business plan guide nots

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  • 8/18/2019 Business Plan Guide nots

    1/32 Plan Guide

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  • 8/18/2019 Business Plan Guide nots

    2/32 Business Plan Guide


    Preparing yourself..............................................................................................3Analyse your business idea..............................................................................Analyse yourself.............................................................................................

    Business planning...............................................................................................4

    Regular review....................................................................................................4

    Distributing & protecting your plan.....................................................................4

    Advice & support.................................................................................................Attending business events..............................................................................."a#ing on a $entor or business %oa%&...............................................................

    !sing t"e #e$plate.............................................................................................

    #e$plate overview..............................................................................................%"itle page......................................................................................................'Business Plan (u$$ary..................................................................................)"&e Business................................................................................................**"&e Mar#et..................................................................................................+"&e ,uture...................................................................................................+'"&e ,inan%es................................................................................................+)(upporting do%u$entation.............................................................................


    "&is Business Plan Guide and t&e a%%o$panying Business Plan #e$plate &ave beendeveloped by t&e Australian Govern$ent s prin%ipal business resour%e-lo%ated wit&in t&e epart$ent of 0ndustry.

    Copies of t&e latest version of t&is guide and t&e te$plate %an be downloaded fro$ .

    0f you need furt&er infor$ation- assistan%e or referral about a business issue- please%onta%t on * +) 12.

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    Preparing yourself

    Before you start writing your business plan- you s&ould &onestly evaluate yourself andde%ide if your business idea &as a good %&an%e of su%%ess. Analysis %an &elp youanti%ipate any %&allenges you $ay fa%e and &elp you over%o$e t&e$.

    Analyse your business idea

    0s your idea feasible3 Before you get started- find out if t&ere is a de$and for yourprodu%ts or servi%es. 0t s also useful to find out w&o your %o$petitors are and w&et&ert&e $ar#et %an sustain your business.

    4esear%&ing all aspe%ts of your business idea will involve gat&ering- analysing andevaluating infor$ation to &elp you write your business goals. (o$e 5uestions to %onsiderare6

    • 7&at produ%t/servi%e will you provide3

    • 0s your idea viable3

    • 8ow will you prote%t your ideas3

    • 0s t&ere a $ar#et for your produ%t/servi%e3

    • 7&at s#ills do you need3

    • 7&o are your %o$petitors3

    • 7&at differen%e will you bring to t&e $ar#et3

    • o you &ave t&e finan%ial %apa%ity to start a business3

    Analyse yourself

    Are you ready to venture into business3 9perating a s$all business is not :ust aboutwor#ing for yourself- it s also about &aving t&e ne%essary $anage$ent s#ills- industrye;pertise- te%&ni%al s#ills- finan%e and of %ourse a long;a$ine t&ese 5uestions6

    • 7&y are you starting a business3

    • 7&at are your business and personal goals3

    • 7&at are your s#ills3

    • 7&at in%o$e do you need to generate3

    • 7&at are t&e advantages and disadvantages of starting your own business3


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    Business planning

    9n%e you ve %ondu%ted resear%& into t&e feasibility of your new business you re ready towrite your business plan.

    A business plan provides dire%tion- #eeps you on tra%# and is usually a re5uire$ent w&enyou see# finan%e. epending on your business type- your plan %ould in%lude t&e followingse%tions6

    • Business u$$ary' A one

  • 8/18/2019 Business Plan Guide nots

    5/32 Business Plan Guide• ,or detailed infor$ation on 0ntelle%tual property prote%tion- visit t&e 0P Australia


    • Conta%t your nearest Business >nterprise Centre @B>C for assistan%e wit& yourbusiness planning pro%ess.

    Advice & support

    "&ere are a nu$ber of govern$ent servi%es available to &elp you plan- start or grow yourbusiness. "&ese servi%es %an provide general advi%e- wor#s&ops- se$inars andnetwor#ing events- and %an even $at%& you wit& a $entor or business %oa%&.

    Attending business events

    ($all business wor#s&ops and se$inars are run regularly in $ost areas of Australia- anddeal wit& issues su%& as planning- finan%ial $anage$ent- innovation- e$ploying staff ande;porting.

    ou $ay also find it useful to attend networ#ing events to &elp e;pand your business. Bydeveloping networ#s- you %an #eep up

  • 8/18/2019 Business Plan Guide nots

    6/32 Business Plan Guide• Deter$ine w"o t"e plan is for . oes it &ave $ore t&an one purpose3 7ill it be

    used internally or will t&ird parties be involved3 e%iding t&e purpose of t&e plan%an &elp you target your answers. 0f t&ird parties are involved- w&at are t&eyinterested in3 Alt&oug& don=t assu$e t&ey are :ust interested in t&e finan%e part ofyour business. "&ey will be loo#ing for t&e w&ole pa%#age.

