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Lesson 2 Marrakech - George Orwell By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University)

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Page 1: By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University). Next Lesson William Faulkner A Rose for Emily Presentation: William Faulner

Lesson 2 Marrakech -George Orwell

By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University)

Page 2: By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University). Next Lesson William Faulkner A Rose for Emily Presentation: William Faulner

Next Lesson

William Faulkner

A Rose for EmilyPresentation: William Faulner

Page 3: By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University). Next Lesson William Faulkner A Rose for Emily Presentation: William Faulner

The next lesson

Disappearing through the skylight

Picasso, John Miro, Dada, Surrealism, etc.

Cars: Ford, Volkswagon, etc.

Page 4: By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University). Next Lesson William Faulkner A Rose for Emily Presentation: William Faulner

Class Organization

1. Presentation: Funerals in different cultures

2. Introduction: Exposition3. Text Organization4. Pre-Discussion: Four words that sum

up the text5. Text Analysis and Language Points6. Text Appreciation and Writing Strate

gies7. Discussion8. Exercises9. Assignment(s)

Page 5: By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University). Next Lesson William Faulkner A Rose for Emily Presentation: William Faulner

Suggested topics for presentation

George OrwellMarrakechColonialism The JewsThe MuslimsThe ArabsThe funeral in different cultures

(Traditional Chinese, Islamic, Christian, Buddhist, Hindus)

Page 6: By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University). Next Lesson William Faulkner A Rose for Emily Presentation: William Faulner

Introduction: exposition

Purpose: To inform or explainA thesis: the statement of the central

thoughtOrganization: ---Thesis first---supporting ideas --- presenting facts---conclusion of

the thesisMethods: comparison, contrast,

analogy, identification, illustration, analysis, definition, etc.

Page 7: By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University). Next Lesson William Faulkner A Rose for Emily Presentation: William Faulner

Text Organization

Part I (1-3) The life and death of the colonial people

Part II (4-7) The gazelle and the Arab navvy

Part III (8-15) The plight of the JewsPart IV (16-18) The invisibility of the

peoplePart V (19-21) The firewood bearing

woman and the donkeyPart VI (22-24) The Negro soldierPart VII (25-26) The reflection of a

white man

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Pick out FOUR KEY WORDS which you think best generalize the text and explain why these words can summarize the thesis.

Page 9: By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University). Next Lesson William Faulkner A Rose for Emily Presentation: William Faulner

Four words

Poverty, misery, invisibility, reflection

Colonial empire, backbreaking, invisibility, sorry

Nameless, invisibility, plight, cattleDisrespect, misery, colonization,

unfairRags, invisibility, colonial, cattleSuffer, obedient, discrimination,

egoismBackward, unfairness, discrimination,


Page 10: By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University). Next Lesson William Faulkner A Rose for Emily Presentation: William Faulner

Four words

Poor, Jews, overloading, invisiblePoverty, conflict, invisibility,

ignoranceFlies, ghetto, invisibility, kiddingShabby, poverty, invisibility,

enslavementNameless, prejudice, apathy,

miserablePoor, misery, invisibility, corruptionPoverty, invisibility, discrimination,


Page 11: By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University). Next Lesson William Faulkner A Rose for Emily Presentation: William Faulner

Paragraph 1: Analysis

One sentence opening paragraph.Why does the author mention the

flies in particular?What do flies imply here?The unsanitary condition?Back to the table?The dead body with the flies?The value of a human being?

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Paragraph 2: Analysis

How do people bury the dead? Little crowd of mourners, thread their way, wail

a short chant over and over again, the flies, coffin, merely wrapped in a piece of rag, carried on a rough wooden bier, the burying ground, hack an oblong hole a foot or two deep, dump the body, fling over it a little of the dried up, lumpy earth, gravestone, name, identifying mark, a huge waste of hummocky earth, derelict building lot

What do these words reveal about the people there?

