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541 Abrams, M. H., 311 Addison, Joseph, 213, 241, 248, 274 Aeschylus, 3 Aiken, Conrad, 475 Ainslie, Robert, 279, 280, 281 Alamanni, Luigi, 47 Alexander the Great, 206 Alvarez, A., 534 Amis, Kingsley, 2, 525, 534 Anne, Queen, 29, 237, 241 Aretino, Pietro, 43 Postures, 188 Ariosto, Ludovico, 54 Orlando Furioso, 6 Aristotle, 22, 63, 238 Poetics, 171, 172, 173 Armour, Adam, 284 Armour, Jean, 279, 284 Arnold, Matthew, 14, 296, 298, 393, 417, 439 Askew, Anne, 189 Atterbury, Francis, Bishop, 241 Auden, W. H., 2, 4, 7, 12, 195, 214, 217, 228, 232, 308, 471, 478, 484, 485, 50823, 534 Age of Anxiety, The, 520 ‘Archaeology’, 523 ‘As I Walked Out One Evening’, 51516, 518, 520 Ascent of F6, The (with Christopher Isherwood), 513 ‘August for the People’, 513 ‘Bucolics’, 522 ‘Change of Air, A’, 5223 ‘Dichtung und Wahrheit’, 509 Dog Beneath the Skin, The (with Christopher Isherwood), 513 ‘First Things First’, 518 ‘Fish in the unruffled lakes’, 514 ‘For the Time Being: A Christmas Oratorio’, 518 ‘Geography of the House, The’, 522 ‘Homage to Clio’, 514 ‘Horae Canonicae’, 521 ‘In Memory of W. B. Yeats’, 51617 ‘In Praise of Limestone’, 5201, 522 ‘In Time of War’, 509 ‘Islands’, 522 Journey to a War (with Christopher Isherwood), 516 ‘Lakes’, 522 ‘Law Like Love’, 517 ‘Letter to Lord Byron, A’, 2, 216, 328, 339 ‘Letter to R.H.S. Crossman, Esq.’, 514 Letters from Iceland (with Louis MacNeice), 514 ‘Nones’, 521 Orators: An English Study, The, 512, 519 Oxford Book of Light Verse, 217 Poems, 511 ‘Prologue at Sixty’, 523 ‘River Profile’, 523 ‘Sea and the Mirror: A Commentary on Shakespeare’s The Tempest, The’, 51920 ‘September 1, 1939’, 51718 ‘Spain’, 514, 515 ‘Summer Night, A’, 51213 ‘Thanksgiving for a Habitat’, 522 ‘Thomas Epilogizes’, 511 ‘Vespers’, 522 ‘Watershed, The’, 511 Augustine, Saint, 64, 117 Aytoun, William, 428 Bacon, Francis, 135 Baker, Kenneth, 213 INDEX © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87434-2 - The Cambridge Companion to English Poets Edited by Claude Rawson Index More information

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Abrams, M. H., 311Addison, Joseph, 213, 241, 248, 274Aeschylus, 3Aiken, Conrad, 475Ainslie, Robert, 279, 280, 281Alamanni, Luigi, 47Alexander the Great, 206Alvarez, A., 534Amis, Kingsley, 2, 525, 534Anne, Queen, 29, 237, 241Aretino, Pietro, 43

Postures, 188Ariosto, Ludovico, 54

Orlando Furioso, 6Aristotle, 22, 63, 238

Poetics, 171, 172, 173Armour, Adam, 284Armour, Jean, 279, 284Arnold, Matthew, 14, 296, 298, 393, 417,

439Askew, Anne, 189Atterbury, Francis, Bishop, 241Auden, W. H., 2, 4, 7, 12, 195, 214, 217,

228, 232, 308, 471, 478, 484, 485, 508–23, 534

Age of Anxiety, The, 520‘Archaeology’, 523‘As I Walked Out One Evening’, 515–16,

518, 520Ascent of F6, The (with Christopher

Isherwood), 513‘August for the People’, 513‘Bucolics’, 522‘Change of Air, A’, 522–3‘Dichtung und Wahrheit’, 509Dog Beneath the Skin, The (with

Christopher Isherwood), 513‘First Things First’, 518‘Fish in the unruffled lakes’, 514

‘For the Time Being: A Christmas Oratorio’, 518

‘Geography of the House, The’, 522‘Homage to Clio’, 514‘Horae Canonicae’, 521‘In Memory of W. B. Yeats’, 516–17‘In Praise of Limestone’, 520–1, 522‘In Time of War’, 509‘Islands’, 522Journey to a War (with Christopher

Isherwood), 516‘Lakes’, 522‘Law Like Love’, 517‘Letter to Lord Byron, A’, 2, 216, 328, 339‘Letter to R.H.S. Crossman, Esq.’, 514Letters from Iceland (with Louis

MacNeice), 514‘Nones’, 521Orators: An English Study, The, 512,

519Oxford Book of Light Verse, 217Poems, 511‘Prologue at Sixty’, 523‘River Profile’, 523‘Sea and the Mirror: A Commentary

on Shakespeare’s The Tempest, The’, 519–20

‘September 1, 1939’, 517–18‘Spain’, 514, 515‘Summer Night, A’, 512–13‘Thanksgiving for a Habitat’, 522‘Thomas Epilogizes’, 511‘Vespers’, 522‘Watershed, The’, 511

Augustine, Saint, 64, 117Aytoun, William, 428

Bacon, Francis, 135Baker, Kenneth, 213

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Barnfield, Richard, 75, 76Poems in Divers Humours, 76

Barrell, John, 276Baudelaire, Charles, 5, 13, 496, 502Beaumont, Francis, 72Beaupuy, Michel, 298Beckett, Samuel, 310Beer, John, 314, 316Beethoven, Ludwig van, 457, 460Bentley, Richard, 251Beowulf, 1, 508, 511, 520Berkeley, James, Third Earl of Berkeley, 223Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, ‘Ecstasy of St

Theresa’, 189Betjeman, John, 534, 536Bevington, David, 2Bishop, Elizabeth, ‘The Fish’, 485Blackmur, R. P., 475Blackwood, William, 360Blair, Hugh, 278Blake, Catherine, 259, 262, 268Blake, William, 164, 214, 254–68, 291, 292,

293, 332America, 262–3, 264, 265‘And did those feet in ancient time’, 266‘Autumn’, 255Book of Ahania, The, 264–5Book of Los, The, 264Book of Thel, The, 259, 261‘Chimney Sweeper’, 257‘Clod and the Pebble, The’, 259‘Couch of Death, The’, 255‘Divine Image, The’, 257Europe, 262, 263–4‘Fair Elenor’, 254[First] Book of Urizen, The, 264Four Zoas, The, 266, 268French Revolution, The, 260–1, 262‘Garden of Love, The’, 259Ghost of Abel, The, 332‘Gwin, King of Norway’, 254‘Holy Thursday’, 256, 257‘Human Abstract, The’, 257‘Infant Joy’, 257‘Infant Sorrow’, 257Island in the Moon, An, 256Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

Albion, 267–8King Edward III, 255Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The, 261Milton A Poem, 266–7‘Near my Bosom’, 257‘Nurses Song’, 257

Pity, 255Poetical Sketches, 254, 256‘Sick Rose, The’, 257‘Song’: ‘How sweet I roam’d from field to

field’, 255Song of Los, The, 265Songs of Experience, 256–9Songs of Innocence, 256–9‘Spring’, 255‘Summer’, 255Tiriel, 259–60‘To Winter’, 255, 256‘Tyger, The’, 517Vala, 265–6Visions of the Daughters of Albion, 261–2

Blount, Martha, 246Boccaccio, Giovanni, 23, 25, 26, 197

Decameron, 31, 201, 367Il Filostrato, 22, 25Il Teseida, 22, 24, 28, 31

Bodley, Sir Thomas, 2, 74Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus, 28

De Consolatione Philosophiae, 28Boileau, Nicolas ( Nicolas

Boileau-Despréaux), 230Art Poétique, 8Lutrin, Le, 230

Bonifacio, Dragonetto, ‘Madonna non so dir tante parole’, 40

Book of Common Prayer, 142Boswell, James, 272, 282, 286Bottrall, Ronald, 217Boyle, Elizabeth, 66Bradley, F. H., 496Brawne, Fanny, 363, 373Brecht, Bertolt, 3Bromwich, David, 298, 323Brontë, Anne (‘Acton Bell’), 409, 412, 416

Agnes Grey, 409Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell,

408Brontë, Charlotte (‘Currer Bell’), 408,

409–11, 415, 416, 417, 418‘Biographical Notice’, 409, 410Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell,