    • Do not atte$pt to fill in t"e te$plate fro$ start to finis" . ,irst de%ide w&i%&se%tions are relevant for your business and set aside t&e se%tions t&at don=t apply.

    ou %an always go ba%# to t&e ot&er se%tions later.

    • !se t"e ) italicised text *. "&e itali%ised te;t is t&ere to &elp guide you byproviding so$e $ore detailed 5uestions you $ay li#e to answer w&en preparingyour response. Please note: 0f a 5uestion does not apply to your %ir%u$stan%es it%an be ignored.

    • Get so$e "elp . 0f you aren=t %onfident in %o$pleting t&e plan yourself- you %anenlist t&e &elp of a professional @i.e. (ingle Business (ervi%e- Business >nterprise

    Centre- business adviser- or a%%ountant to loo# t&roug& your plan and provide youwit& advi%e.

    • Actual vs. e+pected figures . >;isting businesses %an in%lude a%tual figures in t&eplan- but if your business is :ust starting out and you are using e;pe%ted figures forturnover and finan%es you will need to %learly s&ow t&at t&ese are e;pe%ted figuresor esti$ates.

    • ,rite your su$$ary last . ?se as few words as possible. ou want to get to t&epoint but not overloo# i$portant fa%ts. "&is is also your opportunity to sell yourself.But don=t overdo it. ou want prospe%tive ban#s- investors- partners or w&olesalersto be able to 5ui%#ly read your plan- find it realisti% and be $otivated by w&at t&ey

    read.• Review. Review. Review . our business plan is t&ere to $a#e a good i$pression.

    >rrors will only detra%t fro$ your professional i$age. (o as# a nu$ber of i$partialpeople to proofread your final plan.

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    #e$plate overview

    "itle page-uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    0nsert your businesslogo

    Adding a logo &elps give your business a $ore professional i$age. 0fyou are :ust starting out and do not &ave a logo- you %an re$ove t&is

    se%tion.1our na$e >nter t&e business owner s na$e. >nter $ultiple na$es if t&ere are

    $ultiple owners.

    1our title "&e titles of t&e business owner@s listed above. >.g. 9wner/Manager

    Business na$e >nter your business na$e as registered in your state/territory. 0f you&ave not registered your business na$e- add your proposed businessna$e

    Visit our 4egister your businessna$e page.

    /ain business address >nter your $ain business address. "&is %an be your &o$e address ifyou are a &o$enter your Australian Business Nu$ber. 0f you are a business and &averegistered for an ABN enter it &ere.

    Visit our 4egister for anAustralian Business Nu$ber@ABN page.

    AC2 >nter your Australian Co$pany Nu$ber. 9nly fill t&is in if you are a%o$pany.

    Visit our 4egister your %o$panypage.

    Prepared "&e date you finis&ed preparing your business plan.

    #able of Contents 0f you &ave %&anged t&is te$plate in any way- please re$e$ber toupdate t&e table of %ontents to refle%t t&e %&anges.

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    Business Plan (u$$ary

    our business su$$ary s&ould be no longer t&an a page and s&ould fo%us on w&y your business is going to be su%%essful. our answerss&ould briefly su$$arise your $ore detailed answers provided t&roug&out t&e body of your plan.

    #"e Business

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Business na$e >nter your business na$e as registered in your state/territory. 0f you&ave not registered your business na$e- add your proposed businessna$e.

    Visit our 4egister your businessna$e page.

    Business structure 0s your business a sole trader- partners&ip- trust or %o$pany3 Visit our Business stru%tures topi%.

    AB2 >nter your Australian Business Nu$ber @ABN . 0f you are a businessand &ave registered for an ABN enter it &ere.

    Visit our 4egister for anAustralian Business Nu$ber@ABN page.

    AC2 >nter your Australian Co$pany Nu$ber @ACN . 9nly fill t&is in if youare a %o$pany.

    Visit our 4egister your %o$panypage.

    Business location >nter your $ain business lo%ation. Briefly des%ribe t&e lo%ation andspa%e o%%upied/re5uired.

    Date establis"ed "&e date you started trading. 7&et&er it was t&e date you opened yourdoors or t&e date your pur%&ased business opened its doors.

    Business owner s Dist t&e na$es of all business owners.

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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Relevant ownere+perience

    Briefly outline your e;perien%e and/or years in t&e industry and any$a:or a%&ieve$ents/awards.Eeep t&is brief and try to in%lude only your relevant e;perien%e and$ain a%&ieve$ents. ou will &ave an opportunity to go into $ore detailunder t&e Manage$ent F owners&ip se%tion.

