by grace of dadashri, niruma became embodiment of auspiciousness for the salvation of the world


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"In the current issue of Dadavani, beautiful material has been compiled in which Gnani Purush Dadashri is molds and prepares Pujya Niruma for Jagat Kalyan - Salvation of the World. This is like a sculptor Most revered Gnani Purush Dadashri had the time to create such a marvel in the living human image of Pujya Niruma. He molded her in various ways through chiseling jabs of all types necessary, which Pujya Niruma received, accepted and yielded to with grace, total surrender, ultimate humility and abhedata—oneness—with the Gnani. Her devotion towards Dadashri remained matchless and unaffected by all the varieties of chiseling and molding that Dadashri employed on her and then He laid her at the feet of the world for the magnanimous task of salvation of the world as a finished product."


Page 1: By Grace of Dadashri, Niruma became Embodiment of Auspiciousness for the Salvation of the World
Page 2: By Grace of Dadashri, Niruma became Embodiment of Auspiciousness for the Salvation of the World


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Printer/Press : Mahavideh Foundation, Basement, Parshvanath Chambers, Usmanpura, Ahmedabad-380014

EDITORIALIn the current issue of Dadavani, beautiful material has been compiled in which Gnani Purush

Dadashri is molds and prepares Pujya Niruma for Jagat Kalyan - Salvation of the World. This is likea sculptor who first cuts a gross mass of a marble block and then chips away at it very patientlyto reveal a final form of a Lord in the final finishing touches of precise and exquisitely detailed eyes,nose, lips and other parts of the face and body, and finally prepares it for instillation of life—pranpratishtha—for mass worship—darshan. Most revered Gnani Purush Dadashri had the time to createsuch a marvel in the living human image of Pujya Niruma. He molded her in various ways throughchiseling jabs of all types necessary, which Pujya Niruma received, accepted and yielded to withgrace, total surrender, ultimate humility and abhedata—oneness—with the Gnani. Her devotion towardsDadashri remained matchless and unaffected by all the varieties of chiseling and molding thatDadashri employed on her and then He laid her at the feet of the world for the magnanimous taskof salvation of the world as a finished product.

In the beginning of this molding and preparation, Dadashri makes Pujya Niruma adhere to thegoal of jagat kalyan—salvation—of the world. He then makes her free from all traces—parmanoos,elements of sexuality and thereafter he cuts her inner subtle tendencies of maan—pride and ego.Then he brings about an end to all elements of kapat—deceit and moha—illusion within her. Dadashriuses the term ‘heat treatment’ for his methods employed on her to get rid of all passions andnegativities in her. Moreover, the amazing uniqueness of this interaction is that Pujya Niruma remainedin total surrender and sincere to the Gnani Purush Dadashri throughout and at no time did she shirkaway from this ‘treatment’. Therefore, Dadashri got the full scope and was able to accomplish themolding to the completion of a product that is defined as a Gnani. In this she received tremendousrajipo—sense of a task accomplished with ultimate satisfaction—of the Gnani, and became a vesselof infinite grace of the Gnani, received the karuna—compassion of the Gnani and became abheda—one with—the Gnani. She stayed with the Gnani as two souls and one body, from the very first dayuntil the end of the twenty years in uninterrupted seva—service.

This issue of Dadavani is a compilation of the Gnanvani—the speech of the Gnani Purush only.The material of letters, writings and experiences of Pujya Niruma by itself is so vast that it would takethe form of a thousand books. However, Pujya Niruma always strictly prohibited any printing of herown material in the form of books and therefore we have not used any of that material here.

Her annual Gurupurnima message to mahatmas were eagerly looked forward to, carefullyreceived, studied and meditated upon. Once Deepak approached Pujya Niruma about printing thesemessages in Dadavani, whereupon she thoroughly took him to task for the suggestion and forthrightlytold him, why do you want to do it? There is no need for it. Only Dada’s vani—speech must be printed,and if the mahatmas want to remember it let them, if not let them forget it, it will cause no harm. Thereis no need to print any speech of mine. Consider Dadashri as the prime focus and beyond Him, givethe prime importance to Lord Simandhar. I am simply the dust at their feet. There is simply no needto print any of my speech. This was her param vinay—absolute humility—for Dadashri.

In the current issue some of the speech that came forth from Dadashri about Niruma has beencompiled. - Deepak Desai

Editor :Deepak Desai

April 2006,Vol. : 1, Issue : 6,Conti. Issue No.: 6

Publisher, Owner &Printed by : Deepak Desaion behalf of MahavidehFoundation, 5, MamtaparkSociety, Usmanpura,Ahmedabad-380014Gujarat, India.

By Grace of Dadashri, Niruma becameEmbodiment of Auspiciousness for the

Salvation of the World

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(Please note that great care has been used to convey the exact message of Dadashri. Here ‘Y’ or ‘S’refers to the awakened Self or the Self. For glossary of the terms, please refer to : and )

The Firm Goal of Salvation of the World

Dadashri : Tell me, why you did allthese studies.

Niruben : To tell the truth Dada, fromthe very childhood while doing studies I had thethoughts that all studying must be to serve, notfor any personal livelihood. Later, after meetingDada everything has changed.

Dadashri : Did you learn how to serve,in all these studies?

Niruben : Yes.

Dadashri : Did you later have anydesire to earn money?

Niruben : No, the desire to earn moneyhas never arisen.

Dadashri : What work is to be done?What is your goal? Is the goal to live withDada or is there any other goal?

Niruben : To live with Dada and workfor the salvation of the world.

Dadashri : Is that so? For the salvationof the world! Who can impede the one whohas made the unflinching commitment to thegoal of salvation of the world? There is noshakti—power in the world which can obstructand the celestial Gods of the entire universeare showering flowers on you. There is not asingle Dev—celestial God who does not havea familiar connection with Dada. Therefore,make a commitment that I want to do thiswork only. The needs of this body will befulfilled with royal splendor. You do not have tobe concerned with any need of this bodyanymore. Those needs will be automaticallyfulfilled. The moment you make this decision,

By Grace of Dadashri, Niruma became Embodiment of Auspiciousness forthe Salvation of the World

from that moment onwards you will not have tobe concerned about those needs at all. As longas you exist in sansaarbhaav—I am Niru, thisworld is mine—there will be worries for theneeds of this body. And here—with Dada, theSelf expressed—what to talk of needs? Thereis jahojalali—the ease of royal splendor! Haveyou not seen Dada’s splendor? Dada does notwant anything yet luxury abounds, isn't it?

Niruben : In your company in themiddle of a jungle, when awakened at midnight,Dada’s royal splendor is such that allarrangements have been made, automaticallyfrom unknown sources. It is a wonder that allneeds are met with ease and it happens fromunknown sources. All needs of Dada, likemeals and resting are taken care of.

Dadashri : Is there even one percentdesire for anything else within?

Niruben : There is none, Dada.

Dadashri : Not a single kind of desire?

Niruben : I keep seeing if any otherdesire arises, but none comes.

Dadashri : She says that all has beeninvestigated regarding desires. Go ahead andcheck closely within to see if any kind of desireexists, and if so we can take care of itpromptly. Finally, when only one kind of desireremains, then the Devaloks—celestial Godsremain with you (at your service). This isbecause there are limitations to what a humanbeing alone can accomplish.

A human being needs tremendous helpfrom the massive energy of Devsatta—energyof the Gods. This is because there is no parallelto the energy and power of the Gods. These

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celestial Gods have the power to obstruct thework of human beings too. Just as here in thisworld the police marshals have so muchauthority, the celestial Gods too have suchmassive authority. These powerful forces willnot impede you. The worldly beings are undertheir power too.

So would not a hundred or so arise fromour mahatmas (those who have received theGnan of Dadashri and are abiding by hisAgnas)? A hundred are not needed, only fiveare needed. Five with one exclusive goal,nothing else, no wavering are needed. A goalwithout any mixture of desires, exclusive.Existing in sleep and in the awakened state, atall times only one goal. The same one goal intimes of difficulty and even when there is nodifficulty. (1974)

What kind of work are you involved in?

Niruben : In supporting the goal ofsalvation of the world.

Dadashri : How many minutes?Niruben : Constantly.

Dadashri : What more does one needwhen one is constantly in this? Heinh?—Dadashri’s vocalization of emphasis. Constantlyin salvation of the world, even the dreams thatcome are of salvation of the world, and whatelse is there to be done beyond the work ofsalvation? There is no need of salvation of thepudgal—the formed complex of thoughts, speechand actions. Their religious salvation has to bedone. The physical needs of the world have allbeen taken care of—pudgalic kalyan.Oneness experienced in the company of

DadaNiru, in the last four to six days you have

become Mahavir—the enlightened Lord. Youhave placed your worldly self in Dada andDada in your worldly self. In the absence ofsuch bodily differentiation, then you indeed are

Mahavir. (November 7, 1969)

Niru used to nurture the bhaav—deepinner intent—that let me remain in the body ofDada and let Dada remain in my body. I readthose bhaavs. So then I said, I would fulfill allthe bhaavs in her mind. She has come forth inthis life carrying forward with her my greatpast life connections. (July 9, 1968)

(In 1987, Dadashri had a satsang with alady named Jackie in Los Angeles, USA.Jackie asked, ‘Dada, what is your relationshipwith this Niruben here?’ Dadashri replied,‘Niruben is a MD doctor and is in my constantservice, and lives with abhedata—oneness withme—as two souls and one body in worldlyinteractions.’)

Took on the total responsibility of therelative and the real till the end

Niru, no one has the power to take youaway from me. Even so, I am with you,constantly, and will not let even a mosquito—stray human being—bother you. Moreover,when you become very exasperated, and writea letter to me, Dada will promptly come andstand by your side. (November 22, 1968)

I have to place upayog—focusedawareness of the enlightened one—for Niruben.After placing such inner attention—upayog—Isaw Niruben’s vyavasthit—order of the life ofNiruben. I saw this by placing the upayogduring my stay in Aurangabad. I never placeupayog to see my own vyavasthit, but I did seeNiruben’s vyavsathit in this manner. On thefirst day when Niruben came, I told about whatwill happen, but at that time I had not placedthe upayog. I have never attempted to see myown vyavasthit. (December 1, 1968)

Sant Purush Balubhai (Niruben’s father)left his mortal body at 1:39 AM in the night.Dada tells Niruben, ‘Tell all the boys (Niruben’sbrothers) that your father is sitting here. He

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(Balubhai) has simply changed his coat (body).Niru, Balubhai has left in ease, but your fatheris sitting right here in Mama ni poda—residence of Dadashri in Vadodara. Balubhaihas proceeded on to a birth in the celestialrealm—devagati. (December 1, 1968)

Before giving Gnan to Niru, I had saidthat, this here (Niru) is a very close file—resultof a previous life interaction—of mine.

(December 3, 1968)

Niru has become a doctor, but has shekept anything of her own with her? And shehas constantly absorbed everything of mine—Dada’s. If Niru were to stay six months withme, she has the potential to become a greatmahatma. (August 1, 1968)

This 28-year-old Niru was born in aVaishnav family. She had never done thedarshan of a vitarag murti—traditional Jainimage of the unattached One. How beautifullyshe holds on to this Gnan—of the Vitarags.This is Vignan—Spiritual Science. This isbecause she has understood the sciencethoroughly and remains in the Agnas.

(July 5, 1973)

I have had the avagaadha—constantexperience of the Self and Niru has had thegaadha—unwavering experience of the Self.

