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Business Growth Magazine and Show Guide for the Midlands Expo


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300 - 500 VISITORS



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Welcome to The Business Growth Show and in

particular our Midlands Business Expo. The team and I have worked hard over the last few months to

ensure a smooth running and successful event for

all. My name is Mark Linton and I have been running

these events since 2005, meaning over the last 9

years we have helped thousands of businesses to

grow, build relationships and meet the targets they

wanted to achieve.

The show is a comprehensive portal to growing your business. Not only do

we provide every avenue to assist in helping you with this and be

successful, we ensure we attract the very best business brains in their


We understand that time is money, so we have planned the day with as

much as possible, so your day out of the office is worthwhile. This means

you can be truly inspired, meet new contacts, and leave feeling energised

and ready to start growing your business.

My team wishes you a successful event; indulge yourself with all we have

to offer and you won’t be disappointed. I ask you to take time out of your

day to read through this magazine, read about our exhibitors and our

carefully selected articles to really get an insight in what we have to offer.


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Exhibiting at a show is an art form. It

mimics the courtship dance performed

by two male birds when trying to attract

the attention of the female, which is at

times, an overly flamboyant display of

elaborate routine. On the one hand you

have the ‘Exhibitor’ who makes his stand

the most attractive display possible in

order to engage with the passerby. With

an enthusiastic start to the day, this

exhibitor will deliver with flare and

panache, they will get a huge amount of

interest and people will flock around,

eagerly awaiting the opportunity to speak

to them and discuss their wares.

On the other hand, you have the ‘Visitor’, whose

common approach is ‘I am just looking’…and they

are intent on doing just that! The visitor walks around

with their head down, not wishing to engage in eye

contact as that will surely lead to speaking with


This routine is lesser helped by the variety of different

coloured carpet used in the exhibition hall to direct the

visitors around the show. What the organisers don’t

release, is that by laying different carpet around the

room they are in fact encouraging the visitor NOT to

engage with the exhibitor. In fact, these two coloured

carpets act as a natural barrier and encourage the

visitor to walk on by. They fear that if they tread on the

‘exhibitor’ carpet, it is an invitation for the exhibitor to

pounce on them and sell to them.

So what you get is a Tango dance, where the visitor

and exhibitor display a colourful array of peacock

feathers, whilst circling each other and glaring into

each others eyes, not wanting to loose the stare in

the fear that the one who lets go will lose out.

In order for this to change both the exhibitor and

visitor need to be re- educated. It is not about ‘who

dares wins’ but more about ‘who talks gains’.

Therefore, by introducing the old fashioned notion of

having general exploratory conversations with each

other, we are encouraging growth, stimulating

thoughts and ideas and allowing people to make their

own judgement as to whether to this relationship can

be of benefit to them.

Exhibiting can be a well worth while exercise which

allows you and your company to gain a real insight

into your competitors and honest feed back about

your services and products. It can also provide leads

of real value for your sales team and contacts for you

to follow up on.

However, I believe you need to establish why you are

attending the exhibition first and clearly understand

what it is you want to get from the show, ie sales

leads. customer feedback, market research or brand

awareness. All of which can lead to a sale but it is

important to understand what you want from the


It is not up to the Event Organisers to attract your

audience for you, you will gain so much more by

thinking how you wish to market your presence at an

exhibition! Asses exhibitor profiles in advance to see

who you would like to to speak to, invite along your

personal contacts and clients so they see you as a

serious business who wants to offer their clients

something in return for their custom, think about

exactly what you need to do to make sure your


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business stand out among others and always, always

take no notice of the carpet – it could be the barrier

between you and someone who could help change

your business forever.

Mark Linton has risen from the ranks of the army to

the ranks of the business community. Otherwise

known as the Sergeant Major, he is the founder and

Managing Director of The Business Growth Show.

With shows UK wide he is taking the country by

storm. This year alone he is challenging business

owners to take the challenge to become a power

networker for their region in his shows.

Mark is a professional networker and speaker and

knows what it takes to build a brand from scratch. His

ambition is to grow The Business Growth Show

across the UK inspiring businesses to take action

In order for this to change both the exhibitor and visitor

need to be re- educated. It is not about ‘who dares

wins’ but more about ‘who talks gains’.

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When you start your business, you have a chance to create value out of nothing, your trade mark is the first thing a customer sees or uses to contact your organisation and often determines their attitude towards your business or products. It is therefore worth spending time and effort to ensure that you select a name that can be protected and that can make you distinctive from competitors in your area of trade.

