californians and their government october 2018 full crosstabs … · 2018-10-25 · californians...

PPIC STATEWIDE SURVEY OCTOBER 2018 Californians and Their GovernmentOctober 2018 Full Crosstabs – Likely Voters Only Methodology Note: Findings are based on a survey of 1,704 California adult residents, with 70 percent interviewed on cell phones (1,193 interviews) and 30 percent interviewed on landline telephones (511 interviews). Live landline and cell phone interviews were conducted in English and Spanish according to the respondents’ preferences. Interviews took an average of 18 minutes to complete. Interviewing took place on weekend days and weekday nights October 12-21, 2018. These crosstabs are based on a subgroup of 989 California adult likely voters. The sampling error, taking design effects from weighting into consideration, is ±4.2 percent at the 95 percent confidence level for the unweighted sample of 989 likely voters. The sampling error for unweighted likely voter subgroups is larger. Sampling error is only one type of error to which surveys are subject. Results may also be affected by factors such as question wording, question order, and survey timing. If you have any questions or require additional information regarding this survey, please contact [email protected]

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Page 1: Californians and Their Government October 2018 Full Crosstabs … · 2018-10-25 · Californians and Their Government October 2018 Full Crosstabs – Likely Voters Only ... phones


Californians and Their GovernmentOctober 2018

Full Crosstabs – Likely Voters Only

Methodology Note:

Findings are based on a survey of 1,704 California adult residents, with 70 percent interviewed on cell phones (1,193 interviews) and 30 percent interviewed on landline telephones (511 interviews). Live landline and cell phone interviews were conducted in English and Spanish according to the respondents’ preferences. Interviews took an average of 18 minutes to complete. Interviewing took place on weekend days and weekday nights October 12-21, 2018.

These crosstabs are based on a subgroup of 989 California adult likely voters. The sampling error, taking design effects from weighting into consideration, is ±4.2 percent at the 95 percent confidence level for the unweighted sample of 989 likely voters. The sampling error for unweighted likely voter subgroups is larger. Sampling error is only one type of error to which surveys are subject. Results may also be affected by factors such as question wording, question order, and survey timing.

If you have any questions or require additional information regarding this survey, please contact [email protected]

Page 2: Californians and Their Government October 2018 Full Crosstabs … · 2018-10-25 · Californians and Their Government October 2018 Full Crosstabs – Likely Voters Only ... phones

October 2018, Californians and Their Government

Page 1

Page 3: Californians and Their Government October 2018 Full Crosstabs … · 2018-10-25 · Californians and Their Government October 2018 Full Crosstabs – Likely Voters Only ... phones

October 2018, Californians and Their Government October 2018, Crosstabs - Likely Voters

Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley




[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q1. First, overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way that Jerry Brown is handling his job as governor of California? 214180238113155354268334238280407977




PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district



[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q1. First, overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way that Jerry Brown is handling his job as governor of California? 232743794177171599171467509190256656




College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation



[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q1. First, overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way that Jerry Brown is handling his job as governor of California? 228720138839415240208556277135




Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


approvedisapprove[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q2. Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way that the California Legislature is handling its job? 215183239113158358270334241282409985


PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

approvedisapprove[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q2. Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way that the California Legislature is handling its job? 235748800179173606169469515195259662


College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

approvedisapprove[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q2. Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way that the California Legislature is handling its job? 229728138847418243210561280135


Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 3

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


good times

bad times

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q3. Turning to economic conditions in California, do you think that during the next 12 months we will have good times financially or bad times? 217181240112156355270335239279411983




PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

good times

bad times

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q3. Turning to economic conditions in California, do you think that during the next 12 months we will have good times financially or bad times? 234747798179171606171470512192255663




College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

good times

bad times

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q3. Turning to economic conditions in California, do you think that during the next 12 months we will have good times financially or bad times? 229725140843413244211561279134




Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 4

Page 6: Californians and Their Government October 2018 Full Crosstabs … · 2018-10-25 · Californians and Their Government October 2018 Full Crosstabs – Likely Voters Only ... phones

Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


John Cox, a RepublicanGavin Newsom, a Democratwould not vote for governor (volunteered)don't know

Unweighted n

Q6. If the November 6th election for governor were being held today, would you vote for [ROTATE] [1] John Cox, a Republican, [OR] [2] Gavin Newsom, a Democrat? 214182239111156356267333234282411978





PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

John Cox, a RepublicanGavin Newsom, a Democratwould not vote for governor (volunteered)don't know

Unweighted n

Q6. If the November 6th election for governor were being held today, would you vote for [ROTATE] [1] John Cox, a Republican, [OR] [2] Gavin Newsom, a Democrat? 231745793179169604171468509193258657





College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

John Cox, a RepublicanGavin Newsom, a Democratwould not vote for governor (volunteered)don't know

Unweighted n

Q6. If the November 6th election for governor were being held today, would you vote for [ROTATE] [1] John Cox, a Republican, [OR] [2] Gavin Newsom, a Democrat? 228721138840415239210556278135





Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


very closelyfairly closelynot too closelynot at all closely[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q7. How closely are you following news about candidates for the 2018 governor's election- very closely, fairly closely, not too closely, or not at all closely? 217183240113158357272336241281412988


PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

very closelyfairly closelynot too closelynot at all closely[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q7. How closely are you following news about candidates for the 2018 governor's election- very closely, fairly closely, not too closely, or not at all closely? 235751803179172607172472515195259664


College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

very closelyfairly closelynot too closelynot at all closely[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q7. How closely are you following news about candidates for the 2018 governor's election- very closely, fairly closely, not too closely, or not at all closely? 229730140848418243211563280136


Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley



not satisfied

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q8. In general, would you say you are satisfied or not satisfied with your choices of candidates in the election for governor on November 6th? 216182238112158356272332239282410983




PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district


not satisfied

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q8. In general, would you say you are satisfied or not satisfied with your choices of candidates in the election for governor on November 6th? 233748798179172604170471511195259660




College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation


not satisfied

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q8. In general, would you say you are satisfied or not satisfied with your choices of candidates in the election for governor on November 6th? 227727140843416243211558281135




Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 7

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


Kevin De Leon, a DemocratDianne Feinstein, a Democrat[VOL] neither/would not vote for U.S. Senator[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q9. If the November 6th election for the U.S. Senate were being held today, would you vote for [ROTATE] [1] Kevin De Leon, a Democrat, [OR] [2] Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat?






PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

Kevin De Leon, a DemocratDianne Feinstein, a Democrat[VOL] neither/would not vote for U.S. Senator[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q9. If the November 6th election for the U.S. Senate were being held today, would you vote for [ROTATE] [1] Kevin De Leon, a Democrat, [OR] [2] Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat?






College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

Kevin De Leon, a DemocratDianne Feinstein, a Democrat[VOL] neither/would not vote for U.S. Senator[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q9. If the November 6th election for the U.S. Senate were being held today, would you vote for [ROTATE] [1] Kevin De Leon, a Democrat, [OR] [2] Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat?






Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 8

Page 10: Californians and Their Government October 2018 Full Crosstabs … · 2018-10-25 · Californians and Their Government October 2018 Full Crosstabs – Likely Voters Only ... phones

Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley



not satisfied

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q10. In general, would you say you are satisfied or not satisfied with your choices of candidates in the election for US Senate on November 6th? 217183238112158357271334239281411984




PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district


not satisfied

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q10. In general, would you say you are satisfied or not satisfied with your choices of candidates in the election for US Senate on November 6th? 235747800178172605170471512195259662




College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation


not satisfied

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q10. In general, would you say you are satisfied or not satisfied with your choices of candidates in the election for US Senate on November 6th? 226729138846416243211562280133




Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 9

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


Rep/lean Rep

Dem/lean Dem

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q11. If the 2018 election for U.S. House of Representatives were being held today, would you vote for [ROTATE] [1] the Republican candidate [OR] [2] the Democratic candidate] in your district? 213179240110154352267332236280411973




PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

Rep/lean Rep

Dem/lean Dem

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q11. If the 2018 election for U.S. House of Representatives were being held today, would you vote for [ROTATE] [1] the Republican candidate [OR] [2] the Democratic candidate] in your district? 230741788179167602169463509191254656




College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

Rep/lean Rep

Dem/lean Dem

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q11. If the 2018 election for U.S. House of Representatives were being held today, would you vote for [ROTATE] [1] the Republican candidate [OR] [2] the Democratic candidate] in your district? 225720138835416237208555276133




Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 10

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


work with the Trump Administrationpush back against the Trump Administration

[VOL] both

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q12. Which of the following is more important to you in candidates for US Congress' [ROTATE] (1) that they work with the Trump Administration [OR] (2) that they push back against the Trump Administration? 214178236110157356267329233281407972





PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

work with the Trump Administrationpush back against the Trump Administration

[VOL] both

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q12. Which of the following is more important to you in candidates for US Congress' [ROTATE] (1) that they work with the Trump Administration [OR] (2) that they push back against the Trump Administration? 232738789177167601168464507192255654





College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

work with the Trump Administrationpush back against the Trump Administration

[VOL] both

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q12. Which of the following is more important to you in candidates for US Congress' [ROTATE] (1) that they work with the Trump Administration [OR] (2) that they push back against the Trump Administration? 220723133839410239208553276134





Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 11

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


extremely enthusiasticvery enthusiasticsomewhat enthusiasticnot too enthusiasticnot at all enthusiastic[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q13. How enthusiastic would you say you are about voting for Congress this year - extremely enthusiastic, very enthusiastic, somewhat enthusiastic, not too enthusiastic, or not at all enthusiastic? 217182240113157357272334240281411986




PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

extremely enthusiasticvery enthusiasticsomewhat enthusiasticnot too enthusiasticnot at all enthusiastic[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q13. How enthusiastic would you say you are about voting for Congress this year - extremely enthusiastic, very enthusiastic, somewhat enthusiastic, not too enthusiastic, or not at all enthusiastic? 235749801179172605172471514193258663




College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

extremely enthusiasticvery enthusiasticsomewhat enthusiasticnot too enthusiasticnot at all enthusiastic[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q13. How enthusiastic would you say you are about voting for Congress this year - extremely enthusiastic, very enthusiastic, somewhat enthusiastic, not too enthusiastic, or not at all enthusiastic? 229728139847417243210561280136




Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 12

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley




[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q14. Proposition 6 is the Eliminates Certain Road Repair and Transportation Funding. Requires Certain Fuel Taxes and Vehicle Fees be Approved by the Electorate. If held today, would you vote yes or no?





PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district



[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q14. Proposition 6 is the Eliminates Certain Road Repair and Transportation Funding. Requires Certain Fuel Taxes and Vehicle Fees be Approved by the Electorate. If held today, would you vote yes or no?





College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation



[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q14. Proposition 6 is the Eliminates Certain Road Repair and Transportation Funding. Requires Certain Fuel Taxes and Vehicle Fees be Approved by the Electorate. If held today, would you vote yes or no?





Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 13

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


very importantsomewhat importantnot too importantnot at all important[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q15. How important to you is the outcome of the vote on Proposition 6 - is it very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important? 217180239112158356271333238281410983


PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

very importantsomewhat importantnot too importantnot at all important[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q15. How important to you is the outcome of the vote on Proposition 6 - is it very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important? 235746798179170604172469513194258662


College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

very importantsomewhat importantnot too importantnot at all important[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q15. How important to you is the outcome of the vote on Proposition 6 - is it very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important? 226728140843417242211559280135


Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 14

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley




[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q16. Proposition 10 is called the Expands Local Governments Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property. If the election were held today, would you vote yes or no on Proposition 10? 214179239112156355270330237279408976




PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district



[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q16. Proposition 10 is called the Expands Local Governments Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property. If the election were held today, would you vote yes or no on Proposition 10? 234740792179170600171463512193257657




College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation



[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q16. Proposition 10 is called the Expands Local Governments Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property. If the election were held today, would you vote yes or no on Proposition 10? 227722139837416240210555279133




Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 15

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


very importantsomewhat importantnot too importantnot at all important[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q17. How important to you is the outcome of the vote on Proposition 10 - is it very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important? 217181240112158357272334239281411985


PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

very importantsomewhat importantnot too importantnot at all important[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q17. How important to you is the outcome of the vote on Proposition 10 - is it very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important? 235748800179172605172471513194258663



College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

very importantsomewhat importantnot too importantnot at all important[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q17. How important to you is the outcome of the vote on Proposition 10 - is it very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important? 227729140845418244211559281136



Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 16

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


big problemsomewhat of a problemnot a problem[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q18. Would you say traffic congestion on freeways and major roads is a big problem, somewhat of a problem, or not a problem in your region of California? 217183241113158358272336241282412989





PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

big problemsomewhat of a problemnot a problem[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q18. Would you say traffic congestion on freeways and major roads is a big problem, somewhat of a problem, or not a problem in your region of California? 235752804179173607172473515195259665





