canal outlets

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  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    Canal Outlets

  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets



    An outlet is a small structure which admits water from the

    distributing channel to a water course or field channel.

    An outlet is a sort of head regulator for the field channel

    delivering water to the irrigation fields.

    The responsibility of maintenance of the distributing channel

    and the whole canal network lies with Government, while

    that of the field channel lies with the farmer. The outlet is the

    connecting medium for the two.

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  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    A canal outlet should fulfil the following requirements

    1. The outlet should be strong, with no moving parts liable to bedamaged or requiring periodic attention and maintenance.

    2. It should be so designed that the farmer cannot temper with its

    functioning and any interference from him should be easilydetectable.

    3. Since a large number of outlets are fied on a distributing

    channel, the most essential requirement is that it should be cheap.

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    !. The design should be simple so that it can be constructed orfabricated by local masons or technicians.

    ". It should be possible for the outlet to wor# efficiently with a

    small wor#ing head.

    $. The outlet should draw its fair share of silt carried by the

    distributing channel.

    %. &rom the farmer's point of view, the outlet should give a fairly

    constant discharge. (owever, from the canal regulation point of

    view, the outlet should draw proportionately more or less

    discharge with the varying supply in the distribution channel.

    A canal outlet should fulfil the following requirements

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    Types of Outlets

    )utlets may be classified under the following three

    heads *

    1. +onmodular )utlet.

    2. Semimodule or &leible -odule.

    3. igid -odule.

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  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    on!modular Outlet

    / nonmodular outlet is the one in which the discharge dependsupon the difference in level between the water levels in the

    distributing channel and the water course.

    The discharge through such an outlet varies in wide limits withthe fluctuations of the water levels in the distributing and the field


    The common eamples under this category are * submerged pipeoutlet, masonry sluice and orifices, and wooden shoots.

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    The pipe, varies from 10 to 30 cm in diameter, and are frequently

    laid on a light concrete foundation to prevent uneven settlement

    and consequent lea#age.

    They are generally fied horiontally at right angles to the flow


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    "emi!module or #le$ible Outlet

    A fle$ible outlet or semi!module is the one in which the discharge is

    affected by the fluctuations in the water level of the distributing

    channel while the fluctuations in the water levels of the field

    channel do not have any effect on its discharge.

    The various outlets in common use that fall under this category arepipe

    outlet, ennedys gauge outlet, 4rumps open flume outlet and pipecum open flume outlet.

    Common types of flexible outlets-

    Pipe Semi Module

    %ennedy&s gauge outlet Open Flume Outlet (OFMs) -

    Crumps Adjustable proportionate Module(Crumps APM)

    Adjustable Orifce Semi module (AOSM)

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    'ipe Outlets (ischarging #reely in the Atmosphere

    The discharge through such an outlet will depend only upon the

    water level of the distributary, and will be independent of thewater level of the water!course so long as the pipe is discharging


    Silt conduction for such an outlet is quite good 5 efficiency is high.

    6ut a freely falling 7et outlet can be provided only at a few placeswhere sufficient level difference between the distributary and water

    course is available.

    The discharge can be easily computed by using the equation

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    %ennedy&s gauge outlet8 It is made of cast iron and consist of three main parts

    1. /n orifice with bellmouth entry

    2. /long epanding delivery pipe3. /n intervening vertical air column above the throat

    . The discharge through this semimodule is given by

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    The suitabilit o! the tpe o! the semi module

    outlet is determined based on the ratio o! parentcanal dischar"e (#) to the dischar"e o! the outlet ($) and the throat %idth (&t) as detailed


    i) !or (#$ ) or * +, and &t . cm Open

    Flume Module( OFM)

    ii) !or (#$ ) or * +, and &t . cmAdjustable Proportional module ( APM )

    !or (#$ ) / +,

    1! the abo2e re$uirements do not suit the site

    Open #lume Outlets

  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    The abo2e conditions are !urther e6plained as belo%

    Arri2e at the ratio o! parent channel out let channel'

    1! it is or * +,3 select OFM' Calculate the &t ( throat

    %idth )3 usin" %eir !ormula'1! &t is / . cm it is o7'

    Other%ise select A'P'M'

    8or7 out the &t usin" the sluice !ormula settin" thecrest o! outlet at less than ,'9, : !rom FS; o! Parent

    Channel and adjustin" the hei"ht o! outlet openin"'1! &t * or / . it is o7

    Other%ise "o !or pipe semi module (PSM)3 i! it ispossible to do so'

    Chec7 !or proportionall

    Open #lume Outlets

  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    Open #lume Outlets

    It is a weir type outlet with a constricted throat and an e$panding

    flume on the downstream. (ue to the constriction a super!criticalvelocity is ensured in the throat and thereby allowing the

    formation of a )ump in the e$panding flume.