(October 8, 1969)

‘Niruno janmadin chhe aaj, prarthuatmanubhav kaaj;Spashta vedan jhankhu dinraat, ej ekmevmooja araadha!’


‘It’s Niru’s birthday today, am praying forthe experience of the Self;Yearning for the clear experience of theSelf, night and day, is the only devotionfilled endeavor of mine.’


In this life, in this body she recognized

Niru as a friend. Up until now all previous liveswent in scrap. They went in the kind that canbe sold as scrap. The real body is this one life’sof Niru’s, which made her immortal in this life.This body, which made her do the darshan—grant the vision—of the Lord.

(November 17, 1968)

Today paramanoos—subatomic karmicparticles—of infinite life times have beenremoved. Niru used to wonder daily when shewould be able to rest after touching thevitarag—the fully enlightened one. Today Ihave facilitated the fulfillment of that bhaav ofhers. She is now sowing the seeds for her nextlife with me. Human beings have the power todo bhaav—create deep inner intent. This is dueto the presence of mun—mind. Rain falling ornot falling, famine occuring or not occuring isthe result of the cause of human bhaav.

(July 9, 1968)

Moksha—liberation lies at the feet ofGnanis.

In this world, who would not have thedesire to do such darshan? Niru, come sit uphere with me—the Gnani Purush Dadashri andthe fully manifest Lord within. If someonewere to take a photograph the world wouldknow that the Kshinmoha Jineshwar—thepassionless detached enlightened One waswith the ganadhars—the protector and directorof the newly established religion—for theworld masses. (June 29, 1970)

Yours, Niru is an independent state, isn'tit? Is there anyone to scold you? Except forthis Dada Bhagwan there is no superior overyou. And when Dada Bhagwan scolds, it is forthe ultimate good. None of your brothers wouldscold or take you to task. This totalindependence is a result of great punyai—meritkarma. Only a rare person would have this. Dothe darshan of the Gnani Purush, serve Himand attain the Gnan.

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You indeed have Keval Darshan—Absolute Vision. You are hearing Keval Gnan—Absolute Knowledge.

In all the crowds Niru is the carrier ofgreat merit karmas—mahan punyaishali.Independent as the Self and independent inrelative interactions, she has become clean—free from all passions. She is a book withoutany accounts. (January 11, 1970)

This Niru is free from worldlyinteractions—vyavahaar mukta. And she isfree from within. External freedom exists onlyfor the Lord, but it is the result of greatmeritorious karma that she has attained totalmoksha, vitarag! (January 30, 1970)

Sooner or later one would have to cometo the ultimate solution—ukel, isn't it ? Nirubenis now sitting after having attained the ultimatesolution and she is filled with the desire to letthe world attain that too.

Niru, you have really become free. Justas I am free, you too have become totally free.This is alaukik—beyond the world—freedom.In the alaukik, there is no comparable punyai—merit karma. Even if you say five to seventimes a day, ‘really freed, really freed,’ thenthat by itself is very effective!

(December 12, 1972)

This Niru has become the emperor ofthe whole world! The palace of illusion—moha—has been shattered and she has becomethe emperor of the world. (January 25, 1973)

Molding for Salvation of the World

In this entire world there is none asfortunate as this Niru. I have seen her goodfortune; it is tremendous. I still have to get ridof her disease—inner residual passions. Shehad not filled the stock (in the past life) withmy permission, had she?(November 12, 1969)

We have to mold this Niru to such an

extent that many a men will be dazzled by herpresence. We will give her the proper heattreatment. (October 17, 1970)

The good qualities of Niru were beingdevoured by her bad qualities. I have destroyedthose bad qualities. (October 17, 1970)

Niru’s sharanagati—surrender is of a veryhigh order. Her vruttis—inner tendencies arevery good. She adjusts to any takor—constructive criticism with ease.

(January 7, 1970)

For Niru here, whatever unfolds in anorderly manner is acceptable, and if it does not,that too is Vyavasthit—scientific circumstantialevidence. So what in the world will obstructher? She has no opinions at all.

(January 14, 1977)

This is the grace of Dada Bhagwan. Shehas been liberated without any labor. Otherwisehow can such a young girl-Niru be with Gnan—enlightened? She is a doctor. At the most shemight know how to cook simple khicchadi—lentil and rice mixture. Or else she might knowhow to prescribe some medicine here and there,what else would she know? And this here isthe infinite grace of Dada Bhagwan.

(December 15, 1970)

Where did that young doctor girl go? Sheis a doctor, born in a Vaishnav—worshippers ofSri Krishna—family, and today she is anAtmagnani—holds the knowledge of the Self.(March 20, 1970)

Amongst the ladies, this Niru has thepotential to become a Prime Minister.

I said that she (Niruben) has the potentialto be the Governor of Mumbai. The Gnani ofDada has the potential to be a GovernorGeneral. Those other governors tend to fight.She would not behave that way. The wife ofthe governor says that he is crack — crazy.That is how it is in the world.(March 15, 1970)

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This Niru may be young, but who everwill do her darshan, will be liberated.

(November 29, 1972)

The combination of Gnan andBrahmacharya

(To Niruben) Only the Jains canunderstand the importance of yourbrahmacharya—life long vow of celibacy. Fromwhat the Jains tell me about you, I deduce thatthey understand. These Patidars—Patelcommunity of ours has no development in thisregard. The brahmacharya—state of celibacythat you have attained can be called very great.That very will lead to purnahuti—completion ofthe goal of liberation. The pad—state that youhave attained is just like mine. Thecircumstances are very good. Who knows whatlevel of past life merit karma is the reason forthis!

Niruben, you have received tremendousprotection from this Dada. One decade is overand when another decade passes, thentremendous lokpujya pad—state of publicreverence and respect will arise.

One life’s brahmacharya destroys manya life times to come. This is in combinationwith Gnan—Self-realization—and therefore isextraordinary. One can live a totally celibatestate, despite interacting with the world due tothe protection of this Gnan. Otherwise it is notpossible. And the world is such that it will notlet one remain celibate. Celibacy is possibleonly in sadhuvesh—life of one who hasrenounced. But, here it is possible to remaincelibate because of the power of the Gnan.

Just to lie around for sexual indulgenceand one’s freedom and independence. The webof kids and offspring spoil infinite lifetimes.What can one say of the one who has escapedfrom this web naturally!

I have observed that the Brahmins of

Dakor and other Brahmins look at you withrespect. Their samaj—inner understanding isthat much elevated. Otherwise this thing is hardto comprehend.

It has been only four years since Nirubenhas attained this Gnan, and yet she has theability to make four hundred Jain sadhumaharaj—spiritual teachers— and other eldersunderstand all aspects of this science, becausehere a cleaner of passions and sculptor (Dada)resides. When one encounters a vadanaar—cleaner and sculptor then all energies becomemanifest. (April 11, 1973)

Niruben is a very great instrument ofsalvation of the world. I will never let herseparate and stray away from me. I will leaveall others but not her. (1975)

I meddle more persistently in the one inwhom the potential for salvation of the world isevident. I am persistently tinkering with Nirubenbecause she will some day in my absencechange someone’s dhruvakanto—direction inwhich someone is going from worldlyentanglements towards one of liberation.

(October 9, 1972)

By grace of the fully enlightened Lordwithin, we—the Gnani Purush are giving theenergy to Niruben—enlightened Niruben—toliberate two and a half million human beings.

(October 7, 1972)

Niru, your doing bhaavna—holding deepinner intent to have the power to liberate themasses of humanity from suffering from all sidesin the fire of misery in the world, binds aTirthankar Gotra—creates a future life of aTirthankar—the One who liberates millions. Doyou want to bind such a gotra—clan?

(August 16, 1969)

This Niruben is such that she can becomea Tirthankar. (October 13, 1968)

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Together life after life

Questioner : How many more lives willNiruben have?

Dadashri : One more lifetime.

For many life times, you have been withme in the same manner. There is going to beone more lifetime for both of us, and in that lifeto come, you will be with me too, but then youwill not have a female form. You will be amale. Then the two of us will attain moksha—final liberation. (September 1, 1987)

The one who follows ones defined goal

This Niruben does not have any dislikes.She likes everything. She has spent so manyyears in my constant company and has neverhad any issues of likes and dislikes. This isbecause she walks on the path of her goal. Shedoes not listen to her mind. I had made a dealwith her. I had told her, ‘You will have to followbrahmacharya and that will be possible only ifyou follow my instructions.’

Questioner : So how is that?

Dadashri : One has to be strong aboutone’s goal and stick to it. What else is to bedone? It remains so for her.

Started cutting the roots of moha—illusion

Questioner : It has come up in thesatsang of Dadashri that a female does notattain moksha with ease.

Dadashri : Now who has written that?

Questioner : It may have come up insatsang.

Dadashri : Yes, it means that it takesone more life time.

Questioner : Does it mean that one hasto take many more births?

Dadashri : Yes, but for whom? Only inthe traditional kramik path, not in this Akram

Vignan. This Akram Vignan of ours makes themale and female equal. It is so in that kramikpath wherein it takes time to be rid of moha—illusion. The one who has taken Gnan is notdelayed. There is no delay for the one who isSelf-realized—with Gnan. We should not worryabout these matters.

We should understand simply that thereare countless types of women, but are youattracted by Dada or by gold jewellery? Areyou involved with Dada or with clothes? Theone whose knot of illusion—moha is cut hasbecome a purush—male connotation to the Self.Niruben used to move about wearing certaintype of clothes. I told her, ‘why do you have towear clothes which tend to attract others?’ Sothen she gave away all her colorful clothes topeople. So now I know that this one illusion hasbeen shattered. She has female body but hermoha has decreased. So we know that the mainroot—the illusion that ‘I am Niru’ is dying.

This world exists because of moha—theillusion. Otherwise even a female has becomea Tirthankar. There may be a few women whoenter deeper into this talk of ours.

She has spent her life in this. She doesnot like the results of attachment—mohaniyaparinaam—‘this is mine’. This Niruben is veryjagrut—awakened as the Self. It is thereforeeasy to see that she is well on her way tomoksha.

I told her that if she is interested infollowing brahmacharya then such saris will notdo. So she gave them away. Now she wearswhite sari. Does she not look like a saint?

Niruben also is hadukarmi—one who hasnumbered, few karma remaining to come tofruition before final liberation—because thereis no messing around with issues of sexuality.The problem arises when there is a husband.So she is going to extract her ultimate work—

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of liberation from this life. Currently even twoyears in serving me will make her a Tirthankar.Can become a Tirthankar—liberator ofmillions—today.

Questioner : She will become one aftertwo more lives.

Dadashri : No, that is fine. It is not aquestion of becoming or not becoming one. Inreality, in this very life she is going to realizethe fruits. She is going to become a great helperto masses of people! She is going to be a greathelper of the feminine gender of this world.Currently, she is able to explain everything topeople, do much, and thus gain the appreciationand reverence of the people.

Brahmacharya flourished under theshelter of the Gnani

Charitra—total celibacy through thoughts,speech and acts—has been beautifullymaintained by her. This beautiful brahmacharyaconduct that she has followed throughout in mypresence is a wonder, isn't it? It is not easy tomaintain this state. In my presence, I have seenthat she has maintained it, very beautifully.

In the four years that she has beenimmersed in my seva—total service—I haveseen that her charitra—conduct inbrahmacharya—is of a very high order. Shehas exactly followed the vrat—vow that I hadinitiated her in, four years ago. There has neverbeen an error through the medium of thoughtseven, isn't it? Not even a thought?