Unfortunately, many businesses do not give the selection process much thought or decide that a trade mark can be considered later, maybe after you have been trading for a year or two. Many businesses also assume that because their company name has been registered at Companies House it means that they are protected and that we will automatically accept the name as a trade mark.


Both of these assumptions may have implications on your trade mark, if you start to trade and have not checked to see if you are using someone’s registered trade mark you could find yourself on the receiving end of a letter from their attorney. You can search our trade marks database free of charge online. You will be able to see if your trade mark is already registered and if there is anything similar.

So make sure that your name is distinctive, think about this on day one, and check the trade mark register to see if anyone has got there first.

There are lots of options, and lots to think about, but a trade mark is the face of your business, get it right from the outset and it can be a major asset to your success, get it wrong and it could be costly. Why not try our on-line health check and produce your own confidential report on trade marks.

Intellectual Property 300 2000

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SPEAKER 1 10:00-10.30

LIBBY LANGLEYZest CommunicationsSocial Media: Choosing the right platform for your business

There are lots of social media platforms out there, so how do you know which one will work best for your business? This session will give you an overview of the main tools and explain how they differ from each other, in simple jargon free English. You’ll also get practical hints and tips on how to get the most out of each platform.

Bio:: Libby Langley loves social media marketing, and she really loves helping people to learn. There is nothing better to Libby than seeing a happy customer whose social media marketing light has been switched on. She set up Zest Communications in 2011 to help companies get the most out of their social media marketing. It's all well and good having a Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or LinkedIn account, but it's knowing what to do with it that will actually make the difference. This is where Libby can help.



We have hand-picked keynote speakers for all of our shows to share with you some of their key knowledge, success and failures, as well as touching on how they can help you.

Gain inspiration and knowledge from these trulyamazing people to get a real insight into theirexperiences. This will be the best 30 minutes you willever get from one day. Become energised andinfluenced to take your business to the next level. Stopsurviving and start thriving.

10.00 - 10.3011.45 - 12.15

14.00 - 14.30





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SPEAKER 2 11:45-12.15

Way Ahead

Author of Get Out Of Your Own Way

Knowing something and actually doing it are two very different things. The decisions we take, the opportunities we miss and the excuses we make, enable us to hide from the things we don’t want to do. Business owners are no exception to this.

The result is we tie ourselves in knots. We play a small game, stay in our comfort zone (not that this feels very comfortable most of the time). Lack of focused action keeps us in the same place, with the same results and the same frustrations - often for years.

During this workshop Lynda will share her Business with E’s model - the five E’s you need to create a business presence that works for you; and the sixth E, the one that will derail you if you don’t tackle it.

You will leave the workshop with greater clarity, strategies for untangling your KNOTS and some focused actions for your business.

Lynda’s ‘thing’ is challenging what you accept for yourself – this talk will help you to expect more – more of yourselfand more for yourself.


Lynda Holt, author of Get Out Of Your Own Way, business mentor and coach – has helped 100’s of business owners to gain clarity and focus around their business and provided them with easy to implement strategies for success. Lynda will engage you, challenge your assumption, stretch your thinking and compel you to take action rather than make excuses.

Lynda doesn’t just teach this stuff, she uses all the strategies she talks in her own corporate development consultancy. She has a 14 year record of helping business owners and leaders achieve the things that matter most to them.

The credentials – Lynda has a MA in Medical Sociology, DipHE, a collection of coaching & NLP qualifications, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management.

Do You Need To Get Out Of Your Own Way?

LYNDA HOLTSPEAKER 3 14.00 - 14.30

GEZ McGUIREMCG Digital Media Ltd Adwords & PPC Expert, Saving Clients Money on Google, Specialist Lead Generation,E-Commerce Strategy Expert

remarketing to ensure that they are visible to past website visitors and how you can use the same remarketing strategies for your business.


Gez McGuire, of MCG Digital Media Ltd, has specialised in Adwords & PPC account management for over 10 years. One of the first people to specialise in Adwords he has worked with over 500 UK companies including small,medium and large organisations and the results he has achieved speak volumes for his expertise.

Over the years Gez has kept his focus purely on Adwords & PPC as the platform has grown and developed into an extremely intelligent and cost effective marketing platform used by thousands of UK businesses every day. Because of this focus Gez is one of the UK's leading experts in this field.

