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20 ▪ Edition 24 | September 01-07 2011 The Latino Business Empowerment Hub 50¢ » » Taxis Versátiles Saldrán a la Calle al Final del Verano » Infrastructure bank could be part of jobs package Global Market stocks U.S. Loses AAA Credit Rating PANIC Warren Buffett to invest $5 billion in Bank of America

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Page 1: BUSINESS LATINO, Newspaper ▪ Edition 24 | September 01-07 2011

The Latino Business Empowerment Hub 50¢

» » Taxis Versátiles Saldrán a la Calle al Final del Verano

» Infrastructure bank could be part of jobs package

Global Market


U.S. Loses AAA Credit



Warren Buffett to invest $5 billion in Bank of America

Page 2: BUSINESS LATINO, Newspaper


U.S. Loses AAA Credit RatingStocks are getting slammed, sup-

posedly in response to Standard & Poor's downgrade of the US credit

rating from AAA to AA+. But S&P's downgrade isn't the actual reason for the sell-off. As discussed below in a column written Saturday morning, the downgrade will have some sort of "knock-on" impact of unknown size, but by no accounts will S&P's decision in itself lead to collapsing credit markets around the globe.

Government officials are protesting S&P's move, pointing out the slip-shop nature of the ratings agency's work. Our Treas-ury Secretary Tim Geithner says S&P is "showing a stunning lack of knowledge." Others are pointing out that it takes a good deal of gall for any ratings agency to criti-cize the government as the agencies' com-plicity in the housing bubble of 2008. The NY Times' Paul Krugman goes so far as to compare the S&P to a "young man who kills his parents then pleads for mercy be-cause he's an orphan."

Leaving aside how wildly inappropriate comparing a ratings agency to a socio-path is, the degree to which whining com-mentary misses the point is stunning. The market sets rates, not S&P. Markets aren't heading lower because of something S&P did. Markets are selling hard because of a lack of effective leadership in Washington and absence of leadership of any sort in Europe.

Whatever you think of the government's response to the crisis of 2008 and 2009, decisive action was in fact taken. The re-sponse of the Fed and other DC powers that be delayed, if not averted a complete economic collapse. The European financial system is collapsing country by country, rather than bank by bank, and there is no central system of governance with suffi-cient authority to stop it. One of the first things I said on Breakout when we debuted in March was, "the disappearance of the Euro as currency is going to seem incred-ibly obvious in retrospect." Suffice it to say, I haven't become less convinced of the Euro's demise in the last 6-months.

All of which is an argument for a different day. In the here and now, stocks are get-ting crushed and there aren't yet signs of the selling abating. S&P "support" at 1,250 held for exactly one day. The next techni-cal level is somewhere in the vicinity of 1,140. That's our field position.

I'm not in the advice business. I'm in the

business of arming investors with knowl-edge to help them think for themselves when protecting their portfolios. Here are some thoughts and insight into what I'm doing to helping you make your own deci-sions:

* Don't be oblivious but don't panic. Man-age your money, don't let the market man-age it for you. Know what your portfolio is doing. Ignoring your money makes it go away.

* Cash is a delightful place to be at the moment. The US dollar may lose its sta-tus as the world's reserve currency, killing the greenback, but it's not going to happen today. If you have cash in your portfolio don't be in a huge rush to put it work in stocks. I've been underweight in stocks since the market failed to break over 1,340 in May. I'm putting my cash to work s-l-o-

w-l-y; 5% at a time and all in blue chips.

* Gold is gapping higher. Of course I wish I hadn't sold my gold ETF (GLD) last week. No, I'm not planning to chase the GLD higher.

* Listen to gurus but decide for yourself. Talking heads will be screaming advice at you today. Don't do anything they say simply because they seem credible and were right during the last crash. Yes, that includes me. I'm here to help, not run your portfolio.

* Sell until you can sleep. No, that's not the same as panicking. It's the opposite. If your portfolio is keeping you up at night, then your body is already panicking. Stop your panic by whatever non-narcotic based means necessary.

* Stocks can go lower than you think. That's what emotional selling means. Stocks plunge below any rational fair val-ue (read: 666 is March of 2009) specifical-ly because of supply from panicked sellers. Don't let your stocks be part of that supply.

* Yes, it's bad. But no, the world isn't end-ing. Hug your kids, take a little walk, and be glad you don't live in Greece.

More of my initial downgrade reaction is below.

S&P downgraded the U.S. credit rating from AAA to AA+ on Friday evening. The move was controversial,

unprecedented and newsworthy to the point that it made the cover of even the non-financial press. The headline on the cover of today's NY Post blares "Debt Bomb."

The Financial Times is calling the down-grade "a contentious and historic move that highlights the weakened fiscal stature of the world's most powerful country." The key word there is "highlights." Which is humiliating but hard to argue. Make no mistake: The U.S. more than earned this downgrade. The nation is absurdly debt-laden and shows absolutely no signs of stopping.

The most galling aspect of the downgrade is that the final straw was the debacle of a debt-ceiling debate. Yesterday I said DC's lugubrious drama and resulting fake solu-tion made up the most financially damag-ing fake crisis since LBJ's "Gulf of Tonkin" incident escalated the Vietnam War. S&P was nice enough to more or less confirm the point in comments made to the Finan-cial Times. "The political discourse has di-minished the credit standing of the United States," said John Chambers, the man who essentially made the final call.

Increased government spending at this point was a foregone conclusion, no matter what either side was saying. The country is in a recession (at least as far as I'm con-cerned; the National Bureau of Economic Research will make the official call in about six months, but why wait?). Stimu-lus is the only solution we know for a slow economy and was obviously what Wash-ington was going to do. The problem for financial markets is less the spending itself and more the fact that the spending isn't ac-tually stimulative at all.