Niruben : No.

Dadashri : And if there has been athought, then you do pratikraman—Dadashri’sdivine method of reversal from aggressionthrough internal recall, apology and resolutionnever to repeat the error—for it?

Niruben : Yes.

Dadashri : That is needed, for the one

who has taken the vrat—vow in my presence.And she had a great need for this charitra.

Questioner : In this matter Dada wouldtake on the responsibility of no one exceptNiruben.

Dadashri : No, I would not bother withanyone else. On her rests all the load of thesatsang. The guarantee—of brahmacharyacharitra—is for her only!

Questioner : This is because she has tostay in your company constantly.

Dadashri : We are not to see (the faults)of others. This of Niruben, has become one ofthe greatest supports. This is because all aresaying that Dada is walking through the eyesof Niruben, is making Niruben do all the worldlyinteraction work. Therefore, people havedeveloped all bhaav—faith—in Niruben. Theremay be others, who seek the subtle reason,behind all this.

Questioner : Yes, yes Dada. The higherone rises in the public eye, the more they aresubject to scrutiny for any inner hollowness andlack of fidelity.

Dadashri : Therefore to prevent peoplefrom committing errors I had told them that donot even harbor such thoughts in the mind even.Do not even entertain such negative thoughts,because I am giving a personal guarantee. Ifyou harbor such a thought then the fault willtake hold within you. There are countless peoplein our satsang with countless vikalps—negativeconnotations—and all kinds of thinking.

Questioner : You have given Gnan tothe one who has been just walking on the road(the casual worldly person with hardly anyspiritual insight), and the stock—from previouslife—is such of these folks.

Dadashri : For her goal she has wageredher entire life in this. She says that her life is

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not meant for any more mistakes. She hasstaked her entire life in this cause. If this werenot for real, then the entire spirituality in oursatsang would be worthless. It would collapsethe foundation of our satsang.

The non-contradictory speech of the Gnani

Questioner : When we went there,many had gathered there and there Nirubengave satsang—spiritually uplifting experientialinteraction in question and answer sessions.

Dadashri : Is that so?

Questioner : About eight to ten personshad gathered there.

Dadashri : When Niruben comes, evenif there are two hundred people gathered, greatwork will be accomplished.

When Niruben gives upadesh—thespiritual message from a master—she lets itflow from the vantage of the Self—Shuddhatmathayeeney—and that talk lets bliss flow. Andthat talk is of a different order. It is not frommaterial read from scriptures. If it is from ascripture, we can say, if you do not tell me, itsfine, I will read it up. Is there not a differencebetween a book and Gnan? A book is a book.All the scriptures of the world are after allnothing but a book only. When a Gnani comes,his speech is verily a (living) scripture.

(June 11, 1974)

(A foreign lady by the name of Priscillawas visiting Dadashri. Dadashri pointed toNiruben and told her…) She is reallyChandanbala (please review the life of LordMahavira) at this time in this world. She willremain for years with me. Only oneChandanbala, no other Chandanbala in this worldat the age of twenty-eight. You believe in it?Come and do the darshan every year.

Questioner : Yes. (She bows toNiruben).

Dadashri : She has conquered these fouranger-pride-deceit and greed egoisms. Wouldyou believe it, all four gone!

These Gnanis (mahatmas of Dadashri)constantly worship the ‘Gnani Purush’ daily.One would attain kalyan—ultimate liberation—if one even took up the dust of their feet to thehead—a gesture of reverence. This Nirubenhas become M.B.B.S.—qualifying degree of amedical doctor. She met me at the age oftwenty-four. In the four years that have passedshe has understood the entire science. She caneasily make a couple of hundred educatedmahatmas like you understand this science andthat too without any contradictions. The speechmay well be of a lower order but even onehours worth of speech that does not evoke anycontradictions has such high value! And thattoo, in her language, not in mine. In the worldlytopics there may be controversies but only inthat respect. Whereas; this here is an AbsoluteScience. Is it not a wonder that speech aboutthe Science of Absolutism can flow withoutany contradictions or divisiveness for a wholehour?

One would need such persons forsalvation of the world, isn't it? All these arenimits—instruments. There is no doer in it. Allthis happens through scientific circumstantialevidences. (February 11, 1974)

The fruit of the grace of the Gnani

How can those girls come here to askfor the answers to their questions? So I sentNiruben there, yesterday, for an hour and ahalf. They had a very satisfactory resolutionto their questions with good understanding,through her. Niruben can make othersunderstand and grasp this. Even as a daughterof a Patel and as a young woman she has theability to transmit the spiritual message. Thisis because she has worshipped the feet of theGnani Purush for seven years (exemplary

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absolute humility). She has harbored thebhaav—deepest inner intent—of uninterruptedservice to the Gnani. A fruit of this has toarise, right? Constant inner bliss—mokshaprevails, what else is needed. There is no otherissue left to meddle with.

How many pratyakhyans—resolutionsnever to repeat a mistake, alochana—recall ofa mistake that happened, and pratikramans—internal apologies, do you think Niruben mustbe doing? It is with that ongoing that she is ableto stay (around Dadashri). Now to two hundredJains she can deliver an upadesh (message asa spiritual master). As a Vaishnav—born as aKrishna follower how is she able to deliver toJains—Mahavira's followers? That is called thegrace of the Gnani.

Giving the understanding of the worldlyinteractions through Gnan

Niruben’s prakruti—natural constitutionand temperament—is ushnavat—energizing withradiance and inner heat. She has a very deepunderstanding. This deep understanding leadsto the expression of a new sentence.

In vyavahaar—worldly interactionNiruben, if you have been entrusted to have achef cook up a meal, which meal will bebetter? The one in which you sit for threehours before him or the one where you havetaken fifteen minutes instructing him all thatneeds to be done and rechecking three hourslater?

Niruben : The one in which I have leftafter showing in fifteen minutes.

Dadashri : That is fine. One should knowhow to get the work done. And for work onlythe presence is needed. On the other hand ifthe akkarmi—the one who does not really doany karma, here a term used by Dadashri toawaken the listener—sits glaring at the cheffor all the three hours then all the meals will be

spoiled by the cook. That is because the othermoovo—another term for the one who is dying,frequently used by Dadashri to awaken thelistener—will not refrain from barking—usingwords which hurt. He would bark and the cookgets flustered. The true thing is never to sit onanyone’s head. But alas the moovo akkarmionly understands that it is because of the barkingthat the work is getting done.

Everything gets done through thepresence only. The worldly workers are alwayswaiting in line for the supervisor to come andwondering how well they can gain hisappreciation by showing off their work afterseeing him. (June 9, 1970)

I have given an agna—instruction to thisNiru that whatever is tasty to you, eat less ofit and freely eat whatever you find to be withouttaste. I would never give such an agna toanyone. Such an agna is given to the one forwhom a lot of love arises. She remembersDada’s agna with every morsel that goes in.

(March 15, 1970)

Sleep will come, will it not if one has hadno sleep for extended periods? Yet all is known.Within there is the state of awakenedawareness—jagrut avastha. Even in sleep,‘she—the awakened one’—knows how muchtime Niru was in deep sleep. What an amazingstate of jagruti prevails! She knows the level ofthe deep sleep. (February 27, 1970)

Remember this much Niru. If equanimityprevails in all situations, then one becomes aGnani. (May 31, 1969)

The worship of the Gnani Purush in nineways

Since three years Niruben is with me—the Gnani Purush—every second by second.There is no difference in opinion whatsoever.Leave alone difference in opinion, she has neverraised her voice even. Has such a sevabhaav—

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the pervasive desire to serve—has it happenedto anyone else amongst so many here? This isthe result of tremendous punyai—past life meritkarma.

This is the expression of tremendousnavadha bhakti—devotion and worship in nineways and folds. Niru has developed a greatbhaav—intent coming to fruition—ofarpanata—surrender of all that is not the Self.With the prevalence of such good surrender,the fruits—results are indeed very great.

(Addressing Niruben…) This service tome that has come to you (in this life) is apunyai—merit karma of very high order. Noone else has received it.

Service to us—the Gnani Purush and theenlightened Lord within—and the bhaav—continued inner intent—of jagat kalyan—salvation of the world—is the only thing worthyfor you to do. That much encompasseseverything.

(On completion of seven days of serviceto Dada at Dr. Pujari’s place) No one will getsuch a sanjog—circumstance—and you havereceived it. Even I am surprised. Seven daysof constant company with me in my servicewill get the work—ultimate spiritual goal—doneand the Gnan comes into exactness. I have‘seen’ that of yours (inner state of Niruben),no one will get such an intense concentratedcircumstance (of spiritual progress).

She wants to attain purnahuti—completionof the spiritual journey—through the mode ofseva—service—of Dada and it will happen. Shehas gained the amazing opportunity of theseseven days. One does not attain the fullyenlightened state of the Self by constant studyof scriptures, or listening to the same. It canonly happen through service (of the Gnani).Only through silent service. There is no need atall to ask or question anything.

By allowing to be served she was raisedto the top levels of awareness of Gnan

Dadashri : Niruben said, I will stay, andthereafter I allowed all three to stay.

Questioner : When you fell off the bed,when you had sustained a hip fracture, is thatabout the time at the hospital?

Dadashri : No, in the hospital, onlyNiruben alone was there in my service.

So then when we went to Ravjibhai’splace here, then all of them started tellingNiruben, you stay off and let go (taking care ofDada). One of our bhais—common Gujaratiterm to address a gentleman—said, ‘I will stay(with Dada at the hospital).’ Whereupon,another bhai said, ‘no, I will stay.’ Then they allwent to dinner. Then Niruben said, ‘Dada, pleasedo this much, grant me the privilege of takingcare of you. I would like that much labh—innergain.’ I decided that. This is because the femalegender has no difficulty in this. And later allthree went to bed.

Now in the night when I would get upsimply to expectorate, Niruben would remainsleeping and the other two guys would jump upon every move of mine. I told them, tomorrowthe two of you will be dismissed, you have notslept the entire night. If you remain so muchemotional, then when will you ever reach thestage (of enlightenment)? If you spoil your healththen a new problem will be created, so comeonly when I call for you, or when I say, wakeup bhai. I would hardly get up for a simple spitand the two of them would jump up from sleepsaying, ‘Dada I am bringing it, Dada, I ambringing it (the spittoon).’ Thereafter, I told themnot to remain in my service. I told them, ‘Keeponly Niruben.’ My desire too was to haveNiruben only. This is because it looks wrong iftwo guys have to lift me up for toilet purposes,and for a female this is a sahaj—intrinsicnaturalness—matter.

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Questioner : Everyone’s prakruti—nature of the formed complex, the Non-Self ofthoughts, speech and actions—is different.

Dadashri : This cough, and cleansingwithin, all the nursing, is this an ordinary matter?

The deepest inner intent—bhaav ofNiruben was, that if she got the opportunity tobe of service, then the Gnan—knowledgereceived form Dadashri—would becomeexperiential and, my bhaavna—desire indeedwas that if as a woman she attains such aspiritual level of experience, then she willbecome an instrument for salvation of so manyother females. So indeed there was an innerpartiality for her. Additionally there was a desirenot to create difficulties for the two men. Whyput them through difficulties? I told them that ifNiruben was not around, they were to be theones to be there for sure. Let the poor ladyhave some gain (spiritual) as she wants it sobadly. She had the deep desire because shenever got the opportunity. She used to let melet do the entire toilet on the bed only and Istopped that after coming to Aurangabad,because it became possible for me to movearound from the bed.