Gez has a vast amount of knowledge and experience in both lead generation and e-commerce and currently manages of a combined client budget exceeding £3 million per year. With in-house systems for microsite development designed to increase visitor engagement he can ensure your online marketing campaign is a success.

Speaks about how to implement quick, cost effective online marketing strategies for lead generation using PPC and Google Adwords along with how to ensure your website is optimised to encourage engagement and lead generation. Plus he will also discuss about how large companies use


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Have you always dreamed of growing your business to the

next level? Does your business need a cash injection? If the

answer is yes, then Angels Den at The Business Growth

Show is your chance to take giant steps towards getting

your business growing.

Angels Den will be running complimentary business funding

clinics on their Angels Den stand throughout the show. This

is a great opportunity to chat to one of their experts about

your business and ask any questions you may have of the

funding process and Angels Den. Simply come to the stand as soon as you

can and if they can’t see you right away they will book you in for a one-to-one

session with one of their experienced advisers.

About Our Sponsor

Angels Den ( has over 6,000 investors and has already

been successfully matching entrepreneurs and investors for the past six years.

They have a great track record of successfully funding growing businesses

through their unique SpeedFunding and Angel Club events and now offer

entrepreneurs the opportunity to pitch online via their crowdfunding platform.

Angels Den’s experts provide support and valuable information to entrepreneurs

and business owners looking to move to the next level and find investment.

Angels Den’s crowdfunding platform has been a fantastic addition to their ever-

popular pitching events. In their first month alone £300,000 was invested

through the new platform, including raising £150,000 for ex-Dragon Rachel

Elnaugh and Bagrider recently smashed their crowdfunding target in 48 hours.

If you would like to raise funding

quickly and easily, with support

and guidance along the way, then

Angels Den is the right place.Angels Den are proud to have helped so many businesses find the funding they

so desperately needed to grow and expand. In 2013 Angels Den had 110

companies pitch, raised £3.5 million in funding and funded 36 deals. At their

events 90% of business owners find at least one interested angel investor with

an average of 3.4 angels interested at each event and with one in three going

on to get funded.


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Pitching is an exciting, adrenaline-filled

experience that can end up being extremely

profitable for all concerned, but you need to

plan for success.

Here are Angels Den’s top five fundamentals for

pitching success:

1. Preparation: There’s nothing more

frustrating to investors than an unprepared

pitch. If you don’t know your numbers and

how to sum up your business quickly and

concisely to investors, you’re not going to

get very far. Preparation is key. Practise in

front of the mirror or friends and family.

Create prompt cards to refer to. Know your

facts and figures so you can manage your


2. Angel Investors Not Dragons:Entrepreneurs often seem to fear pitching to

investors, worrying that they will be dragons,

ready to snap and breathe fire at them at

any moment. This is certainly not the case.

Investors will have come, sometimes from

very far afield, to hear your pitch. It is

therefore in their best interest to make sure

that if your idea has merit, even if you are

struggling with your pitch, they draw the

information they need from you.

3. Honesty is the best policy: An angel

investor is a shrewd individual with enough

disposable wealth to be able to offer your

business a substantial financial boost, not to

mention all the expertise and valuable

contacts they can bring to the table. As

successful businessmen and women,

investors are adept at sniffing out the fibs in

any presentation. If you are caught in the act

you will instantly lose all respect and your

chances of investment.

4. Know your facts and figures: If you have

ever watched popular TV shows such as

Dragons Den or Shark Tank, you’ll have seen

many a nervous entrepreneur publically

humiliated for not knowing their facts and

figures. While a little extreme, this does push

home a very valid point: to not know your

current accounts and financial projections

could be devastating to your presentation.

Investors will always be looking at whether

they believe your business will make a profit

and whether you have the skills and

knowledge to achieve their and your

expectations. Your financial awareness is a

major factor in their investment decision.

5. Have a Business Plan: To appreciate how

your business has developed to date and

what its plans are for the future are

fundamental to the success of your venture

and your presentation. The formation of a

comprehensive business plan is a subject of

much nervousness for many new to

business, but it is simply the past present

and future story of your business in

summary, so that anyone looking at it can

appreciate its potential. If you have

structured your business plan correctly, it

should hold the answers to any questions

the Angels might throw at you.


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Marketers were always taught to segment their customers based on demography. That is; characteristics such as age, sex, ethnicity, geography etc. There was good reason for this. If you were going to advertise washing powder during a commercial break on television, there was one aspect of the audience’s behaviour that you could absolutely guarantee... they were not buying washing powder. Rather, they were engaged in watching television at the time!