Continue pag. 03








Front Page Edition 24 | September 01 - 07 2011

Page 3: BUSINESS LATINO, Newspaper

Front PageEdition 24 | September 01 - 07 2011

Our GDP is under 2%, our unemployment rate is over 9% and both numbers are likely much worse than advertised. Our nation turned our desperate eyes to Washington, looking for grownups who could give us hope. Austerity, stimulus, a jobs program, corporate hiring breaks … just a different strategy of some sort. What we got was a batch of simpletons and whiners working the mic like bad professional wrestlers for two weeks before giving us a faux solution at the 11th hour. It was actually worse than professional wrestling; at least The Rock would have given us better rants.

During the Great Depression, FDR had a policy of trying almost anything and seeing what worked. If a plan seemed to stimulate, he kept it. If it didn't, he scrapped the idea and moved on to something else. Nothing except WWII snapped us out of the De-pression, but there's a reason Roosevelt kept getting elected; at least the man didn't keep pouring more resources into solutions which obviously didn't work.

Breakout has been telling you the down-grade was a done deal for more than a week . We've been telling you how traders have been pricing in a downgrade. We've called it looming. We reported on the stock mar-ket chattering about this downgrade yester-day. I laid out the winners and losers on the fake deal last Monday.

What I'm saying is the downgrade was both deserved and anticipated. Looking ahead, here's what you need to watch and know:

* Stock Market Reaction: From where I'm sitting, stocks have been pricing this in for a week and half. It's no surprise the selling started at roughly the same time as the ratings agencies started threatening the

downgrade. The chatter of a downgrade on Friday was met with a brief, albeit fright-ening, sell-off of a few hundred points. That seems the most likely response here. Another "Black Monday" shouldn't result from S&P stating the obvious.

* Debt Market Reaction: This is where the potential problem lies. All debt is priced based off the "risk free" rate paid by the U.S. government. Our government paid the low-est rates; everyone else from municipalities to corporations paid a higher rate based off how much riskier they were than the U.S. as a whole. Now that the US is deemed less than risk free, it's unclear how much higher the cost of money will be for everyone else. In other words, no one knows for sure how big the knock-on effect will be.

Note that the yield on corporate debt from blue chip to junk is nearly as low as it's ever been. Also note that Treasuries are paying historically low rates; in fact, so low that buying the 2-year actually costs you money if you include even modest inflation in the calculation.

Also remember that no rational person on earth was unaware that the state of the

United States financial system was not as pristine as a AAA rating implies. The ques-tion wasn't whether or not a downgrade was deserved but if the ratings agencies had the guts to cut the AAA for the first time in his-tory. S&P walked the talk, Moody's folded like a cheap tent in the wind. Make of it what you will, but you can't say we couldn't see this coming. There's cause to be con-cerned about rates across the board mov-ing higher, but there's room for it to happen without triggering an economic crisis.

The Federal Reserve has already an-nounced it will continue to accept Treasur-ies as collateral. In English, this means the Fed isn't going to force a margin call. That's good news.

Your bottom line is that you can weep for what the U.S. has become but you don't need to flee from Treasuries or blue chip debt based on the actions of Standard & Poor's. The agency did the right thing and deserves a huge amount of credit for hav-ing done so. In effect, this move just means S&P gets the very same credit they just took from the United States.It's a butt-kicking our country richly de-serves.

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Front Page p.5



Obama healthcare law: two justices may decide fate

The legal fate of President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law will likely come

down to two Republican appointees on the U.S. Supreme Court -- Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice An-thony Kennedy.

That would be a familiar role for Ken-nedy, a moderate conservative who often has cast the decisive vote on the most contentious issues before the nine-member high court divided between conservative and liberal fac-tions.

A Supreme Court ruling on the health-care law, adopted by a Democratic-controlled Congress after a bruising political battle, could be a defining moment for Roberts, who was named

chief justice in 2005 by Republican President George W. Bush.

"Given the deep ideological divisions over the case and the lack of precedent clearly on point, the court could easily rule either way," Ilya Somin, associate law professor at George Mason Uni-versity, wrote in a recent blog post.

U.S. appeals courts have issued con-flicting rulings on whether Congress exceeded its power under the Consti-tution when, in adopting the health-care law in 2010, it required that Americans buy insurance or face a penalty.

The latest decision, handed down on Friday from an Atlanta-based appeals court, struck down that individual

mandate provision, making it more likely the Supreme Court will get in-volved.

University of Richmond assistant law professor Kevin Walsh said the Su-preme Court seemed virtually certain to decide the issue by the end of June next year. That would mean a ruling before the U.S. elections in November 2012, with the law seen as a major po-litical issue.

Obama has championed the individual mandate as a major accomplishment of his presidency and as a way to try to slow the soaring costs of healthcare while expanding coverage to more than 30 million Americans without it.

continue pag. 05








Front Page Edition 24 | September 01 - 07 2011

Obama busca el voto latinoRedación

Washington D.C.- El Presidente de la nación Barack Obama ha estado ocu-pado el pasado mes tratando de llegar a un acuerdo con los congresistas de Estados Unidos para elevar el nivel de la deuda. No obstante, no ha de-jado atrás su importante misión para ser reelecto el año entrante para un segundo término, el de conseguir los votos latinos.

Fue así como asistió a uno de los eventos más importantes del año para los latinos que residen en la nación, la Convención Anual del NCLR (National Council of La Raza), con-ferencia anual que realiza una de las organizaciones mas relevaste en pro de los derechos civiles que a la vez supervisa unas 300 organizaciones sin fines de lucro con esta misma misión e ideología. Obama se presentó en el almuerzo privado que sostuvo ante los asistentes y donde reiteró su com-promiso con los latinos que residen en esta nación.

Así mismo dijo que piensa llevar su reforma migratoria durante el primer año de ser reelecto, buscando así el apoyo del voto latino, clave para las

elecciones del 2012.

