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“Greetings from President”

We have come to the end of Y’s year 2016-17. I thank all our members for participating in the day today activities and contributing towards projects which were executed by our club and by district. . This being the last issue of our bimonthly bulletin for this Y’s year. I thank Y’smt Mercy Mathew for her 5 informative bulletins. Once again I thank all the members for the co-operation extended to me in executing my duties as president.

Best Wishes. Y’sm. Sumoj Mathew , President.

From the Secretary's Desk

Dear Friends ,

We are in Lent time .God given Opportunity to serve our brothers.Life is short,do as much as we can!

I am happy to state that we had our beloved LRD Y'sm. Baby.P.Thomas Official visit to our Club was on January 2017. Same day he has included a new member.LRD's comment about our Club was very pleasing and encouraging.

Our Club have paid all our International dues including Alf Reynolds Award .Our members participated in the District and Area Council last month. So far we have done 16 minor and 5 major projects worth Rs 1,62119/-

Last month one of our project was providing Lunch and spending time with Asha Bhavan,home for destitutes at Carmealram near Sharjapur Road.

Due to some unavoidable circumstances, we have postponed our RD 's Official visit and Charter night Celebration to April . I take the credit to say this is our 5th Bimonthly Bulletin. We are proud of our permanent Bulletin editor Y'smt Mercy Mathew who brings out each time with more news and photos innovative front page with help of our President Y'sm. Sumoj Mathew.

Happy Easter to one and all With Regards Y's Per Ponnamma Abraham

From Bulletin Editor

Dear Y’s family members, women’s day and, mother’s day are gone but many didn’t even know about it. So much happening to women all over the world .God only to help. ,some mothers don’t care how famous their kids are and they tell their opinion to them .You will agree with me I know.

Thomas Edison's Mother:' Of course I'm proud that you invented the electric bulb. Now turn it off and get to bed. ‘Columbus’s Mother: 'I don't care what you've discovered, you still could have written!'

Michelangelo’s ' Mother: ' Can't you paint on walls like other children? Do you have any idea how hard it is to get that stuff off the ceiling?'

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Napoleon's Mother: 'All right, if you aren't hiding your report card inside your jacket, take your hand out of there and show me.'

Y’s mt Mercy Mathew

Is Something Strange Happening Inside The Earth?

Why are "giant fountains of lava" suddenly pouring out of some of the most dangerous volcanoes on the entire planet, and why are so many long dormant volcanoes suddenly roaring back to life?

The spectacular eruption of Mt. Etna in Italy is making headlines all over the world, but it is far from alone. According to Volcano Discovery, 35 major volcanoes either are erupting right now or have just recently erupted, and dozens of others are stirring. So what is causing this upsurge in volcanic activity? Is something strange happening inside the Earth? Magma is "molten rock underground", and lava is molten rock "that breaks through the Earth's surface". Right now, something is pushing magma up through the crust of the Earth at a number of key spots around the planet. On the island of Sicily, the "giant fountains of lava" that are coming out of Mt. Etna can be seen 30 kilometres away...

.On the other side of the world, a constant stream of molten rock has been springing out of Guatemala's "Volcano of Fire" since February 25th...And in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, a "firehose of lava" has been pouring out of the Kilauea Volcano since December 31st.

Meanwhile, a number of large volcanoes that have been dormant for a very long time all over the world have started springing back to life. For instance, the only active volcano in India has suddenly started "spewing lava and ash" after being silent for 150 years...

At one time scientists would speak of "dead volcanoes", but now we learning that it really isn't safe to speak of any volcano as being completely "dead".

So many of these long dormant volcanoes are roaring back to life, and why this is suddenly happening now is puzzling many of the experts. Last month, Indonesia's Mount Sinabung in the southern hemisphere erupted seven times in the space of a single day, and meanwhile authorities in the northern hemisphere were warning us that four of Iceland's biggest volcanoes are preparing to erupt. Indonesia and Iceland are about as far apart as you can get, and yet they are both being affected by this worldwide phenomenon.

Other than Mt. Etna, a much greater threat in Italy appears to be awakening under the city of Naples. A massive supervolcano known as "Campi Flegrei" is close to a "critical state", and if it erupts the consequences will be beyond catastrophic.

If that supervolcano were to fully erupt, millions could die, the skies in the northern hemisphere would be darkened for months and the resulting "volcanic winter" would cause famines all around the globe. And the same things could be said about the supervolcano that is awakening in North Korea too.

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In the United States, the volcanoes on the west coast for signs of trouble . Someday Mt. Rainier will erupt We live at a time when our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and a major natural disaster could change all of our lives in a single moment.

Few Cancer Facts You Need to Know! What can you do to lower your risk and prevent cancer from stealing your life or the life of someone you love? In order to conquer this disease, what you need is knowledge. Informing yourself of important cancer facts and understanding who is most at risk, as well as the factors that increase your cancer risk will reduce your risk significantly. 1. Half of all cancers and cancer related deaths are preventable Research suggests that only 5% of cancers are hereditary. This indicates that many cancers are caused by the lifestyle choices we make. The food we eat and our physical activity levels have a direct impact on our overall cancer risk.

2 Cancer is the one name that is assigned to more than 100 diseases. Cancer is a result of abnormal cells that multiply and spread out of control, damaging healthy cells along the way

3 Environmental factors can increase your risk of cancer. Factors such as pollution, heavy metal, toxicity and household cleaning products can increase your risk of cancer.

4 Smoking causes more than 90% of all lung cancers . Most lung cancers do not cause any symptoms until the cancer has spread. But some people with early lung cancer do notice symptoms like a cough that does not go away, chest pain that gets worse with deep breathing, coughing or laughing, weight loss and loss of appetite, and more. 5 . Less than 6 hours of sleep per night may increase your chance of colon cancer. Sleeping through the night provides many health benefits to the body. It is one of the most underestimated ways to keep your body strong and cancer-free.

6 On a global scale, approximately 1 in every death is caused by cancer. Cancer causes more deaths than malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS combined.

A serious note about heart attacks:

• Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting,

• Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.

• You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.

• Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.

• 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.

• Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep.. Let's be careful and be aware.. The more we know the better chance we could survive...

High Red Meat Consumption Linked to Diverticulitis!In addition to looking after your heart, you now have all the more reason to cut down on your consumption of red meat..

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. A 26-year-long study has just been concluded, definitively linking increased red meat consumption to a bowel condition called diverticulitis. The study found that men who ate six or more serving of red meat each week were 58% more likely to develop diverticulitis than men who ate just 1.2 servings per week. Diverticulitis occurs when a person’s gut lining bulges outward from its usually position and forms a small sac. This sac, known as a diverticulum, becomes inflamed. Although diverticula can occur anywhere within the gut, they’re most common in the large intestine. Diverticulitis leads to approximately 210,000 hospitalizations annually in the United States alone at a cost exceeding $2 billion, the study’s researchers said.

Some of the risk factors for developing diverticulitis are thought to be smoking, taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and a lack of physical activity. With regard to dietary factors, not eating enough fibre seems to play a role in the development of diverticulitis, however not much else is known about how other dietary factors contribute.

Learn the One-Minute Neck Massage that Feels SO Good!

Tight muscles are a nuisance in any part of the spine. But when a knot forms in your neck or upper back it can be especially frustrating. While getting a massage seems like the appropriate thing to do, there might not always be enough time to do so. So, should you ever need a quick fix, with this brief routine you can knead the cramp away yourself, in just four easy steps.

