 16: Carel Press Catalogue 2009


World data at your fingertips cd• Data for 196

countries in spreadsheet form

• 80 topics

• Make impressive charts instantly

‘vERy UsEFUl’ Dr Nick Weatherhogg, Downside School

nutter: anti-bullying dvd Powerful dvd tackling the issue of bullying. (6 mins)‘i was bullied at school. i wish i’d had something like this back in those days’ Martin Newell, Sunday Express

For age 12-18. dvd £15 +vat. Playscript also available: £6.99, 20 + £6.30 each

Kick it: binge drinking dvd The UK’s most successful alcohol awareness dvd. 9 mins.‘Excellent’ Anne Lord, PSHE adviser, Kent

For 12-18, £15 + vat

Kick it: smoking This best selling dvd uses the popularity of sport to appeal to both sexes. (5 mins.)

For up to age 14. £15 + vat.

OFFER: All 3 dvds above £42.50 + vat. save £2.50.

Great digital resources & PshE dvds

phone for approval copies. if our line is busy please leave a message or email.

Carel Press, 4 Hewson St, Carlisle CA2 5AU [email protected] Tel 01228 538928 p&p £1 (mainland UK), free on orders over £30 (elsewhere at cost). Please send on approval:





Name .....................................................................

Address .................................................................

......................................................................... Lib

Email (PLEASE PRINT) ...........................................


The A-Z of drugs and Quit (smoking) dvd

Channel 4 no-nonsense programmes. For 14-18, 8 programmes. £29 + vat

A-Z of love & sex A frank Channel 4 series. For age 14-18, 6 x 25 mins programmes, £25 + vat. OFFER: Buy both above dvds for £52 + vat - Save £1 on each!

Bullying dvd pack Raises issues & focuses on solutions. For staff, pupils & parents.

Hard hitting, 12 minute dvd. Copiable INSET materials on Cd & a copy of the play Turning Blind Eyes.‘cannot be praised highly enough.’ The School Librarian

For age 14+. £19.95 +vat.

group games database A lifesaving cd for teachers, workshop leaders, trainers, librarians and anyone with a sense of fun!

Over 300 games in a searchable database.• full instructions on

each game• browse or search for

a specific game• simple to use but

with powerful results!‘BRilliAnT. A must for every school library. ’ Geoff Dubber, Chair, SLA

For all ages. £24.95 + vat. Site licence: £24.95 + vat. Sorry: Windows PC only.

• Great posters focussing on key topics: literacy, drama, poetry, grammar, spelling, media...

• Make as many copies as you want!

A monthly series in A4 pdf format. Order now and receive a FREE personalised version for your department


A year’s subscription £19.95 + vat (12 posters plus department poster)

(£9.95 + vat for Essential Articles subscribers)

sTRiKing pOsTERs FOR EnglisH

£9.95 + vat. Site licence: £9.95 + vat. spEciAl OFFER: (Free site licence for subscribers

to Essential Articles or Fact File!)