“Yo necesito una pareja de baile, y el piso esta solo”, dijo a la audiencia, que a gritos y aplausos recibieron al Presi-dente. Obama mencionó que está en las manos de los votantes el llevar a cabos estos sueños, el de pasar la ley del “Dream Act” que busca legalizar a los estudiantes que estén indocumen-tados, pero que hayan cursado dos años de estudios en la Universidad, o también los que hayan participado de servicios militares por esta cantidad de tiempo.

El Presidente reveló que dos decenas de republicanos apoyaban la reforma migratoria hace unos años pero que

en la actualidad, se han retirado de esta idea, dejando entrever que han sido los republicanos los que han paralizado el movimiento progresista para millones de hispanos que desean conseguir un estatus legal en Estados Unidos.

Janet Murguia, Presidente de NCLR abaló los logros de Obama, recalcan-do el hecho de que apuntó a Hilda So-lis como Directora del Departamento de Trabajo (Department of Labor) y a la jueza puertorriqueña Sonia Soto-mayor como la primera latina en lle-gar a ser jueza de la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos. Sin embargo dijo que el año pasado fue uno de los más fuertes para los hispanos indocumen-tados. Al parecer, este ha sido uno de los momentos en la historia con mayor deportaciones, siendo un golpe bajo para los inmigrantes.

Murguia dejo entender que el Presi-dente debe hacer algo mas por los inmigrantes que aportan grandemente a la economía de la nación. Lo que sí está claro es que Obama dejó un espacio en su apretada agenda para llegarle a los latinos que necesita para ser reelecto el año entrante, versus su contrincante republicano, que aún no es electo.

Page 5: BUSINESS LATINO, Newspaper



Front Page Edition 24 | September 01 -07 2011

Warren Buffett to invest $5 billion in Bank of America

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway will invest $5 billion in Bank of Ameri-

ca, stepping in to shore up the com-pany in the same way he helped prop up Goldman Sachs during the financial crisis.

Bank of America shares rose 24 percent to $8.65 in early trading, erasing a large part of the stock's August losses.

"This helps with the credibility gap that I think has existed in the minds of some shareholders. It reiterates the point that the balance sheet is healthy. They needed an endorsement in the market and they got it," said Jon Finger, managing partner of Fin-ger Interests in Houston.

Bank of America will sell Berkshire 50,000 shares of cumulative perpetual preferred stock with a 6 percent annual dividend, it said in a statement on Thursday. Bank of America can buy back the investment at any time by paying Buffett a 5 percent pre-mium.

Berkshire also will get warrants to buy 700 million Bank of America shares at an exer-cise price of just over $7.14 a share, with the ability to exercise any time in the next 10 years.

It is virtually a mirror of the deal Berk-shire did with Goldman in the depths of the crisis in fall 2008, except in this case the dividend is less. The Goldman deal paid Berkshire $15 a second in dividends until

Goldman bought Buffett out earlier this year.

Market watchers said the deal proved again that Buffett had become something of a lender of last resort to the financial system, as he did with Goldman and also GE.

"This proves to the market that if the bank needs additional capital, which we don't believe they do, but if they needed to calm the market by raising capital, they could do it within 30 minutes ... with a quick call to Uncle Warren," said Sean Egan, manag-ing principal of Egan-Jones Ratings.

Buffett called Bank of America Chief Ex-ecutive Brian Moynihan this week and of-fered to make the investment, a Bank of America spokesman said, adding that the deal was negotiated and consummated in a couple of days.

Investors have battered Bank of America's stock on fears that the largest U.S. bank by assets has yet to overcome billions of dollars in problem mortgage loans.

In recent weeks, investors have sold shares, worrying that the bank might need to raise outside capital -- as much as $50 billion by some estimates -- to cope with losses and meet new industry capital rules.

Bank of America shares lost roughly a third of their value in August before this deal, and half their value since the begin-ning of the year.

"This proves to the market that if the bank needs additional capital, which we don't believe they do, but if they needed to calm the market by raising capital, they could do it within 30

minutes ... with a quick call to Uncle Warren,"


"If the Supreme Court follows existing precedent, exist-ing law, it should be upheld without a problem," Obama said in Minnesota during a town hall discussion. "If the Supreme Court does not follow existing law and prec-edent, then we'll have to manage that when it happens."


Republican presidential candidates have strongly criti-cized the law as costly and evidence of intrusive govern-ment power.Legal experts said the court's four liberals, all appointees of Democratic presidents, were likely to uphold the indi-vidual mandate. Justices Stephen Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg were appointed by President Bill Clinton while

Obama named Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Ka-gan.

The experts said Justice Clarence Thomas was expected to vote to strike down the mandate, based on his past opinions, and could be joined by fellow conservatives, Justices Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito. All three were named by Republican presidents.

That would leave Roberts, a conservative who on occa-sion has refused to join far-right positions taken by Scalia and Thomas, and Kennedy to control the outcome.

Kevin Russell, a Washington lawyer who argues before the Supreme Court and who has followed the healthcare law, said Kennedy has been one of the justices most pro-tective of state power against federal government en-


"If he views the mandate as invading an area of tradi-tional state authority, I think he may be one of the least likely justices to vote to uphold it," Russell said.

Orin Kerr, a George Washington University law profes-sor, predicted Roberts and Kennedy both would likely end up voting to uphold the individual insurance man-date.

He cited an opinion by Kennedy in 1995 and the expan-sive view that Roberts recently supported of the power of Congress under the Constitution to adopt laws necessary and proper.

Page 6: BUSINESS LATINO, Newspaper








Edition 24 | September 01 -07 201106

Así reza el primer verso del Himno 20 de mayo. En esa fecha, en 1902, se declaró ofi-cialmente instaurada la República de Cuba.Atrás quedaba toda una verídica historia de cuanto puede hacerse cuando de lograr la libertad se trata.Pudiéramos repetir lo que en muchas oca-siones hemos afirmado, Hatuey fue el prim-

20 de Mayo, Fecha Gloriosa

Junta Patriótica Cubana celebrando el 109 aniversario de la Independencia de Cuba

ero en morir por la libertad de Cuba, firme, valiente y sereno murió quemado sufriendo los inmensos dolores de un fuego que calaba hasta lo más profundo de su cuerpo pero no sin antes con estoicismo sin límite denunciar en su propia presencia a los que no respetab-an sus derechos diciendo: “Si los que me van a matar van al cielo no tengo ningún interés en estar junto a ellos”.De Hatuey aprendió el criollo, el cubano nac-ido en la isla cuyos padres eran españoles.