    Visit our 7&at s#ills do 0 needto start a business3 page.

    Products5services 7&at produ%ts/servi%es are you selling3 7&at is t&e anti%ipated de$andfor your produ%ts/servi%es3 "&ese answers s&ould briefly su$$ariseyour answers under t&e $ain produ%ts/servi%es se%tion.

    #"e /ar(et

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    #arget $ar(et 7&o are you selling to3 7&y would t&ey buy your produ%ts/servi%esover ot&ers3"&is answer s&ould briefly su$$arise your answers under t&e $ainMar#et se%tion.

    Visit our 4esear%&ing your$ar#et page.

    /ar(eting strategy 8ow do you plan to enter t&e $ar#et3 8ow do you intend to attra%t%usto$ers3 8ow and w&y will t&is wor#3"&is answer s&ould briefly su$$arise your answers under t&e $ainMar#et se%tion.

    Visit our Mar#eting topi%.

    #"e 6uture

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    7ision state$ent "&e vision state$ent briefly outlines your future plan for t&e business.0t s&ould state %learly w&at your overall goals for t&e business are.


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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Goals5ob8ectives 7&at are your s&ort F long ter$ goals3 7&at a%tivities will youunderta#e to $eet t&e$3

    #"e 6inances

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    #"e finances Briefly outline &ow $u%& profit you intend on $a#ing in a parti%ularti$efra$e. 8ow $u%& $oney will you need up

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    "&e Business

    Business details

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Business purpose 7&at is t&e $ain business purpose3 7&at does it sell3

    Business si9e Nu$ber of e$ployees3 >sti$ated/a%tual annual turnover3

    :perating "istory 7&at is t&e business ba%#ground3 8ow long &as t&e business beenoperating3 7&at is your progress to date3

    Registration details

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Business na$e >nter your business na$e as registered in your state/territory. 0f you&ave not registered your business na$e- add your proposed businessna$e

    Visit our 4egister your businessna$e page.

    #rading na$e s >nter your registered trading na$e or na$es. our trading na$e is t&ena$e you will use to trade under. 0t is t&e na$e t&at appears on your$ar#eting and advertising $aterial. 0f you &ave $ultiple trading na$es-list t&e$ and e;plain t&e purpose of ea%& na$e.

    Visit our 8ow do 0 %&oose abusiness na$e3 page.

    Date registered "&e date t&at appears on your business na$e registration.

    ;ocation s registered >nter t&e state@s you &ave registered your business na$e. 0f yourbusiness is lo%ated in $ore t&an one state- you will need to registeryour business na$e in ea%& state.

    Visit our 4egister your businessna$e page.

    Business structure 0s your business a sole trader- partners&ip- trust or %o$pany3 Visit our Business stru%tures topi%.

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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    AB2 0f you &ave registered an Australian Business Nu$ber @ABN - t&en enterit &ere.

    Visit our 4egister for anAustralian Business Nu$ber@ABN page.

    AC2 >nter your Australian Co$pany Nu$ber @ACN . ,ill t&is in if you are aregistered %o$pany.

    Visit our 4egister your %o$panypage.

    G # 0f you are registered for Goods and (ervi%es "a; @G(" - t&en enter t&edate you registered wit& t&e "a; offi%e.

    Visit our 4egister for Goods F(ervi%es "a; @G(" page.

    Do$ain na$es 0f you are planning on setting up a website for your business- you $ayalso li#e to register a do$ain na$e to $at%& your registered businessna$e. Dist any do$ain na$es you &ave registered and plan to use int&e business.

    Visit our 4egister your do$ainna$e page.

    ;icences & per$its Dist all t&e li%en%es or per$its you &ave registered. "&ese will varydepending on your type of business and lo%ation. (o$e e;a$plesin%lude a tradesperson %ertifi%ate- travel agents li%en%e- or #erbside %afIper$it.

    Visit our 4egistrations andli%en%es page.

    Business pre$ises

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Business location >nter your $ain business lo%ation. es%ribe t&e lo%ation and spa%eo%%upied/re5uired. 7&at is t&e size of t&e spa%e you o%%upy/re5uire3

    7&i%& %ity or town3 7&ere in relation to land$ar#s/$ain areas3 0f you&ave a retail business- w&ere are you lo%ated in relation to ot&er s&ops37&at is t&e retail traffi% li#e3

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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Buy5lease 0f you &ave pur%&ased a business pre$ises or are %urrently leasing-briefly outline t&e arrange$ents. "&ese %an in%lude pur%&ase pri%e-lengt& of t&e lease agree$ent- rental %ost or lease ter$s.0f you are still loo#ing for a lease or property- outline your %o$$er%iallease or pur%&ase re5uire$ents and any utilities/fa%ilities re5uired.