Now this is an amazing happening thatsomething happened to this leg (hip fracture)and some punyai—merit karma—of Niruben’smust have awakened to come to fruition thatsuch a good thing happened. If this one(Niruben) becomes ready then countless otherpoor (spiritually) women will benefit from herability to give excellent upadesh—preaching.Otherwise who is going to go to preach to thepoor women? This was indeed our bhaavna—effective desire—that if she becomes ready itwould be very beneficial.

Everything is going to be ready. It doesnot need to be done. All are getting ready (forthe ultimate goal of final liberation). Only forher (Niruben) if she were not given the seva—

the opportunity to serve—then she would nothave become ready.

Questioner : Why so?

Dadashri : Just mere listening will notlet it stick within. In this service she got to seeit, night and day. Say, she spilt some water onDada and herself, she got to ‘see’, whetherDada became upset or remained unperturbed,and at such times imagine how much innereffect will be there!

Questioner : There will be a lot ofeffect, immediate recognition of total stillnessof Dada happens. One gets to see Dada’ssamata—total equanimity in all situations.

Dadashri : She saw the sthira—still—amidst so much vishamata—distress. She ‘saw’her own mistakes too, and the inner steadinessas well.

Questioner : Yes, Dada. It is a very bigtraining, now.

Dadashri : She will get that training.She got it all as part of this that she asked for.The mistakes will happen for the one who doessomething, right? Therefore, her mistakes willcontinue, and we recognize them instantly.However, we—the Gnani and the fullyenlightened Lord within—remain vitarag—totallydetached. Otherwise if a person is slightly sickor bedridden then he will take the caretaker totask by endless bickering.

Questioner : Yes Dada, it would be atough thing, and create a lot of problems.

Dadashri : Some day we alert the person,when a hundred to two hundred mistakes havehappened, but really speaking, we tend not tosay anything. If we make her angry, then shewill not be able to remain near me. If she iscarrying some hot coals around me and onehappens to fall on me, I would remain silent. Sohow many such circumstances may have arisen?

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Questioner : This may have arisen inevery second, in every ritual, in every task, inevery minute.

Dadashri : In bathing and toilet, in thiswork and that, in so many situations. Mistakehappens for the one who toils. In all that shegot to see the charamcharya—final daily liferoutine—of the Gnani Purush and that is hergreat good fortune.

Questioner : What a great fortuneindeed, Dada! No one else would be sofortunate.

Dadashri : She has seen every routineby the minute. The routines of the Gnani takingmeals, drinking, and bathing, she saw all routines.When the salvation of the world is to happen,one becomes so prepared.

Many special women and celibate girlswill be trained and spiritually prepared by her,and all that is in my advance vision—hisaab.This is because the samata—equanimity—thatshe has seen will arise within her, too.

Now having sat next to Dada, near Dada,and acquired His rajipo—grace, what thenremains? What else remains? How muchseva—service? Whatever service done forDada, is whose service done? It is equivalentto the service done for the Lord of the universe!What else remains then?

Questioner : Nothing else remains,Dada.

Every service is in the awareness of theGnani

Dadashri : Now, even if you were notto be blamed, I would say that you have nosubstance and depth in you. So then you wouldruminate within, that now there is no more depthwithin, what’s going on? I have to use suchwords.

Niruben : Not with depth and substance,Dada, simply had assumed that there was depthand substance.

Dadashri : Yes simply had believed thatthere was some depth and substance—barkat.No one else in your place would ever believewhat I was saying to be true. That is the reasonwhy this much grace flowed on you. I wasconvinced of that change in your vision—drashti. It gave me much joy.

Niruben : It would happen to you, Dada.More than it would happen to me, because allthe effort is yours Dada.

Dadashri : I would even say that, I amat a loss without you. I would use such wordsto quickly amend the words that I had used. Itis true that I like your company, not from thenischaya—from the perspective of the Self—though. You may say that you are leaving, butthen I would not want you to stay, but I wouldfeel within that it would be nice if you stickaround. For you I had placed an abhedabhaav—the feeling of oneness—two souls and one body.

Niruben : That is true Dada. When ittouches my heart within, I am very aware of it.

Dadashri : Yes abhedabhaav—the senseof oneness. This is all very subtle. You haveunderstood it further now, because it was allclear—not clouded by passions—within. I hadsaid that I couldn’t forget your upkaar—gooddeed—for what you had done for me. I wouldbe in trouble if you were not to progress inyour Gnan.

Niruben : Yes, you used to say that,Dada.

Dadashri : When my leg (hip) wasbroken, I had said; let me go use the toiletbearing weight on it. Then you said, you do notlike me straining so much. She would lift up myfeces, and clean me up so nicely in bed, wash

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me with so much care all over while I was bedridden. Then clean off all the soiled materialwith water, bucket by bucket, rolling me gentlyfrom side to side. Tell me, how can I everrepay this debt?

Questioner : No, it can never be repaid.

Dadashri : I used to live at mynephew’s place. The nephews were all readyto help but the boys cannot do this much. ‘Yougo to the toilet, I will sit here and wait foryou,’ he would say. I know it all, and hereNiruben would say, no, go ahead and do itright here (on the bed). Do you think I wouldforget all that? If someone has given me acup of tea, I would remember it.

Niruben : Dada remembers everything.Knowing that, my heart is filled with emotionof gratitude. See how minutely he remembersit all.

Dadashri : It may be all be very minutein detail, but I have seen that you have neverbeen tired or repelled from taking care of me.I said, the poor lady is sleeping soundly, andshe would say, no, wake me up, I neverexperience any disgust or fatigue (in matters oftaking care of Dada). So would I not understandeverything? I understand it all. I am not anascetic I am a Gnani. People would notunderstand all this, isn't it?

Questioner : We understand it all, Dada.Especially being around you, we understand itall more clearly. And when you say all this wefeel respect and reverence for Niruben andfeel like offering her our continuous obeisance.Glorious praise to this Niruben!

Dadashri : What an amazing seva—service opportunity—for Niruben! Such amazingand strong seva is very rare for anyone. Wherewill one get this seva of this Gnani Purush foreven half an hour?

The work of infinite life times has beenaccomplished firmly. Otherwise no one willallow such seva. Even a slight caress over theleg is not allowed. No other service is allowed.Now see, the leg broke and all the seva cameto Niruben!

Questioner : But Dada suffered a loss,isn't it?

Dadashri : What loss was incurred? Wehave infinite wealth, isn't it? What loss canhappen where there is infinite (inner) wealth?Even then, no one gets to lay a hand on thatwealth. If we allow a simple caress of a hand(on our body), they take away a bit of thatwealth. A little bit only, not a lot, and not thateasily. We get a tremendous rush of innerwealth. We have infinite inner wealth. There isno loss of anything! For her the occasion hasarisen since two years. Whenever a sicknessarises, she is there together and this is a greatunfolding (the seva opportunity). Seva is rarelyavailable. In an illness, the most one can do isto apply cold compresses, what more? Whatcan be done when the hip breaks? The man isthen apang—lame and helpless. One has to doall the seva for the lame and the handicapped.

This Niruben said, give me all that seva—the opportunity to serve. This became very firmand proper for Niruben.

The applied awareness of the Self duringbathing the Gnani Purush

While bathing if the hand has to bemoved here and there, it takes away yourupayoga—the awareness from the vantage ofthe Self. Now even when Niruben is bathingme, the upayog remains for us (The Gnani).When she is washing the feet, I am able toremain as the Self—upayog. What happens tothe worldly people? Even a slight whiff of air,makes them involved and they get carried awayin the pleasantness of the breeze. The

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awareness is gone!

Questioner : When Niruben is bathingDada, at that time whatever Niruben (the relativeself) is doing, bathing, She (the Self) wouldhave the awareness of all that (upayog), right?

Dadashri : That upayog of hers is good.That awareness is very beneficial to her. Shewould have a good upayog, for sure! Even ifsuch internal analysis is absent, I am sayingthat the upayog remains beautifully just like that.Upayog remains!

(When Niruben took Dadashri to thebathroom to bathe Him, in Los Angeles, 1987)

Dadashri : Niruben, when you arebathing me, what is your upayog—state ofawareness?

Niruben : Dada is the living supremeLord and I am bathing Him.

Dadashri : Let me explain to you howyou should arrange the upayog—applied internalawareness. The one who is being bathed, he isnot ‘That’, the one who is doing the bathing, isnot ‘I’. ‘I’ and Dada are one, abheda—withoutany distinction.

Niruben : Yes, understood. I will keepsuch awareness.

Dadashri : And over there, is it notnecessary to have someone to do the bathing?She had to bathe and wash me. She did eventhe putting on of the dhotiyu—single piece whitelower gown.

Niruben : That is my great good fortune,Dada. Where would I get such seva? Nothingexcept Dada pleases me, in the world.

Dadashri : But, you have kept me closeto you, isn't it?

Niruben : You have kept me close toyou.

Dadashri : I like it.

Questioner : Who is there that Dadadoes not like?

Dadashri : But with her there is constantinteraction, smooth or rough, it is liked. Thereis never any displeasure or repulsion. We knowthe limitations of a human being, and are ableto see it all, the presence and absence of theinner energies, and we observe certain virtuesand beyond that it is not necessary for us tosee any more, when any errors occur.

Dada showers love

‘You are preparing good meals for Dada’,was being said daily. Now on the day when wesay that the meal was bad, she would knowthat it is being said to Niruben, not to me. WhenI say, ‘this is bad here’, then she would tellNiruben, ‘Niruben, you made it bad and that iswhy Dada is saying so, right?’

Niruben : A while ago when you weresaying, ‘the meal has been well prepared’, Iwas loudly telling Niru that, ‘when the mealpreparation was bad and Dada said so, then doyou remember how your face lost all its color?’

Dadashri : Yes…wanted to absorb andreceive a lot of grace of Dada, but only if(you—the subtle ego) allowed it, no? But thekachro—junk of inner passions—is gone. It ishard to get it out—help eradicate it, by anyone—through the help of another. It is possiblethrough me. She had love for me. That lovewas for Dada only. She had a lot of love forGnan, a lot of faith on Gnan. The speed withwhich she entered this line—the world of theSelf—is the speed that develops here (grace).In six months it will shower like the rains.Otherwise my words were such that it wouldraise much inner anger. I would even ask her,I would say them, if you like them. I also knowhow to use sweet words. Whereupon, she wouldsay with a royal air, no go ahead and say them

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and when I did say so, they were all absorbedwith benefit. Now we have come to knowNiruben very well indeed.

The disease of deceit cut by thrashing

I told Niruben to come over and sleep. Itis not worth doing any other work there. Thisis because those people take over the seva—the service (of the Gnani), if not, they wouldquarrel and grumble. They would quarreleverywhere, the poor folks even at this agethey are not free from it! Then she told me thatfor the USA time, leave the seva exclusivelyfor me. So then I made it that way thereafter.

Questioner : Is it not a selfish interestor deceit of the female, or is it an udayakarma—unfolding karma effect?

Dadashri : Yes, but the bhaavna—deepinner intent—exists right? To be liberated. Suchintent…

We get rid of it by giving big thrashes.Someone might say, are you using such wordsDada? If we do not give a big thrash the diseasewould not leave. Alas! This one is of deceit,and for that we keep prodding and thrashing.The one who has something to gain out of theother will not thrash. This will definitely ensureher spiritual and worldly benefit.