Step 1: Locate the sore spot. If it's on the right side of your neck or the upper back, place your right hand on the area. If it's on the left side of your body, use your left hand.

Step 2: With your fingers, push into the knot, using firm pressure. Beware: It's okay to tolerate some pain, but not okay to tolerate a sharp pain. If the area seems hard to get to, use a tennis ball or some

Step 3: Turn your head slightly in the direction opposite to the cramp, bending it diagonally, as though you wanted to touch your armpit with your chin. This method tends to work, as activating the cramped muscle, when coupled with pressure, can help relax the kink.

Step 4: Repeat the above steps (1-3) about 20 times in a row. Then give your neck and upper back a nice, long stretch. Complete the series throughout the day to keep your muscles relaxed.

Russia's Power Play In Middle East Brings Together Nations of Ezekiel 38

Russia continues to expand its influence in the Middle East and is bringing together more and more countries into its fold.

2,600 years ago, the prophet Ezekiel foretold of a time when a coalition of Nations would gather together to invade the nation of Israel. This well-known conflict is known as "The War of Gog and Magog." According to the book of Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39, this confederacy of nations will attack Israel during a relatively peaceful period that appears to be generated by a recent conflict resulting in a "state of peace" for the Jewish nation.

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According to the prophet, "After many days you shall be called. In the latter years, you shall come into the land that is restored from the sword, whose inhabitants have been gathered out of many peoples, against the mountains of Israel which had been always a waste. But its people were brought out of the nations, and they, all of them, are dwelling safely ... and you shall say, 'I will go up against the land of unwalled villages. I will go against those who are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls and having neither bars nor gates'" (Ezekiel 38:8, 11).

The nations cited by Ezekiel are each referenced in the Old Testament, yet they all represent nations which exist today. Long before Russia became a major world power, most Biblical scholars identified Magog as the nation of Russia and Gog as the ruler of Russia.

These other nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38 are:

" Magog (also said by other experts to include Meshech, and Tubal) = Russia

" Persia = Iran " Cush = Ethiopia/Sudan " Put = Libya

" Gomer = Turkey (Some have identified as parts of eastern Europe)

" Beth-Togarmah = Turkey (also said by other experts to include Armenia, and the Turkish-speaking people of Asia Minor).

The Bible indicates that in the "latter days" the Lord will put a "hook in the jaw" of these nations listed and according to the prophet, "you shall ascend and come like a storm; you shall be like a cloud to cover the land, you and all your troops, and many peoples with you." (Ezekiel 38:9) Some speculate that "hook in the jaw" could be Israel's newly discovered oil and natural gas riches which directly affect the Russian economy.

Other analysts believe Russia's alliance with Iran could be a "hook' if Israel pre-emptively attacks Iran's nuclear program, resulting in retaliation by Iran and the ensuing continued draws in Russia.

For now we see the alliance of nations forming exactly as Ezekiel described. Now we await the "hook".

Remove Anger and Gain Peace

Anger isn’t a useful emotion. It drains your energy and damages your health. It can ruin relationships and hold you back from new opportunities.

1. Try counting to ten.

2. Take a drink of water

3. Focus on your breathing.

4. Realize that everyone has an opinion.

5. Decide to react calmly, regardless of the situation.

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Rise Of The Machines: Millions Of American Jobs To Vanish In The Next Five Years

There is a paradigm shift coming and it is about to rewrite everything we know about economics, human labour, and government dependence.

Amazon launched its first Amazon Go store, which allows a customer to walk in, grab the items they want, and simply walk out. Everything is tracked utilizing RFID chips, so the second you step out of the store Amazon knows exactly what you've purchased and automatically charges your account: Amazon Go is a system that marries physical stores with advanced algorithms and sensors to eliminate the need for a typical store checkout.

When you first walk into the store, you use your smartphone to open you virtual shopping cart. As you make your way around the store, a vast system of sensor tracks where you are, what you pick up, and what you take with you. The system even knows if you pick something up and then put it back, and will only charge you for things you actually intended to buy.

Amazon's latest move is simply the next evolution designed to make human labour obsolete.Tens of millions of jobs. And they'll be gone within half a decade's time. The immediate response to such revelations is that there will be widespread societal upheaval.

How will displaced human workers feed their families or keep roofs over their heads?

The answer, according to Silicon Valley, which is driving the new paradigm full force, is quite simple It's called "universal basic income," or UBI, and essentially means that every member of society will be given a pay check to meet their most basic needs.

Basically, a general idleness, an aimlessness of people who could become revolutionary, who could be subjected to civil unrest... who will probably be on social welfare and benefits for the rest of their lives and have nothing else to look forward to.

Billed as the "Social Vaccine of the 21st Century," in Oakland, California where some 100 families were chosen to receive $1000 or $2000 a month in order to collect valuable date in the pilot on how to implement, manage and scale further UBI incentives.

Robotics and artificial intelligence technology are advancing at a pace that will soon replace tens of millions of jobs in key economic sectors that include food service, grocery, transportation and customer service. What the end result will be is anyone's guess, the transition could destabilize the global economic system, complete with violence and revolution.

Facts You Didn't Know About Your Toothbrush

You might not be aware of the fact that the personal cleaning tool you use every day is actually home to an alarming number of bacteria. According to researchers at the University of Manchester, your toothbrush holds more than 100 million bacteria, including E. coli and staphylococci (Staph). There may also be traces of faecal germs, as revealed by the University of Alabama. Your mouth itself contains

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hundreds of microorganisms and the plaque you're trying to brush off your teeth every morning is also a type of bacteria.

This might sound slightly repulsive, but it's good to be informed and be more cautious with the hygiene of your toothbrush - something that is often taken for granted. Although bacteria will always be lurking around, maintaining a healthy balance of them may reduce the risk of diseases spreading. Take control of this by using the following tips for the best ways to store your toothbrush.

1. Avoid Exchanging Toothbrushes We are generally immune to the germs that already exist in our own mouths, so any identical germs found on our toothbrush are unlikely to make us sick. However, when you share your toothbrush, these germs might have a diverse effect on another person. Avoid spreading germs by sticking to your own toothbrush and keeping it clean.

2. Don't Brush Where You Flush The bathroom carries a lot of germs, but if there's one place you'd want to avoid keeping your toothbrush, it's close to the toilet. Every time we flush, bacteria are vaporized so it's follows suit to store your hygienic tools as far from the toilet as possible. Make sure you keep the toilet lid closed while flushing to reduce the spread in general. You may want to store your toothbrush in a medicine cabinet to effectively minimize the possibilities of having those germs land on your toothbrush.

3. Be Aware of Your Toothbrush Holder According to the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), toothbrush holders are the third-most germ-borne household item, after dish sponges and kitchen sinks. This is rather expected since toothbrushes are often left damp. They can also pick up airborne bacteria in the bathroom, which as previously said, contains faecal germs, along with other harmful germs. Don't forget to clean your toothbrush holder regularly to keep it from accumulating germs.

4. Adopt the Right Storage Ritual You may have your toothbrush stored away from the toilet and in a clean toothbrush holder, but still some germs are impossible to avoid. There are some things you should remember every time you're done brushing your teeth to guarantee cleaner storage.

Rinse your toothbrush well with tap water Make sure your toothbrush dries thoroughly between brushings. Using a toothbrush cover is not a recommended, since this creates an enclosed and moist space, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. Store your toothbrush upright in a holder, rather than leaving it lying down. Keep toothbrushes separate from each other to avoid germs spreading.