408Brontë, Emily (‘Ellis Bell’), 408–18

‘High waving heather’, 414‘I see around me tombstones grey’ 417–18‘Julian M — — and A. G. Rochelle — ’,

411, 412–15‘No coward soul is mine’, 418‘O mother I am not regreting’, 416© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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‘Old Stoic, The’, 417Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell,

408, 411‘Prisoner: A Fragment, The’, 412, 415‘Remembrance’, 416‘Song: The linnet in the rocky dells’, 416‘Visionary, The’, 411, 412Wuthering Heights, 409

Brontë, Patrick, 416Brooks, Cleanth, 14, 505Brougham, Henry, 330Brown, George Mackay, 288Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 395, 427,

428, 429Sonnets from the Portuguese, 433

Browning, Robert, 46, 354, 382, 392–406, 443, 457

‘Andrea del Sarto’, 395‘Bishop Blougram’s Apology’, 393‘Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed’s

Church, The’, 392, 394‘Caliban upon Setebos’, 395, 397‘Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came’,

395, 432‘Death in the Desert, A’, 393Dramatic Lyrics, 394Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, 394Dramatis Personae, 395‘Englishman in Italy, The’, 397Fifine at the Fair, 395, 396, 402, 403‘Fra Lippo Lippi’, 392, 395‘Grammarian’s Funeral, A’, 393Inn Album, The, 395, 396, 397, 399, 404,

405‘Johannes Agricola in Meditation’, 393Men and Women, 395‘Mr. Sludge, “The Medium”’, 395‘My Last Duchess’, 12, 392, 394, 395,

402–3, 404, 405‘One Word More’, 395Paracelsus, 394Pauline, 394, 401, 405–6‘Porphyria’s Lover’, 392, 394‘Rabbi Ben Ezra’, 395Red Cotton Night-Cap Country, 396, 397,

402Ring and the Book, The, 395–6, 403, 404‘Saul’, 393‘Sibrandus Schnafnaburgensis’, 397–8‘Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister’, 392,

399Sordello, 12, 392, 393, 394, 396, 397,

399–402, 404, 405, 406

‘Statue and the Bust, The’, 395‘Two in the Campagna’, 395, 403

Browning, Robert Wiedeman Barrett (‘Pen’), 395

Bruce, Robert, 278Buckingham, Second Duke of, see Villiers,

GeorgeBunyan, John, The Pilgrim’s Progress,

432Buonaparte, Napoleon, 337Burgess, John, 134Burke, Edmund, 276, 277

Reflections on the Revolution in France, 260

Burns, Robert, 271–89, 512‘Adam Armour’s Prayer’, 284–5‘Address to the Deil’, 284, 286‘Author’s Earnest Cry and Prayer, The’,

282–3‘Citizen Douglas’, 278‘Come rede me, dame’, 287‘Cotter’s Saturday Night, The’, 282, 287,

288, 289‘Dagger, The’, 277‘Death and Dr Hornbook’, 284‘Holy Willie’s Prayer’, 283–4‘Kirk’s Alarm, The’, 279‘Love and Liberty’ (‘Jolly Beggars The’),

282, 287‘On the death of Robert Ruisseaux’, 272,

284‘Poetical Epistle to a Tailor, A’, 287‘Tam o’ Shanter’, 282, 286, 287–8‘Vision, The’, 286, 287, 288

Burrow, J. A., 1Butler, Samuel, 176, 190, 213, 215,

217Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 10, 11, 213,

214, 216, 217, 328–42, 344, 348, 349, 352, 353, 354, 363, 364, 378, 379, 413, 416, 464

Beppo, 329, 338, 339, 340, 367Bride of Abydos, The, 329, 334, 335Cain, 338Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage: A Romaunt,

328, 330, 331, 332–3, 336, 338, 339, 341, 361, 363

‘Churchill’s Grave’, 331Corsair, The, 329, 330, 334, 335, 363‘Darkness’, 338Deformed Transformed, The, 329, 338,

339‘Devil’s Drive, The’, 341© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Don Juan, 328–9, 331, 334, 338, 340, 341–2, 353

English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, 330, 331, 332

Giaour, The, 329, 330, 334, 335Heaven and Earth, 329Hours of Idleness, 330Island, The, 329Journal, 278Lara, 329, 330, 334, 335Manfred, 337Marino Faliero, 338, 339Mazeppa, 329Memoirs, destroyed, 331, 332‘Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte’, 337Parisina, 334, 335Prisoner of Chillon, The, 329, 337, 361,

413Sardanapalus, 338‘She walks in beauty like the night’, 330Siege of Corinth, The, 334‘So we’ll go no more a-roving’, 330‘Sonnet on Chillon’, 330, 413‘There be none of beauty’s daughters’, 330Two Foscari, The, 338, 339Vision of Judgment, The, 329, 331, 338,

340–1Werner, 338

Calvin, Jean, 176Cameron, May (Margaret), 279Camoens, Luis de, Lusiads, 157Campbell, Thomas, 416

Pleasures of Hope, The, 310Campion, Thomas, 142Carlyle, Thomas, 273, 282, 362, 394Carpenter, Mary, 429Cary, H. F., 367Cary, Sir Lucius, 133Catullus, Gaius Valerius, 66, 130Cayley, Charles, 433Cecil, Robert, First Earl of Salisbury, 126,

127Cecil, William, First Baron Burghley, 63, 65Chambers, Jessie, 476Chandler, Raymond, The High Window, 528Chapman, George, 77, 126, 260

Homer, translation of, 366Charles I, 134, 135, 136, 150, 162, 179Charles II, 187, 188, 197, 202, 207Charles V, 37, 38Charleton, Dr Walter, 196

Chatterton, Thomas, 313, 363, 365Chaucer, Geoffrey, 1, 8, 9, 20–35, 102, 197,

229, 283, 333, 363Book of the Duchess, 21–2Canterbury Tales, 7, 22, 24, 29, 30–4, 35,

83, 200, 202, 210, 236Envoy to Scogan, 22House of Fame, 22–3, 35, 241Legend of Good Women, The, 3, 27, 29,

83Parliament of Fowls, 23–5Romaunt of the Rose, The, 333Translation of Boethius, 28Troilus and Criseyde, 3, 22, 25–9, 31, 35,

83Cheke, John, 38Chester, Robert

Love’s Martyr: Or, Rosalins Complaint, 95, 126

Cibber, Colley, 250Cicero, Marcus Tullius

Somnium Scipionis, 24, 25Clare, John, Poems Descriptive of Rural Life

and Scenery, 254Claremont, Claire, 349Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, 196Claudian (Claudius Claudianus), 66Clow, Jenny, 279Cockburn, Henry, 272, 281Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 12, 13, 14, 15,

151, 214, 293, 295, 296–7, 298, 299, 300, 308–24, 332, 350, 354, 415

Biographia Literaria, 322‘Blossoming of the Solitary Date-Tree,

The’, 320, 322‘Christabel’, 313, 315–16, 413‘Dejection: An Ode’, 14, 15, 310,

318–20‘Destiny of Nations’, 311, 313‘Dungeon, The’, 318, 413‘Effusions’, 312, 317‘Eolian Harp, The’, 312, 313, 316, 317,

450‘Fears in Solitude’, 317‘Frost at Midnight’, 318, 320, 321,

354‘Hope and Time’, 321, 322; see also ‘Time,

Real and Imaginary’‘Hymn Before Sunrise in the Vale of

Chamouni’, 352‘Improvisatore, The’, 322‘Kubla Khan’, 323–4, 425‘Letter’ to Sara Hutchinson, 319

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‘Limbo’, 321‘Lines Composed While Climbing the Left

Ascent of Brockley Coomb’, 312, 318‘Love, Hope, and Patience in Education’,

321‘Love’s Apparition and Evanishment’,

321Lyrical Ballads, The, 13, 54, 314, 318‘Monody’, 313‘Nightingale, The’, 316, 318‘On Observing a Blossom on the First of

February 1796’, 313Poems, on Various Subjects, 312‘Reflections on Having Left a Place of

Retirement’, 318, 323‘Religious Musings’, 311, 312–13‘Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, The’, 313,

314–15, 320‘This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison’, 317,

354‘Time, Real and Imaginary’, 321;

see also ‘Hope and Time’‘To a Gentleman’, 311, 320–1‘To a Young Ass’, 312‘To Fortune’, 313‘To the Rev. George Coleridge’, 312‘Visionary Hope, The’, 321‘Work without Hope’, 321

Collins, William, 378Collinson, James, 426, 427Columbus, Christopher, 38Condell, Henry, 75Congreve, William, 197, 200Connolly, Cyril, 535Cooper, Anthony Ashley, First Earl of