    Visit our Buy or lease abusiness pre$ises page.

    :rganisation c"art

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation


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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    +perience 7&at e;perien%e do t&e business owner@s &ave3 7&y s&ould peopleinvest in you3 8ow $any years &ave you owned or run a business3 Distany previous businesses owned/$anaged. Dist any $a:ora%&ieve$ents/awards. 7&at ot&er relevant e;perien%e do you &ave3

    on=t forget to atta%& your resu$e@s to t&e ba%# of your plan.

    =ey personnel

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Current staff table Dist your %urrent staff in t&e table provided. 9utline ea%& :ob title- na$eof t&e e$ployee in t&e position- t&e e;pe%ted staff turnover for t&eposition and ea%& e$ployee s relevant s#ills or strengt&s. ou $ay alsoli#e to atta%& a %opy of t&eir resu$e to t&e ba%# of your plan.

    Visit our >$ploying people topi%.

    Re>uired staff table Dist your re5uired staff in t&e table provided. "&ese are %urrent va%antpositions. 9utline ea%& :ob title- 5uantity of ea%& type of position- tⅇpe%ted staff turnover for t&e position- t&e re5uired s#ills or strengt&sneeded and t&e date you re5uire t&is position to be filled.

    Visit our 4e%ruit$ent page.

    Recruit$ent options 8ow do you intend on obtaining your re5uired staff3 Advertising in t&elo%al paper- online advertising- and/or training %urrent staff $e$bers3

    Visit our 4e%ruit$ent page.

    #raining progra$s Are t&ere any training progra$s you will be organising in t&e event you%annot find t&e re5uired s#ills3 Are t&ese in

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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    (ill retention strategies 7&at pro%edural do%u$entation will you provide to ensure t&e s#ills ofstaff are $aintained3 o you &ave an appropriate allo%ation ofresponsibilities3 8ow are responsibilities do%u$ented and%o$$uni%ated to staff3 7&at internal pro%esses will you i$ple$ent toregularly %&e%# t&at t&e %urrent s#ills of staff $e$bers are stillappropriate for t&e business3

    Visit our (#ills and training topi%.


    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Product5services table Dist ea%& produ%t/servi%e your business %urrently offers. Provide ades%ription and unit pri%e @in%luding G(" a$ount for ea%&.

    /ar(et position 7&ere do your produ%ts/servi%es fit in t&e $ar#et3 Are t&ey &ig&ue selling position 8ow will your produ%ts/servi%es su%%eed in t&e $ar#et w&ere ot&ers$ay &ave failed3 7&at gives your produ%ts/servi%es t&e edge3

    Anticipated de$and 7&at is t&e anti%ipated 5uantity of produ%ts/servi%es your %usto$ersare li#ely to pur%&ase3 ,or e;a$ple- &ow $u%& will an individual%usto$er buy in 2 $ont&s or *+ $ont&s3

    Pricing strategy o you &ave a parti%ular pri%ing strategy3 7&y &ave you %&osen t&is

    strategy3"o &elp you develop your pri%ing strategy- you %ould refer to your%usto$er resear%&- $ar#et position- anti%ipated de$and and%osts/e;penses to get an idea.7&atever strategy you use w&en setting your pri%e- you will also needto ad&ere to any relevant fair trading legislation or %odes of %ondu%t.

    Visit our ,air trading laws page

    for your state fair trading offi%e%onta%t details.

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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    7alue to custo$er 8ow do your %usto$ers value your produ%ts/servi%es3 Are t&ey ane%essity- lu;ury or so$et&ing in between3

    Growt" potential 7&at is t&e anti%ipated per%entage growt& of t&e produ%t in t&e future37&at will drive t&is growt&3"o &elp you deter$ine t&is growt& potential- you %ould refer to yourregion/industry resear%& to get an idea of any industry/regional growt&t&at %ould affe%t your business in a positive way.


    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Researc" &develop$ent R&D 5innovation activities

    7&at 4F a%tivities will you i$ple$ent to en%ourage innovation in yourbusiness3 7&at finan%ial and/or staff resour%es will you allo%ate3

    Visit our 8ow do 0 $a#e $ybusiness $ore innovative3 page.

    0ntellectual propertystrategy

    8ow do you plan to prote%t your innovations3 Dist any %urrent trade$ar#s- patents- designs you &ave registered. o you &ave%onfidentiality agree$ents in pla%e3Prote%ting your innovations %an in%lude registering for intelle%tualproperty prote%tion- ensuring your staff sign a %onfidentialityagree$ent- and generally ensuring your %o$petition does not find outw&at you are developing.