5. Sanitizing Your Toothbrush Some products are made with sanitizing your toothbrush in mind. These include sprays, rinses, ultraviolet light, and you may even find toothbrushes with built-in antibacterial bristles. These can help keep your brush cleaner, but they're not yet scientifically proven to reduce any risk of illness. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), what actually works well is antibacterial mouth rinse, which may reduce the number of bacteria forming on your toothbrush. One important thing to avoid is sterilizing the toothbrush in a microwave or dishwasher - this will only damage your toothbrush.

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6. When it's Time to Toss It It is recommended that you replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months, to make sure it's not being overused and accumulating too much unhealthy bacteria. You may replace it even more frequently if the bristles become frayed, if you're ill, or if you have a weakened immune system. Furthermore, children's toothbrushes should be replaced even more regularly. If you use of an electric toothbrush, make sure you replace the head just as regularly, although in general, electric toothbrushes are not highly recommended for your teeth because they can further push germs under your gums rather than eliminate them.

7. Practice Good Oral Care Other than keeping your toothbrush in the utmost hygienic conditions, you have to make sure your teeth are also in good hygiene. Keep your teeth clean by including additional dental practices in your routine such as flossing and rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash. This is especially recommended before brushing, to reduce the amount of bacteria finding their way onto your toothbrush.

6 Stretches You Can Do in Bed to Feel Great All Day! A hectic life has become the norm these days. And it all starts from the moment we get out of bed, 1. Full-Body Stretch Benefits: Releases tightness throughout the entire body.

• Here's How: Inhale, reach your arms over your head, clasping your fingers together. Flip your palms out toward the wall behind you, pushing your palms away from you. • At the same time, reach your toes away from your arms, keeping your knees straight.• Hold the stretch for 5 counts, then exhale and release the stretch. Repeat for a total of three times, releasing tightness throughout the entire body.

2. Figure-Four Stretch Benefits: This stretch helps lubricate the hip joints, thighs: Cross your right foot over your left knee, making the shape of a number 4 with your legs. • Slowly bend your left knee taking it up toward the ceiling, keeping the left foot on your mattress, or hugging it toward your chest. Keep the right knee bent out to the right as you try to maintain this shape. • Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths then switch sides.

3. Bed-To-Floor Stretch Benefits: Helps stretch the back, helps you wake up and provides you with a fresh supply of oxygen to the brain.

•: Swing your feet over the side of the bed, allowing your feet to touch the floor. • Keep your knees bent, hang your head and arms down to the floor, rounding your back over your knees.• Let your head and arms dangle to the floor and hold for 5 breaths.

4. Knees-To-Chest Stretch Benefits: Gently stretches the lower back, stimulating the mind and body, •: From a supine position, bend your knees until the soles of your feet are on the bed. • Use your hands to draw one knee in toward your chest at a time and wrap both of your arms around your shins. • Relax your head on the pillow and hold this hug for 10 deep breaths.

5. Supine Twist Benefits: Twists awaken the body, increasing circulation and stretching the spinal muscles.

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: From the above pose, release the grip of your shins allowing your arms to fall out to a T shape on either side of your body. • Using your core, guide your legs, resting them on one side and keeping your knees bent and shoulders planted down into the mattress.

• If it's easy on your neck, gaze toward the opposite side of your legs, staying here and holding the pose for 10 deep breaths, then repeat on the other side.

6. Seated Forward Bend Benefits: This pose is beneficial after resting all night and before having to stand or sit for the most part of your day. It stretches the hamstrings, pelvis and spine.

•: Lift your torso upright from a reclined position.• Keep your legs straight. Then inhale and lengthen through your spine. As you exhale walk your fingertips toward your feet. • Keep lengthening your spine with your inhalation, sinking a bit deeper into this seated forward fold as you exhale. • At your furthest point allow your neck to hang heavy toward your legs, releasing any tension in the body.

• After 10 rounds of breathing, slowly lift your torso up.

Great confusions still unresolved

. At a movie theatre, which arm rest is yours? . In the word scent, is "S" silent or "C"?

If people evolve from monkeys, why are monkeys still around?

. Why is there a 'D' in fridge, but not in refrigerator?

. Who knew what time it was when the first clock was made?- Wonder why the word funeral starts with FUN?

-Why isn't a Fireman called a Water-man? - How come Lipstick doesn't do what it says?

- If money doesn't grow on trees, how come Banks have Branches?

- If a Vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a Humanitarian eat?

- How do you get off a non-stop Flight?

- Why are goods sent by ship called CARGO and those sent by truck SHIPMENT?

- Why do we put cups in the dishwasher and the dishes in the Cupboard?

- Why do doctors 'practice' medicine? Are they having practice at the costof the patients?- Why is it called 'Rush Hour' when traffic moves at its slowest then?

- How come Noses run and Feet smell? - Why do they call it a TV 'set' when there is only one?

- What are you vacating when you go on a vacation?

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We can never find the answers, can we? So just enjoy the pun and fun of the English language!!

Surprising Dog Facts

There are 339 dog breeds in the world today, all originating from a single wolf- canid that lived about 11 to 16 thousand years ago. These wonderful animals are our guards, friends, companions and family. They make us laugh, cry, angry and happy, but how much do we really know about them? You may know some of these facts, but most of them genuinely surprising

1. Bred by Canadian fishermen as work and rescue dogs, Newfoundland have webbed feet and a waterproof coat.

2. There were 3 dogs that survived the sinking of the Titanic, a Pekingese and two Pomeranians.

3. Paul McCartney loved his English Sheep Dog so much that he added a high-pitched whistle that is inaudible to humans in one of his songs, so that his dog could enjoy it too. The song is "A Day in the Life".

4. Dogs can predict earthquakes, but we still don't know how.

5. Puppies have 28 teeth and when by the time they reach adulthood, they have 42. They also lose their baby teeth 6. There are several reasons why dogs would chase their tail - exercise, curiosity, fleas, or their predatory instincts. If this is recurring, consult your vet.

7. Dalmatians are born white.

8. Dogs dream and experience rapid eye movement.

9. Thanks to a special membrane in their eyes called "Tapetum Lucidium", dogs can see in the dark.

10. The average heart rate for bigger dogs is between 60 and 100 BPM, while little dogs have a rate of between 100 and 140 BPM. 11. Recent research indicates that dogs can also predict stormy weather.

12. The average body temperature of dogs is between 101°f and 102.5°f (38.3°c - 39.1°c).

13. Dogs sweat through the pads of their feet.

14. Dogs have a "third eyelid" called a 'haw'. The haw protects the eyes and keeps them moist.

15. Americans are considered to be the most dog-loving people on Earth, with more than 75 million dogs in the country.

16. Research indicates that about 45% of dog owners let their pets sleep with them in bed.

17. Dogs have 1,700 taste buds, far less than humans who have 9,000...

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18. It is a common misconception to think that dogs only see in black and white. Dogs can actually see variations of Yellow, Blue, Green and Grey. 19. Dogs have a very developed sense of hearing. They can hear sounds between 67Hz and 45,000Hz. (Humans stop at 23,000Hz)

20. Dogs have more than a dozen muscles controlling each ear.

21. The reason dogs curl up when they go to sleep is an ancient insticnt, meant to keep them warm and protect their stomachs.




Warning Signs that Your Pet cat is Sick

Cats – Sick in Secret Cats tend to hide when sick, so more often than not owners only realize how sick their cats are when they’re in a serious condition. This does not imply that they are neglectful owners, but rather that their feline friends were hiding their ailment. Here are the top 10 signs your cat might be sick:

1. Bad breath As in humans, bad breath can indicate gingivitis or gum disease in cats. If a cat’s breathe smells ammonia, it could indicate a kidney disease.