No one will awaken anyone to this, isn'tit? I have thrown down this Niruben time andhaven't I? I have to take her to moksha—ultimate liberation. I have degraded her openlycountless number of times, and she wouldbecome dejected and say, ‘now what willhappen of me, Dada?’ I would reply, ‘why talklike this? Whose seva are you doing? Do not befrightened.’ By some way or other I will makesuch a turn of your internal awareness that allthe kachro—inner passion—will be thrown outby me. Whose seva are you doing? Then, onhearing this she would become all right.

The poor lady keeps doing seva with suchdeep inner intent. When I go to America, thereshe does seva. She wants to do it here (India)too, but it is not possible completely.

A motherly nursery for Dada

Questioner : Dada, Niruben does thework of a man as well as of a woman too.Here (in America) one has to lift bags andluggage, run around and do all the chorespersonally.

Dadashri : Yes, she does all the worklike a man.

Questioner : She can get everythingdone without any help.

Dadashri : No one else can do mycomplete seva. Niruben is doing lots of all kindsof seva.

Questioner : Dada, even you cannot dowithout Niruben. Many times you become likea child.

Dadashri : So then, what am I to do?

Questioner : When you became allalone at that station?

Dadashri : Yes.

Questioner : Then you said, where hasBa—mother gone?

Dadashri : Someday, I become a child,isn't it?

Questioner : Make us too, like Nirubenby molding us.

Dadashri : That will happen if there ispunyai—merit karma. For that punyai is needed.

Separation at the Canada Airport Terminal

Niruben : It happened for us in Canadathat the security measures were greatlytightened when the Air India Flight had exploded

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in air. The wheelchair carrying Dada approachedthe security area and they would not let mepush it. There they would not allow me to gowith Dada. So then Dada came through thesecurity area and I arrived through the lift—elevator. Dada’s passport and ticket documentswere all with me, which had to be shown beforethey would let us go through immigration area.I asked someone about Dada, and he told methat, he has gone through. He was talking aboutsome other old man.

Dadashri : They took me through anotherway and then all the officers started asking formy ticket and passport. In Canada they startedwondering, what to do next. They had no ideaabout me. The airport authority people askedme for the permit, which authorizes my comingto Canada. Then I replied, ‘I am not just goingto give it.’ They became more puzzled. Theyasked me to converse. I indicated through signlanguage that I do not know anything. Theybecame even more puzzled. Then Nirubenarrived, otherwise what will they do to me?They will not do anything, right? I hardly looklike a robber, do I? Fear enters the one who isthe doer. What happens? Then what did theofficer say when Niruben arrived?

Niruben : He was asking by writing ona paper. Dada had indicated he could not hear,so he would ask his questions on paper. ‘Whereare you coming from?’ Where are you going?How long are you going to stay? You wouldreply to all by sign language, I do not knowanything.

Dadashri : What can we say, if I cannothear anything? I need someone to say it forme, right? For the little that I could hear, if I gotinto saying yes, there would be a lot moretrouble. Instead, ‘ek nanno sau dukh neyhane…’ one simple no kills a hundred miseries.(Dadashri acts with sign language signifying hedoes not know anything.)

Then the man asks for the permit forhaving entered a foreign country, and demandsthis and that and there was not a piece ofpaper with me.

Niruben : A crowd had gathered aroundyou wondering what to do.

Dadashri : Yes, the poor guys werepuzzled about what to do. Our laxity of control,what to do now? In this if Niruben is with methen I can hear, otherwise I cannot hearanything. Despite this she has taken me fromvillage to village and has never caused me anykind of strain, never.

Questioner : Niruben’s seva in allmatters is very great. Her work in all cornersis very valuable.

Dadashri : She is able to manage it alltoo!

Never saw any faults of the Gnani…

We do not keep a stranger to close tous. He would employ his intellect and thus seefaults (of the Gnani) and fall. Devoid of thissubtle understanding, he would go to hell. Mydear, you saw the fault of the Gnani Purushwho verily liberates this current world! Alas!He is a stranger without the rightunderstanding. That is why I do not let suchmen come too close in matters of our dailyinteraction. We may let him stay an hour ortwo. Niruben is the only one, she has beenwith me for so many years, but she has neverseen a single fault, not for a second. That isthis Niruben! Isn’t that amazing?

In this regard, I have observed Niruben.Not a single day will be there for a negativethought. If I am beating someone with this hand,even then it will not arise. She would think thatit must have been happening for the benefit ofthe one getting the beating!

Questioner : And that is indeed how it is.

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Dadashri : Now how would this person’s(stranger’s) intellect reach this?

Questioner : There is nothing exceptabsolute compassion and salvation here.

Became the right receptacle of grace forconducting the Gnan Vidhi

Now Niruben has become enormouslyready to give Gnan. That will happen only ifthere is punyai—merit karma, right? This placeis not available. This place is unavailable evenif one is ready to give 500,000 Rupees permonth. Such is this place.

Questioner : Today it is not easy todeal with Dada. There is no place for anyhollowness—lack of substance, deceit, in frontof Dada.

Dadashri : It will not work here. Nirubenweathered it and remained, no one else couldtough it out and stay. Others used to say thismuch that; no one can remain with you.

She alone remained after enduring theinsults. No one else can take it and stick around.I had said once, ‘you may leave when it isconvenient for you; you are not bound to me.No problems will come to me. You may go.’She told me, ‘I will not leave even if you killme.’

Then I concluded. There is no need tosay anything anymore. So much faith is talkingwithout my asking. Kshatriyapanu—the innerintrinsic energy of the one who leads—was notfully understood by me, but now I understoodthat this was the trait of the Kshatriya—theone who never looks back or doubts—and allthis work is being done because of such bravery!

Niruben, you would not believe but nowyou do, do you not that you are a kshatriya—one with royal courage. Proceed now with asword; proceed… as if Goddess Amba hasarrived!

And your work is all very speedy, onceyou take hold of it. Satsang must be done daily.All will get the right solutions of all types. Allwould like to know through the intellect.

Our blessings are there. (Jai Sat ChitAnand) We are pleased.

Niruben has cleared it all with ease. Shehas attained a lot of grace. That is why all thishas come about. She has done ekdhari—unwavering and constant seva for the past eightto ten years.

It may be with us or with anyone else;we have to sambhave nikaal—settle withequanimity. Niruben stays with us only, but ourgrace has flowed unto her, so She remains insahajbhaav—natural ease. So there with herwe do not have to settle with equanimity.

Questioner : Niruben’s purusharth—highest inner endeavor after Self-realization—is of a very high order.

Dadashri : Nothing will come about bydoing purusharth. If one were to sit with mefor a hundred thousand years, nothing willchange. Our grace has to be attained. Graceflows when we are pleased. By following ourAgnas we become pleased. We do not becomepleased by anything else.

The resultant amount of bhaav—intent isdependant on the amount of seva. All are goingto get the same final liberation—moksha.Dada’s rajipo—the pleasure of the Gnani isreceived by following Agnas and doing seva.Compassion flows and purnahuti—completionof the goal—happens. Moksha happens byfollowing Agnas, it does not if Agnas are notfollowed.

Questioner : What kind of merit karmamust have been done for Niruben to be able tostay with Dada?

Dadashri : ‘I want to die solely forattaining the ultimate truth,’ such bhaavna—

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deepest inner intent brings forth the time tostay with the Gnani. And if one remains to eatjalebis—sweets, then that happens.

Unattached, even in attachment: GnaniPurush

So when we tell off Niruben, our rajipo—inner satisfaction of the Gnani—does not leave.Someone else may misunderstand it to be so,because the vision to ‘see’ it is not correct.

Niruben : When you say that I amdispleased. When you displease us then you…

Dadashri : I used those words for thisperson here, not for you (Niruben).

It is like this, we may scold anyone else,and then quickly talk kindly with pleasure at thesame time, but with him or her it—the innerlove—decreases from within. That personwould feel that Dada is pleased with him, howsambhaavi—in equanimity Dada is! With you(Niruben) we do not keep equanimity. If wekeep that then the rajipo—sense of satisfiedpleasure of the Gnani—over you would beconsidered lessened from within.

Questioner : I am beginning tounderstanding that, Dada.

Dadashri : With that other person weare absolutely vitarag—unattached. With you,we are not completely detached—vitarag. Inothers we are vitarag and therefore there ourlove decreases as we become unattached. Thelove decreases and the detachment takes hold.We scold you, and means there is our love.With you we have not become withoutattachment. With you we have not becomevitarag, enough said. Do you understand this?

Questioner : Yes.

Dadashri : Let us move on. If you donot understand this now, it will become apparentlater on.

The one who does not want anything,

and does not meddle in anything unnecessarily,such a person will be a vitarag. Night and daythere is the deep desire—bhaavna—to helpothers attain salvation. There is no care forone’s own body. The care is there as to howour mahatmas welfare and progress spirituallytowards their ultimate goal.

The subtlest issues of awareness ofseparation explained

Niruben : Niru also sat down tosamayik—the process of seeing from theperspective of the Self. For a three-hour perioda very good experience happened. Today’sexperience was extraordinary. No prior samayikhad provided such a magnificent experience.

Dadashri : That is correct. Who had theexperience?

Niruben : I had the experience. Therewas much bliss experienced. Much bliss!

Dadashri : Shuddhatma—the pure Souldoes not experience anything, does notexperience bliss. Bliss happens to Niruben andthe experience happens to Niruben.

Niruben : It happens to the Bavo—termused by Dadashri for the inner one which isprogressing from ignorance to knowledge ofthe Self—it is all of the Bavo.

Dadashri : We have to continue to see.We have to say that, this has happened to you.If you do not know how to say it, remain silent.There is no problem in telling me.

Absolute humility and awakenedawareness taught at very subtle levels

I know with surety that Niru will notremain weak and incomplete. I am aware ofthe faith that Niru will not break any of myinstructions. Say with assurance that, Niru isseparate and ‘I’ am separate. Never becomeone with it—the non-Self, ever. Niru is hungry,Niru wants to eat, Niru has prepared food, Niru

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does not understand, Niru understands, Niru gavea bath to Dada. Keep such a speech. In theend, never exercise your chalan—authority tokeep Dada happy. When the doctors have saidsomething, keep in mind Dada’s wishes andfollow those. This is because no one will sayanything to Dada. If there is a need to saysomething to me then ask, ‘will you listen tothis one point of mine?’ Then I will reply, ‘yes.’Then you say, ‘this is what I find reasonable,but your order is final for me.’

The separation is also happening forNiruben. It was a very deep bhaavna—intentof mine that for having done so much seva forme, if it does not happen for her then it is myweakness. She has listened to so much of mywords; nothing has been left to listen to. Sonow behold, how ready she is! Yesterday, insatsang the mahatmas were asking Niruben andbeautiful answers were forthcoming fromwithin.

To do this is a kind of moha—illusion—of a kind and if you need to do this then tellher—the first neighbor, the non-Self—that ifyou want to make a garland of flowers makeit and I will remain separate for a while. I willnot get involved in it. If she—Niru—wants togo to the kitchen then say, I will remainseparate, I am pure Soul. Dada is myShuddhatma—pure Soul—and Dada and I areone only. Dada is verily my pure Soul.

Niruben : Yes, Dada, I have understood.Now you have said it clearly. I am not to meddlein those two.

Dadashri : Do you feel as if Dada isspeaking within you, your welding—innerconnection and all that? That is why I concludedthat you have done well. Will you be able tocarry on in that manner?

Niruben : It will happen, it will.