    (ee t&e 0P Australia website for infor$ation on prote%tingyour innovations.


    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    ,or(ers co$pensation Provide details if you &ave wor#ers %o$pensation insuran%e3 "&is is$andatory if you &ave e$ployees.

    Visit our People insuran%e page.

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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Public liability insurance Provide details if you &ave publi% liability insuran%e3 "&is %overs anyt&ird party deat& or in:ury.

    Visit our Diability insuran%e page.

    Professional inde$nity Provide details if you &ave professional inde$nity insuran%e3 "&is%overs any legal a%tion ta#en out as a result of your professional advi%e.

    Visit our Diability insuran%e page.

    Product liability Provide details if you &ave produ%t liability insuran%e3 "&is %overs anylegal a%tion ta#en out as a result of in:ury- da$age or deat& fro$ yourprodu%t.

    Visit our Diability insuran%e page.

    Business assets Provide details if you &ave insured your bus iness assets in t&e event ofa fire- burglary- or da$age3 "&is insuran%e %overs t&ings li#e buildings-%ontents and $otor ve&i%les.

    Visit our Assets F revenueinsuran%e page.

    Business revenue Provide details if you &ave insured your bus iness in t&e event ofbusiness interruption w&ere you %annot trade be%ause of a parti%ularevent and are unable to $a#e $oney3

    Visit our Assets F revenueinsuran%e page.

    Ris( $anage$ent

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Ris( $anage$ent table Dist t&e potential ris#s @in order of li#eli&ood t&at %ould i$pa%t yourbusiness.,or ea%& ris#- detail t&e following in t&e table provided6•

    A des%ription of t&e ris# and t&e potential i$pa%t to your business.• "&e li#eli&ood of t&is ris# &appening < eit&er &ig&ly unli#ely-

    unli#ely- li#ely- or &ig&ly li#ely.• "&e level of i$pa%t it $ay &ave on your business J &ig&- $ediu$

    or low.• our strategies for $ini$ising/$itigating ea%& potential ris#.

    Visit our 4is# $anage$ent page.

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    18/32 Business Plan Guide;egal considerations

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    ;egal considerations Dist t&e legislation w&i%& will &ave so$e i$pa%t on t&e running of yourbusiness. ,or e;a$ple6 %onsu$er law- business law- or spe%ifi%legislation to your industry.Dist t&e legislation in order of t&e $ost i$pa%t on your business. ous&ould also detail w&at you will do or &ave already done to ensure you%o$ply.,or e;a$ple if you are in t&e finan%ial servi%es industry and you providefinan%ial advi%e to your %usto$ers- you s&ould in%lude t&e Corporations

    Act 2001 and your A,( li%en%e details @if registered already . ou $ayalso li#e to in%lude details about your dis%losure and generalobligations.

    Visit our Degal essentials forbusiness Page.Visit t&e Australian (e%urities F0nvest$ents Co$$ission,inan%ial servi%es page.


    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Production process 7&at is t&e pro%ess involved in produ%ing your produ%ts/servi%es. "&ispro%ess will vary depending on your produ%t/servi%e. 8ere are so$ee;a$ples of 5uestions you $ay %onsider. 0s t&ere a $anufa%turingpro%ess3 7&o is involved in t&e pro%ess3 Are t&ere any t&ird partiesinvolved3 7&at is involved in delivering t&e servi%e to your %usto$ers3

    uppliers 7&o are your $ain suppliers3 7&at do t&ey supply to your business38ow will you $aintain a good relations&ip wit& t&e$3

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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Plant and e>uip$enttable

    Dist your %urrent plant and e5uip$ent pur%&ases. "&ese %an in%ludeve&i%les- %o$puter e5uip$ent- p&ones and fa; $a%&ines. ,or ea%& ite$in%lude t&e e5uip$ent na$e- pur%&ase date- pur%&ase pri%e andrunning %ost.0f you &ave not pur%&ased all of your e5uip$ent yet- you %an in%lude aseparate table and in%lude an e;pe%ted pur%&ase da te.

    0nventory table Dist your %urrent inventory ite$s in t&e table supplied. ou %an in%ludeinventory ite$ na$e- unit pri%e- 5uantity in sto%# and t&e total %[email protected]. unit pri%e $ultiplied by 5uantity in sto%# .0f you &ave a substantial inventory- you $ay prefer to atta%& a fullinventory list to t&e ba%# of your business plan.