How To Make Your Marketing Messages Stick

Knowing that their advertising messages were being viewed completely out of context, companies could only attempt to get ‘bang for their buck’ by ensuring their messages wereseen by the most appropriate audience, demographically. So, for example, if you were advertising a new lipstick aimed at younger women, you would want to advertise during a programme which appealed to that demographic.

It is not that understanding the demography of your customer is no longer important. However, in the Web enabled digital world, there is an aspect even more important than demography which companies now must consider.

Traditional marketing relied on companies ‘shouting’ their messages at potential customers via channels such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, the letterbox and the phone, etc. These marketing vehicles were crass in that however good the data a company was using, for most people, most of the time, these messages were simply deemed irrelevant.

Traditional marketing relied on companies ‘shouting’ their messages at potential customers via channels such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, the letterbox and the phone, etc. These marketing vehicles were crass in that however good the data a company was using, for most people, most of the time, these messages were simply deemed irrelevant.

The point with new marketing is not that companies now have extra channels with which to ‘shout’ at their customers, but rather consumers can now access information at the time of their choosing. In fact, with the ubiquity of smart phones, today’s purchasers can access information literally from almost any place and at any time.

Here, however, lies the key to great segmentation today. The fact that an individual can access any information they want, at any time, doesn’t mean they will. For example, no one wakes up in the morning and decides they must perform a Google search on sales training providers in their area, or searches on accountancy firms without good reason.

In other words, every purchase is triggered by an event going on in our lives. We may be looking for a new car because we change our car every three years, because a new addition to the family has meant our current model is no longer big enough or because we were involved in an accident. Similarly, we may source a sales training provider because we are currently unhappy with our company results, have a young and experienced team or are concerned about high staff attrition within the organisation.

The point is this; if we understand the different contexts which will trigger a search for our type of product or service, we can produce extremely relevant and interesting content for our prospects. This, in turn, will instantly help us to build credibility and trust with a potential customer, engage them by providing value and assist them in feeling like we understand their situation.

Similarly, a website that provides the context of the different purchases, rather than coldly listing products and services will be much ‘stickier’. Faced with different and relevant scenarios, a customer is more likely to identify their situation with one of the options on the site and can then dig deeper to find out more.

We now live in a world where shouting messages at customers is no longer as effective as it once was. Consumers can now access the information they want, at a time of their choosing. It is understanding the trigger which makes them look, at that moment, that is the key to effective marketing today. Understanding the demography of your client base is fine but understanding the context in which people look for your product or service is dynamite in the Web enabled digital world in which we now all live.

Grant Leboff is Author of Sales Therapy (Wiley) and Sticky Marketing (Kogan Page). He is CEO of Sticky Marketing Club

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SPEEDNETWORKINGNetworking is a fundamental part of business growth and is

the main technique used to increase business contacts and


Speed networking is the fast and furious way of networking,

this tradition within the show has helped thousands of

businesses to connect. With the famous Sergeant Major

making appearances across the country to help facilitate

thousands of sessions, in not only The Business Growth

Show, but other events as well. You will be given 60 seconds

to make the most out of your brief encounter.

It’s only natural to feel a little apprehensive; here are afew helpful tips to prepare you for your Speed

Networking session:• Preparation is vital, have plenty of business cards

• Pass your business card over as soon as you sit down

• Introduce yourself

• Be concise

• Deliver the key point of your business

• Explain what you’re looking for

• Move when asked to

• Stop talking when it's not your turn and listen

• Follow up, use the opportunity after the session to network

in the Networking Café.

SPEED NETWORKINGTIMES:09.15 – 09:45 Session 1 13:00 – 13:30 Session 2


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How many times have you sat in a queue or been on atrain, tube or bus and everyone is facing forward. Haveyou ever wondered what that person in a suit does or ifyou have anything in common?

Well now's your chance to really engage with peoplestanding in a queue for a lunch. The Open Networking isplace where you can meet, socialise and get engaged withpeople that you wouldn't normally have met or have thechance to speak to. This area is facilitated by professionalnetworkers who can help you make the right connectionsface to face, because let's face it; you never know whoyou are going to meet or where the next opportunity isgoing to come from.



TWEETCONNECTTweet to meet potential clients!