Grupo de miembros de la Junta Patriótica Cubana de New York durante el magno evento. Foto por ALFREDO MORAD

El Señor Fausto Rodríguez de la oficina de Woodside Medical Practice, la Sra. Juana Ciriaco, Sra. Fátima Rivera, Sr. Rómulo Espail-lat, miembros de la Junta Patriótica Cubana. Foto por ALFREDO MORAD

Apertura del acto por Gerardo González, presidente de la Junta Patriótica Cubana en New York. Foto por ALFREDO MORAD

En El Parque Central de Nueva York, durante la ofrenda floral a la estatua de José Martí, Se. Regino Musa, Sr. González, Sra. Lidia Puyans, Sr. Jesús Contreras y Sr. Jorge González. Foto por ALFREDO MORAD

Nacer en Cuba siempre representó orgullo santo y sentimiento de libertad y democracia.Esa historia del ayer sigue siendo biblia mam-bisa y manual del ciudadano cívico.Esta noche, 109 años después, recordamos con gratitud la patria legada por todos los que supieron pelear frente a frente hasta

llegar a la meta anhelada, mantengamos el compromiso esta misma noche con la vista fija para obtener la victoria contra la tiranía Castro-Comunista que traicionó la República pero una vez más volverá a ser libre y en-teramente democrática.

La marca Captain Morgan anunció el donativo de $150,000 que hizo a la fundación Loyola Recovery, con sede en Pittsford, Nueva York. La contribución fue hecha a través de su fondo First Mate Fund, el cual fue creado por la marca a finales del año 2010 para respaldar las iniciativas destinadas a promover el hábito de beber responsablemente, así como a otros programas beneficiosos para la comunidad.

El programa de la Loyola Recovery Foundation, “Operación Libertad Económica”, se centra en proporcionar oportunidades de empleo a veteranos, sus familiares y otras personas relacionadas con el ejército, ofreciéndoles valiosos entrenamientos laborales. El donativo del fondo First Mate se utilizará para reclutar y capacitar a cónyuges de miembros del ejército para que se desempeñen como Especialistas de Apoyo a la Salud y

Captain Morgan hace un donativo de $150,000 a la Loyola Recovery Foundationestablecer un centro de llamadas, desde el hogar, destinado a ofrecer ayuda a aquellos veteranos que se encuentran recuperándose de la adicción al alcohol y otras dolencias.

“Este proyecto se concibió para dar servicio a aquellas familias militares en riesgo que sufren dificultades económicas debido a múltiples despliegues, desarrollando oportunidades de empleo en el hogar para sus cónyuges, permitiéndoles así trabajar desde el hogar durante las horas más convenientes para ellos”, afirmó Christopher Wilkins, Presidente y CEO de la Fundación Loyola Recovery. “Gracias al generoso respaldo de la marca Captain Morgan, no solo tenemos la capacidad de crear más de 30 puestos de trabajo a tiempo parcial para los cónyuges de los militares, sino que también hemos desarrollado un modelo de trabajo para otros centros militares en todo el país. Esto ofrece protección contra el estrés económico, al

brindar la oportunidad para que los talentosos y motivados cónyuges de los militares atiendan a los soldados que así lo necesiten”.

“Nos enorgullece poder brindar nuestro apoyo al proyecto ‘Operación Libertad Económica’ y al trabajo que están haciendo para ayudar al personal militar y a sus familias”, manifestó Tom Herbst, Director de Mercadeo, Rones, de Diageo. “Con frecuencia, a las familias de los militares se les dificulta llegar a fin de mes con sus gastos, especialmente en áreas rurales. De modo que, proporcionar un servicio indispensable a los veteranos, así como empleo a sus cónyuges, fue considerado por el fondo First Mate como algo lógico e importante que debía hacerse.”

Hasta la fecha, Captain Morgan ha aportado casi $500,000 a organizaciones sin fines de lucro, a nivel nacional y local, a través del Fondo.








Bolsa de Valores Edition 13 | November 17-23 2010Evento

Page 7: BUSINESS LATINO, Newspaper



Edition 24 | September 01 - 07 2011 AD 07

Ramiro Cavazos – President & CEO – San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

1 o f 200 i n s p i r i n g h i s p a n i c c h a m b e r o f c o m m e r c e s t o r i e s

U S H C C . C O M

In 1929, the first Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in America was founded in San Antonio, Texas. Names like Fortunato Sanchez, Hope Andrade, Norma Martinez

Lozano and dozens of other dedicated business leaders over the years have helped San Antonio become a role model business community for the entire country.

Ramiro Cavazos continues the legacy of showing how a diverse business community can work together so that all of its citizens have an equal opportunity to achieve prosperity.

Today, he and other chamber leaders have a wealth of knowledge that can help small and large businesses alike become even more


The USHCC is a strong voice that connects business leaders and provides

useful information to help organizations succeed. The USHCC supports the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and our nearly 200 local Hispanic chambers that make America great.

he had big shoes to fill, but he fit into them comfortably. |

Page 8: BUSINESS LATINO, Newspaper








Edition 24 | September 01 - 07 201108 Event

GRAN CENA DE GALA del desfile Dominicano del Bronx

El pasado, 21 de julio, Desfile Domini-cano del Bronx, ofreció su gran gala con motivo de las festividades del desfile

Dominicano del Bronx.