Shaftesbury, 197, 205Cooper, Helen, 64Copernicus, Nicolaus, 104Cornford, John, 501Cotton, Charles, 217Covell, William, 76Cowley, Abraham, ‘Hope’, 310Cowper, William, 295, 416

The Task, 295Crashaw, Richard, 310Crawford, Robert, 276Creaser, John, 181Cromwell, Oliver, 150, 162, 174, 179–81,

182, 209Crowe, William

Lewesdon Hill, 312Curll, Edmund, 241, 242–3Curtis, Ariana, 404

Daer, Lord, 277, 278Daiches, David, 287Damon, S. Foster, 259Daniel, Samuel, 74

Complaint of Rosamond, The, 83Dante Alighieri, 1, 22, 130, 184, 423, 433,

504Divine Comedy, 22, 23, 157, 162, 165,

367, 500Purgatorio, 372, 394

Darwin, Erasmus, 348Davenant, Sir William, Gondibert,

185Davie, Donald, 319, 323, 503, 526Davies, John, of Hereford, 94Davy, Humphry, 309, 312De Witt, Cornelis, 188Defoe, Daniel, 219Degas, Edgar, 297Dekker, Thomas, Satiromastix, 126Denham, Sir John, 6, 8, 11Dennis, John, 241Devereux, Robert, Second Earl of Essex,

68, 69Dickens, Charles, 439, 459

Our Mutual Friend, 222Digby, Sir Kenelm, 133Digby, Lady Venetia, 133Dodsworth, Rev. William, 426, 427Donne, Henry, 105Donne, John, 9–10, 11, 12, 25, 42, 46, 50,

53, 77, 104–19, 122, 133, 139, 148, 154, 157, 177, 249, 448

‘Aire and Angels’, 116‘Anatomy of the World, An’, 111‘Anniversarie, The’, 115, 116Anniversaries, 106, 111‘Apparition, The’, 116‘Batter my heart’, 118‘Canonization, The’, 115, 116‘Change’, 107‘Communitie’, 112‘Comparison, The’, 107‘Confined Love’, 113‘Damp, The’, 116Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions,

119Elegies, 106, 107, 108, 119‘Extasie, The’, 96, 114, 116‘Flea, The’, 114‘Funerall, The’, 116‘Goe, and catch a falling starre’, 112‘Going to Bed’, 108© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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‘Goodfriday, 1613 Riding Westward’, 106, 117, 118

‘Good-morrow, The’, 113, 114, 115, 116‘Holy Sonnets’, 434‘Hymne to God my God, in my sicknesse’,

119‘Hymne to God the Father, An’, 119‘I am a little world’, 118‘Indifferent, The’, 113, 116‘Jealousie’, 107‘Lecture upon the Shadow, A’, 116‘Loves Alchymie’, 112, 116‘Loves Growth’, 112, 116‘Loves Progress’, 108, 109Metempsychosis, 106‘Natures lay Ideot’, 107‘Nocturnall upon S. Lucies day, A’, 117‘Oh my blacke Soule’, 118‘Oh to vex me, contraryes meet in one’,

118‘Perfume, The’, 107‘Relique, The’, 112, 116‘Sapho to Philaenis’, 108Satires, 9–10, 106, 107, 109–11, 119‘Since she whom I lov’d’, 118‘Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle

Soules’, 111Songs and Sonets, 106, 111, 112, 114,

116, 119, 155‘Sunne Rising, The’, 114, 115‘Sweetest love’, 112‘Thou hast made me’, 118‘To the Countess of Huntingdon’, 111‘Valediction: forbidding mourning, A’, 116‘Variety’, 107

Douglas, Archibald, 188, 189Dowland, John, 142Drayton, Michael, 74, 76, 340

Endymion and Phoebe, 77Drury, Elizabeth, 106, 111Drury, Sir Robert, 106, 111Dryden, John, 1, 4, 5, 8, 11, 104, 137, 163,

165, 166, 180, 184, 194–210, 213, 230, 236, 240, 369

Absalom and Achitophel, 197, 202, 205, 206

‘Against the Fear of Death’, 199, 205, 207Alexander’s Feast, 197, 206Annus Mirabilis, 188, 196, 203, 206Astraea Redux, 206Aureng-Zebe, 199Britannia Rediviva, 197, 207

‘Ceyx and Alcyone’, 206‘Cinyras and Myrrha’, 203‘Concerning the Nature of Love’, 203‘Cymon and Iphigenia’, 201‘Discourse Concerning Satire’, 4Fables Ancient and Modern, 194, 197,

210‘First Book of Homer’s Ilias, The’, 206‘Flower and the Leaf, The’, 204Hind and the Panther, The, 197, 199, 206,

207Horace, Odes, 206, 208‘Lucretius: The Beginning of the First

Book’, 201Mac Flecknoe, 4, 196Medall: A Satire Against Sedition, The,

197‘Nun’s Priest’s Tale’, 202‘Of the Pythagorean Philosophy’, 209–10‘Palamon and Arcite’, 200, 202, 204,

208–9Religio Laici, 197, 199, 207Satires of Juvenal and Persius, The, 197‘Sigismonda and Guiscardo’, 201State of Innocence, The, 199Sylvae, 198, 207Threnodia Augustalis, 197, 206To His Sacred Majesty, 206To My Lord Chancellor, 206‘To the Memory of Mr. Oldham’, 199‘To the Pious Memory of the

Accomplished young lady, Mrs. Anne Killigrew’, 200

Works of Virgil, The, 197, 201, 204, 206Du Bos, Charles, 403Dudley, Robert, First Earl of Leicester, 68Dundas, Henry, 275

Eaton, Daniel Isaac, 347, 349Edison, Thomas, 379Edward III, 20Egerton, John, First Earl of Bridgewater, 159Egerton, Thomas, 105Eliot, T. S., 2, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 151, 178, 195,

198, 213, 214, 217, 231–2, 334, 337, 386, 445, 459, 462, 475, 491–505, 508, 510, 520, 521, 526

‘Animula’, 213Ara Vos Prec, 497, 498Ash-Wednesday, 502For Lancelot Andrewes, 501Four Quartets, 502–5‘Gerontion’, 498

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Inventions of the March Hare, 495‘Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, The’, 8,

483, 494, 495, 497, 505‘Morning at the Window’, 222, 231–2‘Mr. Eliot’s Sunday Morning Service’, 497Murder in the Cathedral, 502On Poetry and Poets, 328–9Poems, 497‘Portrait of a Lady’, 12, 492–3, 494, 500‘Preludes’, 231–2, 492, 495, 496, 499‘Reflections on Vers Libre’, 12, 491–2, 508‘Suite Clownesque’, 497Sweeney Agonistes, 502‘Tradition and the Individual Talent’,

496Waste Land, The, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 217,

222, 439, 459, 497, 498–501, 503, 505Elizabeth I, 53, 57, 62, 88, 105, 107, 109,

110Empson, William, 310, 439–40, 442, 443,

445, 449, 452Erdman, David, 266Euripides, 10Everest, Kelvin, 316Everett, Barbara, 525Ewart, Gavin, 217

Fairfax, Mary, 185, 186Fairfax, Thomas, Lord, 185Fergusson, Maggie, 288Field, Richard, 1, 74, 75Fielding, Henry, 224

Author’s Farce, The, 16Joseph Andrews, 16Shamela, 224

Fish, Stanley, 122Flecknoe, Richard, 182, 196Fletcher, Andrew (Fletcher of Saltoun),

278Fletcher, John, 100Ford, Ford Madox, 440, 445, 475, 477Ford, John, ‘A Funeral Elegy for Master

William Peter’, 94Fox, Charles James, 304, 305Foxe, John, Acts and Monuments of the

Church (Book of Martyrs), 189Francis, Dick, 536Francis I, 38Franklin, Benjamin, 263Frazer, Sir James, 499Frere, John Hookham, Whistlecraft, 340Froissart, Jean, 20, 21, 22Frost, Robert, 213

Frye, Northrop, 259

Galileo Galilei, 104Garcilasco de la Vega, 43Garth, Sir Samuel, 230Gascoigne, George, 39

‘Woodmanship’, 48Gaskell, Elizabeth, 416Gay, John, Beggar’s Opera, 230George II, 250George III, 262, 340, 341Gibbon, Edward, 337Gilbert, W. S., 384Godolphin, Sidney, 133Godwin, William, 303, 349Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 338, 522

Dichtung und Wahrheit, 509Gonne, Maud, 461, 463Gosse, Sir Edmund, 422–3, 435, 445Gower, John, 20, 22, 28

Confessio Amantis, 25Granson, Oton de, 20Gray, James, 280, 286Gray, Thomas, 378Greene, Robert, 74Gregorius, Magister, The Marvels of Rome,