Tweet us:


Tweet About us:


Everyone loves to use social media, in fact, when

someone says ‘I don’t use Facebook or Twitter’ it comes

as quite a surprise. We love to tweet, use Facebook and

LinkedIn here at The Business Growth Show and now’s

your time to join in too!

Meet the faces behind the tweets, by meeting up in our

Networking Lunch. Arrange a time suitable for both of

you and let the business continue from there.

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Amazingly easyemail marketing!

Visit to find out more.

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Are you the most influential networker in your region, town or city? When people think of the most connected person do they think of you? If this is you then be recognised and rewarded for being known. We are offering the most influential person with ‘Power Networker’ award and £500 marketing voucher to spend at the shows. All you need to is talk about the show and get a minimum of 20 visitors to register and qualify. The person who gets the most registrations to the show will be awarded the prestigious award and prize. All you need to do is get people to register through the website and when they register click ‘power networker’ and notes put your name.

The Power Networker for this show will be announced 10min before the show ends. The winner for the last show was Pushpa Alexandra for Headz Up Business.

If you missed your opportunity to show how influential networker you are, come along to our next show and to win the prize.


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Gain the specialist advice you need with 1-2-1sessions with our experts. We

have chosen six specialists from their chosen field to offer expert advice to

help you and your business deal with those burning issues.

Our experts will give you a 30 minute FREE consultation to help and advice

you and your business to succeed.

The areas that are covered are Legal, Accountancy, Finance, Sales &

Marketing, Training and Social Media.

Please ask at the reception desk for any availability.

TIMINGS09.15 - 09.4510.15 - 10.4511.15 - 11.4513.00 - 13.3014.30 - 15.00

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BUSINESS ADVICE CLINICSBook your appointment with...

Bootcamp Media is an Internet Marketing and Web Design agency based in Birmingham City Centre. We specialise in Search Engine Optimisation, which will effectively portray your business as coming top of search engine inputs, and work to get you access to more sales, leads and sign-ups. Not only that, but our services in Social Media Marketing and PPC AdWords Management, work to generate more online exposure, and help you get ahead of potential customers and clients before they even search for you.

We also offer Content Creation and Marketing services, which have both been proven to be effective as a means to dramatically increasing the amount of traffic websites get. Our skilled copywriting techniques, which also involve analysing visitor behaviour and

Gifted Life – Business Advice – Nick Dee – 20 years’ experience of creating highly successful businesses using a proven formula. He will be available to share this formula or discuss any specific business issues you wish to resolve.

Gifted Life – Life Advice - Claire Mckeown – Expert Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, NLP and Strategic Intervention practitioner available to give you 30 minutes of free advice and guidance on any personal issues you wish to discuss.

So why should I have an accountant, how do they add value?

• Your business structure – by evaluating the pros and cons of whether you set up as either a Sole trader, a Partnership ora Limited Company. This will include considering tax savings and non-financial issues.

• VAT schemes – by considering which registration option is suitable for you, including special schemes that may meanvoluntary registration saves you money!

• Increasing Profitability – by suggesting improvements and ideas to help increase your profitability and ways to reducecosts.

• Avoiding deadlines and penalties – by ensuring you never miss a deadline.• Minimising your tax – by making sure you are always receiving the most up to date advice.• Bookkeeping training – If you decide to maintain your financial records yourself, an accountant can train you to do this in

the most efficient way, saving you time and money.

How can a good Accountant add value to your business?There is no legal requirement for most businesses to have an accountant. The exceptions are those that are required by law to have what is known as an audit. The requirement for an audit is for businesses with a turnover in excess of £6.5million or assets of £3.26million

website eye-tracking, ensure content is eye-catching, succinct and engaging..

We also specialise in multiple areas of web development, such as E-commerce Design, Content Management, Custom Web Design and Accessibility. We ensure that your business will retain an online presence which generates fresh, consistent leads, sales, enquiries and exposure.

At the Business Growth Show event on the 26th September 2014 at Edgbaston Cricket ground, our representatives will be providing you with our typically bespoke web development and SEO recommendations to individually accommodate your business needs. Friendly and approachable members of our team will be at hand to offer consultations on a variety of enquires, from how your website could better perform on search engines, how to improve conversion rates, and how to attract more people to your website through online marketing and well executed web design.

Page 18: Business Growth Magazine



The benefits of using the cloudfor SMEs are many. It saves onthe need to purchase expensivehardware and software, givingthem access to the latesttechnology and computerprogrammes without the hugecosts associated with buyingthem outright. Through a ‘virtualdesktop’ a computer’s desktopspace can be expanded beyondwhat is physically available andis useful for workers who mayneed to utilise many differentprogrammes at once. In thisrespect it allows smallerbusinesses to compete on a

more level playing field withmuch larger organisations.