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7 Productive Things You Can Do If You Are A Night Owl!

Are you an insomniac and are often referred to as a night owl?

1. Write a daily journal. A lot of people who have benefited from their daily journal. Especially if you have a thing for writing and want to publish your own book, a daily journal will be the best thing you can have in your life. 2. Learn origami. If you are into arts, learning origami is a great thing to do. There are so many things you can learn how to make in origami. All you need is a good internet connection with YouTube.

3. Learn to play an instrument. Music is the best way to release all the stress and learning an instrument when you have nothing to do at night is not a bad option. Again, you just need to YouTube the tutorials and practice all of them yourself. 4. Surf about something intellectual. It will be really helpful and once you will find an interesting topic, it will become a habit every night to read on that topic to know more. 5. Do extra work at night. If you have work that you have to do in office and you can do it at home, why not finish it at night and then relax a bit in the afternoon? 6. Take up freelancing. If you have the talent to do something that people provide as Freelance work, then take it up. Well, there’s no harm in making some extra money at a time where you are idle. 7. Finish morning chores at night. Half prepare the breakfast you have to do in morning, choose what you have to wear and iron your clothes so that if you wake up a little late, you are never late for work.

7 Simple Ways to Whiten Your Clothes!

1. Remove Stubborn Stains In a large pot, add 2 litters of water and bring to the boil. Squeeze three lemons into the water, mixing one tablespoon of salt in hot water. Add the lemon juice and a 1/4 cup of washing powder. Let your clothes soak for about 40 minutes, then rinse in clear water two or three times. Hang to dry. Tip: Use this recipe to get rid of sweat stains on armpit areas or collars. . Make your white shirts shine bright Pour a tablespoon of baking soda onto the stained area. Cut a

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lemon in half and rub the cut side over the stain. Leave it for 15 minutes then wash as usual with warm water. Tip: Use this method to remove yellow underarm stains from white shirts.

3. All-purpose bleach Slice two lemons and add them to a bowl of boiled water. Put your clothes into the water, letting them soak for about 40 minutes. After soaking, wash as usual in the washing machine. Tip: Lemons do not damage the fabrics and can be used as an all-purpose cleaner.

4. Wash delicate clothes 1/4 cup of laundry detergent with 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide. Add to 2 quarts of warm water. Soak the clothes into the solution for 30 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Tip: This recipe is suitable for washing wool and other delicate fabrics. 5. Intense washing Add 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide and 4 drops ammonia to a quart of water. Let the clothes soak in the solution for 10 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Tip: This solution is stronger than the above. For this reason, wear gloves to protect your skin.

6. Natural Fabric Softener Prepare a solution of 1 quart warm water and 1/2 cup of vinegar. Let your clothes soak in the mix for 40 minutes. To get rid of stains, pour vinegar onto the stained area and rub a piece of soap over it. Tip: Vinegar helps whiten clothes and also works as a natural fabric softener.

7. Washing linen Add your bed linen to a bucket of sour milk and let it soak for 1 to 2 hours. Then wash as usual, repeating the soaking if necessary. Tip: This technique helps your bedding last longer, and makes it softer too.

Why Einstein Turned Down the Presidency Of Israel

Had he so desired, the "Father of Relativity" could have been Israel's second president. As a Nobel Prize-winning physicist and the creator of the world’s most famous equation, Albert Einstein had an impressive resume. But there was one notable title he turned down: President of Israel. Israel’s first president, Chaim Weizmann, said that Einstein was “the greatest Jew alive.” So, upon Weizmann’s death on November 9, 1952, only one successor seemed a natural fit. As such, the Embassy of Israel sent a letter to Einstein on November 17, officially offering him the presidency. He would have to move to Israel, the letter said, but he wouldn’t have to worry about the job being a distraction from his other interests. It was just the presidency, after all. “The Prime Minister assures me that in such circumstances complete facility and freedom to pursue your great scientific work would be afforded by a government and people who are fully conscious of the supreme significance of your labours,” Abba Ebb an, an Israeli diplomat, wrote. And despite Einstein’s old age — he was 73 at the time — he would have been a popular choice. For one, thing, as a German-born professor who found refuge in America during Hitler’s rise to power, he had been a long-time advocate for the establishment of a persecution-free sanctuary for the Jews. “Zionism springs from an even deeper motive than Jewish suffering,” he is quoted as saying in a 1929 issue of the Manchester Guardian. “It is rooted in a Jewish spiritual tradition whose maintenance and development are for Jews the basis of their continued existence as a community.”

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Furthermore, Einstein’s leadership in establishing the Hebrew University of Jerusalem suggested that he might be a willing candidate, and proponents thought his mathematics expertise would have been useful to the burgeoning state. He might even be able to work out the mathematics of our economy and make sense out of it,” one statistician said to TIME magazine. However, Einstein turned the offer down, insisting that he — the man whose last name is synonymous with “genius” — was not qualified. He also cited old age, inexperience, and insufficient people skills as reasons why he wouldn’t be a good choice. (Imagine, someone turning down a presidency based on a lack of experience, old age, and an inability to deal properly with people.) “All my life I have dealt with objective matters, hence I lack both the natural aptitude and the experience to deal properly with people and to exercise official functions,” he wrote. Though he was resolute in his decision, Einstein hoped it wouldn’t reflect badly on his relationship with the Jewish community – a connection he called his “strongest human bond.”

Why soaked Almonds are Better! Almonds don't add to body weight! Why soaked almonds are better - Firstly, the brown peel of almonds contains tannin which inhibits nutrient absorption. Once you soak almonds the peel comes off easily and allows the nut to release all nutrients easily.

. Soaking almonds releases enzyme lipase which is beneficial for digestion of fats.

- The monounsaturated fats in almonds curb your appetite and keep you full help you avoid binge-eating and trigger weight-loss.

Almonds keep your heart healthy, reduce bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) and increase good cholesterol (high density lipoprotein).

. They are a good source of antioxidants: Vitamin E present in soaked almonds works as an antioxidant which inhibits free radical damage that prevents ageing and inflammation.

: Soaked almonds contain Vitamin B17 which is vital for fighting cancer.

. Flavonoid present in almonds suppresses tumour growth.

7. Help in lowering and maintaining glucose levels and regulating high blood pressure. (Eat nuts to control blood sugar and fat).

8. Soaked almonds contain folic acid which reduces birth defects.

The 14 Fake Olive Oil Companies Are Revealed Now – Avoid These Brands

It was found that even 7 of the biggest olive oil makers in the USA, mix their items with cheap oils to get more profits. Namely, one of the products we regard as healthiest and a remedy for longevity has been corrupted. Apparently, even 70% of olive oil sold in the U.S. stores is fake, as they have been cut with cheaper, inferior oils like canola and sunflower oil! This is similar to the 2008 practice in Italy. This meant

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seizure for 85 oil farms that mixed some percentage chlorophyll with sunflower and canola to the olive oil.The oil was mixed, colored, perfumed and flavored too, and these things made the Australian government investigate their oils. The results were awful. After that, not one brand named extra virgin olive These scams made the University of California to study 124 imported brands of extra virgin olive oil and discovered that more than 70% of the samples did not pass the test.