Page 13: By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University). Next Lesson William Faulkner A Rose for Emily Presentation: William Faulner

Paragraph 2: Language pointsMourn--To feel or express grief or

sorrowThread their way across--To make

one's way cautiously throughPomegranates--[植 ]石榴Wail--To lament over; bewailChant--A canticle or prayer sung or

intoned in this mannerAppeal to: To be attractive or

interestingCoffin--An oblong box in which a

corpse is buried

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Paragraph 2: LP (continued) Bier--A stand on which a corpse or a coffin

containing a corpse is placed before burial. Hack--To cut or chop with repeated and irregular

blows Oblong--Having the shape of or resembling a

rectangle or an ellipse Foot--0.3048 meter Hummocky--A low mound or ridge of earth; a knoll. Derelict--Deserted by an owner or keeper;

abandoned. Lot--A piece of land used for a given purpose,

parking lot

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Burying ground = verbal noun (verb+-ing) + noun

Drinking fountain, carving knife, fitting room, cooking oil, baking needs, frying pan, swimming pool, dining hall

Gravestone = noun + nounWindow pane, river bed, sunbeam,

book worm, torch light.

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Paragraph 3: Analysis

How many “you”, “your” or “yourselves” does the author use in this paragraph?

How many “they”, “their”, “them” or “themselves” does the author use?

Is he dividing people into “you” and “them”? Are you standing opposite to them?

What does the choice of pronouns imply?

Page 17: By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University). Next Lesson William Faulkner A Rose for Emily Presentation: William Faulner

Paragraph 3: Analysis

It is always difficult to believe that you are walking among human beings.

Why?All colonial empires are in reality

founded upon this fact.All the imperialists build up their

empires by treating the people in the colonies like animals.

What do the rhetorical questions indicate?

What does the last sentence mean?

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Paragraph 3: LP

Two hundred thousand inhabitants of whom at least twenty thousand own literally nothing except the rags they sand up in

Inhabit--To live or reside in Inhabitant--One that inhabits a place, Literally--Really; actually. especially as

a permanent resident --There are people in the world who

literally do not know how to boil water. Yesterday, I have met all those

students to whom this novel appeals.

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Paragraph 3: LP

Undifferentiated--not having any distinguishing features

Coral--珊瑚 , 珊瑚虫 Mound--A pile of earth, gravel, sand,

rocks, or debris heaped for protection or concealment.

Break your way through Prickly--Having prickles. Bumpy--Covered with or full of bumps Underfoot—1) Below or under the foot

or feet; against the ground; 2)Hindering progress; in the way

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Paragraphs 4-5: LP

Gazelle--[动 ]瞪羚 Hindquarter--The posterior portion of a

side of beef, lamb, veal, or mutton, including a hind leg and one or two ribs.

Hindquarters--The posterior part of a quadruped, adjacent to the hind legs

Nibble--To eat with small, quick bites or in small morsels

Butt--To hit or push against with the head or horns; ram

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Paragraphs 4-5: paraphrase

One can hardly look at their hindquarters without thinking of a mint sauce.

It is hard for one not to think of the sauce with which one eats gazelle when one sees the hind legs (which indicate the meat) of the gazelle.

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Paragraphs 4-5: paraphrase

Probably the idea was that if it could drive me away the bread would somehow remain hanging in mid-air.

The gazelle did not like me. It might be thinking that even if it drove me away, the bread would still be there. That might be why it was pushing me with its head.

Mid-air: half-brother, grandmother, darkroom, double check, supermarket

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Paragraphs 6-7: Analysis

The navvy: sidle, quiet amazement, shyly

Amazement: a phenomenon that one has never seen.

“I could eat some of that bread.”Navvy--A laborer, especially one

employed in construction or excavation projects

Hoe--锄头Sidle--To move sideways

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Paragraphs 6-7: Analysis

How did the navvy store the bread? --stow, gratefully, secret place

Stow--To store for future useMunicipality--A body of officials

appointed to manage the affairs of a local political unit

What about the people who have no jobs?

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Paragraph 8: Analysis

What was the Jews’ living environment like?

Medieval ghetto, restricted area, overcrowding, less than six feet wide, completely windowless, sore-eyed children, cluster, unbelievable numbers, clouds of flies. Generally running a little river of urine

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Paragraph 8: Paraphrase

After centuries of this kind of treatment they have ceased to bother about overcrowding.

The Jews were forced to live in such environment for so many years that they expected nothing better and have got used to this kind of situation.