Cloud computing has becomeone of the most commonly usedphrases when talking abouteverything from smart phones tocorporate IT infrastructure, yet inthe world of the SME, very fewpeople seem to know what itmeans, or more importantly,what it can do to enhance theirbusiness.

In its simplest form, cloudcomputing is the process bywhich IT services, applications

and data are stored on serversin a remote location such as adata centre and delivered over anetwork, in most cases theinternet.

The benefits of using the cloudfor SMEs are many. It saves onthe need to purchase expensivehardware and software, givingthem access to the latesttechnology and computerprogrammes without the hugecosts associated with buyingthem outright. Through a ‘virtualdesktop’ a computer’s desktopspace can be expanded beyond

It saves on the need to purchaseexpensive hardware and software,giving them access to the latesttechnology and computer programmes

Page 19: Business Growth Magazine


what is physically available andis useful for workers who mayneed to utilise many differentprogrammes at once. In thisrespect it allows smallerbusinesses to compete on amore level playing field withmuch larger organisations.

As the data is stored remotely, itis perfect for businesses thatneed to access their data on-the-go, and allows for featuressuch as automatic data backupand easy restoration in the eventof a disaster, something which isabsolutely crucial for everybusiness. Simply ask yourselfhow long you would survive ifyou couldn’t access key data,client information and financialrecords – the honest answer isnot long at all.

Cloud computing also deliverseconomies of scale as any goodcloud provider will allow you toexpand or reduce your serverspace in line with the currentrequirements of yourbusinesses, making it a far morecost effective option in the longterm.

You only have to look at thepicture in America to see thatthe move to the cloud is the wayforward. Google spent $1.6b ondata centres to host their cloudservices in the second quarter of2013 alone, while according tothe technology research groupGartner, the nationwide spendfor this year is expected to hit$143b.

We launched our owndatacentre in 2011 in responseto the huge growth in demandfor cloud services in the UK, andwere fortunate enough to findthe perfect home in NextGeneration Data’s (NGD) world-class facility in Newport. Notonly is highly secure but thanksto a quirk in the original design,it is also earthquake proof! Itmeans that our clients knowwhen they entrust their data tous it is 100% secure, and thatthey can access it 24 hours aday without any disruptions orunscheduled downtime.There is no doubt that cloudcomputing is the future, and inWales, we are lucky enough tohave one of Europe’s largest Tier3 facilities on our doorstep in theform on NGD. For SMEs inWales it should no longer be acase of asking ‘what is cloudcomputing’ but more ‘what canit do for me’.

Not only is highlysecure but thanks toa quirk in the originaldesign, it is alsoearthquake proof!

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09:30 09:45 10.00 10.15 10.30 10.45 11.00 11.15 11.30

Libby LangleyZest Communications

Slot 1

Session 4 Session 5 Session 6

Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6

Session 1

11.45 12.00 12.15 12.30 12.45 13.00 13.15 13.30 13.45 14.00 14.15 14.30 14.45 15.00

Networking Lunch

Slot 4

Session 2

Gez McGuireMCG Digital Media





Slot 5

Slot 3Slot 2

Page 21: Business Growth Magazine


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Page 22: Business Growth Magazine


Bootcamp Media Limited is an Internet Marketing and Web Design company based in Birmingham. 0121 400 0000

Gifted Life offer a range of services including Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching, NLP, Meditation, Training and Business Coaching. Additional services are also offered such as a complete Health and Wellness programme. Visit our website for further details… 0121 679 7618

New Era Internet was established in 2003 andwe’d like to think we’ve come a long way sincethen having completed many hundreds of projectson behalf of our clients, ranging from a basic webpresence through to fully integrated businessmanagement systems and complex ecommercesolutions.

Throw in our SEO and Marketing projects andwe’ve pretty much done it all in our time.

Telephone: 0845 875


We are your cloud-based, outsourced virtual accounts department. We use our entrepreneurial business experience, combined with our financial expertise to take away the pain of managing your business accounts.

Web: 0121 3800988


Ripley Training provides high quality accessible training and coaching to help business like yours improve individual, team and organisational performance. 01423-861-122

BT Redcare – Redcare can be easily added to an existing alarm system or included in a new installation to offer you total peace of mind.