189Gregory, Augusta, Lady, 462Grey, Charles, 277Grimald, Nicholas, 38Guiccioli, Teresa, Countess, 338

Hale, Emily, 502Hallam, Arthur, 315, 381, 382, 385Hamilton, Gavin, 285Hannay, James, 428Har, W., 76Hardy, Emma Lavinia Gifford, 447, 448,

449, 452Hardy, Florence Emily Dugdale, 447Hardy, Thomas, 2, 439–53, 510, 525, 526,

527, 530, 533, 535‘After a Journey’, 448‘After a Romantic Day’, 442–3‘After the Visit’, 447‘Apology’, 447, 453‘At Castle Boterel’, 449, 452‘At Waking’, 446–7‘Beeny Cliff’, 448‘By the Century’s Deathbed’ (later ‘The

Darkling Thrush’), 449–51‘Church Romance, A’, 443‘Circular, A’, 448© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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‘Convergence of the Twain, The’, 442‘Dance at the Phoenix, The’, 440‘Darkling Thrush, The’ (originally ‘By the

Century’s Deathbed’), 449–51‘Division, The’, 449‘Drummer Hodge’, 445‘Dynasties’, 452‘Embarkation’, 445‘Faintheart in a Railway Train’, 441‘Fellow-Townsmen’, 448‘Forsaken Garden, A’, 448‘Garden Seat, The’, 440–1‘Green Slates’, 441‘Her Death and After’, 440‘Her Second Husband Hears her Story’,

440‘In Tenebris (II)’, 442, 525‘In Time of “The Breaking of Nations”’,

451–2‘January Night, A’, 440Late Lyrics and Earlier, 439, 447Life’s Little Ironies, 448Mayor of Casterbridge, The, 285, 528‘Mere Interlude, A’, 448‘Midnight on the Great Western’, 447‘Neutral Tones’, 443, 444‘On the Departure Platform’, 447‘Panthera’, 444‘Phantom Horsewoman, The’, 448‘Poems of 1912–1913’, 445, 447, 448, 452‘Satires of Circumstance’, 447‘Singer Asleep, A’, 444‘Snow in the Suburbs’, 441‘Standing by the Mantelpiece’, 447‘Sunday Morning Tragedy, A’, 440‘Thoughts of Phena at News of her Death’,

445, 446, 447, 525‘Thunderstorm in Town, A’, 441Time’s Laughingstocks and Other Verses,

444‘Trampwoman’s Tragedy’, 440‘Voice, The’, 444, 445‘War’s annals’, 452‘We Sat at the Window’, 447Wessex Poems, 445‘When Dead’, 449‘Wife in London, A’, 445‘Wives in the Sere’, 447

Harington, John, 50Harley, Robert, Earl of Oxford, 241Harrison, John, 75Hartman, Geoffrey, 256, 310

Harvey, Gabriel, 75, 76Hastings, Selina, Countess of Huntingdon,

111Haydn, Franz Josef, 256, 257Haydon, B. R., 361, 363, 364Haywood, Eliza, 243Hazlitt, William, 308, 317, 344,

362, 367Healy, Dan, 347Heaney, Seamus, 151, 288Hemans, Felicia, 378, 427

‘Woman and Fame’, 427Heminges, John, 75Henniker, Florence, 439, 445Henry VIII, 37, 38, 48, 105Henryson, Robert, Testament of Cresseid, 27Herbert, George, 50, 139–51, 177, 422

‘Affliction’, 148‘Agonie, The’, 150‘Altar, The’, 144‘Antiphon’, 142‘Bitter-Sweet’, 148‘Church, The’, 139, 141, 142‘Church Militant, The’, 139‘Church-porch, The’, 139‘Collar, The’, 148–50, 151‘Coloss. 3.3’, 144‘Content’, 140‘Deniall’, 142–3, 144, 151‘Dialogue-Antheme, A’, 142‘Dulnesse’, 140‘Easter’, 142‘Easter Wings’, 144‘Flower, The’, 151‘Forerunners, The’, 146–7‘H. Communion, The’, 140‘Heaven’, 142‘Holdfast, The’, 151‘Jordan’, 146, 150‘Love’, 148‘Love (III)’, 142, 150‘Love Unknown’, 140‘Mattens’, 139‘Pearl, The’, 146‘Praise’, 148‘Prayer (I)’, 140‘Redemption’, 140–1, 143‘Sion’, 148‘Sonne, The’, 146‘Temper (II), The’, 140Temple, The, 139, 140, 144, 146, 147,

148, 149, 150‘Trinitie Sunday’, 142

Hardy, Thomas (cont.)© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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‘True Hymne, A’, 142‘23 Psalme, The’, 142

Hervey, Lord, 248Higgins, Ian, 221Hill, Christopher, 195Hill, Geoffrey, 322Hitchener, Elizabeth, 344Hitler, Adolf, 514, 516, 535Hobhouse, John Cam, 339Hogg, James, 273, 274, 279, 287Hogg, Patrick Scott, 277, 278Holinshed, Raphael, Chronicles of England,

Scotland and Ireland, 60Holmes, Stuart, 397Homer, 3, 4, 6, 7, 102, 165, 197

Iliad, 157, 164, 206, 236, 260Odyssey, 4, 164

Hood, Edwin, 429Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 148, 154, 387, 429Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus), 11, 106,

125, 126, 133, 136, 186, 198, 207, 238, 247

Ars Poetica, 135Odes, 68, 177, 208, 235

House, Humphry, 309Housman, A. E., 510Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey, 20,

38, 49Howard, Sir Robert, 196Howitt, Mary, 428Hueffer, Ford Madox, see Ford, Ford

MadoxHughes, Ted, 214, 408, 415, 488

‘Dream of Horses, A’, 534How the Whale Became, 213

Hume, David, 310Hunt, Leigh, 349–50, 360, 361, 362, 363,

364, 372Lord Byron and Some of His

Contemporaries, 349‘Politics and Poetics’, 349

Hunt, William Holman, 425Hutchinson, Sara, 319Huxley, Aldous, 227Hyde-Lees, George (Mrs W. B. Yeats), 462

Ionesco, Eugène, 3Isherwood, Christopher, 513–14, 521

Ascent of F6, The (with W. H. Auden), 513

Dog Beneath the Skin, The (with W. H. Auden), 513

Journey to a War (with W. H. Auden), 516

Jackson, Richard D., 528Jaggard, William, The Passionate Pilgrim, 88James, Henry, 404, 519

‘Browning in Westminster Abbey’, 392‘Private Life, The’, 396

James I, 88James II, 207, 235James VI, 53, 88Jarry, Alfred, 3Jeffrey, Francis, 292, 293, 330, 350Jerrold, Douglas 394, 399John of Gaunt, 21Johnson, Esther (‘Stella’), 225–6Johnson, Joseph, 260Johnson, Samuel, 104, 155, 171, 172, 194,

195, 210, 296, 535Life of Savage, 16Lives of the Poets, 214Preface to Shakespeare, 4Vanity of Human Wishes, 5

Jonson, Ben, 72, 75, 111, 122–37, 157, 171, 183–4, 196, 218

‘Celebration of Charis, The’, 133‘Epigram: To My Muse, An’, 133Epigrams, the I Book, 122, 124, 126–9‘Epistle to a Friend, to Persuade him to the

Wars’, 135, 136‘Epistle to Elizabeth, Countess of

Rutland’, 131–2‘Epistle to Master John Selden’. 130‘Execration upon Vulcan, An’, 135Forest, The, 122, 124, 129–32, 133‘I do but name thee, Pembroke’, 122‘Inviting a Friend to Supper’, 128–9,

134Isle of Dogs, The, 129, 362New Inn, The, 125‘Ode Enthusiastic’, 126‘Ode to Sir William Sidney, on His

Birthday’, 130–1‘On My First Son’, 123–4Sejanus, 184‘Speech According to Horace, A’, 135‘To Groom Idiot’, 127‘To Heaven’, 130‘To Lord Ignorant’, 127‘To My Muse’, 127‘To the Immortal Memory and Friendship

of That Noble Pair, Sir Lucius Cary and Sir H. Morison’, 133

Underwood, The, 122, 124, 132–6‘Why I wrote not of Love’, 130Works (Folio, 1616), 124© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Jonson, Benjamin (son), 123Joyce, James, 266, 459, 462

Ulysses, 459Juvenal (Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis), 10, 106,

195, 209, 228

Kallman, Chester, 517, 521Kean, Edmund, 372Keats, Fanny, 363Keats, George, 361, 370, 371Keats, John, 14, 154, 214, 235, 332, 349,