Dadashri : ‘The mind, intellect, ego and

Niru; you and I have no dealings. It is only arelation of interaction and it is like that with aneighbor’, say so. Keep saying this all day long.The ego within will rise up and take control,does that happen?

Niruben : Yes, it does happen.

Dadashri : Today I have performed aVidhi—supreme internal spiritual energyinstillation of the Akram Vignani—for you.From here on it will not arise.

When alone, I rebuke this A. M. Patel(Dadashri reprimands his worldly self). Then inthe presence of all what I speak is also withseparation. Even in the presence of Niruben Iwill say it. What do I say? ‘Ambalalbhaicontractor! What kind of a man are you? Whothe hell do you think you are?’ Niruben asks,‘you are talking?’ then I said, ‘what can I do?How can all the conversation be done insecrecy?’

Niruben had brought forth such kachro—internal junk of passions, anger, false pride, deceitand greed—kashay. Yet, along with it she hasthe seva, of a constant nature, and thereforeshe has listened to it—Dada’s speech—all.Nothing remains to be listened to. Thereforegradually Niruben will attain the ukel—internalunraveling, dissipation of last trace of kashay.This will happen in ten to fifteen days. (1987)

You have done a lot of seva—service tothe Gnani! Your outcome will be of a verydifferent type for doing this kind of seva!Furthermore, you have listened. Lot of peoplehad asked. You explained the nature of the sixeternal elements and all the people understood.Let it slowly increase from within. Speak upwhen it has increased, for now speak little bylittle. Ensure that the mahivada—internalenemies of residual kashays—do not make youfall. Take your step with great caution. Sit—relax with nirant—internal ease. (1987)

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Awareness of Absolute Principle

Questioner : Is it not possible to explainthe process of Gnan—spontaneous Self-realization—that happens to Gnani Purusho—Gnanis?

Dadashri : That is not easy to explainso that it will be understood. Gnan—Self-knowledge—has happened to this person heretoo, but it cannot be explained so that it isunderstood. Only we alone (Dadashri) canexplain it. Alternatively, Niruben here canexplain it a little of it. Those who have come indeeper contact and familiarity can explain it alittle. Parichaya—familiarity through innerunderstanding—of greater amount with us hasto be developed, then all can be explained.

The entire siddhant—principle of (AkramVignan)—remains constantly within for Nirubenhere. Through the divyachakshus—divine innervision of the Gnan, she sees the Lordeverywhere. (May 6, 1970)

So Niruben has attained the principle. Soif anyone inserts any other line, she wouldimmediately assert that, this is not Dada’s word,it is someone else’s writing. Therefore, sheknows each and every word of mine that thisis Dada’s word. Having attained this principle,if she is preaching to someone, I will not stopher because even in her language or any otherlanguage her focus is exclusively on the mainprinciple. This is because she is deeply in touchwith me. To attain the exclusive focus of theprinciple is a very difficult thing. What is thatprinciple in its totality! The one who has attainedthe exclusive focus of the entire principle, willbe able to speak from any perspective,anywhere. As long as the imperfection existsin the attainment of this principle, everythingremains imperfect and weak.

During the publication of these books, allare pleasantly surprised with the articles writtenby Niruben. If Niruben provides articles to your

newspaper, people will be amazed. She wasasking me, should we give some. I replied, ‘thereis no problem, go ahead and provide the articles,quite to the contrary, they will be beneficial.’

It is a totally different matter as farNiruben is concerned. You on the other handmust not use such language (referring tosomeone else preaching without permission).You cannot say a word as Chandubhai—theworldly self.

Questioner : No, it is not as Chandubhai.

Dadashri : Then how is it coming forth?

Questioner : As Dada’s speech.

Dadashri : No, but it will not work. Forthat purnagnan—total knowledge—must bethere, then it can be spoken. Alternatively itcan be spoken if we give the Siddhi—specialspiritual power. Everyone does not need theSiddhi, and it cannot be given. From hereon,you should not say anything. You should notdish out to others your version of this to others.There is no need to become anyone’s guru—spiritual master.

Become the embodiment of love

If someone insults you then also becomepremswaroop—the embodiment of love. Yousee me as the embodiment of love, how longhave you been with me? Now do you want tobecome that?

Niruben : I want to become that, Dada.

Dadashri : If I say that you do not haveany sense, then say, ‘I know now who you aretelling that.’ So now become the embodimentof love.

When does love arise? Apologize for allthe mistakes that have happened in interactionswith anyone in life so far. Then love arises.

Niruben : Dada, it is very easy to askfor forgiveness.

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Dadashri : Will you like this talk of mine?It will be liked if it is understood.

Niruben : Dada, I want mokshaliberation that is why I like it.

Dadashri : Do you want to attainliberation or do you want to become abheda—one—with Dada?

Niruben : I do not want to be free fromDada, I want to be free from the faults, that iswhy I like it, Dada. I want only constantoneness with Dada.

Dadashri : Oneness with Dada meansliberation is at hand. Liberation is guaranteed.

Niruben : Yes, that is with Dada.

Dadashri : That other about askingprofuse forgiveness by touching the feet is alluseless. Do it according to the Agna of Dada,that, ‘no one else has committed the fault, butthis that I am seeing now, was my own fault.’This is for all, who yearn to rouse love withanyone. They have to let love awaken thus.Then love will arise within. Do you want toawaken love or not?

Niruben : Yes, Dada.

Dadashri : It should be my way. Theway I have swum through, I will help you toswim. Did you feel good?

Niruben : Yes, I felt very much lighter—relieved of the burden, Dada.

Dadashri : You will let love awaken inabundance, won't you? When one becomes theembodiment of love, one has oneness with theother person. Mostly this is how it has happenedwith me. The entire method has now been laidopen by us.

Sown the seeds of compassion thus…

Just as I have empathy for each andeveryone, you too are to have the same. Do Ineed to say anything? I will not need to

comment any more on this, will I?

Niruben : No.

Dadashri : Will it change? When?

Niruben : Right away. Now it will startto change, Dada.

Dadashri : Outside, once the bhaav—deep inner intent of the people change, then allis accomplished with ease. We have love forall, do we not? You have seen that even in themidst of the worst health, have you not?

Niruben : Yes, I have seen it.

Dadashri : What did you learn afterseeing? It is I who has to sit and do the Vidhi—inner auspicious blessing of the Gnani for theseeker’s salvation—even if the leg is tremulousfrom weakness, the deepest empathy is theforce that wants to do everything for him. Andlet this body get consumed like an incense stick.What are you going to do with it? It is nothingbut a mere garbage bag. You want to becometotally pure. For that purity, from here on dothis. Begin from today. For all living beingssimply harbor kindness and empathy and forthese human beings what will you harbor?

Niruben : Karuna—compassion.

Dadashri : Even when he says anythingwrong, there is compassion. Did you ever seecompassion before?

Niruben : Dada, I have seen yourcompassion only. I have not seen it in anyoneelse.

Dadashri : Now work with it. Makeeverything easy with it. Do You—theShuddhatma, the pure Soul—have to doanything? All You have to do is to tell everythingto Niruben, then she will continue to do thework. I bestowed so much grace upon you thatis why it will come in to exactness and all that.Decide today. Mahatmas will come to me. Theymay come to me for some other reason and I

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do not have a problem with that. Especially forthe one who comes for Gnan, I hold that evenif he curses me, I will not lose my empathy forhim. You too must begin to decide that. Will itbe possible for you?

Niruben : It will happen.

Dadashri : Motu mun, motu peyt—vastmind, vast capacity to absorb. For that, there isno need for me to tell you more, right? Youhave understood with just this much, right? Didyou like this point of mine?

Niruben : Very much so, Dada

Dadashri : After bowing—surrenderingto You—if he takes a wrong stance, maintaincompassion for him within, then those blessingswill come to fruition and I will grant them. Ihave much deep desire (for You to take up therole), but only if you do not throw them out. Inthe end, without compassion, how will youproceed further? This is happening becauseDada’s compassion is there for you.Otherwise…

Niruben : Nothing will happen.

Dadashri : Will not happen, know this.Do you like all this?

Niruben : I like it very much, Dada.

Dadashri : You have to stick to theGnani and hold that whatever You do, whateverYou do for Your Self, do for me too. Thatmeans The Gnani verily is one’s Self. Thatcan never be counted as separate. Then, donot harbor any fear like, what if the Gnanibecomes ill, what will I do? Harbor no suchfear. The Gnani never dies. It is the body thatdies and we do not have such avlamban—dependency, do we? We are niralumb—absolutely independent. Not even the slightestdependency exists on this body or on moneyor any such thing.

Questioner : But for us Dada, we feel

equal dependency on the Gnani and the bodyof the Gnani.

Dadashri : The support of the body, thebody may leave tomorrow. How can you bedependant on the body?

Dada : The One who can never be titled

Niruben : Now I feel that my moksha—ultimate liberation—should not be hampered andthis life in which I have met the Gnani shouldnot be wasted. If this much can be preserved,then it is enough. Nothing else meaningfulremains.

Dadashri : If only that much remains itis more than enough. It is no ordinary thing.

Niruben : If I were in your place Iwould tell Niru to get out in a minute. It feelslike it is impossible to keep—tolerate her. Thereare so many faults within.

Dadashri : It is like this. Everyone haslearnt how to say, get out. No one has learnthow to say, come in, isn't it?

Niruben : Beautiful, bravo Dada, it isexcellent!

Dadashri : Who would not have learnthow to discard—get out—anything or anyone?

Questioner : How noble is this deepinner intent for salvation of the world!

Dadashri : So have only deep innerintent inside.

Questioner : That is how a person canbe liberated.

Dadashri : My hiit—salvation has beenattained, now where do I need to dosomething—focus my energies?

Questioner : How can the other beliberated, how lofty and noble this intent is!

Dadashri : But many people would havethat kind of inner intent.

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Questioner : But this way, Dada, fromour garaj—need.

Dadashri : Yes, but whether the otherperson has a need for it, there are some humanbeings who retain such need within for the sakeof the other.

Niruben : It may all be there but suchkaruna—compassion does not exist, Dada.

Dadashri : This is a transparent thing. Itcannot be given a visheshan—extra title. Thereis none like this even such title is unnecessary.This is transparent.

But the intellect interferes, doesn't it?

Questioner : That happens occasionallyDada. It has improved a lot compared with thepast.

Dadashri : No, but because it ishappening, I am warning you. ExtraordinaryPurush—enlightened One—of the world.Nothing can be said. There is no title for Him.You have to become the mother of the

entire world!Dadashri : What is Dada telling you? He

is saying you are like a mother, saying you arelike ‘Ba’ mother, isn't it? What is He telling you?

Niruben : Your love is like that ofZaverba's (Dadashri’s mother).

Dadashri : You are like Zaverba!Niruben, you have nursed me like a

mother, served me like a daughter, and haveserved me like a nurse. (1987)

Niruben, you have to become the motherof the entire world. (1987)

Now when our home is ready then wewill stay in our home only. Now we do notwant to go people’s home. You cook meals forme, we will eat them, and you do not need tocook for mahatmas. We will hire a maharaj—Brahmin cook—for mahatmas. (1987)

Worldly life interaction puzzles solved byDadashri

People do not know how to live life. Dadahas known how to live life, hasn't he? Nirubenalso has learned how to live life.

Which talk of mine did you like?

Niruben : I like all of them.

Dadashri : Bring the solution for that.Or else ask me, I will help you. Do you haveany thing that you have kept secret from me?

Niruben : No, you are the first one Ihave to tell.