    #ec"nology software 7&at te%&nology do you re5uire3 ,or e;a$ple6 website- point of salesoftware or a%%ounting pa%#age3 7&at will be t&e $ain purpose forea%&3 7ill t&ey be off

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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Pay$ent types accepted 7&at pay$ent types will you a%%ept3 Cas&- %redit- %&e5ue- gift %ards-Paypal et%

    Credit policy 7&at is your %redit poli%y for %usto$ers/suppliers3 8ow long is t&e%redit period3 7&at are your %olle%tion strategies/pro%edures3 7&at%redit does your business re%eive3 7&at are t&e ter$s3

    ,arranties & refunds 0f you $anufa%ture %ertain goods- w&at are t&e warranty ter$s3 7&atis your business refund/e;%&ange poli%y3

    Visit our 7arranties F refunds page.

    -uality control es%ribe your 5uality %ontrol pro%ess. 7&at %&e%#s or balan%es do you&ave in pla%e to ensure t&e produ%t or servi%e you offer is produ%ed tot&e sa$e standard of 5uality3 7&at steps do you ta#e to $eet produ%tsafety standards3

    Visit our Produ%t safety Fstandards page.

    /e$bers"ips andaffiliations

    0s your business a $e$ber of any parti%ular industry asso%iation or%lub3 o you &ave any affiliations wit& any ot&er organisation3

    ustainability plan

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    nviron$ental5resource i$pacts

    es%ribe t&e i$pa%t your business %ould potentially &ave on t&eenviron$ent. >.g. a parti%ular $anufa%turing pro%ess produ%es %arbone$issions."o &elp you answer t&is 5uestion- you %ould %onsider %ondu%ting anenviron$ental audit.

    Visit our >nviron$entalplanning F auditing page.

    Co$$unity i$pact andengage$ent

    8ow does your environ$ental i$pa%t affe%t t&e lo%al %o$$unity3 8ow%an you engage t&e %o$$unity in $ini$ising your i$pa%t3

    Visit our Mini$ising your i$pa%tpage.

    Ris(s5constraints Dist any ris#s/%onstraints to your business resulting fro$ t&isenviron$ental i$pa%t3

    Visit our 4is# $anage$ent page.

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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    trategies 7&at strategies will you i$ple$ent to $ini$ise/$itigate yourenviron$ental i$pa%t and any ris#s to your business3 7ill you %ondu%tan environ$ental audit3 8ave you introdu%ed an >nviron$ental$anage$ent syste$3

    Visit our >nviron$entalplanning F auditing page.Visit our >nviron$ental$anage$ent syste$s page.

    Action plan table Dist your #ey sustainability/environ$ental $ilestones in t&e tableprovided3 etail ea%& sustainability $ilestone- t&e target you are tryingto a%&ieve and w&en you e;pe%t to rea%& ea%& target. ,or e;a$ple64edu%ing water %onsu$ption by 2HK before +H*2.

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    "&e Mar#et-uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    /ar(et researc" 7&at statisti%al resear%& &ave you %o$pleted to &elp you analyse your$ar#et3 id you use a survey/5uestionnaire3 0f so- you $ay li#e toatta%& a %opy of your survey/5uestionnaire to t&e ba%# of t&is plan.

    Visit our 4esear%&ing your$ar#et page.

    /ar(et targets 9utline your planned sales targets. 7&at 5uantity of your

    produ%ts/servi%es do you plan to sell in a planned ti$efra$e3 Are t&ey$ont&ly or yearly targets3 ,or e;a$ple- you $ay set yourself a goal ofselling * HHH produ%ts in *+ $ont&s.


    etail t&e results of t&e $ar#et resear%& you &ave perfor$ed. 0s t&earea e;perien%ing population growt&3 Are t&ere long

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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    =ey custo$ers 0dentify your #ey %usto$ers. @"&ese %an be large %onsu$ers of yourprodu%ts or individuals w&ose satisfa%tion is #ey to t&e su%%ess of yourbusiness. 8ow will you target your produ%ts/servi%e to t&e$3

    Custo$er $anage$ent 8ow will you $aintain a good relations&ip wit& your %usto$ers3 7&atte%&ni5ues will you use3 8ow will you #eep your %usto$ers %o$ingba%#3 8ave you introdu%ed %usto$er servi%e standards3 o you followany parti%ular %ode of pra%ti%e3

    Visit our Custo$er servi%e page. Visit our Codes ofPra%ti%e page.

    .,.:.#. analysis

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    .,.:.#. analysis table Dist ea%& of your businesses strengt&s- wea#nesses- opportunities ort&reats in t&e table supplied and t&en outline w&at you will do aboutea%& of t&e wea#nesses/t&reats.