College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

big problemsomewhat of a problemnot a problem[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q18. Would you say traffic congestion on freeways and major roads is a big problem, somewhat of a problem, or not a problem in your region of California? 229731140849418244211563281136





Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 17

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


big problemsomewhat of a problemnot a problem[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q19. How much of a problem is housing affordability in your part of California? Is it a big problem, somewhat of a problem, or not a problem? 217183241113158358272336241282412989





PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

big problemsomewhat of a problemnot a problem[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q19. How much of a problem is housing affordability in your part of California? Is it a big problem, somewhat of a problem, or not a problem? 235752804179173607172473515195259665





College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

big problemsomewhat of a problemnot a problem[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q19. How much of a problem is housing affordability in your part of California? Is it a big problem, somewhat of a problem, or not a problem? 229731140849418244211563281136





Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 18

Page 20: Californians and Their Government October 2018 Full Crosstabs … · 2018-10-25 · Californians and Their Government October 2018 Full Crosstabs – Likely Voters Only ... phones

Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


approvedisapprove[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q20. Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way that Donald Trump is handling his job as president? 214182238112158357270333237281410981


PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

approvedisapprove[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q20. Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way that Donald Trump is handling his job as president? 232747796179170604171469511193257660


College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

approvedisapprove[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q20. Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way that Donald Trump is handling his job as president? 224728136845416241209558279135


Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


approvedisapprove[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q21. Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way the U.S. Congress is handling its job? 217182238112157355271334239280411983


PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

approvedisapprove[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q21. Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way the U.S. Congress is handling its job? 233748799178169606171468514194258662


College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

approvedisapprove[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q21. Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way the U.S. Congress is handling its job? 226728138845416243210559281135


Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley




[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q21a. Do you approve or disapprove of the U.S. Senate's vote to confirm Trump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court? 214183238112157358268333239281409981




PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district



[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q21a. Do you approve or disapprove of the U.S. Senate's vote to confirm Trump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court? 233746796179169605170467513194259659




College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation



[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q21a. Do you approve or disapprove of the U.S. Senate's vote to confirm Trump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court? 226726138843416243207559279134




Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


right directionwrong direction[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q22. Do you think things in the United States are generally going in the right direction or the wrong direction? 216182237112157356267335236282411981


PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

right directionwrong direction[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q22. Do you think things in the United States are generally going in the right direction or the wrong direction? 233746797178171604171469511195259658


College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

right directionwrong direction[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q22. Do you think things in the United States are generally going in the right direction or the wrong direction? 227725139842416243208560277135


Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


good times

bad times

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q23. Turning to economic conditions, do you think that during the next 12 months the United States will have good times financially or bad times? 215183240112157357270335240279411984




PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

good times

bad times

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q23. Turning to economic conditions, do you think that during the next 12 months the United States will have good times financially or bad times? 232750800178172604172470513194258662




College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

good times

bad times

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q23. Turning to economic conditions, do you think that during the next 12 months the United States will have good times financially or bad times? 227728140844417243210561279135




Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


smaller government, fewer servicesbigger government, more services

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q24. If you had to choose, would you rather have a smaller government providing fewer services, or a bigger government providing more services? 213178237110154356263328240279399969




PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

smaller government, fewer servicesbigger government, more services

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q24. If you had to choose, would you rather have a smaller government providing fewer services, or a bigger government providing more services? 231736784179168594170463505188254651




College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

smaller government, fewer servicesbigger government, more services

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q24. If you had to choose, would you rather have a smaller government providing fewer services, or a bigger government providing more services? 228713137832410240209548277135




Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


more strictless strictkept as they are now[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q25. In general, do you think laws covering the sale of guns should be more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now? 215183241113158358270336240282412987


PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

more strictless strictkept as they are now[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q25. In general, do you think laws covering the sale of guns should be more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now? 235750802179172607172473513195259663


College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

more strictless strictkept as they are now[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q25. In general, do you think laws covering the sale of guns should be more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now? 229729139848418244210561281136


Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


favoroppose[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q26. All in all, would you favor or oppose building a wall along the entire border with Mexico? 215182239113158356270336238282411984


PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

favoroppose[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q26. All in all, would you favor or oppose building a wall along the entire border with Mexico? 234748799179172607170471512195259661


College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

favoroppose[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q26. All in all, would you favor or oppose building a wall along the entire border with Mexico? 229727138846417243208560279136


Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley




[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q27. Do you favor or oppose the California state and local governments making their own policies and taking actions, separate from the federal government, to protect the legal rights of undocumented immigrants in California?





PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district



[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q27. Do you favor or oppose the California state and local governments making their own policies and taking actions, separate from the federal government, to protect the legal rights of undocumented immigrants in California?





College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation



[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q27. Do you favor or oppose the California state and local governments making their own policies and taking actions, separate from the federal government, to protect the legal rights of undocumented immigrants in California?





Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


generally favorable

generally unfavorable

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q28. As you may know, a health reform bill was signed into law in 2010, known commonly as the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare. Given what you know about the health reform law, do you have a generally favorable/unfavorable opinion of it?





PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

generally favorable

generally unfavorable

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q28. As you may know, a health reform bill was signed into law in 2010, known commonly as the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare. Given what you know about the health reform law, do you have a generally favorable/unfavorable opinion of it?





College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

generally favorable

generally unfavorable

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q28. As you may know, a health reform bill was signed into law in 2010, known commonly as the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare. Given what you know about the health reform law, do you have a generally favorable/unfavorable opinion of it?





Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


responsibility of government, single payerresponsibility of government, mix of private and governmentresponsibility of government, don't knownot responsibility of governmentdon't know

Unweighted n

Q29. Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure all Americans have health care coverage or is that not the responsibility of the federal government? Should health insurance...?







PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

responsibility of government, single payerresponsibility of government, mix of private and governmentresponsibility of government, don't knownot responsibility of governmentdon't know

Unweighted n

Q29. Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure all Americans have health care coverage or is that not the responsibility of the federal government? Should health insurance...?







Page 29

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College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

responsibility of government, single payerresponsibility of government, mix of private and governmentresponsibility of government, don't knownot responsibility of governmentdon't know

Unweighted n

Q29. Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure all Americans have health care coverage or is that not the responsibility of the federal government? Should health insurance...?







Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 30

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


favorableunfavorable[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q30. Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable impression of the Democratic Party? 215180235112158354270333233279411976


PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

favorableunfavorable[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q30. Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable impression of the Democratic Party? 231743793177168603171466509193257656


College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

favorableunfavorable[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q30. Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable impression of the Democratic Party? 226722138838415239208557275135


Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 31

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


favorableunfavorable[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q31. Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable impression of the Republican Party? 215178236113158350270334233280411976


PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

favorableunfavorable[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q31. Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable impression of the Republican Party? 231743793177170603169466509193257656


College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

favorableunfavorable[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q31. Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable impression of the Republican Party? 227721136840412240209558275134


Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


adequate job

third party is needed

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q32. In your view, do the Republican and Democratic parties do an adequate job representing the American people, or do they do such a poor job that a third major party is needed? 212174231110148340266323231270396951




PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

adequate job

third party is needed

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q32. In your view, do the Republican and Democratic parties do an adequate job representing the American people, or do they do such a poor job that a third major party is needed? 230719769176164585168454496188250643




College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

adequate job

third party is needed

[VOL] don't know

Unweighted n

Q32. In your view, do the Republican and Democratic parties do an adequate job representing the American people, or do they do such a poor job that a third major party is needed? 222700136815402236208537270135




Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 33

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Likely votersIndRepDem ConModLib SF Bay AreaOrange/San

DiegoLos AngelesInland Empire

Central Valley


more enthusiasticless enthusiastic(VOL) same/neither[VOL] can't vote[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q35. Thinking about the November 6th election, are you more enthusiastic about voting than usual, or less enthusiastic?



PPIC Statewide SurveyCalifornians and Their Government - Likely Voters - October 2018

Republican district

Democratic district Competitive FemaleMale OtherWhitesLatinos 45+18-44 YesNo

Children in HouseholdAgeRace/EthnicityGenderCompetitive CDCongressional district

more enthusiasticless enthusiastic(VOL) same/neither[VOL] can't vote[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q35. Thinking about the November 6th election, are you more enthusiastic about voting than usual, or less enthusiastic?



College Graduate

Some college

educationHigh school

only $80k+$40k-$79k<$40k NaturalizedNative RentOwn

Home OwnershipNativityAnnual Household IncomeEducation

more enthusiasticless enthusiastic(VOL) same/neither[VOL] can't vote[VOL] don't knowUnweighted n

Q35. Thinking about the November 6th election, are you more enthusiastic about voting than usual, or less enthusiastic?



Note: Numbers may not add to 100 due to roundingFieldwork: October 12-21, 2018

Page 34