    The formation of hydraulic )ump makes the outlet discharge

    independent of the water level in the water!course* thus makingit a semi!module.

    There are two types of open flume outlets*

    +. 'an)ab open flumes outlet

    . Crump&s Ad)ustable open flume outlet

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    A smooth %eir %ith a throat constricted su o! depth o! %aterabo2e the crest o! out let'

    Formation o! hdraulic jump ma7es the out letindependent o! %ater le2el in the out let channel

    Open FlumeModule(OFM)

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    # in Cumecs * ? &t@+

    Where K = a constant depending upon the width of theume Bt= throat width of the weir (minimum 6 cm)

    For Bt , 6 cm to cm K=!"6 cm to !# cm K= !"6$

    % !#cm K= !"66& = head o'er crest in m"

    1t is most suited to tail cluster and proportionatedistribution'

    ;en"th o! throat (crest) * +@

    Settin" @ * ,'B :3 %here : is FS dept o! Parent canal Minimum modular %or7in" head * ,'+ @ Crest le2el * S FS; D ,'B : S approach to throat ----- one cur2ed and di2er"in"

    and another strai"ht

    :S e6pansion------- splaed to 4 in 4, to meet thebed %idth o! the out let channel

    Open Flume Module

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    Open Flume Module

  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    O* F+M Module-

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    'an)ab Open #lumes Outlet

    In 9un7ab open flume outlet, the upstream approach is made

    curved and the downstream approach is made straight.

    The length of the throat is #ept 2(. The width of the flume at

    the downstream end is #ept 0.3 m wider than the throat width

    :;0 to ?0@. The minimum modular loss

    involved in such an outlet is about 0.2(.

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    Crump&s Ad)ustable Open #lume Outlet

    In 4rump's outlet the upstream face is set bac# by a distance

    AB' equal to the width of the opening of the module.

    It enables the outlet to ta#e a fare share of silt. The throat is

    constricted to ensure hypercritical velocity. The length of the

    throat is #ept equal to 2."(.

    The discharge is given by

    where * C throat width:m< 4 C4oefficient of discharge C1.%1

    q C discharge through outlet

    ( C head over the crest:m? >1.$$2

    10&S m >2.31? >1.?%2

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    .esign of OFM

  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    Canal Out lets

    Open Flume Module (OFM)9

    @draulic :esi"nN

    atio of ?> = C"E C"CD

    = !!"/ED L #C

    &ence O"F"M" is roposed"

    F7. in the parent channel, . = C"/EC m

    :epth o! =o% in the parent channel at +rddischar"eN

    :n*,'5BEm (assumed)

    For #Erd

    .ischarge in arent 2anal ?n= #E J ? = C"6#6 cumecs+et .n= C"$ m , 4rea = !"#$# m


    erimeter = E"E$# m, = C"E/#, and #E= C"!/

    elocit: = C"C$ msec

    .ischarge = C"6#6 cumecs

    &ence .n i"e", depth of ow of C"$ m in the parent channel assumed

    Canal Out lets & Modular

  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    Canal Out lets & Modular

    Outlets Open Flume Module (OFM)N

    The dischar"e o! the outlet $ (in cumecs) is "i2en b the !ormulaN

    $ * ? 6 &t6 @+

    8here ? * Constant dependin" upon the %idth o! =ume

    &t* Throat %idth o! %eir

    @ * @ead o2er crest in meters

    @n * @ead o2er crest at + # * ( @ D 6 )

    For !ull dischar"e $ * ? 6 &t6 @+ - ( 4 )

    For + dischar"e $ * ? 6 &t6 (@n)+* ? 6 &t6 (@-6)

    + - ( + )

    & di2idin" e$uation (4) b e$uation (+)

    $ + $ * ? 6 &t6 @+ + ($) ? 6 &t6 (@ - 6)


    + * (@+(@ - 6)+)+

    (+)+* (@+(@ - 6)+)+

    4'4, * @ (@ - 6)

    ,'4 ' @ * 4'4 ' 6

    @ * E'++5 6

    6 * ,'4. m

    Canal Out lets & Modular

  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    Canal Out lets & Modular

    Outlets Open Flume Module (OFM)9Minimum Head required (modular) = 0.2 x H = 0.2 x 0.575 = 0.115 m