En el Gala participaron varias personalidades tanto del área como de la República Dominicana, entre estas podemos nombrar al señor alcalde de la Pro-vincia Espaillat Remberto Cruz, Rolando Oliverio Espaillat, Presidente de la Cámara de Comercio de la Provincia Espaillat, Marina Lopez, Vicepresi-denta Ejecutiva de la Cámara de Comercio y el señor Ramón Munoz, Elisabeth Chalas - Berman Presidente de Inca Kola, entre otros destacados.

NY Latino Business HUB | Informing & Empowering The Latino Business Community

Page 9: BUSINESS LATINO, Newspaper

Edition 24 | September 01 - 07 2011 Event 09

On Saturday July 23rd, PepsiCo, the world’s second largest food and beverage company with a portfolio of some of the world’s most

respected brands, such as Quaker Oats, Tropicana, Gatorade, Frito-Lay, Sabritas, Gamesa and Pepsi-Co-la, co-sponsored the NCLR National Affiliate Lunch-eon.This participation is part of the company’s Hispanic corporate initiative La Promesa de PepsiCo, focused on helping build stronger Latino communities in the United States. “We’re on a journey and there is much work ahead for us as PepsiCo strives to reach Hispanics in a meaningful way. Our partnership with NCLR will help us achieve those goals and be part of the solution,” said Pamela Culpepper, Senior Vice President Human Resources & Chief Global Diversity Officer, PepsiCo, in the National Affiliate Luncheon during the 2011 NCLR Annual Confer-ence, in Washington.

During the National Affiliate Luncheon, NCLR also presented the Affiliate of the Year Regional Honorees to awardees Youth Policy Institute (YPI), HELP-New Mexico, The Resurrection Project (TRP), Asociación Puertorriqueña en Marcha, Inc. (APM), The Concilio; the NCLR Family Strength-ening Awards to the awardees Centro Hispano of Dane County: ComVida, Mary’s Center: Healthy Start Healthy Families (HSHF), Women’s Initiative for Self Employment: Alternativas para Latinas en Autosuficiencia (ALAS); and the Affiliate Award for Advocacy to awardee The MAAC Project.

PepsiCo at the 2011 NCLR Annual Conference

Tim Russell, Director de Relaciones Públicas de PepsiCo; Janet Murguía, Presidenta y Directora Ejecutiva de NCLR; y Pamela Culpepper, Vicepresidente Senior, Gerente Recursos de Humanos y Diversidad Global de PepsiCo

This year’s 82nd LULAC National Con-vention & Exposition Women's Hall of Fame Luncheon was sponsored by Pep-

siCo. Marie Quintana, SVP Multicultural Sales and Marketing, PepsiCo offered opening re-marks. Ms. Quintana was followed by Martha de Fox, Mexico's Former First Lady.

The luncheon covered topics such as the pow-er of Latina women in the United States and the workforce. This initiative comes from La Promesa de PepsiCo; PepsiCo’s commitment to the Hispanic community.

82nd LULAC National Convention

Page 10: BUSINESS LATINO, Newspaper








Events Edition 24 | September 01 - 07 20111019

Por : Inverpedia

SUMMONS AND NO-TICEIndex No. 7295-09STATE OF NEW YORKSUPREME COURTQUEENS COUNTYNYCTL 2008-A TRUST AND THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, AS COL-LATERAL AGENT AND CUSTODIAN, Plaintiffs, VS.FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, INC.;NEW YORK CITY TRAN-SIT AUTHORITY TRAN-SIT ADJUDICATION BUREAU;NEW YORK STATE DE-PARTMENT OF TAXA-TION AND FINANCE;NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF FI-NANCE; HAROLD H. ALLENand PATRICIA H. ALLEN,Defendants.TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in the above-entitled foreclosure action, and to serve a copy of your answer on the plaintiff's attorney within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service or within thirty(30) days after completion of service where service is made in any other man-ner than by personal ser-vice within the State. The United States of America, if designated as a defendant in this action, may answer or appear within sixty (60) days of service hereof. In

case of your failure to ap-pear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief de-manded in the Complaint. Queens County is designated as the place of trial. The basis of venue is the location of the subject premises.Dated: May 11, 2011TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: The foregoing sum-mons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an Order of Honorable Jaime A. Rios, a Justice of the Supreme Court, dated August 1, 2011, and filed with supporting papers in the Queens County Clerk's Office. This is an action to foreclose a tax lien cover-ing the property known as 129-12 Guy R Brewer Boulevard, Jamaica, New York and being a parcel of land designated as Block 12276 and Lot 63. The re-lief sought is the sale of the subject property at public auction in satisfaction of the tax lien. In case of your failure to appear, judgment may be taken against you in the sum of $13,909.71, to-gether with interest, costs, disbursements and attor-neys fees of this action, and directing the public sale of the property.

Richard M. Beers, Jr.Phillips Lytle LLPAttorneys for PlaintiffsOffice and Post Office Ad-dress 1400 First Federal PlazaRochester, New York 14614 Tel. No. (585) 238-2000

Legal Notice

Taxpayers sometimes need tax returns from previous years for loan applications, to estimate tax withholding, for legal reasons or because records were destroyed in a natural disaster or fire. If your original tax returns were lost or destroyed, you can obtain copies or transcripts from the IRS. Here are 10 things to know if you need federal tax return information from a previously filed tax return.There are three options for obtaining free copies of your federal tax return information – on the web, by phone or by mail.The IRS does not charge a fee for transcripts, which are available for the current and past three tax years. A tax return transcript shows most line items from your tax return as it was originally filed, including any accompanying forms and schedules. It does not reflect any changes made after the return was filed.A tax account transcript shows any later adjustments either you or the IRS made after the tax return was filed. This transcript shows basic