    1our co$petitors

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    1our co$petitors 8ow do you rate against your %o$petitors3 8ow %an your businessi$prove on w&at t&ey offer3

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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Co$petitor details table Dist at least %o$petitors in t&e table. ,or ea%& %o$petitor enter6• Co$petitor' Co$petitor na$e• stablis"ed date' 7&en were t&ey establis&ed3• i9e' Nu$ber of staff and/or turnover• /ar(et s"are ? 6 >sti$ated per%entage of $ar#et s&are• 7alue to custo$ers' ?ni5ue value to %usto$ers. 7&y t&ey

    would do business wit& your %o$petitor3 ,or e;a$ple6%onvenien%e- 5uality- pri%e or servi%e3

    • trengt"s' 7&at are your %o$petitor s $ain strengt&s3• ,ea(nesses' 7&at are your %o$petitor s $ain wea#nesses3

    Advertising & sales

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Advertising andpro$otional strategytable

    7&at strategies do you &ave for pro$oting and advertising yourprodu%ts/servi%es in t&e ne;t *+ $ont&s3,or ea%& pro$otion/advertising6 7&at is t&e pro$otion/advertising [email protected]. Print $edia advertising- online advertising- $ailue selling position 7&y do you &ave an advantage over your %o$petitors3 8ow will yourprodu%ts/servi%es su%%eed in t&e $ar#et w&ere ot&ers $ay &ave failed3

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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    ales and distributionc"annels table

    ,or ea%& %&annel enter6• C"annel type' e.g. (&opfront- internet- dire%t $ail- e;port or

    w&olesale• Products5services' Dist all t&e produ%ts/servi%es sold via t&is

    %&annel• Percentage of sales' 7&at per%entage of overall sales do you

    e;pe%t to sell via t&is %&annel3• Advantages' 7&at advantages are t&ere of using t&is %&annel for

    t&ese produ%ts3• C"allenges' 7&at %&allenges do you e;pe%t to fa%e using t&is

    %&annel3 8ow will you over%o$e t&e$3

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    "&e ,uture-uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    7ision state$ent 7&at is your business vision state$ent3 0t s&ould briefly outline yourfuture plan for t&e business and in%lude your overall goals.

    /ission state$ent 7&at is your business $ission state$ent 0.e. &ow will you a%&ieve yourvision3

    Goals5ob8ectives 7&at are your s&ort F long ter$ goals3 7&at a%tivities will youunderta#e to $eet t&e$3

    Action plan table 7&at are t&e business $ilestones t&at you need to %o$plete startingfro$ today3 7&en do you e;pe%t to %o$plete t&e$3 7&o is responsiblefor delivering t&is $ilestone3Please note' "&is table does not in%lude sustainability $ilestones ast&ey are listed in t&e sustainability se%tion above.

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    "&e ,inan%es

    =ey ob8ectives & financial review

    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    6inancial ob8ectives Dist your #ey finan%ial ob:e%tives. "&ese %an be in t&e for$ of salestargets or profit targets. ou %ould also list your $ain finan%ial$anage$ent goals su%& as %ost redu%tion targets.

    6inance re>uired 8ow $u%& $oney up

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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    Balance s"eet forecasttable

    Preparing your balance s"eet forecast

    "&e balan%e s&eet fore%ast e;a$ple %ontains a list of suggested assetsand liabilities a typi%al business $ay &ave. Please ta#e t&ese into%onsideration w&en preparing your balan%e s&eet fore%ast. Pleasenote' "&e table assu$es all figures are G(" in%lusive.Calculations• 2et assets e5uals

    #otal assets $inus #otal liabilities .

    (ee our Prepare finan%ialreports page in our Businessfinan%es topi%.

    Profit & loss forecasttable

    Preparing your profit & loss forecast"&e profit and loss fore%ast e;a$ple %ontains a list of suggested profitite$s and e;penses a typi%al business $ay &ave. Please ta#e t&ese into%onsideration w&en preparing your profit F loss fore%ast. Please note' "&e table assu$es all figures are G(" in%lusive.Calculations'• Gross profit5net sales e5uals

    ales $inus cost of goods sold $inus any ot"ere+penses related to t"e production of a good orservice.

    • 2et profit e5uals

    Gross profit5net sales $inus #otal e+penses .

    (ee our Prepare finan%ialreports page in our Businessfinan%es topi%.

    +pected cas" flowtable Preparing your cas" flow state$ent"&e >;pe%ted %as& flow e;a$ple %ontains a list of suggested in%o$ingand outgoing %as& ite$s a typi%al business $ay &ave. Please ta#e t&eseinto %onsideration w&en preparing your %as& flow state$ent. Pleasenote 6 "&e table assu$es all figures are G(" in%lusive.Calculations'

    (ee our Prepare finan%ialreports page in our Businessfinan%es topi%.