350, 353, 360–73, 378, 405, 458‘Belle Dame sans Merci, La’, 362,

368‘Bright star’, 362, 373‘Day is gone, The’, 373Endymion, 353, 360, 361, 365–6, 367,

369, 372‘Eve of St. Agnes, The’, 207, 362, 368–9,

373, 413Fall of Hyperion, 372Hyperion, 362, 367–8, 369, 371,

372‘I cry your mercy’, 373‘I stood tip-toe’, 364, 365‘If by dull rhymes our english must be

chaind’, 364‘Imitation of Spenser’, 363, 368Isabella: or The Pot of Basil, 367, 369‘Lamia’, 368, 369–70‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’, 362, 367, 370,

371‘Ode on Indolence’, 370‘Ode on Melancholy’, 362, 370, 371‘Ode to a Nightingale’, 362, 370, 371,

425, 484‘Ode to Apollo’, 370‘Ode to Fanny’, 370‘Ode to Psyche’, 370, 371‘On first looking into Chapman’s Homer’,

360, 444Poems (1817), 360, 363, 364, 366Review of Kean’s Richard III, 372‘Sleep and Poetry’, 362, 364‘This living hand’, 373‘To Autumn’, 362, 370, 371‘To Fanny’ (‘Physician Nature’),

373To Solitude, 360‘What can I do?’, 373‘Where are the songs of spring?’,

370Keats, Thomas, 367, 368, 370

Keble, John, The Christian Year, 429Killigrew, Anne, 200

‘Celestial Song’, 200Kinaston, Sir Francis, 25King, Edward, 155, 161Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 197Knight, G. Wilson, 336

La Fayette (Marie-Joseph du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette), 260

Laclos, Pierre Ambroise François Choderlos de, Les liaisons dangereuses, 335

Laforgue, Jules, 496Lamb, Lady Caroline, 334Lamb, Charles, 317, 362Lamb, Mary, 317Landon, Letitia, 427Langland, William, 31Larkin, Philip, 2, 15, 445, 525–36

‘Ambulances’, 525, 529‘April Sunday brings the snow, An’, 534‘Arundel Tomb, A’, 535‘At Grass’, 533, 534‘Aubade’, 529, 531, 532, 533‘Building, The’, 528, 533‘Church Going’, 528, 529, 532‘Coming’, 529‘Deceptions’, 526‘Dockery and Son’, 527‘Faith Healing’, 526Girl in Winter, A, 525, 526‘Here’, 532‘High Windows’, 527–8, 532, 536‘I Remember, I Remember’, 532Jill, 525, 526, 530Less Deceived, The, 532, 536‘Life With a Hole in It, The’, 533‘Long Roots Moor Summer’, 530‘Love Again’, 385‘Love Songs in Age’, 526‘Marriages’, 530‘Money’, 527‘Mower, The’, 534‘Mr Bleaney’, 532North Ship, The, 525‘Old Fools, The’, 533Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century Verse

(editor), 535‘Reasons for Attendance’, 532‘Sad Steps’, 530‘Send No Money’, 533‘Show Saturday’, 532‘Spring’, 533© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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‘To My Wife’, 530‘Trees’, 531‘Waiting for Breakfast’, 530‘Wedding-Wind’, 529‘When First We Faced’, 533Whitsun Weddings, The, 532, 533, 536

Lawrence, Arthur John, 476Lawrence, D. H., 8, 227, 475–89, 520, 525,

534, 535‘Andraitx – Pomegranate Flowers’, 488‘Argument’, 478‘Bare Almond-Trees’, 488‘Bavarian Gentians’, 487‘Bei Hennef’, 480–1Birds, Beasts and Flowers, 476, 481, 482,

484, 487‘Bride, The’, 476‘Campions’, 477‘Cherry Robbers’, 477–8Collected Poems, 477‘Fig’, 484‘First Morning’, 479‘Fish’, 485–7‘Frohnleichnam’, 479‘Gloire de Dijon’, 480‘Green’, 480‘Guelder Roses’, 477‘How Beastly the Bourgeois Is’, 487‘Hymns in a Man’s Life’, 481, 482Last Poems and More Pansies, 487Look! We Have Come Through!, 478,

479, 480Love Poems and Others, 475, 477,

478‘Mosquito, The’, 484Nettles, 487‘Nightingale, The’, 484‘Odour of Chrysanthemums’, 475‘On the Balcony’, 481Pansies, 487‘Peach’, 482–4‘Piano’, 476‘Pomegranate’, 482, 484, 488‘River Roses’, 480‘The Sea, The Sea’, 488‘Self-Pity’, 487‘Ship of Death’, 488‘Sigh No More’, 478‘Song of a Man Who Has Come Through’,

479Sons and Lovers, 475, 476, 478‘Southern Night’, 484Women in Love, 475

Lawrence, Frieda von Richthofen Weekley, 479, 480, 481

Not I but the Wind, 479Lawrence, Lydia Beardsall, 476Leavis, F. R., 195Leigh, Augusta, 334, 335, 336Linley, Margaret, 427Lintot, Bernard, 242Lippi, Fra’ Filippo (Fra Lippo Lippi), 392,

393Livy (Titus Livius), History of Rome, 83Lockhart, J. G., 273, 274, 278Lodge, Thomas, Scilla’s Metamorphosis,

77Longenbach, James, 15, 451Longinus, 238Louis XVI, 276Lovelace, Richard, 183Love’s Martyr: Or, Rosalins Complaint, 94Lowell, Amy, 441, 444, 483Lowell, Robert, 164Lucan, 1, 22Lucretius, Titus Lucretius Carus, 198, 202,

205, 207De Rerum Natura, 199, 203, 348

Lydgate, John, 30, 102Fall of Princes, The, 83

Lyly, John, 78Endymion, 77

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1st Baron Macaulay, 195

Machaut, Guillaume de, 20, 22Machiavelli, Niccolò, 182Mackenzie, Henry, 279Macmillan, Alexander, 428Macmillan, Sir Frederick, 440MacNeice, Louis, 232

Letters from Iceland (with W. H. Auden), 514

Poetry of W. B. Yeats, The, 465Macpherson, James (‘Ossian’), 13, 416Mahon, Derek, 217Mallarmé, Stéphane, 13, 297, 457Marinetti, F. T., ‘Down with Tango and

Parsifal’, 482Marlowe, Christopher, 171, 338

Dr. Faustus, 3Hero and Leander, 77

Marquis, Donald, Archy and Mehitabel, 72

Marsh, Jan, 423, 428Marston, John, 126© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Martial, 124, 128, 189Martz, Louis, 502Marvell, Andrew, 155, 176–91, 209, 362

‘Definition of Love, The’, 190First Anniversary of the Government

under his Highness the Lord Protector, The, 181–2

‘Flecknoe, an English Priest at Rome’, 182–3

Gallery, The, 185, 187Garden, The, 176, 185, 190, 482, 483‘Horatian Ode upon Cromwell’s Return

from Ireland, An’, 179–81, 185Last Instructions to a Painter, The,

187–9‘Mower to the Glow-worms, The’, 186‘Nymph Complaining for the Death of her

Fawn, The’, 190‘On Mr. Milton’s Paradise Lost’, 184–5‘Picture of Little T.C. in a Prospect of

Flowers, The’, 187Rehearsal Transpros’d, The, 176Second Advice to a Painter, 187Third Advice to a Painter, 187‘To his Coy Mistress’, 176, 190‘To his noble Friend, Mr. Richard

Lovelace, upon his Poems’, 183‘Tom May’s Death’, 183–4‘On a Drop of Dew’, 178Unfortunate Lover, The, 185‘Upon Appleton House’, 176, 185–6

Marx, Karl, 367Mary II, 235Masson, David, 428Maxwell, William, 276May, Thomas, 183, 184McIlvanney, Liam, 278McLehose, Agnes, 274, 279, 280Medwin, Thomas, 334Melbourne, Lady, 335Menand, Louis, 496Mendelson, Edward, 12Meres, Francis, 75, 76

Palladis Tamia, 75Meynell, Alice, 422Milbanke, Annabella, 332, 334, 335Mill, John Stuart, 292, 293, 394Miller, J. Hillis, 12Millet, Kate, Sexual Politics, 475Milnes, R. M., 372

Life, Letters, and Literary Remains of John Keats, 370

Milton, John, 3, 4, 5–7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 69, 154–74, 177, 180, 181, 242, 244, 251, 266–7, 302, 346, 363, 416

Apology against a Pamphlet, An, 158Areopagitica, 162‘At a Solemn Music’, 158Comus, 157, 159–60, 162Defence of the People of England,

174Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, The,

162‘Elegia IV’, 160‘Epitaphium Damonis’, 164History of Britain, 164‘Il Penseroso’, 155‘L’Allegro’, 155‘Lycidas’, 155, 157, 161, 162, 182‘Mansus’, 164‘Nativity Ode’, 155, 157, 160, 162Of Reformation, 162On Education, 159‘On the Death of a Fair Infant’, 154, 155‘On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity’,

155, 263Paradise Lost, 4, 5–6, 12, 155, 157–8, 160,

162, 163, 164, 165–9, 172, 173, 184–5, 295, 318, 328, 367, 368

Paradise Regained, 155, 157, 160, 162, 169–70, 172

‘Passion, The’, 155, 160Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Free

Commonwealth, The, 162Reason of Church Government, The, 158,

162Samson Agonistes, 155, 162, 170–3‘Sonnet XVI’, 155, 170Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, The, 162Tetrachordon, 162‘Vacation Exercise’, 164

Mirror for Magistrates, A, 83Monmouth, Duke of, see Scott, James, First

Duke of MonmouthMontherlant, Henry de, 531Moore, Marianne, 471Moore, Thomas, 330, 332, 416More, Anne, 105, 106, 111More, Thomas, 105Morison, Sir Henry, 125, 133Motherwell, William, 287Moule, Horace, 447Muir, Edwin, 275Murray, John, 338, 360, 361© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Nash, Ogden, 223Nashe, Thomas, 74Nekker, Jacques, 260Newbolt, Sir Henry, 442Newlyn, Lucy, 318Nichol, William, 280, 285Noble, Andrew, 277, 278

Oldham, John, 199Ossian, see Macpherson, JamesOvid (Publius Ovidius Naso), 54, 58, 65,

102, 197, 203Amores, 106Epistulae ex Ponto, 69Fasti, 83Metamorphoses, 66, 67, 77, 158, 203,

204, 209–10Tristia, 68, 69

Oviedo, Gonzalo Fernández de, 43Owen, John, 176Owen, Wilfred, 10

‘Exposure’, 217‘Insensibility’, 217‘Strange Meeting’, 217

Paine, Thomas, 263Rights of Man, 260, 263

Painter, William, The Palace of Pleasure, 83Paley, Morton, 322Palgrave, Francis Turner, The Golden

Treasury, 439Palmer, Thomas, 125Parker, Charlie, 535Parker, Samuel, 176Parnell, Thomas, 10Peacock, Thomas Love

‘Four Ages of Poetry, The’, 349Nightmare Abbey, 349

Pembroke and Montgomery, Earls of, 75Perloff, Marjorie, 8Persius, 10, 11Petrarch, Francesco, 1, 22, 39, 42–6, 49, 57,

62, 65, 66, 67, 107, 117, 458Canzoniere, 22, 43, 44

Philippa of Hainault, 20Philippe, Charles-Louis, 496Philostratus, 130Picasso, Pablo Ruiz, 535Pitt, William, 275Plath, Sylvia

‘Blue Moles’, 488‘Rabbit Catcher, The’, 488

Plutarch, 380Poe, Edgar Allan, 12–13

‘Philosophy of Composition, The’, 13‘Raven, The’, 13

Polidori, Gaetano, Verses, 423Pope, Alexander, 4, 6–7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15,

16, 137, 213–14, 215–16, 217, 218, 227, 228, 229, 230, 235–52, 296, 364

‘Alley, The’, 242Brutus, 7, 235, 244, 251Donne’s Second Satyre Versifyed, 10Dunciad, The, 4, 5, 7, 11, 14, 15, 16, 215,

217, 239, 242–3, 244, 248, 250, 251Edition of Shakespeare, 242Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate

Lady, 240Eloisa to Abelard, 240Epilogue to the Satires, 250‘Episode of Sarpedon’, 236Epistle to Bathurst, 246–7Epistle to Burlington, 247Epistle to Cobham, 245Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot, 239, 247–9,

286Essay on Criticism, 11, 238–9, 240, 241,

242, 245, 248, 251Essay on Man, 7, 244, 245, 246, 251First Epistle of the First Book of Horace

Imitated, The, 249First Epistle of the Second Book of Horace

Imitated, The, 250First Satire of the Second Book of Horace

Imitated, The, 249‘Imitations of English Poets’, 236Imitations of Horace, 11‘January and May’, 236Moral Essays, 245Pastorals, 3, 236, 237, 241Rape of the Lock, 6, 7, 11, 227, 230,

239–40, 244, 246Second Epistle of the Second Book of

Horace Imitated, The, 249Sober Advice From Horace, 249Spring, 236Summer, 236Temple of Fame, The, 241To a Lady, 245–6‘To Mr. Addison’, 251Translations of Homer, 240, 241Windsor-Forest, 236–8, 239, 242, 243,

247, 249, 251Works, 241© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Pound, Ezra, 11, 12, 13, 441, 445, 459, 462, 475, 493, 495, 497, 498, 503, 505, 508, 521, 526, 535

ABC of Reading, 21, 399Cantos, 13, 399, 498‘Fault of It, The’, 462‘Return, The’, 505

Presley, Elvis, 379Procter, Adelaide, 431Proctor, Ellen, 433Pulci, Luigi, Morgante Maggiore, 340Purcell, Henry, 197Puttenham, George, 1, 10, 38, 129, 185

Arte of English Poesie, 1, 20, 77, 127Pym, Barbara, 533, 536

Quintilian, 238

Racine, Jean, 8Rainey, Lawrence, 497Rajan, Tillotama, 322Ralegh, Sir Walter, 39, 60, 135

Oceans Love to Scynthia, 58Rashomon, 395Reeves, James, 214, 219

Reputation and Writings of Alexander Pope, The, 214

Reynolds, John Hamilton, 353, 360, 363, 366, 367, 369

Richard II, 20, 29Richardson, Samuel

Pamela, 224Rickett, Arthur Compton, 440Ricks, Christopher, 315, 493Riddell, Robert, 275Robinson, Henry Crabb, 291–2Roethke, Theodore, 488Roman de la rose, 20, 333Romaunt of the Rose, The, 333Ronsard, Pierre de, 43Rosenblum, Dolores, 425Rossetti, Christina, 151, 422–35, 457

Annus Domini: A Prayer for Each Day, 433

‘Apple-Gathering, An’, 428‘Balm in Gilead’, 435‘Birthday, A’, 427, 428Called to be Saints: The Minor Festivals

Devotionally Studied, 433, 434‘City of Statues’, 422, 423Commonplace and Other Stories, 433‘Death’s Chill Between’, 424‘Despised and Rejected’, 432

‘Dream, The’, 423‘Dream-Land’, 425, 426‘Gifts and Graces’, 434‘Goblin Market’, 219, 429–31, 432Goblin Market and Other Poems, 428,

429, 431, 432‘Good Friday’, 432, 433‘Heart’s Chill Between’, 424‘Hope in Grief’, 424‘L.E.L.’, 432‘Later Life: A Double Sonnet of Sonnets’,

434Letter and Spirit: Notes on the

Commandments, 434‘Lost Titian, The’, 428‘Lotus-Eaters, The’, 423‘Lowest Room, The’, 432Maude, 427‘Monna Innominata: A Sonnet of Sonnets’,

433‘New Jerusalem and its Citizens’, 434Nick, 427‘Novice, The’, 423‘O Rose, thou flower of flowers’, 428‘Old and New World Ditties’, 427‘On Keats’, 424‘Out of the deep have I called unto thee, O

Lord’, 434Pageant and Other Poems, A, 433‘Passing away’, 427, 435Prince’s Progress and Other Poems, The,

432‘Remember’, 424, 427‘Repining’, 426‘Royal Princess, A’, 432Seek and Find: Short Studies of the

Benedicite, 433Sing Song, 433‘Song’, 426‘Songs for Strangers and Pilgrims’,

434‘Summer’, 423‘Summer Evening, The’, 428‘Testimony, A’, 426‘Three Moments’, 427‘Three Stages’, 422Time Flies: A Reading Diary, 434‘Up-Hill’, 427, 428Verses, 434, 435‘What Sappho would have said had her

leap cured her instead of killing her’, 424

‘When I am dead, my dearest’, 422, 427© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 423, 424, 429, 431, 432, 433

‘Golden head by golden head’, 431Rossetti, Maria, 423, 433Rossetti, William Michael, 423, 424, 428

‘Memoir’, 433New Poems of Christina Rossetti, 424Poetical Works of William Blake, Lyrical

and Miscellaneous, The, 260Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 272, 337Ruskin, John, 429, 450Russell, Lucy, Countess of Bedford, 111

Sackville, Sir Edward, 134St John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke,