Web: 0800 587 7811


Cuskit, based in Tamworth, Staffordshire, is an established independent software company specialising in ERP and bespoke solutions. Our software is UK authored, UK supported and bespoke to your companies requirements. 01827 312217

Invest in Warwickshire, are part of the Economic Growth team at Warwickshire County Council. They will be on-hand to tell business owners about the advantages of locating their business in Warwickshire. 01926 412140

Creating immediate and sustainableimprovements through consultancy,internal communication, goal-to-activityalignment and business skills training.What would give you the greatestadvantage in growing your business?

Telephone: 0845 003


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Delivering full time Social Marketing Management, Campaign Creation/Devel., Content Creation, Promotional Media Production, Logo Design, and much more!

The Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses programme provides high quality, structured and practically focussed support to small business leaders who are seeking to grow their business. 0121 204 3225

Agile Office assists SMEs to break free of the chains of the traditional office environment through flexible & agile working practices. 01952 288206

The main functions of Companies House are to incorporate and dissolve limited companies, examine and store company information delivered under the Companies Act and relates legislation and make this information available to the public. 0303 1234 500

Venuebirmingham is a professional events service, offering a comprehensive portfolio of conference venues, available for hire on a day or residential basis, at the University of Birmingham.

www.venuebirmingham.comTel: 0121 415 8400

We create Business Success utilizing the power of Characters and Visual Storytelling.

www.wakster.comTel: +44(0)1562 636633

Headz Up Business, has gained a reputation for being instrumental in so many individual & business’s success through delivering Business Training , Business Networking & Business Conferences! Headz Up Training offers professional Business Training to Corporate, Public Sectors & Individuals. 07772045850




Cento was formed in 2005 and we are a leading recruitment consultancy based in the East Midlands, dedicated solely to technical and sales recruitment. Tel: 01509 615 290

Zahoot is a specialist Print Design and Graphic Design agency in Birmingham. Zahoot focuses in developing unique web, print and branding for businesses. 0121 458 289


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SEO Results4u do what the name suggests; we get quality SEO results for you and your business. Ever wondered why certain websites are number 1 in Google listings for certain keywords? We can show you how it’s done and get you to the top. Talk to us today.

www.seoresults4u.comTel: 0121 746 3121

Do you have a brand to protect? think Trade Marks. Invented something clever? think Patents. Artistic or creative? think Copyright. Shapely form to protect? think Designs.The UK Intellectual Property Office is the Government agency responsible for IP in the UK. 0300 300 2000

Sentori email marketing re-imagined. It guides you through all the steps required to prepare and distribute content-rich messages to a targeted distribution list. 01323 645 646

West Midlands Incubation Programme is for people to start or grow a business with an emphasis on innovation and technology. 0 24 7615 8107

We love social media marketing, and we love helping people. There’s nothing better than seeing a happy customer whose marketing light has been switched on. We work with you on your social media accounts, from set up through to strategic planning. 01858 414246

We provide design and print solutions throughout the Midlands and UK. We’re about options, efficiency, keen pricing and tight turnaround. We save our clients time, money and stress!

If it can be printed on, we print it!

www.kingpinuk.comTel: 0845 862 6020

Based in Bidford-upon-Avon, we are one of the largest independent suppliers of hot drinks machines and coffee to business throughout the UK 01789 491800

Here at Navas Associates we provide a complete service for property managers and owners alike. We undertake small, medium and large project management roles, for residential, commercial and public sector clients. We do this with a no-nonsense and professional approach. . Come and visit us on our stand and turn your properties into assets. 0845 431 0242

Home to the award winning range of Peugeot cars & vans – providing expert & friendly advice to local businesses on finance and ownership options. 0121 766 7700




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Way Ahead – business mentoring, mastermind groups and training – Stop making excuses and get your business performing for you. 01789 205178


With over 3000 members employing 250,000 staff, we are the largest business organisation within the West Midlands offering,networking events,free press and PR, grants and funding.

Please call 0121 607 1932 for more information

Saville are leading suppliers of Innovative, Creative and Professional technical event solutions on any scale

www.saville-conference-live-events.comTel: 0870 606 1100

“It all started with an extraordinary cup of coffee …”Organo Gold began in 2008 in Richmond, B.C., Canada, in a small shop with only three employees. In just two short years, Organo Gold became one of the fastest growing Network Marketing companies in the world.

