business letters word processing 5 insert date and time use this function to insert the current date...

Business Letters Word Processing 5

Upload: bertram-oconnor

Post on 27-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Business Letters Word Processing 5 Insert Date and Time Use this function to insert the current date and/or time. Insert – Date and Time – Select format

Business Letters

Word Processing 5

Page 2: Business Letters Word Processing 5 Insert Date and Time Use this function to insert the current date and/or time. Insert – Date and Time – Select format

Insert Date and Time

• Use this function to insert the current date and/or time.

• Insert – Date and Time – Select format – OK

Another Way

• Start keying date and hit enter– Example: Type Janu and then press enter

The month ‘January’ should show up.

Page 3: Business Letters Word Processing 5 Insert Date and Time Use this function to insert the current date and/or time. Insert – Date and Time – Select format

Center Page Vertically(Vertical Alignment)

• Centers text between top and bottom margins, so that equal space is above and below what you have keyed on the page.

• File – Page Setup – Layout tab – Vertical Alignment – Center – OK

**Remember this one! We’ll use it a lot.

Page 4: Business Letters Word Processing 5 Insert Date and Time Use this function to insert the current date and/or time. Insert – Date and Time – Select format

Business Letters

• Formal communications between individuals (clients) and businesses or between two businesses.

• Different than a letter you would send to a family member.

• Specific Format

Page 5: Business Letters Word Processing 5 Insert Date and Time Use this function to insert the current date and/or time. Insert – Date and Time – Select format

Letter Format


• Everything begins at left margin

• Centered Vertically


• Return address, Date, and Signature Block start at center position

• All other lines begin at left margin

• Centered Vertically

(Sample: Pink) (Sample: Yellow)

Page 6: Business Letters Word Processing 5 Insert Date and Time Use this function to insert the current date and/or time. Insert – Date and Time – Select format


Mixed Punctuation• use a : (colon) at the

end of the salutation and a , (comma) after the complimentary close.

• Use regular punctuation in the paragraphs.

Open Punctuation• No : (colon) after the

salutation and • No , (comma) after

complimentary close.• Use regular

punctuation in the paragraphs.

Page 7: Business Letters Word Processing 5 Insert Date and Time Use this function to insert the current date and/or time. Insert – Date and Time – Select format

Letter Parts

** What kind of letter are

you writing? Does the

paper you will be printing on

have letterhead?

1. Letterhead: Return address does not need to be keyed.

No Letterhead: Return address

Sample Letterhead

Look at the samples. There are samples with and without letterhead.

Page 8: Business Letters Word Processing 5 Insert Date and Time Use this function to insert the current date and/or time. Insert – Date and Time – Select format

2. Date – must be spelled out (follow with a QS).

3. Letter Address – this is the address to whom you are sending the letter. SS, then follow with a DS.

4. Salutation - Dear Mr. Smith: or To Whom it May Concern: (Only use title and last name) follow with a DS.

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Date – spelled out

Month DD, YYYYLetter Address




Page 10: Business Letters Word Processing 5 Insert Date and Time Use this function to insert the current date and/or time. Insert – Date and Time – Select format

5. Body (message) – Single spaced paragraphs with a DS between each paragraph.

6. Complimentary closing line – almost always Sincerely, followed by QS

Quadruple space leaves enough room for the person to sign the letter after printed.

7. Signature block – writer’s name and title. Title goes on line below writer’s name.

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DSComplimentary Close

QSPamela HopperWriter’s Name


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8. Reference initials “xx”- DS below the writer’s name and title.

When you typed it but you did not write it. LOWERCASE and NO PERIODS!! xx will be replaced with your initials

Page 13: Business Letters Word Processing 5 Insert Date and Time Use this function to insert the current date and/or time. Insert – Date and Time – Select format

DSReference Initials

(lowercase & NO periods)

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9. Notations (Enclosure(s) or Copy)1. Enclosure: if there is something attached to or

included in the letter it is called an enclosure. If there is more than one, it is enclosures. They should be referenced in the body of the letter. *Both sample letters have enclosures. DS below reference initials.

2. Copy: if a copy of the letter is going to be sent to someone else. This notation goes a DS below the last letter part.

c (name of person) example: c Zach HillsYou will not have a notation at the bottom of every

letter. Use only when needed.

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(as needed)

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Means the letter is ready to mail.

• Letter should be 100% error free.• Use Spellcheck and Grammarcheck• Proofread yourself!

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• Tools – Envelopes and Labels

• Delivery address is the same as the letter address and will be put in automatically if you have a typed letter on your screen.

• Return address is the sender’s address.

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Envelopes Continued

• Use Options to add the Delivery Point Barcode – this helps sort by zipcode.

• Click on “Add to Document”


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Envelope added to document

Delivery Address

Delivery Point Barcode

Return Address

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Before you are finished…

• Make sure, make sure, make sure to CENTER THE LETTER VERTICALLY!

• You have been given four sample letters. Your assignment letters should look exactly like the sample letters. They are formatted correctly.

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• Follow the instructions on your assignment sheets to complete letters 1-3.

• Make sure to change the view to 2 pages before you call me over for a stamp.