How to Get Your Prior-Year Tax Information from the IRSdata, including marital status, type of return filed, adjusted gross income and taxable income.To request either transcript online, go to and use our online tool called Order A Transcript. To order by phone, call 800-908-9946 and follow the prompts in the recorded message.To request a 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ tax return transcript through the mail, complete IRS Form 4506T-EZ, Short Form Request for Individual Tax Return Transcript. Businesses, partnerships and individuals who need transcript information from other forms or need a tax account transcript must use the Form 4506T, Request for Transcript of Tax Return. If you order online or by phone, you should receive your tax return transcript within five to 10 days from the time the IRS receives your request. Allow 30 calendar days for delivery of a tax account transcript if you order by mail.If you still need an actual copy of a previously processed tax return, it will cost $57 for each tax year you order. Complete

Form 4506, Request for Copy of Tax Return, and mail it to the IRS address listed on the form for your area. Copies are generally available for the current year and past six years. Please allow 60 days for actual copies of your return.The fee for copies of tax returns may be waived if you are in an area that is declared a federal disaster by the President. Visit, keyword “disaster,” for more guidance on disaster relief.Visit to determine which form will meet your needs. Forms 4506, 4506T and 4506T-EZ are available at or by calling 800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676). Links: Order a Transcript - Online ServiceForm 4506-T-EZ, Short Form Request for Individual Tax Return Transcript (PDF)Form 4506-T, Request for Transcript of Tax Return (PDF) Form 4506, Request for Copy of Tax Form (PDF)Tax Return Transcripts

Hispanic Media


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Edition 13 | November 17-23 2010

WASHINGTON (AP) — A nation-al infrastructure bank that would entice private investors into road and rail projects could be a major part of the jobs package that Presi-dent Barack Obama hopes will finally bring relief to the unem-ployed.

The White House hasn't divulged the contents of the package that Obama is to unveil in an address to a joint session of Congress next week. But the president has pushed the idea of an infrastructure bank in recent speeches and has praised Senate and House bills that cre-ate such a government-sponsored lending institution.

Whether the bank, which would need time to organize, could have any real impact on the jobs situ-ation in the coming year — and particularly before the November 2012 elections — is in dispute.

Obama seems to think it would.

"We've got the potential to create an infrastructure bank that could put construction workers to work right now, rebuilding our roads and our bridges and our vital infrastruc-ture all across the country," he said at a news conference in July.

But Janet Kavinoky, director of infrastructure issues at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, cautioned that "even in the next two years I

don't believe the bank is going to be that kind of job creator."

The best way to spur job growth in the short term is for Congress to pass long-stalled bills to fund avia-tion and highway programs, she said.

Infrastructure bank could be part of jobs package

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ADEdition 24 | September 01 - 07 2011 11

©2011 The Coca-Cola Company. ©2011 glacéau, glacéau®, vitaminwater®, y el diseño y la etiqueta de la botella son marcas registradas, y vitaminwater zero™ es una marca comercial de glacéau. TRUVIA es una marca comercial de The Truvía Company L.L.C.

Opciones de bajo contenido calórico. Opciones de cero contenido calórico.Opciones para como sea que prefieran usted y su familia.La gente tiene gustos; pero también tiene papilas gustativas. Para satisfacer ambos es que nosotros ofrecemos una amplia variedad de opciones de bebidas de bajo y cero contenido calórico (150 tan solo en los EE.UU.), al igual que envases dosificadores, que se ajustan a estilos de vida activos y equilibrados. Variedad: esto es simplemente algo más que estamos haciendo para contribuir a hacer del mundo en que todos vivimos un lugar un poquito mejor. Si desea conocer más sobre lo que hacemos y por qué lo hacemos, acompáñenos en

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12 18

By Carlos Vé[email protected]

If you want a fast and convenient Internet connection for your family and or small business, look into Verizon’s Samsung 4G

LTE Mobile Hot Spot.

This wonderful little black box would let you connect up to 5 devices anywhere you want, be it at home or at the office and operate them at blazingly fast speeds.

This tiny and light gizmo, is truly a wonder that lets you do your work or socialize from anywhere you wish to do. Your smart phone, computer or tablet can be connected simultaneously giving you an amazing flexibility of operation. And, devices can be up to 50 feet from one another and the Mobile Hot Spot, without losing the signal.

You can be on your cell phone with one client, while sending files to another from your laptop or checking the latest news from your iPad, while your assistant is taking care of yet another customer with his/her laptop and reaching out on the phone to well, another customer.

The beauty of the system, is that once you are done with your work, you can take it home where the entire family can connect wirelessly.

It is a neat and fast device that once you use it, you wonder what took you so long to get one.

The 4G Mobile Hotspot is compatible with PCs and Macs.

Available through Verizon wireless, the Mobile Hotspot is most portable and easiest solution for your Internet connectivity needs.

Check Verizon Wireless for monthly data plans and rates.

Verizon’s 4G LTE Mobile Hot Spot is a hot number Summer is in full swing, and knowing where the kids are and where they

need to be over the busy vacation months is important to families. Family Locator, a simple and secure service from Verizon Wireless, allows parents to be informed in real-time about their kids’ whereabouts.

Whether keeping track of family members at barbeques or making sure they get to swimming lessons on time, the simple application, which is accessible from phones and PCs, enables parents to set up alerts that let them know when their kids have taken their phones to different locations. Interactive maps, which are part of Family Locator, enable customers to find the address where their kids are located. With the integration of VZ Navigator®, parents can also get turn-by-turn directions to that location.

Other helpful features of Family Locator include recurring or one-time alerts that can be sent to multiple recipients via phone or email so each member of the family can be automatically reminded of pool parties, camping trips and more.

In addition, if cookout plans suddenly change time or location, customers can easily send text messages or directions to multiple family members at the same time after locating them using Bing™ local search. This feature may be used as a reminder to meet somewhere at a certain time, and if someone gets lost, doesn’t arrive on time or there has been a change to the final destination point, they can easily be traced and sent directions.