Carapelli Mezzetta Pompeian Mazola Primadonna Colavita Sasso Antica Badia

Star Whole Foods Felippo Berio Safeway Coricelli Bertolli


Lucero McEvoy Ranch Organic Corto Olive Omaggio Bariani Olive Oil California Olive Ranch

Lucini Ottavio Cobram Estate Olea Estates Kirkland Organic

HOW TO TEST OLIVE OIL: . You should put the bottle in the fridge for half an hour, and if it starts to solidify, it means that the oil is pure, as it contains a large amount of monounsaturated fat.

. Yet, just to be sure, look for official governmental seals of approval on the label, like “Australian Extra Virgin Certified” and “California Olive Oil Council Certified Extra Virgin.”

Eagle Facts That Will Knock You Over with a Feather!

When we think of beautiful birds, eagles don’t often come to mind. Yet, eagles are among nature’s most wonderful creatures, and humans have recognized this for a long time. These carnivorous, mysterious birds are frequently taken as symbols of power, courage, and freedom, which are beautiful traits in themselves. There are around 60 different species of eagles in the world. Most of these live in Africa and Eurasia, with others found in Australia and the Americas.

. Almost all eagles are carnivorous, yet the vulturine fish eagle native to sub-Saharan Africa mainly eats oil palm fruit. The largest of all eagles (including the Harpy and Philippine) have a wingspan that reaches more than feet. Some have killed very large prey, such as deer, goats, and monkeys!

. Female eagles are stronger than males in most eagle species.. The martial eagle (and some other species) can soar in the sky for many hours without beating their wings at all. They do so by relying on rising columns of hot air, called thermals.

A lot of eagle species lay two eggs. The first eagle to hatch often kills its sibling, and their parents don’t try to stop this fratricide.. The heaviest eagle in the world, the Steller’s sea eagle, can weigh over 20 lbs (9 kg). . Eagles have tremendous eyesight.. They have five times more light sensitive cells (1 million) per square mm of retina than we do.

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. The largest ever recorded kill made by an eagle was of a duiker deer, which, at 82 lbs (37 kg), weighed around eight times more than the martial eagle that killed it. Eagles tend to have varied diets, yet some are much more specialized. Verreaux’s eagle, for instance, only eats rock hyraxes.

. The national animal of the Philippines, the giant Philippine eagle is critically endangered. If someone in the Philippines is convicted of killing one, they can face up to 12 years in prison.

The largest ever tree nest that we know of was built by a bald eagle. It was 13 feet (4 m) deep, 8.2 feet (2.5 m) wide, and weighed 1.1 short tons (1 metric ton). . Bald eagles aren’t bald, though the name suggests so. The ‘bald’ actually comes from the obsolete word ‘piebald’, which is said to refer to their white heads. 68% of all bald eagle deaths are human-caused. 23% die when they hit man-made objects and structures, like wires, cars, or buildings, 22% die after being shot, 5% after being trapped, 9% are electrocuted, and 11% are poisoned . Bald eagles have a small hole in their tongue which is an opening to its respiratory system.

Known for their high intelligence, eagles in Greece eat turtles by dropping them onto rocks to break open their shells. To their size, the wings of an eagle have greater strength and power than an airplane’s wings

. From Roman times until the middle Ages, some writers believed that eagles were able to look directly at the sun. If their fledglings could not do so without blinking, it was said they would be expelled from the family nest. 25 countries in the world today use an eagle image for their coat of arms, probably because of the creature’s reputation as the ‘King of Birds.’

Eagles can lock themselves into position in such a way that they can sleep while perched on a branch. . Eagles put on spectacular aerial displays to attract mates and defend their territories. For the same reason, they fight viciously with each other, locking talons in a free-falling spiral.

There are four loose groups of eagles: fish eagles (that feed on fish), booted eagles (with feathered lower legs), snake eagles (that hunt reptiles), and Harpy eagles (that live in tropical forests).

Around half of an eagle’s body mass is made up by an astonishing 7,000 feathers. . The golden eagle is the fastest of the bunch, able to reach speeds of 200 mph (320 km/h). This makes it the second fastest bird in the world, next to the peregrine falcon.

While other birds of prey tend to look over their shoulder to see whether they are being followed, eagles do not, perhaps because they are so sure of themselves.

What are the differences between the milk of Indian cow and Jersey cow? Arun Mauli, former SOCIAL WORKER

Today most of the dairies across India produce milk processed from Jersey and H.F cows. But these animals cannot be considered as cows, as these are originally a breed of a wild animal named URUS. In Germany it was called AUROCHS. People of Europe hunted this wild animal for good quality and quantity

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of meat. But hunting of this animal was difficult, so this wild animal was cross bred with various animals along with Indigenous Cows Of India. Thus were born modern day Jersey, Holstein and F.S cows.

Therefore main aim behind the development of these foreign breeds of cows by western countries is for Meat production.

The most shocking fact is that even today the milk of these animals are not used directly for consumption in Europe because the milk of these animals contain a poisonous chemical calledCASOMORPHINE.

The nutritional value of milk of Indian cows (if not fed with grass; polluted with chemical fertilizer and plastic) ;on the other hand; is the highest along with many curative properties against many diseases.

Finding of life sciences has proved that milk of Indian cows contain an amino acid PROLINE which is strongly bonded to another amino acid INSOLEUCINE. Such milk, called as A2 milk has the capability to fight against diseases and disorders of human body like obesity, joint pain, asthma, mental problems etc. A2 milk contains high levels of Omega 3 that cleans the cholesterol deposits of blood vessels. Cerebrosides present in A2 milk increases brain power. Strontium of A2 milk enhances the body Immunity and protect it from harmful radiation.

The dark side of fairness creams!

Steroids Can Lead To Facial Hair, Infections In the pursuit of becoming a few shades fairer, you may be inviting serious side-effects and potentially grave infections. Popular cosmetics and fairness creams are not the culprit here but topical medications which contain a “cocktail of harmful steroids“ supposed to be dispensed only through a prescription.

These drugs are increasingly becoming a popular source of attaining fairness, egged on by pressure from society , where fairness is widely believed to be a ticket for success in personal life, and, sometimes even social mobility . In fact, such has been their misuse, that the government has classified all steroids for topical external application under Schedule H, the category of drugs which need to be dispensed only through a prescription (not over the counter), and cannot be advertised. Under these new guidelines, there has to be a 5 mm thick red band on the tube packet of all Schedule H products, with the words `Scheduled drugs' to be printed on it.

Certain topical medication containing a cocktail of harmful steroids, form part of the list of 344 fixed dose combinations, banned by the government last year, with the case now to be heard in the Supreme Court.

The sale of steroid creams is over half a billion dollar business, almost two-thirds of which are sold without prescription. If the new law is Seriously implemented, it will stop this unethical dishonest business, Dr Koushik Lahiri founding chair, IADVL Taskforce Against Topical Steroid Abuse (ITATSA) told TOI. There are over 1,000 brands of topical steroids sold in the domestic market. Studies suggest the sale of topical steroid account for 82% of sale of topical drugs in India. The derma market is growing double-digit, and is valued at over Rs 6,000 crore.

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Dermatologists point out simple skin conditions are becoming almost non-treatable. There is also an increase in the number of patients with side effects caused by steroid creams, used either alone or in combination with a topical anti fungal and or anti bacterial.

One of the side effects is thinning of the skin, where the skin appears paler and hence steroid-containing creams are being misused as fairness creams. Prolonged use causes other side effects like horrendous acne, unwanted facial hair, stretch marks, aggravation of infections and dependence on the cream, doctors say .