Dadashri : So you do not have to keepany secret from me, isn't it? Go ahead andreveal it to me. When you tell me, I can repairit.

Niruben : Do it for me, Dada. It wouldbe very good.

Dadashri : This is because I will undoany entanglements of yours with anyone. HaveI disentangled any for you?

Niruben : Many of them. You havecleared all of them.

Dadashri : This intent of mine to liberateyou at no cost, is a good one, isn't it?

Niruben : Very much so, Dada.

Dadashri : Do you know that it is notpossible to express as much as is understood?

Niruben : That which has been seencan be expressed. That which can be seen—inner vision—, that which has been experiencedcan be expressed. That which is ofunderstanding cannot be expressed.

Dadashri : That which has beenunderstood, that much cannot be expressed. Tounderstand means to have the darshan. KevalDarshan—Total Vision—means all has beenunderstood, but because Keval Gnan—Total

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Enlightenment—is lacking, that which is inunderstanding cannot be expressed. When onearrives there, one will be able to express. Doyou understand?

Niruben : Yes.

Dadashri : Good solutions will arise. Nowis separation evident to some extent?

Niruben : The separation remains, Dada.The taanto—the link of attachment to the non-Self—is not there.

Dadashri : That biggest ego is gone.The taanto does not remain, doesn't it? Howdid you understand this?

Niruben : It would burn from within,Dada, if the inner link—taanto was there. Itwould not let me rest.

Dadashri : Yes, even I observed thatyou do not harbor any taanto—inner grudgelink. The biggest disease has been eradicated.This fault of harboring a link that perpetuates afault is gone. Now this is good, leave that onetoo!

The Vidhi of the Siddhi for salvation ofthe world

Are you able to speak while remainingseparate? Even once when Dada speaks fromwithin you, it will not become poison for thelistener, whereas this other speech will becomea poison. Even so, some ground has been gained.

This is our Siddhi—unmatchedextraordinary spiritual power. It has been givento you for you to utilize. It is being given for thefirst time today.

Niruben : Dada, this is a Great Wonder !

She became ready in Gnan with theGnani’s grace

Dadashri : Niruben has become readyin Gnan. I have given that authority—GnanSiddhi and she has heard a lot, isn't it? She has

heard everything about the six eternal elements,isn't it? Nothing is left for her to listen to.

How many people can you go along with?Niruben : Dada, lately it is getting better

with everybody.Dadashri : Now it will stay. See, the

boys—Aptaputras in training—have beenrepaired—trained, right? How beautifully Nirubenhas become ready! Whoever wishes to get thework done—accomplish the goal of liberation,do so. Now Niruben will accomplish her task.

‘Dada’ speaks Gnanvani from withinThe inner light will keep increasing as

many times as ‘Dada Bhagwan’ spoke.Questioner : And at this time, I felt like

Dada was sitting with me and then he will saythat this is right, not like this. It was like he wasspeaking from within, he was doing the satsangand I was listening, and it was a very goodexperience.

Dadashri : Yes, that is right and did youexplain if there were some new words andthose five Agnas? Did you explain them?

Questioner : No, at that time I did notspeak much.

Dadashri : Niruben was talking at thattime, is that right?

Questioner : Yes, but within all wasright and proper, that is how it was.

Dadashri : Is that so? Good. The Gnanwas given well, wasn't it? (This is in referenceto the Gnan Vidhi, which was conducted byNiruben in presence of Dadashri in Los Angelesin 1987). And the five Agnas were wellexplained by Niruben. Very well done, indeed.I am very pleased! Now there is no need foranyone else, right? Now Dada Bhagwan willspeak from within her, whenever she wants.

(1987)-Jai Sat Chit Anand

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Pujya Niruma : embodiment of love and liberator of the worldAfter the worldly death of Dadashri, Pujya Niruma’s exclusive aim in life was for those who

had not met the Gnani Purush. She held that those who had met him, their salvation was assured,but even the mere introduction of the Gnani Purush to those who had never met him, would be morethan enough. To visit places where Dadashri had not been, to introduce them to the Gnan—knowledge of the Gnani and to get them going on the path of liberation became her only constantburning desire. This desire to awaken the world to Akram Vignan became a reality through PujyaNiruma in the short span of 18 years following Dadashri’s departure. She accomplished the mission.

She had totally absorbed the core inner wishes—antar ashaya—of Dadashri. After hisdeparture, she fulfilled each and every wish of His. A residential city in the vicinity of the Trimandirwould be conducive to the following of the five Agnas of the Gnani, a bank would be helpful, asenior care facility would help the older folks do the darshan of Lord Simandhar. Get Self-realizedwith atmagnan and to be free in the final moments of life would be the result for such old residents.She trained and made ready about 100 Aptaputras and Aptaputris—young men and women whohave exclusively taken up the path of salvation of the world by totally surrendering themselves tothe cause and practicing celibacy under her guidance. She also fulfilled the wish of Dadashri, 'ifa person becomes ready to give Gnan, prepare him in all respect to get this accomplished', (GnanVidhi - The original scientific experiment for Self-realization which can be attained within twohours). The salvation work would be enhanced by worldwide devotion to Lord Simandhar, andpresence of the living Lord in all homes through the medium of the enlivened murtis—marble idolsof the Lord. In many pilgrimages and spiritual group visitations of places across the world—jatrashe facilitated the darshan—inner vision and bhakti—coming nearer to the Lord within, for all whowere with her. She even took a large number of mahatmas on a pilgrimage to Kashmir, becauseshe had heard Dadashri say, ‘we like to visit Kashmir.’ By taking personal interest in each andevery mahatma she helped him or her rise above and be free from kashay—passions, of illusion,deceit and ego and thus proceed higher within towards the Self. By getting rid of clash within thehomes of all she brought the harmony of heaven within all homes that followed her instructionsdevotedly.

In matters of money she had such purity that she instructed for payments to the organizationfor her residence at ‘Vatsalya’ in Simandhar City from her own personal fund by saying, ‘then Ican live with khumari—unabashed self respect, right?’

She never sanctioned the distribution of her photographs to anyone and the only photographwhich she consented to be placed in public flyers for announcement of satsang—spiritual questionanswer sessions—an image in which the Gnani Purush is gracing her—seen as Him laying his handon her head. Additionally she instructed that the only images for worship should be of LordSimandhar and Gnani Purush Dadashri, she specifically asked that her images must not be worshipped.Thus she remained in param vinay—absolute humility.

From the very first day of her meeting with Dadashri, she had recognized the greatness ofHis speech—Dadavani. She would receive and record in a diary whatever Dadashri spoke, andlater she commenced recording in cassettes everything He said. The greatest service to the worldis the exact preservation of Dadavani as it came forth, recorded at His feet by traveling with Himfrom villages to villages, cities to cities across the globe. She had given a promise to Dadashri tocomplete the work of publication of Dadavani in 14 Aptavanis and this momentous task wascompleted within her final days.

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From the very beginning Dadashri used to say about Niruma that, ‘she is a very sticky file—an individual with whom one has created intensely close accounts of inner passionate interactionsof attachment and abhorrence—of mine from previous life interactions. She is going to be a majorinstrument for the salvation of the world.’ He even said that, ‘She is Mallinath—the sole femaleTirthankar of the past 24 Tirthankar of this world—of our Akram (the step less path to moksha).In 1987 He has told her that, ‘You have to become the mother of the entire world.’ The amazingnote of all this is that whatever Dadashri had said did indeed become a reality in the life of PujyaNiruma. The instillation of the energy to liberate two and a half million people is now evident asa factual result to all of us.

The presence and expression of the absolutely revered Dadashri Dada Bhagwan, the originalman—moola purush—Akram Vignani after a million years in this era is known as the unparalleledmiracle of asanyati puja—the worship of the one who has never renounced anything. Dadashri usedto say that even a woman can become a Gnani—enlightened liberator—in this era and I want topresent such an example to this world. I want to create such a miracle. Thus by molding andpresenting Pujya Niruma, such a miracle has been created in the train of miracles of miracles. Andby gracefully receiving and implementing each and every takor—constructive criticism—fromDadashri, Pujya Niruma has become the instrument of salvation as envisioned by Dadashri.

During the final days…In London in August 2003, at 3:00 PM Pujya Niruma had a dream about Dada. In the dream

Dadashri says, ‘Niruben, you take care of your health. Settle down at one place. How long willyou run around going from one village to another village? How is your health?’

Niruben: It is good, Dada.Dadashri: You may feel so. I do know everything about you. Everything within has become

khonkhoo—hollow, without substantial energy of the body.Niruben: But Dada, what about all these people who are attaining salvation?Dadashri: That is because Your energy exists within, that is why you are able to travel.After this dream Niruma started wondering about the deeper intent of Dadashri’s message.

When she related this dream to her close associates, it was suggested to her that she should stopthe running around all over the world and settle down in one place according to the instructions ofDadashri. Niruma said, let me move around until 2005, after that I will stay put. She did indeedmove about all over the world continuously for satsang purposes until the completion of 2005.

On January 14, 2006, Pujya Niruma had written a pad—spiritual hymn—with the lines,‘Death, let me have Thy experience.’ Deepak’s eyes fell on it and Niruma said, ‘set it aside anddo not be concerned with it. Nothing is going to happen.’ In the last month Niruma's food intakecame to a virtual stop. All were very pained by it. Despite this she never even had a thought ofeating, her desires and vruttis—inner tendencies were simply not there. Then it came to mind thatDadashri had told Niruma that when your vrutti to eat ceases then your Gnan degrees will rise andthe Gnan will become complete. It was then that I understood that this stage of Gnan of Hers hadindeed reached a very high level.

In the past two to three months Niruma did everything after asking only. What to eat, whatto wear, what medicine to take, what checkups to undergo etc., was all done after asking. It wasas if she did not want to have even a grain of swachhand—subtle ego exercise. On March 1, 2006she underwent gastroendoscopic examination. Cancer was diagnosed. As the effects of the sedation

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28 April 2006


of the anesthetic wore off about half an hour later, she called Dimple in the room. She was in avery jovial mood. She said, ‘you know it all now? All these doctors thought that I wouldn’t know,but I was wide awake and I know it all.’ There was no sign of pain of the cancer or any sign ofsuffering from it.

On March 6, 2006, the Gnan Day of Deepak, Niruma says, ‘today, I am going to teach allthe Vidhi to Deepak. I am not holding back anything.’

When she was taken to USA for treatment a lot of the older—mahatmas who had receivedGnan from Dadashri—came to visit her in the hospital. All had worked together in the presenceof Dadashri. From them for any errors committed, Niruma asked for personal forgiveness by askingthem to place their hand on her head. It was as if she settled with equanimity with all beings ofthis world. She finished the preparations to proceed to Mahavideh location. It felt as if it was onlyto complete this much task (ask for forgiveness), that the occasion for her travel to USA hadarisen. Nature too, it seemed was helping her along in her travel to the Mahavideh world.

Just prior to leaving for USA, one day it was discussed with Pujya Niruma that no newprojects would be undertaken for a year and that we would all concentrate on maintaining herhealth. But the next day an offer came along from a gentleman mahatma who said that he wantedto donate as much land as is needed for a Trimandir. Upon hearing this Niruma immediately becamepositive and said that the Lord’s work must never be stopped for the sake of Niruma’s health. TheLord’s work must continue.