It’s easy to keep your family safe and in the know for the rest of the summer with four simple steps:

1.Locate your family members by using the Locate feature2.Use arrival and departure updates, which allow you to set up a perimeter

that alerts you if a family member enters or leaves a specific location3.Schedule location updates to locate family members phones at specific

times of day4.Send messages and directions to family at no additional cost Visit for a video on how

the service works. Family Locator is available on dozens of Verizon Wireless devices, and select Android devices have been added as “locatable” phones, expanding the number of smartphones that are able to use Family Locator. Customers on a Family SharePlan can add the service to their existing plans for $9.99 per month for each phone that will be located. The monthly subscription includes unlimited messaging and data usage through Family Locator, plus arrival and departure updates and use with VZ Navigator from both a smartphone and PC. A subscription to VZ Navigator is required for integrated use, and data usage may apply when downloading the applications.

Family Locator is one of several tools in the Verizon Safeguards suite of products that helps Verizon Wireless customers manage the wireless phones and phone usage on their accounts. For information on Usage Controls, Content Filters, Spam Controls and more, visit

Keep informed of the kids’ whereabouts with family locator from Verizon Wireless








Bolsa de Valores Edition 13 | November 17-23 2010








Technologies Edition 24 | September 01 - 07 2011

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ADEdition 24 | September 01 - 07 2011 13

It’s the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. We’re

designed to fix problems for nearly 3,000,000 Hispanic Business

Enterprises, 200 Hispanic chambers and over 100 of corporate

partners. We’re a strong voice that connects business leaders and

provides useful information to help your business succeed. With

plenty of sharp benefits, we can help you on the trail to prosperity.

there’s an all-in-one solution for your business |

Page 14: BUSINESS LATINO, Newspaper








Chamber of Commerce14 Edition 24 | September 01 - 07 2011


LOCAL Chambers

• Association of Hispanic Healthcare Executives

• Bodega Association of the US Inc.

• Bronx Chamber of Commerce

• Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce

• Brooklyn Kings County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

• Ecuadorian Chamber of Commerce NJ-NY

• Greater New York Chamber of Commerce

• Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Queens

• Hunt’s Point Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

• Long Island Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

• Manhattan Chamber of Commerce

• Manhattan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Inc.

• National Hispanic Business Group

• National Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on Health

• National Supermarket’s Association Inc

• New York City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

• NY State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

• New York Women’s Chamber of Commerce

• Queens Chamber of Commerce


The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USH-CC) is proud to present the 32nd Annual National Convention & Business Expo on September 18-21, 2011 at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach. Join the USHCC on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at the Miami Beach Convention Center for the na-tion’s premier Business Expo. The Business Expo is designed to con-nect business owners leading corpo-rations, nonprofits, and government agencies with the goal of advancing Hispanic B2B relationships. “This year’s Business Expo is the ulti-mate platform for Convention attend-ees to generate real and direct business connections. The exhibits will be much more interactive than in the past and we’re anticipating a huge amount of traffic.” says Javier Palomarez. We’re focused on creating an atmosphere where quality interaction and lead gen-eration takes place.” The 32nd Annual Business Expo opens on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 9:30 a.m. at the Miami Beach Convention Center. The Expo will feature over 300 exhibi-tors ranging from Hispanic Business Enterprises, international enterprises, Fortune 500 companies and govern-ment agencies. “As the HBE Co-Chair this year rep-resenting over 2.8 million Hispanic Business Enterprises nationwide, it is an honor for us to welcome all of our

HBE’s and corporate partners to Mi-ami,” says Henry Fleches, Convention HBE Chairman and CEO of United Data Technologies. “The Annual Busi-ness Expo is by far the largest gather-ing of HBEs and Corporations coming together for the sole purpose of striking relationships and developing business opportunities. In our current economic climate, I can’t think of a better place to be to increase market share and stimu-late the American economy back to life. We invite all of friends and partners to join us for this unique opportunity.”The 32nd Annual National Convention & Business Expo is the largest gath-ering of Hispanic business leaders in America. This annual event features an

International Opening Recep-tion, Hispanic Business Enter-prise (HBE) Elite Luncheon, the CEO Circle, the Annual Business Expo, and Ultimate Latina Luncheon honoring this year’s recipient, Gloria Estefan.

About the 32nd Annual Nation-al Convention & Business ExpoThe 32nd Annual National Con-

vention & Business Expo is the largest gathering of Hispanic business leaders in America. Join the USHCC, Fortune 500 companies, Hispanic Business En-terprises (HBEs) and local Chambers of Commerce in Miami to connect, strat-egize and grow. The National Conven-tion takes place September 18th – 21st at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach. The USHCC is proud to an-nounce Corporate Convention Chair, Chase Bank and HBE Convention Chair, United Data Technologies. For more information about the Convention and a full schedule of events, please visit About the United States Hispanic Chamber of CommerceFounded in 1979, the USHCC actively promotes the economic growth and de-velopment of Hispanic entrepreneurs and represents the interests of nearly 3 million Hispanic-owned businesses in the United States that combined gener-ate in excess of $400 billion annually. It also serves as the umbrella organization for more than 200 local Hispanic cham-bers in the United States and Puerto Rico. For more information, visit

NY Latino Business HUB | Informing & Empowering The Latino Business Community

The Business Expo is designed to connect business owners leading corporations, nonprofits, and government agencies with the goal of advancing Hispanic B2B relationships.

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ADEdition 24 | September 01 - 07 2011

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Edition 24 | September 01 - 07 2011Green Technologies

NUEVA YORK – Las autoridades de la ciudad de Nueva York han aproba-do la utilización como taxi del ve-hículo comercial Ford Transit Con-nect, y dieron luz verde al uso del eficiente vehículo en cuanto al consumo de combustible en la Gran Manzana.

La Comisión de Taxis y Limusinas de Nueva York (New York Taxi and Lim-ousine Commission, TLC) aprobó el uso del Taxi Transit Connect de Ford. Nueva York se une a Boston, Chicago y Filadelfia en la lista de importantes ciudades cuyos funcionarios apro-baron el uso del Taxi Transit Connect.