GrowthAccelerator is a unique service designed to help high growth businesses achieve their full potential

www.growthaccelerator.comTel: 07867 352 596

The Friday Business Club, a club that utilizes business on a Friday. We believe in building a strong and reliable network in a leisurely style. Our ethos is to cultivate emerging relationships and leverage your network. Tel: 0800 410 1056

Our telemarketing service is focused on ROI and our solutions tailored according to your specific requirements. We aim to help grow your business by delivering results whether you are looking for appointment setting, database cleansing, customer retention or relationship building.

Contact number 01536 527 425



From IT support and business continuity through to colocation and storage, Certus TG offer a range of IT solutions to suit businesses UK wide.

www.certustg.comTel: 0 3333 708090


Ensphere is a service-driven company with an unsurpassed reputation in Cloud and On-premise ERP solutions. Our wide range of services cover all aspects of your business from document management to ERP to fully managed IT services.

www.ensphereconsulting.comTel: 01925 768812



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Glamocell offers energy savings, quality designed LED products with a guaranteed life cycle of 50000 hours, cutting your energy costs by up to 90%

www.glamocell-uk.comTel: 0843 289 3753

Think Sandwell – Business Support – We make it easy for you to do business in Sandwell 0845 352 2121

AIPS Ltd are a Chartered Insurance Broker who provide expert advice and solutions at very competitive premiums. 01623 663101

MCG Digital Media are one of the UK's leading specialists in Google Adwords & PPC. 0870 300 9400

Costco Wholesale is a membership warehouse club, dedicated to bringing quality goods at the lowest possible prices 0161 747 9295

A digital marketing agency based in the Midlands that specialises in working with SME businesses. 0845 862 5252



Business Support Admin & Telephone Answering Service. No minimum contract, only pay for what you use. 01246 418181

TRANSAX Merchant Services provides low cost card payment acceptance with a wide range of card terminals suitable for any business type. 0845 601 4486


A mobile phone company delivering the highest level of customer service anywhere. 01785 286 666

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This sleek Birmingham accommodation offers 211 hotel rooms, seven suites and the incomparable Presidential Suite. Tel: 0121 654 6000

RBA Chip & Pin Solutions was incorporated to help small to medium businesses to take card payments at very competitive rates. 0845 130 2160

Whether you’re a startup or multi million pound brand - trade in your existing Internet Marketing for something more Powerful Tel: 01902 213326


A new software service providing big insights for small businesses without all the complicated financial jargon. 07860 945837


Global freight forwarding services for SME to multinational companies, local UK offices, all services 0161 866 2010


The virtual marketing company provides the most successful, fully managed live chat solution, a number 1 method in converting your on-line browsers in to customers.Live 365 days per year, charged from just 45 pence per hour and no contract to sign this solution can be trialled at no risk. 01543 878590


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26TH FEB 2015SOUTH BUSINESS EXPOUpton ParkGreen St, Upton Park,London, E13 9AZ


12TH MARCH 2015MIDLANDS BUSINESS EXPOEdgbaston StadiumEdgbaston Road

Birmingham, West Midlands, B5 7QU


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NumbergroupBandera LtdJust CashflowInternet CentralEdgbaston Cricket Ground

KSA AssociatesBT BusinessRipley Training LtdBootcamp MediaTrinity Accountants Cuskit LtdZahootCento Personnel LtdInvest In WarwickshireOnyx AccountantsBe More EffectiveParcelhubGifted LifeFederation of Small Business's WaksterS1





Headz Up Business Ensphere Consulting Ltd Certrus Technology Group 10KSBIntellectual Property Office SentoriRobins DaySEO Results 4 UNavas AssociatesKingpin PrintThe Social EvolutionWay AheadW Mids Incubation Programmezest CommunicationsCompanies House



Agile Office Project (University of Wolverhampton)Venue Birmingham Stateside Coffee Company Food and HygienePaperclip Admin

FBCCreative TelemarketingGlamocellMCG Digital Media AIPS LTDOrgano CoffeeRBA Chip & Pin Solutions Credit HQNorbert Dentressangle Air & Sea UK GrowthAcceleratorSaville Audio Visual Ltd Transax Merchant Services BHam Chamber of CommM-Viron (Staffs) Limited Virtual MarkeingMercia DigitalCOSCTOYoung Cow LtdSandwell Council Radisson Blu

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Page 32: Business Growth Magazine

We’re funding new and growing UK Businesses.We’re your alternative to a bank overdraft or a business loan.

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