“The triple combination creams (steroid + anti fungal + antibacterial ) are bought over the counter, or prescribed by doctors who are unsure of the diagnoses, as a “shot-gun therapy“, for any skin rash, with the hope that one of the ingredients will work. When used in the presence of infection, there may be a deceptive reduction in symptoms, but the rash rebounds with a vengeance, resulting in infections that are resistant to treatment, require a higher dose and longer treatment time to recover“, dermatologist Belinda Vaz said, adding, topical steroids or steroid-induced creams should be used conscientiously , ethically and scientifically.

According to Ministry of Health &Family Welfare Govt Of India, Medicines with a RED LINE on strip should never be consumed without Doctor’s prescription.

The Pope and the Rabbi

Several centuries ago, the Pope decreed that all the Jews had to convert to Catholicism, or leave Italy. There was a huge outcry from the Jewish community, so the Pope offered a deal: he'd have a religious debate with the leader of the Jewish community. If the Jews won, they could stay in Italy; if the Pope won, they'd have to convert or leave. The Jewish people met and picked an aged and wise rabbi to represent them in the debate. However, as the rabbi spoke no Italian, and the Pope spoke no Yiddish, they agreed that it would be a 'silent' debate. On the chosen day, the Pope and rabbi sat opposite each other. The Pope raised his hand and showed three fingers. The rabbi looked back and raised one finger.

Next, the Pope waved his finger around his head. The rabbi pointed to the ground where he sat. The Pope brought out a communion wafer and a chalice of wine. The rabbi pulled out an apple. With that, the Pope stood up and declared himself beaten and said that the rabbi was too clever. The Jews could stay in Italy. Later, the Cardinals met with the Pope, and asked him what had happened. The Pope said, "First I held up three fingers to represent the Trinity. He responded by holding up a single finger to remind me there is still only one God common to both our faiths. Then, I waved my finger around my head to show him that God was all around us. The rabbi responded by pointing to the ground to show that God was also right here with us. I pulled out the wine and host to show that through the perfect sacrifice, Jesus has atoned for our sins, but the rabbi pulled out an apple to remind me of the original sin. He bested me at every move and I could not continue." Meanwhile, the Jewish community gathered to ask the rabbi how he'd won. "I haven't a clue," said the

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rabbi. "First, he told me that we had three days to get out of Italy, so I gave him the finger. Then he tells me that the whole country would be cleared of Jews, but I told him emphatically that

we were staying right here.""And then what?" asked a woman. "Who knows?" said the rabbi. "He took out his lunch, so I took out mine.

Predictions This Is The End? Pope Gives Up Cryptic Hint

An author who successfully predicted Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation now is suggesting Pope Francis may be a believer in an ancient prophecy that foretells disaster for the Roman Catholic Church. The pope unleashed an international frenzy of speculation when he commented, “I have a feeling my pontificate will be brief. … It is a vague feeling I have that the Lord chose me for a short mission.”

Bestselling author Tom Horn told in an exclusive interview that the statements imply the man once known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio sees himself as part of a prophecy.

Horn stated, “The comments by Pope Francis regarding possible assassination or retirement and that he may not be the pontiff much longer make people wonder if he is a believer in his role as the last pope (pope No. 112 in the ‘Prophecy of the Popes’), which speaks of the destruction of Rome.”

St. Malachy’s “Prophecy of the Popes” is said to be based on his prophetic vision of the next 112 popes, beginning with Pope Celestine II, who died in 1144.Malachy presented a description of each pope, culminating with the “final pope,” “Peter the Roman,” whose reign would end with the destruction of Rome and judgment.

But other Catholic prophecies also speak of the final subversion of the Roman Catholic Church.

As Horn notes, “Even St. Francis of Assisi – the current pope’s namesake and one of the most venerated religious figures in history – gathered his devotees shortly before his death and prophesied, ‘At the time of this tribulation a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavour to draw many into error and death. … Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it. … for in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true pastor, but a destroyer.’”

Horn believes Francis may also see his fate revealed as part of one of the famous “secrets of Fatima.”“The final secret of Fatima was supposedly given to three Portuguese children, Lucia dos Santos, Jacinta Marto and Francisco Marto, when they saw an apparition of the Virgin Mary (Our Lady of Fatima) in 1917.”

As Horn observed, “There is a great deal of controversy over whether the third secret was ever completely released by the Vatican, but part of what was released describes a city, which some believe to be the Vatican City. The city is attacked and many priests, including the pope (described as the ‘Bishop in White’), are killed by fighters who could easily be interpreted as members of ISIS.” This section of the prophecy reads, … before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls

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of the corpses he met on his way [and] on his knees at the foot of the big cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other bishops, priests, men and women religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. ISIS has vowed to “conquer Rome” by 2020 and has called for an alliance with the radical left to further its objectives. ISIS has also included Catholic countries like Spain in its vision of the restored caliphate.

Pope Francis seems aware of the danger posed by the terrorist group. Only a few days before musing on the likely brevity of his papacy, the pope spoke fatalistically about the danger of assassination. The pope declared his life or death is “in God’s hands” and joked, “I have said to the Lord, ‘You take care of me. But if it is your will that I die or something happens to me, I ask you only one favour: that it doesn’t hurt.’”

Such levity, says Horn, conceals more disturbing questions about the nature of Francis’ papacy and the manner in which he obtained his office. Horn explains the Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano claimed to have uncovered a plot in 2012 to assassinate Pope Benedict XVI because of an internal power struggle. Horn asks, “Is that why Benedict ‘retired’ officially in 2012, though not publicly until 2013?”

Pope Francis is doing his best to convince the world about the stability of the papacy. Despite his reputation as an innovator, the pope has expressed opposition to an age limit for future popes.

Horn said the events in progress may be something far more substantial than simply organizational changes.

“Francis appointed Pietro Parolin as his secretary of state, an Italian (Roman) whose name is Peter,”

Horn said. “If the Vatican were attacked or Francis and his Camerlengo (papal administrators) were to be killed at the same time or taken out of the way, this man would sit on the pope’s throne and literally be known as ‘Peter the Roman,’ the final line in the Prophecy of the Popes.”

9 Things Your Body Does That Are Defense Mechanisms!

There are some fascinating defence mechanisms our bodies activate that may seem a little strange, however they all have important roles in protecting our health 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Yawning It's main purpose is to cool the brain down after it's been overheated or overloaded.

Hiccups . it occur when we tend to eat quickly, swallow large pieces of food or overeat, which may irritate our pneumogastric nerve, resulting in hiccups.

Sneezing This occurs when our nasal passages fill with too many allergens, microbes, dust or other irritants. Sneezing helps us get rid of them.

Myoclonic Jerks This usually occurs when you drift off to sleep and your body jolts for a second. In this moment your muscles spasm strongly, causing you to awake instantly. When you fall asleep, the

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frequency of your breathing rapidly falls and your pulse slows down slightly, relaxing your muscles. Your brain may interpret this as a heralding death, thus causing your body to jolt in order to save you.

Stretching We instinctively stretch to prepare our bodies for the physical loads we expect to take on during the day. Stretching also works the muscles, restores blood flow and improves our mood.

Wrinkling of the skin . Wrinkles that appear on your skin and hands after a shower play a fundamental role. When your body encounters an increased amount of moisture it understands that the environment around you may be slippery. Your skin therefore begins to form wrinkles in order to have a better grip on smooth surfaces.

Goosebumps it reduce the amount of heat our bodies lose through the pores of our skin, making it easier to keep ourselves warm.

