business rules, workflow and marketing automation...benefits of workflow automation!• workflow...

Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation How to create automatic rules for your CRM

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Post on 20-Sep-2020




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Page 1: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation


Page 2: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

What is a Business Rule, Workflow or Marketing Automation?

•  Workflowisanautomatedprocessthatcanstartworkingwhenyouaddorupdate:accounts,opportunities,cases,forms,ordates.

•  TherearemanybusinessobjectswithinLeadMasterthatcantriggerworkflow.

•  WorkflowcanextendtooutsidesystemsviaanAPI.

•  Multipleprocessescanbetriggeredfromasingleactionmakingthisapowerfulfeature.

Page 3: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Benefits of workflow automation! • Workflowautomationisatimesavingfeature.Youcanautomaterepetitioustasksandperformmultipleactionsfromasingleworkflowfiredbyasinglecheckbox.Forexample:•  updatetheleadstatus•  addacalendarevent•  sendanemail•  reassigntherecord•  sendatextmessage•  addanote

• Workflowcanhelpyoumanagesmartqueuesandadd/subtractrecordsfromsavedsearches,alsoknownasfilters.•  Usingworkflowcanprovideconsistencyindataresultsandactionsforreportingandanalysis.

Page 4: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Who can create a Business Rule or Automation?

•  Creatingandmaintainingworkflowsisaloginprivilege;generallyreservedforadmins.•  Automationisapowerfultoolandneedstobethoughtoutandplanned.Flowchartsanddiagramsofthewayyouwantthingstoworkarehelpful.•  Thereare3partstoconsider:•  TheTrigger(when)•  TheCondition(if)•  TheResultingAction(then)

Page 5: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Accessing Marketing Automation and Workflow



Page 6: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Adding New Workflow



Helpfultip:makethenamerelevant RuleAppliesWhen:


Page 7: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Adding New Workflow


Page 8: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Adding new workflow “IF” Condition




Page 9: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Adding a new workflow Operator TheOperatorisdefinedas:•  ‘=’isanexactmatch•  ‘<>’doesnotequal•  ‘<=’islessthanorequaltothespecifiedvalue•  ‘>=’isgreaterthanorequaltothespecifiedvalue•  ‘beginswith’filtersdatabycontentsthatstartwithadefined

character(s)•  ‘contains’filtersdataforthespecifiedcharacterwithinavalue.•  ‘wasupdated’filtersrecordsthathadthedatainspecified

fieldsupdated.•  ‘waschecked’applicableforCheckboxfieldtype.•  ‘wasuploaded’applicableforFileUploadtype.


Page 10: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Using the operator and the fields HowtousetheFieldandoperatortocreateyourworkflowcondition



Page 11: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Complex conditions



Page 12: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Complex Conditions Definingyourconditionscanbeaccomplishedwiththeuseoftheopenandclose()AndusingOR



Page 13: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Creating Resulting Actions


Page 14: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Creating Resulting Actions

MultipleactionscanbeaddedForexample:•  Addingafollowupcallback/eventona

calendar•  Sendanemailtothecustomerfroma

template•  Addcommenttotherecord•  ClickNext>>whendone

Page 15: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Creating Resulting Actions Resultingactionsareeasytofollowandreviewoncecompleted.ThestandardLeadMasterfunctionalityapplies.Requiredfieldsarenoted.Clickwhencomplete.

Page 16: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

A completed workflow Thethreestepsarecompletedinthisexample:WhenarecordisupdatedIFtherecordhasaLeadStatusofNewInquiryANDthecampaignisCP-1018Acallbackwillbecreatedin6daysfortheloggedinuser,anemailissenttotheprimarycontactANDacommentisplacedontherecord.


Page 17: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Business Rule List Here’sanexampleworkflowlist.Itisimportanttonotethatthesystemwillexecutetheworkflowinordertoptobottom.Workflowcanbedraggedanddroppedtochangetheorderofexecution.


Page 18: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Existing workflow options Optionstoeditexistingworkfloware:

•  Pause–theworkflowwillbepausedfromexecutionbutremainsinplace.

•  Edit–editconditionsoractions

•  Clone–willcopyanexistingworkflow(note:theyarepausedinitiallyandwillneedtoberesumed)

•  Delete–removesworkflowcompletely

•  Active–workflowisactiveandwillexecuteifconditionsaremet

Page 19: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Helpful hints •  WorkflowautomationlooksintimidatingbutbreakitdowntoWhen,IfandThen.

•  Test,testandtestagain.

•  Itcanbehelpfultouseaflowcharttodiagramyourprocessflow.

•  Didwementiontotest?

Page 20: Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation...Benefits of workflow automation!• Workflow automation is a time saving feature. You can automate repetitious tasks and perform

Business Rules, Workflow and Marketing Automation