Los prácticos y económicos vehículos de Ford ya prestan servicio de taxi en otras ciudades de los estados unidos desde hace varios meses. Con la aprobación por parte de las autoridades neoyorqui-nas, más y más unidades del vehículo se destinarán a ese mercado para satisfacer la demanda entre los propietarios de taxis

“Durante décadas, la marca Ford ha es-tado profundamente familiarizada con los taxis de Nueva York y ahora nos complace saber que los residentes y visitantes de la Gran Manzana podrán beneficiarse con las ventajas de esta nueva generación de nuestro vehículo”, dijo Mark Fields, Presidente de Ford para las Américas. “Tenemos Taxis Transit Connect p r e s t a n d o s e r -

vicios por todo el país y lo que la gente nos dice es que les encanta por su amplio espacio y su economía de combustible”.

La aprobación obtenida significa que el Ford Transit Connect Taxi cumple con las especificaciones establecidas por la TLC. El Ford Taurus también fue aprobado para uso como taxi. La co-misión es responsable de la reglamen-tación y el licenciamiento de todos los taxis que operan en la ciudad y es recono-cida como la mayor y más activa de las agencias que regulan los servicios de taxis y limusinas en los Estados Unidos.

Hace menos de un mes, la Junta de Re-cursos del Aire del Estado de California aprobó la versión a gas Natural Com-primido (CNG) del Transit Connect Taxi.

La arquitectura abierta del Transit Con-nect Taxi proporciona un exce-lente espacio para las cabezas del conductor y los pasa-jeros y

en consecuencia una grandiosa visibilidad. Con apenas 6.5 pulgadas de altura en-tre el nivel de la calle y el piso del auto, los pasajeros pueden entrar y salir del vehículo por sus puertas corredizas con gran facilidad. La puerta trasera tiene un ancho de 50.2 pulgadas a la altura del piso y su altura es de 52.1 pulgadas.

El Transit Connect Taxi cumple con los Estándares de Durabilidad para los Vehículos Comerciales Ligeros de Ford, y los componentes de su suspensión y de la estructura inferior de su carrocería lograron pasar con éxito las exigencias que implican los andenes y tapas de alcantarillas tan comunes en las áreas ur- banas. También se destaca el

hecho de que el diámetro del alcance de su dirección sea de

39 pies, haciéndolo muy fácil de maniobrar en

espacios apretados.

Con su motor estándar a gasolina de 4 cilindros y 2.0 litros, acoplado a una transmisión automática, el Transit Con-nect tiene un rendimiento combinado de 23 millas por galón, lo que significa un incremento de 30% en eficiencia si se compara con los taxis conven-cionales de hoy. Ford ofrece también paquetes opcionales que permiten la conversión de estos taxis para su uso con CNG y LPG (gas propano licuado).

El primer Transit Connect Taxi fue en-tregado en diciembre a una compañía de vehículos de servicio público en Boston. Desde entonces, más de cien han sido vendidos a compañías simi-lares en Los Angeles, Chicago, Las Vegas, St. Louis y Orlando, en la Flor-ida, para mencionar solo unas pocas.

La Ciudad de Nueva York Aprueba el Uso del Taxi Transit Connect de Ford

Taxis Versátiles Saldrán a la Calle al Final del Verano Nueva York sigue a Boston, Chicago y Filadelfia en la lista de importantes ciudades que aprobaron el Taxi Transit Connect de Ford

Page 17: BUSINESS LATINO, Newspaper



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ADEdition 24 | September 01 -07 2011

Page 18: BUSINESS LATINO, Newspaper


Por : Inverpedia

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Farmacias Latinas cerca de Ud. Estamos para servirle

¡Llegó el calor y el verano está oficialmente aquí! Si bien el precio de la gasolina todavía es más alto de lo normal, sabemos que la gente sigue queriendo viajar y disfrutar de una aventura de verano, todo ello manteniendo mucho poder detrás del volante. Por suerte para ellos, Ford ha creado la perfecta solución para darse con ese gusto este verano con el Ford Mustang 2011. El nuevo Ford Mustang GT 2011, equipado con un motor de 5.0L con 412 caballos de fuerza y transmisión manual de seis velocidades, también es el auto de más eficiente consumo en su clase con 26 mpg en la autopista (certificado por EPA, Agencia de Protección Ambiental), lo cual lo hace perfecto para viajes de verano.

Fin de semana largo: ¿Cómo viajar de forma segura y eficienteCuando tome las carreteras para

sus vacaciones de verano, seguir los siguientes consejos le ayudará a viajar seguro y ahorrar un poco de dinero en gasolina. Asegúrese de que su viaje este verano sea

memorable.No deje el auto con el motor encendido –encienda el motor y comience a manejar de a pocoEvite acelerar rápidamente –trate de mantener una velocidad constantePara conducir

con seguridad y ahorrar combustible, mantenga los neumáticos alineados y a la presión recomendadaAsegúrese de que las llantas no estén lisas ni gastadas

Reponga el filtro de aire según las recomendacionesEvite el tráfico intermitente que le obligue a parar y avanzar constantementeSiempre use cinturón de seguridadReponga los limpia-parabrisas (¡el calor del verano definitivamente puede afectarlos!)Asegúrese de controlar el aceite y todos los otros fluidos del vehículo antes de viajarVea a un Técnico de Servicio de Ford antes de iniciar su viajeAsegúrese de que el kit de emergencia de su vehículo tenga agua, comida no perecedera, una linterna, pilas extras y un kit de primeros auxiliosNo lleve objetos valiosos en su viaje de vacaciones, y si debe llevarlos, no los deje a plena vista







Edition 13 | November 17-23 2010Nutrition








Edition 24 | September 01 -07 2011Comunidad

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ADEdition 24 | September 01 - 07 2011

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