camp slides

Camp Oslo 2012

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Slides used on screen during main room assembly at nordic camp 2012. Not alltogether understandable without the oral part to supplement it, but, hey - for what it is worth - here it is.



p Oslo 2012

Practical informationbreaks / smokes and toiletcoffee and fruitlunch, dinnerfacilitatorspopcorn and softicephones, ipads and pc´show we work, hands up, yes, yes I made a mistake

you are here

you are here

Lavrans Løvlie


Strategic challenges

how and why is this challenge important and relevant to your situation.


challenge 1

Library services for citizens increasingly depend on partnerships with organizations, businesses and volunteers, to some degree resulting in lack of control of the library-values and purpose.


how and why is this challenge important and relevant to your situation.

challenge 2

Embracing new formats

Libraries as places for great stories must embrace new formats, interactive and living presentations in order to stay vibrant and relevant.

how and why is this challenge important and relevant to your situation.

challenge 3Changing business models

Digital media and new publishing formats challenge the traditional business model for physical media. We used to focus on lending out physical items – in the future we need to give access to leased material. Pay per use is putting pressure upon library resources and user and why is this challenge important and relevant to your situation.

challenge 4

User-user > < library recommendation

Traditional library recommendations and quality evaluations are challenged by "private libraries" and shared playlists.

how and why is this challenge important and relevant to your situation.

challenge 5Library values > < public management

The value of Nordic public libraries as democratic space is continuously challenged by public management values (target management, efficiency, unstaffed services etc.) – things that can be easily measured and and why is this challenge important and relevant to your situation.

challenge 6

Libraries need to address learning and cultural experience for all citizens, and support connectivity in a diverse society.


how and why is this challenge important and relevant to your situation.

challenge 7

Library brand

The image of the library is strongly connected to books.

how and why is this challenge important and relevant to your situation.


In the future the library space will be alive with many new players and there will be a need for a great variety of competences.

challenge 8

how and why is this challenge important and relevant to your situation.

challenge 9

Transforming Library Space

Library spaces are filled with books, blocking areas for possible activities. Half of the library users do not borrow anything, but come to use other facilities at the physical libraries.

how and why is this challenge important and relevant to your situation.

challenge 10

Families and children

Families and children in the Nordic countries live in an increasingly media dominated reality that in many ways creates a higher level of segregation. There is a need for families to have common cultural experiences and learning opportunities. how and why is this challenge important and relevant to your situation.

challenge 11

Library legitimacy

Library budgets are constantly challenged by a decreasing public economy.

how and why is this challenge important and relevant to your situation.

grab a challenge(first come first serve)

All challenges are on the walls. Put your post-its on the challenge find a challenge worth fighting for - grab it (first come first serve)reflect together - add post-its to support the reason why the challenge is important- and move on

20 minutes

Challenge pitch

Why this challenge is most important to work with in the camp.

1 minute each


place your stickers on the two challenges you find the most important to work with in the camp

10 minutes

treasure hunt - outside

find the hidden kinder eggs outside. If you find more than one egg- you earn extra points - (but you should share the chocolate with those who don´t find any)

20 minutes

join your group

find a seat at your group number, meet your group colleagues and facilitator

- game

receive winning challenges

15 minutes

Your facilitator takes you to your group-room

Creating moodboards

Welcome back


Facilitator presents current library situation in their cities

Start in your group rooms -

when the horn sounds move to the next room (increasing numbers)


A service innovation process Designing better services


A service innovation process Designing better servicesActors





group sessions 90 minutes

Village square

Put your cartoon posters on the wall in this big room and the hallway outside

One group member stays by the poster

Other participants choose a hat, and move freely around, listening to the presentation of the ideas, and give feedback on post-it notes corresponding with the attitude on the hat. (no two-way discussions)

45 minutes

good morning!

this farGrunerløkka - Kenneth, party, quiz, and secret friendLavrans Løvlie, servicedesign - external inspiratorSilent reflection on challengesDiscussing and grabbing challengesPitching and voting on challenges - Treasurehunt - kindereggs in the gardenGetting together in groups, and receiving challengesMaking moodboards, visual collage describing the field of the challengePitches from the five libraries - current situation todayA T O N E analyzis - mapping actors, touchpoints, offerings, needs and experiencemaking cartoons with bulletpoints - describing the field of the challengeraces outside, rope pulling, sack jumping, and eggs in spoons

Village square with paper-hat characterssumming up the village squareSecret walks in pairsMaking and holding presentations for another groop - with feedback

Morning exerciseTesting the solution with different charactersSumming up the feedback from yesterdays pitchExpanding on the idea; what if - thenFilling in the formCreating presentations

this far


p Oslo 2012