    Available Working Head = Dieren!e o "#$%& in 'aren anal and * + ,ake anal= -2.1/ + -1./72 = 0.7 m *

    q = x x H32

    4alue o a& 6er #8 121+1/-- = 1.9

    = q 3 ( . H32)

    = 0.0-0 3 1.9 x (0.575)32= 0.112 m

    q = x

    x H32

    =1.9 x 0.112 x 0.57532

    =0.0-0 !ume!& *

    "or 23rdq8

    qn=(23 x 0.0-0) = 0.05 !ume!&

    Hn=H + x =0.575 + 0.19 =0./ m

    = x x Hn32

    =1.9 x 0.112 x 0./32= 0.05 !ume!& *n order o mainain :e modulari; o :e oule< :e olloing 6arameer& are


    = 0.112 m

    H = 0.575 m

    ,:roa $eng: = 1.150 m

    re& $evel = -1.7 m

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    .esign of OFM

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    Open Flume Module

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    O* F+M Module-

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    &G&.4+;2 .7;* OF 4M

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    2anal outlets P Modules

    Adjustable Orifce Semi Module (A'O'S'M) orAdjustable Proportional Module (APM)

    :ischar"e throu"h outlet in cumecs

    # * E', &t @s4+

    G =&eight of opening in meters"Bt =-hroat width (minimum C"C6 m )

    & =.epth of water in parent canal o'er the crest in meters

    &s= .epth to under side of the roof 0loc< 0elow F7+ of parent canal"

    &s= & H G , &sI C"DC .

    : % (#E ) &7etting of crest, & = C"/C J . , where . = Full suppl: depth in the parentcanal

    7etting of crest shall not 0e 0elow .7 B"+"

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    2anal outlets P Modules

    7etting of crest shall not 0e 0elow .7 B"+"Minimum modular head &m = C"/ &s for modularit: 0etween fullsuppl: and an: fraction of full suppl:"

    2rest le'el Q 7 F7+8 C"/ .

    +ength of throat = width of roof 0loc< A &

    7 slope of glacis = cur'e with radius #&"s approach wings =one cur'ed and the other straight, top at F7+ AC"! m

    .7 eJpansion =! in !C to meet 0ed width of outlet channel

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    .esign of 4M

    @draulic ParticularsN

    S'o' :etails ?uppam Major :P 4G-J ?uppam major :P 4G-J

    At FS :ischar"e Condition At + FS :ischar"e Condition

    4' :ischar"e in Cumecs ,'.. ,',49 ,'E+E ,',4+

    +' &ed %idth in m 4'4,, ,',, 4'4,, ,',,

    ' FS: in m,'.4, ,'45, ,'EB5 ,'4+,E' &ed !all 4 in +5,, +,,, +5,, +,,,

    5' alue o! n ,',+, ,',+, ,',+, ,',+,

    .' elocit in ms ,'549 ,'+4 ,'E.E ,'49

    G' Side slopes 4'5 N 4 4'5 N 4 4'5 N 4 4'5 N 4

    9' Free board in m ,'.4, ,'E5, ,'.4, ,'E5,

    B' C&; m 9,'+.B 9,'E++ 9,'+.B 9,'E++

    4,'FS; m 9,'9GB 9,'5G+ 9,'G.E 9,'5E+

    44'T&; m 94'E9B 94',++

    4+'L; m 94'E9B 94'E9B

    Propose APM i! # $ +,3 or # $ / +,3 and &t ., mm

    Jatio o! # $ * ,'.. ,',49 * 5' / +,

    @ence APM is proposed'

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    .esign of 4M

  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    .esign of 4M

    &:draulic .esign of 4M

    ropose 4M if ?> L #C and Bt L 6 or ?> %#C

    atio of ?> = C"6E6 C"C!D = E"EEE % #C @ence A P M isproposed

    $*E', 6 &t6 6 @s4+

    Where G = &eight of opening in meters

    Bt = -hroat width

    & =.epth of water in parent canal o'er the crest in meters"

    &s= .epth of under side of the roof 0loc< 0elow F7+ of parent


    For + !ull suppl arent canal ON ta"m C"CD s>" m

    perimeter = #"DD/ m C"/EE m

    = C"E!6 m C"C/ m

    i f

  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    .esign of 4M

    :ischar"e throu"h the outlet in cumecs'

    $ * E', 6 &t6 6 ( @s ) Q(Pa"e 443 Clause .''4 o! 1S N GB9.-4BG.)