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Paragraph 8: LP

Ghetto--A section or quarter in a European city to which Jews were formerly restricted

Moor--A member of a Moslem people of mixed Berber and Arab descent, now living chiefly in northwest Africa.

Restrict--To keep or confine within limits Overcrowd-To crowd together excessively Overload (p. 20) Sore-eyed--having sore eyes; suffering from

pinkeye or conjunctivitis Cluster-To gather or grow into bunches Urine--The waste product secreted by the kidneys

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Paragraph 9: Analysis

What is their working environment like?

Dark fly-infested booths, cavesThe carpenter?At his side his grandson, aged six,

already starting on the simpler parts of the job.

What does this indicate?

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Paragraph 9: LP

Bazaar--A market consisting of a street lined with shops and stalls, especially one in the Middle East.

Skull-cap--A light, close-fitting, brimless cap sometimes worn indoors

Infest--To inhabit or overrun in numbers large enough to be harmful, threatening, or obnoxious

Booth--A small enclosed compartment with a window, used to separate the occupant from others

Lathe-车床 Work-To cause to operate or function; actuate, use, or

manage Chisel--凿子 Thanks to--On account of; because of Warp--To turn or twist (wood, for example) out of shape

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Paragraph 10:The riot a cigarette arouses

Dark holes, all around, frenzied rush, old grandfather, flowing grey beard, a blind man, back, crawling out, groping, use up

The contrast between the work and the cigarette

More than 12 hours, cigarette a luxury that they could not afford.

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Paragraph 10: LP

Coppersmith--One that works or manufactures objects, especially utensils, in copper

Instantly--At onceFrenzy--A state of violent mental

agitation or wild excitementClamour--To make a loud, sustained

noise or outcryLook on as--To regard in a certain

way as

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Paragraph 11-14: Analysis

A good job Hitler wasn’t here. It was lucky for the Jews that Hitler

did not come to their place. If he had, he would have exterminated them as he did to the Jews in other places.

What do the quotations indicate about other people’s attitude towards the Jews?

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Paragraph 15: Paraphrase

The Jews were condemned in the same way as some poor old women who could not get themselves a decent meal by performing witchcraft were condemned and burnt.

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Paragraph 11-15: LP

Self-contained--Constituting a complete and independent unit in and of itself

Potter, silversmiths, tailor, beggarAcre--6.070亩Witchcraft-Magic; sorcery; Wicca.

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Paragraph 16: Analysis

People’s attitude towards an European labourer and a black or brown laborer

The contrast---In northern Europe: fairly conspicuous;

When ploughing, a second glance---In hot countries, do not even see him. The contrast between the things one sees---Everything except human beings---Dried-up soil, prickly pear, palm tree,

distant mountain---The peasants

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Paragraph 16: LP

Conspicuous--Easy to notice; obviousChances--The likelihood of something

happening; possibility or probability --If Greg is alive then the chances

are Paula is alive too --The chances are high that the

trouble stems from a false assumption.

Take in--To look at thoroughly; view

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Paragraph 17: Paraphrase

It is only because of this that the starved countries of Asia and Africa are accepted as tourist resorts.

The reason for the Asia and Africa are chosen as tourist resorts is that the starving people in these places are ignored.

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Paragraph 17: Paraphrase

No one would think of running cheap trips to the Distressed Areas.

No one would think of organizing cheap trips for the tourists to visit the slums. People go to Asia and Africa because they just ignore the poor people there and the place seem to be without poor people.

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Paragraph 17: LP

Resort--A place frequented by people for relaxation or recreation

Grove--A small wood Legionnaire--A member of a legion Bandit--A robber, especially one who

robs at gunpoint Wring-To twist, squeeze, or compress,

especially so as to extract liquid Erode--To wear (something) away by or

as if by abrasion

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Paragraph 18: Analysis

Does this paragraph has a topic sentence?

How does the author develop that topic and how does he organize the paragraph?

Pls. draw the outline of this paragraph.