Loss of memory this tends to occur after the most unpleasant experiences, whereby our brains literally delete terrible moments from our memories.

Tears Tears act as a protection for the mucous membrane of our eye when a foreign object comes into contact with it. Scientists also believe that in stressful situations the body creates a new, powerful source of irritation in order to distract a person from the pain they are currently experiencing.

A Must Know – Here’s The Difference between Baking Powder and Baking Soda

Baking soda and baking powder are easily confused because they have similar names and appearance. Sometimes they are used in the same recipe, but it is important to know their individual uses as they are chemically different

This ingredient is also known as bicarbonate of soda or sodium bicarbonate. The baking soda is a base mineral, which, when combined with something acidic, produces carbon dioxide. Therefore, when a recipe needs baking soda, it actually needs some type of acid. When you use baking soda in a recipe, you also need something acidic, such as brown sugar, lemon juice, molasses, cream of tartar, yogurt, and buttermilk. So, they react together. Baking soda is stronger than baking powder.

However, too much baking soda doesn’t mean more lift and when it doesn’t react with any acid in the recipe there will be leftover baking soda in the recipe. Moreover, when it isn’t neutralized with acid, the recipe will have a metallic taste.

In order to decide the exact measurement of baking soda in a recipe, you should know the rule of thumb. Good rule of thumb: Use around 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 cup of flour in a recipe.

Baking Powder . This is a mixture of baking soda and other acids, such as cream of tartar, and sometimes cornstarch. When preparing a recipe, the first leavening occurs when baking powder gets wet. While the second leavening occurs when the baking powder is heated. Therefore, it already contains an acid. So, in order to know how much baking powder to use, try the following rule. Good rule of thumb: Use around 1 teaspoon of baking powder per 1 cup of flour in a recipe.

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Why do some recipes call for both?

There are certain recipes which are prepared by using both these ingredients. These recipes usually have some sort of acid and the carbon dioxide created from the acid and baking soda is not enough to leaven the volume. Therefore, baking powder is used as well. It is simply about balance.

Remember That They Expire Use fresh baking powder and soda and to change them at least every 3 months. Moreover, if you are hesitant about the expiry date you can check their effectiveness before using them.

In order to test baking powder, pour 3 tablespoons of warm water into a small bowl. Add 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder and stir it. If it gives some reaction, it is a fresh one. On the other hand, in order to test baking soda, pour 3 tablespoons of white distilled vinegar into a small bowl. Then, add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and stir it. If the mixture rapidly bubbles, it indicates that the baking soda is fresh.

Global Leaders Rattle Their Sabers As World Tensions Rise

We have entered a season where leaders all over the globe feel a need to rattle their sabers, and many fear that this could be leading us to war. In particular, Donald Trump is going to be under the microscope in the days ahead as other world leaders test his resolve. Will Trump be able to show that he is tough without going over the edge and starting an actual conflict?

The Iranians made global headlines when they conducted yet another ballistic missile test despite being warned by Trump on numerous occasions...As tensions between the U.S. and Iran continue to mount, the semi-official news agency Tasnim is reporting that Iran's Revolutionary Guard has successfully conducted yet another ballistic missile test, this time from a navy vessel. Called the Hormuz 2, these latest missiles are designed to destroy moving targets at sea at ranges up to 300 km (180 miles). Reports on the latest test quotes Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the IRGC's Aerospace Force, who confirmed that "the naval ballistic missile called Hormuz 2 successfully destroyed a target which was 250 km away."

The missile test is the latest event in a long-running rivalry between Iran and the United States in and around the Strait of Hormuz, which guards the entrance to the Gulf. About 20% of the world's oil passes through the waterway, which is less than 40 km wide at its narrowest point.

So how will Trump respond to this provocation? Will he escalate the situation? If he does nothing he will look weak, but if he goes too far he could risk open conflict.

Elsewhere in the Middle East, things are already escalating. It is being reported that "several hundred Marines" are on the ground in Syria to support an assault on the city of Raqqa, and another 1,000 troops could be sent to Kuwait to join the fight against ISIS any day now. While the Trump administration waits to decide if it will send 1,000 troops to Kuwait to fight ISIS, overnight the Washington Post reported that the US has sent several hundred Marines to Syria to support an allied local force aiming to capture the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa.

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Meanwhile, China is spitting mad for several reasons. For one, the Chinese are absolutely furious that South Korea has allowed the U.S. to deploy the THAAD missile defense system on their soil...

China is lashing out at South Korea and Washington for the deployment of a powerful missile defence system known as the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence system, or THAAD, deposited at the Osan Air Base in South Korea . The deployment of THAAD follows several ballistic missile tests by North Korea in recent months, including the launch of four missiles on Monday, three of which landed in the sea off the coast of Japan.

Though THAAD would help South Korea protect itself from a North Korean missile attack, China is vocally protesting the deployment of the system, claiming it upsets the "strategic equilibrium" in the region because its radar will allow the United States to detect and track missiles launched from China. Of course the U.S. needed to do something, because the North Koreans keep rattling their sabers by firing off more ballistic missiles toward Japan.

So if the Chinese were upset when THAAD was deployed, how will they feel when B-1 and B-52 bombers start showing up in South Korea?...

Trigger-happy Kim pushed his luck once more when he fired off four ballistic missiles into the seas near Japan. Now US military chiefs are reportedly planning to fly in B-1 and B-52 bombers - built to carry nuclear bombs - to show America has had enough. South Korea and the US have also started their annual Foal Eagle military exercise sending a strong warning to North Korea over its actions.

A military official said 300,000 South Korean troops and 15,000 US personnel are taking part in the operation. The Trump administration has openly stated that all options "are on the table" when it comes to North Korea, and that includes a military strike. It has been more than 60 years since the Korean War ended, but many are concerned that we may be closer to a new Korean War than we have been at any point since that time. US relationship with China is tumbling precariously downhill as well. Another reason why the Chinese are extremely upset with the Trump administration is because a U.S. Navy carrier battle group led by the USS Carl Vinson sailed past islands that China claims in the South China Sea

In China, the media openly talks about the possibility of war with the United States over the South China Sea. Most Americans are not even aware that the South China Sea is a very serious international issue, but over in China this is a major focus. And the U.S. military has recently made several other moves in the region that have angered the Chinese...

U.S. sent a dozen F-22 Raptor stealth fighters to Tindal AB in northern Australia, the closest Australian military airbase to China, for coalition training and exercises. It's the first deployment of that many F-22s in the Pacific.

And if that didn't get the attention of the Chinese government, the U.S. just tested four Trident II submarine-launched ballistic missiles during a nuclear war exercise, sending the simulated weapons

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4,200 miles from the coast of California into the mid-Pacific. It's the first time in three years the U.S. has conducted tests in the Pacific, and the first four-missile salvo since the end of the Cold War.

. Things in the Middle East continue to escalate, and it is only a matter of time before a great war erupts between Israel and her neighbours. .Meanwhile, U.S. relations with both Russia and China continue to deteriorate.

The signs of war that are starting to emerge all over the planet.

Black Salt Consumption and its Health Benefits!

The Indian black salt, also known as 'Kala Namak', is a popular variety of Indian volcanic stone salts. It is used extensively in India, Pakistan, and internationally, by those who know its benefits. Its unusual colour comes from the presence of tiny amounts of iron and other minerals.

This special salt is found in the Himalayan mountain ranges and has some excellent health benefits In India, black salt is often prescribed for patients with high blood pressure or those who require a low-salt diet. Because black salt is low on sodium, and so doesn't raise the blood pressure like normal salt does. It is also a popular treatment for heartburn and intestinal gas. In short, it provides a boost to the digestive system.