241Saint-Amant, Marc-Antoine Girard, sieur

de, 185Salaman, Redcliffe, The History and Social

Influence of the Potato, 272Sappho, 444Schopenhauer, Arthur, 453Schuchard, Ronald, 497Scott, James, First Duke of Monmouth, 197,

202Scott, Sir Walter, 273, 276, 281, 330, 413Selden, John, 130Seneca, Lucius Annaeus

Apocolocyntosis, 184De Beneficiis, 134

Sertini, Tommaso, 47Seth, Vikram, 151Shadwell, Thomas, 196Shaftesbury, Earl of, see Cooper, Anthony

Ashley, First Earl of ShaftesburyShakespeare, William, 1–2, 3–4, 7, 14,

72–102, 126, 154, 171, 255, 283, 315, 363, 366, 416, 458, 494

All’s Well That Ends Well, 94Antony and Cleopatra, 99, 100As You Like It, 94, 99, 101Comedy of Errors, The, 93, 96, 99, 362Cymbeline, 99Hamlet, 73, 76, 94, 100, 101, 491–2, 494Henry IV, 1, 74, 98Henry V, 98Henry VI, Part 1, 74, 97Henry VI, Part 2, 97Henry VI, Part 3, 97Henry VIII, 99, 100King John, 97King Lear, 73, 100, 366‘Let the bird of loudest lay’, 126

Lover’s Complaint, A, 94–5Love’s Labours Lost, 74, 362Macbeth, 100, 317Measure for Measure, 94Merchant of Venice, The, 94Merry Wives of Windsor, The, 99Midsummer Night’s Dream, 32, 93, 96,

97, 102Much Ado about Nothing, 94, 98–9Othello, 100‘Phoenix and Turtle, The’, 95–6Rape of Lucrece, The, 3, 75, 76, 82–7, 93Richard II, 74, 97Richard III, 74, 96, 97, 372Romeo and Juliet, 73, 74, 79, 96–7, 101‘Shall I fly, shall I die’ (attributed), 94Sonnets, 3, 87–94; No. 18: 89; No. 19:

89; No. 20: 89; No. 29: 89; No. 31: 90; No. 32: 90; No. 35: 90; No. 36: 90; No. 41: 90; No. 42: 90; No. 73: 91; No. 86: 92; No. 90: 92; No. 110: 73; No. 111: 73; No. 127: 92; No. 129: 92, 112; No. 134: 93; No. 138: 93; No. 147: 93

Taming of the Shrew, The, 93, 96Tempest, The, 99, 199, 519Titus Andronicus, 74, 97, 99Troilus and Cressida, 3, 94, 102Twelfth Night, 88, 94, 99Two Gentlemen of Verona, The, 93, 96Two Noble Kinsmen, The, 100Venus and Adonis, 1, 3, 74–5, 76, 77–82,

83, 85, 87, 93Winter’s Tale, The, 99

Shaw, George Bernard, 367, 535Shelley, Clara, 346Shelley, Harriet Westbrook, 345, 349Shelley, Mary, 345, 349, 415

Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus, 345, 347, 353

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 164, 217, 331, 332, 336, 337, 338, 344–58, 360, 363, 378, 406, 413, 415, 477, 509

‘Adonais’, 353, 354, 373Alastor, 349, 350, 351, 352, 365, 425Alastor and Other Poems, 348, 350, 352Calderon, translation of, 346Cenci, The, 365Defense of Poetry, A, 85, 348, 349, 350,

358‘England in 1819’, 350‘Epipsychidion’, 345‘Hymn to Intellectual Beauty’, 349, 352,

355© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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‘Julian and Maddalo’, 337, 354Letter to Lord Ellenborough, A, 347‘Mask of Anarchy, The’, 350‘Mont Blanc’, 352, 355Necessity of Atheism, The, 344‘Ode to the West Wind’, 356–8‘Ozymandias’, 235, 349Peter Bell the Third, 216, 353Philosophical View of Reform, A, 345,

347Plato, Symposium, translation of, 346Prometheus Unbound, 347, 348, 358Queen Mab, 347–8, 349, 350St. Irvyne, 347Spinoza, translation of, 346‘Stanzas Written in Dejection Near

Naples’, 345, 355–6, 357‘To a Skylark’, 358‘To Wordsworth’, 351‘Triumph of Life, The’, 347Zastrozzi, 347

Shenstone, William, 213, 214, 286Shepherd, Richard Herne, 254Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 223Sheridan, Thomas, 223, 224Shorthouse, Joseph Henry, John Inglesant,

528Sidney, Lady Elizabeth, Countess of Rutland,

131–2Sidney, Sir Philip, 66, 130, 131, 156, 530

Psalms, translation, with Mary Sidney, 142

Sidney, Sir William, 130–1Simenon, Georges, 531Simonides of Ceos, 85Sinatra, Frank, 379Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, 1Sitwell, Edith, 214Skelton, John, 134, 217Skura, Meredith, 73Smart, Christopher, 214Smellie, Alexander, 422Smith, Adam, Theory of Moral Sentiments 9,

213–14, 271, 276Smith, Charlotte, 295

Emigrants, The, 295Soame, Sir William, 8Socrates, 156Somerset, Edward, Fourth Earl of Worcester,

68Somerset, Elizabeth, 68Somerset, Katherine, 68

Sophocles, Oedipus the King, 170, 171, 172Southey, Robert, 311, 328, 331, 340, 349,

350, 416Joan of Arc, 311Vision of Judgement, A, 340–1

Spenser, Edmund, 3, 43, 53–69, 74, 75, 76, 340, 363

Amoretti, 58, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68Colin Clouts Come Home Again, 54, 58,

63, 69, 76Complaints, 53, 54Epithalamion, 65, 66–8Faerie Queene, 24, 53, 54, 58–65, 67, 69,

157, 164, 236, 363, 365, 366Fowre Hymnes, 64‘Leave lady in your glasse of christall

clene’ (Sonnet 45), 65‘Letter to Ralegh’, 60Mother Hubberd’s Tale, 58Muiopotmos, or the Fate of the Butterfly,

363, 364Prothalamion, 68Shepheardes Calender, The, 53, 54–8, 63,

67Teares of the Muses, The, 58View of the Present State of Ireland, A, 54,

58, 60, 69Spurgeon, Caroline, 100Statius, Publius Papinius, 63, 66

Thebaid, 31‘Stella’, see Johnson, EstherStephen, Leslie, 314, 535Sterne, Laurence, Tristram Shandy,

225Stevens, Wallace, 14Stevenson, Robert Louis, 280Stewart-Mackenzie, Louisa Caroline (Louisa,

Lady Ashburton), 395‘Streets of Laredo, The’ (‘Cowboy’s

Lament’), 515Strode, Ralph, 28Stuart, Charles Edward, 274Sullivan, Sir Arthur, 384Surrey, see Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey.Swift, Jonathan, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 213–32,

241‘Author upon Himself, The’, 215‘Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed, A’,

225, 227Cadenus and Vanessa, 216, 224–5‘Cassinus and Peter’, 227Causes of the Wretched Condition of

Ireland, 221

Shelley, Percy Bysshe (cont.)© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Character, Panegyric, and Description of the Legion Club, A, 216, 217, 221, 228

Compleat Collection of Genteel and Ingenious Conversation, A, 219, 224

‘Description of the Morning’, 222, 229, 230

Directions to Servants, 221Epistle to a Lady, Who desired the Author

to make Verses on Her, in the Heroick Stile, 228

Gulliver’s Travels, 213, 227, 228‘Humble Petition of Mrs. Frances Harris,

The’, 221, 222–4Lady’s Dressing Room, The, 225, 227Letter to a Young Lady on her Marriage,

225‘Mad Mullinix and Timothy’, 221‘Mary the Cook-Maid’s Letter to Dr.