Desolate: animal, treeless waste, soil, cultivation (labour, hand, women bent, the ploughing, donkey vs. cow)

Water conservation

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Paragraph 18: Paragraph Organization

animals treeless soil oblong patches

water rare rainstorm

channel (30/40ft)

tiny trickles

Hand tools

animalsTearing weeds plough harrow

donkey cow gathering lucerne

Desolate and frightful


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Paragraph 18:LP

Desolate--Devoid of inhabitants; deserted Invert--To reverse the position, order, or

condition of Work their way across Tear up--To tear to pieces Lucerne--紫苜蓿 Fodder--Feed for livestock, especially

coarsely chopped hay or straw Wretched--Of very inferior quality frail--Physically weak; delicate; Not strong

or substantial; slight

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Paragraph 18: LP continued Spike--A long, thick, sharp-pointed piece of wood

or metal; A heavy nail Inch--2.54 centimeters Yoke--To fit or join with a yoke Harrow--耙 Furrow--A long, narrow, shallow trench made in

the ground by a plow Conserve--To protect from loss or harm; preserve Trickle--To flow or fall in drops or in a thin stream Subsoil--The layer or bed of earth beneath the

topsoil Submarine, subtitle, subordinate, submerge.

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Paragraph 19: Analysis

The analogy between the old woman and the children

The woman’s reaction to the five-sou piece.

She accepted her status as an old woman, that is to say as a beast of burden.

--She took it for granted that as an old woman, she was the lowest in the society and that her only role was to do heavy work like an animal.

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Paragraph 19: LP

File--A line of persons, animals, or things positioned one behind the other

Mummify--To cause to shrivel and dry up Sou--One of several coins formerly used in

France, worth a small amount Farthing--A coin formerly used in Great

Britain worth one fourth of a penny Shrill--Producing a sharp, high-pitched tone

or sound Gratitude--The state of being grateful;


Page 46: By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University). Next Lesson William Faulkner A Rose for Emily Presentation: William Faulner

Paragraph 20: Analysis

Topic sentence?The firewood or the women beneath

it?What does the image of the donkey

tell us?Overloading, infuriated, damnably

treated, most willing, follows the master like a dog, dead, ditch, guts torn out

The contrast between the donkey and the people

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Paragraph 20: LP

Hobble--To walk or move along haltingly or with difficulty; limp

Register--To make an impression; be recorded in the mind

Infuriate--To make furious; enrage Damnable--in a detestable manner Packsaddle--A saddle on which loads can be

secured Bridle--A harness Halter--A device made of rope or leather straps Tip--To dump (rubbish, for example Gut--The bowels

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Paragraphs 21-22: LP

Plight--A situation, especially a bad or unfortunate one

Gall--To make (the skin) sore by abrasion; chafe

Owing to--because of Stork--鹳 Infantry--The combat arm made up of units

trained to fight on foot步兵部队 Screw-gun Clump--A clustered mass; a lump Clatter--To make a rattling sound

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Paragraph 23-24: Analysis

How was the Senegalese dressed? What verbs does the author choose to describe their dressing?

Uniform, boot, hat?What does the Negro’s look indicate? Ignorance of their situation? Subordinate to the white?

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Paragraph 23: LP

Senegalese--塞内加尔人 [语 ]Whereabouts--Approximate locationKhaki--卡其布Squash--To beat, squeeze, or press

into a pulp or a flattened mass; crush

Slump--To droop, as in sitting or standing; slouch

Glisten--To shine by reflection with a sparkling luster

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Paragraph 24: LP

Contemptuous--Manifesting or feeling contempt; scornful

Sullen--Showing a brooding ill humor or silent resentment; morose or sulky.

Inquisitive--Unduly curious and inquiring Wretched--In a deplorable state of distress

or misfortune; miserable Scrub--To rub hard in order to clean Syphilis--[医 ]梅毒 Garrison--A military post, especially one

that is permanently established Reverence--A feeling of profound awe and


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Paragraphs 25-26: Analysis

The flock of cattleThe great white birds

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Paragraphs 25-26: LP

Connection--Reference or relation to something else; context

In this connection Onlooker--One that looks on; a spectator Charger--A horse trained for battle; a

cavalry horse Drift--To proceed or move unhurriedly

and smoothly Glitter--To sparkle brilliantly Scrap--A small piece or bit; a fragment

Page 54: By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University). Next Lesson William Faulkner A Rose for Emily Presentation: William Faulner

Text Appreciation and Writing Strategy

Language in generalContrastPronounsMetaphor and simileFigure-Ground ConfigurationSpecific words

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Six rules for writers Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of

speech which you are used to seeing in print. Never use a long word where a short one will do. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it

out. Never use the passive where you can use the

active. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a

jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.

Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.

--Politics and the English Language (1946)

Page 56: By Chunyan Shao (Shandong University). Next Lesson William Faulkner A Rose for Emily Presentation: William Faulner

In this text…

ShortConciseCreativeEasy ClearObjectiveStill the sympathy and the outrage,


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Gazelle and an Arab navvy (ps. 4-7) Low status of the Jews and the Arab and

poor European’s prejudice against them (ps. 11-15)

Laborer in Europe and hot country (p. 16) The back-breaking struggle of the people

and their images in the eye of white people (p. 17)

The old woman carrying baggage and the father and the son on the donkey (p.19)

Wood-bearing women and donkeys (p. 20) --poverty, prejudice, struggle, low status

and invisibility

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Pronouns (p.3)

How many “you”, “your” or “yourselves” does the author use in this paragraph?

How many “they”, “their”, “them” or “themselves” does the author use?

Is he dividing people into “you” and “them”? Are you standing opposite to them?

What does the choice of pronouns imply?

--Gap, distance, separation, misunderstanding, prejudice…

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Figure-Ground Configuration

Figure: sth. of perceptual prominenceGround: sth. Vague, unstructured,

shapeless and serves as the background

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Figure-Ground Configuration

The author is skillful in describing a general background, then zooming in on a specific scene or person for detailed depiction. Examples?

The dead (p.1) and the people’s life (p.3) The poor living (p. 8) and working condition

for the Jews and a working carpenter (p.9) The rushed crowd for the cigarette and the

blind man (p.10) Old women bearing wood (p. 19-20) and the

woman I gave money to (p. 19) The marching army (p. 23) and the Negro

boy (p.24) Effect: More vivid and penetrating…

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Specific words

The author is a genius in hiding his own feeling in the words. How do you tell that the author actually sympathizes with the people there and is outraged at colonialism?

The specific words he uses? (p. 2)The adverbs and the phrases he

chooses? (p.2)The figures or phenomena that he

singles out for depiction? (p. 20)

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The author mentions that “All people who work with their hands are partly invisible, and the more important the work they do, the less visible they are.” Do you agree or disagree?

Do you know the vendor from whom you buy your breakfast? Do you who build our building? Do you also ignore those people who do manual work around you?

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Exercises: VII

A siren wailed into the neighborhood and up the street. (loud, prolonged cries)

I turned the faucet and tears flowed from my eyes. I wept into the basin. (shedding of tears)

Sob: a catch in the voice and short gasping breath

Whimper: frightened childMoan: A low, sustained, mournful


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The city's art mania is also due in no small part to a handful of energetic collectors. (craze for sth)

Meanwhile, the royal wedding frenzy grew. (state of excitement)

His unhealed war wound was causing his fever and delirium. (extreme mental disturbance)

Peggy wanted to laugh, but she knew if she gave way to it it might turn to hysteria. (uncontrolled feeling)

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A bright light flashed before her eyes; then all was dark. (sudden, brief and brilliant light)

The broad swath of the frozen Koyukuk River glistened under the morning moonlight. (reflection of light from a wet surface)

An eye like a small black button glittered, fastening on them. (intermittent flash)

The water's surface shimmered with a million moon-fragments. (soft reflection of light from disturbed water)

The watch on her right arm sparkled with diamonds as she consulted it again. (bright, intermittent flash)

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Assignment 1:

Please write a passage of about 200 words to analyze one or two points in the text which impress you most.

Requirements: --There should be a topic sentence.--You should support your thesis with

details, by drawing upon the text.--Each of the group members should

read through the passage and correct any mistakes therein.

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How the ideas flowHow the text is organizedHow the main ideas are distributed

throughout the textHow the supporting ideas help

illustrate the main pointThe very general idea and the details

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Topic?Organization?General idea? Supporting ideas? Information from the text knitted

together with your ideas, supporting your ideas

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Thank you!