. The two most dangerous chemicals in sea salt are potassium iodate and aluminium silicate. This is why sea salt is banned in some countries. However, black salt is a great alternative to iodized salt.

According to centuries of tradition, black salt is a 'cooling' salt that is filled with therapeutic benefits..

Aging and Death

From the very young to the very old, aging is a necessary and unavoidable part of life. Learn about the process with these interesting, if somewhat strange facts.

The ashes of a cremated person average about 9 pounds. A big part of what gives the human body weight is the water trapped in our cells. Once cremated, that water and a majority of our tissues are destroyed, leaving little behind.

Nails and hair do not continue to grow after we die. They do appear longer when we die, however, as the skin dehydrates and pulls back from the nail beds and scalp.

By the age of 60, most people will have lost about half their taste buds. Older individuals tend to lose their ability to taste, and many find that they need much more intense flavouring in order to be able to fully appreciate a dish.

Your eyes are always the same size from birth but your nose and ears never stop growing. When babies look up at you with those big eyes, they’re the same size that they’ll be carrying around in their bodies for the rest of their lives. Their ears and nose, however, will grow throughout their lives and research has shown that growth peaks in seven year cycles.

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By 60 years of age, 60-percent of men and 40-percent of women will snore.. Normal snores average around 60 decibels, the noise level of normal speech; intense snores can reach more than 80 decibels, the approximate level caused by a jackhammer breaking up concrete.

A baby’s head is one-quarter of it’s total length, but by age 25 will only be one-eighth of its total length. As it turns out, our adorably oversized baby heads won’t change size as drastically as the rest of our body. The legs and torso will lengthen, but the head won’t get much longer.

What Time Should You Sleep?

Is there a best time to sleep? There is a saying that sleeping early and waking up early is good for your health. How true is that? Is it alright to sleep late and wake up late? You actually have an amazing biological clock ticking inside your body. It is very precise. It helps to regulate your various body functions including your sleeping time.

From 11pm to 3am, most of your blood circulation concentrates in your liver. Your liver gets larger when filled with more blood. This is an important time when your body undergoes detoxification process. Your liver neutralizes and breaks down body toxins accumulated throughout the day.

However if you don't sleep at this time, your liver cannot carry out this detoxification process smoothly.

● If you sleep at 11pm, you have full 4 hours to detoxify your body.● If you sleep at 12am, you have 3 hours. ● If you sleep at 1am, you have 2 hours.● And if you sleep at 2am, you only have 1 hour to detoxify. What if you sleep after 3am? Unfortunately, you won't have any time to actually detoxify your body.

If you continue with this sleeping pattern, these toxins will accumulate in your body over time. You know what happens next.

What if you sleep late and wake up late? Have you tried going to bed very late at night? Did you realize you feel very tired the next day no matter how much you sleep?

Sleeping late and waking up late is indeed very bad for your health. Besides not having enough time to detoxify your body, you will miss out other important body functions too.

From 3am to 5am, most blood circulation concentrates in your lung. What should you do at this moment? Well, you should exercise and breathe in fresh air. Take in good energy into your body, preferably in a garden. At this time, the air is very fresh with lots of beneficial negative ions. At least sleep in a good atmosphere, not air conditioners at this hour to breathe correct.

From 5am to 7am, most blood circulation concentrates in your large intestine. What should you do at this moment? You should poop ! Pass out all unwanted poop from your large intestine. Prepare your body to absorb more nutrients throughout the day.

From 7am to 9am, most blood circulation concentrates in your stomach. What should you do at this moment? Have your breakfast ! This is your most important meal in a day. Make sure you have all the

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required nutrients from your breakfast. Not having breakfast causes lots of health problems for you in the future.

There you are...the most ideal way to start your day.

After fully detoxifying your blood during your sleep, you wake up fresh to inhale beneficial energy. Then you pass out unwanted poop from your large intestine. After that, you take in balanced nutrients to prepare your body for a new day.

What if you have assignment to do until late at night? Well, why not sleep early and wake up earlier to do it? Just shift your work time from late night to early morning. You get the same time. But your body will appreciate it. Try to follow this timing as close as possible. Make it your daily routine.

Pentagon Pursues "LOCUST" Drone Swarm Technology - Precursor To Revelation 9?

The Pentagon continued it's quest to unleash a 21st-century version of locusts on its adversaries after another successful test of drone swarm technology was completed using 103 Perdix micro-drones. This large scale drone army is made possible by advancements in artificial intelligence, which allows groups of robots to act together to demonstrate advanced swarm behaviours such as collective decision-making, adaptive formation flying and self-healing.

"Perdix are not pre-programmed synchronized individuals, they are a collective organism, sharing one distributed brain for decision-making and adapting to each other like swarms in nature," said William Roper, director of the Pentagon's Strategic Capabilities Office. "Because every Perdix communicates and collaborates with every other Perdix, the swarm has no leader and can gracefully adapt to drones entering or exiting the team."Such drone swarms could change the face of modern warfare and some prophecy watchers find both the technology and name of the US Naval program behind it perhaps more than coincidence.

A few months ago the US navy also demonstrated its Low-Cost UAV Swarming Technology (LOCUST) program by putting 30 drones flying together in perfect formation. These drones are launched from a special tube in less than a minute to create a vicious swarm designed to overwhelm an adversary autonomously. What makes the swarm unique is that any hostile aircraft, manned or unmanned, can be brought down by a single missile, but a swarm can take multiple hits and keep going.

The drones are self-reconfiguring so that if one drone gets taken out, the others autonomously change their behaviour to complete the mission. Several test simulations by the Navy have shown that drone swarms are consistently able to get past ship defences that are geared towards shooting down single planes. This weakness means it makes sense to attack an enemy ship with a large number of cheap drones rather than one missile costing the same. Ironically, the best counter to drone swarm attacks being studied is a defensive drone swarm that can intercept the offensive ones.

The aim is to have thirty or more drones flying together without having to be individually controlled, maintaining separation safely like a flock of birds. They are different from any other drone in that the operator does not control an individual aircraft, but pilots the whole swarm as a single unit.

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With manned aircraft and ships, the pilot's life counts for a lot; but swarming drones are expendable and high "casualties" do not matter as much. This is a very different world to the dogfights that, historically, have made up modern warfare and could drastically alter the course of air warfare forever. Experts predict that as drone swarm techniques are perfected they will expand both in number and use. The Office of Naval Research has already experimented with a swarming configuration of 13 robotic boats on Virginia's James River. The boats were able to perform a variety of tasks to protect a high-value ship from incoming craft.

Some prophecy watchers find it interesting that the Bible describes "locust" type creatures that play a significant role in end-time conflict. Revelation 9 .

Meaningful Message

Tomorrow Will Come Daily But Today Will Come Today Only. So Finish Your Today’s Work Today Itself And Be Free Tomorrow.

Every Night We Go To Bed, We Have No Assurance To Get Up Alive Next Morning

But Still You Have Plans For The Coming Day That’s Hope! Who Is The Sweetest Couple in the World? SMILE and TEARS --They Meet Rarely But When They Meet, The Moment Becomes UNFORGETTABLE.

Continued below.

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Members of Y’s men Club of Bangalore Cantonment visited Asha Bhavan( Home for destitute) ar Carmelram in February 2017 and provided lunch to 35 inmates which was sponsored by Y’s.per.Susan Jacob.

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