Sheridan’, 221, 223, 224Modest Proposal, A, 213‘Progress of Beauty, The’, 225‘Stella’s Birth-Day’, 225–6‘Strephon and Chloe’, 227Tale of a Tub, A, 15, 16, 213, 221Traulus, 218, 221, 228‘Verses made for Women who cry Apples,

&c.’, 219–21Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift, 215

Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 122, 365, 429, 435, 443, 444, 445, 448, 457

Poems and Ballads, 444‘Transvaal, The’, 445

Talleyrand (Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord), 271

Tasso, Torquato, Gerusalemme Liberata, 61

Tate, Nahum, 197Taylor, John, 254Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 15, 365, 376–90,

394, 399, 429, 442, 457‘All Things Must Die’, 380‘Ancient Sage, The’, 379‘Armageddon’, 380‘Audley Court’, 383‘Charge of the Light Brigade, The’, 376‘Columbus’, 389‘Come Down, O Maid’, 384‘Crossing the Bar’, 389‘Demeter and Persephone’, 389Devil and the Lady, The, 380‘Dying Swan, The’, 380

‘Edwin Morris’, 383‘Enoch Arden’, 383‘Epic, The’, 380, 388‘Gareth and Lynette’, 390‘Godiva’, 382‘Golden Year, The’, 383‘Holy Grail, The’, 389Idylls of the King, 382, 388–9In Memoriam A. H. H., 376, 382, 384,

385–6, 387, 442‘Lady of Shalott, The’, 381, 425‘Lucretius’, 389‘Mariana’, 380, 426‘Mariana in the South’, 381Maud, 378, 382, 384, 385, 386–7,

389‘Morte d’Arthur’, 380, 383, 388‘Mystic, The’, 380‘Nothing Will Die’, 380‘O that ’twere possible’, 387‘Ode on the Death of the Duke of

Wellington’, 387, 389‘Oenone’, 381‘On the bald street breaks the blank day’,

442‘Palace of Art, The’, 381‘Passing of Arthur, The’, 379Poems (1832), 381Poems (1842), 381Poems by Two Brothers, 380Poems, Chiefly Lyrical, 380Princess, The, 376, 383–4‘Tears, Idle Tears’, 384‘Timbuctoo’, 380‘Tiresias’, 382‘Tithonus’, 380‘Walking to the Mail’. 383

Tennyson, Emily Sellwood, 387Terence (Publius Terentius Afer), 199Theobald, Lewis, 242, 244, 250, 251

Shakespeare Restor’d, 242Theocritus, 236Thomas, Dylan, 525, 534Thomas, Edward, 475Thomas, Elizabeth, 243Thomas, R. S., 151Thomson, James, 255, 286Thorpe, Thomas, 77, 94Tillyard, E. M. W., 155Tonson, Jacob, 197, 236Tottel, Richard, 45, 49

Tottel’s Miscellany, 9, 49–50Tynan, Katherine, 422© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Usk, Thomas, 27

Van Doren, Mark, 194, 195, 197, 210Vanhomrigh, Esther (Vanessa), 224Vasari, Giorgio, Lives of the Painters, 392,

393Vaughan, William, 151Vaux, Thomas, 38Vere, Sir Horace, 126Verlaine, Paul, 457Vickers, Brian, 94Victoria, Queen, 387Villiers, George, Second Duke of

Buckingham, 186Virgil, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 22, 54, 60, 65, 195, 202,

236, 243, 383Aeneid, 22, 63, 163, 167, 168, 206, 217,

235, 242, 243, 390Eclogues, 55, 62

Vittoz, Dr. Roger, 498Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet), 337

Candide, 311

Waller, Edmund, 6, 8, 11, 182, 236Instruction to a Painter, 188

Walpole, Sir Robert, 247, 252Walton, Izaak, 148Warren, Robert Penn, 505Watson, George, 319, 320Watts, Theodore, ‘Reminiscences’, 422Webster, Lady Frances Wedderburn, 335Weever, John, 75, 76

Epigrams in the Oldest Cut and Newest Fashion, 75

Wellesley, Arthur, First Duke of Wellington, 337, 387

Wesley, Samuel, 9Weston, Jessie L., From Ritual to Romance,

499Weston, Richard, 133Wheeler, Richard, 94Whitehead, Alfred North, Science in the

Modern World, 346Whitman, Walter (Walt), 459, 480, 482William III, 235, 237Williams, Isaac

Altar, The, 429Baptistery, The, 429Cathedral, The, 429

Williams, John, 135Williams, William Carlos, 508Willobie (Willougby), Henry, 76

Willobie His Avisa, 76

Wilson, Edmund, 498, 499Wilson, Thomas, Art of Rhetoric, 77Wimsatt, W. K., 14, 229Woolf, Virginia, 434Woolner, Thomas

‘My Beautiful Lady’, 425‘Of My Lady in Death’, 425

Wordsworth, Catharine, 301Wordsworth, William, 13, 14, 214, 291–305,

309, 311, 319, 322, 331, 337, 346, 350–1, 352, 354, 361, 363, 366, 367, 413, 415, 477, 510

‘Baker’s Cart, The’, 302Borderers, The, 303‘Brothers, The’, 304‘Essay on Morals’, 303Excursion, The, 299, 300, 350, 363‘I have seen the Baker’s horse’, 294‘I travelled among unknown men’, 355‘I wandered lonely as a cloud’, 355‘Idiot Boy, The’, 331‘Immortality Ode’ (‘Ode: Intimations of

Immortality’)’, 14, 291–2, 293, 351, 352, 364

Lyrical Ballads, The, 13, 54, 294, 296, 304‘Michael’, 299, 300, 304–5‘Ode, Composed upon an Evening of

Extraordinary Splendour and Beauty’, 293

‘Ode to Duty’, 293‘On the Power of Sound’, 293Peter Bell, 353‘Preface’ (Lyrical Ballads), 300, 303, 331Prelude, The, 15, 293, 295, 297, 299, 300,

312, 320, 331Recluse, The, 293, 297, 298, 299, 300,

302, 350‘Surprized by joy’, 301–2‘Tintern Abbey’, 349, 354, 367‘We are seven’, 220

Wotton, Henry, 111, 114, 133Wriothesley, Henry, Earl of Southampton

and Baron of Titchfield, 74, 75, 77, 83Wroth, Sir Robert, 130Wu, Duncan, 298Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 9, 20, 37–50, 340

‘Avising the bright beams of those fair eyes’, 45

‘Blame not my lute’, 39–40‘Caesar, when that the traitor of Egypt’, 45‘Each man me telleth I change most my

device’, 45‘Help me to seek’, 41–2© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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‘I find no peace and all my war is done’, 45

‘If amorous faith in heart unfeigned’, 45‘In Spain’, 47‘Long love that in my thought doth

harbour, The’, adapted from Petrarch, 44, 45

‘Love and Fortune and my mind, rememb’rer’, 45

‘Madam, withouten many words’, translation from Dragonetto Bonifacio, 40–1

‘Mine own John Poyntz’, adapted from Luigi Alamanni, 47–8

‘My galley charged with forgetfulness’, adapted from Petrarch, 44

‘My heart I gave thee, not to do it pain’, 45

‘My mother’s maids when they did sew and spin’, 48

‘Now of all change’ (often attributed), 50‘Of duteous love’, 45‘Penitential Psalms’, translated from Pietro

Aretino, 43‘Pillar perished is whereto I leant, The’, 45‘Prove whether I do change, my dear’, 37‘Some fowls there be that have so perfect

sight’, 45‘Such is the course that nature’s kind hath

wrought’, 45‘Such vain thought as wonted to mislead

me’, 45‘They flee from me’, 45–7, 49‘Wavering lover willeth, and dreadeth, to

move his desire, The’, 45‘Whoso list to hunt, I know where is an

hind’, adapted from Petrarch, 43–4

Yeats, Anne, 469Yeats, W. B., 13, 14, 16, 53, 213, 214, 218,

221, 457–72, 481, 504, 508, 516–17, 520, 525, 526, 534, 536

‘Adam’s Curse’, 509Collected Poems, 472Collected Works in Verse and Prose, 460Countess Kathleen and Various Legends

and Lyrics, The, 457, 472‘Crazy Jane Talks to the Bishop’, 466, 472‘Dialogue of Self and Soul, A’, 466, 467,

469Early Poems and Stories, 458, 472‘Easter 1916’, 463, 464, 517‘Friends that have it I do wrong, The’,

460‘Lake Isle of Innisfree, The’, 460, 461, 462,

468, 472‘Lamentation of the Old Pensioner, The’,

471–2‘Man and the Echo, The’, 472Michael Robartes and the Dancer, 469Oxford Book of Modern Verse, 12‘Per Amica Silentia Lunae’, 460, 463, 465‘Phases of the Moon, The’, 468‘Prayer for my Daughter, A’, 469, 470–1‘Reconciliation’, 461–2Responsibilities, 461‘Sailing to Byzantium’, 464, 465, 466,

467–8, 469‘Second Coming, The’, 463–4, 469, 470‘Sorrow of Love, The’, 15, 457–8, 460,

465, 471‘To a Poet, who would have me Praise

certain Bad Poets, Imitators of His and Mine’, 461

Tower, The, 14, 464, 465, 467Vision, A, 463, 468Wild Swans at Coole, The, 476Wind Among the Reeds, The, 460,

461Winding Stair, The, 466, 467‘Words for Music Perhaps’, 466

Young, Edward, Night Thoughts, 255Young, G. M., 443Young, Thomas, 156© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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