    Throat %idth &t * $ (E', 6 (@s)Q6)

    ;et &t * ,',. m

    $ * E', 6 &t 6 6 @s4+ --------------e$uation (4)

    + ($) * * E', 6&t 6 6 (@sn)4+ --------------e$uation (+)

    8here @sn* @s- (: - :n) * E', 6 &t 6 6 (@s - (,'.4, - ,'EB5))4+

    * E', 6 &t 6 6 (@s - ,'445)4+

    :i2idin" e$uation (4) b (+)

    $ * + ($) * E', 6 &t 6 6 @s4+ E', 6 &t 6 6 (@s - ,'445)Q

    + * @s4+ (@s- ,'445)4+

    * + 6 @s4+* 6 (@s- ,'445)4+

    E 6 @s* B6 (@s- ,'445)5 @s* 4',+

    @s* ,'+,G m and @s4+* ,'E55

    @sn * @s D ( : D :n ) * ,'+,G D ( ,'.4, D ,'EB5 ) * ,',B+m

  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    .esign of 4M

    * $ $',6&t6(@s)4+

    = C"C!D E', 6 C"C6 J ,'E55

    *,'4.Em sa ,'4.5 m

    # * E', &t ( @s ) Q *E', 6 ,',. 6 ,'4.5 6,'E55 * ,',49 cumecs

    >n = $"CE Bt G ( &sn ) S *E', 6 ,',. 6 ,'4.5 6,', * ,',4+ cumecs

    -he following arameters ma: 0e adopted

    Bt = C"C6C m

    2rest +e'el = 7 F7+ 8 & = A DC"C/

    & = C"E/# m

    G = C"!6 m

    &s = C"#C/ m

    W= 7etting forward of the .7 wing wall of the approach=C"!

    -he setting of the Wing wall W = K >? (Bu A .#)

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    .esign of 4M


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    O* F+M O-+- W;-& OOF B+O2K

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    O* F+M O-+- W;-& OOF B+O2K

  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    2anal Outlets P Modules

    Pipe semi module (PSM)

    :esi"n criteria

    -he discharge through pipe semi module is gi'en 0:

    ? = 2d " 4 (#g hc)!#

    Where 2d = C"6# for free pipe out let

    hc = head on 7 a0o'e the centre of pipe

    hcshould 0e more than !" times the dia of the pipe proposed"

    -he a0o'e formulae can 0e reduced to

    ? = C"6# J T (#J "D! ) 4 T (hcnt)

    =#"/$6 4 hc!#

    For free fall condition set the F"7"+ of O- 2hannel 0elow the pipe sill le'el

  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    Modular Outlets

    :KS1L OF P1PK SKM1 MO:;K (!or :1JKCT OT;KT )

    @:JA;1C PAJT1C;AJS



    ! 4:acut 4cres 5BG', G5',,

    # .ischarge (e>uired.esigned) 2umecs C"#E/C C"E$6C C"CEC C"CEE

    E Bed width m !"!CC C"ECC

    $ Full 7uppl: .epth m C"CC C"##C

    Free 0oard m C"ECC C"ECC

    6 7ide slopes (;nner Outer) 8 !"C # 9 ! !"C # 9 !

    / -op width of 0an

  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    Modular Outlets

    .ischarge through the (ipe Outlet 0: using Ori6ce formula9

    ? = 24 (#g hcnt)!=#where 2 = #" $/6

    ? = .ischarge of Out +et

    4 = 2ross section 4rea of ipe

    h(cnt) = &ead of s water surface o'er the center of pipe

    ? = 24 (#g hcnt)!=#

    Where 2 = #"$/6

    ro'ide .ia of ipe =

    4rea 4 = C"C#C m#

    ? = C"CEE cumec

    hcnt = ? 24 #

    = C"CEE #"$/6JC"C#

    = C"EC m % !" times dia of pipe

    Pro2ide did' o! pipe * +,,mm

  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets


    &:draulic .esign of 7M

    The Center line o! the Pipe * EGE'455 D ,'5, *EG'9,5m

    Pipe sill le2el (1n2ert ;e2el) * EGE'455 - ,'5, - ,',9(pipe radius)

    * EG'G+5m

    @ei"ht o! pipe abo2e C&; * EG'G+5 D EG5'.55 *,',G,m

    Pipe in2ert le2el * EG'G+5m

    FS; o! 4G-J * EG'G+,m

    @ence the pipe is at !ree !all condition


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    ; O-+-

  • 7/21/2019 Canal Outlets