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    -uestion +planation /ore infor$ation

    • :pening balance e5uals

    Closing balance of previous $ont&.• /ont"ly cas" balance e5uals

    #otal inco$ing $inus #otal outgoing .• Closing balance e5uals

    :pening balance plus #otal inco$ing $inus #otal

    outgoing .Brea(@even analysistable


    Percentage of price t"at is profit e>uals

    Average price of eac" product5service sold $inusAverage cost of eac" product5service to$a(e5deliver divided by Average price of eac"product5service sold .

    • #otal sales needed to brea(@even e5uals

    2u$ber of units sold needed to brea(@even $ultipliedby Average price of eac" product5service sold .

    • 2u$ber of units sold needed to brea(@even e5uals

    6i+ed costs for t"e $ont"5year divided by Averageprice of eac" product5service sold $inus Average costof eac" product5service to $a(e5deliver .

    (ee our Analyse your finan%es page in our Business finan%estopi%.

    (upporting do%u$entation-uestion +planation /ore infor$ation


    Dist all of your atta%&$ents &ere. "&ese $ay in%lude resu$es- inventorylist- survey/5uestionnaire and/or finan%ial do%u$ents.

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    Australian Business 2u$ber AB2 J a single identifying nu$ber used w&en dealingwit& ot&er businesses and t&e "a; 9ffi%e.

    Australian Co$pany 2u$ber AC2 J t&e nu$ber allo%ated by t&e Australian(e%urities and 0nvest$ents Co$$ission @A(0C w&en you register a %o$pany underCorporations Daw.

    Blog Jis a s&ortened word for 7eblog @see 7eblog .

    Brea(@even J t&e e;a%t point w&en a business in%o$e $eets a business e;penses.

    Capital cost J a one

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    31/32 Business Plan GuideGross profit J also referred to as net sales. "&is is t&e re$aining profit w&en t&e %ost ofprodu%ing a good is ta#en away fro$ t&e sale pri%e.

    ig"@end usually refers to e;pensive or &ig& 5uality produ%ts/servi%es.

    0ntellectual property J laws t&at prote%t t&e property rig&ts in %reative and inventiveendeavours in%luding art- literature- $usi%- fil$s- sound re%ording- broad%asts and%o$puter progra$s.

    0nventory J a %o$pre&ensive list of ite$s a business %urrently &as in sto%#.

    ;iability J a finan%ial obligation or a$ount owed.

    ;icence J a legal do%u$ent t&at grants a business or person wit& offi%ial per$ission to%ondu%t a %ertain a%tivity.

    /ar(et position J refers to t&e position an organisation- produ%t or servi%e &as in t&e

    $ar#et- usually in relation to its %o$petition./ilestone J a goal or ob:e%tive wit& a target date.

    /ission state$ent is a state$ent outlining &ow an organisation intends on a%&ievingits vision.

    2et profit J is t&e total gross profit $inus all business e;penses.

    :ff@t"e@s"elf J a %o$plete ready

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    32/32 Business Plan Guideocial $edia J a group of te%&nology in%luding Blogs- online networ#s @e.g. "witter-

    ,a%eboo#- My(pa%e- Din#ed0n and online %ollaboration tools often used to e;pand yournetwor#/$ar#et rea%& or %ollaborate on a large s%ale.

    ta$p duty J a state and territory govern$ent ta; paid by a buyer on t&e pur%&ase

    pri%e of t&e property or asset.

    toc(ta(ing J a regular pro%ess involving a p&ysi%al %ount of $er%&andise and suppliesa%tually &eld by a business- to verify sto%# re%ords and a%%ounts.

    ustainability J develop$ent t&at ta#es full a%%ount of t&e environ$ental %onse5uen%esof e%ono$i% a%tivity and utilises resour%es t&at %an be repla%ed or renewed.

    #"ird party J persons w&o are not a party to a %ontra%t.

    #rade $ar( J t&e registration of a letter- nu$ber- word- p&rase- sound- s$ell- s&ape-logo- pi%ture- aspe%t of pa%#aging or any %o$bination of t&ese- w&i%& gives t&e owner t&e

    legal rig&t to use- li%en%e or sell it wit&in Australia.#urnover financial J finan%ial turnover is t&e a$ount of $oney a business typi%ally$a#es in a given period.

    #urnover staff J staff turnover is t&e rate at w&i%& staff ta#eue selling position J a %&ara%teristi% of a business or a produ%t/servi%e t&at sets itapart fro$ t&e %o$petition.

    7enture capital J %apital invested in a start