Niruma was very alert about not allowing an iota of pain to come to a mahatma. It was herspecial instruction never to allow any discussion about her condition with a mahatma. When sheconducted a live televise conference from her hospital bed in the US to Adalaj in India via theinternet, she would remove the oxygen cannula from her nose when the camera was turnedtowards her and instructed the camera to be turned towards Deepak when she needed the oxygen.Mahatmas simply felt that Niruma was quite all right.

Until the very end she remained very positive and never let anyone around entertain anynegativity. She would simply say that nothing is going to happen. If the traditional western medicinedoes not work, the alternative therapies will. All must remain positive. Whatever Vyavasthit signals,I will accept, but until then I will not place any negative sign in anything.

It was a constant strong bhaavna—deep inner intent—of Pujya Niruma to experience theSelf with perfect clarity—Spashta Vedan, and perform the work of Dadashri of salvation of theworld, through the medium of thoughts, speech and actions until the last breath of life. Indeed aswe see her last days, she was in the clear, present, and total experience of the Self as the Self.She used to say in her final days that, ‘for us, the ‘I’ is in the absolute enlightened state ofknowledge without interruption. There is no result of the world evident here. There is no pain here,nor is anything of the body affecting here.

In the last 5 days of her life, she even gave Gnan to the doctor who was taking care of herwhile lying in bed with oxygen being supplied to her via nasal cannula. A couple of days later shegraced him with some amazing insights in daily life interaction satsang, performed the Vidhi—theunique connection to the Self—of the pure Soul through the live medium of her feet for the doctor,thus immersing herself in the work of salvation until the last breath of her life.

Dadashri had taught her that, ‘let what unfolds for Dada—the enlightened Self—unfold forme too.’ Until her last moments her life was indeed an example of exclusive living devotion coupledwith matchless yearning to be with Him. Dadashri had told her that her next life will be in the form

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of a male body and it will spent in similar service to him and thereafter, the two of them will attainfinal liberation together. Therefore, our Niruma is indeed next to Dadashri currently, at Mahavidehnext to Lord Simandhar and has attained a very high level and state of Gnan. Her continued graceand blessings will exist for salvation of all beings on earth here.

When Pujya Niruma’s health deteriorated in the hospital, Deepak said, ‘cancel all my programsof satsang for the rest of the year. I will stay with Niruma and serve her.’ When Niruma cameto know this, she said, ‘come here, why did you cancel the programs, all this will go on. Withinfifteen days after Dada left his body, Niruma had commenced satsang. What is your problem? Thisis the mission of Lord Simandhar. None of yours or mine will work here.’ Thus by saying this shegave clear agnas to commence satsang.

Just as the mission of salvation of the world increased and grew by a magnitude afterDadashri left his gross body in the world here, the mission will grow by multiples of magnitudesafter the departure of Pujya Niruma. Through the grace of Dadashri, blessings of Pujya Niruma,and constant subtle help of celestial Gods and Goddesses this will proceed further with speedwithout interruptions or obstacles. Pujya Niruma used to say that this mission is of Lord Simandhar.Satsang and Gnan Vidhis must continue. Jagat Kalyan—liberation of the masses of this world willhappen, will happen, will happen. We must never look back or cease any satsang at any time.Gurupurnima of Dada Bhagwan will continue to be celebrated, in the Americas, England and Indiawith increased vigor and energy. All mahatmas have been instructed by Pujya Niruma to attendthese Gurupurnimas of Dada Bhagwan.

This vast tent of the mission of salvation of the world will be supported on the support polesof mahatmas and it will definitely provide the thirsty and suffering world with the graceful eternalbliss and solace of Lord Simandhar and Dada Bhagwan.

The final message of Pujya Niruma for all mahatmas was that all of them should, ‘live withlove.’ She furthermore, ensured this by extracting a promise from all mahatmas by adding, ‘promise?’All we have to do is to give this promise. By living within the Agnas of Dadashri and from —shuddhatma pada—vantage of the Self, living with all within and outside the home with love, is hermessage, which we will all fulfill as a promise made and kept in a lifetime.

Now mahatmas will continue to experience sadness and pain of this loss in the relative realm.The worldly loss of such magnanimous love that has been experienced by hundreds of thousandsof mahatmas is undeniable, but simultaneously an equivalent amount of inner bliss is being experiencedby all. This is because Niruma arose higher in her spiritual degree status and attained MahavidehKshetra. There is joy and celebration in the fact that she has joined the company of Dada and LordSimandhar. Now we have to bring to completion the love that we have received, to its totalpotential. With love filled joviality Niruma used to say, ‘this all that I am feeding you is not fornothing. You will have to help as many beings attain salvation as the number of grains you areeating.’ All mahatmas now have to take up and help carry on the work which Niruma performedfor 38 years, second by second, day and night, without resting, with constant internal fervor of howthe suffering masses of the world may attain the Vignan of Dadashri. Hundreds of thousands areready after viewing the television programs of Pujya Niruma. Now all we have to do is to facilitatethe link so that each one of them attains the Gnan Vidhi. For this we will all roam over villagesand cities, provide people with video cds and gather them for the Gnan Vidhis. Just as Pujya Nirumaserved the people by many folds, we all together too will proceed forth with energies of manymultiplied by many folds to serve mankind. We will also fulfill her final message and abide by thepromise of staying together with love the entire life. Jai Sat Chit Anand. - Deepak Desai

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UK Program

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April 2006 31


MAY JUNE JULY1 MON 1 THU London 1 SAT Tampa, FL2 TUE 2 FRI London 2 SUN Tampa, FL3 WED 3 SAT London 3 MON Travel4 THU 4 SUN London 4 TUE Houston Youth Shibir5 FRI 5 MON London 5 WED Houston Youth Shibir6 SAT 6 TUE To USA 6 THU G.P. Registration7 SUN 7 WED Atlantic City, NJ 7 FRI Houston Shiibir8 MON 8 THU Atlantic City, NJ 8 SAT Houston Shiibir9 TUE 9 FRI Kearny, NJ 9 SUN Houston Shiibir10 WED 10 SAT Kearny, NJ 10 MON Houston Shiibir11 THU 11 SUN Kearny, NJ 11 TUE Houston Gurupurnima12 FRI 12 MON Kearny, NJ 12 WED To UK13 SAT 13 TUE Reserve 13 THU Rest14 SUN 14 WED Reserve 14 FRI London15 MON 15 THU Travel 15 SAT London16 TUE TO UK 16 FRI Lowell Celibacy Shibir* 16 Sun London G.P.17 WED Rest 17 SAT Lowell Celibacy Shibir* 17 MON Rest18 THU Birmingham, UK 18 SUN Lowell Celibacy Shibir* 18 TUE To India19 FRI Birmingham, UK 19 MON Travel 19 WED20 SAT Leicester, UK 20 TUE Toronto, Canada 20 THU21 SUN Leicester, UK 21 WED Toronto, Canada 21 FRI Adalaj Gurupurnima22 MON Leicester, UK 22 THU Toronto, Canada 22 SAT Adalaj Gurupurnima23 TUE Rest 23 FRI Chicago, IL 23 SUN Adalaj Gurupurnima24 WED Rest 24 SAT Chicago, IL 24 MON25 THU London 25 SUN Chicago, IL 25 TUE26 FRI London 26 MON Travel 26 WED27 SAT London 27 TUE Raleigh, NC 27 THU28 SUN London 28 WED Raleigh, NC 28 FRI29 MON London 29 THU Travel 29 SAT30 TUE Rest 30 FRI Tampa, FL 30 SUN31 WED Reserved 31 MON

Contact Persons :London:VarshaShah, Tel:0208-864-2833Birmingham : Narendra Parmar Tel : 0121-744-2570Leicester :Trusha Nathwani Tel : 0116-220-8081New Jersey : C. C. Shah Tel : 732-968-6836Atlantic City, NJ: Bhavesh Gala Tel : 856-753-4252Lowell, MA : Bipin Patel Tel : 978-458-4609

Toronto : Dinesh Patel Tel : 416-675-3543Chicago, IL : Himanshu Patel Tel. : 847-980-5759Raleigh,NC : Rahul Bhatt Tel. : 919-792-0809Tampa, FL : Mukesh Patel Tel : 813-969-1740Houston, TX : Shailesh Sheth Tel : 832-646-4696

Kishore Mulani Tel : 713-896-0558

Pujya Deepakbhai's UK - USA - Canada Itinenary 2006

* Lowel Celibacy Shibir is for Married Men Mahatmas Only.

Those Mahatmas who are coming to Houston for Gupupurnima Celebration,Please register yourself by going to

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32 April 2006


Spiritual Discourses of Pujya Deepakbhai DesaiSurendranagar

5 & 6 May, 2006, 8-00 to 10-00 PM - Questions-Answers Sessions7 May, 2006, 5-00 to 8-00 PM - Gnanvidhi (A Scientific Experiment on Self-Realisation)Venue : R.T.P Girls School, Near C.J Hospital, Surendranagar, Gujarat. Tel. : 9879232877

Rajkot9 May, 2006, 7-00 to 10-00 PM - Questions-Answers Sessions10 May, 2006, 7-00 to 10 PM - Gnanvidhi (A Scientific Experiment on Self-Realisation)Venue : Kadvibhai Virani Kanya Vidhyalay, Dhebar Road, Rajkot, Gujarat. Tel.:0281-2468830

Mumbai13-14-15 May 2006, For more information pl. contact on (022) 24137616

Watch Pujya Dr. Niruma on T.V. ChannelsIndia : � �� �� �� �� �Doordarshan (National), Mon-Fri 8-30 AM to 9-00 AM (In Hindi)

In Tamilnadu, Mon-Fri 8-30 AM to 9-00 AM (In Tamil)� �� �� �� �� �Zee Alpha Gujarati, Everyday 7 AM to 8 AM (In Gujarati)� �� �� �� �� � Doordarshan DD-1, Everyday 3-30 PM to 4 PM (In Gujarat, in Gujarati)

Watch same prog. at same time, outside Gujarat on Doordarshan DD-11����� ����� 'Aastha' International, Everyday Noon 12 to 12-30 PM

U.K. : � �� �� �� �� �'MA TV' National (Channel 813), Sun-Fri 6-30 to 7-30 AM, Sat 6 to 7 AM GMT����� �����Zee Gujarati (Channel 839), Everyday 6-30 AM to 7-30 AM (In Gujarati)����� ����� 'MA TV' Leicester (Channel 6), Everyday 8 to 9 AM GMT����� ����� 'Aastha' Mon-Fri 7-30 to 8 AM GMT

U.S.A. : � �� �� �� �� � 'TV Asia' Everyday 7 to 7-30 AM EST (In Gujarati)����� �����Zee Gujarati, Everyday 8 to 9 AM EST (In Gujarati)����� ����� 'Aastha' Mon-Fri 7-30 to 8 AM EST

����� ����� 'TV 39 (NJ)' Mon-Fri 6 to 7 PM & Sat 6 PM to 6-30 PM (In Gujarati)

Canada: � �� �� �� �� � 'ATN' Every Wed-Thu 8.30 to 9.00 AM EST����� ����� 'Aastha' Mon-Fri 7-30 to 8 AM EST

Watch Pujya Deepakbhai Desai in India on DD-11, Everyday 9 to 9-30 PM

Contact : Mahavideh Foundation, Trimandir, Simandhar City, Ahmedabad-Kalol Highway, P.O.:Adalaj,Dist.:Gandhinagar-382421, Gujarat, India. Tel. : (079) 23974100, Email: [email protected]

Mumbai : (022) 24137616, USA: 785-271-0869, UK: 020-8204-0746Websites : (1) (2) (3)

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